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Drummer, Footballer (^Chef
lot of doors slammed in our faces, it is the hardest of businesses, re ally bitchy. But we believed in what we were doing and eventually some producers liked our demos and we were signed up with Sony vourites. The biggest thrill (tears in eyes)was when we went to concerts and the crowd sang OUR music, not someone elses. Most 1 concerts in Spain are free, 1 you feel better. Up on the stage,the group can enjoy their own private world —'look at those guys','that girl'. and we became really big in Spain; concerts, theatres, TV and records.
"Weearned a lot of money—and paid a lot of bills — 20% to man agement.There were many mouths to feed and nothing was for free.
"We rode the wave in a tough world."
"We went a long way with Melon Diesel,conquering the Spanish mar ket, topping the hit parade — and making some real money,but it all came to an end over 'musical dif ferences'. We started out as five good friends, united in our effort and committed to the group; but everyone is an individual and disa greed over expanding into a larger international market,after the Eng lish album.The work was there. We could have taken it much farther, but it's all over now and I'm not go ing to dwell on it. Life goes on!
"1 like to think I'm the same per son that I was. 1 enjoy drmks with my mates at the Stadium,or at the Lincoln Club. 1 have my wife, 'Didi',and my little princesses four year old Amy and little five month old Shannon. Amy has already been on stage,dancing at the Ince's Hall.
"And did I mention I'm a chef?
"I'm never happier than when I'm in the kitchen — 'Didi'loves it. I'm a real Gary Rhodes — all fresh ingredients, proper utensils and new ideas. My lifelong friend'Gaucho'(Christopher Dean) is always around to try out my concoctions.
"But it is music for me,and Guy, it's our life and we still believe! We've turned a page and the music carries on. We're going for it!"
Later a chance meeting with Guy echoed Adrian's sentiments "What else do we do?"
"I think our biggest break was the first album La Cuesta de Mr.Bond and our first big hit single Contracorriente. Of course, the record company had the biggest say;but that became ours as we got more popular. We wrote all our stuff collectively and backed our fa we played for 40,000at ff]
Seville; but when the bm Stadium is filled with paying customers, bS posterfrom Melon Diesel'sfirst album — La Cuesta de Mr Bond