5 minute read
Normally this month over the past few years I have given you some suggestions of what plants to buy for your friends. This time, I thought it would be a good Idea to suggest a healthy option for you and the family after your much too large Christmas lunch — a brisk walk around the gardens!I For those of you who do not visit the gardens as much as you should, in order to keep healthy, you will discover a lot of improvements and additions.
On entering the George Don Gates from Grand Parade, the plantings around that area have matured to an incredible degree in just two years, whereby the beds have filled in very well and the trailing rosemary is touching the ground in many places.In addition to the tiled map to your left, the Moorish Fountain and Visitor Cen tre has stil to be completed,ready for the official opening on Satur day 1st May 2004, along with the Exhibition Rooms, Animal Park etc..
Atthe top ofthe Lord Heathfield Steps to the right this area is being devoted to Cycads,some of which have already been planted. These are rather primitive plants of palm like appearance, which go back to the times of Pterodactyls and Di nosaurs.
Further on,outside the main en trance to the open air theatre, this area is being transformed by
Albert,one of our volunteers, who has worked exceedingly hard on it between his normal duties at the airport. You will now find a wide range of palm trees,plus other ap propriate plants. It has been di vided off, whereby the moisture loving and drier type palms have their own areas.
A great deal of work has been carried out on the 'Animal Park', easily seen by looking through the fencing, plus the construction of a special building for preparation and the hygienic storage of food for the various animals.
Adjacent to the Prince of Wales Summerhouse" another area has been transformed completely, whereby all the larger Aloes and Euphorbias that were given to Gi braltar by the Royal Botanic Gar dens,Kew,have been planted out. So,the temporary shade house for these plants has been dismantled. Some huge rocks have been
A winter scene around the General Eliott monument brought in for the landscaping work along with 40 tons of river sand. The latter was needed in or- der to improve the drainage con siderably here to cope with these plants which originate from Saudi Arabia and the Yemen, south wards to Namibia and South Af rica.
The Aloe collection now tops the 200 species mark,which means no matter when you visit the gardens, there will be species in flower, be cause of their very varied habitat range. This area is to be known as "The Kew Collection",and wiU be officially opened on Saturday, 1st May 2004 by Phil Griffiths, Con servatories Co-ordinator for the Royal Botanic Gardens,Kew,prior to the start of a five day botanical conference at the Rock Hotel.
On your walk you should have seen many plants in flower includ ing the triphylla type Fuchsias, thanks to Gibraltar's favourable climate. Around the General Eliott monument the red flower spikes of Aloe arborescens should still be giving a good display.
Hopefully you have enjoyed the year's articles on plants,so it only leaves me space to wish all our readers a healthy and prosperous New Year.
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