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Around Town
ere we go again the first Gihmltar Maga zine of a new year! I hope you all had a good Christmas and enjoyed seeing in the new year — the party in Casemates was as good as ever and I'm sure that there wore one or two party animals with just a bit of a hangover the next morning, but it was a good night. Unfortu nately the real hang-overs from all the cel ebrations come a couple of weeks after the event when the wallet busting credit card bills drop through the letter box and then when you get ready for the return to work it's al most impossible to do your zips up because your waistline has got out of control. How ever, you've got to let your hair down every now and again and with just a bit of deter mination those extra few pounds gained will ^ soon disappear in plenty of time to get out summer gear and bikinis — and those credit card bills will all be cleamd ready for next Christmas
IAt the beginning ofeach New Yearever\'thing is pos sible for everyone, and for sports fans and soccer fa natics in particular. For those of us whose teams arc still in contention for potential greatness the year 2006 could be the year. As I sit here and write these immor tal words "The Pride of the East End" the "Mighty 0's"are sitting comfortably in the league poised ready for promotion, and if that wasn't enough they man aged to beat Fulham of the Premier league in the third round of the F.A. Cup 2-1 and have just drawn Charlton in the next round, can lightning strike twice? Who knows, but what glory for the "Mighty O's" at the start of a new year. As 1 strolled up Main Street the day after the game 1 was amazed at just how many people men tioned the result to me— 1 didn't realise just how many followers the Orient have on the Rock. But for other followers of the beautiful game,especially Celtic fans, the new year bought disaster. I haven't seen Celtics No.1 fan Dermot since the defeat but I can imagine what he might have said and I'm sure it would be unprintable. What a game it is, one day it's all glory, the next disaster and that's what makes it such fun.
Photo Recall
One fellow who did have a smile on his face,and it had nothing to do with any results, was Liam of the Ship at Marina Bay who apparently is a big Nottingham Forest fan — still, can't hold that against him. Over 17 years ago Liam had his photo taken with the late Brian Clough,then manager of Forest, but somehow over the years the picture was lost amongst the family treasures, however just recently Liam's photo with "Cloughie"hasbecn rediscovered and now has "Pride of Place" at Liam's house.
Driving Miss Dominique
Dominique of the Lord Nelson never seems to have a dull moment in life, in fact she leads what can only be described as a "full life". 1 bumped into her just before Christmas as 1 was delivering some magazines and she kindly offered to help,so taking her up on her offer off we went with Dom pushing the barrow. As we were working away she was all excited as she told me that she had just passed her driving test on a motor scooter. "Well done!" I said and as 1 ut tered those words she ran over my foot with the barrow. Fortunately there was no lasting damage so I couldn't even have membership of the"Bad Leg"club. Dominique's boyfriend is none other than the infamous Dennis Penalver Jnr.
who invited Dom and family to his parents' house for the New Year's Eve celebrations and come the mo ment the clock struck midnight Dennis Snr. decided to let off a few fireworks. Everyone stood back to safely enjoy the display but be cause they were so old {the fire works not the guests!) they only coughed and spluttered and then landed in the next door neigh bour's garden. I suspect the fire works were only the prelude to a possible announcement from Dennis Jnr. — it wasn't forth coming but with this month being February and 14th St.Valentine's Day who knows. Watch this space!
Birthday boys and girls in February include young Gavin Sharrock, Dave, Christopher, Noonie, Veronica, Pepe Fabre,"Lord"Ted Wheatcroft and last but not least Reg Reynolds. Happy birthday to you all.
Motor Drama
For the first time in a long time there are no new members of the "Bad Leg" club this month, although I thought that after having my foot run over by Dominique I was in with a chance but it wasn't to be. Another fellow who came close was Phil Smith ofSmith's fish n' chip shop who somehow or other managed to twist his knee getting into his car. Mind you Phil's got a great big 4x4 that would go up the Hima layas if needed and you almost need a stepladder to get into it. So there are no new members this month but with the skiing season in full swing 1 expect plenty of new members in the next couple of months. I did hearofone or two people who had trouble staying on their motor scooters over the holiday though.
I'm led to believe that Ross of Biancas took a tumble and Rose Penalvcr also ended up with a few bruises after falling off. So be careful on those bikes it hurts if you fall off!
Creature Discomforts
Poor Mandy of Pickwicks has been in the wars again. Just before Christmas some wretches pinched all her light bulbs and early in the New Year her cat "Sammy" threw a fit and launched himself at her taking a lump out of her nose. If that wasn't enough the wretched animal is allergic to fleas — I ask vou, how can a cat be allergic to tleas? 1 always thought that cat was an ungrateful creature.
Well that's about it for this month and I make no apologies for going on about the "Super 0's"it isn't often they have such glory. Hope you all have a good 2006 and I'll see you on Main Street.
Cavalcade Pictures
One last thing, thanks to Mark Montovio for the great cavalcade pictums on this page. A selection of models from Mount Productions, including Runway 05 and Runway 06 participants, took part in the procession, but instead of gliding by on the bonnet of a car in the traditional way it was decided that the models would walk along Main Street and interact with tlie public having photographs taken as they went along.

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