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For the first time, these results were issued electronically by the Gibraltar College, Westside and Bayside schools last month.
Despite the challenges presented for their achievements. These
by the COVID-19 pandemic, the examination results remain comparable to previous years, with an overall pass rate of 91% across the three institutions.
This year sees students in our three secondary institutions having secured 607 pass grades, each one representing an individual story and learning journey. Of note are also the large number of students, 11 in total, who have attained three As or above, giving them the status of Gibraltar Scholar.
The Director of Education, Jacqueline Mason commented: “During these unprecedented again risen to the challenge and many have succeeded in their A Level and Level 3 qualifications.
“We have 11 Gibraltar Scholars who have made their school proud and so many students who we need to congratulate
times our students have once EASYJET RESUMES FLIGHTS FROM BRISTOL EasyJet have resumed their flights from Bristol to Gibraltar. The Hon Vijay Daryanani MP, Minister for Tourism said, “I’m delighted to see the return of flights from Bristol to the Rock and it is encouraging to see that easyJet are steadily resuming their schedules to Gibraltar. Connections with the South West region of the UK have grown steadily over the last few yearsand I know that many of our visitors and Gibraltarians will welcome this.” grades see the culmination of two
years hard work with teachers guiding and supporting these students’ educational journey. We would like to congratulate all students and teachers on their successes, particularly this year when they have all risen above the challenges that COVID has

Gibraltar Cultural Services, on behalf of the Ministry for Heritage and Culture, has purchased a new series of books for the John Mackintosh Hall Library, to raise awareness about sustainability, dealing with themes related to environmental and social issues. The books are aimed at children aged between 4 and 12 years, with the purpose of highlighting and explaining complex issues such as conservation and biodiversity, food and gardening, identity and equality. Professor Daniella Tilbury, Commissioner of

Sustainable Development and Future Generations, selected the books, as an extension to a similar project that provided books for the schools.
The books serve to educate as well as entertain our young readers on sustainability and make them aware of their personal and community responsibility towards the environment, teaching them ideas as to how they can make small changes to care for our planet.
The library is still open only for the loaning and returning of books, Monday to Friday between 10am-2pm. We hope to see everyone making full use of these new publications.

50 wines by the glass 40 small dishes of Mediterranean cuisine

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In the second edition of the annual MedCruise Awards, Gibraltar has won the award for the “Western Mediterranean MedCruise port showing the greatest commitment during the pandemic”.
The MedCruise Association represents the second largest DISCOVERY Scientists from the Gibraltar National Museum have collaborated with Iberian colleagues from the universities of Lisbon, Sevilla, Huelva, Coimbra and Barcelona in research which has just been published online in the international journal Quaternary Science Reviews. This important discovery strengthens the connection between Gibraltar’s Pleistocene ecosystems and those of Doñana, which scientists have been using as a proxy model for Gibraltar’s ancient landscapes and habitats. The species identified in this research are all represented in the Gibraltar Pleistocene record from its caves and points to a rich coastal shelf landscape which once stretched from the coast of Gibraltar to the Atlantic coast of south-western Iberia all the cruise market in the world. The Association organises the Awards, made up of several categories, to recognise excellence in the industry for those companies, organisations and individuals who are working harder to take this industry into a challenging and competitive future.
Minister for Tourism, the Hon Vijay Daryanani MP, said: “Gibraltar is recognised as one of the leading cruise ports in the Western Mediterranean and this award, in these troubled times, further endorses our efforts to way to Portugal. The research continues in Doñana and in Gibraltar and further discoveries are not ruled out. keep the Rock at the forefront of the cruise industry. Our membership of MedCruise is a vital part of our efforts to attract cruise ships to the Rock. We hope that once the current situation eases, we will once again welcome cruise


passengers to our shores.”

Monica Popham is the artist behind the new street art mural adorning the facade of the Gibtaltar Academy of Music and Performing Arts (GAMPA) facility.
The mural produced by the Fine Arts University student takes inspiration from her sister’s trumpet playing at the Academy, with the colourful and bright piece reflecting the energy of performances produced by GAMPA. This is Monica’s first time painting on this scale with the Positive Pathways aims to provide employment and education for people affected by mental health problems, as part of artist overcoming the challenges presented by the site itself to complete the piece.
The mural was selected from a number of entries by the
Clubhouse Gibraltar Transitional
Employment Program. In partnership with Clubhouse
Gibraltar, Positive Pathways Street Art Committee. Gibraltar Cultural Services, is coordinating the production of these street art murals on behalf of HM

Government of Gibraltar.

“Working in the Cafeteria gives me a reason to get up in the morning. If I didn’t come I would just sit at home and start thinking about things, then my negative thoughts begin and my depression kicks in’ as I am diagnosed with Bi-polar disorder. I know that I can ring when I am having an off day due to my mental health problems, no questions asked or risk of losing my job. When I come back to work, we can talk about why I couldn’t face work and try and put things in place so it doesn’t happen again” (TEP Placement) works towards decrease stigma and discrimination faced by people who have dealt with mental health difficulties.
To support their transitional employment placement, you can:
You can provide the placement
• You can sponsor a placement Why not get together with your friends or colleagues and organize a fund raiser in aid of
Positive Pathways. We are very grateful for those individuals, groups and organizations who have already done fund raising on our behalf. • You can provide a placement sponsored by another company A GIFT IN YOUR WILL: and managed by Positive As a small charity remembering us in your will can make a real difference in helping us to
Pathways continue our work. This protects your legacy and is the only sure way to control what happens to any money or possessions we have when we pass on. For more information, contact 200 68423 or email positivepathwaysgibraltar@gmail.com A DONATION
Her Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar wishes to inform the public that, so far, over a hundred Covid-19 tests are being carried out every working day at the mobile testing station.
There have been minor changes to the timings of other test stations:
Mondays: Piazza from 0730 - 1200
Wednesdays: Piazza from 0730 – 1200
Thursdays: Morrisons from 0730 - 1200
Fridays: Morrisons from 0730 - 1200
Saturdays: Morrisons from 0730 - 1130.