The Glenrock Bird Newspaper 03.25.12

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Volume 5 Issue 18

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Proud Member of the

Associated Press

Increase of Water Rates for the Town of Rolling Hills

The Calling of the Hands of the Pilots For Christ

It was standing room only during last week’s Rolling Hills Town Council Meeting as residents discussed with the Town the proposed and then passed increase of water rates in the Town of Rolling Hills.

Community News

Many residents were upset as opinions were voiced on whether or not the increase was necessary.

G-Rock Wrestlers- Page 2 & 4 Oil Rigs Fluctuate in Numbers in County - Page 2 New G- Rock Volleyball Team - Page 2 Glenrock Library News - Page 2 Girl Scouts Turn 100- Page 4 Pyatt’s Pieces - Page 4 -

The Glenrock Bird received a response from the Town of Rolling Hills and it as follows: The original public water system was constructed approximately 30 years ago, and has grown since then. In 2009, the town applied to the WY Water Development Commission (WWDC) for funding to complete a Level I water system master plan. The grant was awarded and CEPI was retained by the State as the engineering firm to complete the plan. The finalized plan is at the town hall and can be checked out for review. A panel then selected the firm they felt best-fitted to handle this project with the Town having one vote out of five. Interestingly, all plans submitted included the structuring of a new water system to replace the existing system. Over the course of at least a year, CEPI studied the town’s water system, ran video into pulled wells, researched maps and documents filed with the town and the DEQ, contracted with financial analysts, created a hydraulic model of the town’s water system, and developed a GIS database of the system’s water features. The recommendations proposed, including the new rates, were not done lightly but only after months of study by professionals in the industry. CEPI has updated council periodically throughout the course of the last year. The draft plan, and now the final plan, are in the clerk’s office for review. Based on the findings in CEPI’s study, in the governing body meeting of September 6, 2011, all Council approved Resolution 2011301, a resolution authorizing submission of an application to the WWDC for a level III water supply project and associated grant and loan on behalf of the governing body. In the governing body meeting of November 1, 2011, all Council voted to appoint Mayor Mueller as the Rolling Hills representative at the November 3, 2011, Water Commission and Development Meeting; said meeting was to review and approve the grant request as set out in Resolution 2011-301. The WWDC portion of the grant was recently approved during the 2012 legislative session. Council approved to move forward with this grant, both in Phase I (the study) and now Phase II & III (the design and construction). In agreeing to move forward, Council knew that part of the study, and design, included the higher rates. The rates themselves are listed in the final plan which, again, is and has been in the clerk’s office for review. Continued on Page 4

Converse County and Beyond Wyoming Turns to Electronic Health Records - Page 5 Wolf Management in Wyoming - Page 5 and more.

News From The Nest - Pg 7

Bird Odd’s and Ends

Wesley’s Way - Page 8 Cowboy Poetry - Page 8 Bunkhouse Recipes - Page 8 Straight Talk With Sassy, Savvy Sustainability and so much more in this issue of The Glenrock Bird! Check out Susan Stoltz’ NEW COLUMN!!

Four Pilots for Christ place their hands on the front end of a prop on one of their planes. Photo © Amanda Smith

PFC “Sky Cowboys” From left to right, Doug McDuff, Mike Gray, Steve Barbour, Phil Stahl and Gary Garland. Photos © Amanda Smith

Bird Business Directory Area Businesses - Page 9 Bird Classifieds - Page 9

Romney takes Wyoming delegate from Santorum Stephen Ohlemacher, Associated Press Special thanks to Atlantic & Natrona Airport for their generosity in making this interview possible. by Amanda Smith Pilots For Christ - Wyoming is a volunteer, nonprofit organization humbly and selflessly providing free air transportation to individuals or groups in need throughout Wyoming. Started in Virginia in 1985, the Wyoming chapter is not the only group of Pilots working for PFC. There are sixteen other chapters throughout the United States, with the Wyoming chapter providing approximately 450 flights since 2005, when the Cowboy State’s chapter was born. Dubbing themselves “The Lord’s Airforce” and rightfully so, these pilots don’t get paid when the call for duty arrives, its all volunteer work and it comes complete with a whole lot of heart. “The committment of these pilots is what gets to me.” stated an emotional Steve Barbour - President of the Wyoming Chapter and based out of Gillette. “They just drop everything and go.” And go they do... they gear up, fuel up and wait patiently for whomever it is that they are assisting. Although PFC reimburses their pilots for their fuel, it costs upwards of $500 roundtrip from (for example) Gillette to Denver hospital. But these pilots will fly anywhere, and have. Many times one of these Wyoming Pilots have been called to fly a sick or dying child out of state, doubling and sometimes tripling the cost of fuel. Anything outside of that cost comes out of the pilot’s pocket, including the maintenance

of the airplane, which can be calculated out to about $125 an hour on a single flight. Not to mention taking the time off from their work, and their families, who seem to care and understand just as much as these pilots do. In order to set up flights, PFC member and Flight Coordinator Wayne Lattishal, receives the call for help, and after verifying and screening the request for accuracy, he immediately puts the word out to each pilot until one of them can take the flight. And it usually doesn’t take long for any one of these caring pilots to hit the deck running. During this emotional and very moving interview I had the chance to meet and photograph some of these amazing and big hearted pilots who flew in from their respective locations, all at the same time, to sit down and talk with this humbled Editor. I’d like to introduce them to you now: PFC Pilot Gary Garland of Buffalo, PFC Pilot Phil Stahla of Gillette, PFC Pilot Steve Barbour of Gillette, PFC Pilot Doug McDuff of Gillette and Mike Gray of Cheyenne. These pilots have selflessly flown little children to hospitals, parents to their loved ones in order to give their last goodbyes, and loved ones to their parents. They’ve left the plains of Wyoming to travel to Colorado, Montana, Ohio, Texas, The Mayo Clinic, Nebraska, Phoenix and many other places throughout

the United States and did so without a second thought. “I was looking for a purpose in my life, a need to pay it forward, and that’s why I joined Pilots For Christ.” stated McDuff. “It hit me that I’ve never had to experience the need of this kind of important assistance like the people I help do, and it affected me” he said. “This is It. This is what I want to do. Stated Barbour. “These pilots, they are my family, and everybody helps everybody.” “Its a special thing to be able to help like we do.” stated Garland, while fighting back tears remembering a moment that he was able to fly a father to see his son before a critical surgery after he was burned in a gasoline ignited accident. “To be able to get that father to his son on time, was an incredible feeling, it really was.”

WASHINGTON (AP) — Mitt Romney's supporters in Wyoming have successfully challenged a delegate to the party's national convention that had been awarded to rival Rick Santorum — showing the lengths the campaigns are willing to go to fight over a single delegate. State GOP Chairwoman Tammy Hooper said Tuesday the delegate is now awarded to Romney. The Santorum delegate was initially elected on the third ballot at the Park County convention earlier this month. The Park County Republican Executive Committee voted unanimously Monday night to change the results,

saying the third vote was held improperly. A Romney delegate had been elected on the second ballot. Twelve of Wyoming's 29 delegates were elected at county conventions earlier this month. Romney now has eight, Santorum has two, Ron Paul has one and one is uncommitted.

“Ive watched miracles happen in front of my eyes while doing what we do.” stated Stahla. “Its people helping other people. And God is always there.” It was an incredible sight to watch these men land their planes on to the Casper Airport runway, each one landing one at a time, with the grace of God it seemed, and on the wings of Angels. Facebook Pilots For Christ Wyoming to find out how you can help join in the selfless efforts of Pilots for Christ.

Call or Text 307-359-8681 e: - web:

Community Message Board

The Town of Rolling Hills - Where the deer and Antelope really do play! If you haven’t done so already, check out the Town of Rolling Hills great website. Chock full of information so be sure and check it out:

GHS Culinary Team Receives Chance at National Level in Baltimore Hosts Live Auction to Make Trip Possible The Culinary and Management teams both won first place at the Wyoming ProStart Student Invitational, which was held on March 12-13, 2012 in Casper. Both teams will now have the opportunity to compete at the national level which is being held in Baltimore, Maryland on April 28 and 29, 2012. The team’s Instructors are Candace Stoll and Patrick Hopper.

Meetings in Glenrock Where: The Senior Center East Door (thrift store entrance.) When: Monday nights from 7pm - 8pm

Glenrock Library News Moien!! Hello in Luxembourgish from the library! Visit our Mango Foreign Language database on line. Find out how to get connected. There are over 80 languages to choose from. Learn from the comfort of your own home. This database comes to us courtesy of the state library. The new C.J. Box is in!! Force of Nature, the latest Joe Pickett novel. This will be his twelfth book in this series. C.J. Box started out in Wyoming and now he’s a national sensation. Along with C.J. Box we also have another Wyoming author with his latest book. Michael Gear’s latest book is called, The Searing Wind. Both can be found at the library!! Come in and check them out! International Children Book Day is April 2. This day is celebrated on or around Hans Christian Anderson’s birthday. It’s a day set aside to emphasize the love of reading throughout the world. The Hans Christian Anderson Awards are awarded to a living author and illustrator. This is the highest award given internationally. The host country this year is Australia. The recipients

from Australia are author, Bob Graham and illustrator, Christobel Mattingley. Congratulations to both of them! We are going to be busy in April! Susan Stoltz will be making a visit to the library toward the beginning of the month and Curious George will be here on April 25th!! Susan Stoltz is the author of the Sharkey books. She writes about her lovable fox terrier named Sharkey. And of course we all know Curious George!! There will be more information coming. For Read Me A Story: March 24-31: We’re Going On a Lion Hunt by Margery Cuyler; March 31- April 7: Curious George Flies a Kite by H.A. Rey. Curious George is celebrating his 71 birthday! Pick up the phone and dial 436-2353 to listen to a great story!!

The Glenrock High School Culinary team consisting of: Kori Taylor, Raider Nelson, Tyler Van Antwerp, Gina Byrd created a three course meal on two butane portable burners within one hour while the Restaurant Management team consisting of: Lane Blakeley, Breanna Farley, Nathan Hansen, Shannon Van Antwerp developed a presentation for a new restaurant complete with budget, marketing plan, and interior design. Both teams winning the competition that

now enables them to compete in Baltimore. They now need help raising the $12,000 it will take to get both teams to Baltimore. They have approximately one month to do it. There will be a live and silent auction, an expo of the Culinary team’s menu, and Management hosting on April 3 at 5:30 p.m. at Glenrock High School. (see story page 4) The groups are accepting items for auction as well as donations for their trip. The top monetary sponsors will have their name/ business placed on each member of the Culinary team’s jacket. All donations are tax deductible. Please send donations to: Glenrock High School, Attention: Wyoming Culinary and Management Teams, Box 1300, Glenrock, WY, 82637.

Ferc Denies Petition Against Glenrock Wind Farm

CASPER, Wyo. (AP) — The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has denied a petition against two windfarms off Mormon Canyon Road. A group of residents in the area has been fighting to stop Wasatch Wind from going through with the projects. They contended the company had improperly divided its proposal into two projects

to take advantage of federal rules favoring smaller projects. But the federal commission last week said it would not examine the group's claim. The company plans to begin construction this spring.

Governor to Mark “Wyoming Veterans Welcome Home Day” 2012 CHEYENNE, Wyo. – Governor Matt Mead will sign a proclamation declaring March 30, 2012 the second annual Wyoming Veterans Welcome Home Day. This proclamation encourages people to thank all Wyoming veterans, especially those Korean War and Vietnam War veterans who were not properly thanked upon their return home. “Last year was the inaugural ‘Wyoming Veterans Welcome Home Day,’ and it was a moving experience to get out across the state to thank veterans in person. I was joined by so many others, all of us wanting to express our gratitude for what these veterans gave. The people of Wyoming realize that every veteran must have a proper welcome home, and this annual day gives us an opportunity to provide one,” Governor Mead said. The Wyoming Veterans Welcome Home Day was codified in state law in 2011. The Wyoming Veterans Commission announced that there will be several celebrations for “Wyoming Veterans Welcome Home Day” on Friday, March 30. The ceremony in Wheatland will begin at 8 a.m., at the Wheatland 4H building, 59 Antelope Gap Road, hosted by American Legion Post # 10. The ceremony in Gillette will begin at 10 a.m., at American Legion Post # 42, 200 Rockpile Ave. The ceremony in Worland will begin at 1 p.m., at American Legion Post # 44, 129 S. 7th St.

begin at 3 p.m., at the University of Wyoming Vietnam War Memorial located on the UW campus grounds east of the corner of 9th and Ivinson streets and southwest of the Old Main Administration building. The final ceremony of the day will begin in Cheyenne at 5 p.m., at American Legion Post # 6, 2001 E. Lincolnway. Each ceremony will feature remarks by Governor Matt Mead; General Luke Reiner, the Adjutant General of Wyoming; Veterans Commission Vice Chair Lee Alley, a Distinguished Service Cross recipient of the Vietnam War; and other veterans and local officials. Receiving lines will be formed so Wyoming residents can join in thanking our veterans. The ceremony at the University of Wyoming will feature the rededication of the University of Wyoming Vietnam War Memorial and will be led by University President Tom Buchanan. “Wyoming Veterans who served and sacrificed will be thanked for their efforts and welcomed home. It is never too late to say thank you,” said Herm Emmett, Chairman of the Wyoming Veterans Commission. Wyoming communities are encouraged to host their own celebrations to honor Wyoming Veterans who may not have been thanked for their service or welcomed home. For more information, contact the Wyoming Veterans Commission at 307- 777-8151.

The ceremony in Laramie will

We’re on the web at or at Our phone number is 436-2573. Fax number is 4368525. Be sure to “friend” us on Facebook!! Just look up Glenrock Library.

Community Baptist Church, 301 S 2nd St, Glenrock, will be hosting the movie, "The Passion of the Christ" at the church on Good Friday, April 6, at 7 PM. Everyone is welcome to this free showing. Nursery, discussion, refreshments will all be available. We hope you will be able to join us. Everyone is welcome to the Easter breakfast at 9 AM, followed by the Easter worship service at 10:30 Easter morning, with nursery available. Please come celebrate with us. For info, 436-9091 Regular Information: Worship service 10:30 AM Sundays, nursery provided. Sunday School 9:00 AM. Every month: open communion first Sunday, potluck last Sunday at noon. Info: 436-9091. Church of Christ, acappella, 420 S 2nd St - worship service communion 10:00, sermon 10:15 Sundays; Bible study Wed, 6 PM. Assembly of God, 201 N 3rd St - 10:00 Sundays. Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, 939 W Birch St - Maundy Thursday communion service 7 PM, Good Friday service at Zion Lutheran Church in Douglas 7 PM, Easter worship 8 AM followed by Easter breakfast. Regular Info: worship service with communion 8:30 AM Sundays, children's Sunday School after service; Bible study Mon 7 PM, 10 AM Wed. Church of the Resurrection, 506 W Birch St - worship service 8:30 AM Sundays. St. Louis Catholic Church, 601 S 5th St: Holy Week: Holy Thursday Mass 7 PM, Good Friday Service 7 PM, Saturday Easter Vigil 8 PM, Easter Sunday Mass 9 AM. 436-9529. Regular Information: Mass Sat 5:30 PM, Sunday 9 AM and 7 PM. For more information, call 436-9529 Glenrock Baptist Church, a Bible-believing New Testament Church, 125 N 7th St - Sunday Bible study 9:45 AM, Sunday morning service 11 AM, Sunday potluck 12:30 PM, Sunday afternoon service 2 PM, Wed evening service 7 PM. Les Potter, 315-3218. Church of the Resurrection, 506 W Birch St - Easter service 8:30 AM, April 8.

Sunday March 25, 2012 The Glenrock Bird Page 2

Converse County’s Premier Travel Section brought to you by The Glenrock Bird

Sunday March 25, 2012 The Glenrock Bird Page 3

Water Rate Increase Continued from Front Page CEPI made the following comments in their master plan: Well Field Summary: Routine replacement of the drop pipe and pump cable will be necessary in the immediate future. There were numerous deficiencies and concerns encountered during the evaluation of the existing wells. Proposed improvements include installation of pressure transducers and air lines in the wells to monitor water levels in the aquifer; installation of new column pipe and cabling as necessary; installation of blow-offs and meters to provide for operational flexibility and accurate accounting of water pumped from the individual wells; and installation of a SCADA system to properly control and monitor the well operation. Well Siting Study: The existing wells will not meet the projected maximum day demand for the 20-year planning horizon. Well No 7 has been proposed and estimated cost is $370,000. Distribution Pump Capacity: The elevations of the water storage tanks are not high enough to provide adequate pressure to the water distribution system by gravity flow. The pumps provide the required system pressure for the distribution system. (*These are the pumps that are running 24/7 creating the need for them to be replaced or maintained frequently, and causing an expensive electric bill.) Fire Flow Assessment: The current system is unable to provide adequate fire flow to any part of the water distribution system. The pumps are not adequately sized to provide 750 gpm. Aside from the booster pump capacity, the distribution system is also unable to convey the required fire flows. CEPI proposed 3 alternatives, and the Council voted to go forward with Alternative 2: Install New Water Storage Tank at Higher Elevation. This alternative includes installing a new water storage tank at an elevation high enough to serve the customers by gravity, replacing the existing well pumps and installing level transducers, installing new tablet chlorinators, completing the needed distribution system improvements and installation of a SCADA system. Total estimated cost - $1,878,000. Based on Council’s vote, funding was requested from WWDC. The town’s portion of the $1,878,000 is approximately $464,805, payable via a 2.5% 20-year loan from the State Revolving Fund at $29,815.91 per year. In order for the grant to be approved, the town had to set up a separate fund specifically for the maintenance and emergency repair of the water system. The fund has to maintain a balance of $225,000. In addition, the town needs to show that they can replace funds taken from this account. We show this by having enough revenue in the water fund to not only pay our annual expenses, but to also have enough funds to add to the new account. At this time, the water fund is not capable of this. The SRF grant stipulates that a rate increase be in place prior to applying for the loan to show that loan payments can, in fact, be made. Per Wyoming Statute enterprise funds, which is the water fund is, need to be self-sufficient.

As part of the initial master plan study, CEPI contracted with a financial advisory firm who reviewed our water fund account. Based on that firm’s findings, CEPI states: “The existing rate structure in the town is not adequate to meet the current operation and maintenance costs of the system. The addition of the $30,000 annual debt service for the proposed system improvements will exacerbate this problem. The proposed rate structure needs to be increased.” CEPI proposed the new rates which are set out in Resolution 2012-309. This resolution was on the March 20th agenda for approval. Tom Brauer with CEPI was in attendance at that meeting to explain the above: how and why the new water rate figures were reached. Keep in mind that the new rates also need to cover the cost of a possible new well, which is not part of the total project cost above. In addition, grant aside, there are other major expenses that need to happen within the water system now and this coming year, including inspection and cleaning of the tank, new roof and fascia on well house #1 (paid in part with consensus money), a fence around well #2 (paid in part with consensus money), and maintenance and inspection of the pumps by Falcon Pump. There are other issues that need to be addressed pursuant to deficiencies found by the State Engineer and the EPA that are either not part of the above study or are also cited in the study but need to be fixed in the near future as opposed to waiting for another year or so until the next phase (construction). Rates have to increase to not only counter balance our expenses that increase (electricity, maintenance of equipment, chlorine, mandatory testing) but to also plan for future major expenses. In addition to increasing the rates, the town has all town-owned property (except the shop) metered and will begin charging itself for water usage. This will assist in building revenue as the money will come from the general fund. Several residents expressed concern over the proposed resolution increasing the rates. For this reason, CEPI was asked to attend the March 20th meeting. Tom Brauer with CEPI answered questions posed to the residents. This issue has been tabled at least twice in the past few months, both times being listed on the agenda and reflected in the minutes. The majority of council felt that this matter needed to move forward so that revenue in the water fund could begin to build to allow for the necessary repairs and to continue moving forward with the grant and loan process. Because this issue has already been discussed and tabled, and because there is a need to go forward with this matter, Mayor Pro Temp Jon Maines asked for a motion to pass Resolution 2012-309. Although Council Member Laird has voted aye on all past issues relating to this matter, Laird felt that the residents needed more time to ask further questions and therefore voted Nay. Mayor Pro Temp Maines and Council Members Hall and Dority voted Aye, passing the resolution during the March 20 public meeting.

parently some confusion as to overall cost of the new system compared to maintaining the existing system. CEPI put together a 30-year life cycle cost analysis that found in 30 years expenses will be: $1,918,474 for keeping the existing system with needed repairs and maintenance; or $1,288,563 after installing the new system That’s a difference of $629,911. The above addendum is based on the 3 alternatives proposed by CEPI: 1) maintain the existing system; 2) build a new system; or 3) tap on to Glenrock’s system. The addendum is further detailed as quoted from CEPI’s final report: Life-Cycle Cost Analysis In order to fairly compare the three alternatives presented above, a life-cycle cost analysis was completed. The life-cycle cost analysis considered major repair items and major utility costs. Well pump repair and replacement was addressed based upon the results of the assessment identified in Section 4. All rotating pump equipment was assumed to have a service life of twenty years; i.e., twenty years after the estimated installation date of the booster pumps and the well pumps it was assumed that they must be replaced. Additionally, it was assumed that the existing water storage tanks, if kept in service, would have to be sand blasted and recoated in twenty years. The time value of money used for the net present worth calculation was 3% per year. The inflation rate for all equipment replacement and repairs was also assumed to be 3% per year. With the time value of money and the inflation rate equal, the calculation for the repair and replacement of the pumps and coating the tank was very simple; the present value of the future replacement cost is roughly equal to the current estimated replacement or repair cost. The inflation rate for electrical costs was assumed to be 7% per year based upon historic rate increases and planned rate increases over the next ten years by Rocky Mountain Power. The Town suggests to all those concerned to preview Table 8-4 at Town Hall, which presents the life-cycle cost analysis for all three options. As detailed in Table 8-4 the estimated life-cycle cost for Alternatives 1, 2 and 3 are approximately $1.9 million, $1.3 million and $3.1 million respectively. Alternative 2 has the lowest life-cycle cost over the 30-year term of the analysis. The thirty year net present value (i.e., life-cycle cost) for the electrical costs to operate the existing system is estimated to be $1.4 million; the net present value of the electrical costs to operate Alternative 2 with the four well pumps in service is estimated to be $780,000. The difference between these two figures is $620,000; the 33% match for the construction of Alternative 2 is coincidentally estimated to be $620,000. Simply stated, the project will pay for itself over the 30-year design life of the project given the estimated electrical costs savings.

Uw Vietnam Veterans Memorial To Be Rededicated (AP) — Gov. Matt Mead will join in a ceremony to rededicate a Vietnam veterans' memorial at the University of Wyoming on Friday afternoon. The memorial is located southwest of Old Main. The ceremony is part of the second annual Wyoming Veterans Welcome Home Day, marking the day in 1973 when the last combat troops left Vietnam and the Wyoming contingent returned home. Besides Gov. Mead, other dignitaries attending will be UW President Tom Buchanan as well as the only two living recipients of the Wyoming Distinguished Service Cross. In 2010, UW established a Veterans Services Center on campus to serve veterans who enrolled to complete their college degrees. A project coordinator was hired at the center, and the need to refurbish the Vietnam Veterans Memorial came through student feedback.

A Code In Wyoming A voice from antiquity, in the midst of death and destruction in the city, the watchman asked this daunting, yet timeless question, to his watching world, that echoes down the corridors of time, “How then should we live?” Contemporarily, the question still reverberates in Wyoming. Roy Rogers and Gene Autry made a living doing it. Andrew Carnegie amassed a fortune adhering to it, and S. Truett Cathy, Chik-fil-A founder, used these timeless and permanent verities found and heralded by the sages and prophets in the Old and New Testament. Most of us, with gentle and not so gentle coaxing from our parents, teachers, or neighbor, were tutored by it. To some, it finally dawned on us that it really has merit. A measuring stick to gauge our conduct? A standard to live by? A collar to restrain our base urges? In the 19th Century, grand stories of mythical proportions, both true and otherwise, about the West, spawned by explorers, pioneers, and hawked by newspaper editors wetted the unquenchable appetite of those back East for more sagas, that underscored the life of the cowboy that was inextricably linked to what many of us in Wyoming now know as “Cowboy Ethics” or “Code of the West”. Without question, there were desperados, rouges and picaros who belied the code of many honorable cowboys, then and now. Nevertheless, the aura of the working cowboy and rancher survived, thrived, and resides here in Wyoming. Even “transplanted city slickers” who’ve yet to figure out the right end to mount a horse, find that such a code resonates with us. We may name it “what we were raised on back then,” or the “right thing to do”. Somewhere along the way, our nation drifted from many of these foundational principles, and any attempt to “stop the incline of the list” and help us navigate the waters of moral relativism is worthy of a measure of citizen support. In Wyoming, our former Governor Freudenthal, in 2010, signed legislation, adopting an official Wyoming state code based on the tenets recognized as “Cowboy Ethics”. The measure was introduced by Senator Jim Anderson, Republican from Glenrock, who was inspired by

veteran Wall Street investor, James P. Owens, who believed that after revelations of duplicity and mismanagement of major Wall Street firms, it could be transformed if they harkened back to a simpler time when right and wrong was black and white, not shades of gray. While the “Code of the West”, ten simple principles, is primarily symbolic, and “violators” fear not being hauled off to their local hoosegow, or face a fine. However, symbolism can send a strong message to the citizenry. Contrastingly, Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer, in 201l, boasted he would veto such frivolous legislation. Frivolous? Trivial? Of little value? Our wiser legislature and supporters of the “Code of the West” resisted that wrong-head thinking, and the equally misguided, and confusing opinion of the Wyoming Tribune Eagle’s June, 8, 2010, on-line opinion article, concluded that the code is “based on a myth that is based on a myth.” What? While the editorial piece managed a tepid “Don’t get us wrong,” the “cowboy code” has some merit, on the contrary, it concluded that it turns peoples attention to the past, when Wyoming should be focused like a laser on the future. Another fear, in its myopic slant, was that such an ethical code may soon find its pernicious way into the school districts of the Cowboy State. Perish the thought. An “ethical” virus? In response to Wyoming’s bold legislative act, a few reluctant bloggers warned that such a code was “replacing God” or “supplanting the Bible.” It is nowhere apparent that it was the intent to do either. And, the good news, straight from the Prophet Isaiah is, “The grass withers, the flowers fade, but the word of our God remains forever.” (Isaiah 40:8) The choice we make today, and in the next decade, will mold irrevocably the direction of our culture, locally, statewide, and nationwide, and will surely be our heritage to a generation that we may never see, for good or ill. Furthermore, if it riles Torrington’s erstwhile Presidential candidate, and perennial curmudgeon, Al Hamburg, it can’t be all wrong. What do you think?

Additionally, the project will greatly simplify the operation of the system and provide a more reliable system for the Town of Rolling Hills.

As an addendum, there is ap-

Extra Extra!! Read All About It Folks!

You Don’t Want To Miss This Fantastic Culinary Event Right Here In Good Ole Glenrock! Culinary (that's slang for GOOD FOOD) Fundraiser event at the Glenrock High School on April 3rd at 5:30pm to raise money to send the culinary and management teams to their National Competition in Baltimore. Live and Silent Auction and some AMAZING prizes up for grabs!! Read on... The culinary team will prepare the meal that they won their prior competition with, right in front of your very eyes, afterward each SCRUMPTIOUS plate will be auctioned off. Also up for auction (now this is

pretty cool, folks) are the Culinary and Management teams themselves! They will come to your house to prepare a meal for 10 guests!!

The top four monetary sponsors will get their name and company logo on the Chef coats that the team will wear during the National Competition.

There are many, many more items up for auction, its bound to be a great time on Tuesday April 3 beginning at 5:30 p.m. at GHS ! The students will also conduct a food drive that evening, please bring a canned good to the event.

Congratulations to the Wyoming ProStart Culinary and Management champions! Heading to Nationals in Baltimore are Culinary champs Tyler VanAntwerp, Kori Taylor, Raider Nelson, Gina Byrd and Tanner Kelley. Management champs also heading East are Nathan Hansen, Shannon VanAntwerp, Breanna Farley, Lane Blakeley, Brandon Pittsley.

If you cannot attend this momentous occassion, monetary donations will be gratefully accepted.

Sunday March 25, 2012 The Glenrock Bird Page 4

Baby Can’t Wait, Troopers Assist in Delivery on Hwy 26 Being a Wyoming Trooper is not always about chasing violent felons, seizing huge loads of marijuana or cocaine, getting involved in high speed chases or racing after speeding violators. On Sunday evening shortly after 10:00 p.m. two Troopers were involved in a different situation that does happen occasionally but not that often. A Trooper conducted a traffic stop on a speeding vehicle approximately 44 miles outside of Riverton on Highway 26. Upon contacting the male driver of the speeding vehicle the Trooper learned that the drivers 30 year-old spouse, who was in the vehicle, was having labor contractions about every 10 minutes apart. The Trooper advised the driver to continue towards

Riverton and that he would follow to make sure they arrived safely. Approximately 20 miles outside Riverton the couple pulled over onto the shoulder at which time the driver advised the Trooper that his wife had just had the baby in the vehicle. The Trooper immediately notified the Wyoming Highway Patrol dispatcher that they needed an ambulance to respond to their location. Just shortly after they stopped a second Trooper arrived on scene to assist. One Trooper retrieved a blanket from his patrol car and the newborn was wrapped in the blanket. The second Trooper, who prior to joining the Highway Patrol was a full time paramedic at a fire department, suctioned the newborn healthy baby

Senate Holds Hearing on Barrasso, Enzi Public Lands Bills

girl so that she could breathe normally, checked vital signs and tied off the umbilical cord. The Trooper then allowed the proud new father to cut the cord. Once the ambulance arrived on scene care of mother and daughter was turned over to EMS personnel. Both mother and newborn were subsequently transported to Riverton Memorial Hospital. The new father and both Troopers were pretty excited at the night’s events and the successful outcome. The Troopers advised that the remainder of their shift that evening was fairly mundane compared to the excitement of participating in and witnessing a brand new life come into the world at roadside.

Casper College Instructor Running Against Lummis

WASHINGTON, DC –Today, at a Senate Public Lands and Forest Subcommittee hearing, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) spoke in favor of two important public lands bills: his “Grazing Improvement Act of 2011” (S. 1129) and Senator Mike Enzi’s (R-WY) “Powell Shooting Range Land Conveyance Act” (S. 2015). Both bills were introduced by Barrasso and Enzi during the 112th Congress. Wyoming Stock Growers Association Executive Vice President, Jim Magagna, also testified at today’s hearing in support of the senators’ legislation. The Grazing Improvement Act of 2011 (S. 1129)

CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — A Casper College instructor is challenging congresswoman Cynthia Lummis.

education policy to the states and wants to change the tax structure, which he says favors the wealthy.

to discussing the issues that are important to Wyoming and the nation with all candidates.

Chris Henrichsen teaches political science and has been involved in local Democratic organizations but has never run for political office before.

Henrichsen acknowledged that he faces an uphill battle in the strongly Republican state.

Henrichsen is married with three children and has lived in Wyoming for two years.

The 35-year-old told the Wyoming Tribune Eagle ( that he wants to return control of

Senate Public Lands Subcommittee discussed Barrasso’s “Grazing Improvement Act” and Enzi’s “Powell Shooting Range Land Conveyance Act”

Lummis won more than 70 percent of the vote in 2010 against Democrat David Wendt. In a short statement, she said she looks forward

“Livestock grazing on public lands has a strong tradition in Wyoming and in the West. Ranchers are proud and responsible environmental stewards of the land. Yet, ranchers face too much uncertainty surrounding their grazing permits. “Hard working ranching families are routinely attacked by extreme anti-grazing, prolitigation groups. Uncertainty

and litigation undermine all businesses, and it is especially true for rural ranching families. “That is why I introduced the Grazing Improvement Act of 2011. For over a decade, agencies have relied on yearto-year appropriation rider language to reissue grazing permits. My bill codifies this important language. “The BLM and Forest Service simply cannot keep up with the required NEPA analysis due to limited funding and a backlog of lawsuits by the anti-grazing, pro-litigation groups. This bill also provides the respective Secretaries with needed flexibility when reissuing grazing permits. “Such reforms will provide greater certainty and stability to the livestock grazing community, the rural economies and wildlife they support, and our federal land agencies,” said Barrasso. S. 1129 helps ranching communities by preserving the use of livestock grazing permits. It allows the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Forest Service to continue issuing grazing permits while required environmental analysis is pending.

Conveyance Act (S. 2015) “I am pleased the Committee is considering S. 2015, a bill Senator Enzi introduced and I have co-sponsored. This legislation would convey land currently used as a shooting range to the Powell Recreation District in the State of Wyoming. “The land has been used as a public recreational shooting complex since 1980. Once conveyed, it will continue to operate as a public shooting range. “The Powell Recreation District has been working to obtain this land since 2005, but has been unable to make progress due to questions of ownership. “Senator Enzi and I have looked at every option. We believe the most appropriate option for moving forward is passage of S. 2015,” said Barrasso. S. 2015 would transfer land that currently houses a shooting range from the Bureau of Land Management to the Powell Recreation District which currently operates the site.

Powell Shooting Range Land

OregOn Trail r





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Sunday March 25, 2012 The Glenrock Bird Page 5

Wyoming Service Helping Older and Disabled Residents Wyoming residents may find the help they need to meet challenges often faced by those growing older or coping with a disability, according to the Wyoming Department of Health. The Wyoming Aging and Disability Resource Center (WyADRC) provides statewide services to residents over the age of 55 and adults living with a disability, as well as family members, caregivers and healthcare providers. “Many people face a series of difficult decisions about how to best help themselves or a family member who either suddenly or gradually needs assistance with healthcare and daily living,” said Debbie Walter, state ADRC coordinator with the Wyoming Department of Health’s Aging Division. “Choosing the best option for your parent who may need nursing care, for example, is much easier when you know the details about the services available in his or her community.” The WyADRC toll-free number, 1-877-435-7851, puts any Wyoming caller in touch with professional and knowledgeable staff members who can direct people to resources in their community. The companion WyADRC website is available online at “WyADRC offers a ‘one-stopshop’ for support and services coordination,” Walter said. Examples of the help offered include: *Information and referral assistance *Long-term-care options counseling

Scanners to be Placed at Courhouse Entrances

for local, state and federal programs

No Trespassing: Protecting Your Property

*Resource coordination

Submitted by Sue Wallis

Walter described examples of help provided by WyADRC in its first year. “We began working with a man living in a nursing facility who has hoarding issues. He allowed friends and a provider to go into his home and remove items that had been causing significant clutter, creating dangerous living conditions, and threatening his safety. Enough rooms have been cleared to allow him to return home from the nursing facility. This is represents a very significant savings in Medicaid dollars,” Walter said.

In March we had one of those unusual spring days when the sun was shining brightly and the temperature was in the 60s. At that time of the year, my horses and cattle are up near the house and barns which also means that they are within close site of the state highway that runs by my house. As I went from the barn into my house, I noticed that Lola, my draft mare, had found a little patch of high ground that was reasonably dry and had stretched out to sun. About 5 minutes later, I heard a knock at the door and there stood a young woman who said that she had been driving by and saw a horse lying down and thought that perhaps it was sick. I explained that the mare was just sleeping. The young woman then told me that she had horses and whenever they laid down that it was not a good thing. I informed her that when my horses laid down that they were usually sleeping. With that, she gave me a disdainful look and left.

“In another case, a mother wanted to give her young adult son who is living with a disability the opportunity to live on his own,” Walter continued. “We connected him with a provider who specializes in helping people with disabilities in similar situations. They made it possible for him to live on his own by providing a support person who is available when needed.” There are no income eligibility guidelines to receive help from the WyADRC program. Southwest Wyoming Recovery Access Programs (SW-WRAP), a non-profit organization, serves as the contractor to the Wyoming Department of Health’s Division on Aging to provide WyADRC services. The WyADRC's main office is located at 280 Monroe Avenue in Green River, with outreach offices in Rock Springs, Evanston, Cheyenne and Sheridan.

*Benefits counseling *Eligibility application assistance

Several scanners are due to be placed at the entrances of the Converse County Courthouse in Douglas Pictured above is one of the scanners that will ensure that those entering the courthouse are not entering with items that would be deemed harmful and/or unlaw-

ful inside the County building. Although the scanners are not in place as of yet, plans are currently in full swing to place them.

Casper Deacon Denies Lawsuit Allegations CASPER, Wyo. (AP) — A Casper church deacon accused of imposing a sexual relationship on a woman he was counseling is denying the allegations. A woman filed suit against St. Anthony's Catholic

Really Good Advice For Anybody With Animals, Anywhere

Church, Deacon Don Stewart and four clergy members in January. It alleges the sexual relationship started after she went to Stewart for counseling in 2002 and that Stewart physically assaulted her twice in 2008.

Two priests and two former bishops are also named as defendants because the woman said they knew or should have known about the situation. They also denied the allegations in court filings. The Casper Star-Tribune ( re-

ported Tuesday that The Diocese of Cheyenne wants the case dismissed to avoid having the court wade into the church's personnel policies. It claims that would violate the First Amendment.

In late January a woman showed up at a local horseman’s barn. He had several horses dry lotted near the road and the animals were easily seen by passing traffic. She confronted him saying that she was a PETA representative, refused to give her name and said that she did not feel that he was taking proper care of his horses. When he pointed out that the horses were in good shape and were currently eating from a large hay bale, she charged that she could see that they had no water. He then showed her that the horses had free access into a barn with a heated water tank that was fitted with an automatic watering system. She then demanded to see the rest of the horses on his property, as he showed her around, she informed him that she knew him to be abusive to animals because she had seen him working at a local rodeo (apparently, any participation in a rodeo is enough to brand you an animal abuser that needs to be monitored by an animal rights activist). After about a half hour of trying to demonstrate to her that his horses were well cared for, she threatened to call the humane society and at this point he told her to leave his property. All of us have an obligation to provide for and to treat our animals in a humane manner and to address bad animal care when we see it. The problem that may arise is that abuse can be quite debatable when the “concerned citizen” has questionable motives or qualifications. Because this “opinion” can leave us, as animal owners vulnerable, here are some suggestions that you

may want to consider implementing for your protection and the protection of your animals.

• Talk to your sheriff if you hear that animal rights activist or humane society personnel have been harassing animal owners in your area or trying to inspect facilities. Humane society investigators are merely employees of a private organization and have no legal authority to be on your property. • Post your property by putting up NO TRESPASSING signs or painting trees or fence posts purple. The Missouri Statute Section 569.145 states that fence posts or trees painted purple at intervals of no less than 100 feet is the same as NO TRESPASSING signs. Remember, animal rights activists and humane society people will assume that, if no signs are present, they are welcome on your property. • If confronted by animal rights activists or humane society people, inform them that they are trespassing and that they must leave. Do not leave them alone, call the sheriff if possible. If you are unable to so at that time, then do so afterwards. If they will not show identification, then get a description of the vehicle and license number. • Do not be impressed if an animal rights activist or humane society employee flashes a badge, they have no policing authority. • Once you let a visitor inside of your facility, it is too late to tell them that they are trespassing. Do all of the talking outside. Remember that it is your facility and that you are in control. You ask the questions, you do not have to answer any of their questions and do not volunteer any information. Some humane society investigators are taking deputy sheriffs with them to premises, claiming that they have had a complaint against you. If they do not have a search warrant, ask them to leave. • If you are visited by any of these people, write down all of the details immediately, keep a copy for your records and inform the sheriff of the visit. Make certain that the sheriff understands that these “visitors” have no special legal standing and that you expect him to provide you with protection from harassment by animal rights activist and humane society personnel. Remember that a clever animal rights activist or humane society investigator can gather bits of information from seemingly innocent remarks.

Special thanks to Karen Strange of “Missouri Federation of Animal Owners” for allowing the MEC to use this information for educating our members

Sunday March 25, 2012 The Glenrock Bird Page 6

Obama Defends Handling Of Keystone Pipeline

Wyoming Game and Fish Revises Wolf Regulations, Seeks Public Comments Cheyenne-The Wyoming Game and Fish Department has drafted new regulations covering wolf management and wolf hunting. The draft regulations are available on the WGFD website at gf.state.

border. Wolves in this seasonal expansion area will be managed as trophy game from Oct. 15 to the last day of February. During the rest of the year, wolves in this seasonal expansion area will be designated as predators.

Promulgating regulations is the next step towards getting wolves in Wyoming removed from the federal list of threatened and endangered species in Wyoming. Last August, Wyoming Governor Matt Mead and Interior Secretary Ken Salazar reached an agreement to move forward with delisting. Under the agreement, Wyoming will maintain at least 100 wolves and 10 breeding pairs outside of Yellowstone National Park and the Wind River Reservation. The current Trophy Game Management Area in northwest Wyoming will extend about 50 miles to the south from its current location near the Wyoming/Idaho

In September 2011, after a public comment period, the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission approved changes to its Gray Wolf Management Plan that incorporated the elements of the agreement. Subsequently, in October, the US Fish and Wildlife Service published a notice in the Federal Register of their intent to delist wolves in Wyoming. The Wyoming Legislature recently made changes to the statutes, which allow Wyoming to move forward with its management plan. The Wyoming Game and Fish Commission will consider the proposed regulations governing

gray wolf management and gray wolf hunting in Wyoming at its April 25-26 meeting in Casper. These regulations incorporate elements of the agreement between Governor Mead and Interior Secretary Salazar, recently passed legislation pertaining to gray wolves within Wyoming, and the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission’s Gray Wolf Management Plan. The regulations specify the Trophy Game Management Area boundary; the department’s process for collecting genetic material to monitor genetic connectivity within the northern Rocky Mountains; rules for lethal take of gray wolves; options for non-lethal gray wolf control; population management goals; hunt areas; and seasons and bag limits for a potential 2012 gray wolf hunting season.

President Barack Obama speaks at the TransCanada Pipe Yard in Cushing, Okla., Thursday, March 22, 2012. (Photo Associated Press LM Otero)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — President Barack Obama firmly defended his record on oil drilling Thursday, ordering the government to fast-track an Oklahoma pipeline while accusing Congress of playing politics with a larger Canada-to-Gulf Coast project. Deep in Republican oil country, Obama said lawmakers refused to give his administration enough time review the controversial 1,170-mile Keystone XL pipeline in order to ensure that it wouldn't compromise the health and safety of people living in surrounding areas. "Unfortunately, Congress decided they wanted their own timeline," Obama said. "Not the company, not the experts, but members of Congress who decided this might be a fun political issue decided to try to intervene and make it impossible for us to make an informed decision." Facing fresh criticism from Republicans who blame him for gas prices near $4 a gallon, Obama announced Thursday that he was directing federal agencies to expedite the southern segment of the Keystone line. The 485-mile line will run from Cushing, Okla., to refineries on Texas' Gulf Coast, removing a critical bottleneck in the country's oil transportation system. The directive would also apply to other pipelines that alleviate choke points. "Anyone who says that we're somehow suppressing domestic oil production isn't paying attention," Obama said, speaking at the site of the new Oklahoma project. Republicans said the moves were little more than a publicity stunt, arguing that it wouldn't help Canadian company TransCanada build the pipeline any sooner. Construction is expected to begin in June with completion next year. "The American people can't afford more half-measures on energy from the president," said Kirsten Kukowski, a Republican National Committee spokeswoman. "No matter what he says, the reality is he killed the Keystone pipeline and the energy production and 20,000 jobs that went with it." Environmentalists were also critical of Obama's move. Susan

Casey-Lefkowitz of the Natural Resources Defense Council said it was "downright foolhardy to cut corners on safety reviews for permitting" the Texas-to-Oklahoma line, "especially when the industry has a history of oil spills." Obama's order urges speedy review of the Cushing project and directs federal agencies to incorporate previous environmental studies of the Keystone proposal that included the southern route. The use of previous studies should help move the project forward more quickly than if a review of the project started from scratch, although it's unclear exactly how much time the expedited review will save. Republicans call the president's actions a belated attempt to take credit for a project over which he has relatively little control. While federal agencies such as the Army Corps of Engineers and the Interior Department play a role in the approval process for the domestic portion of the pipeline, states have a more direct say in approving the route. Shawn Howard, a spokesman for TransCanada, said the company welcomed Obama's support for the Oklahoma-to-Texas portion of the pipeline but couldn't say whether his involvement would impact the timeline for completing the project. The full Keystone pipeline became a political flashpoint late last year when congressional Republicans wrote a provision forcing Obama to make a decision and environmental groups waged a campaign to kill the project. Obama delayed the project in January. Obama has been highlighting his energy agenda this week in Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma and later Thursday in battleground Ohio, a trip that reflects the degree to which high gas prices have begun hitting consumers in their pocketbooks. For Obama's advisers, rising gas prices pose a threat to his re-election bid because they could undermine the benefits of a payroll tax cut that he made the centerpiece of his jobs agenda last fall — Congress approved the tax cut extension in February — and throttle the economic recovery.

Republicans view rising gas prices as emblematic of Obama's energy record and hope to tag him with the blame even though no president has much control over prices at the pump. Gas prices have risen more than 50 cents a gallon since January in response to a standoff over Iran's nuclear program that has threatened to disrupt Middle East oil supplies. GOP presidential hopeful Rick Santorum, campaigning at a Harvey, La., company that services oil rigs, said Obama's administration should open more federal lands for leases to boost U.S. oil production and revenue for the federal government. "Here's an opportunity for us in this country to do something about it: increasing jobs, lowering energy prices, decreasing the deficit, all of the things you would think the president of the United States would be for," Santorum said. Mitt Romney, Santorum's chief rival for the Republican nomination, has labeled Obama's top energy advisers the "gas hike trio," urging the president to fire three Cabinet secretaries because of the high prices. Obama was ending the day with a stop in battleground Ohio, talking about automobile research and development at Ohio State University in Columbus. The president has cited his decision to raise fuel efficiency standards to 55 miles per gallon for new vehicles by 2025 as an important step in conserving oil and saving consumers at the gas pump. Obama has repeatedly invoked his decision to rescue General Motors and Chrysler from collapse with billions in federal aid, a move that saved hundreds of thousands of auto assembly and supplier jobs in Ohio, Michigan and elsewhere. Romney opposed the bailout, and Obama's team intends to make it a stark contrast between the two candidates if the former Massachusetts governor wins the GOP nomination.

On the informal, over-the-counter market, coal contracts for April delivery sold for $6.50 a

short ton on Monday. That's the lowest level since Sept. 29, 2009. For perspective, Powder River Basin spot contracts for next month delivery reached $16.35 in February 2008.

We have programs, tips and ideas to help you identify the best ways to save energy, plus cash incentives to help make the savings happen. Your home will be in top energy shape in no time. You’ll find all sorts of energy-saving answers at

___ Associated Press writers Matthew Daly in Washington and Ramit Plushnick-Masti in Houston contributed to this report.

Wyoming Coal Prices Hit A 2-Year Low (AP) — The spot price for Powder River Basin coal hit a twoyear low this week.

Ask your outlets to open up and say AAHHHH.

Charlie Noh, of Platts Coal Group, tells the Gillette News Record ( ) that PRB coal is selling low because of the warm winter and lower natural gas prices.

© 2012 Rocky Mountain Power

Ken Thomas,Associated Press

Sunday March 25, 2012 The Glenrock Bird Page 7

The Cowboy Code Gathered steers on the old red river; loaded cars in Omaha. The northern wind sure made him shiver on the stage at Tonopah.

TJ Casey is a singer/ songwriter, storyteller, composer and entertainer. He was raised up on ranches in Wyoming and Montana and now teaches the "Code of the West" and poetry to students all across America. Check him out at:

He stepped aboard the horse he bought at the livery down town; then he rode on back to Texas to buy a piece of ground. Was the peak of the cattle gather by the time that he got home. He hired on the (4*6) 6666’s wagon, from there, began to roam. Five times, up north he gandered ‘fore they made him trail boss; by then, he knew every single man and the name of every hoss. He knew every river crossing from Texas to ol’ Montan; and every place an outlaw lingered all the way up the Rio Grande.

Laziness Do you find yourself looking around your house and nothing is clean, because you haven’t had time and you’re the only one who does the cleaning? How about when you’re at work and you think “I could be doing that so much better?” Or do you find yourself getting really irritated when you have to rely on other people for something and you can’t get the job done? Well, then you’re like me. And you strongly dislike laziness… no, you hate laziness. Here’s the thing. I grew up being taught that if you’re not going to do something right, don’t do it at all. If you’re not going to go that extra mile, what’s the point in doing it period? Well, I’ve been noticing more and more in my own life that the people around me (especially those my age) are growing increasingly lazier and lazier. It’s more than likely because they don’t know any better. Society today is growing increasingly lazy. Why remember anything? I have an iPhone,

right?! Wrong. Glenrock and beyond, I’m going to be frank. Take a look around and think about what you might be able to be doing better. If you’re at work and you’re finding ways to take shortcuts, or you’re getting fed up with helping that customer, or you don’t want to restock that shelf, or whatever your problem may be… think about it, and think about yourself before you complain. Trust me, I’ve been in the position where I was being lazy – and I had to snap myself out of it. I didn’t get to where I am right now by being lazy at all. My biggest pet peeve at work especially is the hours argument: “Well, I’m not getting enough hours so *insert excuse for not doing job here.*” but then when your boss (or bosses) turn around and offer more hours that same person seems to always have some sort of plans or “obligation” or what have you. My thought behind it is – if you complain and whine and moan about something, then you get what you want and you

don’t take the opportunity you have NO room to complain. And that, my friends, is simply fact. Quit being lazy. Around the house – Why would you walk by a mess, recognize that mess, and not clean it up? There are some people’s houses where they just seem to let themselves go… all over their house! It’s crazy! There’s stuff that should be in the kitchen in the bathroom, clothes in the sink(s), toys all over, etc. Quit being lazy and pick up after yourself. Children especially learn these traits from you as parents, but even those of us that don’t have kids need to just take pride in our homes and keep them neat, tidy, and clean. It doesn’t matter if you live in a low income apartment or you live in a mansion and drive a Bentley. Laziness shows in your home too. Finally, yet again I mention your health. Laziness also shows in your health. There’s skinny lazy people, fat lazy people, and inbetween lazy people with their health. One person in my life that’s never been lazy with her

He knew every town and brothel; every hotel and saloon. Every place to bed the cattle and when to travel by the light of moon. He was loyal and honest and trusted by the men that owned the herd. They shake of his hand and the look in his eye said “he’d” die to keep his word.” Now folks? That there’s a cowboy, it’s the way we are today; and we wouldn’t change our ethics for a double raise in pay. Its cowboy pride, folks, and integrity our hearts and souls in this western land. We’ll always live by the cowboy code, and ride for the Masters brand.

health is my 85 year old grandmother. She just got told by her doctor that the surgery she thought she had to have on her knees she didn’t need. Reason being: she takes care of her body and doesn’t sit around all the time. Her whole life she’s stayed moderately active, eaten healthy, and listened to her doctors. Every year I hear “I just got fired from my doctor again for being too healthy.” That’s incredible. I know some people my age that are just too lazy to take care of themselves that they have all kinds of health problems. And the worst part? They blame their laziness on their health! It’s nuts! Get up off your lazy butt and go do something! Maybe clean your house or pick up the extra hours they’re dishing out at work! Simply put, Glenrock and Beyond… if you’re going to do something – give it your all. Take pride in yourself, your home, your job, your pets, your friends, and probably most importantly your family. Don’t let yourself get to the point where you’re just walking by things that you know something should be done about. Take the actions to get those things done. You’ll be a much happier person because of it. Questions or comments for Wes? Suggestions on topics? Email me at!

Wyoming House Bill 85 Generates Concern Over Dependence On A Failing Federal Government - Let's Take It One Small Step At A Time Wyoming is one of the few states to consider what would happen in the case of a National Government Collapse. State of Wyoming via House Bill 85, creating a staterun government “continuity task force to prepare for the possibility of disruptions in energy and food to a total breakdown of the federal government.” Other states are following suit and some think it's total lunacy. In my opinion I like the premise of this bill but think that the citizens of Wyoming are innovative enough to start with small steps in their own homes and lifestyles. These articles are focused on becoming free of big box stores, having to buy products that we can produce and grow ourselves, and start gaining some self-sufficiency one small step at a time. And so we begin with one of the smallest steps we can take. As I began to look for alternatives to products we buy without thinking I noticed my use of paper napkins. This seems like such an innocuous product to have, after all, we get them in our fast food bags (unless you have to eat in the car - that's when they forget to put them in the bag), at restaurants,

coffee joints, around ice cream cones, and at our own tables. So my very first step toward solving this problem was to get cloth napkins. I made my own napkins out of bandana fabric, however has bandanas of many different colors and patterns and there are several bandana stores on-line that sell them also. So if you're not up to sewing your own, there are other options available to you. I wondered if this was going to add to my water consumption now having to wash napkins, but I just throw them in with the towels or the sheets when I do the laundry each week and it adds no more water or detergent than I would use otherwise. I've been using cloth napkins for about two years. I don't miss the paper napkins anymore and I don't miss having to buy them. Since paper napkins cost the average family between $7.00 and $12.00 per month the savings per year could be as high as $144.00. Although a slight investment up front, cloth napkins save trees, and cuts down on the trash and waste going into our landfills nationwide. Even better, it eliminates our reliance on having to buy a product from a store and increases our independence one small step at a time.

Sassy, I'm about to embark on a journey for two years as a missionary overseas. I feel compelled to do this but I have twin daughters and a new husband and his children who are begging me not to leave. My new husband says he did not sign up in this marriage and combine our families for me to just up and "chase my dreams". I understand his fears, and I understand my daughter's and his children's fears but its a dream of mine that I have wanted to chase for a long time and I finally have the chance to do it. The reason I have the chance to do it now is BECAUSE I got married and now have a "spouse" who can take care of the home and all of our children while I am gone. Before we were married this dream was not reachable because there wouldn't have been anyone to take care of my twins. My husband (we were married a year ago) refuses to even discuss my leaving and the other night said that if I really am going to go, that he doesn't know if he will still be here when I get back. There would be no space for me to come home for a visit, so it would really be a full two years that I am gone. I can choose to go for one year, but I feel that wouldn't be long enough. He says I must not love him very much if i am so ready to "up and leave" him with all the kids etc. I don't really see how he can be so selfish as to not support me in my dreams... or am I the one being selfish? I'm looking forward to an outsiders perspective on this. Thanks much, Stephanie Ok Lady this is gonna be short and sweet because there is no rational what so ever for any other answe. I believe in a higher calling from God, and I can tell you right now, a calling from God to be a mother and a wife trumps all callings!!!!! You chose to have children, you got married I guess and I hope for the right reasons but after reading this letter I would question that. You have an obligation to your husband and your children. I hope you can get this figured out and pray to God for guidance as I promise you he will let you know your children are your priority. Please take the first chance you get to apologize to your family that you even thought of abondoning them. Selfish was the question and who, I think you get the message. Sassy Have a question for Sassy? Ask her:

Sunday March 25, 2012 The Glenrock Bird Page 8

Housing/Offices For Rent Choice Office Space 213 W. Birch Street in the heart of Glenrock A/C, security lighting, ample parking, utilities paid. Call 307-436-9615 Apartment for Rent: 201 Boxelder Trail #4, $540 per month plus gas & electric, 2 bedroom, 1 bath apartment. Laundry hookups, dishwasher, off street parking. Commercial Services Inc. (307) 234-7179.

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Sunday March 25, 2012 The Glenrock Bird Page 9

Sunday March 25, 2012 The Glenrock Bird Page 10

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