The Glenrock Bird Issue Feb 13, 2011

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Sunday, February 13, 2011


If we never learn to let go and press forward... we’ll miss the beautiful new beginnings that lead us down a better path. -Anonymous

THE BIRD AT A GLANCE TOP OF THE NEWS Bus Crash in Rolling Hills Wind Tax Bill Dead in House Teacher Tenure To Be Eliminated

GLENROCK COMMUNITY - Pages 2-3 Stewart Set To Sign With Casper The Rock’s Renegade Grapplers Show Up! Sale Barn Schedule WASATCH FILES PERMIT Herder Sports Updates on Downs - Front Page & Pg 5 Glenrock’s Special Olympiads Ready For Basketball!

The Official Newspaper of Rolling Hills

Carrying The Right News... To The Right Places

Volume #4: Issue 27

House Sort of Kills Wind-Tax Bill on 29-29 Vote

Glenrock Wyoming’s Sunday Morning Hometown Local News Newspaper


CONVERSE & BEYOND - Pages 5 - 8 Yes to Wolves? Well, Not So Many Senator’s Want D.C. “Wyoming Way” Gateway Transmission a Long Process

by Bill McCarthy

Wyoming Game and Fish Business Directory

CHEYENNE – The Wyoming House killed legislation today intended to create a new system for taxing wind generation of commercial electricity.

Library News I’m Just Sayin’ - Cowboy Corner OH MYLANTA - AND MORE!

Rep. Matt Teeters, R-Lingle, said he intends to ask for a reconsideration of the bill tomorrow, however. House Bill 191 would have combined a pending $1-permegawatt-hour wind-generation tax and the sales tax on wind energy equipment into one $3-per-megawatt-hour excise tax. The bill also would have created a $15 million impact assistance account to help local governments pay for infrastructure costs associated with wind energy projects. The House vote tied at 29-29. So the bill dies. The vote on House Bill 191 Ayes: Reps. Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Childers, Craft, Eklund, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Nicholas B, Patton, Peasley, Petroff, Stubson, Throne, Vranish, Zwonitzer, Dn. Nays: Reps. Barbuto, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Davison, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Jaggi, Kroeker, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Petersen, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Teeters, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dv.

all this... and so much more in your Sunday morning newspaper The Glenrock Bird A Glenrock School Bus collided with a pick up truck during last Monday’s Blizzard that blew in almost unexpectedly. Photo © Pam Schultz GLENROCK—The sudden bus, which was northbound on only result to people, but the blizzard that hit the area last the highway, just south of Roll- vehicles involved were badly Monday afternoon contributed ing Hills. damaged. to a collision between a school bus and pickup truck on Hwy. School Superintendent Kirk “We’re very, very fortunate,” 95 north of Glenrock. Hughes says it was a serious Hughes says. “There was exaccident. tensive damage to the bus. In Fortunately, none of the nine all the studies that have been kids on the bus was injured, but “It’s serious when you talk done, the safest mode of transthe bus driver suffered soreness about property damage,” he portation is a big yellow school and stiffness from the incident. says, “but we didn’t have any bus. The way they’re designed, The driver of the pickup was personal injuries, which is the passengers are contained in uninjured. amazing. We had nine students kind of a seed cavity. They are on board and the bus was in the very safe.” That vehicle lost control on the process of dropping them off.” snowy roadway and collided sideways into the front of the Bumps and bruises were the

Stewart Set to Sign with Casper College GLENROCK—Lady Herders basketball star Shelby Stewart has verbally committed to play basketball for Casper College beginning next year. Glenrock Coach Tony Lehner says he is very pleased for her. “She’s an outstanding player and they have such a good program,” he says. “I’m really excited for her. I think it will give her lots of opportunities to go on. They have lots of connections with four-year schools if she wants to continue to play. That will be a

great opportunity for her and it will open up a lot of doors. There’s no doubt in my mind that she’ll be an outstanding player for them.” Stewart also was recruited by Gillette College and Sheridan College, but says the Casper College program had the most appeal for her. “Usually, they’re successful, it’s close to home and I really like coach (Dwight) Gunnare,” she says. “I feel like I’ll fit into their program.” She says she is undecided on

Community...........................Page 2-3

News From The Nest...............Page 4 Herder Events..........................Page 5

Police Beat..............................Page 7 Library/Sr. Center & More.....Page 7

“She’s an outstanding volleyball player, too, and a great track runner, but basketball is her passion,” Lehner says. “There’s no doubt in my mind she’ll give them a big boost and I am sure she will play a lot.”

public education.

Senate floor discussion leading to the death of Senate File 52, teacher tenure, runs about 50 minutes

The legislation would have ended the practice of automatically renewing teacher’s employment contracts after they pass an initial three-year probationary period.

The Wyoming Senate killed a bill today proposing to remove continuing contract status from the Wyoming teacher employment law.

But Sen. Chris Rothfuss, DLaramie, said, “This bill goes too far.”

The Senate voted 18-12 against Senate File 52, Teacher tenure. Continuing contract status is Wyoming’s version of teacher tenure.

The bill assumes that the principals will make decisions about whether teachers performed based on merit, but that may not be so, he said.

Sen. Hank Coe, R-Cody, is chairman of the Senate Education Committee and sponsored the bill.

Good teachers are capable of annoying principals, Rothfuss said.

Public education costs the state $1.5 billion to educate about 87,000 students, and lawmakers are pushing for more accountability on that money. “Folks the results are not there. Why aren’t they there? I think it has a lot to do with this particular issue,” said Coe. “If we are serious about accountability, this should be part of the mix.” The bill was one of several proceeding through both chambers of the Legislature that could end up as part of an accountability system for spending on

Sen. Phil Nicholas, R-Laramie, is also sponsoring a bill to change teacher tenure in Wyoming.

Nicholas said the state needs to encourage people to get into teaching. Some kind of employment protections for teachers are an important part of attracting and keeping the best, he said.

Senate File 72 could discourage good teachers from coming to Wyoming and Equality State students from entering the profession, he said.

For around the clock updates on Breaking News, The Glenrock Bird Sunday Morning Broadcast and more! Go to: www.

County & Beyond....................Page 4

Bird Classifieds.......................Page 7

“A lot of the girls after playing at Casper,” Stewart says, “get to go on to play at bigger schools and I’m looking forward to that.”

by Bill McCarthy

There’s More On The Net!

Weather Vane..........................Page 2

Cowboy Corner/Just Sayin’....Page 6

a major, but will either study secondary education or dentistry.

Senate Kills Bill To Eliminate Teacher Tenure

506 W. Birch Suite #12 - PO BOX 1207 Glenrock, Wy 82637

307-298-5107 or 307-359-8681

or facebook The Glenrock Bird. - WWW.THEGLENROCKBIRD.COM - 307-298-5107

Announcements NOTICE FROM THE GLENROCK FIRE DEPARTMENT The Glenrock Volunteer Fire Department is soliciting bids for monthly cleanding ot the Glenrock Fire Station. For information or to inspect the building prior to bid please contact: Hershel Wickett

436-8853 hm 267-5349 cell

Jeff Nelson

267-7023 cell

Todd Young

259-3476 cell

Wednesday night GRUB night at Glenrock First Southern is BACK IN ACTION!

6:30 p.m., dinner, followed by Royal Ambassadors, (boys 3rd grade thru 6th grade) Youth Group, and Prayer Meeting. Any questions, please call Kaye Lynn Van Antwerp 251-6688.

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Win A Maui Dream Vacation From The American Legion!

Kindergarten Registration!

The American Legion, Department of Wyoming during the Annual Convention in Laramie. Kindergarten Registration will be held March 30, 2010 at 6:00-7:00 p.m. at Grant. All 4 and 5 year-olds, whose A 7-night vacation stay on beautiful Maui, Hawaii birthday falls on or before September 15th are invited to attend. Registration consists of (1) an informational Luxurious two-bedroom condominium and $1500 travParent Orientation, (2) Completing and/or turning in reel included. Drawing will be held June 17, 2011 at the Commander's Banquet during The American Legion, Department of Wyoming's Annual Convention. Proceeds go towards programs and functions of the Department of Wyoming. For details and tickets see Marvin Wohletz at American Legion Post #9, call him at 462-4908 or send inquiries to: Dept. of Wyoming - Maui Vacation 1320 Hugar Avenue Cheyenne, WY 82001 (Need not be present to win.)

Gateway West Transmission A Long Process The Bureau of Land Management’s release of its draft environmental impact statement for the 1,150-mile-long Gateway West Transmission Line project proposed by Rocky Mountain Power and Idaho Power has been slow because of the sheer size of the project, according to the BLM. “We’re still working on analyzing the impacts to be responsive to the sage grouse issues and the visual resource management issues,” says Beverly Gorny, public affairs specialist in the BLM’s Cheyenne office, which is responsible for the project. “We’re still trying to stay on track. We’re working diligently away, but we have not come out with a schedule yet.” A January newsletter from the companies involved in the project announced that the draft EIS had been delayed from an expected release last summer, until the first quarter of this year. A company spokesperson then said they received notification from the BLM that the EIS will not be released until later. “We were just informed by the BLM a few days ago that the draft EIS will not be released until sometime this summer or fall,” saysMargaret Oler, a spokesperson for Rocky Mountain Power. “We have not been given a specific date. This delay is the result of a variety of issues the BLM is dealing with…We are clearly disappointed by this additional complication that now has the project delayed more than two years.” Grony of the BLM says that no announcement has been made of the timing of the release. “We haven’t announced any schedule changes at this time,” she says. “We haven’t prepared the schedule yet for what’s going on this year. The first quarter is not over yet.” She says it is an extremely involved process. “Certainly, we want to do a very thorough job. Our challenge is to balance the needs of doing a thorough job, as well as meeting the needs of the proponent that needs the right of way in order to fulfill their business needs and provide energy to the public,” she says. “It is somewhat of a balancing act. We’re not unaccustomed to that, but this one is a very large project--over 1,100 miles in two states. We get multiple local feedbacks along the line.”


Grony says the internal comment period is ongoing and issues raised range from impact on cultural resources to wildlife. “We see a lot of the same questions over and over again from various local entities,” she says. “In general, the issues raised are relatively the same across the length of the line. We engage local governments, including counties, and we are working with the States of Wyoming and Idaho with their game and fish departments

Sunday February 13, 2011

and state historic preservation offices to work with issues of cultural and historic resources. We’re also working with federal agencies, such as the Fish and Wildlife Service, as well as other federal agencies that would have jurisdiction over decisions that would be impacted by the transmission line project.” The initial scoping period for the project began in June 2008. When the report is released, there will be a 90-day public comment period. “Usually we allow 90 days for public comment to give everybody the opportunity to take the time to comment,” Grony says. “We can go longer than that if we feel we should, depending on the feedback we’re getting.”

Wasatch Wind Files ISC Permit Application GLENROCK—The state Industrial Siting Council has scheduled a hearing April 28 in Douglas on Wasatch Wind’s proposed Pioneer Wind Park south of Glenrock. The company submitted its application to the body early this month.

socio-economic impact of a project and to ensure that the setting, the location and the features of operation and construction aren’t going to cause unresolved problems to local governments and communities.

“If there is somebody who feels strongly about it, who wants to be heard, there are a variety of ways to do that,” says Tom Schroeder, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality program principal-industrial siting. “We always like comments to be in writing and signed. That has more value than an e-mail. E-mails are sort of a weak form of correspondence; it really doesn’t establish the person. Write a letter to me and we can incorporate that into the testimony of the state.”

“If anybody is experienced with wind energy, it’s Converse County and Carbon County, both for the number of wind towers and the number of projects there and the experience having them, so the people and the governments there have expert, firsthand knowledge about wind energy,” he says. “Everyone is incredibly knowledgeable on the issues. What happens in Converse County provides leadership for what happens elsewhere in the state.”

Letters should include the writer’s address and be mailed or faxed to Tom Schroeder at:

She says multi-state projects present special challenges, and the Gateway West is not the only one the Cheyenne office is handling.

Industrial Siting Division, Department of Environmental Quality

“We’re working on two other similar projects, not of the same distance, but with other complexities,” Grony says. “What is new about this project is that transmission lines are a relatively new concept at this level for the whole country, as many of these large transmission projects haven’t been seen anywhere in decades, so it raises new issues and concerns from the public, and rightfully so. They haven’t seen anything like this, probably in their lifetimes, and they’re right to make sure we are staying on track with what our studies are.”

122 West 25th Street Cheyenne, Wyoming, 82002 Telephone: (307) 777-7369 Fax: (307) 777-5973 Email:

She says that naturally there is a bit longer startup time and it does create more challenges to work across multiple states. “When you have more people on board, it does take a little more time to do that,” Grony says. The BLM’s public scoping took place during the summer of 2008. The next public comment period will take place once the draft EIS is released by the BLM. “Rocky Mountain Power at that time hosted many additional meetings with landowners and local citizens to provide details about this project and solicit input,” says company spokesperson Oler “The next period of public comment is following the release of the draft EIS.“ Oler says that because the draft EIS has not yet been released, the company cannot provide any more information about the possible route the line may take. “We anticipate that the draft EIS will provide further information and clarification as to the preferred route,” Oler says. “Until the draft EIS is published, we continue to work with the routes as depicted on the map in the newsletter and on the project Web site, www.

Fourth Floor West, Herschler Building

“We like to get these things wrapped up right away, because there’s a very short processing time to get ready for the hearing,” he says. “If someone wants to say something, you shouldn’t wait.” Schroeder says that Glenrock and Douglas area residents may comment. “If people have questions about the process, they can always call me and talk about it,” he says. “The process is designed for people who have issues or concerns, or who want assurances about the project. It affords them a mechanism to gain that.” Wasatch Wind Director of Communications Michelle Stevens says those interested in learning more about the wind farm, or if they have questions or comments, may visit the company’s Web call 307-215-0060. Company representatives will be on hand next Wednesday, Feb. 16, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Douglas Chamber of Commerce’s After Hours at the Hotel LaBonte. “We continue to work with the community, local governments and statewide agencies on the development of the Pioneer Wind Park projects,” she says. Company representatives also will be on hand at 7:00 p.m., Monday, Feb. 28, at the regular meeting of the Glenrock Town Council to provide an update. Schroeder says that by the time an application gets to the ISC, they expect that most all of the details have been worked out. “We go over the application in detail to make sure any issues have been remedied. If they’re not remedied, that could pull the thing out of the process,” he says. “This project has changed dramatically since the time we first heard about it, I think. There are a lot of design features that have been incorporated as problem discovery and remedy have occurred.”

The legal notice reads: Notice of Request for a Permit

Pursuant to provisions of the Wyoming Industrial Development Information and Siting Act and Siting Rules and Regulations, Notice is hereby given that Wasatch Wind Intermountain, LLC dba Pioneer Wind Park I, LLC and Pioneer Wind Park II, LLC has filed an Application for a Permit to construct and operate its Pioneer Wind Park I and Pioneer Wind Park II facilities near Glenrock in Converse County. These projects would start construction in 2011, utilize about 168 construction workers during peak activity, and each project would consist of 31 wind turbine generators. The public may review a copy of the Permit Application at the Converse County libraries at 518 4th Street in Glenrock and 300 Walnut Street in Douglas, Wyoming or at the web page of the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, http:// Public comments concerning potential social, economic, or environmental impacts that may result from the proposed project may be submitted to the Industrial Siting Division on or before March 7, 2011. Notice of Hearing

Pursuant to W. S. 16-3-107, Notice is hereby given that the Wyoming Industrial Siting Council will conduct a contested case hearing on the Application for a Permit for the Pioneer Wind Park I and Pioneer Wind Park II facilities at 8:30 A.M. on April 28, 2011 at the Holiday Inn Express, 900 Yellowstone Highway, Douglas, Wyoming. The Council will consider the applicant’s request for a Permit pursuant to the provisions of the Industrial Development Information and Siting Act (W. S. 35-12101 et. seq.) and the Rules and Regulations adopted thereunder. Persons eligible pursuant to W. S. 35-12-111 and wishing to participate must notify the Industrial Siting Council in writing by April 8, 2011 and participate in the pre-hearing meeting on April 15, 2011 at 1:30 P.M. at the Holiday Inn Express, 900 Yellowstone Highway, Douglas, Wyoming. Persons desiring to make a limited appearance statement only may submit a written statement as provided by W. S. 35-12-111(c). Limited appearance statements must be given to the presiding officer at the hearing.

He says that the purpose of the ISC process is to address the

The Glenrock Bird

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Glenrock’s Renegade Grapplers Show Well On Road GLENROCK—Glenrock’s Renegade Grapplers have fared well of late.

Citizen Input Sought Through Survey As part of the preparation of the county’s hazard mitigation plan, 200 individuals from across Converse County are being randomly selected from voter registration rolls to receive a one-page mailin survey. “The purpose of the hazard mitigation plan is to prevent loss of life and property damage, something everyone can get behind” said Russ Dalgarn, Converse County Emergency Management Coordinator. As part of the effort, the Local Emergency Planning Committee is discussing and considering how to prevent or lessen the impacts of dam failure, earthquake, flooding, hazardous material spills, severe winter storms, tornadoes, wildfires, and land subsidence. Each hazard has the potential to impact people and property, and county residents have already suffered from the effects of some of these hazards in the past.

According to project contractor, Barb Beck, “We decided that we really needed to hear directly from a sampling of folks about what natural hazards they are concerned about, what if anything they’ve done to prepare for a disaster, how they get information during a disaster, and what additional information they might like to have on hazards present in the county.” People selected to receive the anonymous survey will be notified by postcard in the coming week and a survey will follow shortly afterwards, also in the mail. “We’re providing a stamped return envelope so all we are asking of respondents is a few minutes of their time,” said Beck. And, those who return their surveys will have their names entered into a drawing for two $50 prizes.

compiled and available to the public by the end of March. The survey report will be posted on the web page (see below) and the results will be used to identify projects in the plan. “Once we get a draft of the plan pulled together, we’ll make it available for the public to review and comment on. Our goal is to produce the best possible plan for the county, so we’ll want to know if we’ve missed anything.” Information about the project is posted on the county’s Emergency Management webpage at For more information on the survey or the project, please contact Beck at or 406 446-3628.

Results of the survey will be

Glenrock Special Olympians Begin Practice for Summer Games GLENROCK—Shannon Pinkerton is looking forward to her new role as Glenrock Special Olympics coordinator, and trusts that the 16 kids in the program will do their best no matter the sport. They won’t all come out for basketball—just about half of them will--but the ones that do are enthusiastic and ready to prepare for the Summer Games. “I’ve been getting calls for the last eight months asking when we start basketball,” says Megan Taylor, who is in her third year coaching the team, assisted by Kaylann Blackburn during that time. The first basketball practice was held at the Glenrock Recreation Center last Wednesday evening. The Glenrock Special Olympians took second last year in the area games in Casper, and second at the state games at UW in Laramie. “They are more dedicated than any professional team,” Taylor says. “They have bigger hearts; they love the game. They might have special needs, but when it comes to basketball they know more than most people about the game. It’s a passion for them.” The team will practice for an hour once a week for the next two months, then twice a week for the month leading up to the area games in early May in Casper, followed by the state games in Laramie.

“I get phone calls from the kids asking me when is practice,” Taylor says. “And if I say practice is at 5:00, they start calling me at 4:30 telling me I’m late.” She says the sportsmanship exhibited by all the teams during the games is extraordinary. “Last year, the players on a Casper team were moving out of the way, not even guarding one of our players because they knew she had a hard time handling the ball,” Taylor says. “It’s like they understand each other and help each other. It’s amazing sportsmanship. It’s awesome.”

nitely a life-changing experience. It opens your eyes to so many different things.” Taylor agrees. “You see these kids lose a game and they’re still smiling,” she says. “They’re never down. Their attitude is: win some, lose some. They don’t get down. They tell the other team ‘good job’ and they’re always smiling. They’re like: ‘we’ll get it next time.’ It is very rewarding; I love it. We all take life for granted. Working with these kids has totally changed my outlook on life.”

Win A Maui Dream Vacation From The American Legion! The American Legion, Department of Wyoming during the Annual Convention in Laramie.

On Saturday, Jan. 29, they traveled to Loveland, Colo. Joseph Taylor and Wyatt Patzke both took first place in their brackets. Jackson Taylor took second, losing only one match by a point. Kayla Likes took fifth in a tough bracket. Garret Williams, a Glenrock native who wrestles for the Windy City wrestling club out of Casper took second, narrowly losing to the winner.

Sunday, Jan. 30, Dayton Matthews took first place and Aftin Matthews took second in a tournament in Buffalo, Wyo.

In Douglas on Sunday, Feb. 6, the Renegades finished as follows: Dayton Matthews first place, Wyatt Patzke second place, Aftin Matthews third place, Joseph Taylor second place, Chandler Johnston third place, Kayla Likes second place, and Jackson Taylor fourth place.

A 7-night vacation stay on beautiful Maui, Hawaii Luxurious two-bedroom condominium and $1500 travel included. Drawing will be held June 17, 2011 at the Commander's Banquet during The American Legion, Department of Wyoming's Annual Convention. Proceeds go towards programs and functions of the Department of Wyoming. For details and tickets see Marvin Wohletz at American Legion Post #9, call him at 462-4908 or send inquiries to: Dept. of Wyoming - Maui Vacation 1320 Hugar Avenue Cheyenne, WY 82001 (Need not be present to win.)

307-436-5391 - Glenrock’s Sale Barn on Hwy 20/26 - Glenrock

WINTER/SPRING SALE SCHEDULE FOR 2011 Feb 3rd Thursday, Regular Sale & Horse Sale Feb 17th Thursday, Regular Sale Feb 19th Saturday, Equipment-Consignment Sale March 3rd Thursday, Regular Sale & Horse Sale March 17th Thursday, "Back to Grass" & Regular Sale March 25th Friday, Lisco/M Diamond Bull Sale March 31st Thursday, Regular Sale April 14th Thursday, "Back to Grass", Regular Sale & Horse Sale April 28th Thursday, Regular Sale May 12th Thursday, Regular Sale & Horse Sale May 26th Thursday, Regular Sale


The Glenrock High School basketball teams—both boys and girls—have scrimmaged with the Special Olympians. Blackburn, who played for the Lady Herders, graduating in 2005, says the kids look forward to that.

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“Our kids love the high school players,” she says. “Most of them pick their numbers that their favorite high school players have.” Blackburn, who has coached amateur volleyball, says the big difference between that and coaching Special Olympians is the attitude of the players. “These kids are just smiles all the time. They’re really good at coming together as a team. Coaching them is a very rewarding job and I do enjoy it,” she says. “It’s defi-

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Sunday February 13 , 2011

The Glenrock Bird

Page 3

With winter still in full swing, it is hard to think about tree plantings but the 2011 Seedling Tree Program is underway. The Converse County Conservation District is once again offering seedling trees for windbreaks, living snow fences and wildlife plantings. Some species have already sold out, so get your orders in as soon as possible. The district will be accepting order forms until April 8, 2011. The trees will arrive April 26, 2011.

As a hunter, conservationist and also a supporter of wolves taking their rightful place in the West, I take issue with the position of most environmental groups on this matter. By just about every scientific metric, wolves have recovered in the Northern Rocky Mountains. At last count, we had a wolf population of 1,700 plus -- many times greater than the 300 wolves initially seen by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as necessary to sustain a “recovered” population throughout Montana, Idaho and Wyoming. Even though environmental groups helped come up with the figure of 300, several of them now argue that this minimum population was too low. But after listening to Defenders of Wildlife, the Environmental Defense Fund, the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Greater Yellowstone Coalition, I’ve come to believe that many of their arguments are disingenuous -- primarily made just to placate the city-based members who have never lived in the West or in a rural setting with wolves nearby. These idealists have good intentions, but they seem to believe that wolves are just friendly cousins of the family dog. They don’t understand or accept that we all live in a human-altered environment that requires responsible management of wildlife, including wolves. Case in point: In the early days of wolf reintroduction, Defenders of Wildlife offered to pay ranchers for livestock losses caused by wolves as a way of easing the burden of reintroduction. But now that wolves are here to stay, they’ve recently dropped this program. Today, they expect the federal government -- taxpayers -- to pick up the bill for livestock losses. Another example is the Natural Resources Defense Council, which claims that wolves were recently put back on the endangered species list by a federal judge because their “recovery is still in doubt.” The facts show that Judge Donald Molloy was simply making a “letter of the law” interpretation of a small clause in the Endangered Species Act that says an endangered species can’t be managed along state lines. Molloy is the same judge who last year ruled that it was okay to proceed with the first wolf-hunting seasons in Montana and Idaho. The Environmental Defense Fund seems to be trying to avoid both science and expert testimony altogether by appealing to our emotional side: It’s been using the example of “Limpy,” an injured wolf that left the confines of Yellowstone National Park and was killed during last year’s wolf hunting season. More recently, the director of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition, an organization that I’m still a member of and have regularly contributed to, claimed that wolves are akin to migratory waterfowl and ocean-run fish and should be managed similarly -- by the federal government, with states following its directives. This is quite a leap. Though many waterfowl and fish species travel great distances in short periods of time -- often crossing many state and even international borders – wolves, like most predator and prey

Bryan Denver

species that have historically been managed by the states they inhabit, are earthbound and relatively territorial. The only motive I can find behind this argument is a desire to centralize wolf management in the distant political arena of Washington, D.C., where environmental groups have a better chance of pushing their agenda. I think such groups don’t want state management of wolf populations because they know the outcome will be wolf populations managed to more tolerable levels. As a professional wildlife photographer living fairly close to Yellowstone Park, I’ve enjoyed viewing and photographing the wolves of Lamar Valley over the years, and I’m genuinely glad to see wolves restored to the Northern Rockies. But I don’t view them through the rose-colored glasses worn by many environmentalists. The wolf packs of Lamar and elsewhere are efficient predators. They don’t just take down “the old and the weak” as many environmentalists like to say. Wolf packs kill even healthy adult bull elk and moose with regularity. Currently, wolves are significantly reducing big game herds in several regions throughout the Northern Rockies, and nearly every major elected official in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming is actively working to regain control of wolf management within their boundaries so that wolf populations can be managed at levels acceptable to the majority of their residents. Environmental groups, responding to their many distant and urban-based members, push for high wolf populations and apparently don’t care what it’s like for those of us who live closer to the land with wolves in the backyard. Denver Bryan is a contributor to Writers on the Range, a service of High Country News (hcn. org). He is a former wildlife biologist turned professional wildlife photographer and lives in Bozeman, Montana. Comments? send to:

If you need assistance in planning for your tree plantings, windbreak design, species suitability, or if you have general questions please contact the Conservation District office. The Conservation District is offering a Windbreak Cost-Share Program this year. Contact the Conservation District to see if you qualify. We are more

than willing to visit with you on the phone, in the office, or we can also make an appointment to come see you! The district is once again selling fertilizer tablets, weed barrier, tree protectors, and both fine and granular polyacrylamide to aid in the survival rate of your trees. The district also has a tree planter and a weed barrier machine available for rent once your trees arrive. The Converse County Conservation District office staff can be reached by calling 307-358-3050 extension 4 or by email to HYPERLINK "mailto:michelle. huntington@wy.nacdnet. net"michelle.huntington@ Our office is located at 911 S. Windriver Drive, Douglas, Wyoming.

NEWS FROM THE NEST Senators Want Wyoming Way To Be D.C. Way Washington, D.C. –In an effort to stop Congress from passing bills with hundreds of unrelated measures that logjam the legislative process, U.S. Senators Mike Enzi and John Barrasso, both R-Wyo., are taking a page from the Wyoming legislature handbook. Yesterday Enzi reintroduced a bill, co-sponsored by Barrasso, which would require each piece of legislation considered by the Senate be confined to a single issue, the same method the Wyoming legislature uses. “I learned how to legislate in the best run state government in the country, the Wyoming legislature. Washington desperately needs to take a page from the Wyoming legislative handbook. One topic per bill is as common sense as it gets and Washington needs common sense now more than ever,” said Enzi. “I often say, ‘Wyoming gets it right, and Washington gets it wrong.’ The Wyoming legislature’s single topic bill rule is another example of this. It’s time for Washington to follow Wyoming’s lead and end the days of treating leg-


Sunday February 13, 2011

islation like special interest Christmas trees,” said Barrasso. Enzi’s bill would enact a standing order that creates a point of order against a bill or resolution that is not confined to a single issue. This point of order can only be overruled by a supermajority of 67 votes. Representative David Schweikert, R-Ariz., sponsored a similar bill in the House of Representatives. “This bill not only is a continuation of House Republicans’ Pledge to America, but will clean up the legislative process that in previous Congresses largely remained behind closed doors. For far too long, we’ve seen Congress abuse the legislative process by using omnibus legislation as a means to buy off votes. It is imperative we address the legislative logrolling that results in wasteful spending of taxpayer dollars. Every bill voted on in the U.S. Congress should be considered on its own merit in an open and transparent way before the American people,” said Rep. Schweikert.

By Denver Bryan/Writers on the Range

New Public Information Officer For WY Dept. Of Corrections Cheyenne – Wyoming Department of Corrections Director Robert Lampert has announced that he has selected and hired a new Public Information Officer for the department. Tim Lockwood joined the Wyoming Department of Corrections on Monday, February 7, and will be handling day-to-day public information and communication requests for the department. Lockwood comes from the Wyoming Department of Education where he was the public information officer. He also currently serves in the Wyoming Air National Guard as a public affairs officer for the Wyoming Military Department Joint Force Headquarters in a traditional status. He has a background of 15 years in journalism and public relations and is a graduate of the University of Wyoming. He also volunteers with Cheyenne Frontier Days Public Relations Committee.

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Seedling Trees Offered by CCCD For Windbreaks

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Yes To Wolves, But Not So Many

Planned Parenthood of Wyoming Recognizes National Condom Week February 14-19, with “Take one, Give one” Campaign For every condom purchased at the PPW health center, PPW will donate proceeds to an international project in Latin America CASPER- In recognition of National Condom Week, February 14-19, Planned Parenthood of Wyoming and its parent organization, Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, will give away condoms in exchange for a donation at its health center in Casper; proceeds will then be donated to a Planned Parenthood International (PPI) project to buy condoms for populations who are at greater risk in Latin America. In addition to protecting themselves and their partners from unintended pregnancy and STDs, clientele who participate in this campaign will become part of an effort to increase access to sexual and reproductive health information and services in the most remote and underserved communities around the world. National Condom Week, which originally began at the University of California, Berkeley in the ‘70s, has great relevance in America too. Research shows that every year in the United States there are more than three million unintended pregnancies, and approximately 19 million women and men will contract a sexually transmitted disease. Condoms used consistently and correctly provide the best protection against sexually transmitted infections

for sexually active women and men. They also protect against unintended pregnancy.

Yet many people don’t know how to properly use a condom. In a study published in the International Journal of STD and AIDS in 2008, men attending an STD clinic reported that during the previous three month period:

* 29 percent put the condom on upside down and then turned it over; * 28.4 percent removed the condom before completing intercourse; * 30 percent experienced problems with fit or feel of the condom; * 31 percent had a condom break.

PPRM encourages men and women to take responsibility for their sexual health; National Condom Week is an opportunity for sexually active partners to discuss whose responsibility it is to provide condoms. In fact, Planned Parenthood’s line of stylish PROPER ATTIRE® condoms was designed to help women feel more comfortable about buying and carrying condoms. With chic, fashion-forward packaging, PROPER ATTIRE® condoms allow women to combine their sense of style and commitment to be healthy. PROPER ATTIRE® condoms are available year‑round at Planned Parenthood health centers, or they can be ordered online by going to www.properattirecondoms. com.

The Glenrock Bird

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#39 - The Glenrock Bird thinks you make a great logo for the 2010/11 school season! Keep up the good work! And that goes for all sports and events participants!


Lady Herders Even Overall And Conference Records at .500

“We kind of did the same thing as before,” he says of the Thermopolis contest. “We played a heck of a first half and we were ahead 3116, then we let them back in it.” Lehner was pleased with the first half, but not with the 26 turnovers for the game. “We weren’t doing bad at halftime, but the third quarter was bad,” he says. “We turned it over and slowed down defensively and lost some momentum. Then we kind of had to scramble to make sure we took care of them in the fourth quarter.” Thermopolis inched to within one point in the fourth. “We got up big again in the fourth, then started turning it

“We’ve still got to figure out a way to play four quarters of good basketball,” he says. “If we can do that, we’ll be okay.” Offensively, Lehner was pleased with the 50-percent shooting overall. The team was 7 of 12 on three-point shots. Shelby Stewart was 5 of 7 from beyond the arc and Bailey Dahlke was 2 of 5. “There were a lot of good things and we played real well in the first half,” Lehner says. “We just didn’t do very well for part of the game and that was it.” He says the scoring was more evenly balanced across the team, with several players scoring eight points or more. “We had a little better scoring from some of the other kids and that was encouraging,” he says. “It gives them a little more confidence and that’s going to help. We did have a good shooting night; we just had a little breakdown defensively and gave up points off turnovers because we got

careless with the ball. They came out and pressed us in second half.” Defensively, Lehner sees room for improvement. “Becky Downs blocked some shots and was intimidating inside. Shannon Van Antwerp had some blocks as well,” he says. “We’re getting a little more defensive presence from our bigger kids. It’s something we have to continue to work on. It was good at times, other times not. We need to maintain it. Instead of turning the switch on and off, we’ve got to leave it on.” Lehner says he tries to stress the importance of defense, but thinks it’s not as much fun and players don’t get as much recognition for working hard at that end. “But, boy, that’s what wins basketball games, so we try and work on it and hopefully get better each week,” he says. “I always think the offense will take care of itself if you play good defense. That results in good offense, because you’re going to get some steals and some more opportunities on offense. At the end of the day, if you play good defensively, you win games.”

Glenrock Boys Break Skid, Lose Another GLENROCK—The Herders broke a six-game losing streak with a 57-50 road win over Thermopolis last weekend, then lost at home on Tuesday night to Cheyenne South 59-69. Glenrock is now 4-15 on the year and just 2-8 in the conference prior to Friday’s home game with Wheatland. They traveled to Rawlins yesterday. Coach Justin Kidneigh says that the team really rose to the challenge last weekend going into Thermopolis and getting the win. “This game was very much like a tournament game in terms of implications for regional tournament seeding and the boys were very aware of that,” he says. “I was proud of their effort on defense.” Glenrock held Thermopolis to 13 fewer points than in the teams’ first meeting. “The boys led most of the game and when Thermopolis took a lead in the second half, the team responded right away by tying the score, then retaking the lead and never giving it back,” Kidneigh says. “This game was won on the boards and at the free throw line.”

The Herders were 24 of 35 from the line and made some crucial free throws down the stretch to extend the lead. “On offense, I felt the team moved fairly well and were giving themselves good looks at the basket,” he says. “We did struggle from twopoint range, but shot fairly well from the arc. Overall, the boys played with great energy and good chemistry on both the offensive and defensive ends of the court.” Last Tuesday night, the Herders struggled at home against Cheyenne South, despite scoring 59 points. “South came out shooting very well to start, and we struggled with getting started,” Kidneigh says. “As the game settled into a flow in the first half, we began to assert ourselves offensively and defensively, and by the middle of the second quarter we took the lead. At that time, it looked like we had found our rhythm and chemistry.” He says the team had some problems in the first half with defensive rotations and addressed those at halftime. But they got into some serious foul trouble with the starting rotation.

Part III During the rehearsal by the craftsmen/actors, Puck mischievously turns one actor’s head into that of a jackass, and, as luck would have it, he is the first sight Titania sees upon waking in the woods. For a time, then, she is madly in love with this seeming donkey. And the actors must still present their play at the Duke’s wedding! There is much to be straightened out. Don’t miss out on an evening of hysterical fun as we watch the various stories unfold, all leading to a happily resolved ending The enjoyment will be brought to you by Lewis Allen, Britney Bartz, Alyssa Biffle, Johanna Bishop, Clarissa Bryner, April Elliott, Steven Flynn, Nathan Hanson, Alex Hawkins, Marie Kroll, Caitlyn Kumpula, Cole Nelson, Mercedes Pfander, Aimee Potter, Danielle Thomas, and Toni Thomas, along with Ben Grilley and Hayli Walters in the Tech Booth. Christine Davis is to be credited with the whimsical costume creations. Mark your calendars—February 22 and 23 at 7 PM—and be sure to attend!


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well. They shot 55 percent from the arc,” Kidneigh says. “We switched to man defense in the fourth quarter, but really struggled trying to get around their physical screening. They were also setting staggered and double screens which made it hard to get through.” Three Herders fouled out in the fourth quarter. “That really limited our ability to make a run,” Kidneigh says. “Every time we made a bit of a run at them, they answered with a three-pointer or knocked down their free throws.” He says it was one of those games where as a team you do a lot of things right, but the other team just shoots extremely well and you get limited by foul trouble and lose the game.


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“We missed a lot of bunny shots, somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 or 12, which was a big factor for us,” he says.

The Herders play Torrington at home this Thursday, then travel to Douglas Saturday to play the Bearcats.


“South came out shooting

Sunday February 13 , 2011

We’ve Moved! 204 s 4th in The Commerce Block

Coach Tony Lehner says turnovers and inconsistency continue to hamper the team.

He says the team played really well in the first half, but did not continue to do so.

Ghs Drama Dept In Heat Of Rehearsals

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The Glenrock Bird

They played at Wheatland last Friday, and at home against Rawlins yesterday. They are scheduled for games at Torrington this Friday, and at Douglas Saturday.

over and relaxing on defense and they closed it down,” he says. “We had to scramble at the end.”

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Page 5

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GLENROCK—A 51-47 home victory over Thermopolis on Saturday, Feb. 5, evened the Lady Herders’ record at 9-9 overall and 5-5 in the conference.

-The Bird

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No water, dry as a bone; gotta find a river soon. Sun is hotter, I’m feeling alone; Circle in the wagons, boys it’s noon.

COWBOY CORNER TJ Casey is a singer/songwriter, storyteller, composer and entertainer. He was raised up on ranches in Wyoming and Montana and now teaches the "Code of the West" and poetry to students all across America. Check him out at:

Cowboy Poet Columnist TJ Casey Gathered around the old campfire; the daily chores are through. The sun’s goin’ down the sky is on fire; and I’m so lonesome and blue,

A coyote howls, the moon’s rising higher; ol’ Cookie is hummin’ a tune. I hear a screech owl and I’m getting’ tired; day break is comin’ too soon. Out of yer bed roll, saddle yer horse; I heard the Jigger Boss say. It’s takin’ its toll and it’s gonna get worse; ride on, its gonna be a long, long day. Gatherin’ cattle, gonna head north; it’s time to head for the rail. Back in the saddle,

leavin’ Fort Worth; this Cowboy’s back on the trail. Dust and gravel, gravel and dust. Gotta move ‘em rain or shine. Slow travel, Montana or bush; keep ‘em stringin’ up the line. Out of yer bedroll, saddle yer horse; I heard the Jigger Boss say. There’s miles to go and it’s gonna get worse; ride on, its’ gonna be a long, long day. Fierce battle, cryin’ stampede; gotta keep the boys alive. Runnin’ cattle , souls are free’d; catch the lead, Cowboy overdrive.

Out of yer bedroll, saddle yer horse; I heard the Jigger Boss say. It’s takin’ its toll and it can’t get worse; ride on, it’s gonna be a long, long day. Night time falls, thunder booms; gonna need an extra cowboy crew. Cattle bawl, storm cloud looms; ridin’ herd at night ain’t nothin’ new. Daybreak comes, gray and gloom; pushin’ on ahead to yonder blue. Down to crumbs, surely doom; Gotta be a bad dream, can’t be true. Out of yer bed roll, saddle yer horse; I heard the Jigger Boss say. It’s taken its toll it can’t get worse; ride on, it’s gonna be a long, long day. Gatherin’ cattle, scattered about; I hear the river run, a mile away. Now comes the battle,

I have no doubt; Lord, it’s gonna be a long, long day. Hit the saddle, my pony’s stout; gotta last, I’m draggin’ cattle, Lord I pray. Hang and rattle, times run out; Here is not a place I want to stay. Out of yer bedroll, saddle yer horse,; I heard the Jigger Boss say. It’s taken its toll, it can’t get worse; ride on, it’s gonna be a long, long day. We found the border, almost home; can’t believe we made it here alive. Made to order, I’ll never roam; it’s been a million mile, cattle drive. Start all over, camp alone; lookin’ out across the valley wide. Cattle drover, hard as stone; far from here again, I’ll never ride. Out of yer bedroll, saddle yer horse; you’ve not heard anyone say. Life took its toll, but it coulda been worse; ride on, its gonna be a long, long day.

Subscribe to the digital version of The Glenrock Bird and have it delivered to your emailbox every Sunday morning! JUST $5.00 a YEAR - Special Runs Through November 1, 2010 Subscribe by going to:


Sunday February 13, 2011

THE NIGHT HAWK I’m Just Sayin.... Columnist - Susan R. Stoltz Susan is owner/editor of Women Out West Magazine, featured speaker at writers conferences nationwide including Women Writing the West, Ozark Creative Writers and Writing the Rockies. As a freelance writer Susan has been featured in Open Range Magazine, Cactus Creek Daily and on the website of the National Association of Baby Boomers. Photo © Amanda Smith

I’m Just Sayin...

Obama Betrays Our Closest Ally to the Russians

That the press did little to cover this story doesn’t surprise me in the least. Let me preface this entire article by saying that in this journalist’s opinion America has no stronger ally than the Brits. So why, on God’s green earth, did BO decide to throw them to the wolves, or more exactly to the Russians in a bonehead move to provide Putin with Britain’s nuclear secrets? When did we get so cozy with the Russians that we could betray an ally that has proven itself reliable over and over again? America and Britain share more than history. They have been our steadiest ally in the War on Terror by sending troops to both Iraq and Afghanistan to fight and die.

It’s new prime minister, David Cameron, is ready to truly confront radical Islam and in a remarkable speech made last week warned that “Europe needs to wake up” to the fact that multiculturalism is just a term to disguise cowardice as tolerance. France and Germany are following suit. In the days ahead this will be important to the US.

This isn’t the first idiotic ‘in your face’ gesture that BO has made to the Brits. Not only did he return a gift, a bust of Winston Churchill that sat in the Oval Office, but he handed the Queen an iPod loaded with his favorite speeches – delivered by himself. Then Hillary Clinton stated that the Falkland Islands belong to Argentina, forgetting perhaps that Britain fought a bloody war in 1982 to keep it.

True, Obama asked nicely that the Brits themselves supply the Russians with their nuclear arsenal secrets, and they politely refused. So, in a desperate effort to get the Russians to sign the new START Treaty (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) BO decided to get froggy and just betray the Brits outright – right down to the serial numbers on the warheads.

The Republicans and/or Tea Party will have a big job ahead of them righting the wrongs of this administration. With the current political unrest, not only in this nation but also throughout the world, why would anybody in his or her right mind betray our ally in longest good standing? I guess the phrase “in his or her right mind” would be the most important to ponder in that sentence. I’m just sayin….

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POLICE BEAT Friday 2-4-11 Water leak, Public Works notified. X 2 Parking problem, message left for vehicle owner. Range key issued. Rolling Hills patrol completed. X 4 VIN inspection completed. Driving complaint, officer responded. Citizen assist, officer unlocked a vehicle. Traffic stop, warning for headlight. X 3 Traffic hazard, officer moved deceased deer. Harassment, officer took a report. Saturday 2-5-11 Rolling Hills patrol completed. Citizen assist, officer responded. Vehicle slide off was reported to Highway Patrol. Water leak, Public Works notified. Traffic stop, verbal warning issued for driving habits. Alarm, alarm cancelled. Disturbance, parties separated. Sunday 2-6-11 Traffic stop, verbal warning for brake light. Rolling Hills patrol completed. X 2 Officer provided a citezen assist. Property being held for safekeeping was returned to owner. Ambulance request, one transported to Casper. MIP, one transported to CCSO. Monday 2-7-11 E-911 medical, negative transport. OAA, officer complied. Loose horses. SALECS notified. Gas drive off, report tak-

en. Rolling Hills patrol completed. X 2 Subject fingerprinted for employment. Street maintenance requested. E-911 traffic accident, one transported to Casper. Traffic accient, Highway Patrol notified. Citizen assist, vehicle unlocked successfully. Citizen assist, officer was UTL. Tuesday 2-8-11 Officer performed a VIN inspection. X 2 Abandoned vehicle reported. Rolling Hills patrol completed. X 2 Wednesday 2-9-11 Citizen assist, officer notifie. Rolling Hills patrol completed. X 3 Range key issued. Comm Tech performed notary. Dog at large, ACO notified. Civil dispute reported. Injured antelope dispatched at request of G & F. Public Works notified of snow drifts blocking streets. 2 vehicle accident, accident report taken. Officer performed a civil standby. Thursday 2-10-11 Civil matter reported. Found items entered in to lost and found. Rolling Hills patrol completed. X 2 NSF check reported. Citizen complaint. Hit and run report taken.

GLENROCK LIBRARY NEWS Ciao! Hello in Italian from the library! Visit our Mango Foreign Language database on line. Find out how to get connected. LOVE MY LIBRARY WEEK: FEBRUARY 13-19. The word has gotten out! I am anticipating lots of poems and prose to be streaming into the library. The teen advisory group will be judging them on February 19 to find 3 poems to be called unique. The winners of each category: juvenile, teen and adult will receive a gift certificate donated by Ralph’s Book Store in Casper. Mark your calendars! On February 22 Bill Rossiter, who is master of the banjo, Autoharp, harmonica and guitar will be performing at the library at 6:00 p.m. Bill is a member of the Humanities Montana. He will entertain us with his fun tall tales and songs. Plan to bring the whole family and we guarantee that you will have an enjoyable evening. For Read Me A Story: February 12 - February 19: Valentine Mice by Bethany Roberts. Take a few minutes to brighten your day by picking up the phone and dialing 436-2353 to listen to a great story!

EXTRA! EXTRA! Hey Folks! You Spoke Up... And The Bird Listened! Beginning Feb 20 The Bird WORD SEARCH Will Be Back!


Happy Birthday this week to Lorraine Stewart, Annie Danaher, Louise Hammersmark, Harold Hammersmark, & Margie Gray. Free Tax Assistance will be available at the center on February 22, 2011 please call 436-9442 for more information.

Fun Night will be Thursday February 24, 2011 starting at 4pm. Dinner will start at 5pm. This month for dinner, we will be having a Taco Bar. There is no fee to attend Fun Night, but donations are always appreciated. Dollar lunch at the Center during February is MONDAYS…. every Monday durning February persons 60 years of age and older who eat lunch at the Glenrock Senior Center can enjoy it for $1.00!

Purchase a 10 punch meal ticket & save!!! 10 meals for $23.00…that is only $2.30 a meal!

February Commodities will be available for pick up beginning February 14, 2011. This month’s items will be Cherry Apple Juice, Corn, & 1% Milk. Commodities can be picked up at the Glenrock Senior Center Monday thru Friday from 8am-4pm. The Commodity Program is not limited to senior citizens. If you would like more information about the Commodity program, or to see if you qualify, please call 436-9442.

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307-298-5107 or email:

We’re on the web glen. Our phone number is 436-2573. Fax number is 436-8525. We’re on Facebook. Be sure to check us out, just search for Glenrock Library.

Compassionate Care

Hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: 10:00 to 5:00. Tuesday and Thursday: 10:00 to 8:00. Saturday: 10:00 to 1:00. Closed Sundays.

General Cleaning - Cooking - Companionship - Dr’s Appts Shopping - Personal care and Grooming

Sunday February 13 , 2011

In Home Services

Cell: 307-267-0418 VM: 307-472-9228 E:

Diane Way 7+ years experience assisting the elderly

The Glenrock Bird

P.O. Box 1474 Casper, Wyoming 82602

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307 Sunday February 13, 2011

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