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1st Esdras

2nd Esdras

Wisdom of Sirach (Ecclesiasticus)

Wisdom of Solomon

Book of Tobit

Book of Susanna

Prayer of Manasseh (Addendum to 2 Chromicles)

Letter of Jeremiah (Baruch 6 Historically)


Once Part of Jeremiah: Baruch (Addendum to Jeremiah. Ch. 6 found)

Once Part of Daniel:

Prayer of Azariah (Abednego - The Song of the Three Young Men)

Bel and the Dragon (Daniel’s exploits)


Book Of Esther & Additions

1st & 2nd Maccabees & Additions

See Testing The Book of Esther & Purim, Testing The Book of Judith, and Testing 1st & 2nd Maccabees & Hanukkah in Volume 2.

The Name Of God in “APOCRYPHA”

One revealing sign that portions of “apocrypha” may vet as legitimate is their use of the name of YHWH though more testing must be done. In a quick search of this book, we find over 450 uses of YHWH in what we will prove to be credible texts. However, the Book of Esther never addresses, prays to, fasts for, or even thanks or credits YHWH in the entire story which should raise many red flags. The Bible does not use an acrostic of the name of YHWH, it spells it out over 6,800 times directly in the Hebrew Old Testament. It is never hidden and always has been pronounced. We learn from Jubilees Hebrew is the language of Creation thus it must be simple and somehow for thousands of years, it was written with just consonants and a couple of vowels (“A” and “U”) yet spoken without ever needing vowel points. Those were added in about 1000 A.D. by the Masoretes and at times serve to offer more confusion than clarity as they clearly were not honest about the name of Yahuah since it was their Pharisee practice to hide His name. Therefore, this must be a phonetic language requiring no vowels and no fancy rules especially those changing even within a word illogically. What we call Hebrew today is Yiddish-infused.

Phonetically, YH is simple. H is AH (see chart to right). That’s YAH. The next combination is HW which we know by the names of the prophets is HU. Thus, it’s YAHU as with the prophets. Finally, we add the last H or AH for YAHUAH.

We recognize there is a whole church out there which stakes it’s claim on the name Jehovah. Here’s the largest problem with that word. It is not Ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Latin, Old French, Old German nor Old English. In other words, every language in which the Bible has been interpreted through in origin cannot render” J” nor “V” until the Renaissance (1500s or so). The Bible was already thousands of years old and never used “J” nor “V” in any ancient text. There is a Pharisee out there deceiving many by trying to make this fit, but we have the Dead Sea Scrolls dating to as early as 300 B.C. with even entire books such as the Isaiah scroll of about 25 feet in length which never renders a “J” nor a “V” even once.

This leads us to the name of Messiah as the same first 3 letters YHW or YAHU as set by Yahuah. Yes, He literally meant He came in His Father’s name. His name ends with SH - SHIN, A - AYIN which is SHA. He is Yahusha with Yahushua also appearing as a variant in scripture. Joshua has this same name in Hebrew. His people are the YAHUdim, never Jews but YAH’s.

Finally, some focus on the one time in scripture that Yahuah says His name is HYH, HAYAH as His only name ignoring the 6,800 times it is recorded as YHWH, Yahuah. However, modern Yiddish renders this as EHYEH and similar in fraud. Ancient Hebrew is HA YAH or THE YAH. It is the same name. Yahuah is being specific in saying I am The Yah, not to be confused with any other. He is still invoking His name Yahuah in that passage which matches. In fact, YAH is rendered in the Old Testament 45 times on a standalone basis. Scripture is clear and abundant on this.

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