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Chapter 13 | Who Is to Keep Sabbath? Not a Jewish Tradition
Who is to Keep
Chapter 13 | Who Is to Keep Sabbath?
Not a Jewish Tradition
Before even addressing this question, history must be corrected and understood. Those calling themselves “Jews” today are Pharisees by historic definition even from their own sources whether direct bloodline Pharisees or simply in religious doctrine. After the 2nd Temple was destroyed around 70 A.D., the Pharisees changed their practice eliminating especially the Second Temple rituals.
“Henceforth Jewish life was regulated by the teachings of the Pharisees; the whole history of Judaism was reconstructed from the Pharisaic point of view, and a new aspect was given to the Sanhedrin of the past. A new chain of tradition supplanted the older, priestly tradition (Abot i. 1). Pharisaism shaped the character of Judaism and the life and thought of the Jew for all the future. True, it gave the Jewish religion a legalistic tendency and made “separatism” its chief characteristic; yet only thus were the pure monotheistic faith, the ethical ideal, and the intellectual and spiritual character of the Jew preserved in the midst of the downfall of the old world and the deluge of barbarism which swept over the medieval world.” –Jewish Encylopedia [60]
“The Pharisees (/ˈfærəsiːz/; Hebrew: םִׁישוּרפ Pərūšīm) were a social movement and a school of thought in the Levant during the time of Second Temple Judaism. After the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, Pharisaic beliefs became the foundational, liturgical, and ritualistic basis for Rabbinic Judaism.”–Wikipedia [61]
“Pharisees: făr’ ə səz (םִׁישוּרפְּ; φαρισαῖοι). One of the most important
of the Jewish sects of the late intertestamental and NT periods, determining thereafter the character of reconstituted Judaism.” –Bible Gateway, Encyclopedia Of The Bible [62]
This should not be a surprise in the church, as again, even Judaism’s own history records that modern “Jews” rose from Pharisaism and that is their foundation. A Rabbi in the 1st Century is a Pharisee and they still call themselves Rabbis today as they remain Pharisees. Pharisees evolve their doctrines in any time as they apply leaven that is an expanding agent. Thus there is no such thing as a Pharisee religion that would remain the exact same in 2,000 years but the foundation is obvious and recorded. Messiah did not call Himself Rabbi though some did refer to him as such and eventually he rebuked it and said to call no man Rabbi nor Father (Matt. 23:8-9). He did not wish to be confused with a Pharisee or even a Catholic Priest that is very revealing as to what He saw in the future. When you read his scathing rebukes of Pharisees which we have curated into a chart in the chapter on “The Pharisee Sabbath,” you quickly realize why the distancing existed. Understand, there is no mention of the Pharisees and Sadducees in the Old Testament. This is because they did not exist in Judaea until about 165 B.C. when the Hasmoneans of Modi’in came into Judaea as foreigners conquering the nation and the Temple. They installed their priests from Samaria that would make up the Sanhedrin. They were not there in Judaea in any Old Testament book. Samaritans are rebuked and they are mentioned as such but they are not Hebrews.
Pharisees: (Heb. םִׁישוּרפ, Perushim), a Jewish religious and political party or sect during the Second Temple period which emerged as a distinct group shortly after the Hasmonean revolt, about 165–160 b.c.e. –Encyclopedia.com [83]
A new unbiblical order would control the Temple fulfilling the Psalm 83 war where David prophesied of this exact event. No other can fit and this is not a future event to us today as there is no Temple since and though scripture prophesies it’s rebuilding, it does not condone it nor does Yahuah command it nor need it. The third Temple will be built for the Beast who declares he is God there and will rule the Earth largely
from Jerusalem which Revelation 11 calls “spiritual Sodom and Egypt” in our time. We know you do not hear this in most churches because these same Pharisees control seminaries and allegiance to Zionism is taught and demanded of most of your pastors and leadership. As we have covered, the legitimate Temple Priests were exiled to Qumran as in recorded history and they continued the Temple practice which is why Messiah chose to launch His ministry there and not at the Temple in Jerusalem. When He made His way to Jerusalem in the end, He well knew He was not welcomed in that Temple anymore as Yahuah was not either because He is not the God of the Pharisees. They plotted and sought and succeeded setting up the sacrifice of the Son of Yahuah even in the Temple. How could they possibly know Him? That alone should cause a scholar to awaken. Most will not. Therefore, the paradigm we see in religion today is that of Pharisaism by a new name as Judaism. This is a religion rebuked by Messiah in Mark 7 and many other places against His commandments or anti-Torah. We cannot forget nor overlook this when understanding the religious paradigm of our day. Pharisaism or modern Judaism is not built on a Biblical foundation. It is an infusion that looks nothing like the Biblical relationship as it is against His Commandments but it mingles deceptively. Many Rabbis will claim the Sabbath is a Jewish Feast only and not for the Gentile. That is illiterate and they clearly have never truly read the Torah that identifies Gentiles as the “stranger among you” many times. This stranger or Gentile had the same Law and relationship with Yahuah as did the Israelites who never called themselves the non-Hebrew word Jew. They were and are the Yahudim inclusive of Gentiles from the very Exodus and even in the time of Abraham. How can anyone calling themselves a Bible scholar not know this?
Leviticus 16:29 KJV And this shall be a statute for ever unto you: that in the seventh month, on the tenth day of the month, ye shall afflict your souls, and do no work at all, whether it be one of your own country, or a stranger that sojourneth among you:
Exodus 12:49 KJV
One law shall be to him that is homeborn, and unto the
stranger that sojourneth among you. Leviticus 17:12 KJV Therefore I said unto the children of Israel, No soul of you shall eat blood, neither shall any stranger that sojourneth among you eat blood. Leviticus 18:26 KJV Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you: Leviticus 19:34 KJV But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God. Numbers 9:14 KJV And if a stranger shall sojourn among you, and will keep the passover unto the LORD; according to the ordinance of the passover, and according to the manner thereof, so shall he do: ye shall have one ordinance, both for the stranger, and for him that was born in the land. Numbers 15:29 KJV Ye shall have one law for him that sinneth through ignorance, both for him that is born among the children of Israel, and for the stranger that sojourneth among them. Numbers 15:26 kjv And it shall be forgiven all the congregation of the children of Israel, and the stranger that sojourneth among them; seeing all the people were in ignorance.
The blessings and curses that appear in the Law have always applied to the Gentile as well. They were not under a different Law nor were they to be lawless. The fact is no Gentile nations ever entered covenant as a nation that makes Israel special. The patriarchs did but they are generally, a family or small group of people. None of the patriarchs before Abraham/Eber were Hebrews. None before Jacob/Israel were
Israelites whom we call “Jews” inappropriately. The word “Jew” is never a Bible word of Ancient Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, Latin, Old French, Old German nor Old English origin. Neither had a “J” until the Ashkenazi migration into Europe who claimed to be Jews replacing the connotation with a non-Hebrew word in fraud. The “J” originates in their Yiddish language in which they infused and perhaps Persian ultimately. Infusing is what they have always done. They did not want Yahuah’s name in theirs because they are not Yah’s which is the only short rendering for the word and Yah is found 45 times on a standalone basis in scripture. However, Gentiles were saved and they had Law. This is not one fragment out of context but an overwhelming doctrine not typically taught today yet it is right there abundant in scripture. The Pharisees do not want us to know they are not Hebrews as they represent the Synagogue of Satan who say they are Yahudim and are not but do lie (Rev. 2:9, 3:9). The church largely wants you to believe Israel was replaced by the Gentile “in the time of the Gentiles.” Both are equally false and represent strange doctrine to the Bible which records Gentiles keeping the Law in relationship and even being saved long before Jesus(Yahusha) ever became flesh. Understand He is their salvation as well just as He is ours. That has never changed. There is no salvation through the Law but only in Him from the beginning. The Bible has never said otherwise. Keeping His Law and the Sabbath is a sign of our covenant with Him, it is not salvation nor ever has been. Some confuse passages like this one found in Jubilees. However, once again, when one only reads in fragments forgetting the context, they will never understand. This appears to say only Israel is to keep the Sabbath. However, we have well documented the Sabbath was kept from Adam to Abraham to Moses with about 300 years of non-observance only. We did so using the Book of Jubilees which identifies this pattern and cannot say the opposite here and it does not. The only NATION/People who has entered covenant is Israel. No other nation has on record but some within have as evidenced in scripture just not their entire nations. That is what this is saying not that only Israel has ever kept the Sabbath that would be against what Jubilees already said twice and in great detail. Unfortunately, we live in a time, where scholarship as a paradigm will read only this fragment and attempt to use it in debate to defend their
Biblical illiteracy. We can all see through this as we “prove all things.”
Jubilees 2:31 And the Creator of all things blessed it, but He did not sanctify all peoples and nations to keep Sabbath thereon, but Israel alone: them alone He permitted to eat and drink and to keep Sabbath thereon on the earth.
It is rather unimaginable that Moses could be so clear yet so ignored. Here is an extremely direct passage that the Covenant was not just for Israel but those that stand with them and even other Gentiles who are not with them that day. That is all encompassing and clear that ALL Gentiles still had His Law to follow and if they did, they would be called His. That is not new in the New Testament.
Deuteronomy 29:12-15 KJV That thou shouldest enter into covenant with the LORD thy God, and into his oath, which the LORD thy God maketh with thee this day: That he may establish thee to day for a people unto himself, and that he may be unto thee a God, as he hath said unto thee, and as he hath sworn unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. Neither with you only do I make this covenant and this oath; But with him that standeth here with us this day before the LORD our God, and also with him that is not here with us this day:
The Covenant and the Law were never just for Israel solely. That is a Pharisee claim that the Old Testament is only written to the Jew. It is arrogant illiteracy of scripture especially when the only “Jews” in the Bible are rebuked mostly. Isaiah very strongly espouses this same doctrine that Gentiles can and will be saved. The relationship that Israel had which does not belong to the Pharisees unless one becomes a true believer, was always available to the Gentile.
Isaiah 49:6 KJV And he said, It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth.
One could read this until the end when the Earth is made new or the ends of the Earth in territory either way. However, Isaiah is speaking to you whether Hebrew or Gentile in the Old Testament. In the next chapters, he becomes more profound and specific. Not only is he clear that all are to keep the Sabbath and those who do will be blessed, but Isaiah sets forth a timeline for those keeping the Sabbath in Israel’s regathering. In our age, that still has not happened and remains prophecy. We can look to the future that believers will be keeping His Sabbath. If you are not, you are polluting it even in our age.
Isaiah 56:1-8 KJV Thus saith the Lord, Keep ye judgment, and do justice: for my salvation is near to come, and my righteousness to be revealed. Blessed is the man that doeth this, and the son of man that layeth hold on it; that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and keepeth his hand from doing any evil. Neither let the son of the stranger, that hath joined himself to the Lord, speak, saying, The Lord hath utterly separated me from his people: neither let the eunuch say, Behold, I am a dry tree. For thus saith the Lord unto the eunuchs that keep my sabbaths, and choose the things that please me, and take hold of my covenant; Even unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters: I will give them an everlasting name, that shall not be cut off. Also the sons of the stranger, that join themselves to the Lord, to serve him, and to love the name of the Lord, to be his servants, every one that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and taketh hold of my covenant; Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people. The Lord God, which gathereth the outcasts of Israel saith, Yet will I gather others to him, beside those that are gathered unto him.
Paul says this very same thing though overlooked. He knew there was no difference between Gentile and Hebrew in Yahuah’s sight. This is not new but he knew it was an Old Testament theme as well. Some misread the English here as saying Jesus(Yahusha) just ended the Law. That is not what this says. He is the end of the Law means He completes it and He told us in Matthew 5:17-18 it will not pass at least until the Day of Final
Judgment. Paul knew this as well and was saying no different. Did Moses say there is salvation through the Law? No. Did Paul say that is what Moses said? No. Paul is clarifying over paragraphs not fragments. He affirms that. Paul knew Moses was right that we are to be righteous. Did he not just open up with many are ignorant of Yahuah’s righteousness? He certainly is not placing Moses in that category and to say so as a scholar is inept and demonstrates no foundation in scripture whatsoever. In setting the context, he is rebuking one’s own righteousness that is a staple of Pharisee doctrine he rebukes. They believe the Law of Moses is salvation. Paul and the whole of scripture does not agree with the Pharisees.
Romans 10:3-13 KJV For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. For Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law, That the man which doeth those things shall live by them. But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise, Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down from above:) Or, Who shall descend into the deep? (that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.) But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Here we have another passage where reading a small fragment produces strange doctrine. Moses knew that Jesus(Yahusha) was salvation even then. That has never changed. Here is especially what is overlooked. Where does faith come from according to Paul? Hearing by the word of Yahuah (Rom. 10:17). What Word is Paul reading? The New Testament is
not written yet mostly. He is talking about the Old Testament. He finds faith in reading it and so will we. That is also called the Law of Moses. There is no separating the Law from Paul. He kept and taught it.
Romans 10:16-17 KJV But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report? So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
How can any scholar read this and not see that Paul just affirmed the writings of the Prophets saying we should obey them? He does not say Moses was wrong but just refocus your thinking from what the Pharisees are teaching you. The Law is not salvation. However, it is still valid. We find especially all 10 Commandments in Paul’s preaching (see chart p. 170). He is not creating new Law, he quotes Moses. He does not view Moses as bad nor the Law of Moses that Yahuah wrote with His finger as we have shown several scriptures where he endorses the Law and teaches it. For what is the fire that emanates from the mouth of Messiah that consumes His enemies on Judgment Day or in the end when He is the end of the Law as Paul is discussing above? The Law.
2 Esdras 13:10-11 KJVA But only I saw that he sent out of his mouth, as it had been a blast of fire, and out of his lips a flaming breath, and out of his tongue he cast out sparks and tempests, And they were all mixed together; the blast of fire, the flaming breath, and the great tempest, and fell with violence upon the multitude, which was prepared to fight, and burnt them up every one, so that upon a sudden, of an innumerable multitude, nothing was to be perceived, but only dust and smell of smoke: when I saw this, I was afraid. 2 Esdras 13:38 KJVA ...and he (Messiah) shall destroy them without labor, by the law which is like unto fire... (Cf. Rev. 1:16, 2:16, 12:17, 14:12, 19:15, 21, 22:14; 1 John 2:3-4, 3:22-24, 5:2-3; 2 John 1:6; Matt. 5:17-18)
You will find Messiah at the end of the Law. He will still be applying it on the Day of Judgment in the end just as He said.
Gentiles and Jews Observed the Saturday, 7th-Day Sabbath
According to the only source that matters, the Bible, Gentiles as well as Jews(Yahudim) observed the Sabbath on the 7th Day continuing the Old Testament practice. We demonstrated this in abundant Old Testament scripture from Torah. That remains in the New Testament.
Acts 18:4 KJV And he reasoned in the synagogue every sabbath, and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks.
Acts 9:31 KJV Then had the churches rest throughout all Judaea and Galilee and Samaria, and were edified; and walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost, were multiplied.
Acts 13:42-44 KJV And when the Jews were gone out of the synagogue, the Gentiles besought that these words might be preached to them the next sabbath. Now when the congregation was broken up, many of the Jews and religious proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas: who, speaking to them, persuaded them to continue in the grace of God.And the next sabbath day came almost the whole city together to hear the word of God.
In fact, the New Testament ekklesia kept the Sabbath outside of synagogues thus no one can attempt to say Paul only preached to Jews on Sabbath because of the Old Testament practice. It was the New Testament observance as well continued as fact. Scripture says so; if your denomination does not, ask them to produce their authority to rewrite scripture.
Acts 16:13 KJV And on the sabbath we went out of the city by a river side, where prayer was
wont to be made; and we sat down, and spake unto the women which resorted thither.
After Messiah’s ascension, we see the Apostles keeping at least 85 documented Sabbaths in the Book of Acts alone (chart on p. 353). We curated a chart later but in Acts 17, there are 3 consecutive Sabbaths observed by the Apostles, there are 78 consecutive Sabbaths in which Paul preached in a synagogue on Saturday in Acts 18:5 alone and singular Sabbaths in Acts 23:13, 13:43, 16:11 and 18:1. These are mostly gatherings of both Gentiles and Jews(Yahudim) and there is no differentiation in the 7th-Day Sabbath observance. How exactly can anyone claim they did not keep the Sabbath when it is right there in Acts 85 times in writing? They do not represent the Bible in the slightest. That is profound, willing ignorance and it is called church doctrine in most denominations. The other thing we find is that the Sabbath and Feasts are commanded forever for both Israel and the Gentile. We have already viewed this in Lev. 16:29 but this is Bible doctrine many times.
Leviticus 23 KJV - 7 Biblical FEAST DAYS 14 …it shall be a statute for ever throughout your generations in all your dwellings. 21 …it shall be a statute for ever in all your dwellings throughout your generations. 31 …it shall be a statute for ever throughout your generations in all your dwellings. 41 …It shall be a statute for ever in your generations...
Therefore, not only is the Sabbath not a Jewish mo’edim as they are not Hebrews anyway, but Gentiles have always partaken and they received the same command that this is a statute forever throughout your generations in ALL your dwellings. This includes all of us. It does not matter if you are in a Sabbath-keeping nation as none truly are even in Israel who keeps the Pharisee Sabbath not the Bible Sabbath. This day of rest was made for mankind and there were no Jews then. The patriarchs were not Hebrews until Abraham/Eber. This is a paradigm we have accepted but it strays far from the Bible paradigm which sees Hebrews and Gentiles the same. The Sabbath is for everyone.