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Golf Almanac The
Volusia County, FL | 3rd Edition
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CONTENTS 24 27 30 36 38 42 43
Johnny “C” Vitamins
1966 PGA Tour
The Legacy of Arnold Palmer
The Truth About Lies... Sand Lies, That is.
2017 PGA Tour Schedule
2017 LPGA Tour Schedule
The Best Apps Every Golfer Should NOT Go Without
Which Golf Tips Should You Listen To?
2017 Champions Tour Schedule A Well-Deserved Reserved Parking Spot Business Directory
The Golf Almanac ©2017-2018
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Acupuncture Volusia Center For Complementary Medicine................................ 15 Catholic School Saint Brendan Catholic School..................................................... 22 Child Day Care The Children’s Academy On The Halifax....................................... 33 Chiropractor/ Rehab Back To Basics Chiropractic......................................................... 13 Moore Menneto Chiropractic....................................................... 23 Volusia Center For Complementary Medicine................................ 15 Colon Hydrotherapy Beachside Colonics..................................................................... 4 Concrete Cherrywood Paving & Construction Co., LLC................................. 35 Construction Hudson Remodeling Inc.............................................................. 1 Nauman Companies................................................................... 29 Custom Builder Adley Homes............................................................................. 19 Dentist Taborda Dentistry...................................................................... 23 Dining NSB Sea Shack.......................................................................... 3 Diving Center-Retail Discover Diving Dive Center LLC.................................................. 17 Driveways Cherrywood Paving & Construction Co., LLC................................. 35 Fencing Straight Line Fence & Outdoor LLC.............................................. 15 General Contractor Wise Builders, LLC..................................................................... 26 Hair Salon Hair Goddess Salon & Spa.......................................................... 35 Handyman Martin Winters Restoration......................................................... 17 Health & Beauty Hair Goddess Salon & Spa.......................................................... 35 Health & Wellness Back To Basics Chiropractic......................................................... 13 Beachside Colonics..................................................................... 4 Hedge Trimming Steve’s Trees LLC....................................................................... 33 Herb Shop Florida Herb House.................................................................... 17 Home & Yard Furnishings Amish Direct Furniture................................................................ 4 Hurricane Shutters Budd Severino Advanced Home Exteriors Inc............................... 6 HVAC Nauman Companies................................................................... 29 Ionic Foot Baths Beachside Colonics..................................................................... 4 Insulation A&R Insulation Services LLC....................................................... 33
The Golf Almanac | 43
New Additions Wise Builders, LLC..................................................................... 26 Nutrition Volusia Center For Complementary Medicine................................ 15 Online Shopping Florida Herb House.................................................................... 17 Organic Herbs & Spices Florida Herb House.................................................................... 17 Pain & Stress Management Back To Basics Chiropractic......................................................... 13 Volusia Center For Complementary Medicine................................ 15 Parking Lots Cherrywood Paving & Construction Co., LLC................................. 35 Paving Cherrywood Paving & Construction Co., LLC................................. 35 Pest Control Aaron Pest Control..................................................................... Back Outside Cover Shumaker’s Pest Control LLC....................................................... 29 Plumbing Halifax Plumbing Inc.................................................................. 9 Pre School The Children’s Academy On The Halifax....................................... 33 Private School Father Lopez Catholic High School............................................... Front Inside Cover Remodeling & Renovations Hudson Remodeling Inc.............................................................. 1 Wise Builders, LLC..................................................................... 26 Restorations Martin Winters Restoration......................................................... 17 Roofing Gaffney Brothers Roofing............................................................ 22 Nauman Companies................................................................... 29 Salon Hair Goddess Salon & Spa.......................................................... 35 School Saint Brendan Catholic School..................................................... 22 Screen Enclosures Budd Severino Advanced Home Exteriors Inc............................... 6 Skin Care/Beauty Care Tonia Apuzzo - Rodan & Fields.................................................... 35 Special Events & Catering NSB Sea Shack.......................................................................... 3 Storage Storquest Self Storage................................................................ 22 Stump Removal Steve’s Trees LLC....................................................................... 33 Tree Service Steve’s Trees LLC....................................................................... 33 Upholstered Furniture Amish Direct Furniture................................................................ 4 Waterfront Dining NSB Sea Shack.......................................................................... 3
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