Refresh your Snap collection with elevated styles for fall that play up pearls, layered chains, and luxe statement pieces.
Moda Link Necklace 18”-21” SN97-17 $11.95/PC r[À95090-BIHAEÑ]s
Grey Pearl Stretch Bracelet Stretch SN97-13 $7.95/PC r[À95090-BIHAAÓ]u
SN97-14 $11.95/PC r[À95090-BIHABÐ]r
La Croix Cross SN03-56 r[À95090-BIGHJÒ]t
Swirl Stone Hocus Pocus SN19-85 r[À95090-BIGIH×]y
Giddy Snowman SN19-93 r[À95090-BIGJFÒ]t
Swirl Stone Clear SN17-01 r[À95090-BIGIAØ]z
Cat Pumpkin SN19-86 r[À95090-BIGIIÔ]v
Hot Cocoa Delight SN19-94 r[À95090-BIGJGÏ]q
Swirl Stone Caramel SN17-02 r[À95090-BIGIBÕ]w
Swirl Stone Yuletide SN19-87 r[À95090-BIGIJÑ]s
Pearl Fleur White SN31-75 r[À95090-BIGJHÖ]x
Majestic Clear SN17-03 r[À95090-BIGICÒ]t
Noel Flower SN19-88 r[À95090-BIGJA×]y
Pearl Fleur Gray SN31-76 r[À95090-BIGJIÓ]u
Le Cube
SN97-15 $8.95/PC r[À95090-BIHAC×]y
Pearl + Link Stretch Bracelet
Stretch SN97-16 $7.95/PC r[À95090-BIHADÔ]v
Majestic Black SN17-04 r[À95090-BIGIDÏ]q
Poinsetta SN19-89 r[À95090-BIGJBÔ]v
Cache Clear SN17-05 r[À95090-BIGIEÖ]x
Cardinal SN19-90 r[À95090-BIGJCÑ]s
Cache Midnight SN17-06 r[À95090-BIGIFÓ]u
Roly Poly Penguin SN19-91 r[À95090-BIGJDØ]z
Fashion Snap Assortment Pack 60 Pieces (20 styles, 3 of each )
Aztec SN17-07 r[À95090-BIGIGÐ]r
Snowflake Snowman SN19-92 r[À95090-BIGJEÕ]w
SN94-92 • $177 r[À95090-BIGJJÐ]r
Moda Link Necklace 18”-21”
GP96-76 $11.95/PC r[À95090-BIGHGÑ]s
Gianna Ring Stretch GP96-77 $6.95/PC r[À95090-BIGHHØ]z
Arabella Ring Stretch GP96-78 $6.95/PC r[À95090-BIGHIÕ]w
Grey Pearl Stretch Bracelet
Stretch GP96-72 $7.95/PC r[À95090-BIGHCÓ]u
Le Cube Stretch Bracelet
Stretch GP96-74 $7.95/PC r[À95090-BIGHE×]y
Fantasia Stretch Bracelet Stretch GP96-73 $11.95/PC r[À95090-BIGHDÐ]r
Pearl + Link Stretch Bracelet Stretch
GP96-75 $7.95/PC r[À95090-BIGHFÔ]v
La Croix Cross GP03-30 r[À95090-BIGFBØ]z
Swirl Stone Caramel GP10-09 r[À95090-BIGFJÔ]v
Cardinal Stone GP19-62 r[À95090-BIGGHÏ]q
La Croix Cross Gold GP03-31 r[À95090-BIGFCÕ]w
Aztec GP10-10 r[À95090-BIGGAÐ]r
Poinsetta GP19-63 r[À95090-BIGGIÖ]x
PETITE SNAPS • $2.35/PC • MIN. 3
Creekside Clear GP10-03 r[À95090-BIGFDÒ]t
Swirl Stones Hocus Pocus GP19-56 r[À95090-BIGGB×]y
Pearl Fleur White GP31-42 r[À95090-BIGGJÓ]u
Hematite GP10-04 r[À95090-BIGFEÏ]q
Swirl Stones Yuletide GP19-57 r[À95090-BIGGCÔ]v
Pearl Fleur Gray GP31-43 r[À95090-BIGHAÏ]q
Tinsel Red GP10-05 r[À95090-BIGFFÖ]x
Rejoice Flower GP19-58 r[À95090-BIGGDÑ]s
Tinsel Clear GP10-06 r[À95090-BIGFGÓ]u
Roly Poly Penguin GP19-59 r[À95090-BIGGEØ]z
Black/White GP10-07 r[À95090-BIGFHÐ]r
Santa Hat Penguin GP19-60 r[À95090-BIGGFÕ]w
Petite Fashion Snap Assortment Pack 60 Pieces (20 styles, 3 of each)
Swirl Stones Clear GP10-08 r[À95090-BIGFI×]y
Gnome Pearl GP19-61 r[À95090-BIGGGÒ]t
GP94-61 • $141 r[À95090-BIGHBÖ]x