The Bunk Room 7 Rivers Region - July Edition

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The Bunk Room 7 Rivers Region

™ July 2012 Vol 5, Issue 7

, ies yn 11 Kaitl ork, NY fl Y e New pro on th aya f o pl in like iece p nt t s ipme rare u q e nd grou : S the U avelling Tr The s. Ring Make sure to check out Kicking Bear on pg 29

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be p ant to W ! s e 8! d i K See pag

Pg 28

Find The Differences There are 10 differences in these two photos. Can you find them? KIDS! Want to see one of your photos here? Submit your best photography and we may feature it in our “Find The Differences� activity page. Send your photo to

Psssst! Check me out!

Show off your photography skills!

We have seen the talent the 7 Rivers Region has to offer by reading the articles in The Bunk Room but now we want to see your skills behind a camera. But...

we need your help! We know that there are talented young

photographers out there. Help us show the talents of the 7 Rivers Region. Send us your best photos and help us create a showcase of the great photography that is in the area. Send your photo to

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7 Rivers Region

The Bunk Room

Created by Kids

The Bunk Room is a magazine created by kids and read by all ages. Our goal is to inspire kids to love reading and writing. We have readers and contributors from all over the world. In addition to our online edition, our printed editions can be found throughout the United States. Print editions are provided without charge and can be picked up at participating local businesses and institutions. To locate your closest local provider, go to The Bunk Room is owned by Dimples Media, Inc. No part of this publication may be used without written permission from Dimples Media, Inc. Please email permission requests to Local editions of The Bunk Room are licensed by Dimples Media and are independently owned and operated. For information about being a local publisher of The Bunk Room, contact Mark Slaby, Director of Licensing at

wHAt*s uP tHis moNTh? ! rough The Air Kaitlyn Flies Th

Features 10 So Long Pro Basketball Lauren 12, Mount Dora, FL shares how Chad Varga chose helping others over pro basketball.

page 14

14 Cover Feature! Kaitlyn 11, New York, NY swings like a monkey on the rings! Manhattan’s best kept secret!

28 Summer Camp Hannah 12, Mount Dora, FL takes to the stage as a bullfrog in Honk! Jr.

Departments 6 Publisher’s Note 8 Contributors This Issue 8 Erik’s Think Tank 11 What Do You Think?

Cruising Be hind The Scenes!

12 Day-To-Day

page 18

Anna 10, Sorrento, FL gets up early and fills up her day with fun!

20 Poem! Poem! 26 Road Trip! 28 Future Life 30 The Bunk Roomies Notebook

Video Gaming: Bad Rap!

page 22

July 2012 | | 5

The Bunk Room

7 Rivers Region

Jeremy Fisher

Publisher: Jeremy Fisher Editorial / Creative: Maria Slaby Editor in Chief: Erik Slaby Advertising: Advertising Design: The Good Life Media Group Distribution: Pam FIsher Bunk Roomies (in this issue) ................ Clayton 10, Mount Dora, FL Anna 10, Sorrento, FL Emma 12, Sorrento, FL Lauren 12, Mount Dora, FL Annika 12, Mount Dora, FL Benjamin 14, Mount Dora, FL Erik 16, Mount Dora, FL Margo 18, Mount Dora, FL

Publisher, 7 Rivers Region

Wow! It is already July. Where does the time go? July is a great time for family, friends and celebration. With everything that is going on from family reunions to the 4th of July celebrations, we hope everyone is enjoying all that the 7 Rivers has to offer. Please remember that this magazine is your opportunity to talk about the things that are important to you. Please continue to send in your articles and ideas of what you would like to see in the magazine. I recently sent my daughter off to Europe for 20 days. Though it is only a short trip, I am already really excited to see her coming back on the 9th and looking forward to hearing about her adventures in France, Italy & Greece. Also this month, we are teaching the Young Scholars class at UW-L. The class starts on the 9th. If you haven’t signed up there is still time to enroll. We are excited about working with the young writers in the area to help them get their voices heard. Enjoy this edition of the magazine and I hope you all are having a fun filled, future stories induced summer.

Graphics Assistants: Thomas 16, Mount Dora, FL

Maria Slaby

Founders.................................... The Slaby Family, Mount Dora, FL Margo, Erik, Benjamin & Annika Mark & Maria .................................................. The Bunk Room: 7 Rivers Region, is published by The Good Life Media Group. .................................................. All content submissions are assumed to be for publication and become property Dimples Media, Inc., 1515 Old Eustis Road, Mount Dora, FL, provider of The Bunk Room trademark and editorial content. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used without written permission from Dimples Media Inc. Contact for permission requests. Every effort is made to avoid errors, misspellings and omissions. If an error comes to your attention, please accept our apologies and notify us immediately. The Bunk Room is limited in liability to a correction in a future issue. All opinions expressed in these pages are those of the writers or advertisers. The Bunk Room cannot be held responsible for the products, services or opinions herein.

6 | | July 2012 | Be published! See page 8.

Director of Editorial & Creative

With the summer in full bloom, I find myself in a strangely, empty house. Three of our four kids are at camp, and Margo is at her summer job as a lifeguard. What to do?! No doubt this summer will create all sorts of things for kids to write about for The Bunk Room. In between the adventures, make sure to encourage your kids to write it down! We’ve created a special challenge just for that too! It’s called our 100-Word Daily Challenge. I announced this at our most recent Bunk Roomies meeting and was thrilled at the response! Not only have the Bunk Roomies embraced the challenge to write 100 words a day for 30 days, but other kids have as well. The object is to become a better writer; the real reward. But since we all need some extra incentive, a Giant Candy Bar awaits anyone that makes it 30 days in a row! Learn more at

WeÍre Growing! Wanted Writers!

Go to page 8 to learn how you can contribute your writing. Also subscribe to our updates and “like” our Facebook page to stay plugged-in. 7Rivers ............................ thebunkroom

July 2012 | | 7

Contributors This Issue Megan 7, Concord, NC

Anna 10, Sorrento, FL*

Hannah 12, Mount Dora, FL

Julia 8, Medford, OR

Clayton 10, Mount Dora, FL*

Lauren 12, Mount Dora, FL*

Hannah 8, Mount Dora, FL

Catherine 11, Mount Dora, FL Benjamin 14, Mount Dora, FL*

Jackson 9, Mount Dora, FL*

Christina 11, Orlando, FL

Nathaniel 14, La Crosse, WI

Michael 9, Pace, FL

Kaitlyn 11, New York, NY

Ryder 15, Eustis, FL*

Shayla 10, Leesburg, FL

Christina 11, Orlando, FL

Cameron 15, Newburgh, IN

Becca 10, Concord, NC*

Annika 12, Mount Dora, FL*

Miguel 16, Coral Gables, FL

Ashton 10, Grand Island, FL

Kyler 12, Port St. John, FL

Erik 16, Mount Dora, FL*

Samantha 10, FL

Emma 12, Sorrento, FL*

Margo 18, Mount Dora, FL*

Megan 10, Apopka, FL

Blake 12, Maitland, FL

Erik’s Think Tank

Welcome back to Think Tank! Life is full of simple pleasures; all that can be written about here in The Bunk Room! This summer, you might find yourself sitting by a creek fishing. Or at a summer camp. You might have more time to hang out at the library, park or other places. Or you’re enjoying sleeping in, checking out the internet, watching TV or playing video games. Whatever it is, it’s all good stuff for kids to write about in The Bunk Room! Really!

Now’s the time to write it down. Snap a picture or two as well, and you have the makings of an article for The Bunk Room! Keep it simple. As I write this, I’m getting ready to go to Mock Trial Camp up in Purcellville, VA. I’m flying up there all by myself. I’ve never flown alone before. I’m sure I’ll have lots of awesome experiences to write about when I get home! 16 Erik Slaby , FL ra o D t n Mou ief h -C Editor-in

Let me tell you a story about how easy writing can be for you.

Back about 1,000 years ago---maybe it was only two years ago---I got braces. It was not fun but my sister, brother and I made it fun. We took a camera to the ortho’s office, asked if it was OK to take some pictures and we were fast at it. We asked some questions, made some observations and we were done. We went home and wrote up a story in no time at all; quicker than a mom could say, “Put down that caramel apple!” Benjamin’s version is published in our September 2010 edition. Check out our back issues at Make some history, write it down, make your family proud and become a published author. Check out the Ideas page and the Inbox at to learn more.

Onward and upward ladies and gents! This is Erik, signing off.

8 | | July 2012 | Be published! See page 8.

* Bunk Roomie Member

Congratulations to all contributors.

See Yourself Published!

This whole magazine is written entirely by kids, so come on kids, now’s your time to shine. See your work published!

Submission Guidelines All writing, artwork and photography should be original work of the contributor, and be considered wholesome and acceptable content for kids. Submissions accepted from kids aged 8 thru 18 or high school graduation, whichever comes later. For photographs, please include names of persons in the photos.

Submit Online Submit work at our Inbox at Parent’s or guardian’s electronic signature must accompany all submissions. For ideas, click on the Ideas page. All submissions are the property of The Bunk Room. The Bunk Room reserves the right to edit & deny submissions. The Bunk Room content is published monthly by Dimples Media, Inc. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reprinted without permission from the publisher.

So Long Pro Basketball

By Lauren 12, Mount Dora, FL Bunk Roomie Writer

You’ve heard of hay fever. You’ve heard of Bieber Fever, but have you ever heard of Varga Fever? Yep, all the kid’s are catching it nowadays. He’s come to my school, and he may just be to yours next.

Chad Varga is just a man. Yep, that’s it. He’s not some mega--good-looking pop star. He’s just like you and me, only older. He is the younger of two kids. He and his sister Wendy had to live with their mother, in what we now call a crack house. She would drag them out of bed whenever, and drag them to another crack house in order to get her fix (her drugs). The next morning they would wake up, go to school, and

Editor’s Note: From All-American high school basketball player to the University of Pittsburg and all the way to the NBA and European Pro leagues, Chad Varga did an about face and changed his career to inspiring high school kids with his story of triumph in the face of a childhood filled with suffering. Varga now shares his inspirational messages to more than 250,000 people annually.

pretend like everything was OK when it wasn’t.

Chad would get picked on in school because he wore the same pair of jeans three days in a row. Through all of these trials though, Chad rose above and beyond the call of his life.

Chad used to think that his goal in life was to be a basketball player, but he woke up from that dream pretty quickly when he realized how much good his story could do for kids. So, Chad, from that point on, started to go to each school and town telling kids his story.

10 | | July 2012 | Be published! See page 8.

He has also listened to stories that were either as bad or worse than his. He once talked to a girl; she was at one of his conferences, and she came up afterward to tell

her story. It was about how she made some really bad choices, because she did not have a dad in her life. Chad could relate to this because he had two kids. A boy and a girl, and he loved them dearly. Chad realized how much impact he had on his kids’ lives, and started to spend more time with them than he did while playing basketball. So, Chad found the true calling of his life. Will you?


By Anna 10, Sorreto, FL Bunk By Caitlin Roomie 11,Writer Sorrento, FL ........................

I am usually the first one ........................ up among my sisters and Dio.. Dio…dio…dio… me. Sometimes dio..! The sound Iofeven my alarm clock! 6:00 a.m. get up before my mom.I get up.IOn a normal When wake up I sit in school day I will have toI bed for a few minutes. wake up my sister Brianna get out of bed and find numerous times before she my dog, Chloe. I let her decides to listen and does not fall back asleep again. outside. If no one else is up I will go downstairs, maybe bump cats, If I sit and readinto or my crochet. maybe not. I have two cats, Daisy and Goldie Jr. They my mom is up, I eat are bro and sis! Around 7:45 I will leave my house, breakfast.

What What aa regular regular day day isis like. like.

walk a little while to my bus stop and wait about 15 bus Icomes am homeschooled, minutes before the “orange” to pick me up.

so I do my school work

To accompany me is Justin. Every other week after When before going to class I go to the breakfast. cafeteria and waitI for finish my school work I am Mrs. Hooks our media teacher to bring us to the media for lunch. I eat center. After that I will headhungry to class.

lunch.teacher, After lunch Mrs. Kelley, my home room is theIbest! practice guitar. Then She also teaches my favorite subject:my MATH! I go to a do any chores I need few more subjects and hang out with my friends to do for Ithe day. I play with Carolynn, Teagan and Brianna. leave class early because I am a safety patrol and have to go to my my sisters and wait for post. my friends, Caitlin and

Breanna, As I stand there, Grant with some comical saying, to get home will by toSome go to car riders. I go home on the bus, frompass school. finish homework then see if some of my best friends nightsmy I have activities and neighbors Emma, Anna, and Jo Jo can play. to do. I am in choir and We play lots of fun stuff, we also video a show we do acting. made up called Glizyglo Medals and Gems Talk Show. When we are all I am Pearl Diamond, the main character. We do lots of home acting! We also do make up and hair. They are the and my dad gets home from funniest shows work, we have dinner. My ever!!!!!

Sudoku!!! Easy

4 7 6 3 5 6 2 4 7 2 5 1 1 3 7 6 8 9 6 5 6 8 4 7 6 9 4 8 8 2 1 3 5 2 4 6


3 5

7 5 1


6 9 1 3 3 7 7 8 3 6

dad likes to watch Disney

We play till Channel with us. Our it gets dark, favorite is “Phineas and have dinner Ferb.” We also like to and the fun watch “Funniest Home cycle starts all over Videos.” I get ready for bed and read for about again. 30 minutes before I have to turn off the lights. Tell us what your day is like! Submit Day-to-Day article toSubmit us through our InBox atarticle to us Tellyour us what your day is like! your Day-to-Day About 200 to 350 About words.200 to 350 words. through our InBox at

12 | | July 2012 | Be published! See page 8.

7 2 1 2 9 5 7



9 2 6 5 2

1 4

4th of July Word Search!!!

Find me!

r b m o d e e r f s y i


b e o l a l m g t e p n l


s d i c c q a o c f d

u e q b

i p r


s w i m e

Fireworks Flag

e d r e r s y r r t b p


f a w r e s s e p o s e l

Independence July

r h t m u w l i i t n


a a i y a o x k c r r d g p t a r p y r n t




Patriotic Picnics

t s e k p c l a i a p n


p j s o g b u p c p e c


z e a g l e j s s z s e

Stars Stripes White

Crossword Craze!!! 1


2 5

6 7



ACROSS 4. 5. 7. 9. 10. 11.

Symbol of our country flapping in the wind Family event we do to celebrate the 4th Another name for the 4th of July What the 4th symbolizes An animal often used as an American symbol The ______ & Stripes




1. Red, White & ______

2. 3. 6. 8.

Life, _______ and the pursuit of Happiness. The day we celebrate our Nations freedom A traditional night time treat on the 4th A traditional day time treat on the 4th



The Traveling Rings

New York City’s

By Margo Slaby 18, Mount Dora, FL Bunk Roomie A-Team

Best Kept Secret Hudson River is fantastic and it has an incredible area thought to be made just for the rings.

Chains swinging, kids jumping and smiling faces around are some of the amazing things going on while swinging on the rings in Riverside Park, New York City. With the sun beaming down on them, the children and adults alike, look as if they are flying from one chain to the next and back again.

Dorlene Kaplan was one of those kids, swinging from ring to ring, as a Florida elementary student in the 1940’s. “I was totally addicted to those rings. Every day I would get there an hour early so I could be first in line and get as many rounds in as possible.”

Kaplan always says, that whenever she was swinging on the rings, she felt like she was flying... and that love continued on to her adult life. Whether she was actually swinging on the rings or not, the subject of them was in her mind always. Soon after her elementary school days, the rings Kaplan fell in love with started to disappear. “I don’t know why but maybe it was just because of the buildings, or safety concerns, but I just couldn’t find anything like them anywhere else.” Kaplan wanted to change that. Badly. So she went back to her beloved New York City, and looked around for locations that would be sufficient for the 25‘x80’ rings area.

It can be hard to find such an area in New York City, as it’s filled with buildings, people and cars galore, but she found one. Riverside Park, on West 103rd Street in Manhattan. It’s picturesque view of the

14 | | July 2012 | Be published! See page 8.

Then it was time for the hard work. getting the rings up. The whole process started in 2002, and it ended in 2003. A whole year of talking to park managers and city officials about the fantastic opportunity.

It sure paid off though! Ever since then, the rings have been used every day. “There will be lines full of people to swing!” says Kaplan about the success of the rings.

The rings are a fantastic outlet for families and should be in every area that is possible for that specific reason. “What I really love about it, is that parents and children can enjoy it together!” Kaplan says. The rings are really, a great opportunity for cities and the people in them to gather around, get exercise and really, have an enjoyable time. Every city possible should have their own set of rings.


By Kaitlyn 11 New York, NY

About a block from our apartment in Manhattan, New York City, there are rings. The main purpose of the rings is a fun way to get the entire body exercising by placing your hands on the rings, and then moving your body back and forth while kicking the legs in order to get to the next ring, and the next, and so on. There are about 8--10 rings on each set of rings, and there are two sets: the big ones and the small ones.

I have been doing the rings for seven years. I began when I was four. I couldn’t do it at all in the beginning! I started ringing on the small rings, because they are a little easier on the hands, and closer together than the big rings. It took me about a year and a half on the small rings to learn how to do it. It was a big challenge! In the beginning, the rings are very hard on the hands. I had big rips and blood blisters but that didn’t stop me because I loved it so much. When you do the rings, it feels like you are flying! After some time, I developed calluses so when I do the rings now, they don’t hurt. After I became pretty good at the small rings, I moved on to learning the big rings. The big rings, are much more difficult to do than the small rings because they aren’t as close together. I worked and worked on it, and it was super difficult.

I love to do the big rings now, and I also enjoy doing tricks on them. My favorite is the spin and catch. You spin while you are moving from ring to ring, and catch the other ring. Very challenging and super fun! I also love to just spin on one ring. After I do the rings, I become so sore! My entire family does the rings; my mom is 52, my dad is 47, and my brother is going to be 30. We do them year round, even in the snow. That’s one of the best times but the rings get very cold.


ction A n I ings See R

By Be nj Moun amin Slaby t Dora 14 , Bunk Room FL ie A -T eam

Our T rip to the R ings

We v isited City a River Doing the rings at Hudson Beach (Riverside Park) is one of my favorite things nd it side P was t our tw ark in h e hig o -week New to do. If you are ever visiting NYC, you should definitely do the rings! hligh rings York s t t a of ou y, we ever y r trip! I k e c p know hanc t g n o e we ing b what ack t got. A they spun o the were t f on th ir st we . We em, a ever y didn’ hung nd pr t thing on th e t t y w em, and s rong. much howe d T h id e nag d us amaz uy ca how ing to see th to do it. W me aroun time. d e ring ow! I t was s in a ction Ever y for th e firs trip b really t ack t nice p o the eople techn r in gs we ique. who met helpe We le some d us arned chalk with really for o trip I our ur ha quick wa nds! ly to you g s finally g B get y the e etting o to N nd of th e River our side P w York Cit e “hang” of it. ark a y If re a m , the ring s at ust se e!

July 2012 | | 15

Look WhatÍs Happening! SUNDAY


Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day

Go to calendar/1st to learn about this day.


World UFO Day

Go to calendar/8th to learn about this day.


National Sugar Cookie Day

TUESDAY Compliment Your Mirror Day


Teddy Bear Picnic Day


Go to calendar/10th to learn about this day.

Go to calendar/9th to learn about this day.


23 23

National Hot Dog Day

Go to calendar/23rd to learn about this day.


Go to calendar/29th to learn about this day.


Go to calendar/18th to learn about this day.

Go to calendar/22nd to learn about this day.

National Lasagna Day


Cheer Up The Lonely Day

National Caviar Day

Go to calendar/15th to learn about this day.

Parent’s Day


Go to calendar/11th to learn about this day.


Cow Appreciation Day


Go to calendar/3rd to learn about this day.

Go to calendar/2nd to learn about this day.


Video Games Day



National Cheesecake Day

Go to calendar/24th to learn about this day.


Go to calendar/30th to learn about this day.

Cousins’ Day

24 24

TRIVIA 31 First right answer wins 5 Super Cool Bunk Room Pencils!

Culinarians Day


Go to calendar/25th to learn about this day.

Basketball was invented in 1891 by James Naismith. Why did he do it?

Post your answers at:

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s t a r g n Co inners

via to our Tri THURSDAY Work-a-holics Day



Go to to learn about this day.

Pecan Pie Day

Carson K., Bethany M. & Xavier P., 8, from Holmen, WI FRIDAY

National Fried Chicken Day


Go to to learn about this day.


Go to to learn about this day.




First right answer wins 5 Super Cool Bunk Room Pencils!

National Strawberry Sundae Day


Go to to learn about this day.

The first Independence Day was not celebrated on the 4th of July. When was it?


Post your answers at:

National Raspberry Cake Day


Go to to learn about this day.

All or Nothing Day


Go to to learn about this day.

Moon Day


Go to to learn about this day.

Take Your Pants For A Walk Day


Go to to learn about this day.

National Junk Food Day


Go to to learn about this day.

National Milk Chocolate Day


Go to to learn about this day.

CRUISING Cruises = Amazing Food! But Remember Your Servers!

By Margo Slaby 18, Mount Dora, FL Bunk Roomie A-Team

The deep drone of the blow horn spreads out into the distance as the ship rides off into the sunset. The homes along the shore quietly dwarf the enormous cruise ship that cuts through the breathtakingly beautiful blue seas beyond. Inside though, things are getting crazy! Guests are getting settled into their rooms, managers are making sure everything is on schedule, and servers are feeding everybody!

Editor’s Note: This is the first of a two part series on cruising. In this part, you get answers to all those questions you’ve had about life as cruise ship server and housekeeper.

Erica Coley, of Royal Caribbean International, is one of thousands of crew members on board. As a server, her day is filled with the hustle and bustle of waiting on tables, getting food out to guests and making sure everyone in her presence is comfortable.

Three years ago Coley replied to a newspaper ad in her native Jamaica and has been working six to eight month shifts ever since. Yes, that’s right. Six to eight month shifts. After that time, she gets to go home to be with her seven and 16 year old children for six weeks. “It’s very hard,” says Coley, “but I talk with them often on the phone. You gotta do what you gotta do.”

Who ‘s Behind Those Towel Creatures?

During the work day, Coley works in various locations on the ship. There are many dining rooms, and she works at all of them throughout the day. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, you name it, she does it. The servers and housekeepers are only paid in tips, so it’s very important to pay attention to those gratuity envelopes when going on a cruise. “Sometimes you don’t get anything,” Coley said, explaining that sometimes passengers think that the tips are included in their cruise fare, but it isn’t.

By Annika Slaby 12, Mount Dora, FL Bunk Roomie A-Team

Knock! Knock! Housekeeping! Junior Palacios works for Royal Caribbean International as a housekeeper. Palacios has been working for Royal Caribbean for three months, but previously he worked for seven years on the Costa Concordia, the ship that sank in the Mediterranean.

The schedule is rigorous for those working onboard. Everyday is a work day, although crew members do get some downtime. Sometimes, crew members go off the ship and do some sight-seeing when the ship is at port. “It’s all up to the person, if they want to do that. If you’re off work, you can do whatever you want with your time.” Coley explains.

Yes, the hours are long, and yes, some passengers can be more challenging than others, but Coley really enjoys her job as a server for the cruise line. “I get to meet so many incredible people. It’s really cool!”

18 | | July 2012 | Be publishedd! See page 8.

His work schedule is somewhat complicated. He is on the ship six months then he takes two months off for vacation and so on and so on. You are sometimes on the same ship twice. "You don’t know if you will be on the same ship or a different one when you come back from your brea," Palacios said.

You may think cleaning is hard, and it is, but Palacios loves to see the smiles on everyone’s face. The most challenging time is the last day when everybody is leaving.

Behind The Scenes

"When you leave we have to get new everything (sheets, blankets, etc). It is very hard for us." Of course everybody has a funny story too. Junior once put ice in the trash can instead of the ice bucket for wine and sodas. "It was a funny day for me," Palacios laughed.

Junior has even seen guests twice on different cruises. "I have to memorize the people’s names that I clean for." said Junior. He has to clean 15 rooms a day. "It is very hard," Palacios said. On cruise ships people speak many different languages. Junior can speak English, Italian, Portuguese and his native language, Spanish. We all leave our rooms a mess from time to time. Palacios said sometimes rooms are messy and sometimes clean. Also if you have been on a cruise, you will see towels on your bed. Not just folded either! All the housekeepers make a towel animal like a bunny or a monkey every night. That is a fun little surprise waiting for your after dinner on a cruise!

July 2012 | | 19

Summer is Fun ..........

poEM pOE


Summer is a time for fun in the sun. Summer is a time for relaxation. Sleep and peace across the nation. A time for camps. And sports and BMX ramps. A time for Aquatics. But not for antibiotics!

B M lake ait lan 12, d, FL

A time to play. Each and every day. A time for swimming in the pool but never for private school.

Middle school is out. A reason to scream and shout. Summer is fun there was never any doubt. Mainly because you can become an Eagle Scout.

During summer although it is hot

you can work on your famous jump shot. Summer is fun. School is done!

Summer Mowing .......... In the summer, I mow the lawn. I mow the lawn, til the grass is gone.

poEM pOE


I get on the mower, It’s so red and bright. I’ll give the grass a fight. It gets the job done. I’m getting fifteen dollars, So I guess I’m having fun. The mower shot across the lawn,

g r o u p



Like a dedicated soldier, The blade cuts and chucks,

m e d i a

By C

am Ne 15 ero n wb urg IN h,

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As if it drove itself. It was moving so fast, I thought I saw an elf.


Do you think you’re the next Maya Angelou? We’d like to see it! Submit your poems through our InBox at

20 | | July 2012 | Be published! See page 8.

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July 2012 | | 21

Video Games: An Underrated Artform

Will they ever get the respect they deserve?

22 | | June 2012


By Miguel 16, Coral Gables, FL The flames begin to surround me, and I realize that I will not be around for very long if I do not do something. Panicking, I shoot a blue portal at a ledge nearby and an orange portal at a wall to the left of me. I jump to the side, quickly teleporting onto the upper platform. I have been startled and still feel a nervous tension, but I have survived. I have been playing Portal, a video game developed by Valve Corporation. I have been engaged in a way that no other medium of art can engage me. Many people still have not accepted video games as a legitimate art form. Why is it that a person can spend a whole day reading a book or visiting an art museum perusing paintings and be considered brainy, and yet, that very same person can spend a whole day playing a video game and be seen as having no life? These activities engage the participant in a similar way; the mind travels into new worlds while the partaker looks at a surface. Yet reading a book, studying a painting and playing a video game are activities which are perceived as being very different. The former two



are most often regarded as productive and the latter as destructive. Why? The most well-known and popular video games are combat games: expressions of violent, macho male fantasies that display women in a highly provocative fashion. Every year thousands of dollars worth of advertising is used to promote combatant video games. Think Halo or Call of Duty. Logically, these games are what most people think of when they think of video games. How could they be art?

capacity and space to start exploring other options. Expansion could be seen in creating new ways that the player interacts with the game. Imagine a whole game based around dialogue. Or a game where the sole mechanic is exploring the world you inhabited. Imagine learning about the history of a fallen empire, solely by examining the ruins and environment. Video games have the potential to become one of the most amazing methods of storytelling mankind has ever seen.

I argue that video games are a legitimate art form. What is art? Encyclopedia Britannica states that art is an, “experience consciously created through an expression of skill or imagination.” Video games are a highly interactive, amazing medium, unlike any other. They combine visual art, audial art and storytelling.

Games will never advance as an artistic medium unless companies start taking risks, going into new directions. The world of gaming needs more games like Portal, Machinarium and Amnesia: The Dark Descents. These games have remarkable stories and none of them are combat based. Video games can become much more than what the mainstream sees today.

While inside a game the player can feel rage, fear, and sadness. The experiences are happening directly to you. You are an interactive part of a story. The experiences that unfold can be stunning, powerful, and sometimes, just like other art forms, make you cry. I envision the world of video game production to have the

If you’re interested in game design and the game industry, and how they can be improved, check out one of my favorite weekly episodic web series Extra Credits. I also blogs about video games as an art form at

July 2012 | | 23


WANTED: Volunteers It’s Birthday Season at The Bunk Room. Not only have we been officially publishing the magazine for four years, but The Bunk Roomies writers’ group is already a year old! That means we’re grrRROWING and this is a perfect time to expand!

y a d h t ir B y p Hap oomies! R Bunk

We are now ready to establish Bunk Roomie Chapters throughout the country. Would you like to join us? We’re looking for enthusiast parents or educators who are passionate about inspiring kids to love reading and writing. For starts, we need a positive leader and role model, plus a meeting place in each community. Please contact us for details. 352-383-1456 Learn more at Click on Bunk Roomies.

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Road T

Making New Memories


Shar e adve yo ur ntur Land e! • A ir • Sea

By Clayton 10, Mount Dora, FL Bunk Roomie Writer

Sen adve d us you nture r trav !S el InBoxubmit at t TheB he at 200-4 unkRoom .com 00 w pictu ords. Se nd res to o!

At the end of April, my little brother Jackson and I went to Camp Bridges in Leesburg, FL. Camp Bridges is a bereavement camp for kids who have lost a relative or friend. It is run by Cornerstone Hospice. My brother and I were there because our older brother Nick was killed in a jet ski accident last year. If you would like to know more about Nick, his best friend Ryder wrote a tribute to him in the January 2012 edition of The Bunk Room. When we arrived at camp, we were introduced to the counselors and went to our cabins to unpack. Then we played games with the other kids there. The games involved teamwork. Then we went on a nature walk and looked at bugs and nature. We saw an eagle on the nature trail! After the nature walk, we had lunch. I had barbecue potato chips that were really good. They were called “Mrs. Vicky’s.” After lunch, we went to the pool. The pool had two water slides. The first slide was green and did a full spiral. The second one was blue and just did a sharp turn. I went on both of them but liked the green one better.

, Jackson. his brother Clayton and

Clayton’s ill ustration

After that, we played more games and went to dinner. We ate in a really big, metal pavilion with a lot of other campers.

of Camp Br idges.

After dinner, we sat around the campfire and told funny stories. Soon, it was dark and time to get ready for bed. We put our pajamas on and slept in our bunks in the cabins. I was tired from all of the walking around and swimming! The next morning, we had breakfast. I ate a giant cinnamon roll the size of a mountain! (Well, maybe not that big!)

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26 | | July 2012

After breakfast, we had a memorial service for our loved ones. We made memorial bricks and posters to describe ourselves and our loved ones. Then, it was time to go home. I missed my mom but I wished camp could be longer, too. Before I left, I hugged my counselor and thanked him for the great time I had!

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Future Life

Kids! Tell us what your life looks like in 10 - 20 years. Submit articles to our InBox at 200-400 words.

By Christina 11, Orlando, FL I have always dreamed about the future but this is how I hope it comes out. I will attend a college that is both close to family and has a great dance program. Once I graduate then I will either join a professional dance school or open up my own school.

r e m m Su

Most importantly though is that I will be a godly wife and mother, and I hope, pass on the great lessons I’ve learned from my mom.

! n u F Camp By Hannah 12, Mount Dora, FL I got to spend three weeks of my summer at Bay Street Theatre's Young People’s Theater Camp. Monday through Friday, from 9 to 2. It was so fun!

We did the play, "Honk! Jr." as our theatre summer camp project. Our usual routine for the first week was a lot of dancing! We learned dances until about 11 am when we walked over to the YPT building (a building across from Bay Street just for YPT) where we ate lunch.

I want to get married and have up to four kids. If I could I would like for my children to be homeschooled since that is such a great experience.

Then we had afternoon classes such as dance, resume writing, and audition training. On the first Thursday we had auditions for "Honk! Jr." (this is where we try out for the part we want), then Friday we got our parts. I got to play the Bullfrog which was part I wanted. The following week was mostly

28 | | July 2012 | Be published! See page 8.

blocking and some run-throughs (this is where you run the show from the beginning to wherever you've blocked to). Then the week after that was Tech Week where we get ready to perform the show. During Tech Week we did a lot of run throughs and tech stuff. Thursday was the show, our opening night! The shows were Thursday to Saturday. On the last Friday of camp we had "Fun Friday." It was so fun! We played games, did a talent show, and so much more! All in all, I love summer camp!

Slice-O-Life Stories

The Bunk Roomies! Notebook

Giving The Joy of Music

Get a front-row seat behind-the-scenes of publishing. Learn more at Click on Bunk Roomies.

By Emma 12, Sorrento, FL Bunk Roomie A-Team Writer

Bunk Roomies write

Deano Graham is the guitar teacher at Blue Oceans Music in Mount Dora, FL. He teaches private and group classes. I am in one of his Thursday homeschool classes. “I wanted to play the guitar because I saw my older brother play and I wanted to be just like him. I love how it sounds and it makes me happy,” Deano said.

Robots & More! By Clayton 10, Mount Dora, FL Bunk Roomie Writer

Last weekend, I went to the Mini-Maker Faire in Orlando. It is an event for people who love robots, sci-fi and everything science. It’s called a “Maker” Faire because the people who participate like to make and invent things. I went there with my sister, brother and dad because my mom was at home with my baby sister. When we went into the convention center, I was overwhelmed by all the amazing booths displaying robots, handmade metal artwork and much more!

One booth had a robot that did Tai-chi! Another booth had Nerf guns that had been modified to look like movie prop laser guns. My favorite booth had life-sized R2-D2 robots that rolled around the convention making “boop-boop” sounds.

Outside, a power racing track with kiddie cars was set up. Many of the cars in the race had been modified with rockets and oilslick jets. One car was disqualified from the race when water from a rocket shorted out its battery. We didn’t expect that to happen! Another really cool exhibit was a musical Tesla Coil. The original Tesla Coil, invented by Nikola Tesla, produced electricity. This Tesla Coil was also connected to a keyboard where convention guests could play songs and watch as mini lightning bolts shot up into the air.

Another part of the Mini-Maker Faire was called, “The Dark Side.” The airconditioning was very cold there and the lights were off. One of the exhibits was a giant geometrical sculpture. Other exhibits and art lit up the room. When we left the event, I was exhausted, but I had a great time at the Orlando MiniMaker Faire!

30 | | July 2012

The Bunk Roomies take their first step into the reporting world by interviewing someone they know and turning it into an interesting article.

Deano started to travel when he was thirteen. He traveled with a band and played at churches. After college he started to travel the world, teaching guitar. The first foreign country he taught in was Mexico. He taught ninety children how to play the guitar and only had a translator the first day. The rest of the week he did not need one. Deano said “We played monkey see monkey do. It was life changing,” he said.

One girl walked five miles to practice and five miles back home. Some of the kids live in a village on a hill and had never seen a sink, shower, bathtub, toilet or even clean water! They would play with the faucets by turning them on and off, and on and off. “There would be puddles of water near the bathroom,” said Deano. A group of guitar players from Mexico drove four hours each way, everyday, to join Deano’s group and play for the kids. All of the kids thought that they were borrowing the guitars, but on the last day before Deano left, he told them they could keep the guitars. They were so happy. “People donated the money that we used to buy the guitars and also to feed them,” said Deano. Deano also taught guitar in Haiti and the Philippines. He and his sons still send food and money to Haiti.

Habilis Boy

Habilis means “handyman” and dates back to the classification of early man, known as Homo Habilis. That’s when man started using tools and became pretty handy around the house. We have our own resident Habilis man, in boy size: Benjamin.

Digging out Transmission! By Benjamin Slaby 14, Mount Dora, FL Bunk Roomie A-Team Writer

Excerpt from Habilis Boy Blog. Restoring a ’96 Camaro.

Day 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Today I started installing my new parts. I installed the air filter first then I proceeded to installing the hydraulic shock for the trunk. Once that was done I removed the old center console and tried to put the new one in. Unfortunately the Scan Me With Your new center console didn't fit right at all so I ended up just Smart Phone and watch Benjʼs latest video. putting the old one back in. I took out the driver’s mirror and put the new one on. I vacuumed the car some more and then I tried to take out the transmission again. I tried Keep up with Benjamin’s blog. long and hard to get the bolts off but they didn't budge. . . Go to and READ MORE at Click on Habilis Boy. click on Habilis Boy.

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