2 minute read
For the 2023 season, the Mt. Railroad Railbikes will offer 13 bikes, with the promise of a new, better prototype bike — which Webster calls “the Cadillac” — for 2024 that includes basically four-wheel drive, a shorter chain and beefier e-assist.
Webster is also excited about some other new experiences his businesses will offer this season. With the recent purchase of a bike tour company, e-bike rentals will be available at the train station as well as tours that include portions of the Historic Columbia River Highway State Trail. There will also be orchard and vineyard tours powered by a tractor-driven, 14person “Universal Studios” trailer, as Webster calls it. Lastly, The Fruit Company will offer more in-depth “factory” tours for a behindthe-scenes look at gift-box creation.
Obviously, there’s no racing on railbikes, but there is the need for speed. My wife and I cruise up and scream down. We easily maneuver one of the few working railroad switchbacks. We take a break at The Fruit Company, with a full view of Mount Hood in all its glory, for refreshments, a couple of fresh apples, gifts and a tour of the museum, where we fall in deep lust with a refurbished old ranch pickup.

Heading for home, we scoot back across the Hood River bridge, then coast and freewheel our way into the station. Along with our fellow railbikers, we bask for a few minutes in what we’ve just done and where we’ve been.
There was more than a little self-satisfied giggling. To learn more, go to mthoodrr.com

Traffic Jam at WAAAM 2
e annual Tra c Jam car show comes to the Western Antique Aeroplane & Automobile Museum on JULY 8 from 8 am to 5 pm. e event is a fundraiser for the museum and features food, fun, music and vehicle judging. Antique autos will be on display inside and out, with some available for rides. Admission is $20 for adults, $10 for kids and includes the museum entry fee. waaamuseum.org

SIC Gorge Challenge 1

e SIC Gorge Challenge takes place JULY 21-23 in Hood River featuring competitions in all paddle divisions, foiling and wing foiling. e 12th annual event, held in memory of Steve Gates, is a three-day celebration of water sports based at the Hood River waterfront. In keeping with Gates’s vision of evolving the event, it has expanded from its inception as the “paddle challenge” to include wing foiling and SUP foiling. Gates and his team at Big Winds brought the Challenge to life in 2011, and the event has become one of the most beloved and competitive races in the country. To register, go to paddleguru.com/ races/SICGorgeChallenge2023
Mosier Fest 3
On Saturday, JUNE 24, the Mosier Community School comes alive with Mosier Fest, the town’s largest annual event. e day-long free celebration features local food trucks and o erings from local restaurants and shops, a beer/wine/cider garden, art and vendor booths. An outdoor stage hosts live music, including the Norman Sylvester Band, blues from the internationally renowned Lloyd Jones Struggle, progressive bluegrass from Missoula, Montana’s Hardwood Heart and more. Gates open at noon. mainstreetmosier.com