2 minute read
Danvers, MA Entrepreneur
I remember the teachers always being so motivated, engaging, and excited to be in class. And more than that, they were always there for us as kids outside of the classroom. It’s something you don’t appreciate as a kid. But as an adult, you look back and understand how incredible it was that they dedicated so much of their time and energy, and also the positivity and warmth that they had.
My passion is challenging myself both mentally and physically. And I relate that back to Govs. I mean, I sang, I danced, I played sports, and I did theater. And then over time, you don’t have the time or opportunity to do so many things. And so I think the challenge now is, how do you continue to challenge yourself and try new things.
Making changes in life is something you need to push yourself to do regularly. It’s de nitely been important for me to know when to stop one thing and move on to the next. And that’s a big part of where I am right now. I’m in this big transition of ending these really important careers I’ve had in both astronomy and in my footwear company, and saying, I’m going to start completely fresh from zero, and build from there.
I served the past 10 years on the board at Govs and that was just such an incredible experience. It’s been amazing watching the school transform and grow under Peter Quimby’s leadership. I started on the board when Peter was in his rst year. So it’s been cool to see that arc of how things have progressed over the past 10 years.
Newport, RI Financial Services
My time at Govs was incredibly transformative. I think the most lasting e ect is my ability to seek out and maintain deep relationships. I’m still very close with a lot of the friends I made at Govs. You meet these other young women at such an impressionable moment in your life, and you go through a lot of really impactful experiences together. It bonded us for life.
I feel passionately about guring out who I am and how I t into this world. I turned 37 this year and I nally feel comfortable with myself. And there’s a response to that, with the people I meet and the opportunities that come my way. I took some risks and I made some big changes, and the world kind of opened up for me. I feel passionate about sharing that and seeing if I can help people navigate their own journeys.
this year and I nally feel comfortable with
I still don’t really know what I want to do. I’ve followed paths that have been interesting to me and I’ve been able to build the right relationships to be able to progress, but with every role I’ve taken, I’ve secondguessed myself, and I’ve had imposter syndrome. at has been a challenge. But my career has also been a blessing and a huge source of pride for me.
I volunteer at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center here in Newport. I work the breakfast service twice a week and help greet members of the community. It’s a highlight of my week. e clients know me now, so if I see them out and about, we’ll wave. I’m starting to learn more of their stories and it makes me feel so much more connected to the community