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Eligible employees may request/use PTO immediately. There is no waiting period. PTO is calculated on the basis of the employee’s anniversary date, and the average hours worked in the prior year.
Vacation (Administrative Faculty Only)
Vacation time off with pay is available to eligible employees to provide opportunities for rest, relaxation, and personal pursuits. The amount of paid vacation time employees receive each year increases with the length of their employment.
Please see the Employee Handbook for details.
Administrative Faculty
At Start Date 20 days (4 weeks)
After 10 years 25 days (5 weeks)
After 20 years 30 days (6 weeks)
Professional Development:
In-service workshop program (2–3 days per year)
• Budget for individual pursuit of graduate study, conferences, workshops and other professional development.
• Budget for the development of the department en masse.
Enrichment Grants
After 8 years of continuous service, faculty are eligible to apply for one of eight awards made annually for $3,500. The Faculty Enrichment Program allows full-time faculty to renew themselves by pursuing a personally rewarding experience in a way that does not interfere with one’s duties at Academy
Tuition Remission
The Academy provides a program of tuition remission for the children of faculty (biological, adopted, or stepchildren) who are accepted into the Academy. Children of full-time Academy faculty must follow the same admissions procedure as do other students seeking admission to the Academy. Please see the Employee Handbook for more information.
Faculty Housing
Faculty members that have lived and served in a dormitory for 10 years, may borrow from the Academy, $3,500 for each year of service, up to a maximum of $50,000, at an annual interest rate of 3%, to purchase a home. Please see HR for the policy with complete details.
Benefits Programs, Including Cost and Benefit Coverage, are subject to change. Updated June 2023. This document is a summary; additional details are located in The Governor’s Academy Employee Handbook or other plan documents. Please see Human Resources for complete details.