Peoria / Sun City Active Living 2021

Page 23



Be kind to yourself.

Kindness is imperative to make any relationship work. But have you ever considered how kind you’re being to yourself? Daily, the voice in our head replays our mistakes, reminds us of our failures, and tell us we just don’t measure up. It’s time to silence your inner critic, and be kind to yourself. The reality of life is, if you don’t care for yourself, you’re going to burnout and find it hard to love those around you.


The list of possible acts of self-kindness is endless, but to get you started, check out the list below. 1. Go to bed an hour early. 2. Eat healthy. 3. Buy yourself flowers. 4. Write yourself a love note. 5. Forgive yourself for something you beat yourself up about. 6. Get a massage. 7. Get a manicure and/or pedicure. 8. Read a book. 9. Turn off the tv and do something else. 10. Pursue a hobby you’ve let go. 11. Grab coffee with a friend. 12. Get your annual physical and any tests including a mammogram, etc. 13. Create a gratitude journal. 14. Create a budget and stick to it. 15. Be fully present. 16. Hire a cleaning lady. 17. Take a nap. 18. Take a social media hiatus. 19. Turn off ALL electronics for 24 hours. 20. Have dinner by candlelight. 21. Wear something that makes you feel like a million bucks. 22. Listen to music that speaks to your soul. 23. Play an instrument. 24. Watch the sunset or sunrise. 25. Build a pillow fort. 26. Snuggle with your pets. 27. Start a happiness box where you save special notes or cards that you receive that lift you up. 28. Start laughing and build up to a full guttural bellyaching laugh. 29. Fix something small that annoys you. 30. Take 10 deep breaths. 31. Write in your journal. 32. Go to church. 33. Listen to an inspirational podcast. 34. Go to therapy. 35. Create post-it notes with inspiring phrases and leave them around your home. 36. Learn to fully accept compliments and not downplay your contributions. 37. Declutter. Start with one closet, dresser, or small room like the bathroom. 38. Let go of busy. 39. Stop comparing yourself to others. 40. Stop multitasking.



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