Peoria / Sun City - October 2024

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A Message from Sue Royer

“I was born and raised in inner city Chicago, the sixth of eighteen children with fifteen brothers. Being the oldest daughter, I was always a caregiver which I believe influenced me to pursue work in the healthcare industry. Today, I have three daughters and five grandchildren.

Years ago, I volunteered for hospice and knew immediately that helping seniors was my calling. I was soon employed by hospice but I felt something was missing. I realized it was the limited time I was able to spend with my clients. Having my own business allows me to provide the intimate hands on service needed in our community. I am committed to our seniors throughout their lives and I thank the community for the opportunity to serve.”

About Us

Since 2002, AAA Senior Placement AZ has been offering FREE services helping seniors find safe, affordable and loving assisted living.

When it becomes too difficult for you or your loved ones to safely manage daily living and/or manage medical needs, call Sue Royer for help navigating the many options available.

We are specialists in all levels of assisted living care resources with referrals to Arizona’s best:

• Group Homes

• Assisted Living Communities

• In-Home Primary Care Physicians

• Home Health Care Therapy

• Transportation

• Private Duty In-Home Care

• Respite Care

• Alzheimer’s Care

• Memory Care

• Hospice

• Support Groups

Assisted living resources accepting:

• Private pay

• Arizona Long Term Care-ALTCS

• Medicaid

• VA Benefits

6 Reasons You Should Call

AAA Senior Placement AZ

• We are well known and respected in the medical community.

• All clients are given a thorough assessment to determine proper placement needs.

• There is never a fee charged to the senior or their family for our service.

• We are NOT contractually bound to any outside business. This allows us to serve our clients with only their interests in mind.

• Years of knowledge and experience in the field of senior care.

• AAA Senior Placement AZ is family owned, allowing us to give you quality, personalized service.

October is such an amazing month in Arizona! Make sure you get out and enjoy the beautiful weather!

We are less than a month out from Election Day, and the political climate in our nation is growing more tense each day. It’s understandable, as this year’s election could be one of the most important in our lifetime. It is a tired cliché, one parroted by presidents and politicians every two years in hopes of driving their voters to the polls.

But clichés become clichés for a reason: They tend to be true. This year, the decisions voters make in November will reverberate for a generation to come, not only in our nation, but around the world.

I want to encourage you to get out and vote for the candidates and issues you feel passionate about. I also want to challenge you to choose kindness with those who may not share similar passions. It’s my hope the articles in this month’s issue of The Grand Season will remind you to choose relationships over rhetoric.

Thank you for your support of The Grand Season, and for all of the businesses who help make our publication possible.

Beethoven went out of his way to ensure his morning coffee was made with exactly 60 beans per cup.

Pentheraphobia is the intense and disproportionate fear of your mother-in-law.

To ensure Queen Elizabeth II received her food on time, clocks in the royal kitchen at Windsor Castle were set five minutes ahead.

Galileo’s middle finger is on display at the Museo Galileo in Florence, Italy.

While they might look the same, Jenga blocks have subtle differences in dimensions to make their construction less stable. Each brick is a different size and weight, so no two games are alike.

Herrings communicate through farts.

In 1916, Adeline and Augusta Van Buren became the first women to travel across the country on two solo motorcycles. They made it despite frequently being arrested for the “crime” of wearing pants.

In 2009, a team of scientists searched Scotland’s Loch Ness for evidence of Nessie. While the fabled monster remained elusive, they at least recovered more than 100,000 golf balls.


Can you recall the last time a passionate discussion with your spouse suddenly turned into an argument? These moments can be tough, reminding us how tricky marital conflict can be. But conflicts don’t mean your relationship is in trouble.

The key difference between a sinking ship and smooth sailing is how we handle these disagreements. The following suggestions may help you turn potential storms into opportunities for understanding and growth:

1. Reflect and recognize The first step in fixing conflicts in marriage is to reflect and recognize the existence of the conflict. Ignoring issues won’t make them go away; they can grow into larger problems. Acknowledging the conflict allows you to address it constructively.

2. Prioritize Understanding

Make it a priority to understand your partner’s viewpoint, even if

you don’t agree. Put pride aside and listen to understand, not to argue. This approach fosters empathy and shows your partner that you value their feelings.

3. Pay Attention to Your Words

When discussing the issue, be mindful of your words. Avoid blaming and use “I” statements to express how you feel. This approach prevents your partner from feeling attacked and keeps the conversation focused on your feelings.

4. An Artful Apology

When you’re in the wrong, learn to apologize sincerely. A heartfelt apology goes beyond just saying “sorry.” It’s about accepting your role in the conflict and showing a genuine desire to make things right.

5. Solution-Oriented Approach

Focus on finding a resolution that benefits both of you. Conflicts in

a marriage aren’t a competition; they’re about finding solutions that strengthen your relationship. By working together to identify mutually beneficial outcomes, you can transform conflicts into opportunities for growth.

6. Seek Professional Help

If conflicts keep escalating despite your efforts, consider seeking professional help from therapists or counselors. Professional guidance can offer clarity and help initiate the healing process effectively.

Remember, these steps are not a magical, quick fix. But committed and persistent practice can bring about meaningful changes in your relationship. Be patient with yourself and your partner; resolving conflicts and reaching harmony will take time and effort from both parties.


1. Is the book of Luke (KJV) in the Old or New Testament or neither?

2. What just and devout man held the baby Jesus when Mary and Joseph presented Him at the temple? Cyrenius, Ham, Simeon, Zara

3. Which of these books comes before the other three in the Old Testament? Nahum, Ecclesiastes, Lamentations, Daniel

4. What sign sealed God’s promise not to destroy the earth ever again by a flood? Solar eclipse, Rainbow, Full moon, Ocean wave

5. From Proverbs 29, what does the fear of man bring? A snare, Redemption, Love of life, Death

UnderNew Ownership


1. Who sang the theme song for the TV series “Secret Agent Man” in the 1960s?

2. What is the Hully Gully?

3. Who released “Blue Suede Shoes” before Elvis Presley did?

4. Name Patti LaBelle’s first No. 1 single.

5. Name the song that contains this lyric: “Late at night I’m still listening, Don’t waste my time chasing sleep.”

1. What Hall of Fame running back drunkenly told Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor to “Loosen up, Sandy baby” at a 1985 Washington Press Club event?

2. Providence Friars basketball star Otis Thorpe was selected by what team in the first round of the 1984 NBA Draft? (Hint: The team relocated in 1985.)

3. What racehorse won consecutive Eclipse Awards for American Horse of the Year, Champion Older Male and Champion Male Turf Horse from 2012-13?

4. What NASCAR driver was shot twice after firing an employee from his trucking company in 1969, but returned to race the following season?

Wise Dan.


To keep algae from growing in your backyard birdbath, add a few copper pennies. Or, you can get a small piece of copper pipe from the home-improvement store. It keeps the algae from getting out of control.

Are you new to Medicare?

Unsure how health insurance will work?

Receiving Medicare & Medicaid? Thinking about retiring? Recently moved? Paying too much for prescriptions?

With holidays on the way, money is getting tight in my household. This is a fun, creative way to save a bit of cash: Plan a no-spend weekend every month, where you don’t spend any money on your activities.

Remove scuff marks from hard-surface floors (wood, linoleum, tile) with a clean tennis ball. If your floor has many scuffs, you can poke a hole in the tennis ball and insert it on the top of your broom handle. When you hit a scuff, flip your broom over and rub. Most come off right away!

Now that the weather has turned nice place hot dogs in the slow cooker. Don’t add water or anything. They taste really good without taking up space on the grill.


Dinner and a Movie!

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6. Judy Butz,

7. Nancy Loera,

8. Judy Murphy, Waddell


Peace is not the absence of conflict it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.

Ronald Reagan

Assumptions are the termites of relationships.

Henry Winkler

To be kind is more important than to be right. Many times, what people need is not a brilliant mind that speaks but a special heart that listens.


The best person to talk to about the problems in your relationship is the person you’re in a relationship with.


When someone is hard on you it may have very little to do with you.

Bryan McGill

Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved.

Leo F. Buscaglia

Work on your relationships. They need renewal or they die.

Wayne Dyer

Never love anyone who treats you like you’re ordinary.

Oscar Wilde

Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace.


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Answers from pg. 14

1. Johnny Rivers. The show was the American version of the British “Danger Man” series.

2. A dance that started in Florida in 1959. It was a line dance with the steps being called out. The dance has been seen several times, including in “The Blues Brothers” film and a “Roseanne” episode

3. Carl Perkins, who both wrote and released the song in 1956. His version went to No. 1 on the charts. Presley’s did not even hit the Top 10.

4. “If Only You Knew,” in 1983, on the R&B charts. It only hit No. 46 on the Hot 100 chart.

5. “Pilot of the Airwaves,” by Charlie Dore in 1979. This was the final song played in 1990 by Radio Caroline, an unlicensed, illegal radio station that broadcast from the open seas. It was named for Caroline Kennedy, daughter of President John F. Kennedy.

Jesse Olmedo, MD
James Barlow, MD Victoria Phan, PA-C
Brigitte Sledge, DO




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about 22 pounds of candy each year. Whether you’re looking to impress your friends or simply brush up on your candy trivia, check out these sweet facts about your favorite candies.

The creator of Reese’s peanut butter cups named the treat after himself.

The inventor of the Tootsie Roll also created a precursor to Jell-O.

A dentist invented Cotton Candy.

In Japan, adults can buy sake-flavored Kit Kats.

The Milky Way bar was inspired by a malted milkshake.

Even though Twizzlers are known as a “licorice candy,” only the black licorice packages contain licorice extract.

After its bag is opened, candy corn can last for three to six months.

Customers in the United Kingdom can buy jars of Twix spread.

White chocolate isn’t actually chocolate.

The two m’s in M&M’s stand for Mars and Murrie.

Life Savers got their round shape after the candy’s inventor visited a pharmacy.

It takes licking machines (yes, they’re a real thing) anywhere from 364 to 411 licks to reach the center of a Tootsie Pop.

Junior Mints were named after a Broadway play. Every day, 64 million Tootsie Rolls are made. Every eight hours, Mars’s New Jersey factory produces 2 billion M&Ms.

It used to take 27 hours to make one Peep. 3 Musketeers was so named because it originally featured chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla pieces of candy.

Dots gumdrops are gluten-free and veganfriendly.

Mike and Ike candy debuted in 1940.

Saltwater taffy is generally not salty, watery, or made from saltwater.

Otto Schnering invented both the Baby Ruth and the Butterfinger.

Hershey, Pennsylvania— home to the world headquarters of the Hershey chocolate company—was named following a failed naming contest.


Religious and political similarities can affect the strength of family bonds. For example, studies indicate that when mothers share the same religion as adult children, they tend to experience higher-quality relationships.

On the other hand, when family members don’t have the same views on religion or politics, it can trigger heated arguments. Maybe your sibling objects to group prayers before meals. Or perhaps you hear insults and snide remarks when you express your political views. Here’s how to deal with difficult family members who have opposing views:

Identify useful conversations. When a debate starts, ask yourself what you hope to get from the interaction. Do you expect to completely change your family member’s mind? Or are you trying to gain insight into their beliefs? Is it at all possible that either of you will budge on your position? Even if you’ll never agree about something, you can still move the conversation forward if you’re both willing to be open and respectful of each other’s views.

Avoid sweeping generalizations. Statements like, “Everyone on the left is evil” or “Everyone on the right is an idiot” can quickly escalate arguments and further entrench people.

Try to see the human element in the other person’s values. Many political beliefs are shaped by an underlying concern for society, such as economic or environmental stability. By recognizing that, the other person’s views may not seem as wildly different from your own.

Know when to exit heated arguments.

When emotions run too hot, make a respectful but firm exit from the conversation. You can say something like, “I’m not sure if this is productive. Let’s leave it there.” Contain the urge to have the “last word.”

Be mindful of your jokes. Humor can often help diffuse a tense argument. However, avoid aggressive jokes that target the other person’s beliefs or values.

You probably have some friends that feel like they’re an extension of you walking around with a copy-and-paste of your exact brain. And then there are friends that you love and appreciate despite not being on the same page about some big things—like politics, religion, science, whatever. It’s absolutely possible to have friends with different viewpoints on these subjects, but if those viewpoints or actions feel discriminatory or unsafe for you or your loved ones, that can be a lot harder to work around.

Depending on how extreme the situation is, you might be able to preserve the friendship by increasing your boundaries. This might look like agreeing to avoid a certain topic, or it might mean deprioritizing the friendship so that you’re only seeing each other in larger group settings and keeping conversations more surface-level.

However, when the friendship comes at the expense of your well-being, or when a clash in values leads you to feel unsafe. Or, when you have done all you feel you can do and there doesn’t seem to be a change, it might be time to let the friendship go.




1. What is the name of the villain in the movie “The Nightmare Before Christmas”?

2. What are the names of the three Sanderson sisters in the movie “Hocus Pocus”?

3. According to the Sheb Wooley song lyric, this creature is a one-eyed, one-horned, flyin’ what?

4. Tom Cruise, Kirsten Dunst and Brad Pitt co-star in what 1994 horror movie?

5. Who penned the song “Monster Mash”?

6. What is the only mammal that can fly?

7. This popular cartoon ghost has appeared in dozens of films, tv series’ and comic books.

8. What real-life jelly beans notoriously boast the flavors earwax, grass, rotten egg, dirt, liver, earthworm and booger among others?

9. How many bones are in the average human skeleton?

10. What’s another name for a lycanthrope?


1. Oogie Boogie

2. Winifred, Mary and Sarah

3. Purple People Eater

4. “Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles”

5. Bobby “Boris” Pickett

6. A bat

7. Casper the Friendly Ghost

8. Harry Potter Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans

9. 206

10. A werewolf

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