1 minute read
America’s eighth president, Martin Van Buren, tried to keep a pair of tiger cubs given to him by the Sultan of Oman, but Congress made him send them to the zoo.
Think money doesn’t grow on trees? Try telling that to a certain dog in Colombia. After seeing students pass money to a food stall attendant, the enterprising pooch began a regular practice of “paying” for dog biscuits with tree leaves.
“Chess boxing” is a sport in which opponents alternate between rounds of chess and boxing until either competitor is checkmated or knocked out.
Researchers have found that approximately 97% of people are keeping a secret at any given time, with the average person keeping around 13.
Best-selling author Maya Angelou was San Francisco’s first Black streetcar conductor.
Sea sponges, like humans, sneeze to clear their internal filter systems. Unlike humans, such sneezes last about half an hour.
The J.W. Westcott II is a boat that delivers mail to ships at sea. Operating out of Detroit, it’s the only floating zip code in America.