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Responses to the Holocaust
STREET ART ALIVE showcases a pivotal art movement and tells the story of street art through the lens of the artists in a way that visitors of all ages and cultures can relate to.
Throughout the exhibit's run, THE LUME Los Angeles will invite local street artists to add their voices to these iconic and symbolic concrete walls.
The audio experience for STREET ART ALIVE consist of a specially curated soundtrack with music from genredefining legends. The exhibit will pound out a mix of distorted punk/pop spilling out of CBGB’s onto the Bowery in New York City in the late ’70s to the turntablism, break beats and rap poetry of 80’s Hip Hop.
And let's not forget PI^L.A. featuring a delicious menu by Chef Fred Eric of Fred62; LA-style pan-pizza, salads, sandwiches and more.
"Art generated from the streets from all over the world transcends the art itself, striking at the heart of social issues, community sentiment, politics and current world affairs." - STREET ART ALIVE
Tickets to THE LUME Los Angeles’ STREET ART ALIVE start at $39. THELUME.COM
“A Visual Diary of the Past: The Work of David Labkovski,” Student Reflections & Responses to the Holocaust

The David Labkovski Project creates a living bridge from the lessons of the Holocaust to the realities of today’s world.
The David Labkovski Project (DLP) introduces and preserves the legacy of the Holocaust experience through the artwork of world-renowned artist David Labkovski (1906-1991) whose work empowers participants to engage in curated multi-disciplinary projects, involving components of collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, historical knowledge, mediation, and problem solving. For Yom HaShoah/ Holocaust Commemoration 2022, the DLP has launched a Reflect & Respond Program which invites adults and students ages 12 and up to respond to Labkovski’s art work through poetry, prose, or art and to submit their responses to an online journal, which will be shared at the DLP virtual commemoration event on April 28th. Deadline for submission for Reflect & Respond April 25, 2022.
This includes understanding the composition of his pieces and its details in order to fully comprehend David's motives in constructing his art in the believe that students should join the DLP so that they too can learn about David's experiences and be able to gain the tools necessary to understand how to look at a piece of artwork.
The responses will also be displayed along with the launch of a new exhibit, “A Visual Diary of the Past,” which was curated by seven high school students who completed the DLP student docent training program and went on to graduate from the DLP student curation program. davidlabkovskiproject.org