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Every year on St. Patrick’s Day, Downtown Los Angeles fills with green beer, green clothes, and plenty of Irish whiskey. Thousands of visitors converge upon the city, looking for fun and adventurous ways to celebrate old Saint Patty. But amidst all the fun and revelry, few have heard the cautionary tale of the DTLA Leprechaun.
This mischievous little guy also comes out each year, pulling pranks and causing trouble for unsuspecting party-goers, all in a ploy to ensure that nobody gets lucky enough to uncover his hidden pot of gold. If you’re not careful, you might just fall victim to his tricks, and the end of the rainbow could mean a cold, hard jail cell, or worse.
Here are some DTLA survival tips we use to help avoid the Leprechaun’s wrath and have the funniest, safest St. Patrick’s Day celebration in DTLA ever. May the luck of the Irish be with you.
Stay hydrated: One thing the DTLA leprechaun hates to see is a sober person on St. Patrick’s Day. Sober persons can easily spot Leprechauns, and he’s not about to let people see him without a fresh mani/pedi. He spends all year coming up with spells he can cast on some of the most treasured watering holes so bar owners become mesmerized and offer amazing drink specials to entice us. How can we resist?
The Unholy Trinity Bar Crawl featuring Slane Irish Whisky and craftbeer selects pulls the community and popular bar spots High Tide, The Escondite, and the Mermaid Bar together from 1-9 pm in a quest for luck and a free “I Survived the Unholy Trinity” t-shirt when you patronize each location.
Get a passport photo taken at High Tide then get your passport stamped by ordering specialty drinks at ALL 3 bars. It’s a great way to celebrate and dress appropriately for the day’s festivities.
Plus, we all know what the DTLA Leprechaun will do if he sees someone not wearing green. @hightidedtla