4 minute read
10 Great Places for healthy meals
Remember that time Downtown Weekly featured 10 Great Places for Oysters? Well, Naysayers warned us the consumption of oysters in such a short period of time could be dangerous. However, we’re still here to tell you - You can definitely trust the oysters we ate in Downtown LA. After consuming just over 100 oysters in just 10 days, we have to say, we FELT stronger, more energetic, and a whole lot more frisky...
Got Nitro?
Located just north of 8th on Broadway, Boketto Cold Brew is redefining boundaries with their innovative new coffee bar serving one special blend of cold brew coffee
and a variety of cold brew artisan teas.
This isn’t just an iced coffee. Coldbrew companies use a basic drip bean process of steeping coffee grounds in water at cool temperatures for 12 to 24 hours.
Boketto takes this a “steep” fur
ther by charging their cold brew with nitrogen which gives the coffee a rich creamy head, similar to that of a draft beer while enhancing the flavor and the benefits.
TOP OF THE LIST OF 10 GREAT PLACES goes to THE RappBar inside the Row
There’s an outdoor patio, and plenty of crustaceans and locally sourced fresh fish that outfit their signature dishes and studies show seafood is good for you. It provides protein, contains less fat than other animal protein sources and is generally low in cholesterol, which is important for your heart.
Happy Heart Loves a Happy Hour.
With Happy Hour every day from 4-6 pm, we recommend a formation of a dozen or so delicious oysters in all varieties, from sweet to briny paired with a sweet glass of Chardonnay.
RAPPAHaNNOCK OYSTER BAR 777 S. N. Alameda, LA CA 90021. www.rappbardtla.com
Boketto Cold Brew delivers!!!
Convenient delivery services make getting the best cold brew in town brought directly to your home or office.

Downtown LA can subscribe to Boketto Cold Brews and have 1.5 liter pouches of fresh cold brew delivered to our homes.
But wait, thERe’s more! Boketto stocks their own special mix of bulk teas including Hibiscus blends that come with a full day’s worth of Vitamin C.
BOKETTO COLD BREW 743 S. BROADWAY AVE, LA CA 90014 @bokettocoldbrew
Robeks just feels right, doesn’t it?
Happy Anniversary to Robeks DTLA as they Celebrate 1 Year OF BRINGING DOWNTOWN Fresh Juices and Smoothies at their Pico BLVD location.
The national franchise offers “taste-good and good-for-you” smoothies, juices and bowls using only the highest quality fruits, fresh vegetables, super-foods and other all-natural ingredients.

For our health, Robeks DTLA has introduced a new series of blended smoothies that are bolder and dreamier. Their new Berry Sumac, Bold & Gold, and Downtown Weekly favorite Avocado Dream smoothie will have you dreaming of sweet island to table Bring home the taste of the Caribbean with new ways to stay fit from the inside out. ROBEKS DTLA 419 W. Pico Blvd. LA, CA 90015 @robeksdtla
Island to Table Jamaican Patty’s.

Husband and wife team Miguel and Alafia have been sharing their patties with Downtown and we absolutely love them for it. Chicken, beef, veggie and VEGAN patties make it hard to say no when walking past their mobile kitchen, usually parked on 8th and Spring.
So what does Downtown LA like in a Jamaican patty?
Exactly what Island to Table Patty Hut has to offer; a warm, delicate flaky crust filled with the taste of paradise.
@island2tablepattyhut DTLA Are you hungry yet?
Once in a great while, in a galaxy closer than you think, a healthy and hearty, soul-satisfying vegan eatery churnS out some of the tastiest soups, salads, smoothies and sandwiches, this side of the Mississippi.
Such is the case of Localitas
on 8th and Los Angeles where every menu item now comes completely VEGAN by default. If you would like a menu item to be made with the animal protein or dairy cheese option, you can let them know, but you won’t miss any flavor ordering vegan as Localita has managed to mirror the taste of animal proteins with their deli selects, non-dairy spreads and cheese alternatives.
We can use Localita’s Reuben Sandwich as a perfect example.
Its vegan slices have the same texture and flavor as corned beef, and although there’s no mayo in the coleslaw you would never suspect it.

Truly fascinating. Localita: Plant Based Badasseri (213) 623-3223 @LOCALItala
sky’s gourmet tacos
Sky’s Gourmet Tacos is a Mexican Food Restaurant chain that serves “Mexican with a Splash of Soul”. Sky’s Gourmet Tacos boasts several locations
in LA, with the chain’s flagship location on W. Pico Blvd., and marketplace in Marina Del Rey. However, Downtown had never been more excited than when we found out Sky’s Gourmet Tacos had plans to open their newest location at Grand Food Depot, a cloud kitchen close to Expo/ USC.
Between the three
locations, patrons openly enjoy a great variety of Mexican food items, deli foods, margaritas and wine deliveries, and of course,
Sky’s famous “shrimp tacos”.
shiitake mushroom taco

For the vegan in you; the restaurant’s current menu offers tantalizing VEGAN
selections, including shiitake mushroom tacos (shown here) drizzled with fresh salsa verde, onion and a delicate hint of citrus. Enjoy! @skystacos