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Black Owned Business Owners Share Their Secrets of Success and Longivity in Downtown Los Angeles
Our relationship with real success isn’t transactional – it’s fluid. Defending your version of success is the foundation, developing a plan to achieve our objectives is the formula, and increasing the frequency of these behaviors is the secret.” –
Marques L Williams, Entrepreneur, The Catalyst Vision
“I met a lovely young African American dancer and she told me she did not go to the audition because no one on the brochure looks like her and I said that’s because you didn’t Walk through the door, we all must walk through the door.”
-Robyn Gardenhire – Artistic Director & Founder, City Ballet of Los Angeles
“Work everyday towards a goal and opportunities will present themselves don’t get Discouraged, everyday is a new day” –Boketto Cold Brew
“There comes a time in everyone’s life when one must trust what they know to be true over what others tell them is the truth, especially when those amount to two different truths” –General Jeff, Activist
"I can remember being homeless sleeping on the streets of Skid Row and eventually going to prison in 92 and upon my release becoming an advocate for the less fortunate and victims of violence. 30 years later. My journey has seen me go from the crack house to the White House. I believed in myself regardless of my past and the critic’s and naysayers. That’s one of the keys to success for the next generation of Black leaders ” – Najee Ali – Activist
“Beyond back history month, keep the #blacklivesmatter movement alive everyday because lasting change won’t happen without actively deconstructing our beliefs about race. If you’re afraid to use your voice, give up your seat at the table”, –Kinya Claiborne, Style & Society Magazine
“Meditation and Self-Care is paramount in being successful in my opinion. You can burn yourself out and make mistakes if you don’t take care of yourself, how will you be able to motivate your team and drive your business. A good life-work balance is what we live by.” –Kwini Reed – Owner, Poppy & Rose Restaurant
“When you put your best foot forward, the universe will provide the rest. -Aja –Owner & Operations Manager (abeautifullife) Jamaican Restaurant
“Never, ever, ever, EVER give up on your dream. Believe in yourself. Believe that you are enough, because you are. Positive mindset only. Bet on yourself and don’t be afraid to fail, it’s ok! Work hard, be good to people, and you’ll be surprised how far it’ll get you.”
-Devin REED – Sommwlier, HOST OF WINE & CULTURE LA
“Sometimes you have to do it scared, you’ll thank yourself later. And remember to never be afraid to ask for what you want.” -Vanessa Punche –owner, LA Grind Coffee & Tea
“Mean what you say and say what you mean. What you put out in life is what you get back.
” -Fhedesh – Musician & Dark Lord of the Underworld.
“Nurture yourself and your passions as you would your business, your children, or someone you love. Your mind, body and spirit will thank you for it.”
–Naima Woodson, Creator, Beachbum Wisdom
“At Comfort LA we stay focus on our objectives while blocking out all the distractions.” –Comfort LA
“My secret of success is underpromising and overproducting ”
-Itika oldwine, Old Vine Floral
“If people consider you a disrupter because you do things your own way and you don’t work within the system that’s probably a good thing. It’s called being an artist and staying authentic. ” –Justin Bua – Famed Artist
“Not all Queens live in a castle…some live on the street. Regardless of one’s financial situation you can never lose your station. “-Shirley Raines –Beauty2theStreetz
“Black owned doesn’t mean cheaper or lower quality!
Know your worth. Charge it confidently and then add shipping + handling” -Doctor Dapper, Branding Expert/ Coach
“Never give up, never surrender -Keri Freeman, Publisher, Downtown Weekly LA