The Great Kei Tatler November 2017

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Tatler We know where you live.




HOPE FOR KEI DUMP SITE Whose job is it anyway?


Notorious road to Kei Mouth claims yet another life



November 2017






Darrel Bristow-Bovey tells us about the first time

Tequila Fest draws hundreds




by Aly Verbaan

ead Man’s Bend just outside D Kei Mouth claimed yet another life on Saturday morning,

21 October at approximately 08:00. Che Etter (39) of Cambridge, East London, died on the notorious curve, which is five km from the village, when he lost control of his bike and hit the barrier and a concrete block (road marker). Medics believe he died on impact, but the autopsy results are still outstanding. Che is survived by his wife of three years, Bernadene Etter, and their two children, as well as by another child from a previous relationship. Che was a partner at Schultz Power Systems in East London. Bernadene told The Great Kei Tatler that, although she was devastated by her loss, she had much support from family and friends, and would find a way to carry on. • Dead Man’s Bend has a history of mortality: over the past four years there have been five accidents, three of which were fatal, thus acquiring its macabre sobriquet amongst locals. Says Kei Mouth SAPS Captain Riaan Mare: “It’s usually speed on that section that is to blame, and the fact that often visitors to our area don’t know the road.”

BETTER TIMES Bernadene and Che Etter on their wedding day in 2014. Bernadene says she must find a way to carry on for the sake of the children.


by Aly Verbaan

he controversial Haga Haga Wind Farm proposal that could see up to 50 wind turbines erected between Morgan Bay and Haga Haga for nearly a quarter of a century is now in the Environmental Impact Assessment phase. These turbines would encompass some 9 100ha (or 91km2) of farming land owned by 15 people, companies and trusts, with construction aimed at 2020. The applicant, Haga Haga Wind Farm (Pty, Ltd), plans to establish what is termed a wind energy

facility, targeting up to a capacity of 150 MW. If the proposed project is selected as a preferred project in a REIPPPP (Renewable Energy Independent Power Project Procurement Programme) bid, this electricity will be purchased by Eskom as per the Paris Climate Accord (signed by South Africa last year). Eskom has, however, been stalling these processes countrywide, since it started development on its Medupi and Kusile coal-fired power stations, which are currently being connected to the national grid. Eskom is facing increased

pressure to comply with the new emission standards. New plant minimum emissions standards for coal-fired power stations will start in 2020. Although Eskom has obtained postponement of compliance for some of its coal power stations, South Africa’s climate change commitments are expected to place strain on its dirty coal fleet. Eskom also has to start decommissioning and retrofitting many of its ageing coal power plants to comply with regulation, which will entail major capital outlay. These delays have contributed to a number of wind- and

solar-energy providers collapsing financially. While objections to wind turbine farms are numerous and vociferous, the developer of the Haga Haga site, WKN Windcurrents director, David Wolfromm, warns that, while Eskom has surplus power at the moment, “without alternatives to coal, the country will be facing the same power outage crisis of a decade ago”. Wolfromm added that the cost of electricity from the newly built Eskom coal-fired power stations is more than it would pay most Independent Power Producers (I PPs). • cont. on p3

Fill up with Confidence at Express Meises Halt; Express Crossways; Chintsa and Kei Mouth



IN YOUR OPINION This page is for your letters and feedback. We value your opinions and will make every effort to publish all letters received. Email yours to us at We will also publish your best photos from your area and choose a winner every month.

Welcome to the Tatler! Thanks for our voice What a fresh breeze blown into town! We were away (from Kei Mouth) for a couple of weeks and upon our return we heard about the Tatler and made a special effort to get hold of one. What a pleasant surprise and pleasure to read the paper. It is just great ! Last but not the least, welcome to our side of the country. We are convinced you will be happy and enjoy the peace and beauty of Morgan Bay/Kei Mouth and the whole area. — Zirkia Janse van Rensburg Kei Mouth. — Ed: Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. And we’re glad you enjoyed our first edition.

EDITOR Aly Verbaan CONTACT 060 700 0542

I am very pleased to see that you are covering Cwili and Ngxara townships in your publication. We have no voice here, and when people die or get raped it doesn’t even get a mention. Thank you for doing that. All our lives matter, no matter who you are. We have many hardships in the townships, as you saw on page 4— and we need these issues to be addressed. I hope you can help us with this. We are scared to cause trouble with the politicians, but they are supposed to be helping us! What do we do? — Andiswa Mvaba Nyara Village.

Odd behaviour of dolphin under study

ADVERTISING Duane Botha CONTACT 063 743 9463

SIMPLY SURREAL Professional photographer Hougaard Malan kindly let us use his awe-inspiring photo of Hole in the Wall with an amazing sky, totally free of charge! A big thank you!

On Friday, 20 October this sub-adult bottlenose dolphin beached on the rocks in front of Kei Sands in Kei Mouth. These four men, Des, Dougie, Johan and Kenny, from Bloemfontein were down on a fishing weekend. They saw this little guy in the pools and spent three hours trying to get it back into deep waters. But this was to no avail, as it would turn and come back into the pools. There were four adult dolphin swimming up and down just beyond the breakers as if calling and trying to get it to go into deep water. It eventually succumbed and Richard Reynolds and I dragged it into the shade and buried it on request of the East London Museum to prevent people and dogs damaging it. Kevin Cole, Principal Scientist at the East London Museum, collected it the next day to do an autopsy to determine why it had behaved the way it did. CYCLE OF LIFE Horseriders came across this washed-up dead humpback whale whilst on an outride on Tuesday, 3 October at Silver Bay between Wavecrest and Cebe. It is believed the whale was old and died a natural death. — Photo by Ashley Gower, horse trail

guide at Wild Coast Horse Trails.


Sipho Sigege 066 333 1065

The media’s work is guided at all times by the public interest, understood to describe information of legitimate interest or importance to citizens. As journalists we commit ourselves to the highest standards, to maintain credibility and keep the trust of the public. This means always striving for truth, avoiding unnecessary harm, reflecting a multiplicity of voices in our coverage of events, showing a special concern for children and other vulnerable groups, exhibiting sensitivity to the cultural customs of their readers and the subjects of their reportage, and acting independently. Should you feel that we are not living up these standards or are compromising these ethics, feel free to contact the press ombudsman and lodge a complaint. We welcome all feedback.

The humpback whale is a large marine mammal that belongs to one of over 80 known species of cetacea. These mammals are usually identified by their enormous size and aerial acrobatic abilities such as their ability to continuously breach the water in spite of their large bodies. The Humpback is well known for its majestic whale songs which are often heard during mating season. In addition to playing a role in their mating rituals whale songs are also believed to play other roles in the humpback whales social structure, however little is known about why they produce these sounds.

— Bryan Church Kei Mouth.

BEST EFFORT Des, Dougie, Johan and Kenny, from Bloemfontein tried everything to save this dolphin and get it back out to sea.

Due to their large size the sounds these whales make can be heard many miles away and are described as a combination of moans, howls and cries which can go on for hours at a time. In fact, whales that are miles apart can be heard creating the same sounds in unison and will change their songs in harmony with other whales. When it comes to physical size, an adult humpback whale can grow to an average length of 40-60 ft long and weigh as much as 44 tons. One of the largest ever recorded humpback whales measured in at 89 ft. long. Because the humpback is a baleen whale it possess baleen plates instead of teeth. Another characteristic unique to baleen whales is the presence of two blowholes located on top of its head. A healthy humpback whale is believed to have a lifespan of up to 50 years.




No easy answers to wind farm proposal IT’S CLEANER THAN COAL, BUT STILL A HIGHLY EMOTIVE ISSUE Cont. from p1 The beleaguered parastatal has faced numerous charges and been investigated on several fronts over the last decade. In its campaign against Eskom, the Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse (OUTA) states succinctly: “From its once respected position at the turn of the century as a top-five low-cost energy generator on a global scale, Eskom has sunk to the bottom quartile of energy production utilities in the world, with electricity costs having escalated by over 500 percent over the last 10 years. “Eskom has seen numerous executive management come and go, with very little accountability for the poor governance and performance. “Eskom’s maintenance programme has deteriorated to dismal proportions. Electricity interruptions and load-shedding kicked in throughout 2013 and 2014, costing the South African economy several billions of Rands in lost production. “The development of new power generation plants at Medupi and Kusile has seen a seemingly endless and expensive capital expenditure project that is now five years behind schedule, and 450 percent overspent on its original budgeted cost of construction. “Exorbitant electricity tariff increases have taken place to keep pace with the growing inefficiencies. [There are] questionable diesel and coal supplier contracts.” But is the answer blowing in the wind? Many say no. Globally, wind turbine developments have come under fire for social and environmental infringements, insufficient research and lack of proper procedure in decommissioning. Locally the problem is at least three-fold: firstly, there is a lack of knowledge about the proposal in some communities. While it seems that Haga Haga residents have been informed

and consulted with via the Haga Haga Conservancy, the majority of Morgan Bay and Kei Mouth residents knew nothing about it, even those involved in marketing and tourism. But Wolfromm confirmed meeting with five representatives of Morgan Bay and Kei Mouth ratepayers in May to introduce the project. Secondly, there are claims of a lack of transparency on the part of the developer and the environmental company— Terramanzi Group — that is conducting the EIA. This seems to be due to what has been described as “fierce competition” from other developers who would also like to cash in on such a project. The farm owners whose land would be utilised for the wind turbines have signed nondisclosure contracts. (The price per turbine to the landowner is, however, estimated to be between R15000 and R25000 per month on the basis of similar projects, but this could not be confirmed, and neither could the allegation that farmers have already received an up-front payment.) Thirdly, there are concerns that environmental issues were not researched extensively enough during the scoping phase. Noise sensitivity and avian- and bat mortality were covered, but some claim that mammals, both human and animal, are also negatively impacted by the turbines but that the report did not research these sufficiently. However, Wolfromm countered that a full faunal impact assessment, focusing on amphibians, reptiles and non-flying mammals, would form part of the main EIA report. Changes were made to the proposal following the responses to the scoping report, but the plans as will be presented in the EIA (in all likelihood, next year) will not be further adapted. “Comments will be responded to, but the proposal as it is now will be submitted to the Department of Environmental Affairs for a final decision.”

Police enlist help in crime prevention by Sipho Sigege (meeting translated from isiXhosa)


nce upon a time, there was a mousetrap with a piece of cheese on it, but of course the mouse knew if he stepped on the trap he would die. Just then a cow passed by and the mouse asked it to step on the trap as it wouldn’t feel much pain. But the cow said, ‘I don’t eat cheese, so I have nothing to do with cheese or mice’. The sad mouse said, “But this includes us all at the end.“ Next, a snake passed by and, while crawling over the trap it gets stuck and held onto by its tail; the owner of the trap came running thinking it was a mouse, but the angry snake gave her a toxic bite and she died immediately. On the day of her funeral the cow was slaughtered for people to eat. All this time the mouse was there watching and said, ‘If the cow had helped me get the cheese, the snake would not have been trapped, the owner would not have died and the cow would still be alive; it included us all.’ “The lesson is that communities must work with the police to reduce crime.” This was the parable told by traditional leader Sandiso Mtete of the Amathole District Municipality at a crime awareness meeting at a capacity filled Cwili community hall on Friday, 20 October. Kei Mouth SAPS Captain Riaan Mare told the audience: “We are dealing with housebreaking, assault, rape, domestic violence and stock theft. We are all gathered here to try to work together — doing so crime will decrease. SAPS want eyes and ears in the villages and townships, they want reports from anyone who witnesses any sort of crime. It could be drug smuggling, housebreaking or even domestic violence at your neighbour’s; get the police there. The mousetrap is now the crime, SAPS is the mouse, and residents are the cow who must work together to stop crime.”

BRING IN THE JAILBIRDS! Nomaphelo Ntshabalala suggests that at the next community policing forum, the Department of Correctional Services should bring convicts from prison to tell youngsters that living in jail is not the “free food, free bed” they may think it is. “These kids honestly imagine that jail is cool and that looking like a gangster is hip. No. They must be shown that it’s not like that at all. There is another way of life that doesn’t depend on drugs, alcohol and crime.” Photo by Sipho Sigegethe

Looking at issues of concern, Cwili resident Nomaphelo Ntshabalala argued that personal safety of witnesses to crime is compromised by the SAPS: “The problem is our police don’t hide whistle-blowers’ identities, so we are afraid of reporting criminals because they might come back to kill whoever reported them.” But Sergeant Gqeku responded: “According to our Bill of Rights as per the Constitution, we try by all means to protect the reporter, but people do what is called stereotyping — they think we will name them while we have never named anyone before.’’ However, many were not convinced, a problem that should be expounded on at another meeting. According to representatives of the communities, crime is common because poverty and unemployment are ubiquitous, compounded by a lack of youth empowerment programmes, as well as alcohol and drug abuse, a menace that needs as much attention as possible. To get different views, the audience was divided into three

groups, children, youth and elders. Representing the youth, Loyiso Zaza said: “From now on we would like to see a difference. We will help the police, take responsibility to bring change and bring safety to our community. But it can’t end there — safety and street committees as sector forums must be formed. There are people we know can be trusted and be proactive when it comes to the protection of the community and our children. Those will be the people who will be chosen and voted for.” Kei Mouth Community Policing Forum (KMCPF) chairperson Winise Komani, concluded the meeting with: “This is our first event and we are looking forward to seeing its outcome. We are ready to knock at any of our communities’ doors to fight crime. With the support that we receive from local business owners for which we are so grateful, we will fight crime until the government decides to close jails and open schools and hospitals because of a lack of crime and convicts.”


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A dog’s life can be wagging tails and bright eyes by Sipho Sigege


riday the 13th was anything but unlucky for Chintsa Dogs after a fund-raiser at the C Club in Chintsa managed to raise close on R6000 towards the treatment, care, maintenance, vaccination and sterilisation of township dogs from Gonubie to Morgan Bay. Every day, week and month, neglected dogs and other livestock depend on humans for food, and care — and the education of their owners — often those living in dire conditions in townships. But help is at hand. WCCVC or Chintsa Dogs is a nonprofit organisation dedicated to helping animals in need: dogs, goats, horses and many more — whatever is needed. The charity is based in Chintsa; however, the organisation makes every effort to cover Mooiplaas, Komga, Kei Mouth and Morgan Bay, and all the townships in between. With the dedication of people like Dennis Taylor and Alex Tweedie, representing the Volunteer4u veterinary programme, which takes on a number of vet students on a regular basis, many animals lives are saved or made more comfortable. “We have students programmes where volunteers gain

MAN’S BEST FRIEND Every day, week and month, neglected dogs and other livestock depend on humans for food, and care — and the education of their owners — often those living in dire conditions in townships. Help is at hand.




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experience in their challenging Such help is desparately needchosen field,” says Alex Tweedie, ed; protecting livestock is also administration, marketing and protecting mankind as there are student liaison for Safari4u, diseases that can affect humans which recruits veterinary stu- too. They can be prevented and dents from all corners of the treated — the earlier the better. world. Says Dennis: “More fundraisThis venture has been operat- ing will be done to save the lives ing since 2013, and was formally of our livestock and keep them recognised this year as an NGO. as healthy as possible.” This has been the brainchild of Kei Mouth resident Sharon Dennis and Janet Taylor, helped Shaw comments that dog liby voluntary veterinary students cences would be a good idea: from all over the world, who every owner of a dog would come for the have to pay for hands-on expeit and would be “The greatness of a nation monitored rience. re Says Dennis: and its moral progress can be the care of their “South Africa judged by the way its animals animals. has many town- are treated.” A Ngxara ship dogs need- — Mahatma Gandhi resident James ing our help. Mbodamo said: Our students are active in anti- “One house; one dog, will be parasite treatment and wound better — that would at least be care within these areas. affordable for the owner. Hav“Our vet students get valuable ing too many dogs, like six in a hands-on experience and at the house, causes problems.” same time alleviate the suffering This is where education is of of thousands of animals, as well the utmost importance. Says as working with all kinds of ex- Janet: “We share some necesotic species you never thought sary knowledge, educate in the you’d see up close. townships about handling and “Students work with quali- treating dogs. fied vets with animals large and “We’re looking forward to dosmall, wildlife and game cap- ing more — we plan to tackle ture. the Cwili community soon. We “They learn about veterinary don’t hesitate when our preswork in an African setting, work- ence is needed.” ing with all kinds of animals in • To donate to WCCVC, visit both commercial and rural out- situations.” dogs

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Hope for Kei Mouth dumping site RECYCLING IS MONEY, BUT WHERE’S THE VISION?


by Aly Verbaan

simple document is all that stands in the way of the municipal dumping site in Kei Mouth — an eyesore and environmental hazard, to say the least — becoming a fully functioning recycling site that could create several employment opportunities. Currently, just one man sorts the rubbish dumped there every day, and he has been doing it for six years for very little in return. But the job is far too much for one person. Ayanda Xalisile of Ngxara village in Morgan Bay tries daily to sort the garbage into the various components, such as plastic, paper, glass, tins, metal and oil. Says Ayanda: “I love the environment and I can’t stand to see this place like this. I thought I could kill two birds with one stone by managing and maintaining it, and selling the refuse for recycling to support myself and others. “The Kei Mouth region is a tourist attraction, but what must they think when they see this blemish on the landscape? It’s appalling.” And, not only does he need help, but for the operation to work, the labourers would need safety equipment like gloves and boots. The tip is carpeted in broken glass and shards, not to mention abuzz with flies. Anne Gillham, well known for her community involvement, agrees: “At least 10 to 15 jobs could be created here — waste management is the next big poverty alleviation. Says Anne: “If the paperwork attended to, Ayanda could make a living from his labour — as could many others.” But there is another problem: security. The GKM initially erected secure buildings, toilets and a water tank. These have all been vandalised, the toilets are clogged and the water tank was stolen. So desperate have people like Anne and Terry Gillham, and others like Corr Janse van Rensburg, and the Kei Mouth Ratepayers and Residents Association become, that they have appealed to the public to get involved. At one stage the municipality provided a baling machine for the paper and plastic. The GKM intended it to be self-sustaining,

but since none of the buildings are secure, it can’t keep it onsite. Aside from securing the buildings, this project would cost the municipality nothing, although it is unclear who would provide diesel for the baling machine, as there is no electricity. Neither is there any water. At a meeting with Acting Municipal Manager Lucky Masala, and Waste Officer Romeo Mnkile on Friday, 27 October, some progress seems to be in the pipeline. Anne explained that municipal permission to work on the site would allow the sorters to sell the waste to DNF Waste and Environmental Services in East London, a 100-percent black, woman-owned company, established in 2008. They would also benefit from free training in recycling by DNF, so that they could earn a premium on properly sorted trash. However, before any changes can take place, Mr Masala pointed out the very real issue of dissembling the original cooperative of 16 people (of which Ayanda is the only one remaining). This is necessary to ensure that when Ayanda finally makes some money, he does not find that the other 15 now want a share. The reason for the failure of the original cooperative was the inability to take the recycling to buy-back centres, resulting in a lack of funds. But now, with DNF prepared to collect at the site, the situation has changed. Ayanda therefore needs to set up a new cooperative, which will necessitate another meeting with the GKM and a presentation of the plan. Mr Masala explained that not all the waste management facilities of the municipality are budgeted for — only the Komga landfill site is included in the current budget. However, Mr Mnkile is to submit a motivation to the interim budget to repair and secure the buildings. It was pointed out that the reason for the vandalism is that the fencing is low, but this is municipal regulation height and therefore will not be changed. However, Mr Mnkile will apply for funding for a night security guard.

NO END IN SIGHT Ayanda Xalisile toils daily to sort garbage for recycling, but he will need to form a new cooperative to make any money from this gruelling labour.

DAUNTING TASK Terry Gillham undertakes sorting all kinds of rubbish on a volunteer basis. He figures that if the GKM can’t do it, the community will have to.

BAGGING IT Anne Gillham is known for community service, and here she is personally sorting trash.

IRONIC At least garden refuse would be biodegradeable and less ugly, but this sign says no. Photos by Aly Verbaan

Other topics were the problematic issue of waste collection in Ngxara and Cwili, as well as introducing recycling to schools. Anne hopes to sell the concept of recycling to the communities, but the problem is complex in that the GKM collects waste in these townships three times a week but they remain litterstrewn. It is hoped that if people realise that money can be made through recycling they will be more willing to participate. However, no solution was reached on the discussion of how this can be implemented. Mr Mnkile said he would speak to Ward Councillor Ndileka Kantshashe-Tildini to investigate possibilities. Regarding the possibility of a school programme, the GKM was not prepared to involve itself at this stage. Mr Masala said the GKM have a school awareness programme on waste and recycling and that they will continue to participate in the implementation of that in all the schools in their region. As to actually getting schoolchildren to collect waste and bring it to school to recycle, Mr Masala felt that this could disrupt classes or even constitute child labour, he added (somewhat) jokingly.

CONCLUSIONS • A meeting is to be held on Tuesday, 7 November at the Ngxara village hall at 16:00. All interested parties are invited. • Anne aims to engage the schools to initiate their own school recycling programme. • Anne plans to fundraise for bins for recyclables. Kathy Raven will initiate this through crowd funding at her events. Anyone who would like to contribute is asked to contact Anne on 083 225 9850 or e-mail her at

Contact Wendy for all your weekend or holiday accommodation in Kei Mouth and Morgan Bay or visit 072 541 3087


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WARNING! Infectious virus claiming dogs and puppies


ets in the Kei and AmatDogs that become infected hole districts are warn- with the virus and show cliniing dog owners about cal signs will usually become ill a particularly virulent within seven to 10 days of the strain of parvovirus doing the initial infection. rounds this year. The signs of parvovirus inParvovirus, often called cat flu clude sudden onset of bloody by the layman (despite it not be- diarrhoea, lethargy, loss of aping transmitted by cats to dogs), petite, and repeated episodes of is one of the most dangerous in- vomiting. However, it is imporfections dogs are ever exposed tant to note that many dogs may to. Even with the best treatment, not show every clinical sign. The some dogs, and especially pup- virus may affect dogs of all ages, pies, will not survive. but is most common in dogs Canine parvovirus enteritis is a less than one year of age. Young highly contagious virus that at- puppies less than five months tacks the gastrointestinal tract of age are the most severely afand cardiovascular systems of fected and the most difficult to dogs. The main source of the treat. virus is the faeces of infected As with any virus, there is no dogs. treatment to Par vovirus kill it. Howis resistant to ever, the virus the effects of does not diheat and derectly cause tergents, so it death; rather, can remain in it causes loss the environof the lining of ment for up to the intestinal a year after an tract. This reinfected dog sults in severe has been there. dehydration, This is why the TAKE ME TO THE VET! The earlier e l e c t r o l y t e virus can reoc- parvovirus is treated, the better the (sodium and cur, especially chances of survival. potassium) imin unvaccinatbalances, and ed dogs or in dogs where vac- infection in the bloodstream cinations have lapsed. Diluted (septicaemia). bleach can be used to disinfect The first step in treatment is areas if there was a puppy with to correct dehydration and elecparvovirus. The bleach needs to trolyte imbalances. This requires be left in contact with the area intravenous fluids containing for 10 minutes before remov- electrolytes, and must be done ing it. Remember that the virus by a vet in an isolation ward. Anwill also have been shed in the tibiotics and anti-inflammatory garden area and it is thus impos- drugs are given to prevent or sible to rid your property of this control septicaemia. Antispasvirus completely. modic drugs are used to inhibit The disease needs to be pre- the diarrhoea and vomiting that vented by vaccinating your pup- perpetuate the dehydration. py at six weeks, nine weeks and For reasons not fully under12 weeks of age. In rare cases stood, some breeds have a higheven puppies that have had all er fatality rate than others. their vaccinations still get the Bitches should be boosted disease. Dogs need booster vac- before mating in order to transcinations every year. fer protective antibodies to the Due to its stability, the virus is puppies. Unvaccinated motheasily transmitted via the hair or ers are a very common cause of feet of infected dogs, contami- puppies becoming infected. nated shoes, clothes, and other Canine parvovirus is not zoobjects. This means that even if onotic, that is, it can’t be spread your dog never mixes with other from dogs to humans, but hudogs, it can be exposed to virus. mans can and do spread it.


Green Lantern DOLPHIN VIEW

Restaurant & Bar

Festival aims to open doors for film entrepreneurs AN EXAMPLE Set in the Eastern Cape, Inxeba (The Wound) is an arguably well written gay love story told entirely in isiXhosa, has been chosen as South Africa’s Oscar entry into next year’s 90th Academy Awards, in the category of best foreign language film. Locally the film took home two awards at the longest running festival in Southern Africa, the Durban International Film Festival, for Best Actor and Best South African Director. Inxeba will released in South Africa in February next year.


he Xhosa fraternity has always played a key role in producing some of the country’s leading actors, actresses, playwrights and writers and this year’s Eastern Cape Film Festival is the perfect platform to showcase just how far the local film industry has come since the dark days of the 1970s when the so-called Bantu film industry was created. To be held in East London from December 1-3, the development of this year’s theme, “History of Film in the Eastern Cape – the Emergency of the Film Production Economy”, puts focus on the film pioneers such as black playwright Gibson Kente, who directed the film How Long back in 1975. The movie was never released due to his role in political activism at the time. In 1985, the local film industry reached new heights with black feature films aimed at black audiences. These movies were made by white producers, with the cast consisting of black actors and actresses. In those days, so-called B-scheme films could apply for a government subsidy of up to R70 000 based on the number of tickets sold for 18 cents or less. Says Sibusiso Mnyanda, content developer for the festival: “The objective is to gain an understanding of the direction the film industry is taking with the significant changes in the fields of production, distribution, and

SECOND NATURE We go out on a limb for you

by Paul Martin

broadcasting, as well as new technology which makes it easier to create content. “We also aim to be a platform of expression and empowerment for the province’s filmmakers. Developing local filmmakers will not only deal with the socioeconomic challenges that we face, but assist greatly in tourism promotion and positioning the Eastern Cape as an investment destination. “In 2015, the Eastern Cape Information Technology Initiative (ECITI), along with its partner, Radio Ya Buntu, initiated the Eastern Cape Film Festival as a platform to promote film as an all-encompassing sector. “The festival was created as an annual event that would draw filmmakers, professional and aspirant, as well as people from supporting industries to be part of a conversation that would talk to the entrenchment of film in the Eastern Cape as an economic sector.”

In a society that faces daily financial challenges, it stands to reason that unemployment would be most pertinent. Unfortunately, the people affected the most — the youth, with their aspirations of a brighter future — has been dealt a blow by the absence of opportunities. There are, however, alternative industries in the information communication technology (ICT) and mass media sectors that stimulate economic growth. The Eastern Cape Film Festival is a platform to explore how, through film, sustainable employment opportunities can be created as well as heritage celebrated. However, for this to be achieved, skills transfer from experienced professionals guiding aspiring filmmakers is necessary. The festival presents networking opportunities for emerging and established filmmakers in an environment that facilitates development with its hands-on training and workshops. Furthermore, screenings from budding producers and directors showcasing available work becomes an integral part of the programme, creating new markets for content. “We want to see film impacting positively on the preservation of Eastern Cape culture and promoting local destinations for tourist attraction,” concluded Mnyanda.


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CHINTSA SAPS Ambulance NSRI Intercare Clinic

043 740 4040 0860 223 366 082 990 5972 043 711 4432 043 711 4432

HAGA HAGA SAPS Ambulance NSRI Intercare

043 740 4040 0860 223 366 082 990 5972 043 711 4432

MORGAN BAY/KEI MOUTH SAPS Ambulance NSRI Intercare Cwili Clinic Soto Clinic

043 740 4040 0860 223 366 082 990 5972 043 711 4432 043 841 1274 043 851 1539

KOMGA SAPS Ambulance NSRI Hospital Cwili Clinic

043 831 1360 043 702 3000 082 990 5972 043 831 1013 043 831 1186

HOGSBACK SAPS Fire Hospital Ncera Clinic

045 962 1030 07288 5970 043 831 1013 040 065 3580

Review by Aly Verbaan

Island: Between the Desert and the Deep Blue Sea


Robyn Rohm

magine for a moment living on an island for three years, surrounded by nothing and no one except your husband and a million birds. You have miniature breaks if and when communication with the mainland is successful, but nothing is guaranteed, especially not transport. I think I can safely say that there are two kinds of people: the ones that would find themselves, and the ones that would lose their minds. (I’m pretty sure I would be the latter.) Robyn Rohm, however, is the former. I say this because I know her, I’ve read her memoirs of her three years spent precisely as described, and she still has her mind and her man. Island: Between the Desert and the Deep Blue Sea is a bit like Life of Pi — it’s hard to imagine how one could get a book out of 227 days stuck on a life raft with an enraged tiger, just as it is to envision a thousand-odd days on Bird Island — but, when you read it, you get it completely. Island, an idiosyncratic medley of free-verse and rhyming poetry, prose and diary entries, transports one to May 1993, when a newly wed Robyn and Sean Rohm make their nest on a guano-strewn Bird Island in Algoa

G3 Publishers, Cape Town 2011 Available from: • Yellowwood Forest, Morgan Bay — R175 • (Kindle edition) — R198 • SanParks — Addo Elephant Park • Two Oceans Aquarium (Cape Town)

Bay off the east Coast of South Africa, Sean working for marine conservation and Robyn actively choosing what is called voluntary social withdrawal. Robyn points out the irony that, at a time when the country was readying for integration, and the island making headlines was Robben Island, she chose to be socially isolated on Bird Island, surrounded by masses of African Jackass penguins and Cape gannets. Voluntary social withdrawal, while being a bonding experience, also has its setbacks for the newly wed couple, and Robyn describes their disastrous mattress situation, their arguments about the TV and Robyn’s compulsive reading habit, as well as her eventual irritation at Sean always beating her at their Scrabble sessions, earning him the epithet of “Oh Majestic Lord of the Island”. I felt her pain (and am planning a Scrabble competition with them). Then there are the constant trials and tribulations of looking after various chicks and cleaning oiled penguins, winning some and losing some. There is the constant housework and cooking to be done with virtually no equipment (and sometimes no food), and the pair’s attempts to give up smoking. Island is populated too by Sean’s quirky drawings and illustrations, plus a selection of photographs. A one-of-a-kind read.

Local community radio turning five!

P 071 777 9861

Admin: 043 555 9861 Studio: 043 555 9860 SMS: 071 777 9861

opular community radio station Wild Coast FM celebrates its fifth anniversary on the air on Friday, 24 November. A registered non-profit organisation, Wild Coast FM beams out from studios in the Crossways Village Centre, Schafli Rd on the East Coast, to a footprint covering the greater Buffalo City area and coastline extending to Kei Mouth in the east and Chalumna to the west. The broadcast area includes East London,

and extends as far as Stutterheim. Showing unprecedented listernship growth from year to year, the station now boasts 13 presenters and round-theclock news and event coverage, a diverse range of music, traffic reports and live discussions, as well as a Facebook footprint of close on 5 000 followers. Station manager Wayne Naylor thanked listeners, advertisers staff, volunteers and contributors who made it possible.

THE MAN! Station manager Wayne Naylor.






marginally humorous social media post doing the rounds again last month points to an insidious nationwide problem that is not funny at all. The post recounts a text conversation between two non-English speakers that goes horribly awry due to not understanding the difference between words like “sea” and “see”, and writing “fun” when “fine” was what was meant. The girl says she is watching TV with “my mother, my father, and my parents”. The post is captioned: “Girls please stop trying to impress guys with english its better if you text in your own language” [sic]. This is a chat between (South African) people who are old enough to be dating and going away together, so it stands to reason they must be adults. Why, then, can they not speak and understand basic English? Have they not been to school, or is the education system this flawed? For better or worse, English is today the global de facto lingua franca. Most countries, whether English is the mother tongue or not, accept this and work with it. So, how is it that people who have received the majority of their school instruction in English do not have a basic understanding of it? How did they pass? And why is it funny not to be able to speak it, let alone write it? This isn’t about the colonialism debate — it’s the reality of the world as it is today. But, according to South African researchers, the problem of illiteracy is not restricted to second languages: 58 percent of Grade 4 learners cannot read for meaning, while 29 percent are completely illiterate in their home language. With 11 official languages, 70 percent of Grade 1 to 3 learners are taught in an African language. When they reach Grade 4, the majority are then instructed in English. This approach is based on research that indicates that children acquire English language skills more easily when they receive instruction in their mother tongue in Grades 1 to 3. However, many learners have not mastered reading for meaning in their first language by the end of Grade 3. The lack of basic literacy skills combined with a poor grasp of a second language (English) further inhibits their ability to master literacy skills in the transition to a second language from Grade 4. Without the ability to understand what they read, learners are unable to engage with what is being taught and are “silently excluded” from engaging with every aspect of the curriculum. They are haunted by poor academic performance for the rest of their school careers. This is excruciating punishment for more than half of 10-year-olds. Unable to catch up, is it surprising that 50 percent of learners drop out of school, leaving without any formal qualification? How, then, will we be able to foster a culture of tertiary education?

WINNER! A slow shutter-speed cature of the splendour of Haga Haga taken by SUSAN PRETORUIS on her holiday last month. Well done Susan — this entitles you and a partner to a meal on the house at The Green Lantern in Kei Mouth.



eep going, keep moving, for there is always a way for you. Yes, the way is for me and you. Remember, no one was born with ideas, but everyone was born with the ability to create ideas. It might seem like the end of your life when the darkness overcomes you. Remember, darkness comes before light. Keep going. Keep moving, for where there is a will there is always a away, and that way needs belief and hope. Never give up.

Never stop If you are tired of walking, crawl. Be a lion after its prey. Keep your mind open, and your eyes too. Be a hawk after its prey, spread your wings and fly high. Higher than your destructions and challenges. Those must be a ladder’s first step for you to climb them all. Keep going. Keep moving.

Disability doesn’t have to stand in your way. I saw a blind lady reading, not to mention the deaf one who can hear. What I know is that when one door closes, another one opens. It all starts with you, it all starts with me. Great Kei children, youth, elders — our train to a better today is here. I don’t care about tomorrow, for it might not come. A community dies because of me and you. A change must start with me and you. Let’s keep moving. Let’s keep going.

There are people who will do absolutely anything


’ve just had a brilliant business idea. What if you could pay other people — saner and with a much higher irritation thresh hold — to stand in queues everywhere and do your stultifyingly dull paperwork, licensing and so forth? Oh. Wait. Like all my business ideas, someone has already had it. Like WeQ4U, Q No More and Don’t Q. Actually, I would sooner stick my head up an elephant’s bottom (yes, it’s a real job) or taste dog food for Checkers than stand in a queue for any reason or anyone. No amount of money could coerce me into such a thing, and I could just as well call my company IKill4U than IQ4U. I bet some bank robberies have actually been normal people just trying to access their own money before the century changes. Queue-For-You at Home Affairs (yes, there is a god!) describes its “product” as “precision risk management”. You and I both know that this translates to “We’ll queue for you to reduce the precision risk of the hollowpoint bullet in your black-market Vektor Z88 from deleting the head of the so-called person who is ‘assisting’ you”.

ALYWAYS Last week Duane and I took a day trip to the horror that is East London to tackle the formerly described paperwork. At the Department of Home Affairs (sounds like the Department of Domestic Violence), Duane could not prove that he existed without an affidavit from the police. Like most people, we try to minimise our contact with the armed forces, so we wouldn’t voluntarily go to the copshop for verification of existence. (But they’re going to know we exist in a very real way if we have to queue anywhere again.) To get a new ID a policeman has to declare you to be a human being.

The person can’t determine that by looking at you — obviously Home Affairs have a lot of applications by people who are not actually people. Having proved this, he then had to prove he lived somewhere. Only the electricity and water departments know where, apparently, and a “utility bill” (that’s a column for another day) was produced. Having ascertained all this, after standing in a queue so long that I had to open another Facebook account to friend all my newly found brothers in arms who I met while waiting for the single “assistant” (who, btw, doesn’t have to prove his existence), we reached the front to be told that the “machine” doesn’t work, and never has. Duane would have to prove himself extant at some other branch. Struck mute with rage, we proceeded to the traffic department to get the registration papers for one car and register the new Triton in my name. Here I discovered what we’ve all long suspected: the Western Cape isn’t part of South Africa. Yes, I would have to get the papers in Cape Town in person, but first I would have to obtain proof of residency there. Having just

changed my address to Morgan Bay, I asked the “helper” how I would now be able to do that. He shrugged. Parallel universe? Could we register the Triton then, in the meantime? “Yes, ma’am, but not now. The man who knows how the machine works has gone on lunch...” And thus I spent the evening trolling the internet (when it was on, which I shouldn’t elaborate on because words were uttered that I didn’t even know I knew) for someone desperate enough to do all of the above for me. And what do you know! Don’t Q offers licence registration for R700, proof of your existence for just R590, ID documents for R1 100 (if I can’t prove that I exist to a person standing in front of me, I can’t imagine how someone else is going to do it), but for a grand it won’t be my problem any longer. Personal police clearance can be bought for just R950, and a divorce can be arranged online! How marvellous! Proof of death will set you back R600, but since you’ll be dead why pay anything? And “migration to Australia” costs R0 on Don’t Q, so it’s cheaper to get a divorce and emigrate to Oz than to die....




How diverse are our diets? In the EC, not enough

World Diabetes Day

For many South Africans, particularly those living in rural areas and informal settlements, diets are not diverse enough.


This year’s theme for World Diabetes Day is Women and Diabetes.

by Demetre Labadorios, Nelia Patricia Steyn and Johanna Nel

outh Africans, particularly those living in tribal area and informal settlements, do not eat well. In terms of dietary variety, our meals are not diverse enough, lacking particularly in eggs, legumes and vitamin A-rich fruit and vegetable, which raises serious concerns about the nation’s household food security. Since no single food contains all nutrients for optimal health, only a sufficient diet is nutritionally adequate. Monotonous diets based mainly on starches are closely associated with food insecurity, while dietary diversity is an outcome measure of food security at the individual or household level. Food security is defined as access by all people at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life. Past nutritional surveys have shown that stunting is most prevalent in tribal areas in the Eastern Cape, where the most commonly consumed foods are maize, tea, sugar and bread — a highly monotonous diet. The diet of many children is low in energy and certain essential macronutrients, and dietary diversity is poor, indicating poor food security. Findings were that variety is low overall and certainly not in line with the guidelines promoted by the Department of Health. It was particularly poor in the low-income group and among black people. The most neglected food groups were vitamin-A rich fruit and vegetables, and legumes and nuts. It is possible that the government’s health messages are either not reaching the people or are not understood. Poor people often do not have

access to a variety of foods and, unless access is addressed, knowledge of dietary guidelines will probably have little effect, It also needs to be realised that greater diversity will probably increase costs. The results indicate that environmental factors are important determinants of household food security, though improving the environment is not necessarily going to lead to better household food security if people do not have access to food. Moreover, nutrition security cannot be achieved without food security, knowledge and skills. It is important to evaluate how effective the marketing of the national dietary guidelines are and whether better knowledge will favourably affect households that are food insecure due to lack of access. There is much evidence for school-curriculum-based nutrition education to improve knowledge, self-sufficiency and attitudes leading to improved nutritional behaviour. If this is coupled with healthy foods and adequate variety in the primary school nutrition programme, one would be able to provide both knowledge and access to food. It is essential that schools reinforce healthy eating behaviour through the types of foods sold at the school. It is clear that nutrition security of individuals and households is influenced by many factors, particularly those related to the immediate environment. Ideally, South Africans have to strive for all households to have access to food, potable water, sanitation and healthcare, but that can only happen if economic growth takes place and there are employment opportunities for all.


Calculate your Body Mass Index BMI is a measurement of a person’s leanness or corpulence based on their height and weight, and is intended to quantify tissue mass. Although BMI has limitations in that it is an estimate that cannot take body composition into account, it can be used as a general indicator of a healthy body weight based on a person’s height. The value obtained from the calculation of BMI is widely used to categorise whether a per-

son is underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese depending on what range the value falls between. A wide variety of body types as well as distribution of muscle, bone mass, and fat, BMI should be considered along with other measurements rather than being used as the sole method for determining a person’s “healthy” body weight. Visit to calculate yours.

he World Diabetes Day campaign will promote the importance of affordable and equitable access for all women at risk for or living with diabetes to the essential diabetes medicines and technologies, self-management education and information they require to achieve optimal diabetes outcomes and strengthen their capacity to prevent type 2 diabetes. There are currently over 199 million women living with diabetes and this total is projected to increase to 313 million by 2040. Gender roles and power dynamics influence vulnerability to diabetes, affect access to health services and health seeking behaviour for women, and amplify the impact of diabetes on women. Diabetes is the ninth leading cause of death in women globally, causing 2.1 million deaths each year. As a result of socioeconomic conditions, girls and women with diabetes experience barriers in accessing cost-effective diabetes prevention, early detection, diagnosis, treatment and care, particularly in developing countries. Socioeconomic inequalities expose women to the main risk factors of diabetes, including poor diet and nutrition, physical inactivity, tobacco consumption and harmful use of alcohol. Two out of five women with diabetes are of reproductive age — over 60 million women worldwide. Women with diabetes have more difficulty conceiving and may have poor pregnancy outcomes. Without preconception planning, diabetes can result in a risk of maternal and child mortality and morbidity.

What’s in the lunchbox? Preparing a lunch box may have significant advantages for their eating behaviour, long-term health and brain development, writes ZULFA ABRAHAM .


earners who take a lunch box to school are more likely to consume a diet adequate in nutrition and are less likely to be overweight or obese, whereas learners who eat unhealthy snack food sold at tuck shops are more likely to eat unhealthy snack foods. Globally, noncommunicable diseases are increasingly being recognised as major causes of illness and death, especially in low-income regions such as here in sub-Saharan Africa. The burden of noncommunicable diseases is growing alarmingly in South Africa, and especially in the Eastern Cape, where a complex mix of over-nutrition and under-nutrition is found. This has resulted in nutrition-related conditions such as underweight and obesity coexisting in schools. It was found that most learners took a lunch box to school, and these children appeared to have greater dietary diversity, consumed more regular meals, had a higher standard of living and greater nutritional sufficiency compared with those who didn’t. Learners who did not take a lunch box to school would either not eat at all, or would by from tuckshops and vendors.

Items commonly sold at school are high in energy, such as crisps/ chips, sweets, and soft drinks, all particularly high in sugar and fat and high in fat and little else. The majority of learners who eat from the tuckshop or vendors had a lower standard of living than those who did not. The provision of nutritionally adequate meals to these school children is paramount. Children who brought lunch boxes to school knew significantly more about nutrition than those who did not. These children displayed better nutritional behaviour, identified fewer barriers to healthy eating, and were more prepared to make healthy food choices. Since this sample represented children from disadvantaged settings, their lunch box behaviour may be completely unrelated to their lack of knowledge of nutrition, and may be largely influenced by the family’s financial situation. It appears that lower-income households do not always have enough money to buy items needed to prepare a health lunch box, but may have enough money to pay for cheaper snack items at tuck shops.

BRAIN POWER THROUGH NUTRITION The dietary behaviour of disadvantaged children warrants attention in terms of nutritional health promotion, especially with regard to the importance of a healthy lunch box.

Visit this detailed website for comprehensive information of children’s diets:





Friday, 13 October was certainly not bad luck for the WCCVC Chintsa Dogs. Nearly R6 000 was raised by an enthusiastic mix of diners, rugby-watchers and partiers who came to watch the talented and up-and-coming Jason Gladwin sing and perform on guitar. The money raised goes to the treatment and sterilisation of township dogs from Gonubie to Morgan Bay, as well as any other animals in need. Volunteer students team up with Safari4u in a veterinary programme to facilitate this charity. Photos by Sipho Sigege

Mark Crawford, Dennis Taylor, Sara Duggins, Kim Houghton with Lanielle de Roubioux (back), Janet Taylor, John Drisko, Blake Andrews, Eude Lepicard, Xenia Wilse, Thea Bruun, Stephanie Torres, with Alex Tweedie (front).

SCORE! Xenia Wiles, Janet Taylor and John Drisko, who won this hamper pack.

OH LORD, IT’S HARD TO BE HUMBLE Jason Gladwin sings the Mac Davis song.

THREESOME Vet students Sara Duggins (Kentucky, USA), Regard Kitching, Lanielle de Roubaix.

KIDDING AROUND Cameron, with twins Joshua and Taylor Crawford.

SHOW ME THE MONEY Mark Crawford, Sara Duggins and Alex Tweedie.

TRI-NATIONS Jaycee Ferreira (SA), Lynne Crawford (back), Ashleigh Cairns (Canada), and Lindi van de Vondervoort (Holland).

HARMONY English teacher Brogan Kayster from Cape Town and boyfriend and sound engineer Jarryd Wilson of East London.

LAPDOG Ashleigh Cairns, Lynne Crawford with Spartigus, and Janet Taylor.




(AND AGAIN) C CLUB TEQUILA FEST! Saturday, 21 October drew hundreds of party animals to the C Club in Chintsa to taste a massive variety of tequilas and watch live bands.

Photos by Sipho Sigege

BLONDE DUO Jenna van Wyk and Chantelle Healy.

BLACK-EYED BEAUTS Angela Heathcote and Candice Shadwell.

FLOWER POWER Kelly Strunk.

QUATRO AMIGAS Georgia Collins, Reegan Ball, Aimée Johnstone and Casey Kurten.

MEXICAN MASKS Dunston Grotjohn, Lester Friend and Dylan Reid.

PALE FACES Sam Groenewald and Jade du Rondt.

If you would like your social pictures on this page, please send high-resolution images that clearly show faces close-up, along with the names of the people and details of the event, to

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70 Years of Sun, Surf and Sand My first and only trip to the Wild Coast way back in the eighties when life could still surprise us Jeff came to work full-time in 1962, by which stage the boarding house had been transformed into a 25 room, three-storey hotel. He assisted with repairs and maintenance, building work, guest activities and helping in the pub. It was during this time that he got engaged to Sue and they were married in 1964. Richard was born the following year, with Andrew and Sarah-Jane not far behind.

Ivan retired in 1974, after many years of hard work, and handed over the reins to Jeff and Sue. This gift came at a price, for they Allhim thea other kidsoffwent to sleep, with schools debate, and we’d spoken the to build were on obliged home, pay his debts and provide Mr Sjolander peacefully spooning Marhim with a pension. However the young couple worked hard, telephone a couple of times and I’d writeven during times in the Eighties, when interest Bernardis, but I was too unhappy for ten her long letters full of passion andtoughcoeconomic rates climbed to almost 25%, such that they were able to acquire sleep. I leant my pale forehead against undying love. I even wrote her a sonnet. the land on whichthe The window Tides and Annex now stand, us as well as the and watched weaving Yes, a sonnet. Top Shop and land at thethe entrance toand the village for hotel staff across road onto the shoulder Her school was wealthier than mine this township was later named iGxara and its administration and so they were travelling in a luxury coach of the highway as Hutchison nodded off servicing was taken over by the Great Kei Municipality.


have only ever been to the Wild Coast by Darrel Bristow-Bovey once, and I can never ever go again. This is not because I am officially unwelcome or because the authorities have banned me (that is only true of Sun City, Thailand and the SABC building). No, I can never return to the Wild Coast because what happened there was the while we had to cram into our tatty old and reluctantly woke again. I didn’t care. Once Richard completedhave his military service, he crashed. decided to A short 45-minute driveoffrom East that London, in the small seaside Ivan immediately set about modernizing boarding house and minded if we’d sheerest, purest kind magic, can’t weirdlythesmall school mini-bus, which had hadI wouldn’t travel overseas and study at hotel school. When he returned, he village ofbe Morgan Bay, sits one of South Africa's favourite family turning it into a Hotel, which only he did single-handedly with This was my fi rst time leaving Durban possibly repeated. Some experiences springs where seats used to be, and married Jackie in 1993 and the couple started working beside Jeff This doyen of the Coastjust sits leave proud on the beachfront, unskilled local labour and a Jeep. Keep in mind that in those days and already I knew this was how my life arehotels. so splendid that youWild should patches of the floor where you could see and Sue. With their new ideas, the hotel went from a 1 Star at theintact foot ofand a mile-long beach, between the magnificent Morgan there was no running water and electricity onlybut arrived Morgan them unspoiled. the road, thatindidn’t matter. Soon, at would go: disappointing and lonely, withestablishment to a 3 Star establishment, and in 2006 Jeff and Sue Bay Cliffs and Cape Morgan Nature Reserve. Bay in 1975. Luckily his experiences during World War II had I grew up in Durban and in standard nine magic, without wonder, never catchlast, we would be together! officially handedout over the reins and ownership of the hotel to the prepared him for creating facilities out of Spartan terrain. comfortable as well wedding and confermyBoasting school34decided to rooms, send ten of as usa to ing a break. I’d never escape Perhaps I was a little too eager about energetic couple with their children, Michael, DylanDurban and Cate.and ence venue, beauty spa, beach Festival. boutique and an ala carte restaurant the Grahamstown Schools There even if I did there was nothing out there: that, because the day we were due to Tarring of the main road linking Morgan Bay to the N2 highway and pub, hotel hasculture come a long from humble beginnings. would be the plays and andway suchlike, life would go as it always had for me, a set off, she called and said that maybe it was completed ingrim 2006repetition and has been a major factor in dismay. drawing of the same grim but the main thing is there would be girls. would be better if we weren’t girlfriend Its story began with Ivan Warren-Smith, an engineer who served tourists to the area, such that Richard and Jackie decided to build with the SAAF in theunsupervised Second World War, first in East and North As I sat there stewing in teenage sadFor a whole week, except and boyfriend after all. I was 'The a nice guy Tides', a multipurpose spa, restaurant, beach boutique, Darrel Bristow-Bovey was born in Durban in and later in and Italy. Mr It was in Italy that friendly ness, thevenue sky began to lighten and thewas air forAfrica, Mr Hutchison Sjolander, wehe became and all, but that sonnet was a bit intense.and wedding conference next door. Construction thethe 1970s. He studied English literature under with Americans who convinced himdistant that post-war, hotel turned from black to grey and I began to would be on the loose in an exotic This is not the news you wantcompleted to receive in late 2011 and has been a key factor in drawing more J.M.toCoetzee business was the best like business to be in. On South and André Brink at UCT, and three make out the sights of the Wild Coast. But city with girls: it was going to Las Ve-his return just before a long car journey. folded andImore guests to this little piece of paradise. yearsinafter Africa he heard of a 12 bedroom boarding house for sale a tinyleaving varsity set himself up a as there was something unusual. What was gas. There wouldn’t be much difficulty in myself into the mini-bus, the open road Construction under way in 1947 a freelance writer with weekly columns in The seaside village called Morgan Bay. With this young, driven and very capable couple, and their loyal giving Hutchison and Sjolander the slip: under my feet, crammed up team in the cor- the strange light? Why was everything Sunday Independent, and theguests Cape during at the helm, the hotel is destined for even greater heights and JeffBusiness would Day entertain school holidays, by taking He soon made trip down to the coast fell in so white? Behind the wheel, Mr HutchHutchison wasthe about a hundred yearsand oldimmediately between the suitcases andyou mycan friend Times, as well as several monthly columns. He them ner rest assured that it will continue to be handed down to them on picnics, teaching to water-ski, guiding them on loveblind with the community consisted about ten to ison slowed down and rubbed his eyes and andplace. deaf,The and Sjolander wouldthen ofwon George, with my knees up around mygenerations the Mondi prize foralong best South African colmany more of Warren-Smiths to come. hikes the coastline and taking them on Jeep rides to Double fifteenthe holiday cottages two to boarding houses - in those days, and blinked through the windscreen. “It’s spend whole time and trying give Marears,from as the miserable as ever a miserable, umnist four years Mouth in succession. In 2002 he wasand China to look for beads wreck of a 16th retired to hotels or boarding houses in which they spent 043 841 1062 | snowing,” he said. “It’s snowing!” copeople Bernardis a shoulder rub. Bad news for a prize-winner at the SAB Sportswriter of the moody hassand been. Century Portuguese trading vessel. For 16-year-old youngsters, the their twilight years. Year Awards, and dunes has alsowere beenpopular a prize-winner We stumbled stiff and dazed from the Marco Bernardis, but the rest of us would For some reason and many a search party was called— outthis to was the late his Africa-Geographic wife, in the Travel Writing Commini-bus, open-mouthed into a white sibeIvan freebought as air. the boarding house and together with ’80s,towhen didn’tyoung need reasons — we find someone who was missing, only have you a sheepish Eileen, son understand, Jeff and daughter, Derry,left the Durfamily moved down petition fortothree couple years running. He is also the You must I’d never lent landscape, snowflakes drifting down, leaving Durban at 6pm and driving return from the direction ofwere the dunes. the coast in June of 1946. It was all very primitiveauthor back of then: five chart-topping books. In Septemban before. I couldn’t wait to see distant and I knew I was wrong, and my heart through the night, through the lightless The2017 family wereScriptwriting kept busy all the time through a constant need to battery lights, no running water, hot water producedber in he an scooped open the SCrIBE horizons, but I was also excited because opened to take in a world that suddenly, reaches of thein Transkei, arriving the next change and update the entertainment programme order to keep cauldron with a fire underneath. Cows roamed freely in the for his Competition play, Priest With Balloons, myvillage girlfriend would be there. I say “girllike a gift, revealed itself so much larger, morning theyear, Eastern Cape. Hutchison visitors interested year in after and with (not much different from today!) and hotel guests who leftto have which is set a professional runinatreturning a Cape to Morgs friend”; I mean she was a girl at Durban so much more surprising and more beauwasupthe deaf and blindhotel one, so of course these activities they slowly built a family-oriented their beach towels outside at night sometimes found that had nextall Townthey theatre year. tiful than I could ever have imagined. Girls’ College that I met once at an interhe would do the driving. with a reputation for warmth and friendliness. been chewed by the cows because they liked their saltiness.


Spring Specials

Sunday Specials


SUNDAY, 1st OCTOBER Delicious tender Lamb Shank served with creamy mashed potato & seasonal vegetables – R105

BURGER MONDAY Buy one burger and get the cheapest one free! Regret no take-aways. PIZZA WEDNESDAY Buy two pizzas for only R109! FISHY FRIDAY Our famous golden fried fish and chips served with a glass of House Wine or a Flying Fish beer - Only R75! BAR SPECIALS JW Red Single – R15, Double Klipdrift Brandy & Coke – R35 Double Red Heart Rum & Coke – R40 Double Mainstay Cane & Coke – R30 Hunters Gold Cider – R18 Brutal Fruit Cooler – R12.50

SUNDAY, 8th OCTOBER Succulent roast pork belly served with mashed potato, broccoli bake and carrot batons – R89 SUNDAY, 15th OCTOBER Tender, rich and juicy Oxtail served with basmati rice and seasonal vegetables – R99 SUNDAY, 22nd OCTOBER Chicken and mushroom pot pie served with sweetcorn and crunchy coleslaw – R79 SUNDAY, 29th OCTOBER Crumbed pork chop served with mashed potato, baked pumpkin & creamed spinach pots – R85 SUNDAY, 5th NOVEMBER Pan grilled Sole Meunieure served with seasonal vegetables & potato wedges - R105 SUNDAY, 12th NOVEMBER Filet Mignon topped with a Peppercorn (Au Poivre) Sauce and haystack onions served with seasonal vegetables and crunchy smashed potatoes – R109 SUNDAY, 19th NOVEMBER Decadent Seafood Salad with prawns, shrimp, line fish & crab sticks in a spicy Marie Rose sauce, served with toasted pita bread – R69 SUNDAY, 26th NOVEMBER Soft flour tortilla filled with grilled chicken in a sweet and tangy curry dressing with salad green, served with hand cut fries – R65




WE asked YOU this: for the holiday season, we want to know where you would go — money and time no object — but it has to be in the Eastern Cape

Joan Hill

Karen Kluckow

Kyle Basson

Nicole Janse van Vuuren

Peta Ramsay

Definitely Trennery’s and Blanco Guest Farm in Tarkastad. Trennery’s has the beach and I love Blanco for the people. It’s very peaceful there and you can forget the world’s worries for a while.

Mkambati is supposed to be one of the best-kept secrets. It’s between Port Edward and Port St Johns, and has spectacular gorges and rivers. It has amazing birds, forests, sea- and wildlife.

Baviaanskloof—but not in summer! Also Heron Cliff Camping in Patensie where there is a 20m jump into the river. And camping anywhere I can dissociate from people.

I’m tending toward Cape St Francis., but the Eastern Cape is my home no matter where I find myself in South Africa. I lived in Queenstown for 18 years! The Eastern Cape is in my blood.

Despite living so close, I would love to spend time in Chintsa. The beaches are beautiful, the people are friendly, and I love all the little quirky shops and restaurants.

Ryan Arnott

Sean Rohm

Tam Cockin

Tamryn Gelderbloem

Bongani Thunywa

I am from the Eastern Cape myself, but inland. I would definitely choose Trennery’s Hotel near Kei Mouth for the fishing, fishing and more fishing. Also for the beer and seafood...

Any surf spot! Cape St Francis for the beaches and surf, and also anywhere in the Transkei where I can surf and be on the beach. Somewhere like Breezy Point near Nthlanjana.

Definitely Addo Elephant Park. I want to see the wildlife. And then up the Wild Coast as far as I can go. It’s just amazing, from what I hear, and that’s the plan as soon as possible.

Hogsback, and more Hogsback! It’s a magical place with amazing scenery and nature and it is without a doubt the spot to relax and be peaceful. The people are crazy and fantastic.

Coming from rural areas all my life, I would go to East London to Kidd’s Beach, because that’s where my family used to go when I was a child and I really love the water.

Akhona Slotile

Likhona Tusana

Siyavuya and Siyamthanda Klaas

Debbie Lynne Hyland

Craig Vallis



The lagoons at Port Alfred for cruising attracts many tourists and the accommodation is spectacular. There is plenty to do — boogie boarding and canoeing on the Kowie River.

I think I deserve a pampering kind of holiday. I think I’d like Quigney in East London, with its fancy hotels and beautiful views — a perfect place for a lady to find peace and quiet.

We have never been to PE, so we would choose there for its numerous beaches, the boat tours and particularly the nearby wildlife safaris and reserves. We would also like to go on the Donkin Heritage Trail.

Being from South Africa originally, I have seen quite a bit, but I’d like to see less touristy spots like the Owl House in Nieu-Bethesda, and the Nelson Mandela Museum at Qunu, Mthata and Mvezo .

Also from South Africa originally, I have to say I’d stay right here on the Wild Coast! It’s the first time in 30 years we’ve been back to this area, and although it’s changed a lot, it brings back memories.
















What’’s happening?






Market day is every Saturday. Stock up on fresh produce and home bakes. There’s also a small touch farm and a magical playground with a tree house, trampoline and slides to keep the kids busy so come hungry and make yourself at home.






SEAFOOD EXTRAVAGANZA @ OPPIE PLAAS HAGA HAGA 12:00 4-course meal: R120pp Mussel Soup & Potbread Grilled prawns and calamari with garlic butter Jam basted grilled snoek with sweet potato, mixed veggies & salad Blueberry Cheesecake 083 703 1711 events/1495301660559775


. The film won numerous international awards, including three Academy Awards, three BAFTA Awards including Best Film Not in the English Language, the Ariel Award for Best Picture, the Saturn Awards for Best International Film and Best Performance by a Younger Actor for Ivana Baquero and the 2007 Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form. Shop 3, Atalaia Building, 854 Chintsa Drive, Chintsa East 072 111 1804 events/153905591875613





Tea in the Trees is a quirky home produce market. Market goers will find themselves immersed in this foodie wonderland. From 09:00

FRIDAY BIG BONFIRE NIGHT R100 adults R50 kids Including a huge bonfire, sparklers, and hot cocoa and live music. Delicious food stalls and bar available! Chintsa West Road events/138153150140129



043 734 3904 072 611 2367


Entries close Friday, 17 November groups/321898174525749

043 841 1598 084 852 2601


R170pp Incudes entry fee, snacks and refreshments en route, entrance to the after-party, and free camping at the Kei Mouth Country Club.


YELLOWWOOD FOREST MARKET MORGAN BAY From 09:00 043 841 1598 084 852 2601

HARCOURTS RIDE FOR EDUCATION CROSSWAYS VILLAGE CENTRE 06:00 Harcourts aims to raise R60 000 for the African Angels Independent School. We invite 50 riders to ride for education from the Crossways Village Centre in Kwelera to the the country club in Kei Mouth. R500pp








Tea in the Trees is a quirky home produce market. Market goers will find themselves immersed in this foodie wonderland. From 09:00


043 734 3904 072 611 2367

Hosted by The Mushroom Forager South Africa and The Edge Mountain Retreat Can you tell your pine rings apart from your parasols? Join experienced mushroom hunter Justin Williams at The Edge Mountain Retreat in Hogsback to learn all about the art of mushroom foraging. Justin will teach the ropes behind safe wild mushroom identification knowledge to last a lifetime. Tea and a special wild-crafted mushroom coffee will be served. 10am - 12:30pm R350pp Email: to book your spot.

The Kei Mouth Golf Club dates for visiting groups, sponsored competitions and open competitions are: Saturday 11: Kei Mouth Men’s Open Saturday 18: Liars’ Day




Can I drive your car? Duane’s World

COME AND MEET THE CREW AT RONNIES EXECUCAR! 92 Old Transkei Road Nahoon 043 711 8200

Let’s introduce IQ tests for drivers


ast week I saw a billboard the size of a rugby field on the off-ramp to Beacon Bay. Before I go any further, I must impress upon you that advertising is the lifeblood of a free community paper, and, being possessed of dubious morals, if this car ad wanted to advertise with us, I suspect I would accept. A man has to eat. Or drink. Being in the advertising business, I have seen some spectacularly vapid adverts and slogans, but this one surely comes in a very close winner. The advert spans the entire highway and instructs us to “Stop thinking. Start driving.” I won’t divulge which car it is advertising, but suffice it to say that I have never met anyone who could afford it — with the exception of government cadres. So, it is suggested that as we engage our gearboxes, we disengage our brains, such as they are. I suspect the majority of drivers have already taken this advice to heart. Just this very morning I witnessed a tin box of a car go head to head with a petrol tanker on a blind. The road had to be closed off to clear the carnage. I propose that, along with eye tests for licences, we put prospective drivers through an IQ test. Now, if the average IQ is 100, no one who scores less should be allowed to drive. And 100 even seems a bit low... Now, I realise that last month I was bushwhacked by a herd of cows, but I can assure you it wasn’t my fault. Cows are another species that could do with some brain stimulation. They just don’t learn. Back to the advert: really, “Stop thinking. Start driving”? What exorbitant advertising company came up with that oxy -moron? From what I understand, people (with IQs above 100) can do both: Surely one can think and drive at the same time? It would seem a prerequisite of operating machinery on highways. It’s called multitasking. I believe women are very good at it, but I’m convinced that if men who have above-average IQs applied themselves, they could manage this too. So, when you engage your gears, try to engage what’s left of your mind. You can think and drive simultaneously. Thinking while driving is a critical skill on South African roads. Make decisions, pick a lane, and don’t exacerbate other drivers, fun as it can be. The hooting in this province is apparently a provincial sport. So engage your gearbox and your brain, and strap yourself and all passengers into their seatbelts. Children not wearing seatbelts are virtual projectiles — so strap them in, no matter the complaints from the little brats. Hey, I even strap my dogs in — they are more important to me than anything else. I take no chances. This is the EC — drive accordingly.

Triton is a top performer by Murray Hubbard


he new model Mitsubishi Triton takes this popular utility vehicle to the next level with a more sophisticated body style, improved, all-new turbo diesel engine and a quiet, fashionable cabin worthy of a modern car. Mitsubishi are calling the 2016 model the best and safest Triton yet. After two days at the wheel in a variety of conditions – the open highway, country roads, steep climbs and descents — I have no argument with that claim. The light commercial segment has been redefined in recent years by all-new designs in the shape of the Volkswagen Amarok, and cousins Ford Ranger and Mazda BT-50. It’s fair to say Triton now joins that group in terms of refinement, handling, fuel consumption, towing and load capacity. Externally, the earlier Triton polarised buyers, but the new vehicle addresses all shortcomings, and I found the ride and handling to be similar to some well-sorted SUVs. Triton’s J-curve tub serves a useful purpose by giving the rear-seat passengers a 25-degree angle to the seatback, meaning more comfort. However, some felt the rounded tub looked soft. That has been corrected by Mitsubishi by adding a shoulder line that starts with the front mudguard and then re-starts with the rear door that leads into the tub, which now has defined straight lines and higher sides. Along with tighter gaps between the tub and the cabin, the J-curve is less defined, giving the vehicle a more powerful appearance from the rear and profile angles. Looks matter, even in dual-cab bakkies. Triton now has a 5-star safety rating, which will be received well by commercial and private buyers, where the dualcab pickup often doubles as a workhorse and family car. The safety rating applies across the entire Triton range, with Triton dual cab boasting seven airbags and a host of technology, including stability and traction control. The new engine develops 133 kW of power (up 2 kW) but, more importantly, delivers 430 Nm of torque in both manual and auto variants. Available with a six-speed manual gearbox or five-speed auto (the Aisin system borrowed from Pajero) with manual over-

ride option, the new Triton has an all-new 2.4-litre turbo-diesel engine that replaces the old 2.5-litre turbo diesel. The previous engine delivered 400 Nm in manual vehicles and 350 Nm with auto. Fuel consumption is down across the range by as much as 20 percent through a combination of the new engine, lighter bodies and improved aerodynamics. With a more responsive throttle and more torque on tap from low revs, the new Triton is no slouch. I found it pulled away in second gear (manual) from as little as 750 rpm, then up moderate inclines without any complaint. At highway speeds the engine seems to just idle along at under 2000 rpm, but ask the question for passing and there is a surge of acceleration that gets you out and back on the left side of the road in no time. I was surprised to see what our highest speed was during this manoeuvre past a 4WD and caravan. Triton retains the 3.0-metre wheelbase that gives the vehicle a best-in-class turning circle of 11.8 metres — important if the pickup is used around town for shopping, as well as being off-road when you’re on tight tracks. It now has just 3.8 turns to go lock-to-lock. Mitsubishi did not play around with the size of the three offerings, single-cab, super-cab and dual-cab are close to the same dimensions as its superseded model. Drivers will also be happy because, at last, Triton has both reach and tilt adjustment for the steering wheel. The suspension has also been tweaked, as well as changes to the rear damper design and the leaf springs that have been lengthened by 120mm to improve ride. Triton now has a slightly improved entry angle of 30 degrees, while the departure angle is 22 degrees, and the double-cab ramp over angle is 24 degrees. Wading depth is 500 mm or, if you take it really slow at under 5 km/h, you can get into depths of 600 mm. Triton entry level models have the Easy-Select 4WD system that uses a dial to choose between 2WD and 4WD on the move. There is also the 4WD low-range that has been adapted — even lower gearing for serious off-road rock hopping. I really like this new Mitsubishi Triton. It’s a well thought-out vehicle that should appeal not just to tradies, but also to the off-road and towing markets.

RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES ON SELECTED VEHICLES! We don’t sell cars at Recommended Retail Price! 2017 Mercedes-Benz A200 (Demo) Cavansite Blue 8 500km R489 000 (New Price: R549 000) 2017 Mercedes-Benz E350d (Demo) Polar White 9 500km R999 000 (New Price: R1 250 000) 2013 Mercedes-Benz ML350 BlueTEC Polar White 91 000km R559 000 (Recommended Retail Price: R649 000) 2013 Mercedes-Benz ML63 AMG Calcite White 46 000km R949 000 (Recommended Retail Price: R1 125 000) 2014 Mercedes-Benz ML500 Silver 37 000km R799 000 (Recommended Retail Price: R865 000) 2016 Mercedes-Benz Vito 116 CDI Panel Van White 17 000km R425 000 (Recommended Retail Price: R515 000) 2015 Isuzu KB250 D-Tec 4x4 P/U D/C White 36 000km R419 000 (Recommended Retail Price: R439 000) 2015 Mitsubishi Pajero 3.2 DiD GLS Pearl White 86 000km R499 000 (Recommended Retail Price: R539 000) 2015 Toyota Fortuner 3.0 D4D A/T White 89 000km R365 000 (Recommended Retail Price: R395 000) 2016 Ford EcoSport 1.5 TDCI Titanium Blue 39 000km R259 000 (New Price: R309 000)





043 841 1244

45 Main Street, Kei Mouth


Quick crossword November 2017

Sudoku November 2017

1. Into which sea does the Nile flow? 2. Three continents lie on the Tropic of Capricorn, South America is one, name any of the other two? 3. In American currency 10 cents make a what? 4. Afrikaans was developed from which European language? 5. An Ortanique is a cross between a tangerine and what other fruit? 6. What Italian word for ‘Scratched Drawing’ can be found on walls all over the world? 7. What musical features ‘Some Enchanted Evening’ and ‘There Is Nothing Like A Dame’? 8. What was the name of the first manned lunar landing mission in 1969? 9. Which boxer was nicknamed ‘The Dark Destroyer’? 10. What was the name of Ritchie Valens’ girlfriend? 11. What is the procedure called where an anaesthetic is injected close to the spinal cord? 12. What poisonous oily liquid occurs naturally in tobacco leaves? 13. Who had his first UK top 10 hit with ‘Wichita Lineman’? 14. Which sign of the Zodiac is represented by the Scales? 15. In which country was Rudyard Kipling born? 16. What is the gemstone for September? 17. What instrument has been nicknamed the ‘Mississippi Saxaphone’? 18. One and a half litres of champagne is known as a what? 19. In alphabetical order name the three particles that make up an atom? 20. What is the common name of the’ Auora Borealis’? EXTRA QUESTION — WHAT DOES THE FIRST LETTER OF EACH ANSWER SPELL OUT?

45 Main Street, Kei Mouth

Tel/Fax: 043 841 1244

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