AOWA 'Silent Pain' Appeal

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WYLLIE ARTHRITIS CENTRE 17 Lemnos Street, Shenton Park WA 6008 | PO Box 34, Wembley WA 6913 Tel: (08) 9388 2199 Fax: (08) 9388 4488 Email:

One of these people is living in agony... can you tell which one? r Become our partnehe lp

and make a donation to cure ease the pain and find a

From the desk of Ric Forlano

CEO, Arthritis & Osteoporosis WA March 2014

Did you guess it was the fifth foot? That’s the x-ray of someone with arthritis But without ‘x-ray vision’ how would you know they were in pain? Dear friend,

Did you know one in roughly five of your friends suffer from arthritis? We’re not just talking about the normal aches and pains of old age. We’re talking about the excruciating pain of bones that feel like they are shattering, hands so painful that you can barely hold a glass of water. If you’ve ever broken a bone or dislocated a joint, you’ll know that pain. But those injuries healed. Arthritis is forever.

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and make a donation to help ease the pain and find a cure For over 400,000 West Australian men, women and children, arthritis is a cripplingly and painful disease that dominates their whole lives. And by 2050 that number is set to double. During my years as Executive Director of Arthritis & Osteoporosis WA (AOWA) I’ve met extraordinary people of all ages, from all walks of life, all battling this common enemy.

Suzie May is one of them. You’d never guess this beautiful, young mother has rheumatoid arthritis (RA). She’s lived with this unpredictable and devastating disease now for twelve years. Whilst wonderful advances in research have been made, unless we find a cure she’ll be living with it for the rest of her life. Suzie is a truly amazing person and one of the most inspiring people I’ve ever met. I’m sure when you read Suzie’s letter telling her story, you’ll be inspired too.

Today Suzie volunteers with us to help raise awareness by talking to medical students and the public about the effects of arthritis. All too often they’ll tell her “but you don’t look like someone who has RA.”.

Not just an elderly person’s disease

Many people don’t realise there are over 100 forms of arthritis and it is one of the most common chronic diseases affecting children. Many children, like adults with arthritis, have to take a form of chemotherapy to stop their immune systems attacking their own bodies. But the devastating side effects make them so vulnerable to infection that every day they get to go to school is a bonus. Ben, now the father of two boys of his own, tells how he was diagnosed with RA when he was just 4 years old. “Arthritis is evil,” he says, “It robbed me of my entire childhood”.

And then there is Rachael, who at eight years, was finally diagnosed with what caused her countless broken bones and dislocations. Now 18, she lives with a rare arthritic condition called Elhers Danos Syndrome which affects all her joints, her skin and even her heart. She takes forty tablets a day and uses a wheelchair, walking frame or walking stick - depending on her levels of pain and fatigue. She’s a highly intelligent girl with enormous potential, but every day is a painful battle.

A new era in research.

Arthritis & Osteoporosis WA (AOWA) has been fundraising for the past three years to fund the first Chair in Rhueumatology & Musculoskeletal Medicine in conjunction with the University of WA to head our brand new era in research. Professor Johannes Nossent has been appointed (just weeks ago) and is a brilliant rheumatologist who will be leading his research group’s ultimate crusade to find better therapies,

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and make a donation to help ease the pain and find a cure

and hopefully a cure for arthritis in all its forms. His role will also include teaching emerging doctors to properly diagnose and understand arthritis and its effects on so many in the community. Your donation of $25, $50 or even $100 today will ensure vital research forges ahead. It’s hard to watch anyone suffering with ongoing pain, but you can help!

For over 40 years we have relied on the generosity of people like you in the local community to help others. We know the power of working together and with new advancements every day we are so close to reaching our ultimate goal – a cure. As Suzie says, “Arthritis just doesn’t get the attention (or funding) of life threatening diseases like cancer or heart disease. But though you might not die from arthritis it is a life sentence of pain.”

Every morning, all over Western Australia, there are thousands of people waking up wondering how they’re going to make it through the day. Some days they may feel fine and on another day they might be completely bedridden with the pain. Every decision they make – when, where and how they will work, go shopping, take a holiday - are all decided on how much pain they think they can bear. You might even be one of them. Imagine a world without arthritis – where children are able to play with their friends, attend school and achieve their full potential - where men and women are able to fulfil the lives that now they can only dream of. Be our partner in this ambitious plan to fight arthritis in all its forms and please give generously.

Ric Forlano Executive Director

P.S. If you’ve ever broken a bone, dislocated a joint or even stubbed your toe, you know the pain they feel every day. Help us ease the chronic pain of arthritis by sending your donation today. P.S.S. Find out more about all the pain management, exercise and support programs available here in WA, by visiting

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17 Lemnos Street, Shenton Park WA 6008 PO Box 34, Wembley WA 6913 Telephone: (08) 9388 2199 Fax: (08) 9388 4488 ABN 43 390 598 024

Dear Friend,

Arthritis is not selective in who it attacks, or sympathetic to the agony it causes. Generous financial donations ensure our haven of support is always available to those who need it most.

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and make a donation to help ease the pain and find a cure

So as I welcome you to take advantage of our facilities and services might I also ask you for a donation? $50, $25 or even $100 would ensure that support services and research can continue on and ensure a brighter and pain free present and future for all. I will be grateful for any amount you can give...

one should endure the pain of arthritis without support. I Agree! No Please accept my gift of:

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Thank you for today’s gift. You can also help us achieve a pain-free future by leaving a bequest in your Will. Tick for information. I’d like to leave a bequest to Arthritis & Osteoporosis WA in my will. Please tell me how. I have already included Arthritis & Osteoporosis WA in my will.

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