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Lambda-cyhalorthrin insecticide to be sold across Canada
by The Grower
ADAMA Canada will continue to make lambda-cyhalorthrin products available to retailers and farmers across Canada. The March 8, 2023 decision came after several months of consulting with retailers, farmers and industry groups on the implications of the Pest Management Regulatory Agency’s (PMRA) ruling to re-evaluate the permitted uses of the insecticide.
The PMRA’s April 2021 decision required lambda-cyhalothrin products to be relabeled with new usage guidelines. To comply with this decision, ADAMA Canada has now completed the relabelling of existing inventories of Silencer and Zivata ensuring farmers have the most up-to-date information for the 2023 season.
A reminder to those in horticulture, the products are no longer available for growers of the following crops: leaf and head lettuce, greenhouse lettuce, bulb vegetables (crop group 3: garlic, elephant garlic, leek, dry bulb, green and welch onion, shallots)
“We will continue to sell our lambda-cy products, Silencer and Zivata, with the new labelling across Canada,” said Cornie Thiessen, general manager of ADAMA Canada. “After a great deal of discussion and consideration, we have confidence in our retail partners to provide good advice to growers and we trust growers themselves to use the product responsibly and within
Upcoming IPM Workshops for commercial growers and scouts
The dates have been set for spring integrated pest management workshops, hosted by various OMAFRA specialists. Workshops will focus on proper identification of vegetable pests and pathogens and provide reference material for the field season. All workshops are free to attend and lunch is on your own. Registration is required. To register, please call the Ontario Agriculture Information Contact Centre at 1 877-4241300.
April 27 – Brassica Crops – Guelph and Virtual
May 3 – Intro to IPM – Guelph and Virtual
May 4 – Carrot / Onion – Guelph and Virtual
May 10 – Sweet Corn – Ridgetown and Virtual
May 11 – Tomatoes – In person at Ridgetown only
May 17 – Cucurbits – Ridgetown and Virtual permitted guidelines.”
“Our lambda-cy products are valued because they’re effective,” he said. “The bottom line for growers is to read the labeling guidelines carefully. Talk to your full-service input retailer and to your crop buyers so you can make an informed decision about if and when to apply the product.”
Lambda-cyhalothrin is the active ingredient in two ADAMA products available in Canada - Silencer and Zivata – which are both marketed for use on multiple crops.
Source: ADAMA Canada March 8, 2023 news release