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Spotted wing drosophila management 2023
from The Grower July 2023
by The Grower
Registrations for Spotted Wing Drosophila, June 2023
More information on these applications can be found on the Ontario Crop Protection Hub. Before applying any pest control product, always review the most current version of the product label. 1 General Re-entry
The Berry Growers of Ontario have funded spotted wing drosophila (SWD) monitoring at ten sites across the province this year. I expect growers are beginning to control SWD at this point in the season, or will be soon. Once SWD is active and there is ripe fruit present on your farm, it is time to spray. Here is a list of products registered for SWD control and suppression. However, remember that insecticide applications are not the only tool available!
• Picking regularly, every 2 days if possible, can be very effective
• Cool fruit as soon as possible after harvest
• Keep the field clean- remove any unmarketable fruit from the field and destroy it
• Prune the canopy and manage water to reduce humidity and make the environment less favourable for SWD
• Spray every 5-7 days, and re-apply after ½ inch of rain
• Renovate June-bearing strawberries as soon as possible!
Stay tuned to the ONfruit.ca blog for regular spotted wing drosophila and other pest management updates. Thank you to the multiple consultants for helping to monitor this season!

Please note: this is a reference sheet and does not replace the labels. Continue to check the product labels for more specific instructions and uses.
Spotted wing drosophila is a serious pest in Ontario and suppression products may not provide acceptable levels of control. Do not make more than two consecutive applications of Group 5 insecticides.