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Results from the National Pest Management Priority Setting Exercise
from The Grower June 2023
by The Grower
Table 1: Selected ‘A’ priorities for the 2023 workshop. Lines that are bolded will move forward as PMC projects in 2024 while those that are italicized were chosen as an ‘A’ priority but will not move forward at this time.
Weed Science Projects
Product Solution Active Ingredient Solution Registrant
Sweet Potato Grassy Weeds Arrow clethodim ADAMA
Pepper (field)
Broadleaf Weeds Prowl H2O pendimethalin BASF
Strawberry Grassy Weeds Arrow clethodim ADAMA
Cranberry Weeds Elevore halauxifen Corteva
Field Conifers (incl. Christmas Trees)
Broadleaf Weeds Starane fluroxypyr Corteva
Raspberry Broadleaf Weeds Lontrel clopyralid Corteva
Cucumber (field) Grassy Weeds Prowl H2O pendimethalin BASF
Following a three-year virtual hiatus due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Pest Management Centre (AAFCPMC) held its 21st annual national pest management priority setting workshop in a much-anticipated return to an in-person format in Gatineau, Quebec from March 21 – 23. The exercise was broken into three workshops, one per day, focusing on entomology, pathology and weed science over the course of the three days.
The meetings brought together a wide range of participants from across Canada, the United States, and other international partners including Brazil and the Netherlands. Participants included university and federal researchers, crop extension specialists, private consultants, provincial specialists, provincial minor use coordinators (PMUCs), registrant representatives, Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) and AAFC-PMC staff, growers and grower organization representatives.
The meetings were held to review the top priorities identified by each of the provinces’ horticultural and ornamental crop industries to establish the top national priorities for the minor crops sector. Priorities which were selected in the final ‘A’ round will guide AAFCPMC’s field research program as research projects in the 2024 season and eventually support future minor use label expansion submissions sent to PMRA once complete. The goal of the workshops was to elevate 35 ‘A’ priorities for capacity analysis consideration – eight mainstream and two organic projects per discipline, plus five regional
Rutabaga Flea Beetles Sivanto Prime Flupyradifurone Bayer
Hemp, industrial Cutworms Pounce Permethrin FMC
Nectarine Plum Curculio NoVil Metarhizium robertsii isolate CPD6 Crop Defenders
Hazelnut Filbert Bud Mite Magister Fenazaquin Gowan
Kalettes Aphids Exirel Cyantraniliprole FMC
Ornamentals (Greenhouse) Aphids A20262B / Elestal Neo Spiropidion Syngenta
Carrot Cercospora Leaf Spot Captan 80 WSP captan ADAMA
Cucumber (Greenhouse) Powdery Mildew Kinoprol 20SC ipflufenoquin Nippon Soda Co. Ltd.
Honeysuckle, edible (Haskap) Powdery Mildew Gatten flutianil OAT Agrio Co. Ltd.
Strawberry Neopestalotiopsis fruit rot Allegro fluazinam ISK Biosciences
Strawberry (Greenhouse) Powdery Mildew Property pyriofenone Syngenta
Hops Diapothe Leaf and Cone Blight Folpan folpet ADAMA
Tomato (Greenhouse) Botrytis grey mould Kinoprol ipflufenoquin Nippon Soda Co. Ltd
Fescue (established) for seed and forage Stem and leaf spot complex Veltyma pyraclostrobin + mefentrifluconazole BASF
Greenhouse Ornamentals (MARITIMES) Powdery Mildew Adavelt florylpicoxamid Corteva
Rutabaga (QUEBEC) Cabbage Maggot Delegate spinetoram Corteva Ginseng (ONTARIO) Debudding Ethrel ethephon Bayer
Dill, Seeds (including Caraway and Coriander) (PRAIRIES) Labelled Weeds Lorox L linuron Tessenderlo Kerley Inc.
Caneberries (Greenhouse) Cane Botrytis Fontelis penthiopyrad Corteva
Basil (field) Bacterial Blight Kocide 2000-O OR 3000-O (pending registrant input) copper hydroxide Cosaco
Grape, wine Spotted Lanternfly Biotitan Beauveria Bassiana ANT-03 Anatis Bioprotection
Cranberry Blackheaded Fireworm Madex HP Baculovirus Andermatt selections at the end of the workshops.
The opening day of the workshop was focused on entomology, and began with participant introductions, welcoming remarks from PMC staff and executive director Marcos Alvarez, and featured a moment of tribute where colleagues past and present came together to remember the memory of the late Gavin Graham, former provincial weed management specialist and
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