4 minute read
CCSF Adapting to a New Alternative for Online Classes
By Logan Dang logandang123@gmail.com
Starting this summer, City College of San Francisco will not offer classes on Zoom; however, the administration is considering a new technological approach called HyFlex. Three other colleges–San Diego College of Continuing Education (SDCCE), Pierce College (Los Angeles), and Cañada College (San Mateo)–have implemented this service.
HyFlex and OwlCamera: Owl camera appearance. Function: allows 360º view with a camera, mic, and speaker. Photo courtesy of Owl Labs.

HyFlex, described by Dr. Dayamudra Dennehy, City College’s Distance Education Coordinator and ESL faculty member, offers
Adapting, continued on page 3
JACC Awards, continued from page 1
Adapting, continued from page 1 students a hybrid model of learning that promotes flexibility.
Students may choose to participate in person for some activities that include daily online meetings and assignments. Or they may opt for a fully online experience with minimal interaction between instructor and student unless a meeting is scheduled. This mode is termed “asynchronous.”
The Columbia Center for Teaching and Learning (CCTL) showcases some examples of a HyFlex class. As the diagrams illustrate, HyFlex offers versatility and aims to engage all students whether they attend in person or remotely.

CCTL noted that “Departments or schools may specify what amount of the three modes (on-site, remote, asynchronous) can count for full participation in a HyFlex class.”
Dr. Dennedy described her own experience from her graduate studies at San Francisco State University where “Pre-COVID, students in our cohort were allowed to join the class by Zoom and a television cart was rolled around the classroom to include them in small group discussions. There were also interactive screens at every table in certain classrooms.” maintenance of new equipment in old buildings.
Regarding more details of the implementation of the system at City College, the Office of Instruction did not give a response in time for publication. However, if the system is implemented, the outcomes are as listed on the Office of Online Learning and Educational Technology webpage: https://www.ccsf.edu/sites/default/ files/2023/document/hyflex-pilotspring-2023.pdf
• Assessing the effectiveness in learning outcomes and engagement
• Determining the feasibility of implementation on a larger scale at City College
• Feedback on improvement and making adjustments to the system
• Test technology infrastructure and support needed to effectively deliver HyFlex agree that they prefer in-person. However, they did believe that the system would provide greater flexibility although Nguyen noted that “instructors may have more work to do.”
Drake commented that the system “may be more beneficial to certain courses than others.” There were other concerns as well. Royer mentioned, “Some areas at City College have very weak internet. Students may also have trouble at home with the internet and technology access.”
For more details, visit CCSF’s Enrollment Management Committee page, section 2022-23 agendas.
At the convention, competing live on-thespot, Franchon Smith won third place in Creative Portrait, in addition to placing third with Casey Michie for the Team Feature.
Awarded for their performance, both Michie and Smith roamed the Ferry Building for the on-the-spot contest. They chatted with various merchants about their business of selling goods and how the pandemic has affected the foot traffic surrounding their establishment.

“There were speakers from very prestigious papers that gave some incredible seminars and talks,” says Michie, “It was great to network and meet people from across the country, both professionals and administrators and of course, other student journalists as well.”
Michie has been a part of City College’s Journalism program for a total of two years.
His first time attending the conference was during the pandemic where the event was held remotely, and his second time this past March.
He shares, “The program at City College has been an extremely, extremely helpful program, everything is about journalism. The foundation and the skills to be able to compete in an on-the-spot contest had much to do with Juan and Alex and staff and City Colleges’ mentorship, teaching and guidance… That being said, I will say that anyone in the Journalism program who has an opportunity to go to the JACC, I couldn't recommend it enough.”
Smith has been to the convention a number of times and has grown familiar with the nature of its existence, mentioning how the conference occurs, “...to recognize [us] students and further [us] in our path…they are a supportive organization training [us] to be better journalists.”
She knows the setting is perfect for acting the part of being a journalist. Goers have to treat an assignment (in the contest) as if it were their real work in the field of Journalism– learn how to talk to people for getting quotes, take advantage of opportunities, think outside the box, and know it is not simply about winning, but gaining experience.
With education from City College, the Academy of Arts, and SF State, Smith continues at City College today in full support of the Journalism program.
The photojournalist of the Guardsman highlights the enduring efforts of department chair, Juan Gonzales. “Journalism is a small world. You may not know everybody, but somebody always knows somebody. Juan is the OG in Journalism. He is as authentic as they come; whatever he says, DO IT! He points you in the right direction.”
At SDCCE, the college uses three options dealing with HyFlex. The first is the Meeting Owl Pro Camera, which offers a 360º view of the classroom. The second is the standard laptop with a microphone. The third is a more smart-tech approach with a classroom camera, ceiling microphone, and touch panels, along with other tech. Pierce College employs a “dual delivery” method using HyFlex with the Owl camera and laptops. However, the college faces challenges with the installation and
• Determine resource requirements for implementation of HyFlex Most students interviewed at City College said that the system would provide greater flexibility, and most welcomed its implementation; however, there are concerns with the system. Michaela Royer said, “There could be heavy reliance on the online aspect that students may not be as active participants compared to in-person learners. I think in-person classes are more fun when there are more people there.”
Another student, Anna Dang (not related) said, “Asynchronous learning or online learning is really good for individuals who don’t have a hectic home life and are very focused individuals. I personally prefer in-person as I have a big family at home.”
Other students like Henry Drake and Dana Nguyen also
HyFlex example 1: Demonstration of Lecture setup of an instructor and students. Camera A able to give perspectives from close, medium, or far-distance views. Camera B allows online students to see their in-person peers. Photo courtesy of Columbia Center for Teaching and Learning