Fashion Trends P/E 2010 & Fashion Blogging

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digital Collection Fashion Trends P/E 2010 & Fashion Blogging Elisa Bersani





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PRONTE LE NUOVE COLLEZIONI Sarà l'estate dei dettagli. Sciarpe e guanti nel cassetto, la moda primavera-estate 2010 veste la donna e l'uomo di colori vivaci e spesso inaspettati, come nel caso del rosso per gli abiti da uomo. Per lei gli stilisti hanno creato abiti di colore giallo, rosa, turchese e pesca. Il viola delle passate collezioni, nei mesi caldi del 2010 è invece stato spiazzato dal verde nelle tonalità alga, kaki e metallico. Quest'estate torneranno a sorpresa, però, anche le tonalità dei marroni come il fango e il cioccolato, ma anche l'arancione «zuppa di pomodoro allungato con tanta panna». Per lui? Tutto è concesso, purchè sia estremamente cangiante e colorato, e anche molto fantasioso. Se per la donna la parola d'ordine è poi<<femminilità>>, ecco che l'uomo le si avvicina sempre di più indossando borse da portare in spalla come uno zaino o a mano, sia in stoffa che in pelle. L'unica caratteristica che deve avere per essere alla moda, è che deve essere capiente. Non è ancora tutto, perchè addirittura l'acconciature maschile vuole i capelli lunghi, oltre a camicie con bottoni in madreperla con le proprie iniziali incise. Sia per lei che per lui, i dettagli sono assolutamente importanti. Come il cappello e le scarpa scelta con molta attenzione da parte di lui e gli occhiali da parte di lei, rigorosamente con montature medio-piccole. E anche i loghi, se ci sono, si fanno più raffinati e meno vistosi. La donna primavera-estate 2010 indossa minigonne, giacche corte fino al punto vita e pantaloni e miniabiti aderentissimi, ma anche l'abbigliamento da cowboy e l'abito lungo, morbido e sensuale, realizzato in jersey e chiffon. Nel guardaroba femminile ritornano poi i classicissimi «denim» Anni 80 stracciati e dall'aria vissuta, ma anche pantaloncini e shorts, sempre in jeans, in tutte le lunghezze e in tutte le versioni: l'importante e' che siano abbinati a tacchi vertiginosi.


LE TENDENZE DELLA MODA P/E 2010 Abiti corti, leggeri e coloratissimi. E' il trionfo degli Anni Ottanta tessuti da zingara, ruches e balze, ma anche casacche su pantaloni-palazzo e righe. Ai piedi zoccoli alti di legno. Colore, tanto colore e poi trionfo del jeans e della minigonna. Sono queste le linee guida della moda primavera-estate 2010, caratterizzata da una grande varieta' di proposte. Jeans: sicuramente gli Anni 80, che hanno influenzato tutto l'autunno e l'inverno, continuano in qualche modo a farsi sentire soprattutto nel denim o jeans, tornano cosi' gli strappi e l'effetto sdrucito. Basta jeans colorati. Maglieria: altra influenza Anni Ottanta sono le maglie con scollatura asimmetrica, tipo quelle indossate da Jennifer Beals in Flashdance. Tornano le magliette a rigone orizzontali colorate e anche righe sottili bianco e nero. Sempre righe nei cardigan molto moda marinara. Fantasie e colori: troviamo tessuti da zingara ma molto fashion, come quelli di Etro e Kenzo con fantasie geometriche macro nei pantaloni amplissimi e casacca in contrasto in micro fantasia. I colori monocromatici sono molto accesi: giallo brillante, bluette, viola, fucsia, rosso fuoco e rosa intenso. Accostamenti a macchie di colori fluo nello stesso tessuto. Il colore passepartout che e' di solito il nero e' invece il blu, in tutte le sue gradazioni. Gli abitini sono corti, tessuti leggeri e morbidi con maniche ampie e semplicemente stretti in vita. Sempre linee molto semplici anche negli abiti in cotone, appena sopra al ginocchio, scollo a barchetta e cintura in vita, oppure abiti tunica come gli antichi romani con drappeggi morbidi sul davanti e in vita. Alternativa e' l'abitino con gonna con ruches al fondo e manica a sbuffo, oppure al posto delle ruches le balze. Chanel ha addirittura presentato un abito fatto all'uncinetto, quasi un centrino arrangiato sulla figura. Comunque gonne, gonnelline e gonnelle larghe. Per quanto rigoarda i pantaloni: basta sigaretta, basta pantaloni attillati, aderenti, basta vita bassa. Anche in questo caso praticita' e morbidezza, tasche, pinces, anche vita alta (si sono visti anche jeans a vita alta). Scendono morbidi, a palazzo o molto ampi, quasi una gonna, se qualcuno se le ricorda le pantagonne degli Anni Ottanta, oppure per le giornate piu' calde i pantaloncini corti kaki o denim. Riservati alla sera, i tessuti luccicanti in oro e argento per abiti a tunica corti, oppure minigonne drappeggiate e giacche lunghe. Se invece volete l'abito lungo ecco l'uso di tessuto effetto stropicciato, ma sempre lucido, corpetto rigido e spalle scoperte e gonne con strascico come ha disegnato John Galliano che firma per Dior. Come vedete e' una moda semplice, lineare, adatta da portare anche per chi non ha un fisico perfetto, attenzione solo che le righe orizzontali allargano la figura. Sembra che la moda, a parte i dettagli ÂŤbambolinaÂť si sia semplificata, un ritorno al minimal. Per quanto riguarda le scarpe, compaiono gli stivali primaverili dove ritroviamo le frange, un poco cow-girl, ma anche nei tronchetti ci sono piccole frange alla caviglia come dettaglio. Continuano a imperversare i tacchi, tacchi e ancora tacchi: non piu' a spillo ma con plateau, open-toe, stringhe e fiocchi e, come materiale innovativo, il legno. Legno usato anche negli zoccoli con i tacchi alti. E molti tessuti lucidi con micro fantasie da sfoggiare ai piedi.


T Magazine

Hoofing It | Clogs on the Runway

Once reserved for nurses and vegans, clogs were seen stomping all over the spring runways. For Chanel, it was “Green Acres” complete with aprons, flower baskets and hopsack clogs with bold CC’s — a nod to the thick-soled footwear favored by Dutch and Swedish farmers. Marc Jacobs outfitted his sportier, colorful clogs with kitten heels, tassels and a mustache-like fur. (A buxom Lara Stone wears them in the new Louis Vuitton ad campaign; she is surrounded by moss, trees and white doves in a bucolic scene of innocence and luxury.) Meanwhile, Miu Miu took clogs the ’70s route with huge platforms and kitschy prints of dogs, birds and daises. The New York-based designer Karin Bereson of No. 6 is a big step ahead of the game; she began producing a line of clogs for her boutique in Little Italy in the fall of 2006. “I just felt it,” says Bereson, who was looking for an antidote to the generic and the mass produced. “There has been a movement back to simple, organic things.” She started with a basic clog boot. “People were loving the boots, buying four to six pairs, so moving to other styles seemed like a natural progression,” Bereson says. She now offers a slingback clog and a T-strap clog sandal. These and other styles are riffs on a vintage clog she found. She played with its shape, making variations that were taller, narrower and, she says, “more urban,” adding tassels, peep toes and kilties in order to “make them more whimsical, less literal and purely fun.”


My interest in No. 6’s clogs was piqued last weekend when I made a trip downtown to check out the current selection. Right at the front of the store is a shelf displaying all of the styles that can be made to order! (I put my name down for a pair of the basic closed- toe clogs in black with the optional strap.) “Every pair is handmade, all cut from wood that is sourced from factories in Austria and Sweden that have been family owned for generations,” Bereson explained. Not that I needed the hard sell. They are actually quite lightweight and very comfortable! No. 6 offers six different styles in leather, suede leather, patent leather and nubuck, each in a wide range of colors. You can have your lemon yellow patent clogs, basic brown or the new denim T-straps. Prices range from $225 to $285 for the clogs, and $345 to $415 for the clog boots. Green Acres, here I come. No.6, owned by Karin Bereson and Morgan Yakus, 6 Centre Market Place (between Broome and Grand); (212) 226-5759. Open Monday-Saturday, 12 p.m.-7 p.m. and Sunday, 12 p.m.-6 p.m. Go to for more information.


Fashion Magazine

b a

d c


a. Drape; b. Florals; c. Tribal; d. Lingerie

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Speciale occhiali da sole: forme, colori e tendenze 2009.

credits: Imaxtree

Venerdìì, Marzo 2010

Stravaganti, eccentrici, colorati, gli occhiali da sole sono sempre tra i protagonisti dell'estate. Le sfilate di Milano, Parigi e New York lo confermano. Le super top li hanno indossati sulle passerelle dei maggiori stilisti: dalle forme maliziose e girlish di Sonia Rykiel a quelle vintage anni settanta di Gucci, dalle mascherine black di Yves Saint Laurent agli occhiali bianco ottico di Proenza Schouler ed Emilio Pucci. Nelle nostre gallery tutte le tendenze dell’eyewear per l'estate 2009: gli occhiali-gioiello tempestati da strass e cristalli, gli intramontabili total black, dalle forme over o in stile pilot, gli ultra white da vera diva e i gold pensati per una mise faraonica. Ma i più cool scelgono toni accesi e vibranti: dal red passion al purple rain, fino al blu elettrico e all’azzurro cielo diventano, con glamour, accessoricomplici del buon umore. Allure vintage e toni più pacati, invece, per le forme oversize con sofisticate lenti dégradé, occhiali da sole dallo stile magico e leggero, fatto di dettagli d’ispirazione liberty e motivi fantasy. Oppure neo trasparenze per la montatura ultralight dove la lente è sfumata.




Dall'army al punkish, 5 stili per l'estate.

credits: Daniele Rossi Mercoledì 3 Febbraio 2010

Dalle passerelle al day wear metropolitano. Interpretare le tendenze di stagione con glamour e ironia. Gli abiti romantici con pizzi decoro e i top in sangallo si abbinano ad accessori in cuoio: sandali ultra flat, cinture in pelle intrecciata e morbide borse dalle dimensioni over. Per le più audaci dall'animo sauvage giocare con abiti e borse second skin. La stampa animalier dell'estate è quella pitonata. Per chi ama l'eleganza maschile: indossare blazer e gilet gessati, spencer in ottoman e pantaloni a vita alta, in un gioco di contrasti black & white. E sotto gli abiti di "lui" nascondere una lingerie sexy e iperfemminile. Lo stile army incontra i colori fluo: sahariane oversize verde militare e giacche-trench délavé sono impreziosite da spille multicolor, abbinate a clutch blu elettrico e a sandali con plateau in vernice fucsia vibrante. E per un look deciso, un po' rock'n'sexy, puntare su accessori punkish, dalle maxi bag in pelle nera con borchie-decoro alle collane-catene in acciaio o argento.



Questi outfits sono molto colorati e pratici. Per ognuno di essi è indicato il nome del brand e il rispettivo prezzo. Colori accesi, fiori e scozzese. L'importante è mantenere il proprio stile con allegria.


Le scelte cromatiche di questi outfits ricade su toni naturali. Abiti e gonne lunghe da un lato e shorts e mini tubini dall'altro. In entrambi i casi l'atmosfera è romantica e sognatrice. PERIODICI - VOGUE - STYLES

Cosmopolitan - denim & fiori Rintengo interessante il prodotto e desidero visitare l'e-commerce:

Collana con tessuto, perle e catene. Questi anelli a forma di rose sono interessanti per una proposta di outfit.


Cosmopolitan - costumi Costume intero che mette in risalto la linea (se la si ha ^_^).




Asos - clogs&co

Già dalla home page del sito web è possibile accedere a sezioni in cui secondo i trends del momento sono stati selezionati dei prodotti. In questo caso compare una selezione di clogs che come è già emerso in precedenza sono un must di stagione. Dalla home page è possibile anche accedere al magazine del sito web visualizzabile in flash. Il magazine è interamente dedicato alle nuove tendenze e alla proposta di prodotti in linea con esse.


WareHouse - pizzo

La ricerca dei nuovi trends risulta semplificata da e-commerce come questo. Nella barra del menÚ è presente l'opzione "Shop by Trend" che permette di visualizzare e acquistare i prodotti per tipologia di tendenza (pizzo, stampe o tute). Qui a destra compare la pagina dedicata ai prodotti in pizzo.


fashion bloggers


Fashion Bloggers- righe


Fashion Bloggers- ankle boots

Gli ankle boots vengono abbinati con jeans skinny, gonne, leggins, con qualsiasi cosa. Lo stile diventa rock, ma rimane il tocco di femminilitĂ .

Le fashion bloggers pubblicano outfits caratterizzati da ankle boots rigorosamente neri e con borchie. FASHION BLOGGERS - ANKLE BOOTS

Ricerca: fashion blogging


Strategie di ricerca

La mia ricerca ha come obiettivo cercare di indagare approfonditamente l'argomento del fashion blogging.

La tabella seguente illustra i supporti on-line utilizzati per la ricerca come le enciclopedie, Amazon e la ricerca avanzata con Google attraverso cui è stato possibile ottenere vari risultati: documenti, siti web, blogs e articoli sull'argomento del fashion blogging. RICERCA




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New kids on the Blog

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Seminario Fashion B.

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How brands should work with fashion bloggers

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The Sartorialist

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Brian Boy

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Italian Fashion Bloggers

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ARTICOLI Fashion Blogging 101

The Influence Of Fashion Bloggers Ricerca avanzata con Google On Retail

VIDEO Fashion Bloggers

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On Fashion Blogs

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Enciclopedie on-line Il primo step per indagare sul fenomeno del fashion blogging è scoprirne il significato eseguendo una ricerca nelle enciclopedie on-line come Wikipedia e Answers.


Libri on-line In secondo luogo è possibile attraverso Google Book Search e Amazon eseguire una ricerca per vedere se esistono dei libri che si occupano di fashion blogging.


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The Business of Fashion | Fashion Blogging - [ Traduci questa pagina ]

The fashion blog is here to stay. But it's also fair to wonder whether all of this .... Harris is the man behind Cut, Sew & Blog which has got young fashion ... - Copia cache

Italian Fashion Bloggers | fashion blogging made in Italy

Sabato 17 Aprile si è tenuto a Roma il tanto atteso raduno delle fashion bloggers. E' stato un giorno davvero speciale : tre servizi. ... - Copia cache

Fashion blog - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - [ Traduci questa pagina ] From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search. Fashion blogs are blogs that cover the fashion industry, clothing, and personal style. ... - Copia cache - Simili Independent Fashion Bloggers - [ Traduci questa pagina ]

Independent Fashion Bloggers. Stylish & Savvy ... The reason I started blogging was to share my opinion and help other people out. ... - 16 ore fa - Copia cache

Fashion Blog Directory of Blogs Relevant to Fashion - [ Traduci questa pagina ]

Fashion Blogs directory of blogs relevant to fashion clothing or textiles. Find blogs regarding fashion trends, fashion designers and any other subject ... - Copia cache - Simili

Slaves to Fashion: Fashion: - [ Traduci questa pagina ] 6 May 2010 ... Fashion Faceoff: Heidi Klum Vs. Faith Hill In Alexander McQueen .... More about fashion, beauty, health, sex celebrities & relationships: ... - Stati Uniti - 50 minuti fa Simili - Aggiungi a iGoogle I am Fashion - [ Traduci questa pagina ] HG's new fashion blog, where she will blog about fashion, beauty and all girly things. And yes, she will continue to self-debate endlessly on whether to buy ...


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YEN_ISSUE_38 FASHION BLOGGING .indd - [ Traduci questa pagina ] Formato file: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Versione HTML 45. Mimi Weddell (also top right), 93. Her motto for life is “Rise Above It”. Irene Williams: Queen of Lincoln Road, photographed by Annie Leibovitz, 2000. ... [PDF]

FashiOn Blogging

11 giu 2008 ... l'incontro Fashion Blogging. Fashion Blogging. Fashion Blogging nell'ambito del seminario coordinato dalla prof.ssa Antonella Mascio per ... [PDF]

Tutti pazzi per gli outlet

Formato file: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Versione HTML FASHION BLOGGING MADE IN ITALY. 22.03.2010. Sei un' appassionata/o di moda ? Non puoi fare a meno delle tue marche preferite ? ... [PDF] Designers and fashion editors are losing their influence as ... - [ Traduci questa pagina ] Formato file: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Visualizzazione rapida 15 Aug 2007 ... “Fashion blogging is an emerging phenomenon that the industry is coming to terms with,” says Imran. Amed, whose website, www.imran ... [PDF]

10.14.2009 Ivan Adamov Ian Goodwin Claudiu Brinduse Sandra Nausėdaitė - [ Traduci questa pagina ]

Formato file: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Versione HTML 14 Oct 2009 ... celebrity fashion blogging, user comments, an Ebay-style bidding system, and a mobile application for phone platforms will take our company ...

t A N d e m - s e r i e s - [ Traduci questa pagina ]

Fashion Blogging” and is now given a first row seat at Chanel Shows. Her blog is stronger than ever despite her day job. ...


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The Business of Fashion | Fashion Blogging - [ Traduci questa pagina ]

NEW YORK, United States — In the first-ever 'Digital IQ' ranking of the top luxury fashion brands' digital competence, Louis Vuitton has come out on top, ... - Copia cache

The Business of Fashion | Fashion Blogging - [ Traduci questa pagina ]

The Business of Fashion is the daily must-read for fashion creatives, business professionals and entrepreneurs. - Copia cache Mostra altri risultati da

The Quad News - Fashion Blogging 101 - [ Traduci questa pagina ]

8 Apr 2010 ... Over the past five years, fashion blogging has developed into a very competitive social sphere. Reporting first on a new event or trend can ... - Copia cache

Great Video About Fashion-blogging | Fashion Communication - [ Traduci questa pagina ] 18 Feb 2010 ... On Fashionblogs from Mary Scherpe on Vimeo. A Video that was presented at PREMIUM Exhibitions panel on Fashionblogs, asking Suzy Menkes, ... - Copia cache

Suffer for fashion? Never! ÂŤ | Mom Blogging and More - [ Traduci questa pagina ] 26 Apr 2010 ... Suffer for fashion? Never! I hit a gold mine at the Gymboree clearance rack, picking up three pairs of kiddie jeans for the price of one. ... - Copia cache

Spotlight on Fashion: Blogging for Style from SES NY 2010 - [ Traduci questa pagina ] Below is live coverage of the Spotlight on Fashion: Blogging for Style from the SES New York conference. This coverage is provided by Sheara Goldenthal of. ny-2010/ Copia cache

Spotlight on Fashion: Blogging for Style | - [ Traduci questa pagina ] Moderator: Stewart Quealy , SES Advisory Board Co-Chair & VP, Content Development, Incisive Media Speakers: Dina Pradel , Director, Marketing, StyleFeeder, ...


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PR Log - Blogger launches Style Sample Magazine for and about ... - [ Traduci questa pagina ] Blogger launches Style Sample Magazine for and about fashion bloggers. By Style Sample Magazine. Dated: Mar 29, 2009. Style Sample Magazine is a free ...

PR Log - The Most Influential Fashion Bloggers in the World - [ Traduci questa pagina ] The Most Influential Fashion Bloggers in the World. By Mabel Xie. Dated: Sep 16, 2009. They are a group of fashion enthusiasts. ... world.pdf Mostra altri risultati da [PDF] How brands should work with fashion bloggers - [ Traduci questa pagina ] Formato file: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Visualizzazione rapida How brands should work with fashion bloggers. Wed, Feb 17, 2010 | Posted by joann.hodgson · London Fashion Week kicks off on Friday (19th February) and as ... [PDF] Fashion Bloggers have a new toy. WP FASHION Wordpress Plugin. - [ Traduci questa pagina ] Formato file: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Versione HTML Fashion Bloggers have a new toy. WP. FASHION Wordpress Plugin. Finally, a Wordpress Plugin that can benefit Fashion Bloggers. WP Fashion is a unique plugin ... Announces Beauty Products Resource for Fashion ... - [ Traduci questa pagina ] 7 Jan 2009 ... Announces Beauty Products Resource for. Fashion Fanatics and Beauty Bloggers., has launched its new website ... salonhivecom-announcesbeauty-products-resource-for-fashion-fanatics-an...

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The Influence Of Fashion Bloggers On Retail - PSFK - [ Traduci questa pagina ] 7 Jan 2010 ... Fashion bloggers have begun to take the reigns from traditional media in the fashion industry. - Copia cache - Simili

Evolving Influence | Independent Fashion Bloggers - [ Traduci questa pagina ] 26 Jan 2010 ... Evolving Influence Date: February 15, 2010 Time: Conference 10:00am6:00pm Couturious Cocktail Pary 6:30pm-8:30pm Place: Helen Mills Theater ... - Copia cache - Simili

Evolving Influence Recap : Part One | Independent Fashion Bloggers - [ Traduci questa pagina ] 24 Feb 2010 ... Evolving Influence blew my mind. It may have blown everyone's mind... as newbie bloggers alongside veterans gathered together to talk about ... - Copia cache - Simili Mostra altri risultati da

Risultati di Google Video per allintitle:influence fashion bloggers Independent Fashion Bloggers Conference ... 2742 min - 16 feb 2010

Independent Fashion Bloggers Conference ... 177 min - 28 feb 2010

Ciao, Chessa!: Evolving Influence - Independent Fashion Bloggers - [ Traduci questa pagina ] 16 Feb 2010 ... Evolving Influence This season at New York Fashion Week one of the most exciting events didn't even take place on the runway at the tents. ... - Copia cache - Simili This Time Tomorrow: Independent Fashion Bloggers Conference ... - [ Traduci questa pagina ] 23 Feb 2010 ... Nothing says Fashion Week like a day full of talking blog shop with lovely fashionable blogging mavens. Held last Monday, Feb. ... conference.html Copia cache


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FT: Fashion Bloggers

4 min 30 sec - 5 feb 2010 Bloggers are gaining major power in the high-end world of fashion, and labels are realising that it's in their best interest to welcome them ... - Video correlati

Fashion bloggers on the ASOS catwalk! 239 min - 19 mar 2010 Cast: ASOS - Video correlati

Vancouver Fashion Bloggers

2 min 15 sec - 8 feb 2010 Vanessa aka TheHautePursuit teams up with fellow Vancouver fashion bloggers Lily aka BleedForFashion and Peter aka TheStarvingStylist ... - Video correlati

Fashion Bloggers at Vivienne Tam Mercedes Benz ...

4 min 6 sec - 19 feb 2009 Interviews with bloggers covering New York fashion week during Vivienne Tam presentation and collaboration with HP. More fashion week ... - Video correlati

Fashion Bloggers at Vivienne Tam Mercedes Benz ...

4 min 7 sec - 24 feb 2009 Interviews with bloggers covering New York fashion week during Vivienne Tam presentation and collaboration with HP.More fashion week ... - Video correlati


Risultati: documenti Designers and fashion editors are losing their influence as internet commentators become the trendsetters who decide what’s hot and what’s not, writes Candy Soo

New kids on the blog T

he business of setting fashion trends used to be an elitist world where designers, fashion editors and buyers decided what was hot for the coming season. But those days are over. The public, armed with the power and speed of the internet, are having their say too – and fashion executives are taking notice. Some sites average as many as 100,000 hits a day, while writers from sites such as,, Face Hunter and Coutorture are now accredited at many major fashion shows. The bloggers have arrived. “Fashion blogging is an emerging phenomenon that the industry is coming to terms with,” says Imran Amed, whose website, www.imran, focuses on the business side of the industry. Amed says there are now thousands of fashion blogs maintained by so-called prosumers, or professional consumers. “These blogs offer a new medium for discussing, promoting and selling fashion brands.” Tommye Fitzpatrick, who runs, says the big appeal of blogs is that they can “move quickly and respond to news and new designer collections and brands within days or even hours”. Kelly Cook and Tina Craig run, a site devoted to handbags. “Blogs can publish in an instant,” says Cook. “It’s the biggest advantage over traditional media, which can take months to compile. Sometimes, by the time magazines get to it, the trend might be over.”

Blogs such as thesartorialist. also offer readers a subjective commentary on fashion trends, helping them see how fashion from the runways can translate to real life. And readers can offer their own opinions in return. Handbag designer Rafe Totengco of Rafe New York (rafenewyork. says his blog is popular because it’s an intimate forum. “It’s a more interactive channel for communicating with your audience,” Totengco says. “They get to voice their opinions as well. Blogs are a more personal and immediate medium because they’re a diary of sorts. You can read someone’s point of view and then comment anonymously, whereas with traditional advertising you have to infer and interpret what you’re looking at and there’s no way to respond.” This two-way dynamic particularly helps fashion brands because bloggers and their readers are their target audience. “We started our blog to reach women like us who love to shop and love bags,” says Cook. “Now we have industry people and designers who are loyal fans as well. It makes sense because the two of us and our readers are their target customers. Knowing exactly how we feel about their collection is invaluable.” Fitzpatrick says blogs have such specific niche audiences that fashion labels are not only able to quickly gauge the response to their collections but also tailor advertising for particular blogs.


Online boutiques were among the first fashion companies to appreciate the potential value of blogs. Online boutique active advertises on internet celebrity Cory Kennedy’s blog and offers readers a discount if they enter her name as a promotional code. Other online boutiques such as netaporter. com, and have bought advertising space on But major fashion brands have been cautious about such targeted

advertising. “Blogs often have different audiences and different styles,” says Fitzpatrick. “Labels should do their research on a particular blog before advertising.” Amed agrees. “Fashion blogs are inconsistent in terms of quality, tone, insight and professionalism,” he says. “Many big fashion brands are rightfully concerned about protecting their brands. “Most brands are already discussed on blogs, whether they like it or not. They may benefit from beginning to think about ways they can participate to reflect the image of the label in a manner they’re happy with.” Brands that want to collaborate with blogs need to be aware that they don’t all have the same type of readers – and that not all are professional. Amed says blogging won’t suit all brands. “Some brands become popular for the air of mystique they purposely cultivate,” he says. “By starting a blog, brands are opening themselves up to commentary and engagement. They can’t guarantee that the feedback and comments they receive will be positive, but they can at least take steps to ensure that the engagement is constructive and helpful for the brand.” And there’s always the danger of bloggers providing incorrect information. Cook and Craig pride themselves on their accuracy, but the same can’t be said for all blogs. “Labels and readers need to be careful about wrong or misleading information about products,” Cook

There are thousands of blogs all over the world discussing, promoting and selling the fashion brands

...................................................... Imran Amed, online fashion commentator

says. “Many blogs don’t fact check. There’s no standard practice for blogging as there is for traditional news media.” Although established designer labels may be reluctant to collaborate with bloggers, blogs can be a boon for up-and-coming designers such as Sue Stemp, who is based in New York, and Eley Kishimoto in London. “They’re two examples of brand blogs that provide consumers with a window into the designer’s world by sharing the daily interactions and experiences that inspire their collections,” says Amed. Other designers approach blogs for coverage because they can’t afford to advertise in highprofile publications. “Blogs have the capability to cover smaller, up-and-coming designers,” says Fitzpatrick. “New brands approach me for a number of reasons: some want to buy advertising; some want to coordinate giveaways; some want me to consult on branding ideas; and some simply want to send me clothes to review.” Even magazines such as Vogue are turning to blogs, and labels such as Chanel and Yves Saint Laurent use the internet to supplement their marketing campaigns. But do fashion blogs have the potential to overtake traditional forms of advertising? “Blogs won’t replace magazines, dailies or television,” says Amed. “They’re simply an additional communication channel to consider with benefits and drawbacks.”

Golf partners Polo Ralph Lauren has teamed up with LPGA golfer Morgan Pressel to release a limited-edition polo shirt for charity. Pressel will wear the shirt during tournaments in October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month and proceeds from sales will go to the Pink Pony Fund, which benefits cancer research and treatment. The polo shirt (HK$890) will be available at the end of next month at all Polo Ralph Lauren boutiques, including Shop OT313, 3/F Harbour City, TST, tel: 2376 2881. Juicy news Juicy Couture has opened its third freestanding store in Hong Kong, in Causeway Bay. The 1,205 sq ft store (below) will carry the label’s complete range of clothing, accessories, handbags, jewellery, sunglasses and shoes. Juicy Couture, Shop 317, Times Square, Causeway Bay, tel: 2118 2980.

Past designs From this Sunday until the end of March, the Hong Kong Heritage Museum will host Fashion Attitude – Hong Kong Fashion Design. The exhibition, marking the handover, will showcase the work of nine established local designers, including Barney Cheng, Walter Ma and Lu Lu Cheung. Hong Kong Heritage Museum, 1 Man Lam Road, Sha Tin, tel: 2180 8188

...................................................... Candy Soo

FashiOn Blogging nuove fRontiere del self-mAde jOURnalism Mercoledì 11 giugno 2008, alle ore 11.30, presso l’aula 4 della Sede universitaria Alberti in via Quintino Sella 13 a Rimini, si terrà l’incontro Fashion Blogging nell’ambito del seminario coordinato dalla prof.ssa Antonella Mascio per l’insegnamento di Sociologia della comunicazione. Intervengono Francesca Arcuri e Simone Sbarbati, autori di Frizzifrizzi. è un blog-magazine, nato circa un anno e mezzo fa dall’idea di Francesca Arcuri, Simone Sbarbati ed Ethel Margutti e alimentato dalla loro rete di collaboratori che, caratterizzati da attitudini individuali, hanno donato un valore aggiunto a questa redazione collettiva. Il blog Frizzifrizzi rappresenta, nel panorama mediatico odierno, un sistema emergente e innovativo per diffondere un ampio range di informazioni che rientrano nella sfera del lifestyle. Moda, design, eventi, cucina, arredamento e non solo: un nuovo modo di fare giornalismo che associa ai contenuti la ricerca di forme di creatività innovative. Gli autori segnalano, approvano e criticano ciò che preferiscono fuori dalle logiche strettamente commerciali: l’intenzione è distinguersi dalla massa per promuovere la personalizzazione dello stile. L’obiettivo di Frizzifrizzi non è imporre diktat, ma mostrare cosa offrono nicchie di mercato meno conosciute, per poi lasciare l’utente libero di attivare il next link. Senza snobbare la “moda istituzionale”, Frizzifrizzi può essere considerato una vetrina per talenti emergenti che altrimenti non riuscirebbero a farsi conoscere. Il blog si è rivelato una piattaforma interessante per i giornalisti e i professionisti del settore, sempre in cerca di nuove idee. Studiato e copiato: un binomio che fa riflettere sulla centralità di Frizzifrizzi e sul fenomeno blog in generale, inteso come nuovo punto di riferimento culturale. Racconta Francesca Arcuri a proposito del blog: “Facciamo questo sia spulciando la rete alla ricerca di novità, tentando di arrivare primi rispetto ai colleghi italiani, sia dando ai giovani creativi la possibilità di segnalarsi scrivendo alla redazione. Comunque, le nostre attività non si esauriscono solo nella dimensione virtuale. Alla nostra presenza on line si aggiunge una fervente attività off line: partecipiamo a eventi collegati al mondo della moda, documentando il tutto per i nostri lettori con reportage fotografici; siamo presenti alle presentazioni stampa organizzate dai brand; organizziamo eventi; forniamo consulenza ai marchi; siamo nella redazione Shopper (magazine-poster pubbliredazionale)”. Attualmente Frizzifrizzi segue BOF, ovvero BOlogna in Fashion, una serie di eventi che si terranno fra giugno e luglio 2008. BOF si propone di creare una scena fashion bolognese ed è un progetto nato dalla collaborazione tra il team del blog, Matilda, concept store bolognese, e Macchine Celibi, cooperativa di produzione culturale. RICERCA: FASHION BLOGGERS - RISULTATI

How brands should work with fashion bloggers Wed, Feb 17, 2010 | Posted by jo-ann.hodgson

London Fashion Week kicks off on Friday (19th February) and as well as the traditional fashion press and the front row celebrities, fashion bloggers will be among the influencers taking their seats at the top catwalk shows. But while agencies, marketing managers and PRs are climbing over each other to get a piece of the new IT girls, has anyone stopped to ask what fashion bloggers want from brands? Laetitia Wajnapel of top fashion blog explains how she sees it working.

What it comes down to is that bloggers and journalists should be treated in the same basic way: with simplicity and respect. A lot of the time, elaborate marketing ploys don?t get the attention of influential bl oggers as they just don?t have time to ?play?, much like journalists. However, in some instances, bloggers shouldn?t have the same access as journalists. I think Tavi is very talented and has a unique take on fashion, but I don?t think bloggers should be covering Haute Couture sh ows. This is something for the traditional fashion press. Really this has nothing to do with Tavi. The importance of an editorial line Especially post-?Tavi-Gate?, bloggers have to make sure they keep their integrity and make sure they don?t fall prey to similar PR strategies. I can?t stress enough how important it is for bloggers to be aware that they can be used by brands. They ab solutely must have a strict editorial line and ethics. The editorial line I set myself on is very simple: if I like a product and would happily go and buy it myself, I will write about it. If I think it is not quite right, I will politely decline.

I created in November 2007 as a personal endeavour. Having worked as a journalist/editor for many years before relocating from Paris to London, I needed an outlet for my writing, and what started off as a hobby has since become my job. I currently get an average of 150,000 page views a month and in the past two years have been both a witness and a protagonist in the rise of online fashion. Why should brands reach out to bloggers? The rise of online fashion means that bloggers are now firmly on people's radars. User recommendations an d reviews are the flavour of the moment. Bloggers can be seen as "super reviewer"? they are everyday people talking to an engaged audience. Blog readers are more likely to go and buy something they have seen on their favourite blog than in a magazine for example. Very often, people will buy something online straight away after seeing it on a blog, because bloggers are trusted by their readers most of the time.

How to reach out to bloggers Partnerships seem to be one of the ways brands have found to reach bloggers. Personally, I disapprove of such practice as the basis of the collaboration is very one-sided: the blogger receives products to review every so often and in exchange places the company logo permanently on their blog. To me, a badge on a blog = display advertising, which comes with a price tag. Also, reviewing products = giving coverage to the company. What's in it for the blogger? Clothes? Not every blogger wants to work fo r freebies, and would prefer to get paid. The correct way to approach bloggers is very simple: read their blog, email them with targeted products, meet them, take time to explain what your brand does, if necessary loan or gift a product to be shown on the blog. Simple and efficient, non? A few blogger outreach tips for brands

If brands want to boost their online sales, I believe the best way of doing so is through an efficient blogger outreach campaign.

Don't judge the quality of a blog by the access the blogger appears to have. Since brands don?t yet know who to reach out to, a lot of blogs of varying quality have access to the same events and information

Bloggers vs. Journalists

Read blogs and subscribe to a handful of them via RSS. Get someone on your team to spend an hour ev ery morning reading through them. That should be enough for you to assess who to get in touch with.

A blogger is by definition anyone online with an opinion and a journalist is someone who has received formal training in order to either formulate an opinion or deliver information. There are different types of bloggers, and this is the main point agencies and brands have yet to understand. It is primordial to differentiate professional bloggers ? who influence other bloggers and be nefit from a large following ? from ?leisure bloggers? ? who influence a small to medium community.


Find the most influential bloggers and reach out to them, then wait for the ripple effect. Make the bl oggers you reach out to feel special, not one of many. Stop thinking that all bloggers are friends. Most of us don?t even know each other.

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Fashion Blogging 101 By Karrah Winans Published: Thursday, April 8, 2010 Updated: Thursday, April 8, 2010 Like

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Over the past five years, fashion blogging has developed into a very competitive social sphere. Reporting first on a new event or trend can be a very time consuming and daunting hobby or career for those who consider themselves obsessed with fashion. Carmen Ordonez, creator of Viva Fashion Blog, was inspired by a friend to start her blog in September 2008. Focused on where to get celebrity styles for less, Ordonez’s blog requires a lot more effort than just talking about fashion. In fact, she spends hours upon hours looking for cheaper versions of what celebs are wearing and linking stores to her blog making it is easy for readers to find the clothes. “I decided to start my own blog and come up with ideas of things that I loved, and fashion was one of them…in particular, fashion on a budget,” Ordonez said. “While coming up with ideas, I also realized that I would spend hours looking through pictures of celebrities every time I needed inspiration for an outfit.” Another blogger, Barbora Dubinska, creator of ChiChi, started her blog in August 2008. “I always dreamt about writing for a fashion magazine, but I never had enough experience or a portfolio of my previous work,” Dubinska said. “So I decided to create ChiChi. This way I could do what I love the most which is writing about fashion, style and photography and also building my portfolio.”

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To be a successful blogger, one must maintain a consistent amount of page views (or more) every day or week, meaning that one has to find out new or cutting edge information before anyone else can report on it. It also means being creative and keeping the attention of your niche audience. For Ordonez, gaining a consistent audience was not easy. “I guess anything starting off is always a bit challenging,” she said. “I probably had about 100 visitors starting off…and even then I was so excited!” Dubinska said she was less successful when she first started off, with only two readers – her best friends. “I was not sure how successful I would get and honestly, that was the last thing on my mind,” she said. “I was just happy I could do what I have wanted and just hoped that someone out there was reading it.” Nowadays, with almost no exposure, Dubinska has 178 official followers, another 167 Facebook fans and approximately 200 visitors per day. There are countless fashion blogs out there today. Fashion is one of the biggest industries in the world and blogging about it has become the newest web phenomenon. Many people get their information from blogs simply because they are constantly being updated with the latest trends, styles and news—much faster than magazines or catalogues. Ordonez mentioned that she struggled in the beginning with being creative and being able to find celebrity look-a-like clothing. “It was a little difficult in the beginning, meaning that I needed to follow a ton of celebrities every single day, almost, to find out what they were wearing,” Ordonez said. “And then I had to go on multiple stores’ Web sites to try to find an outfit that looked very similar to that of the celebrities.” gives tips on how to be a successful fashion blogger. One of the many tips is “Join IFB.” The Independent Fashion Bloggers (IFB) organization is like a trade association for trendy-minded people. The IFB aims to be a resource and forum for non-corporate fashion bloggers trying to navigate the ins and outs of fashion blogging. Another tip is to check out the competition beforehand. Seeing what is out there and what is already being done allows you to see what is lacking in the world of fashion blogging, and it gives the new blogger a better chance for success. “By spying on the competition, you will discover how to make your blog unique and you might also generate some content ideas,” according to By the end of her first week, Ordonez was already ahead of the game by attaining an interview with a well-known celebrity. “I do remember, though, that the first week I started my blog, I had already scored an interview with Eva Mendes, which was really exciting in my eyes,” Ordonez said. “Over the next couple of months I definitely did see my number of viewers grow and even started to get recognition from other fellow bloggers and magazines that I admired, such as The Budget Fashionista, Seventeen magazine and the Style Network’s” The niche audience is essential to a blog’s success. The more a blogger can captivate the attention of a particular audience and keep that audience interested enough to keep coming back, the more successful the blog will be. According to Dubinska, regular posting is a must. “Blogging is like a virtual public diary,” Dubinska said. “People who are following you expect new posts every day or at least on a frequent basis, so if you do not blog often, there is a big chance you lose some of them.”


The Quad News - Fashion Blogging 101

Blogging about fashion takes a lot of time and energy. It requires dedication, complete attention and focus. Creativity is the key to inspiration and can either make or break your blog. According to Ordonez, inspiration can come from unexpected places. “I get inspiration from posts from fashion magazines, fashion Web sites and seeing what is out there—what are the latest trends,” Ordonez said. “I also get inspiration from everyday people I see on the streets. It is funny, sometimes I will see a girl on the street and think, ‘I love what she is wearing, that would make a great post!’” Regardless of where the inspiration and information come from, research is required, including looking at magazines, the runway and other blogs. Dubinska said she often peruses different newspapers and books in order to find something unique or inspired. Some of the most popular and visited blogs are ones where the creator posts pictures of themselves or people on the streets in different outfits. It takes a lot of time and devotion, not to mention guts, to create a blog like this. One has to be willing to approach random strangers on a whim to ask questions and take photographs. Melanie Sonier, Fashion Merchandiser for Mac & Jac, also has her own blog named Idée Géniale, French for “Bright Idea.” Her blog is the epitome of popular fashion blogs today. Sonier said she has hundreds of blog viewers daily, and she also has a Facebook and Twitter page. “This has gotten me so many more viewers because I have targeted the main social sites,” she said. Sonier writes almost every day and is personally featured throughout the blog. With unique and modern style, Sonier wakes up almost every morning, gets dressed, takes pictures of herself and posts them on her blog with confidence. Not every blogger adopts this strategy. “Posting pictures of myself, it is not really my thing and when it comes to shooting people on the streets, you have to devote some time to that, which I do not have right now,” Dubinska said. “Maybe in the future, but for now I want my blog to be more like a virtual magazine, a source of interesting ideas, photos, personal stories, tips and reviews…a source of the inspiration.” Fashion blogging has become the main source of the latest updates on style and trends. Unlike magazines and newspapers, web blogging can be constantly updated whenever something new happens. It keeps readers entertained and up-to-date with fashion. So don’t be afraid to start up your own fashion blog! Hey, who knows, maybe you’ll get some celebrity fans!

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The Influence Of Fashion Bloggers On Retail




JANUARY 7, 2010


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In a recent refinery29 article, the author tackles the subject of how internet visibility can actually drive demand for a new product. The item in question? The Moschino block letter buckle, which has appeared everywhere from a


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The Influence Of Fashion Bloggers On Retail - PSFK

candidly snapped party goer on The Cobrasnake to style diaries Fashion Toast and BleachBlack. While actual fiscal proof of the items’ popularity isn’t available, its ubiquity on some of the highest viewed style blogs on the web will surely act as better advertisements to a younger and chic-centric audience than a traditional billboard in Times Square or full page add in Vogue. Having your product come up on a blog such as BleachBlack, which is well respected in the fashion community enough for them to launch their own nailpolish line, is more invaluable to reaching young, hip “tastemakers” than almost any other type of social media- including a strong presence on social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter. Just like how seeing pictures of a great party makes you wish you’d been there- having a product innocuously sold through blogs about people having a good time and doing what they love will always resonate stronger than a carefully curated image designed just to sell.

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It’s part of this reason that fashion bloggers have begun to take the reigns from traditional media in the fashion industry. While to those inside the new media zeitgeist this is old news, many inside both the retail and advertising world have been scrabbling to capitalize on internet fame. One company who is hoping to reap the benefits of blogger style cred is Urban Outfitters, who recently launched a collaboration with fashion phenom Sea of Shoes. While some of the styles are hit or miss, the collaboration has brought extra attention to this particular blog while establishing Urban Outfitters as having their finger on the pulse. However, while many traditional companies are trying to lure blog aficionados into their stores, many sites have taken it upon themselves to provide fans with the goods. Mens fashion blog A Continuous Lean recently launched an online shop featuring products by brands such as Field Notes and Steven Alan- which keep with their manly yet well-groomed and organized aesthetic. While it certainly would be easier to buy these products from their original company sites, at The Continuous Lean Shop readers are able to view a full collection of curated goods tailored to all their lifestyle needs- from hiking, to the office, to relaxing in their apartments. However, as[15/06/10 15.22.59]


Risultati: fashion blogs Bryanboy è lo pseudonimo di un blogger di moda filippino. Un ex sviluppatore web che ha iniziato a bloggare a 17 anni da Manila a casa dei suoi genitori. Il suo blog omonimo, che attira 5.000 visitatori al giorno ha vinto nel 2007 il Blog Award per il Miglior Fashion Blog & Lifestyle. Il New York Post lo ha nominato uno dei nove celebrità più calde di internet, e lo ha definito "una delle più grandi superstar della moda 2.0".

"The Sartorialist" è un blog di moda creato da Scott Schuman di New York. Dopo aver lasciato il lavoro come commerciale per prendersi cura di sua figlia nel 2005, ha iniziato portando una macchina fotografica digitale in giro per le strade di New York City. Scattava foto di persone che vestite con stile, che attiravano la sua attenzione, e poi le pubblicava sul suo blog. È così diventato un pioniere della fotografia di moda sotto forma di blog.


Risultati: web sites Chicisimo è un portale al quale si può accedere solo su invito dedicato alla pubblicazione degli outfits delle fashion bloggers. Ogni giorno migliaia di persone pubblicano le fotografie del proprio look.

Italian Fashion Bloggers è un sito interamente dedicato alle fashion bloggers italiane. È diventato ormai una community conosciuta grazie agli eventi a tema organizzati e al coinvolgimento costante delle bloggers.


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