1 minute read
Seeking Truth and Authenticity
At THT Rep, watching a show should feel a bit like being at a ball game. As such, you have the right to:
• Laugh, cheer, clap, boo and gasp out loud. The more energy you give the performers, the more they give back!
• Use this program as a handy reference. If you are unsure of who a character is or have lost track of where we are in the story, check out Scenes and Settings on page 17.
• Zone out now and then.
• Close your eyes and listen to the language.
• Forget the language and enjoy the costumes, sound design and other elements of the production.
• Stand up to stretch your legs, refresh your drink or go to the bathroom, while being mindful of the folks behind you.
• Love the show, hate the show and everything in between!
Learn more about the show:
Listen to Behind the Scenes interviews about the show at TheHanoverTheatreblog.org. Meet the cast and creative team at TheHanoverTheatre.org/jccastandcreative. Families, be sure to check out related library activities at Mywpl.org/article/julius-caesar-wpl.

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