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The Benefits of Broadway in Worcester
TBA August 17
Jan 14-17 Jan 28-31 Feb 25-28 Mar 18-21 April 8-11 May 6-9 June 22-27 Blue Man Group Sponsored by Berkshire Bank Escape to Margaritaville Sponsored by The Club at Rockland Trust Bank CATS Sponsored by Country Bank The Band’s Visit Sponsored by The Club at Rockland Trust Bank Broadway tour to be announced August 17 Sponsored by Bay State Savings Bank Broadway tour to be announced July 20 Sponsored by Cornerstone Bank Mean Girls Sponsored by Fidelity Investments
*Shows and dates subject to change.
Get the Best Benefits. . . Subscribe Today to Broadway in Worcester!
Only subscribers have access to the BEST SEATS in the theatre. We offer subscription seats in all price levels IN THE ORCHESTRA.
NEW! Only seven show subscribers receive the ability to EXCHANGE YOUR TICKETS INTO ANY
SAVE UP TO 15% off regular individual ticket prices. That adds up to savings between $50-$98 per adult and even more ($98-$219) on student subscriptions!
INTEREST FREE PAYMENT PLANS! See all seven shows for as low as 8 monthly payments of $43.63. Save a costly trip to Boston or New York City. See the same shows, but with EASY & AFFORDABLE PARKING and SPECIAL OFFERS from our Gourmet Program restaurant partners.
Subscribers are FIRST TO GUARANTEE OR IMPROVE SEATING each year before the Broadway Series goes on sale to anyone else.
Enjoy every Broadway performance from your GUARANTEED, SELECTED SEATS.
Share the joy and purchase ADDITIONAL TICKETS for any show in the 2020-2021 Broadway Series AT THE SAME GREAT ADULT OR STUDENT
Make memories at our beautiful and historic theatre! We have your seats reserved.
Behind the Scenes Magazine is published twice a year by The Hanover Theatre and Conservatory for the Performing Arts. All rights reserved.
Editor: Lisa K. Condit Designer: Monica Wagner Elefterion Contributors: Lilly Irwin, Meghan Montaner, Diane Pieciak, Kelly Rourke, Olivia Scanlon, Troy Siebels, Harmony Wheeler. Advertise in our next magazine: Call Diane 508.930.2424. All images, unless otherwise noted, copyright ©2020. The Hanover Theatre and Conservatory for the Performing Arts.