2005 May Harker Alumni

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MAY 2005 (VOL. 11, NO. 8)


The primary focus of the Alumni Program has been re-connecting with alumni and updating addresses in our database. As the program enters the third year, the current mailing list of approximately 3,300 alumni and alumni parents speaks of our success. The next step for the program is long-range planning as we begin to establish an Alumni Association and launch our first alumni fundraising campaign. Plans are under way to select alumni class representatives for each graduating year for Harker Academy and The Harker School and—because of the very small graduating classes—several school representatives for PAMA, Harker Day and Miss Harker schools. These alumni reps or agents will meet to discuss program ideas, such as forming an alumni council and alumni parent committee and the possible involvement of alumni in the school’s Development Council, Annual Giving and the US mentoring program. To help in moving ahead with the alumni program, I also need to hear ideas from you! What events will attract you back to campus? Do you prefer class year reunions or are decade or entire school reunions a better idea? Do you like receiving the Harker Newsletter or are you just interested in the alumni notes? Would you like to be a class representative? This is your chance to be a part of the planning of the Harker Alumni Program. Send me a note, give me a call or stop by campus for a visit. Terry Walsh Alumni Programs Director 408.345.9205 • terryw@harker.org www.harkeralumni.org





Harker Alumni Report in From Around the Globe PA Steve Thompson sent an e-mail requesting to see more photos on the Web site from PAMA in the early 60s that he thinks will bring back memories of some very funny stories. He does remember that he received more demerits than his brother, Terry N. Thompson! Both boys attended for the years 1963 and 1964, and he also fondly recalls his housemother, Miss Miliff. He wrote, “It was very tough at first to adjust but ‘wow,’ did it change my life forever – the experience made me stronger.”

PAMA history, and Howard Nichol’s dad, “The Major,” at one time had the medals and graduation certificate mounted on a large, glassenclosed exhibit board. The two alumni enjoyed some reminiscing as they tried to identify the



PA William Thompson and Steve Tolen (see Friendship feature, pg. 2)

PA David Dubbs made arrangements with the alumni office to meet with Howard Nichols ’56 for a special showing of some PAMA medals. David’s older brother, Richard “Buzz” Dubbs ’56 (uniform photo), was the most decorated cadet in


significance of each medal. Photos were taken for the archives since the medals recently came out of storage and will be shipped to Richard’s residence in London.


PA Stephen Meyer (see Kudos feature, pg. 7)

HA Cindy Cottrell DeAngelo attended Chaminade University in Hawaii and Foothill Community College and is currently a travel agent. Cindy writes: “So many great memories, especially 9th grade! Boarding students, dorm mother Cindy Kerr, Coach Jeff Haugaard, Steve Sampson - dining hall and the food…SOS, the burritos, Miss Hazel Gates! My favorite teachers included Col. Tuttle, Mr. Morgan, Miss Mayben, Capt. Torcellini and, of course, Mrs. Nichols for biology that I was hopeless at! I learned respect for my elders and how to make a bed, so you can toss a quarter on in - thanks Capt. T! I would like to hear about Rand Bacon, Susie Dolton, Renee Strebig, Noel Adcock, Mike Menzell, Paul Beirne, Brent Koch,


Continued on pg. 2

Alumni & Alumni Parents… Save the Date! Invitations will be mailed soon!

A Tribute to Howard & Diana Nichols Friday, June 3 at 7 p.m. • Harker Saratoga Campus Plan to join the Harker community as we honor Howard & Diana for their years of service to our school. Gather with alumni and alumni parents from all graduating years along with former faculty and staff and current parents, faculty & staff to celebrate the Nichols’ 72 combined years of commitment to education and to The Harker School. Log on to the Harker Web site, www.harker.org, and click on the “Tribute to the Nichols” link to write a personal memory to include in a scrapbook that will be presented to them.

Lori Rose - top photo; Harker Archives - bottom photos

S P E C I A L Alumni Supplement


Harker Archives


Mark Tantrum


est. 1893 • K-12 college prep

ALUMNI Continued from pg. 1 Courtney Landon, Joy Aliason and so many others - we were such a close class.” HA Celia De Benedetti is currently busy as a mom and also works in property management.


update LeMay and other people whose faces I see but whose names I don’t remember. Mr. Near was one of the best teachers - never lost his cool and could be entertaining in class without trying to be. Harker prepared me academically for the rigors of Menlo. When I was at Harker it was incredibly multicultural. That was one of the great things about it. There are a few people I have wondered whatever happened to from that time – Chuck Beck, Morrie Ratner and Darcy King. I hope everyone is well and happy.”

Class of 1980 Save the Date - Sat., July 9 Reunion plans are under way! HA Jennifer James, who is now a college professor, received her BA in American studies from Occidental College, Los Angeles, and her MA in reading and special education from Notre Dame de Namur. She writes, “This is such a trip to see all the names from 25 years ago. I remember hanging with Chuck & Morrie because we rode the yellow bus home together, I also remember Cassandra Floyd (may she rest in peace), Robert Walker, Paul Aliason, Darcy King, Linda Flick, Teri Sargent, David Higaki, Delia Stallings, Mike

For more information, contact: Celia DeBenedetti celia@thelogcabintahoe.com 640.941.9001 or Jennifer James longlostpals@yahoo.com 650.773.8444.

HA Kim Gechman Yandell received her BS in industrial technology from San Diego State University and is currently a technical writer. She writes, “I have fond memories of


the friends, teachers and times I had at Harker. Though I was only there for two years, I am grateful for the time I had there.” HA Alice Tan received her MD from Yonsei University and is a resident physician at McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University. Tan says, “My years at Harker were some of the happiest times of my life. Learning was fun, exciting, and rewarding. Mrs. Tyrrell taught biology in a way that stimulated me to ask more questions. I appreciate the opportunities and the encouragement that the faculty provided in so many aspects of education: science, literature, the arts and athletics. I felt a sense of acceptance within the Harker community through which I could develop my self-confidence, which gave me a ‘can-do’ mentality that helps me stay motivated even today. Alice would like to hear about Tera Martin, Evelyn Chan, Miyeko Yoneda and Josh Ishimatsu.


HA Paul Wotel, who received his BS in journalism from San Jose State University, has a daily memory of Harker. He writes, “My memory includes the picture on my fridge (yes, it’s up there right now) of myself, Loren Due, Jon Mays and Matt Wilson lip-syncing – complete with cardboard guitars

and costumes – a Cheap Trick tune at my second grade birthday party.” He continues to be involved with music and his ‘day job’ is as an international marketing copywriter. “Harker instilled the importance of education and knowledge from the get-go and it stayed with me all the way through college.” HA Amy Williams Tran is currently an underwriting manager and living in Stockton. Her connection to Harker began through her grandmother, Alice Williams, our former Harker Day School and Harker Academy principal. She writes, “Everything about Harker was special. I have so many fond memories that it’s difficult to just identify one. I will always have a special place in my heart for Mrs. Carley. She was close to my grandmother, and everyone there was like a big family. Harker has given me the ability to be a strong leader, along with knowing the importance of accountability and being an all around good person.”


HA Adrian Chen was in the area on business and stopped by Harker for a walk around the campus. He said the campus has changed a lot –



Harker Archives

William Thompson ’65 and Steve Tolen ’65 shared a heartwarming account of a friendship started at PAMA over 40 years ago. Thompson wrote: “I attended PAMA from 1960 to 1965. My first two years there were relatively uneventful. Then in 1962, Steve Tolen arrived and finally there was someone else on the scene who was just a little ‘crazy’ like me. Steve was the first kid in the entire school that was into Bob Dylan. We hit it off immediately and have remained friends ever since. One of our teachers, Eugene Reneghan, thought we were two very funny and entertaining kids and hired us to work at a summer camp in the Feather River Canyon immediately after graduation. That was a monumental move for both of us, and it ultimately got both of our careers started. Our adult lives have taken us in different directions. Steve has been in the health care profession since the early 70s. He fell in love with the Feather River Canyon and is still there in Quincy, Calif. I got my career started in broadcasting while living in Quincy. I lived in the Northwest for 27 years and Steve always came up to visit. I am now working in Los Angeles and last year, upon finding out I needed open-heart surgery, Steve volunteered (I didn’t ask) to come down and supervise the entire hospital procedure and my early stages of recovery. I am very glad I met him back in 1962. He is a real friend.” Thompson added, “Eugene Renaghan and Trevor Morgan were also the most influential teachers I ever had. They cared about kids. I will always remember them.”

Terry Walsh

Alumni Friendship Spans Forty Years

especially the dorms – but the visit brought back many memories. Chen lives and works in Hong Kong. HA Shyam Panchal received his BS in microbiological sciences from Cal Poly, SLO and a master’s in clinical investigation from Boston University School of Medicine. He completed his master’s clinical thesis with the Stanford Cardiovascular Medicine group, Heart Transplant Medicine. Shyam works in clinical investigation. His memories include Harker varsity football, dances and Mr. Zetterquist’s homeroom. “I made many great friends, and had good support from faculty.”


Harker News — May 05, Alumni Supplement


HARKER HISTORICAL LEGEND MN Manzanita Hall 1893-1919 MH Miss Harker School 1904-1959 PA

Palo Alto Military Academy 1919-1972

HD Harker Day School 1959-1972 HA Harker Academy 1973-1992 HS The Harker School 1993-Present


HA Chris Yuji Yamashita (see Alumni Employee Update, pg. 8)

HA Riaz Valani attended New York University and now lives in Paris, France, working in private equity investments. He says his experiences at Harker were tremendous. “I think that I learned most of what I needed to know by 8th grade.” Riaz is in contact with classmates Ravi Belani, Alka Tandan and Akhil Suri.

HA Sehba Zhumkhawala (see Visit feature, pg. 4)

was visiting his parent’s home (located very close to our K-6 Bucknall campus) on a recent break. While out for a walk he wandered onto the campus and saw his former teachers Mr. Walsh and Miss Kelly who both encour-

HA Sandra Isla-Fiorelli received her BA in comparative literature from UC Davis, a certificate of fashion design from Polimoda in Florence, Italy and MA in graphic design from Academy of Art University. She is self-employed as a graphic designer. Her memories include Mme Paris who was her homeroom teacher for two years in a row. She has been in contact with Leslie Kitz and would like to know the whereabouts of Sam Mendicki.


HA Tim Anderson (see Engagement feature, pg. 7) HA Meredith Harrington received her BS in biology from UC San Diego and her MA in museum studies from San Francisco State University. She is currently a J.D. candidate at Golden Gate University School of Law.


HA Kimathi Sipho Ricardo Blackwood received his BA in biochemistry from Rice University and his MD from Case Western Reserve University. He is currently a resident physician at MetroHealth Medical Center in Ohio. Kimathi

Terry Walsh


“Thanks to Mrs. Tyrell for the biology background and to Mr. Near and Mr. Zetterquist for helping me become so world-conscious and aware of our world! I’m now a doctor, in part thanks to your teaching.” He also has fond memories of the Yosemite Trip during 8th grade. He added, “I learned academic discipline, and the rigor of Harker prepared me well for high school and beyond.” He is in contact with Heather Taher and would like to know about Ankur Tanden, Ravi Kapur, Amit Chetal and Wayan Garvey. HS Bayard Randel attended Marlborough College in Wiltshire, UK and received his BS in computer science from Canterbury University in New Zealand. He is currently working as a 3D animator/artist and living in New Zealand.


aged him to also visit at the Saratoga Campus. He stopped by at lunchtime and was able to see many of his former teachers, including Mrs. Tyrell (who was on campus as a substitute for the day) and Mr. Bither. Blackwood later registered on the alumni Web site and said he remembers Mrs. Tyrell's biology class, Mr. Zetterquist’s geography as well as Mr. Near’s history class. He said,

HS Young Bae Lee received his BS in management science from UC San Diego and now works in Korea. He writes, “My memories include Mrs. Skapinsky and Mr. Holden from the ESL program, Mr. Bither and Mr. Muller who also coached Continued on pg. 5

Harker Alumni Premiere a National Journal of Science, Society and Law In the fall semester of 2004, Kevin Hwang ’03 founded “The Triple Helix: The National Journal of Science, Society, and Law” at Cornell University. As CEO of this increasingly successful national organization, Kevin’s vision was a national journal for undergraduates to critically examine scientific breakthroughs and controversies through a social, political, economic, and legal perspective. Kevin Hwang and his friend Haoming Qiu started from scratch and are now the national leaders of a phenomenal project that spans across the United States.

Harker News — May 05, Alumni Supplement

Cornell University’s premiere issue of “The Triple Helix” was published this semester, to much acclaim. Its content and scope are incredibly impressive, especially considering that the whole organization was founded by a couple students just a few months prior to its premiere release! The journal has received wide support from faculty, deans, and vice provosts at Cornell and made the front page of the widely distributed Cornell Daily Sun. On board at Cornell is Aruna Bharathi ’04, executive graphics editor, and Ilya Sukhar ’03 as chief technology officer (CTO). The board of directors also includes Jason Shangkuan ’03, Harker

alumnus from UC Berkeley who serves as executive director of business development, and Julia Gitis ’03 as executive literary editor of the journal. The UC Berkeley chapter of The Triple Helix is headed by Amit Saxena ’03, president and founder of the UCB chapter, and Surbhi Sarna ’03, editor-in-chief. Fall of 2005 will feature the first national issue, with editions at Cornell University, Stanford University, the University of California at Berkeley, and the University of Pennsylvania. The Triple Helix UPenn chapter is led by Nayan Mehta ’04, president and editor-in-chief, with Sandeep Subhedar ’04 as treasurer. Josh Zloof ’04 is Stanford University’s chapter president and editor-inchief. Also leading the Stanford chapter are David Hsu ’03, community outreach, and Vickie Duong ’04, graphics lead. “The Triple Helix” receives submissions from many Harker

students at these universities and is currently accepting applications for writer positions and article submissions for the first national issue, which should be in print by mid-fall semester of the coming school year. “The Triple Helix” is actively expanding to other universities across the country and will soon be recognized as a 501(c)3 not-forprofit corporation. Graduating Harker seniors are encouraged to get involved with chapters of The Triple Helix at their universities, and if one does not currently exist at their school, to start one! The Triple Helix looks for ward to mutual support with the Harker community and to staying in touch. If you have any questions or would like to get involved, please visit the national Web site: www.thetriplehelix.org or e-mail kevin.hwang@thetriplehelix.org. —Repor ted by Julia Gitis ’03



Alumni Visitors Welcome!

Recent Alumni Help on College Tours Harker US graduates had a chance to show off their college to some of our current juniors. The inaugural Junior College Tour to the East Coast (see more in May 2005 edition of The Harker News) took place over spring break with 26 students and four staff visiting 16 colleges. The Harker group was met at some of the college stops by Harker alumni whose schedules permitted this, and some of the alumni gave tours and even had enough time to visit with the group over dinner or coffee.“ Thanks to the following alumni for giving a personal perspective to the trip: Boston University – Shethal Bearelly, Meghan Desal and Pranab Barman; Brown University – Wesley Wu; New York University – Lisa Schwebke; Columbia – Sumana Rao; Princeton – Eric Berglund and Anita Gupta; University of Pennsylvania – Margaret Chen, Nikhil Deshmukh, Kathryn Lee, Deepa Mathew and Nayan Mehta.

Come see the changes at the Saratoga campus I am happy to give tours, look through yearbooks, photos and memorabilia and try to connect you with teachers. I have items of interest from our recent years of The Harker School and also items dating back to the early years from Harker Academy, PAMA, Harker Day and Miss Harker Schools. Give me a call and set up a time - I will treat you to lunch (the best time to catch teachers) here on campus! Terry Walsh, Alumni Programs Director 408.345.9205, terryw@harker.org, www.harkeralumni.org


Teacher Visits Alumna at Her School

Terry Walsh - both photos

Gr. 5 teacher Pat Walsh went back to 5th grade as part of his professional development when he visited one of his former students at HER school! Sehba Zhumkhawala ’90 is the founder and principal at KIPP Heartwood Academy, a charter school in San Jose’s Alum Rock School District. As a publicly funded charter school it is open to all students in the district, although most are neighborhood kids. This year the school enrolls 5th grade students, and over the next three years it will add a grade until it has 320 students in grades 5 to 8. Walsh

spent the day visiting the three classrooms and attending the allschool assembly at the end of the day. “I was so impressed with the attitudes and behavior of all the students, especially with how they


went out of their way to make me feel welcome and comfortable. They are great kids,” said Walsh. He was also very impressed with the three extremely dedicated teachers Zhumkhawala hired. “They have their 70 fifth graders doing some awfully impressive work in their first year at the school,” Walsh added. The schools focus is on an unwavering devotion to getting into college, reinforced with college banners on the walls and classrooms named for colleges. And on Friday’s students may wear a t-shirt – as long as it has a college logo. “The code of behavior is strict and uniformly enforced. We have left no details to chance: where students place their backpacks, when they’re allowed to leave their seat, how they enter the cafeteria. By eliminating distractions, we can better focus a child’s attention,” explained Zhumkhawala. Walsh noted that the schools creed - “Be nice. Work hard.” – posted in each classroom, rang true for him as it was something he learned early in his career.



Chris Daren - all photos

Reunions Coming Up A small gathering of local alumni interested in helping to plan class reunions was recently held on the Saratoga campus, and while the group spent most of the time having fun reminiscing and going through yearbooks and photos kept in the alumni office, the meeting did involve some planning and time was spent discussing possible dates, locations and ideas for future reunions. It looks like the classes of 1980, 1985 and 1995 will have reunions some time this year. In addition to Terry Walsh, alumni director, and staff members Joe Rosenthal and Pat Walsh, the following alumni were in attendance: Class of ’80 – Jennifer James and Celia DeBenedetti; Class of ‘85 – Miyeko Yoneda Kohlmann (who has been working by e-mail with Christy Fraizer); Class of ‘95 – Danielle Lawrence, Lisa Bowman and Michael Wu. Contact the alumni office for details! Harker News — May 05, Alumni Supplement

Mark Tantrum



Continued from pg. 3 after-school sports, Mrs. Walsh, Joe Rosenthal, Jim Cagney and Lani Potts from the boarding program and Donna Head, Curt Head and Pam Dickinson from the weekend program. The Harker boarding program always stressed good manners – such as not to speak a language that cannot be understood by everybody in the room. Surprisingly, I often find myself impressing the foreign business partners by doing what I was trained to do in public many years ago.” Young is in contact with Young Jin ’91, Shawn and Jason Chang ’92, Joon Park, Scott Chang and Ji Kim ’93, Eddie Hyun and Min Kang ’94 and would like to know the whereabouts of Ryohei Akiyama ’93.


HS Jeffrey Niederauer, Kelle Sloan (see Alumni Employee Update, pg. 8)

HS Joseph Lee received his BA from Pomona College and is currently a medical student at the University of Pennsylvania. He remembers, “Coach Bither cracked me up, and I do fondly remember Mrs. Harp, Mrs. Nielsen, Mrs. Pinzas, Mr. Near, Mr. Muller among many others.”


HS Rebecca Lee Turner received her degree in engineering and political science from the US Naval Academy and is a fire control officer for the US Navy. HS Michael Stocker received his BA in history from UC Santa Barbara and his MBA from San Jose State University. He is currently a senior manager in business development. He recently saw classmates Aaron Green and Raj Patel. HARKER HISTORICAL LEGEND MN Manzanita Hall 1893-1919 MH Miss Harker School 1904-1959 PA

Palo Alto Military Academy 1919-1972

HD Harker Day School 1959-1972 HA Harker Academy 1973-1992 HS The Harker School 1993-Present

Harker News — May 05, Alumni Supplement

HS Danielle Valley received her BA from Santa Clara University and attended Parson School of Design in NYC and the Academy of Art University in SF.

ALUMNI EVENT UPDATE International Alumni Reception Joe Rosenthal, executive director of advancement, recently traveled to Russia and Asia to recruit students for Harker’s summer English Language Institute (ELI), a program that focuses on helping international students prepare to attend traditional boarding high schools. Rosenthal directed our boarding program for many years and provided guidance to students who were applying to boarding high schools.

HS Elizabeth Werba received her BA in political science from the University of New Mexico and her MA in public health from Saint Xavier University.


HS Michael Wu received his BS economics from Northern Illinois University. His memories include his favorite teachers, Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. Harp, Coach C.J. Cali and Mr. Bither. HS Ho-Geol Song now goes by the name Ryan Ku. He received his BS in economics from UC Davis and is currently a financial advisor. HS Kate Stober recently relocated to New York City to begin graduate school at Columbia University. Alumni parent Victoria Emmons (Kate’s mom) sent us an update. “Kate is earning a masters in liberal studies with emphasis on American Cultural Studies. She graduated from Washington University in St. Louis in 2003, earning a BA in history with a minor in Russian. She also spent a semester studying in Prague, the Czech Republic, through New York University. After graduation she worked for a year and a half as education coordinator and then museum manager for the Cupertino Historical Society and Museum,” said Emmons. (Thanks for the update, Victoria – we encourage parents to send in updates on their children!) HS Catrina R. Mettam received her BA in history from Mary Baldwin College. She writes, “I always loved the picnic in October and dancing. I did not have any teachers whom I did not love at Harker, and I had the time of my life while I was going there. Harker was a benefit to me in the sense that Harker taught me how to work hard and still have fun doing it.”


HS Katie (Katrina) Bohannon received her BA from San Francisco State University and is currently writing a masters thesis for Harvard University. She writes, “I enjoyed my two-year stay in the dorms. My fondest memories of teachers include Joe Rosenthal in the dorms, that crazy history teacher with all of the

Blanca Rosenthal - both photos


The trip was very successful, and many families attending the receptions submitted their applications for this popular program. The trip also provided Joe an opportunity to talk to or meet with many Harker alumni and alumni parents who hosted receptions for Harker or met with him before or after meetings. Our international alumni, for the most par t, were boarding students and have a ver y strong bond with Harker. They truly enjoy meeting Harker staff when they visit their country. Thanks to those alumni and alumni parents who connected us through this recent visit: Alumni - Leo Shih ’84, David Wang ’89, Young Bae Lee ’93, Eiko Furakawa ’97, Mi-Hyang Kim ‘01 (MS) and Young Jo Kim ’02 (MS). Alumni Parents – Ikuko Furakawa (Eiko ’97), Kwang S. Kim (Chris ’03 and Harry ’10) and Jackson Hu (Ben ’02).

Cokes (Mr. Zetterquist) and good ol’ Doctor Chock. Harker was a great experience both socially and academically. It was truly rewarding to be around such talented smart people all of the time. I would love to hear from Daniela Obregon, Marlen Alcarez, Natalie Noce, Mariposa Widdoes or any of my old buds!” HS Ann Chu received her degree in business marketing from San Jose State University and is now a marketing specialist. She writes, “I learned very early on to accept and embrace all different cultures and this led to my desire to see the world. After graduating in May of this year I enjoyed a six week trip to Asia, which included visits to Tawian, China, Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia.”

Ann is in contact with Steve Blomquist and Jerome Keene and would like to hear from Daniela Obregon. HS Elizabeth Keezer received her BA in global studies from UC Santa Barbara. HS David Gelineau, a film student at Loyola Marymount University, recently wrote the screenplay and directed “A Bullet Beyond Redemption” for his senior film – a requirement for graduation. The filming was done on location at Sable Ranch in Placerita Canyon, Los Angeles, with over 35 people each day. The film will be screened on the big screen in the main theatre at LMU the day before


Continued on pg. 6


ALUMNI Continued from pg. 5 graduation, and Gelineau plans to submit the film to multiple festivals this summer.

update HS Angela C. Esquivel is a student at USC pursuing a bachelor of music in vocal jazz and also working as a receptionist at USC’s Joint Educational Project.


Dan Gelineau

HS Jenny Yoo attended Anglia Polytechnic University in England and is currently a student at the University of London. She writes, “I miss a lot of people. I learned how comfortable the atmosphere of Harker was and how it really helped my studies.”


HS Jonathan Lee is a student at UC Berkeley.

HS Natasha Novick received her BA in fine ar ts from Pratt Institute and writes, “Mr Near was the best.”

HS Chris Keyashian and Eric Eguina recently sent personal notes to US Japanese teacher Yukiko Konishi regarding their current use of Japanese. Chris Keyashian ’02, currently attending George


Washington University, noted that after studying Japanese at Harker he was able to advance to the 2nd year level of Japanese, enabling him to add Japanese as a 2nd major. Chris is studying abroad this year in Japan at Kyoto University. “Coming to Japan has had a huge impact on my life so far. I strongly urge anyone studying Japanese now to go abroad to gain an understanding of the culture and its people. I think attending a Japanese university has given me a better perspective of the world through the eyes of the Japanese,” said Chris. Eric Eguina ’02, a student at Ripon College in Wisconsin, studied abroad for three months earlier this school year, attending the International Liberal Studies program at Waseda University in Japan. “It was an excellent experience that all openminded Japanese language students should take part in. I will

Contact Us! The alumni office truly enjoys hearing about all alumni connections and memories. Contact us when you have things to share! terryw@harker.org 408.345.9205

definitely miss Japan when I return to school this coming semester,” said Eric. HS Tiffany Day is a student at UC Berkeley. She writes, “I loved hanging out after school with my group of friends and going to Fantasia every day. Some of my favorite teachers were Ms. Conant Steinbach and Mr. Manjoine. I often look back on my high school memories fondly; many of the things I learned in high school help me out now.”


Alumni Enjoy Harker’s 2nd Annual Fashion Show, “Rock the Runway”

Steve Sukovez ’65 and his daughter Ashley Sukovez ’96

Tremba Schwartz ’84 and Michael Leonard ’04 who were both models in the show! It was also a treat to have Steve Sukovez ’65 from the Harker Day School attending with his daughter, Ashley Sukovez ’96, one of the few father/daughter alumni duos in our program’s history. Some of the other alumni spotted at one of the shows were Mark Gelineau ‘90, Kristin Scapace Giamonna ‘81, Jeffrey Niederauer ’93, Shannon Hickey ’95, Sam Stapleton ’89, Grace Sabeh ’95, Joe Sabeh ’93, Janene Argendelli ’81 and Jennifer Cu ’92. The event was a tremendous success, thanks to alumni parent committee co-chairs Susan Lee (Jeffrey ’92 and Katherine ’04),


Alice Bracken (Karla ’04) and Anu Barman (Pranab ’04) who contributed greatly to generating continued involvement with alumni parents. The trio hosted fun breakfast meetings where they discussed ways to stay connected with alumni parents and then worked with a committee of alumni parents sending out e-mail notes and making lots of phone calls to generate ticket sales. The gatherings were fun, and the discussion generally ended up with talk of their children’s college experiences. This year’s committee members were Linda Michaelson (Elliot ’95), Jeannie Cu (Jennifer ’92, Jessica ’03 and Kristie ’07), Amalia Keyashian (Christopher ’02 and Laena ’04), Chiara Rattazzi (Christina ’03, Carlo ‘03 MS and Nicholas ’05), Mira Rubin (Danna ’04 and Adam ’07) and Lynette Stapleton (Sam ’89 and Emily ’93).

Elise Tremba Schwartz ’84 and her mom, Linda Tremba

Photos by Sonia Rastogi, Will Courchesne & Steven Wong

Over 100 alumni and alumni parents attended either the luncheon or dinner gala of the 2nd annual Harker Fashion Show, “Rock the Runway,” including alumni Elise

Top: Tiffany Gelineau, Mark Gelineau ’90 and Bill Bost; Middle: Alumni parents Jeff & Susan Lee and John & Amalia Keyashian; Bottom: Mark Gelineau ’90, Kristin Scarpace Giammona ’81 & Janene Argendelli ’81 Harker News — May 05, Alumni Supplement


Alumni Kudos to Howard Nichols Stephen Meyer ’70 attended Palo Alto Military Academy for 5th and 6th grades in 1965 and 1966. (He is listed as an alumnus with the class of 1970 since that would be his graduating class from Gr. 9 at PAMA). Though with the school only two years, Meyers said he felt his time at PAMA still had a big impact on his life, and he reconnected with Harker a couple of years ago to register his information with the alumni office. He said he enjoys reading the alumni updates in our newsletter, and on learning there of Howard Nichols’ retirement he called him recently to reminisce about the years Meyer attended as a cadet, which also coincided with Nichols’ return from college to work at PAMA in 1965 as assistant commandant, P.E. teacher, athletic director and jr. high coach. Meyers shared some of their memories in a later note: “It was at PAMA in 1965 that I learned how to study and how to compose my thoughts for a written composition, skills that have ser ved me well in my lifetime. Lt. Nichols (Howard’s title at the time) was a significant presence about the campus, and at my age of ten, at times an intimidating authority figure. But he always treated ever yone with respect. In today’s difficult educational environment, we have

Alumni Engagement Party Alumni Tim Anderson ’91 recently celebrated his engagement to Susan Oxenham at a party hosted by Sally Anderson, Tim’s mom, Harker board member and alumni

parent. Tim lives in Los Angeles and is in the band Ima Robot. The band had just finished touring as the opener for Duran Duran and was on break before going back to

their studios to finish up their second CD. Tim was pleased to see some longtime friends from Harker at the party, that included Howard and Diana Nichols; alumni parent and current board member, Lynette Stapleton; Tim’s former basketball coach and current director of advancement, Joe Rosenthal; Tim’s 5th grade teacher, Pat Walsh; and alumni director, Terry Walsh. “I was touched by Tim’s genuine delight in seeing us there,” said Pat Walsh. The group also enjoyed reminiscing with Tim’s lifelong friend and alumnus James Colvard ’91 and alumnus parent Joyce Colvard. “I am so happy for Tim and Susan. I

Terry Walsh


was very impressed when Tim and some of the members of his band played a few songs during the party. They were really good,” said Rosenthal. At press time Tim and Susan had plans for an April wedding in Palm Springs.

Two Holiday Receptions Enjoyed by Alumni Harker US alumni gathered Dec. 17 and Jan. 6 to visit with former teachers and our current seniors at the 3rd annual “Home for the Holidays” college receptions. The noise and energy levels were high as our newest alumni greeted each other with shouts of joy and big hugs showing their genuine delight at seeing friends back on campus. This year the additional January reception was added to accommodate those students unable to make the December event due to conflicting college vacation schedules. Both receptions were a big success with 85 attending the first one and 47 in attendance at the new January event.

A recent photo of Stephen Meyer and his wife Teri.

Harker News — May 05, Alumni Supplement

Photos by Mark Tantrum & Ali Abdollahi

been for tunate to have his dedication to the students and the school. It is clear to see that he has given so much over the past 40+ years, and many of us are better human beings as a result of his philosophies and direct and indirect contact. He will be missed in his retirement.” Stephen Meyers may bump into “Lt. Nichols” in the near future: they will both be living in the same area once Nichols retires!




FREEZE THE DATE! Hope you’re all planning to come and “chill out” at “A Polar Picnic” next fall! Picnic Sunday has traditionally been a great time for the entire Harker community to come together — parents, students, faculty and staff, family and friends — including our much loved alumni — and this coming picnic is no exception. In fact, this is one year you absolutely won’t want to miss!

We would like to extend a special invitation to all our wonderful alumni who traditionally make Picnic Sunday so heartwarming each year. The picnic is the perfect place to see many former teachers and classmates. Plan to meet with friends and gather in Graduates Grove, where the alumni office displays memorabilia from each of the schools. This is also a perfect time for all of our newest alumni, the US graduates, to get together, as well!

So, “freeze” that date…SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16!! We look forward to “chill’n” with you! —Lynette Stapleton, Picnic Chair and Alumni Parent (Sam ’89 & Emily ’93)



’90 Chris Yuji Yamashita, Harker recreation director on the Saratoga campus, has left to pursue a second calling in hospitality and foods. Chris joined the rec staff in 1999, and staff who knew Chris as a student were especially impressed over the years with his developing leadership

Western Appliance. Though he graduated from Harker in 1993, he really never left, joining the

The Harker News is published nine times per year by the Harker Office of Communications. Current and archived issues are also available on the Parent Home Page (PHP) on the Harker Web site at www.harker.org. This special supplement created by: Editor: Pam Dickinson; Production: Blue Heron Design Group; Photos: As noted; Contributors: Terry Walsh, Julia Gitis and our fabulous alumni!; Printing: Harker Copy Shop; Mailing Coordinators: Ashley Sukovez, Jerusha Hew Len.


skills. Students have truly enjoyed his contribution to our school, including adding such after-school classes as Indian Folk Dance and Photography, and starting lunchtime activities that included ping-pong tournaments and flag football games. Both Jeffrey and Chris will truly be missed, However, both have promised to stay in touch with Harker, and the alumni office will keep them connected by informing them of and including them in Harker events. As our alumni Jeffrey and Chris move on, we welcome back alumna The Harker School is a K-12 independent, co-ed, college-prep school.

Kelle Sloan ’93 who came on board as the recreation lead on the Bucknall campus. Kelle has been connected with Harker for the last few years as an assistant coach for our US girls’ volleyball team. It is fun to have another familiar face around campus!

Milton Mui

summer staff in 1995 as a camp counselor and then continuing to work on special projects in technology for Diana Nichols in 1998. Jeffrey was instrumental in building and maintaining a technological infrastructure that serves over 2,000 people daily – we miss him already!

Lee Trotter

Harker Archives

’93 Jeffrey Niederauer, Harker network manager since 1999, decided to leave Harker to pursue working in his family’s business,

Grades K-6: 4600 Bucknall Rd., San Jose CA 95130 Phone 408.871.4600 • Fax 408.871.4320 Grades 7-12: 500 Saratoga Ave., San Jose CA 95129 Phone 408.249.2510 • Fax 408.984.2325

Harker believes that all persons are entitled to equal employment opportunity and does not discriminate against its employees or applicants because of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions), national origin, ancestry, age (over 40), marital status, political affiliations, physical or mental disability, medical condition, sexual orientation, or any other basis protected by state or federal laws, local law or ordinance.

Harker News — May 05, Alumni Supplement

Harker Archives- all photos

Igloos are in the making, the knitting has begun, snowboards and ski caps are at the ready. Fr-r-r-ozen chocolate smoothies, polar “beer” and peng-”wine” (for mom and dad), and lots and lots of “chili” will be some of our food favorites this year. And, of course, there will be a “sled load” of prizes to delight picnic fans of all ages.

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