2006 April Fashion Show Supplement

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APRIL 2006 (VOL. 12, NO. 7)

est. 1893 • K-12 college prep






show H A R K E R


Cruisin’ California Was a Journey to Remember On behalf of The Harker School, I would like to thank the co-chairs of this year’s fashion show “Cruisin’ California,” Mary Malysz, Sarah Pennell, and Carol Underwood, for all of their hard work and dedication that resulted in the tremendously successful schoolwide event we all enjoyed last month. I would also like to thank Laura Lang-Ree and her entire performing arts department for their work, talent and dedication that inspires us performance after performance. Finally, I would like to thank all of the parent volunteers and Harker faculty and staff who worked so diligently and tirelessly behind the scenes and on the runway to make this event a success.

“The show gets better every year. The kids are awesome, the teachers are really into it - it was superb!” — Gil Sangari, publisher, San Jose Magazine

“I have been involved in helping out the fashion show since its inception. What I liked particularly about being a model was getting to work with such a dedicated, fun-loving group of people whose common goal was to produce the best show possible. Being able to glam it up was also a definite plus. I now have a deeper appreciation of all the people in our community who strive to do their best for our school in order to make it a better place.” — Julie Pinzás, MS Spanish

“I look just fabulous in pastels.” — Gary Blickenstaff, US Faculty

“I loved meeting and hanging out with new people, and being onstage with all my friends was SO much fun! This is definitely one of my best high school memories.” — Casey Near, Gr. 12

Memories of Cruisin’ California Relive all the fun with a DVD and photos of the event! Links and order forms are online now - visit your division home page (DHP) or the fashion show home page for details!

The students are the real stars of our community, which they demonstrated to us once again with a fabulous show. We thank them for making our work worthwhile. They also will benefit for years to come from the hard work and dedication of everyone who comes together to make an event like this so successful. Thanks to everyone, and we are looking forward to next year!

Christopher Nikoloff Head of School

We Gave ‘Em Something to Talk About! “The Harker Fashion Show was a blast. The minute we arrived we were caught up in the excitement not knowing what to do first - pictures, cocktails, flowers, buying tickets for the fundraiser? So much to do and mingle besides! We especially loved the fashion production and were impressed with the students dancing and singing, and the set designs. Thank you for providing an amazing evening of great food, fun, and entertainment!” — Jill Freeberg, Project Manager, Barry Swenson Builder

“I think the fashion show is a wonderful exhibit of the fantastic talent and dedication of the Harker students, their families and the Harker staff. The thanks and appreciation directed to the sponsors and donors speaks to the high level of professionalism, which encompasses the entire fashion show. It makes you proud to support such a wonderful event.” — C. Denise Brodersen CFP, VP of Investments, UBS Financial Services, Inc.

“Thanks, Carol and Mary, for telling me I should audition for the fashion show; I would have never done it without your encouragement.” — Luanne Stanley, Asst. to US Athletic Director

“Thank you, Sarah, Mary and Carol, for an awesome experience!” — Keith Hirota, LS/MS Faculty

“Being in the fashion show was the highlight of my 8th grade year.” — Taryn Spiller , Gr. 8 “Thank you for a great time. I met so many great people and created new friendships. I’m looking forward to the next adventure…Thank you for letting us be part of the Harker family!!!” — Joan P. Howard, Parent

Fifth grade teacher and Harker legend Pat Walsh hosted both events as our MC. Hats off to him for a job well done!


show 2006 Fabulous Clothes, New Friendships, Great Memories Reported by Shilpika Lahri, junior - Winged Post reporter This year’s Harker fashion show, Cruisin’ California, co-chaired by parent volunteers Mary Malysz, Sarah Pennell and Carol Underwood, proved to be a huge success from the moment the doors of the Fairmont Hotel opened to the auctioning and dancing at the end of the evening. “This year our big coup was the bringing on of Bloomingdale’s as our fashion partner,” Underwood commented. “This really changed the focus of our fashion show – we’re thrilled with the possibilities that we have from them.” “The models were great this year,” added Pennell. “We also had more integration of models of different age groups; little kids with older kids and adults to break it up a bit, and make it more fun.” As a result of this change in the show, Deanna Barnett, a faculty model, exclaimed, “It was great fun! I loved seeing all ages of students perform with adults.” “Bloomingdale’s and Brenda ‘BB’ Bern-


heim really worked hard on getting the clothes to match the model,” added Pennell. “The models really appreciated this and it showed in their walks down the runway. They were comfortable with what they were wearing, and the fashions were fantastic.” Greta Jackson, chair of the model committee this year agreed, adding that “the Harker kids and parents were polite and friendly as always, and quick studies!” Due to the enormous help and contribution of Bloomingdale’s, Tuxedo Warehouse, and James Craig Hair Salon, Melanie Robinson, a model, stated, “Wearing beautiful clothes and having our hair and makeup done was so fun!” Additionally, junior Arya Srivinivasan, one of the 88 models, reflected on the show as well: “Of course the clothes were fantastic, but bonding with people we otherwise might not have met was really special, the friendships and great memories last even after the show is over.” This year’s models overwhelmingly recommended the model experience to those interested in joining next year’s show. Sophomore Kavitha Narra stated, “The best parts about the show experience were hanging out with other models, creating new friendships, rehearsing, having my

hair and makeup done by professionals, and just having a blast down the runway, so basically, everything. I also loved trying on the clothes from Bloomingdale’s.” Second grader Chloe van den Dries’ favorite part of the show was “the Disney segment - I loved doing the dance we learned!” Chloe’s

statement reflects the biggest change in the fashion show: Laura Lang Ree, Harker’s director of performing arts, directed this year. As a result, most audience members would agree that the show seemed more musicalbased (see story, pg. 4), as well as the fact that the model training included choreography by Joe Duffy to incorporate dance moves into the fashion segments. Ultimately, this year’s fashion show was a major hit with the audiences – that ranged from children to adults – and many attendees can’t wait to see what is in store for next year’s show.

Harker News — April 06, Fashion Show Supplement

Make Modeling in Cruisin’ California “a blast!” Favorite Thing:

Something Learned:

Other Comments:

“Friends! Getting to spend a lot of free time with my friends in the show and hosts, etc. Also getting to wear all these crazy fancy clothes. And dancing afterwards!!”

“That both my ‘Inner Princess’ and my ‘Inner Ham’ can coexist very well together.” — Luanne Stanley, Asst. to

“I already miss the other adult models that I spent so much time with during rehearsals and the shows. I think we should work on a reunion soon.”

— Carissa Chu, Gr. 12

US Athletic Director

“To be more confident in front of an audience” — Nicholas

— Kristin Giammona, Elementary Division Head

Navarro, Gr. 4

“I don’t have two left feet.” — Keith Hirota, LS/MS Faculty

“That I can learn to walk in a way that I never thought I could.” — Deanna Barnett, Head of Academic Counseling

L to R: Producer Brenda “BB” Bernheim with Nancy Lueck and Polly Ryerson of Bloomingdale’s. Many models cited the beautiful clothes from Bloomingdale’s as one of their favorite things about the show.

“Beauty is pain! Also, to tie my strappy shoes REALLY tight so they don’t fall off on stage =)” — Arya Srinivasan, Gr. 11

“I met some incredible people in the Harker community whom I would never have had the opportunity to meet if it weren’t for the fashion show.”

“I can change an entire outfit of clothes in 2-1/2 minutes.” — John Near, US Faculty

— Kristin Giammona, Elementary Division Head

“I learned to step out of my comfort zone. Being on stage and presenting ourselves in a way so different from teaching were great!”

“Modeling clothes from Bloomingdale’s” — Taryn Spiller, Gr. 8 “The fitting. Trying on the cute clothes. The choreography training was fun, too!” — Taylor Kohlmann, Gr. K “Participating in the show is a lot of fun and you make a lot of new friends.” — Siddharth Chari, Gr. K

“If we were able to be in the fashion show every year, I would definitely do it! Thank you Harker for giving me this opportunity and I hope to participate the next time I get a chance to.” —Karen Wang, Gr. 6

“Can I do it again!!?” —Melanie Robinson, LS Faculty

“I was not the only person who planned to use my commitment to be a model as a method to improve myself. For example more than one of the models (me included) had lost a substantial amount of weight and planned to use the FS as an ‘insurance policy’ to make sure we keep the weight off. Several of the models lost weight after being selected to model (17 lbs and 35 lbs for two I knew of).” — Barbara Drummer, Parent

— Melanie Robinson, LS Faculty

“The Upper Schoolers are very nice.” — Mia Giammona, Gr. 1 “The right undergarments and good makeup can hide a lot.” — Pam Dickinson, Director of Communications

Harker News — April 06, Fashion Show Supplement



show 2006 Fashion Show Production Goes “In House” The beauty and pizzazz of the fashion show was largely due to the production team, which this year was entirely “in house,” meaning Harker faculty and regular vendors provided all of the technical and design support. Laura Lang-Ree, K-12 director of performing arts, directed the entire production, choosing the music for each modeling segment, conceptualizing the props, lights and set, and working with Bloomingdale’s, the show’s producer and the show’s choreographer to coordinate the final pictures. Lang-Ree brought in Harker favorites Joe Duffy (model choreographer), Natti Pierce-Thomson (lighting designer) and John Faldetta (sound designer) to make the models shine and the performers sound fantastic. The fabulous set was designed by MS technical director Paul Vallerga, and US technical director Brian Larsen was the production manager, in charge of putting all of the technical elements together. Providing music out in the lobby were US chamber instrumentalists, under the direction of US teacher Christopher Florio, and his Jazz Band entertained


the diners during lunch and dinner before the fashion portion of the show began. The show got off to a great start with the Varsity Dance Troupe,

“We thoroughly enjoyed partnering with Harker for the fashion show benefit this year. It was so exciting to see the fashions and the Bloomingdale’s vision come to life on the runway for a spectacular show. All the hard work, time and effort definitely paid off to produce a wonderful fundraising event that we were thrilled to be a part of.” — Polly Ryerson, Public Relations Manager, Bloomingdale’s

Head of School Chris Nikoloff with Lang-Ree and Duffy

directed by US dance teachers Laura Rae and Adrian Bermudez. During the show itself, LS dance teacher Gail Palmer showed off the remarkable talents of her LS Dance Ensemble, who delight us every year with their precision and huge smiles. The longest entertainment segment was provided by Downbeat, the US vocal jazz ensemble directed by Lang-Ree and Catherine Snider. They sang and danced (sometimes on surfboards!) to Beach Boys hits, and sang a lovely arrangement of “California Dreamin’” while models paraded down the runway. It comes as no surprise that our own performing arts department has the talent and resources to produce the best fashion show ever. Well done, gang!

“Joe Duffy is an amazing choreographer! He’s really creative and he has a lot of style, and a lot of our routines really just came together on the spot as we worked and rehearsed. Plus, he’s hilarious!” — Carissa Chu, Gr. 12

“Thanks to all of the wonderful people who worked their tails off to make this event a great success, and last but not least thanks to our choreographer, Joe Duffy, who took a bunch of adults without much theater and or dance experience and made us look great.” — Luanne Stanley, Asst. to US Athletic Director

“I learned that I’m very good at dancing.” — Mia Giammona, Gr. 1 “I learned that I can actually walk on a runway in front of a large crowd. I was always very shy before, but now I feel very self-confident and happy.” — Karen Wang, Gr. 6

Harker News — April 06, Fashion Show Supplement

Live Auction Livelier Than Ever! The 2006 Cruisin’ California Live Auction was a huge success, and raised $111,000!!! Many thanks to all who participated by donating, bidding – or ultimately winning – these fabulous items this year!

Also, a big thanks to auctioneer extraordinaire Damon Casatico, and to our own Harker senior Lauren Harries for her brilliant mime vignettes that kept us entertained throughout the auction!

Here are the WINNING BIDDERS for this year’s items: • Champagne and Crêpes: Jody Sclavos • VIP Graduation Package: Ernaz Irani • Evening with the Stars at the 2006 Emmy Awards: Linda Graham • Birthday Party for a LS Student with Mr. Nikoloff*: Ashish Chona; Julien Nguyen • Dinner with Howard and Diana Nichols*: Steve Shatas; Davis, Riedel and Costa Families • Custom Tourmaline and Diamond Ring from Deja: Barry Culpepper • Pajaro Dunes Weekend: Connie Barthold • Cooking with Class with Chef Nanci Wokas: Craig Creasman • Tahoe Log Cabin Weekend: Rajeev Motwani • Preston Wynne Spa Package: David Fry • Luxury Skybox at the SF Giants: Ajay Shah • Dinner-a-Week for the School Year*: Craig Creasman; Mark Santora • Greek Dinner for Ten: Rajeev Motwani • Infineon Race Package: Robert Blair • Silverado Wine Country Weekend: Niyati Thapliyal • Viva Las Vegas Weekend: Todd Jackson, Dr. Jim Joye and David Quarles • Hotel Valencia Presidential Suite Package: Ian Pennell • Fine Contemporary Art: Rajeev Motwani • Golden Retriever Puppy: Sharon Mandell *Two identical packages of these items were purchased, and each buyer is noted. See back page for winners of other fashion show items!




Harker News — April 06, Fashion Show Supplement



show 2006 Showcase Carousel Horses Come to Life By Laura van den Dries, parent One of the most eye-catching displays at Cruisin’ California was the Carousel of Showcases. The 20-foot diameter carousel, designed by dedicated parent and student volunteers, featured four beautiful twodimensional metal horses decorated with scenes from the Showcase destinations. These amazing art pieces were painted by five of Harker’s US art students: Akhila Bhoopalam, Sinead Toolis Byrd, Anna Huang, Christina Nixon and Adam Semanko. US art teacher, Jaap Bongers suggested utilizing the talents of the art students. Cynthia D’Agosta, showcase committee chairperson, agreed: “It was a wonderful idea, because the fashion show gave us an opportunity to broaden our student involvement in a new way, and the student artists were able to expand their portfolios, produce an installation art piece and participate in a community service project.” The students were


supported by US art teacher Pilar Aguero-Esparza in their artistic endeavors. “The students applied themselves with dedication, and were supportive of each other’s work, offering constructive criticism as their projects developed. They accomplished a great deal in a relatively small amount of time and I am proud of each of them for volunteering their time and talent, as well as for challenging themselves to grow artistically,” she said. The carousel horses are sure to be cherished by their new owners. Harker parent Ruth Mohanram, winner of the Cruisin’ the Central Coast Showcase, noted that “our horse will be a reminder of our good fortune, and all the fun we had Cruisin’ California.” Carmen Ortiz, winner of the Headin’ for the Hills Showcase, says “My horse will be right at home in my garden

with the deer.” Thanks to everyone who was involved in this wonderful project! A special “thank you” to the following individuals, families and companies for their generous contributions to this year’s Showcases: Mike Bassoni, Berman Skin Institute - Palo Alto, Monisha Bheda, Dr. Gary Blickenstaff, Lisa Blickenstaff, Borelli Investment Co., Violet Boyle, Broderson Family, Buis Construction, Susan Cho, Costa Family, Mariko Creasman, Cynthia D’Agosta, Davis Family, The Del Coronado Hotel, The Fairmont Hotel - San Francisco, Joe and Sarah Gill, Guimarin Family, Harris Family, Jennifer Helmonds, Dave Heslop, David and Debbie Hutchings, Kyong Kim-Kawadri, Betsy Lindars/Bay Area Waterworks, Malysz Family, MaxWellness - Campbell Rahat Modi, Adom Moutafian, Kim Pellissier, Sarah Pennell, REI – Saratoga, Sathaye Family, Sea World San Diego, Shukla Family, Kavita Suri, Carol Underwood, Willow Glen Bicycles and Wine & Roses Limousine.

Harker News — April 06, Fashion Show Supplement

Hats Off to Our Hosts and Hostesses

Next Year: Try Out! “Just go for it, it’s one of the most memorable high school experiences ever. If you’re not picked don’t be discouraged — I wasn’t picked as a sophomore but I tried again in my senior year and I actually got it! So just go for it” — Carissa Chu Gr. 12

Thanks to ALL the hosts and hostesses who worked so hard, and sold over $10,000 worth of Showcase tickets on the day of the show alone: Shivani Bhargava, Liz Burstein, Rupon Bose, Candace Chang, Albert Chen, Avanti Deshpande, Anjali Gill, Naushad Godrej, Ankur Gupta, Lauren Gutstein, Shawn Huda, Danyal Kothari, Faustine Liao, Tiffany Liou, Jeff Liu, Ira Patnaik, Amanda Polzin, Natasha Sarin, Sylvia Schmidt, Harish Venkatesan and Jamie Wei. The winners of the pre-show Showcase tickets sales contest were: 1st – iPod Video Amanda Polzin

“Just try it, it can’t hurt. Just remember to keep your shoulders back, stand up tall, and MOST importantly, smile like you mean it.” — Ashley Yang,

2nd – iPod Nano DJ Blickenstaff 3rd – iPod Shuffle Jason Martin

Gr. 11

“I would tell the people trying out next year to just be yourself and be confident…most importantly…HAVE FUN!!”

4th – $75 iTunes Gift Card Alex Underwood 5th – $50 iTunes Gift Card Avanti Deshpande

— Karen Wang, Gr. 6

“Don’t feel threatened or afraid that you are not involved enough in the Harker community to represent the school as a model. Having the opportunity to model is a wonderful way to become integrated into the Harker community for new parents and students.” — Barbara Drummer, Parent

Attendees eagerly bought their Showcase tickets from our hosts and hostesses and dropped them into the Showcases of their choice.

“Always smile and have fun!” — Nicholas Navarro, Gr. 4

Students, Parents, Staff Offer Talents as Show’s Press and Paparazzi Once again our US Winged Post and Talon students, along with parent volunteers and Harker staff, covered the event from start to finish. With most of them wearing their official Harker News black t-shirts


Harker News — April 06, Fashion Show Supplement

and Fashion Show press passes, they got you covered! Kudos to them all: Student Photographers – Matt Wong, Will Courshesne, Will Waggoner, Emily Chow, Sharon Her, Jennifer Ong; Student Tech Crew – Alex Chen; Student Reporters – Jennifer Ong, Tanya Schmidt, Shilpika Lahri, Philip Chu; Parent Volunteers – Steven Wong (photographer), Marcia Riedel and Laura van den Dries (PR); Staff Volunteer – Clare Elchert; Talon and Winged Post adviser: Chris Daren; Harker Office of Communications members: Mark The Press Room was busy all day as Tantrum, Nick Gassman, photos were downloaded and filed for editing. Ali Abdollahi.



show 2006 Winners!

Special Thanks to our Generous 2006 Cruisin’ California Fashion Show Sponsors! presented by

Air Systems, Inc. • Banerjee Chopra Family • Communicart • Davé Family Trust • Davis Family • Diamond Quality Printing • Kawadri Family • Kris & Nina Panu • Morgan Stanley, San Francisco • Pennell Family • Sathaye Family Foundation

Here are the lucky winners from this year's Cruisin' California event:

Showcase Winners ■ Cruisin’ the Central Coast: Ruth Mohanram ■ Headin’ for the Hills: Carmen Ortiz ■ Northern Nirvana: Alice Fenton ■ Soakin’ up the Sun: Jill Freeberg

Alex Alonzo Accountancy Corp. • C. Denise

Other Prize Winners

Brodersen CFP, V.P. - Investments, UBS

Luncheon Kid’s Cubes

Financial Services, Inc. • Citti’s Florist •

Barry Swenson Builder

■ LS Kid’s Cube Sondra Costa

Connell Family • Courtesy Chevrolet • Heritage Bank of Commerce • Linear

Santana Row Swanson & Jackson Families

Technology • Malysz Family • Mayer, Brown,

■ MS Kid’s Cube Jeremy Wallin

Rowe & Maw LLP • Meiying & Steve Shatas •

Door Prizes

Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe • Riedel Family • Santora Family • Sequoia Capital • Smith Barney, the Hall Walsworth Group • Stevens Creek BMW • XL Construction Corp.

■ Bloomingdale’s $500 Shopping Certificate: Laura Cali ■ Yelka Day Spa Packages: Mira Nakano and Kathy Polzin

Program Advertisers Many thanks again to the wonderful advertisers who supported Harker with an ad in our program: Academic Expeditions • Action Day Nurseries • Age Defying Dermatology • Air Systems Inc. • Alain Pinel Realtors • Alan Everett DDS Inc. • All Chem Supply • Anniki • Asha Jadeja • Autowest Acura of Stevens Creek • Azita Costa • B & G Jewelers • Bains Development • Banerjee Chopra Family • Barbara Drummer • Bay Sport • Bellarmine College Preparatory • Bernadine Ai-Kuo of Re/Max • Valley Properties • Bjork Construction • Book Club • Boyle Family • Brian J. Nettleman DDS • Byers Properties • C’est Si Bon • California Karate Academy • Capers • Carol Underwood • CBIZ • CH Premier Jewelers • Christine and John Davis • Christine Douglas • Class of 2008 • Class of 2013 • Coldwell Banker • Construction Co • Courtside Club • Craig Creasman MD • Culpepper/Brodersen family • Cynthia D’Agosta • Dalmatech LLC • Danny Thomas Party Rentals • Davis Family • Debbie Hutchings • Deja & Co. • Doherty Family • Dr. David Constant, DDS • Dr. Tina McGinnis • Ernaz Irani • Extron Logistics • Frederick Wardenburg, Sr. VP & • CFM – Merrill Lynch • Future Families • Goldman, Sachs & Co/Nicholas Eaton • Gr. 5 Flag Football • Greta Jackson • Gudmundson Family • Hall & Rambo • Harker Harmonics • High Tech Passport • Intel Harker Parents • Interior Plant Design • Involuntarily Committed Forever (ICF) • Jespersen & Jespersen DDS • Joan Havard • Joe Escobar Diamonds • JR Fitness • Just Windows • Kim Pellissier • Koch & Associates • KPMG LLP • Lampshade Party Productions • Le Papillon Restaurant • Lon Allan/Allan Advisors • Intero Real Estate • Los Esposos de las Tres Amigas • Lucas/Hancock Family • Lynette Stapleton • McPharlin, Sprinkles & Thomas LLP • Medallion Rug Gallery • Mission Electric Company • Mortgage Magic • Mountain Winery • Notre Dame High School • Odwalla • Out of the Envelope • Pahl & Gosselin • Pam Dickinson & John Near • Parents & Families of K-5 Models Parents of Downbeat • Past Fashion Show Chairs • Piercey Toyota • Preston Wynne • Punita Bigler • Riedel Family • RJ Dailey Construction • San Jose Grand Prix • Santa Clara Swim Club • Satara Technology • Senior Conservatory Certificate Students • Shah Family • Sherry Ammatuna • South Bay Vascular Center • Stephen Miller Gallery • Steve and Debbie Gordon • Susanne Bohl – Realtor • Tanya Ringold • The Brenner Group, Inc. • The Next Step • Tuxedo Wearhouse • Vicki Geers of Coldwell Banker • Volleyball Parents • Williams Party Rentals • Wine & Roses Limousine Service • Zip Realty

The Harker News is published nine times per year by the Harker Office of Communications. Current and archived issues are also available on the Division Home Pages on the Harker Web site at www.harker.org. This special supplement produced by: Editor: Pam Dickinson; Writers: Laura van den Dries, parent; Shilpika Lahri, student; Cathy Snider, faculty; Production: Blue Heron Design Group; Photos: FS paparrazi (see pg. 7); Printing: Harker Copy Shop.


The Harker School is a K-12 independent, co-ed, college-prep school.

Grades K-5: 4300 Bucknall Rd., San Jose CA 95130 Grades 6-8: 3800 Blackford Ave., San Jose CA 95117 Grades 9-12: 500 Saratoga Ave., San Jose CA 95129

Harker believes that all persons are entitled to equal employment opportunity and does not discriminate against its employees or applicants because of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions), national origin, ancestry, age (over 40), marital status, political affiliations, physical or mental disability, medical condition, sexual orientation, or any other basis protected by state or federal laws, local law or ordinance. Harker News — April 06, Fashion Show Supplement

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