2006 November Harker Alumni

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NOVEMBER 2006 (VOL. 13, NO. 2)




est. 1893 • K-12 college prep






Updates on Harker Alumni Peter Fischer, Manny Frank, Paul Krueger, Shannon Otis and Heather Remmers. “Heck, I’d like to hear from ever yone!” he added. So check in with the alumni office to get reconnected with your former classmate.


The HAA is working hard to reconnect with lost alumni and have had some success using Google and Classmates.com to track down alumni who have no current address information in our database. If you are interested in spending some time trying to find lost alumni and getting updates on their lives since Harker, please contact the alumni office for more information. (This summer, alumni director Terry Walsh tracked down some of the alumni with notes in this edition.)


Dawn Ratner Hakim was found via Classmates.com and responded with, “I’d love to reconnect with the Harker crowd.” She attended Harker for Gr. 7-8 and also had four siblings who attended the school – Mimi Ratner ‘79, Missy Ratner ’79, Morris Ratner ‘80 and Julie Ratner ’88.


Celia de Benedetti has added “Harker Parent” to her Harker connections.

Kristin Marlow Quintin is the proud mother of Emma Jonette Quintin, born on 7/24/06. Marlow Quintin lives in Livermore and is a purchasing supervisor for Intevac.


Keil Albert and Tyrone Easter met up in Las Vegas where Albert was attending a bowling tournament and Easter was working on a Supplied by Celia de Benedetti



Harker’s new ser vice is designed to make Harker families aware of the various business interests and talents of our community. Listings are provided by Harker students, parents, faculty, staff, alumni and event sponsors/adver tisers. To view available businesses, go to www.harker.org and click on the “Online Business Director y” link. If you are interested in posting your business in the director y, please contact the alumni director, Terry Walsh, at terryw@harker.org.

since the birth of her children, Paul (5), Russell (3) and Adella (4 months). She lives four blocks from her sister Tracey Vandeweghe ’86 and is in close contact with Beth Anderson ‘83 and Sara Lundgaard Slocum ’83.

Her son Jay Warmke ’19 started kindergarten at Harker this fall.



Greg Schramm graduated from UC Davis in 1997 and spent six years in the U.S. Navy on a nuclear submarine. He is married, the father of Nea and Porter, lives in Portland and works as a project manager for a Web development company. He gets to ride his bike to work and enjoys home brewing, home construction/ remodeling, gardening, cycling and listening to music. He noted in his e-mail message that he would like to hear from classmates


construction project. Albert said, “We had two nights to hang out and catch up. It was fun.” Tiffany Vandeweghe was found through Google and replied through e-mail with an update. She attended college at Wellesley, received her M.A. in Pacific international affairs from UC San Diego, and was hired to start the Chinese language program at The Bishop’s School in La Jolla nine


Supplied by Kristin Quintin


Rebecca Armstrong Cattedra was found via Classmates.com. She attended Harker Academy for Gr. 7-8. She received her B.S. in psychology from Santa Clara University, and is currently living in Monterey, working at a small civil engineering firm as a drafter/ designer/surveyor. She is very interested to hear what her former classmates are up to.

Supplied by Keil Albert


years ago. She is currently working part time teaching at Bishop’s Supplied by Tiffany Vendeweghe

Kerry Beane ran across the alumni Web site in association with her work as the sales coordinator for ComSites West, a company that develops, owns and operates wireless communications sites in Northern California. She attended Harker Day School in Palo Alto from kindergarten through Gr. 2 and returned to the Saratoga Harker Academy for Gr. 4-6. “I really loved Major Nichols and his big dogs. To my memory there were many great things about the old school in Palo Alto, both in terms of the location and landscape and the staff who are still in my memory to this day. I am sure Harker has carried on that “Gold and Green” spirit and the high standards I remember, even as you’ve moved, grown and expanded,” said Beane.

Kelly Robinson was found via Google. She received her degree from UC San Diego and is living and working in San Francisco as the founder and principal instructor at Infusion Pilates. She was happy to be contacted by Harker and would love to be involved with Harker alumni and get updates on her former classmates. She had brief updates on her alumni siblings: Robbie Robinson ’82 owns a custom car design shop in Santa Clara, Jason Robinson ’84 lives in Los Angeles


Continued on pg. 4



Are They Now? ’02 Where Updates from ’02 - Harker’s First Upper School Graduating Class Irene Altman graduated from UC Santa Barbara in March with a double major in business economics and global studies and a minor in art history. Altman is currently studying for an exam to become a certified public accountant and started work in San Francisco in September for KPMG, LLP – one of the “Big 4” Public Accounting Firms.

During a college break, Altman and Antoun traveled together to Lebanon, Brazil and Spain. The two are pictured here at a cooking class in Barcelona.

Supplied by Carmen Antoun

Carmen Antoun graduated magna cum laude from USC with a degree in international relations global business. This summer she studied abroad in London and toured Europe for a couple of weeks. She will start a job this fall with a money management firm called Fisher Investments, located in San Mateo and Woodside.

Anna Basevich graduated from Wellesley College, where she was involved with residential staff and college government, with a B.A. in economics and political science. She is currently living outside of Boston and working as an associate at Kamylon Capital, a private equity firm. Anupreet Brar graduated from Santa Clara University and is currently studying for the GRE, with plans to apply to graduate schools to study for a master’s degree in public health. Alexa Bush is starting her senior year at Harvard. She spent this past summer working on an independent film in New York City in June, and making training videos for a tutoring company during time spent at home. Alex Combs graduated from Princeton University and is living in Seattle, Wash. Reeti Desai is studying at UC San Diego pursuing a master’s degree in biology and doing research at the Salk Institute.

Tiffany Duong graduated summa cum laude from UCLA with a degree in international development studies and a minor in Italian. Through her program at UCLA, she interned for the State Department in Italy, working for the Torino 2006 Olympics in February of that year. Duong is currently studying for the LSAT and planning for law school. Meghan Fair graduated with honors from Smith with a double major in art history and dance and a minor in computer science. She is currently working at eHealth in Mountain View, doing online search marketing.

Supplied by Tiffany Duong

Liang Dong graduated from Stanford University with a B.A. and M.A. in cultural and social anthropology and will continue her education at Harvard Law School in the fall for a J.D. to be completed in 2009.

Alyssa Friedland graduated in May from Georgetown with a B.S in culture and politics from the School of Foreign Service. In addition, she had an internship in public relations at the Kennedy Foundation, studied in Madrid, and worked long hours for ABC News’ “Nightline.” She is currently working in marketing at a boutique public relations firm in Washington, D.C., that specializes in GLBT marketing - clients range from Jaguar to the Elton John AIDS Foundation to Wal-Mart.


Elnora Hawley graduated from Principia College in Illinois with highest honors, receiving her B.A. in sociology and anthropology and in philosophy; she also minored in women’s studies. She served as the social activities head in her dorm for two years, planning all major events, as well as working on the all-campus social activities board for two years planning campuswide events. Hawley is currently living in Seattle, Wash., and working at an emerging cafe and bakery company called Specialty’s, which is based in San Francisco. Leslie Hernandez graduated from Stanford with a degree in international relations and a minor in Spanish and Portuguese. She was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship and she will be in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from March-November 2007. There she will continue her research on human rights groups that formed in Argentina in response to the military dictatorship of the mid-1970s, spending an intensive month at each of the human rights organizations she studied to assess their organizational structure and their progress. Katherine Huang graduated from UCLA with a B.S. in cognitive science and a minor in philosophy. She is currently in the Japan Exchange Teaching (JET) Programme and is an assistant language teacher at a middle school in Sendai City, Miyagi prefecture, Japan (two to three hours northeast of Tokyo by bullet train). She plans to be in Japan for at least a few years before starting any post-graduate work (either in the States or Japan), but will be investigating opportunities to do cross-cultural cognitive research or work in artificial intelligence in Japan. She is also “beefing up my Japanese skills,” hoping to pass level 2 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test this winter. Alex Janofsky graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a B.A. from the College of Arts and Sciences with a mathematics major and a B.Sc. in economics from the Wharton School with concentrations in finance, statistics and accounting. He is currently living in New York and working as a quantitative research and trading analyst for Citigroup Corporate and Investment Bank. Ben Janofsky graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a B.S. in chemical engineering and B.S. in economics and finance. He is currently living in New York and working for The Blackstone Group. Anish Jina graduated magna cum laude from UC San Diego with a B.A. in economics and a B.S. in bioengineering. He was part of the UCSD Associated Students, the vice-president of finance for the Biomedical Engineering Society and an active member of Tau Beta Pi. In addition, he founded the Bioengineering Quiz Bowl (BQB) that attracted over 250 people to its inaugural event, including UCSD alumni, students (undergrads and grads), faculty members and prominent leaders in the life sciences industry. The event raised a large amount of money for the Biomedical Engineering Society. Jina won a service/leadership award, presented to him at graduation, for founding the event. Akhsar Kharebov is the president and founder of VCEL - Virtual Communication Expression & Lifestyle. In early 2005 Kharebov and fellow Harker entrepreneurs Sergey Lossev ’04 and Andrew Rogan ‘04 had a vision to bring social networking to mobile platforms, enhancing and facilitating social communication for the mobile age. Their start-up company recently secured a large partner and relocated from Santa Barbara to Silicon Valley. VCEL features VcellVibes, a cell phone social network that keeps you connected with friends and former Harker classmates! Check it out at http://www.vcellvibes.com/ Abbas Kothari graduated from Berkeley with a B.A. in molecular and cell biology (with an emphasis in genetics, genomics and development) and in economics. He will be applying to medical school this year, and working somewhere to earn some money before he goes back to school. Harker News — November 06, Alumni Supplement

Shalini Lal graduated from Pomona College majoring in neuroscience, and in addition finished a premed curriculum. At Pomona she had the opportunity to work in a neuroscience research lab on campus that focused on the different ways in which bicultural individuals internalize social situations versus how monocultural individuals deal with the same situations. Lai’s senior thesis project involved collecting ERP data from both groups and analyzing specific spikes in their brain waves. In addition she spearheaded a project that collected 1400 pairs of shoes to send to Delhi, India, to be distributed to poor villages. She is currently attending Harvard Medical School and hoping to enter pediatric neurology.


Alan Liu graduated from Princeton University with a B.A. in molecular biology and a certificate in finance. He is currently working in Chicago as an investment associate with Citadel Investment Group. Georgia Manry graduated from Pacific University with a B.A. in journalism and a minor in creative writing. She is currently living in Portland, Ore., and working in Web marketing for MuseumTour, a company that sells educational toys. You can visit them at http://museumtour.com. She is also knitting, writing (fiction on her own as well as freelance nonfiction), blogging, spending time with friends, and still looking for more stuff to keep her busy! Neil Mehta graduated from the London School of Economics with a B.S. in government and economics with a concentration in game theory. He is now an associate at Kayne Anderson Private Equity, a $5B private equity firm in Los Angeles. Myron Nagalingam is taking a fifth year at UCSD and planning on graduating with a double major in economics and political science. Samara Nebenzahl graduated from UCLA with a degree in neuroscience. While at UCLA she was involved with UniCamp and UniCamp Mentorship. UniCamp is a UCLA student-run charity that takes kids from low income areas in Los Angeles up to the mountains for a week of sleep-away camp. UniCamp Mentorship is a one-on-one mentoring program for kids from North Hollywood. They are paired with UCLA students who act as their role

models. Nebenzahl was a mentor for the same girl for three years and in addition to being a mentor, she was on the student-run committee for the program during her senior year. She is currently applying to medical school and relocating back to Northern California for work. Vivek D. Patel graduated from USC majoring in business administration - finance. He will be starting work at a management consulting company in Los Angeles in September. Teja Patil graduated from UCSD with degrees in biochemistry and cell biology and is currently attending the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor to pursue a master’s degree in pubic health in epidemiology, international health. Kanishka Pothula graduated from UC San Diego’s Jacobs School of Engineering with a B.S. in bioengineering - biotechnology. He is currently a member of the research team in the Insel Lab at UCSD which is associated with the UCSD Moores Cancer Center. In addition he is employed with a start-up biotech called Ambit Biosciences - a leader in Kinase profiling technology which could be key in targeting cancer therapeutics. Irene Sam graduated from UC Santa Cruz with a B.A. in French studies. She is currently living in Shanghai, China, and working for Fujitsu (China) Holdings as a global account manager. Joseph Sofaer graduated from NYU majoring in computer science and chemistry. He is currently in Beijing, studying Chinese. Alex Sung is studying at UC Davis as a computer science engineer major and adding a fifth year to obtain a technology management minor. During the summer, Sung worked at eBay as a business intern touching on areas in information management. During the school year he works at the on-campus IT Computer Lab Management - primarily on developing their intranet. Stephanie Tsai graduated from Stanford and is currently living in New York City. Matt Wong graduated from MIT with an S.B. in mechanical engineering and is starting graduate school at MIT in September for an M.S. in mechanical engineering.


All photos supplied by Brian Larsen

Gabrielle DeMers has spent the past three years in Los Angeles at USC’s Thornton School of Music and returned home this summer for a per formance at Le Petit Trianon. The soprano featured arias and songs by Mozart, Hahn, Wolf, Hoiby, Rachmaninoff, Puccini, Heggie and other composers. Alumni came out to see the show and support their former classmate. The audience included alumni Leena Bhalerao ’02, Leslie Hernandez ’02, Malika Bhandarkar ’03, Brendan Boland ’03, Julia Gitis ’03, Jennifer Poon ’03, Angela Pullin ’03, Jason Gutstein ’05 and Fiona Lundie ’05.

Harker News — November 06, Alumni Supplement


Tracey Vandeweghe Balsdon was found via an e-mail connection made with her sister. She received her B.A. in psychology from UC Supplied by Tracey Vandeweghe


San Diego and currently works part time in the library at The Bishop’s School, is married to Ed Balsdon, an economics professor at San Diego State, and is mom to daughter Anna Marie, born in April. She enjoys living four blocks away from her sister. “It is so much fun living so close to my sister, being pregnant at the same time, and now having our kids grow up together. I am still in touch with Ann Marie Locke Cady ’86 from my class. She lives in San Jose and runs into a few of our classmates locally. I’d love to catch up with some of the rest of our class,” said Vandeweghe Balsdon. DJ Sosnowski became the proud father to Evan Adam Sosnowski, born on Aug. 19. Sosnowski lives in San Diego with his wife, Kim, and is a teacher at Vista High School.

Amanda Mathias has stayed connected with many alumni from the Class of ’92. Here she is, second


from left, pictured with Liz Williams ’92, Stacey Noonan ’92 and Nicki Noonan ’92. Tomoe Hayashi completed her master’s in piano per formance at the University of Houston in 2002 and is currently working for the Houston Ballet as an accompanist, and teaching piano at a private school in the afternoons. “I always think back to the year I spent at Harker and realize it was one of the most amazing experiences I had in my life. The experience really transformed my life and I’m thankful for the wonder ful education which Harker offers.”




in August. She completed her M.S. in occupational therapy at the University of Illinois and is currently living in Ann Arbor, Mich., where her husband David is finishing up

USC. Iftimie recently earned first speaker award at a tournament at Gonzaga University. Tommy Polzin auditioned for, and made, the Georgetown University dance group Groove Theory for the second year in a row. Groove Theory is a competition hip hop dance team, and securing a place on the team is difficult and not guaranteed from year to year. Some of the places they perform are basketball games and other school events, and events around the Washington, D.C., area.


Harker coach, is now working as a loan officer at Washington Mutual. Her husband is on the staff of the Harker communications office and coaches LS sports. Harker alumni who attended the May wedding were Carson Caratini ’97, Mike Saltzman ’94, Michael Leonard ’04, Aaron Grant MS ’02, Danielle Lawrence Holquin ’95 and Lynn Lakia ’97.


Alex Iftimie is having great success as squad captain of the debate team at

Alfred See was recognized in the San Jose Mercur y News for being named to the dean’s list for the spring 2006 semester at Johns Hopkins University. See is a chemical and bimolecular engineering major. Congratulations! Elizabeth Moul is attending Santa Clara University and has landed a position as defender on the Santa Clara women’s soccer team.


Amanda Polzin is pictured (third

Lisa Bowman Gassmann married Nick Gassmann in May at the Seascape Resort in Aptos; alumna Jackie Grant MS ‘04 was a bridesmaid at the wedding. Bowman Gassman, a longtime

Supplied by Jenny Fox Manaster

Tim Anderson was recently in San Francisco with his band, Ima Robot, promoting the release of their second CD titled “Monument to the Masses.” If you missed the show at the

Danielle Lawrence Holquin married David Holquin on June 3, 2006 at Saint Mary’s College Chapel in Moraga. Her former Harker classmate and longtime friend Kendra Zanotto ’95 served as the maid of honor. The newlyweds honeymooned on the island of Saint John in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Alumnae Kelle Sloan ’92 and Lisa Bowman Gassmann ’95 were also in attendance at the wedding. Lawrence Holquin is currently a Harker employee! She is the assistant admissions director working at the MS campus.

Jenny Fox Manaster married David Wagner on the UC Berkeley campus

Supplied by DJ Sosnowski


graduate school. Harker alumna Kendra Zanotto ’95 attended the wedding along with future Harker alumnus, brother Cole Manaster ’12. “The wedding was really wonderful - a great day with all of our favorite people in attendance,” said Fox Manaster.

Mezzanine in San Francisco, check out his Web site for future tour dates at http://www.imarobot.com/. Tim sent some signed copies of the new CD to the Harker alumni office. One CD will stay in archives for future reunions for the Class of ’91 and the others will be raffled at a future event.

Supplied by Ken Kato

and Dorna Robinson ’89 lives in Hawaii. You can read more about Robinson’s life since Harker by checking out her Web site at http:// www.infusionpilates.com.

Supplied by John Kaemmerling

Continued from pg. 1


Supplied by Amanda Mathias


from left) receiving a commendation from the City of San Jose for her win in the San Jose Spor ts Authority’s REACH (Recognizing Excellence, Adversity, Courage and Hard Work) Youth Scholarship Program, which honors Bay Area high school student-athletes who have overcome adversity to excel. Polzin, currently at Boston College, won the top prize with her essay exploring how spor ts, especially basketball, helped her deal with amniotic band syndrome, a condition that left her without a middle finger on her left hand and with only half of each finger on her right hand. Sylvia Schmidt is attending UC San Diego and playing on their women’s volleyball team, currently ranked 13th nationally. Her parents are happy to repor t that as a freshman, she is not only playing, but is a star ter on the team. The HAA wishes Schmidt the best of luck this year.

Harker News — November 06, Alumni Supplement

All photos supplied by Anne Chu

Class Reunions Help Alumni Stay in Touch - and Have Fun Doing It!

The Class of ’96 gathered together for a mini reunion at Rosie McCann’s in Santana Row this past June. Anne Chu, Natalie Noce, Wendy Okimura and Ashley Sukovez Franke worked via e-mail to connect with their former classmates to get the word out about the reunion. Those who attended had a wonderful time catching up with each other and heard news of other alumni who could not attend. “There

was a good mix of alumni with lots of stories to tell and Rosie’s did a great job accommodating us,” said Chu. “I recommend it for future reunions,” she added. Alumni in attendance included Chu, Okimura and Noce and Steven Blomquist, Roger Chen, Nicole Hastings, Danielle Kochman, Maggie Lubow, Ryan Maas, Chris Niederauer, Tara Ramachandra, Chris Thenemann, Jim Viso and Philip Zeyliger.

A reunion was held for the Class of ’76 at a BBQ in May at the home of Cindy Cottrell DeAngelo. The group met for food, drinks and visiting and all agreed to take names of lost classmates to try and track them down for a future gathering. “The day was great – it was like we were all back in school again, no nervous feelings, everyone picked up where they left off,” said Cottrell DeAngelo. Classmates Mike Archer, Noel Adcock, Joe Belli, Paul Beirne, Kent Kirkes, Jr., Thiara and Brent Koch and Tommy Moala attended. During the process of organizing the reunion, connections were also made with Jeff Loomis who was working on tracking down classmates Rand Bacon, Krissy Norby and Suzanne Katz.

Chris Yamashita ’90 organized an impromptu mini-reunion at Il Fornaio in Palo Alto when Jennifer Quednau ’90 called to let him know she was in town for a performance at Shoreline Amphitheater. Quednau is a dancer with Mutaytor, a futuristic vaudeville circus that blends a rotating cast of players with electronic music, 100 tribal drums, breathtaking fire dancers, dazzling aerial stunts and interactive performers. Quednau is now known by some as Hooparella! The group enjoyed dinner together as they reminisced about their Harker days. In addition, Quednau brought some stories she wrote in middle school to share with the group. Those attending from the Class of ’90 were Yamashita and Quednau and Garrett Masuda, Alka Tandan, AnaKarina White, Mariam Morshedi and Doug Chiu, and from the Class of ’89, Sherry Bayhouse.



Both photos supplied by Chris Yamashita

All photos supplied by Cindy Cottrell


Harker News — November 06, Alumni Supplement




Upcoming Reunions: Catch Up With Classmates in June All class reunions will be held the first weekend of June 2007, in conjunction with the second annual All Alumni Day and Awards on Sat., June 2. Separate reunion events will be planned for classes celebrating reunions and possible times are the evening of Fri., June 1, the evening of Sat., June 2, or Sun., June 3.

The following alumni had joined our reunion committee at press time: ’02 Carmen Antoun, Irene Altman; ’92 Amanda Mathias, Meredith Harrington Hilton, Daniel Nevis, Liz Williams, Vicky Viso; ’82 Kiel Albert, Tina Johnson Murray. If you are interested in helping to plan your class reunion, please contact the alumni office for more information.

Class of ’97 – 10 Year Reunion

Class of ’92 – 15 Year Reunion

Class of ’87 – 20 Year Reunion

Class of ’82 – 25 Year Reunion

Class of ’77 – 30 Year Reunion

All photos supplied by Harker Archives

Class of ’02 – 5 Year Reunion


Harker News — November 06, Alumni Supplement

Favorite (and Banned) Song Begins Strange Circle for PAMA Cadet Jay (Gerald) Russio ’73 is a singer, songwriter and musician and the owner and producer of Balladyre Productions (www.balladyre.com), a digital-based recording studio that provides a variety of professional audio production and reproduction services. He recently sent an e-mail message that included a great memory and update on his life since Harker, truly a full circle life experience for him.

All photos supplied by Dave Staugas

In 1969, Russio started attending Palo Alto Military Academy (PAMA) after one of his parents got the notion to send him after watching the movie “The Private War of Major Benson,” starring Charlton Heston as the dean of a military school. The same year, 1969, was also the year of Woodstock and Russio was a big fan of music. He purchased the three-record set “Woodstock” as soon as it was released in 1970. “I couldn’t wait to bring it back to the academy so I could rock out all of Encenita Hall,” said Russio. “My favorite song to blast was ‘Fixin’ to Die Rag Cheer’ by Country Joe McDonald, primarily for the notorious ‘F-word,’” he added.

Alumnus Archive Donation Supplied by Harker Archives

The Harker archives now include Palo Alto Military Academy (PAMA) medals and an original graduation certificate donated by Richard “Buzz” Dubbs ’56. Dubbs was the most decorated cadet in PAMA’s history and Major Donald L. Nichols, superintendent at the time, had the items mounted in a glass-enclosed exhibit board to give to Dubbs. The medals tell a bit of the history of all

Russio (2nd from right) with PAMA classmates

After leaving the school in 1973, Russio went on to study music and theor y under a number of teachers and in 1993 he founded Balladyre Productions. In 2005, Countr y Joe McDonald arrived at Balladyre Productions and met with Russio in his recording studio. Russio had the enjoyment of telling McDonald his personal stor y of the confiscated “Woodstock” albums. Fate, karma or destiny played a part on Oct. 30, 2005, when Russio took to the stage as a back-up singer with Countr y Joe McDonald, at the Chet Helms Memorial Concert held in Golden Gate Park. In front of twenty thousand people, Russio belted out the song, “Fixin’ to Die Rag Cheer.” “My mind flashed on my mother, The alumni office truly enjoys Major Nichols, Capt. Torcellini hearing about all alumni connections and memories. and my annoyed fellow classContact us when you have mates, and I thought to myself things to share! that this one could never be taken terryw@harker.org away,” said Russio. “For me this 408.345.9205 was life full-circle,” he added.

Contact Us!

Harker News — November 06, Alumni Supplement

Supplied by Harker Archives

However, the album was not a favorite among PAMA staff or Russio’s parents (because of foul language, it would carry a “parental advisory” label today) and the album was confiscated numerous times. “After the seventh confiscated album, I decided to keep ‘Woodstock’ at home, as a three-record set was not cheap, even in those days,” said Russio. While at PAMA, Russio studied with musical director Dana Morgan, who he credits as a great inspiration.

the PAMA cadets who had the opportunity to receive medals for excellence in academics and athletics along with medals in areas such as Best Bugler, Sharp Shooter and Military Proficiency. The medals were in storage for years, then shipped to Dubbs, who lives in England, by his brother David Dubbs ’66. They were recently shipped to Harker so they could be displayed at future alumni reunions and events. If you have any items that you think may be of interest to the Harker archives, please contact Terry Walsh, alumni director, at terryw@harker.org, or the school archivist Sue Smith at susans@harker.org.




Attention Former Harker Dancers Let’s Dance Together AGAIN! Put on your dancing shoes for a chance to perform at Harker again as we celebrate 25 years of the Harker dance program. Laura Rae (Guido) would love to have you join your former classmates and alumni from the past 25 years to perform at the Second Annual All Alumni Day & Awards on Sat., June 2, 2007. Dances may be learned via video, so don’t let the fact that you don’t live in the area deter you. Please contact Rae with your creative ideas and song suggestions at laurar@harker.org.

Save the Date for . . .

Friday, Feb. 23, 2007 SAN JOSE CONVENTION CENTER 11 a.m. Luncheon and Fashion Show 5:30 p.m. Dinner Gala with Fashion Show, Live Auction and Dancing RSVP to sit at the alumni table or organize a “class of” table by inviting former classmates from your grad year to join you at this year’s lunch or dinner show. Dine on fabulous cuisine, enjoy the amazing talents of the Harker performing arts groups and be dazzled by our Harker community models! Proceeds from CinéFest benefit the Harker Scholarship Fund, professional training and continued education for faculty, and the new Science and Technology Center at the upper school campus – so when you support CinéFest, you support the school!

You Can Be a Part of This Shining Event ! Join alumnae Rosie Nijmeh Habib ’82 (Diamond Quality Printing) and Tiffany Kitamura ’86 (Nishimura Dental Group) and advertise in this year’s fashion show program - a great way to show your alumni support of Harker. The program is distributed to the 1500 guests attending the show from the Harker and Silicon Valley communities - fabulous exposure for your company! Visit the CinéFest Web site for more information: http://faculty.harker.org/adm/ fashionshow

Alumni Give Back to Harker by Volunteering as Career Mentors! Sign up as a career mentor to our current Gr. 11 students and have the unique opportunity to offer your experience to students seeking career advice and guidance. The time commitment consists of a mentoring lunch session at Harker and one or two mentoring sessions at your work place; there is some flexibility with scheduling the meeting times. For more information, contact Joey Tyndal at joeyt@harker.org or call the alumni office at 408.345.9205.

The Harker News is published nine times per year by the Harker Office of Communications. Harker Alumni supplements are published three times per year. Current and archived issues are available on our Web site at www.harker.org. Contact Pam Dickinson, Director, Office of Communications: 500 Saratoga Ave., San Jose, CA 95129, pamd@harker.org, 408.345.9273 Harker Alumni Editions Reporter: Terry Walsh


The Harker School is a K-12 independent, co-ed, college-prep school.

Grades K-5: 4600 Bucknall Rd., San Jose CA 95130 Grades 6-8: 3800 Blackford Ave., San Jose 95117 Grades 9-12: 500 Saratoga Ave., San Jose CA 95129

Harker believes that all persons are entitled to equal employment opportunity and does not discriminate against its employees or applicants because of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions), national origin, ancestry, age (over 40), marital status, political affiliations, physical or mental disability, medical condition, sexual orientation, or any other basis protected by state or federal laws, local law or ordinance.

Harker News — November 06, Alumni Supplement

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