2009 February Harker News Inserts

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Supplement to Harker News

We can help you Plan your


With the large variety of academic and

enrichment programs and the crazy, cool and fun outdoor activities, field trips and special events…it’s easy to create a summer plan filled with fun, fun, fun! We’ve designed some of our most exciting programs especially for Harker students

and are thrilled to have many current Harker teachers and staff join us. Plan your summer at Harker with your FRIENDS to add even MORE FUN to your choices! No need to say good-bye at the end of the school year…just “see ya at camp!”

Summer Tuition Relief

As a THANK YOU for your loyalty to Harker and your continued support of all Harker programs, our current families will receive a 15% DISCOUNT* on all camp programs. That’s a SAVINGS of over $400 on a 4-week full day tuition! In these uncertain times, we can help you make great summer choices by providing QUALITY care, CHALLENGING academic programs, and the SAFE & SECURE environment you know and trust here at Harker. Plus it never hurts to SAVE a little MONEY!

Camp Dates: June 22-Aug. 14 2- & 4-week sessions, full & partial day programs


*Discount is available to current Harker students who enroll in the K-Gr. 8 camp programs only. Does not include lunch.

summer Programs

*Discount does not calculate at the time of online registration, but will be reflected in your billing statement after verification of enrollment.

Harker summer programs

offer fun-filled camp activities paired with new and different ways to keep Harker kids excited about learning. Many of your child’s favorite teachers, coaches and BEST staff will be here to provide the same high quality, safe and secure environment you value from Harker!

Here’s a taste of our academic summer line-up! Gr. 1-4

Bucknall Campus Language Arts/Math (all levels) Jump Write In! Online Authors Orchestra Workshop Bat’s Incredible Gadgets & Gizmos & Goop Computation Carnival Magnet Mania Reading Safari Sky’s the Limit Whodunit? Summer Zoom-Boree!

Gr. 5-8

Blackford Campus Language Arts/Math (all levels) Periscope Algebra Write it Right Debate Boot camp Lego Robotics Everyday Explorers Beyond Algebra Circus Arts Rip Roaring Rockets Camp Chronicle Egyptology Music Institute

Camp Activities Include:

Arts & Crafts • Archery • Climbing Wall • Circus • Skating • Swimming • Computers • Woodworking Pottery • Jr. Lifeguard Training • Water Polo • Kayaking • Field Trips • Sports • Games Special Events and SO MUCH MORE!

We’re looking forward to a HAPPY HARKER summer…

we hope to see you here! Visit the Harker summer Web site and watch for “Ray,” Harker’s summer mascot, on the parent portal for more information! Contact Miss Kelly for your PERSONAL SUMMER CONSULTATION.


408.553.0537 • campinfo@harker.org O of C:1/09 -1400 (RM)

Home&School Working Together for School Success



February 2009

The Harker School Supplement to the Harker News

short notes

Kindness soup

Warm up winter days with this idea. On slips of paper, write ways to be nice to one another (hang up someone’s coat, give a compliment). Put them in a soup bowl. Each day, a family member draws one and follows the suggestion. When the bowl is empty, celebrate with a batch of your family’s favorite soup.

Roll, write, and read

Learning to study Evan, a first-grader, has a spelling quiz every Friday. Sarah, a fourth-grader, takes a history test at the end of each month. Studying is a skill these youngsters will need throughout their years of school. Here’s how to help your child study effectively.

Give your child a math lesson by having her read large numbers aloud. Let her toss four dice and arrange the digits to make the highest possible number. Then, ask her to read it. Example: Roll a 1, 3, 5, and 6. Arrange them as 6,531, and read it as “six thousand, five hundred and thirty-one.”

Start a habit. Encourage your youngster to treat studying as a daily assignment, not just something he does the evening before a test. For example, he might study 15 minutes every night for a spelling test on Friday. After he finishes his regular homework, he can spend a little time reviewing his notes and handouts.

Healthy teeth

Tackle textbooks. When your child has a chapter to study, have him “preview” it to increase his understanding. He should glance over headings, graphics, and photos and go to the glossary to look up boldfaced words. Tip: If he finds a section hard to grasp, he could read a picture book on the

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month. Celebrate with a kitchen makeover. Let your youngster help you move healthy snacks (raw fruits and vegetables, cheese, wholegrain crackers) to the front of the refrigerator and pantry. Encourage him to drink water and milk instead of soda or sugary fruit juice. Note: Remind him to brush his teeth at least twice a day. Worth quoting “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.” Aristotle

just for fun

topic. For a science unit on matter, for instance, he could try What Is the World Made Of? by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld. Mix it up. If your youngster reviews information in several ways, he’ll be more likely to remember it. He might use colored pencils to copy each spelling word or math fact onto a separate index card. Then, he can shuffle the cards and study them in a different order each time. For extra reinforcement, suggest that he spell each word or recite each fact aloud.♥

Spring signup Whether your child is an athlete or an actress, you can help her find an extracurricular activity that’s just right for her. n Encourage her to try out for a school or community play. If she’d prefer to work behind the scenes, she might help with sets or costumes.

Q: What do you answer that never asks a question?

n Get a catalog or go online to learn about recreation center and library classes. Help your youngster choose something she hasn’t tried (sign language, crocheting).

A: A telephone.

n Suggest that she join a team sport like baseball, swimming, or soccer. Or she could try another physical activity such as modern dance or yoga.♥

© 2008 Resources for Educators, a division of Aspen Publishers, Inc.

Home & School Connection

February 2009 • Page 2


Three cheers for cooperation

big spill. Write them on stars cut from construction paper. Hole-punch and string yarn through the star to make a necklace for your child to wear. It will serve as a reminder of her cooperative behavior.

Two, four, six, eight … let’s all cooperate! Cheer your child on to better cooperation with these ideas: l Get your youngster on your side. When you need her to do something, use words like “let’s” and “we.” Example: “Let’s get out the door so we’ll get a good seat at the movies.” l Award badges for cooperative behavior. Choose fun titles, such as “Super Cleaner,” when your child helps wipe up a

activit y corner

Map to safety Creating a fire escape plan will build your child’s map skills while making your family safer. Materials: graph paper, pencil, ruler, red crayon Help your youngster draw a map of your house. Walk around the house as he sketches each room. For instance, the kitchen might be a large rectangle, and his bedroom could be a small square. When his map is complete, help him place a red X on all the doors and windows in the house. Then, he should draw arrows from each room to the outside. Also, choose a family meeting spot outdoors, such as a neighbor’s yard or the sidewalk, in case of an emer­gency. Have him write the location on the bottom of the map. Finally, make copies of your child’s plan, and post one in each room of your house. Use them for a family fire drill each month.♥ O u r

P u rpos e

To provide busy parents with practical ideas that promote school success, parent involvement, and more effective parenting. Resources for Educators, a division of Aspen Publishers, Inc. 128 N. Royal Avenue • Front Royal, VA 22630 540-636-4280 • rfecustomer@wolterskluwer.com www.rfeonline.com ISSN 1540-5621 © 2008 Resources for Educators, a division of Aspen Publishers, Inc.

ent Par to Parent

l Work cooperatively to complete a task. You might set up an assembly line to mail thankyou notes your child wrote for her birthday gifts. Assign one family member to each task. Mom addresses envelopes, your daughter folds the notes and puts them inside, and Dad seals and stamps the mail. Your youngster will see that the project is easier—and more fun—when everyone helps.♥

Allowance accounting

Our daughter Olivia asked if she could have an allowance. My husband and I thought it would be a good opportunity to teach her about spending and saving. My father-in-law, an accountant, had some good advice. First, he said, we should help Olivia decide on a percentage of her allowance to save each week. He also suggested that she keep track of her spending and savings in a “money journal.” We got a spiral notebook and taped a large envelope inside the cover. Each Sunday when Olivia gets her allowance, her savings goes in the envelope. The rest goes in her purse. Once a month we take the savings to the bank. When she buys something, she writes the item and its price in the notebook. I think her grandfather’s idea was pretty clever — now Olivia knows exactly where her money goes, and she thinks more carefully about how she spends it.♥

Q Grammar goofs & My son makes grammatical A Q: mistakes when he talks. For exam-

ple, he’ll say “teached” instead of “taught.” How can I help him speak correctly? A: Try to be a role model for good grammar without sounding like you’re correcting your child. When he says, “Mrs. Smith teached us cursive,” rephrase his statement: “She taught you cursive?” Avoid calling attention to his mistakes in front of others, and

don’t nag him about them. He will gradually outgrow most errors if he hears good grammar regularly. Reading to him on a regular basis will also let him hear how words are used and how sentences are put together. Tip: If you aren’t sure about a grammar rule, look it up together. Try a Web site such as http://englishplus.com/ grammar or a book like Checking Your Grammar by Marvin Terban.♥

Supplement to Harker News

It’s Time to “Get in the Picture” Calling All Volunteers! Be a Part of The Harker School Fashion Show Fashion show committee members have been working since last summer to make Freeze Frame a reality. Now we need volunteers to help us with the final tasks that will make the event a huge success for The Harker School and our children. Whether you prefer to be out in the crowds or behind the scenes, we have an opportunity for you to help! Can’t help on show day on Feb. 20? We also need people on Feb. 19 and Feb. 21 as well! Attending the show? That’s okay – you can help before or after the show! Even just a few hours of your time would be helpful. Below is a list of the jobs we need filled. Job descriptions can be found online at www.harker.org on the fashion show Web page.

Set-Up Day

Show Day

Thursday, Feb. 19  Assist with Load-In  Décor Set-Up  Centerpiece Set-Up

& Preparation  Showcase & Live     

Auction Set-Up Program Stuffers Hospitality K-8 Model Chaperones Backstage Supervision Volunteer Check-In

Friday, Feb. 20           

Assist with Load-In K-8 Model Chaperones Table Preparation MS Greeter Chaperones Reservations & Check-In Showcase Data Entry Showcase & Live Auction Docents Dressers Hospitality Assistants to Hosts/Hostesses Volunteer Check-In

Tear-Down Day Saturday, Feb. 21

   

Showcase Tear-Down Décor Removal General Clean-Up Load-Out

We Need You! As you can see, many volunteers are needed, especially dressers (22 per show). If you have questions about volunteering or if you’d just like to join the Freeze Frame fun, e-mail your choice of job along with availability to Sue Prutton at suep@harker.org.


Live Auction


Take a peek at some of the amazing prizes expected on the block this year. Get your paddle arm ready: up, down, up, down…

n One Week at Cabo’s Premier Resort

Located at the southernmost tip of Baja, Calif., the internationally renowned Palmilla Resort is surrounded by sweeping vistas of desert, mountain and coastline. Imagine enjoying seven days and six nights in an impeccably decorated villa in a resort so exceptional, it’s a favorite celebrity hideaway.

n The Emmys! An Evening with the Stars! An unforgettable star-studded experience for four to the 2009 Emmy Awards in Los Angeles could be yours! Two nights’ lodging is included in this once-in-a-lifetime package. Be on the star watch─at the awards show or at your hotel pool–anything is possible with a winning bid!

n Choose your Exclusive Resorts Dream Vacation

n Bugatti Adventure Strap in for the ride of your life! John Davis (Cole, Gr. 11) will be your host for an unforgettable afternoon in his 2008 Bugatti Veyron 16.4 coupe. You won’t be late for lunch at The Pebble Beach Lodge & Golf Club–with 1001hp taking you from 0 to 60 in 2.3 seconds, they’ll know when you arrive.

n Four Seasons Aviara–Luxury Suite for a Week Celebrate the school year’s end in this luxurious two-bedroom villa at the Four Seasons Aviara Residence Club near San Diego (week of June 7-14, 2009). This Arnold Palmer Championship golf course and resort is Southern California’s premier golf resort. http://residences.fourseasons. com/residence_clubs/aviara

Enjoy five days and four nights at your choice of three fabulous locations of the famed Exclusive Resorts! Whether Scottsdale, Snowmass or Cabo San Lucas, these familyfriendly, custom residences are the height of luxury and elegance, with the exceptional services, amenities and conveniences for which Exclusive Resorts is known.

n Shih Tzu Puppy Needs a Home!

n Oakland A’s First Pitch

n Four Nights at Villa Rio Del Mar

Throw out the ceremonial first pitch at a mid-week Oakland A’s home game. You and three friends will hit the batting cages prior to settling in for an exciting game in your fieldlevel seats. An Oakland A’s First-Pitch Designee cap and T-shirt goes to the lucky thrower.

Spend four nights in a three-bedroom ocean villa at the Villa Rio Del Mar, located in the beach village of Rio Del Mar on beautiful Monterey Bay. With its fireplace and hot tub, it’s the perfect beach getaway any time of year! http://www. villariodelmar.com

n Flag Football Game with NFL Quarterback!

n Returning Harker Favorites:

Take on Jeff Garcia, NFL quarterback for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers (and former 49er!), who will join some of Harker’s football coaches for an unforgettable flag football game on Davis Field. With a BBQ lunch to follow, this fun package includes a videotape of the game and signed memorabilia. You’ll have an absolute ball!

Considering a new addition to your family? Look no further than the Freeze Frame Live Auction as this adorable Shih Tzu puppy will melt your heart and delight your children. This AKC certified pup will be ~12–15 weeks old by the fashion show and ready for a new home.

Chef Steve & VIP Grad Packages! Back by popular demand, Chef Steve’s Weekly Dinners for an Academic Year and the coveted VIP Grad Package will return to the Live Auction block once again!

n And more!

Live Auction package contents are as of print deadline and subject to change. You have the option to place a proxy bid if you can’t be present, found at Harker.org>Fashion Show 2009>Live Auction

Harker News — October 08, Capital Campaign Report

Continued on back

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