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performing arts

The middle school performing arts department staged one of its largest-ever productions this past semester, the spring musical “The Addams Family,” shown at left. Lower, middle and upper school singers gathered for the 2023 United Voices concert, and this year’s In Concert highlighted upper school vocal groups. Dancers from multiple campuses were showcased at dance productions at the lower, middle and upper schools as well as the annual Just Dance show. Kindergarten homeroom students delighted audiences at this year’s series of kindergarten shows, and middle and upper school instrumentalists were featured at the annual spring orchestra concert. For more photos, see our spring 2023 performing arts photo spread at https://news.harker.org/gallery-spring-2023performing-arts/.

Larissa Weaver teaches first grade, which means her lessons run the gamut from homeroom, math, language arts and creative writing to character development, social studies and handwriting. A conversation with Harker Magazine quickly reveals a few of her favorite things: working out (she has completed several triathlons, centuries and half-marathons), hanging at the beach and her family (she’s married with two daughters). She is also an active volunteer, working with Stanford Blood Center (“because donating blood can save lives”) and Westgate Water (“because everyone should have access to clean water”). Her perfect day includes coffee in her garden, a great workout, beach time with a friend and a backyard barbecue with her family.

Why do you do what you do?

I teach because I greatly enjoy seeing students grow and develop both emotionally and academically.

Where is the one place in the world that you like to escape to?

The perfect hideout for me is the island of Culebra in the Caribbean.

What is the biggest risk you have ever taken in your life?

Leaving everything and everyone behind in Puerto Rico and moving into a completely new culture. This risky move is closely followed by learning how to ride a motorcycle in 30 minutes before cruising the hills of Tuscany.

What is the one thing in the world you would fix if you could wave a magic wand?

I would give every child equal access to a good education.

What is the best compliment someone can give you?

“Thank you for listening to and encouraging me.”

If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?

I would most definitely choose teleportation as my superpower.

What do you dislike that everyone else loves?

I can’t stand the sight, smell or texture of marshmallows.

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