The Harmonizer Jan/Feb 2021: 2020 BHS Yearbook

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A year unlike any other still offered plenty to celebrate






OUR VISION Everyone in Harmony OUR MISSION To bring people together in harmony and fellowship to enrich lives through singing. OUR PURPOSES To perpetuate the old American institution: the barbershop quartet and barbershop harmony To promote appreciation of barbershop harmony To initiate and maintain a broad program of musical education, contests, and appreciation in support of barbershop harmony and the allied arts To establish and maintain foundations that support our vision To initiate, promote and participate in charitable projects that support our vision The Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. (DBA Barbershop Harmony Society) is a nonprofit organization operating in the United States and Canada. January/February 2021 Volume LXXXI Number 1 Complete contact info: pages 35-36 The Harmonizer (ISSN 0017-7849) (USPS 577700) is published bimonthly by the Barbershop Harmony Society, 110 7th Ave N, Nashville TN 37203-3704. Periodicals Postage Paid at Nashville TN and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Harmonizer, 110 7th Ave N, Nashville TN 37203-3704. Advertising rates available upon request at Publisher assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts or artwork. Postmaster: Send address changes to editorial offices of The Harmonizer, 110 7th Ave N, Nashville TN 37203-3704 at least 30 days before the next publication date. (Publications Agreement No. 40886012. Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Station A, PO Box 54, Windsor ON N9A 6J5. Email: A portion of each member’s dues is allocated to cover the magazine’s subscription price. Subscription price to non-members is $25 yearly or $5 per issue; foreign subscriptions are $35 yearly or $7 per issue (U.S. funds only). © 2021 The Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. dba The Barbershop Harmony Society. Printed in the USA

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Barbershoppers had to learn new ways to socialize and harmonize with each other in 2020. But just as singers had to move online, so did our audiences. Our many virtual performances and shows delivered some of the largest audiences many BHS choruses and quartets had ever seen, and online events opened up exciting new possibilities for the present and for a post COVID-19 world of singing. Above: Jordan Travis, director of Ontario’s Harbourtown Sound Chorus, directs one among several InstaChoir performances featuring singers from all over the world.

Contents 2 A Change of Plans

20 Virtual Harmony University

With singing mostly shut down by COVID-19, Barbershoppers found answers online

The first non-live Harmony U succeeded far beyond expectations

7 Awards and Honors

22 Legacy Quartet

Kevin Keller, Alan Lamson, Misty Martinez, Greg Clancy, and the inaugural Lifetime Achievement Award for Arrangers.

8 Midwinter Convention

The only major in-person BHS gathering of 2020 was a thrilling sell-out success.

19 BHS judges, Board

Honoring the best who never won

24 Society Awards

Honoring the top non-contest achievements

26 Welcome new members 37 Happy New Year Tag

YouTube: BarbershopHarmony38

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Facebook: barbershopharmonysociety

Instagram: @barbershopharmonysociety | January/February 2021 | The Harmonizer | 1



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efore March 2020, the following sentence would have been cryptic nonsense: “During our quartet Zoom, we decided to keep meeting virtually because the local curve isn’t flattening enough to form a bubble and rehearse maskless.” What a year. As we tagged our hearts out in Jacksonville during January’s Midwinter Convention, some of us were vaguely aware that countries on the other side of the world had started battling an infectious virus. Through the first part of March, most of North America carried on blissfully without hearing the terms “social distancing,” “aerosol droplets,” or “quarantine.” Before the month was

over, all District Spring Conventions had been cancelled (with the 2020 International Convention and Harmony University Belmont soon to follow) and every chapter had cancelled in-person rehearsals. Jokes about toilet paper shortages soon gave way to the grim realization that people were actually sick or dying, and that the pandemic was staying with us for the foreseeable future. As many workers risked their lives or lost their jobs outright, others struggled to work from home while serving as their kids’ school teacher. Sadly for us, we also learned that the world’s most harmonious form of stress relief was a super-spreader activity.

The news devastated singers, but fortunately the frustration gave birth to action. As quickly as the virus changed our broader world, an entire singing community innovated channels to remotely deliver musical and social harmony to our homes.

Zooming into a new normal

The effect of the pandemic on singing ensembles could have been much worse had it come only a few years earlier. The vastly improved technology that kept many of us working

Late night at Jacksonville Midwinter, some of the last live tagging at a BHS event in 2020. | January/February 2021 | The Harmonizer | 3


How we adjusted to a year like no other

from home also helped us keep meeting and singing. It didn’t take long before hundreds of chapters were hosting meetings via video conferencing giant Zoom and other services. While the tech for real-time harmonizing was out of reach for most, video conferencing was still a good medium for meetings, vocal warmups, learning and

WHILE TECHNOLOGY COULD NOT DELIVER REAL-TIME HARMONIZING, HUNDREDS OF CHAPTERS MET, SOCIALIZED, AND PERFECTED CRAFT IN VIRTUAL MEETINGS perfecting music and choreo plans, socializing, and much more. At the early epicenter of greater New York City’s first outbreaks, the Westchester Chordsmen (MAD) moved quickly to create engaging online rehearsals, virtual choruses, and a partnership with a local hospital. In Cincinnati, Southern Gateway Chorus (JAD) led the way in not only regular chapter meetings

but fairly regular Friday night virtual concerts, a streaming event that was a cross between a concert and a podcast. Groups like the Seattle Seachordsmen (EVG) report that their chapters have been creating great experiences throughout 2020, often featuring guest speakers and clinicians nearly every week from all over the world. Minnesota’s Croix Chordsmen (LOL) have reportedly been a model of member engagement. Meanwhile, the Ambassadors of Harmony (CSD) began opening up their streamed virtual meetings to all, giving valuable insight into leadership, culture, music training, and innovation. Online gatherings have made it far easier for BHS leaders, district leaders, and staff to connect with chapter and district members. BHS staff alone participated in hundreds of online meetings throughout the pandemic months. The Northeastern District was one of several that hosted an online fall convention, including an afterglow hosted by Destination quartet. The widespread online Board meetings, leadership training, and House of Delegates meetings have been so successful that the Southwestern District plans to host them online

Using chapter downtime to build a better future Calgary’s Western Hospitality Singers (EVG) used the downtime to engage in a re-branding of its chorus. “A new name, logo, image and marketing - aimed at raising our profile in the communities we touch,” said Chapter President Doug Gardner. “After reviewing and updating our direction, mission, and key goals, we took marketing classes at Mount Royal University to develop a re-branding proposal and a communication plan for our chorus.” The chapter also hired a marketing advisor and two university students to work through the process. in future years as well, eliminating travel time and costs for chapters and the district.

Social media helps fill gaps

While many turned to “old school” methods to keep in touch with fellow singers, the thousands of Barbershoppers who were already engaged via social media went into overdrive. As singers shared ideas to fill the musical void in their lives, many ideas were quickly adopted. Early on, 2019 International Finalist The Core (JAD) started the pop-

For three years, the Chicago Metro Chapter (ILL) hosted the Chicago Metro Quartet Contest, a warm-up to fall district contest for new and non-seasoned quartets throughout the metro area who wish to get experienced and off-the-book judges feedback. They made the event virtual this October, with proceeds supporting Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago. Participants included every variety of quartet: mixed harmony, high school, comedy, Next Generation, Seniors, and more. Part of the Zoom recording is now on the chapter's Facebook page.

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the BHS convention week in Los Angeles, and a holiday “musical film” in December.

Staff innovations

Many individual Barbershoppers began multi-tracking for the first time, recording parts of songs or tags separately and then posting them to social media. Established quartets did so as well, and several long-distance online quartets continue to produce videos without meeting in person. Secret Best Friends, a long-distance quartet, has been active in releasing virtual performance videos on social media. Staffer Eddie Holt of Lunch Break fame has released multiple “Barberdoots,” favorite barbershop tags with all four parts performed via clarinet. Eddie and the quartet came together virtually for a video. Above: Matt Parks, James Isley, Eddie Holt, Will Daniel Simmons, James Pennington.

ular CoreChallenge Facebook group, featuring dozens of full chapter show performances by popular groups of decades past, and well over 100 other rarely seen performances. Hundreds of additional videos have appeared on other barbershop-themed social media groups and sites. Many of us soon received invitations to join “virtual choirs” from our chapters, our districts, from BHS staff providing Virtual Harmony University, and from others. Dozens of chapters and district virtual performances each enjoyed thousands of online views. Ontario’s Harbourtown Sound director Jordan Travis has been creating popular mixed virtual performances with InstaChoir, drawing singers from all over Canada and beyond. Other gatherings moved online as well. The Winnipeg Chapter (LOL) pioneered the Barbershopper of the Year gala concept in 1955. This year’s virtual event boasted 65+ attendees,

and included an informal gathering room, toasts and biographies, activities, awards presentations, special guests, “Getting to Know You” segments, and interludes showcasing member talents. The evening ended with a showing of the chapter’s recent “Bridge Over Troubled Water” segment and singing “Irish Blessing.” Many lingered long after to bask in the warm feelings. A Virtual Christmas Party is up next. The champs set a high bar for sound and production with two professionally-produced AIC Shows during 2020: a livestreaming show in July during what would have been

Not in spite of the pandemic but because of it, BHS staff found itself working harder than ever to help members and chapters through perhaps the most challenging year singers have ever faced. Much of the work was centered around creating new and enriching events (Virtual Harmony University, the Society Awards Gala, and the Legacy Quartet Contest are all discussed in later pages of this issue). A greatly improved Member Center was prepared for launch, mountains were moved to plan a new live experience for Cleveland 2021, the Inclusion in Barbershop Series, Free Fridays and Conversations Series, and Barbershop Live @ Home received rave reviews, and staff helped many chapters stream virtual district and chorus shows on the BHS YouTube channel. One of the most visible examples for many have been extensive Virtual Chapter Visits by staff members and BHS leaders, who connected live with chapters in hundreds of 2020 visits, with more than 200 chapters making requests. Staff members have been working extensively behind the scenes to support chapter and district leaders.

Giving back to communities

Many groups have found ways to

Dr. Timothy Workman, a Barbershopper and choral music professor in Fort Smith, Arkansas, has been teaching his young children barbershop just as he was taught when young. He began releasing “Tuning Your Tots” tagging videos of his family quartet as part of an effort to encourage others to do likewise. | January/February 2021 | The Harmonizer | 5


How we adjusted to a year like no other


Many chapters hosted 2020 holiday shows. Two days after posting their concert on the BHS YouTube page, the Ambassadors of Harmony’s compilation of past holiday performances already more than doubled their normal live audience of 8,000.

Hope is on the horizon

Saskatchewan’s Regina Chapter (LOL) is among dozens that began limited rehearsals using social distancing and masks while rehearsing outdoors. New Jersey’s Somerset Hills Chorus

reach out to their communities even from a distance. Salt Lake City’s Beehive Statesmen produced a 35-minute holiday show that they distributed to at least 112 area Senior Centers. Next Generation Junior Quartet Champions Singing Double (2020) and the Quin-tones (2019) have been offering free virtual coaching for the Next Generation Junior Virtual Quartet Challenge groups. The Boseman, Montana quartet of Free, Griggs, Newby and Johnson made videos of five songs for the Bozeman United Methodist Church to use with their online church services. Southern Gateway conducted a food drive for a local non-profit serving school-aged kids of working parents, raising $1,400 and collecting more than 2,000 food items. 6 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2021 |

took it a step further by holding high tech drive-in rehearsals where members could blend their voices from their individual cars through a microphone and broadcasting setup. While the numbers of members joining is lower than typical, hundreds of first-time members still joined the Society during the pandemic; hundreds of lapsed members renewed their memberships as well. One chapter, Parkside Harmony (Hershey, Pa.), added nine new Society members during the pandemic through a combination of quality online music and social offerings. At the time of this printing, promising Coronavirus vaccine projections give hope that normality will return. In New Zealand, it already has—in a nation with no active cases, Vocal FX chorus has resumed regular face-to-face singing again. Hundreds of millions will someday emerge from the pandemic’s isolation looking for real human connections and creative outlets. Be ready to show them the social and aural thrill that will hook many for life! n

The upside to virtual meetings: far more outside help Hundreds of chapters brought variety to their online meetings by inviting outsiders to their meetings. Sometimes they were district or BHS officers, judges, singing and performance coaches, or others with interesting stories to share about barbershop history. BHS staff offered online collaboration and learning during online meetings, and hundreds of chapters and quartets invited staff members to one or more–often many–of their respective virtual meetings. Some chapters teamed up with neighboring groups for these sessions, while others used them as part of virtual guest nights. Other staff were invited to board meetings, planning meetings, and virtual rehearsals. What started ad hoc eventually expanded into 30 formal, preselected offerings of 30 minutes each. As invited, they would speak on a selected topic, lead warm-ups, share best practices, or just be a fly on the wall. Courses ranged from technology, performance, singing techniques, barbershop history, marketing, leadership, and show production.

AWARDS AND HONORS Recipients of our high honors in 2020


KEVIN KELLER, ALAN LAMSON, A LIFETIME OF LEADERSHIP Kevin Keller. A Society member since 1978, Kevin lives in St. Louis, Mo. and is in high demand as a coach and arranger (more than 250 songs so far), educator, and as a highly innovative chairman of Contest and Judging. He has won gold medals with the Vocal Majority and with the Ambassadors of Harmony, and has placed as high as sixth on the International quartet stage with Cheers.



Alan Lamson. Since 1981, Alan has had a strong impact in a wide variety of leadership roles at the chapter, district, and Society levels. A past NED President, he was also NED Barbershopper of the Decade for the 1990s. A professional architect, he identified the new BHS headquarters location and made major contributions to its design. He served as Society President in 2011-12, serving for a time as interim CEO, and led the search for the new CEO.




In recognition of her excellence in teaching and impact on young singers, Dr. Misty Martinez of Cocoa High School, Cocoa, Fla., is the 2020 recipient of the Music Educator Award by the Barbershop Harmony Society and NAfME, the National Association for Music Education. The BHS/NAfME award honors educators “who give students the opportunity to learn and participate in the joy and power that music education brings in uplifting the human spirit and fostering the well being of society.” In 2015, Misty came to Cocoa High School, whose students often face economic and academic challenges. Throughout the preceding three decades, music programs had struggled, in part by loading orchestra, band, and choral programs on a single educator—usually a band specialist. Under her leadership, choral participation grew from 71 to more than 150 singers, and embarked on a trajectory of excellence and recognition. Most importantly, Dr. Martinez inspires students to new levels of personal growth.

Awarded to arrangers, living or in memorium, in recognition of the profound effect of their contributions on the musical culture of barbershop harmony. Recipients have done one or all of the following: (1) provided numerous quality arrangements that have been widely sung; (2) authored multiple quality arrangements for high-level, memorable performances; (3) showed innovation, or departure from the norm, in ways that influenced other arrangers and positively advanced the art of barbershop arranging. The inaugural recipients of this prestigious award are: Renee Craig*, Aaron Dale, Tom Gentry, Jay Giallombardo, Don Gray, S.K. Grundy*, David Harrington, Val Hicks*, Clay Hine, Walter Latzko*, Joe Liles, Earl Moon*, Lou Perry*, Sigmund Spaeth*, Dave Stevens*, Burt Szabo, Greg Volk, Ed Waesche*, David Wright, Larry Wright. * = in memorium


GREG CLANCY Awarded for lifetime commitment to the barbershop style, excellence in directing choruses consistently and at a high level, and for sharing time and resources to benefit other directors. Greg Clancy, two-time gold medal director of the Vocal Majority chorus, is well known for his superb musicianship developed from singing with the VM since his youth. His effectiveness as a coach, charismatic demeanor, and inspiration to his chorus has touched many. His father, Jim Clancy, was the inaugural recipient of the award in 2005. | January/February 2021 | The Harmonizer | 7

Gold Medalist: Hearsay (JAD) 78.6% Bob Moorehead (T), Kent Vanderkolk (L), Michael Bell (Bs), Thomas Rouse (Br)


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n a sell-out convention, with most contests and shows taking place in Jacksonville's historic Florida Theater, we tagged our hearts out for three days in the nearby Hyatt Regency among hundreds of young and senior singers who appeared in the various festivals, contests and shows. We also enjoyed more than 30 Harmony University sessions, Town Halls, Harmony Platoon, and rehearsing and performing with the All-Chapter Chorus. For most of us, the week kicked off with Debbie Cleveland's Keynote Address—which included her high school singers—followed quickly by the Next Generation Junior Quartet Contest and a heavy helping of entertainment from 2019 International Medalist Quartets, Junior and Senior Youth champion quartets, and others. The young and senior choruses entertained us all of Friday, and Saturday brought us a thrilling Seniors Quartet Contest followed by the AISQC Show and the Saturday Night Show, headlined by the legendary Four Freshmen quartet. January/February 2021 |




Silver Medalist: One Foot in the Stave (BABS) 77.3% Rod Butcher (T), Brian Schofield (L), Andy Funnell (Bs), Pete Nugent (Br)

Third Place Bronze Medalist: Let’s Sing! (NSC) 76.3% Steve Tremper (T), Mark Chandler (L), Gregory Zinke (Bs), William Doub (Br)

Fourth Place Bronze Medalist: Fossil Creak (SWD) 75.7% Frank Friedemann (T), Art Swanson (L), John White (Bs), Bill Wilkinson (Br)

5. cityScape (CAR) 75.5% Jay Hawkins (Br), Tony Clifton (Bs), Howard McAdory (L), Allen Reynolds (T)

6. Upshot! (SUN) 74.2% Bruce Cokeroft, Jr. (T), Dave Cross (L), Jack Slamka (Bs), Steve Culpepper (Br)

7. Silver Ring (DIX) 74.1% Paul Wietlisbach (Br), Nick Daley (Bs), Jimmy Tompkins (L), Bob Davenport (T)

8. Persuasion (MAD) 72.8% Mike Kelly (Bs), Gary Brohawn (T), Jon Clunies (L), Bob Keys (Br)

9. Back on Track (SNOBS) 72.8% Bengt Thaysen (T), Dan Lindqwister (L), Lennart Gullberg (Bs), Lars-Erik Bonnedahl (Br) | January/February 2021 | The Harmonizer | 9


10. ReRouted (JAD) 72.2% Doug Smeltz (Br), Tim Kalb (Bs), Lee Hall (L), Keith Shuck (T)

11. Hometown Heroes (FWD) 72.2% Dan Ryan (Br), Rich Kates (Bs), Rob Baltensberger (L), Hambone Dergan (T)

12. MonTAJJ (PIO) 71.7% Alan Coombs (T), Jamie Carey (L), James Masalskis (Bs), Tom Ennis (Br)

13. Just 4 Men (SLD) 70.9% Thomas Landon (T), Mac Sabol (L), John Rice (Bs), Dave Scott (Br)

14. Stalemate (LOL) 70.8% Dave Baxter (Br), Brad Charles (L), Jim Franklin (Bs), Harry Hanson (T)

15. Senior Varsity (CSD) 70.3% Jeff Veteto (Br), Darrell Link (Bs), Cal Yoder (L), Todd Keeley (T)

16. Even Money (MAD) 70.0% John Markel (Br), Kevin King (L), Robert Fogle Jr. (Bs), Bob Ramsey (T)

17. Station Break (PIO) 69.7% Mike Hansen (T), Tom Conner (L), Randall Maclaren (Bs), Steve Warnaar (Br)

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18. Upgrayed (SLD) 69.4% Keith Langdon (Br), Bob Fuest (L), Stan Smith (Bs), Mike Glazier (T)

19. Mansion Vocal Band (NED) 69.2% Jerry Xavier (T), Bob O’Connell (Br), Al St. Louis (L), Mike Maino (Bs)

20. Silver Alert (MAD) 69.2% Will Cox (Br), Mike Edison (L), Steve Murane (Bs), Rick Savage (T)

21. FREE ADVICE (EVG) 69.0% David Cotton (T), Wes Sorstokke (L), Stanley Boon (Bs), Ira Allen (Br)

22. Sync or Swim (ONT) 68.6% Marshall Egelnick (Br), Bill Vermue (Bs), Steve Boone (L), Graham Thornton (T)

23. Tall Boys (ONT) 68.8% Bill Wells (T), Bill Moore, Jr. (L), Rob Lamont (Bs), David Rozycki (Br)

24. Naturally Aged (RMD) 65.1% Dave Waddell (T), Mac McWilliams (Bs), Jim Hopper (L), Jim Cole (Br)

25. Pipe Shop (JAD) 64.5% Alan Green (T), Marty Mulhall (L), Jim Fry (Bs), David Short (Br) | January/February 2021 | The Harmonizer | 11


Next Generation Junior Chorus Invitational and Seniors Chorus Contest Jacksonville saw our 13th youth chorus contest, while the seniors chorus contest continued to grow in its second year. Both events took place concurrently on the same stage.

Plateau A - Small Chorus Plateau AA - Medium Chorus Plateau AAA - Large Chorus

Ratings are Good, Excellent, Outstanding, and Superior. Awards are given for the winner of each of the Plateaus.


Audience Favorite Winner: Rowdy Rhythm (AAA) Peters Township High School, McMurray, PA SUPERIOR directed by Ryan Perrotte

Plateau AAA Winner: Chandler High School Treblemakers (AAA) Chandler High School, Chandler, AZ SUPERIOR directed by Lori Lyford

Plateau AA Winner: Chandler High School Men’s Choir (AA) Chandler High School, Chandler, AZ OUTSTANDING directed by Lori Lyford

Plateau A Winner: Cleveland Heights Women’s Barbershoppers (A) Cleveland Heights High School, Cleveland Heights, OH OUTSTANDING directed by Jesse Lange

Presenter’s Award Winner: Cleveland Heights HS Men’s Barbershoppers (A) Cleveland Heights High School, Cleveland Heights, OH EXCELLENT directed by Jesse Lange

Anna Coyotes Chorus (AAA) Anna High School, Anna, TX EXCELLENT directed by Daniel Rohovit

Bella Voce (AAA) Martin Luther King Jr. Academic Magnet, Nashville, TN GOOD directed by Cody Duff

Bro Re Mi (AA) Martin Luther King Jr. Academic Magnet, Nashville, TN GOOD directed by Cody Duff | January/February 2021 | The Harmonizer | 13


Georgia Spirit (AAA) Atlanta Metro, Atlanta, GA OUTSTANDING directed by Becki Hine, Clay Hine, and Lars Grevstad

Prairie Chords (AA) Land O’ Lakes, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan EXCELLENT directed by Justin La

SOA Singers (AA) Butler Tech, Hamilton, OH OUTSTANDING directed by Cy Wood

St. Louis Park Middle School (AAA) St. Louis Park Middle School, St. Louis Park, MN EXCELLENT directed by Douglas Carnes

Wade Hampton Singers (AAA) Wade Hampton High School, Greenville, SC OUTSTANDING directed by Amy Moyer 14 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2021 |

Seniors Chorus Festival Grand Champion: Ozark Overtones (CSD) SUPERIOR directed by Jeff Veteto

Seniors Chorus Festival: Carolina Statesmen (CAR) SUPERIOR directed by Larry Triplett

Seniors Chorus Festival: Dixie Senior Chorus (DIX) SUPERIOR directed by Jimmy Tompkins

Seniors Chorus Festival: Guys Who Can Drive at Night (NED) GOOD directed by David Patterson

Seniors Chorus Festival: Pioneer Spirit (PIO) OUTSTANDING directed by Al Fisk and Jamie Carey | January/February 2021 | The Harmonizer | 15


Seniors Chorus Festival: Seneca Statesmen (SLD) OUTSTANDING directed by Ron Mason

Seniors Chorus Festival: Sunshine Statesmen (SUN) SUPERIOR directed by Jack Slamka

Seniors Chorus Festival: Vintage Voices (ILL) OUTSTANDING directed by Terry Ludwig and Tim Pashon

2019 Next Generation Junior Quartet Champ Quin-tones and 2019 Varsity Champ Wildfire joined 2019 International Quartet medalists Signature, Throwback, Quorum, and Midtown for a breathtaking Saturday Night Show finale performance. Other Midwinter performers included 2019 Sweet Adelines Rising Star champion Duly Noted, 2018 Harmony, Inc. Harmony Queens Aged to Perfection, and the legendary Four Freshmen. LORIN MAY

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NextGen Junior Quartets The inaugural NextGen Junior Quartet Contest brought the house down!


1. Singing Double (University of Florida, Sante Fe College) SUPERIOR Krystal Majid (Br), Emma Paschal (Bs), Hannah Paschal (L), Kelly Majid (T)

2. Best Sellers (Onalaska High School, WI) OUTSTANDING Alia Ebbert (T), Rachel Schoenecker (L), Chloe Leithold (Bs), Faith Leithold (Br)

3. Default (Atchison High School, KS) OUTSTANDING Rosie Stone (T), Annie Harper (L), Xavier Hernandez (Bs), Katelyn Servaes (Br)

4. 3:1 (Martin Luther King Jr. Magnet, Nashville) OUTSTANDING Gabriel Rice (Br), Benjamin Coates (Bs), Angela Nde (L), Rhys Macmillan (T)

5. Solid Gold (Cadillac High School, MI) OUTSTANDING Catie Carey (T), Rylie Reagan (L), Mark Simons (Bs), Cole Carey (Br)

6. Big Boy Hours (Grandview High School, Aurora, CO) OUTSTANDING Omar Abaas (Br), Edwin Harris (L), Jaxon Lyons (Bs), Jacob Wright (T)

7. Harmonique (Grandview High School, Aurora, CO) OUTSTANDING Melody Nwagwu (Br), Chipo Muchineripi (Bs), Sarah Bien-Aime (L), Chloe Wheeler (T) | January/February 2021 | The Harmonizer | 17


8. The QuarterTones (Conneaut Area Senior High, Linesville, PA) OUTSTANDING Nathan White (Br), Alex Wiles (Bs), Tim Barnes (L), Quinn Cameron (T)

9. Price Tag (Grandview High School, McMurray, PA) EXCELLENT Victoria Stracci (T), Sara Parker (L), Nolan Taylor (Bs), Noah Owczarzak (Br)

10. Key Change (Chandler High School, AZ) EXCELLENT Kayla King (T), Sarah Montero (L), Teah Scott (Bs), Elizabeth Jones (Br)

11. AcousChix (Alexandria Central Select High School, NY) EXCELLENT Olivia Adsit (T), Andrea Patterson (L), Madison Savage (Br), Amaris Sibert (Bs)

12. The Jalapeño Boppers (Chandler High School, AZ) EXCELLENT Danae Roberts (T), Olyvia Lara (L), Charlize Cornejo (Bs), Brisa Hurtado (Br)

13. Sonic Sound Quartet (Marietta High School, GA) EXCELLENT Destiny Coker (Br), Jordan Williams (Bs), Rebecca Goodwin (L), Aniya Williams (T)

14. The Key To Your Heart (Chandler High School, AZ) EXCELLENT Jacquelynn Marsh (T), Sabrina Brooks (Bs), Chelsea Grayling (L), Charlotte Ruth (Br)

15. On a Side Note (Peters Township Schools, McMurray, PA) GOOD Nick Sampson (T), Colin Abt (L), Andrew Rothhaar (Bs), Gordon Hardy (Br)

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2020 BHS JUDGES A busy 2020 contest season came to a halt after the Midwinter Convention, but the 145 members of the BHS judging community continued to spend time behind the scenes refining their craft and community. A large number stayed busy with virtual chapter visits and coaching throughout the year. CONTEST ADMINISTRATORS Rob Arnold (ONT) Russell Bell (DIX) Dave Bjork (JAD) David Bowen (LOL) Chris Buechler (MAD) Bari Courts (JAD) Ron Eubank (PIO) Brett Foster (RMD) Don Fuson (CSD) Rob Hopkins (SLD) George Joslyn (DIX) Alan Lamson (NED) Bob Lawson (RMD) Chuck Leavitt (FWD) Peter Maddeaux (LOL) Bill McLaurine (CSD) Randy Meyer (FWD) Linda Muise (NED) Mike Ott (SWD) Kameron Owens (JAD) Randy Rensi (SWD) John Santora (MAD) Matt Suellentrop (JAD) Mike Thompson (SWD) Lynn Trapp (DIX) Steve Tremper (NSC) Bill Vermue (ONT) Woody Woods (RMD)

MUSIC CATEGORY Steve Armstrong (ONT) Anthony Bartholomew (SWD) Will Baughman (JAD) Johnny Bugarin, Jr (RMD) Cary Burns (FWD) John Burri (EVG) Rob Campbell (FWD) Andrew Carolan ONT) Joe Cerutti (MAD) Steve Delehanty (MAD) Jay Dougherty (JAD) Tom Gentry (JAD) Brent Graham (FWD) Mark Hale (RMD) Melody Hine (DIX) Clay Hine (DIX) Steve Jamison (MAD) Jimbob Kahlke (EVG) Kevin Keller (CSD) Scott Kitzmiller (CAR) Rasmus Krigstrรถm (MAD) Patrick McAlexander (LOL) Tom Metzger (EVG) Alex Morris (FHT) Phil Ordaz (FWD) Cay Outerbridge (NED) Jeremiah Pope (EVG) Adam Porter (MAD) Adam Reimnitz (RMD)

Adam Scott (RMD) Rod Sgrignoli (RMD) Tony Sparks (RMD) Rick Spencer (DIX) Jeff Taylor (ONT) Steve Tramack (NED) Paul Wigley (LOL) David Wright (CSD) Kirk Young (NED) David Zimmerman (CAR) PERFORMANCE CATEGORY Paul Agnew (SUN) Jamie Bedford (FWD) Pat Brown (ONT) Greg Caetano (SWD) Steve Curulla (NSC) Sean Devine (MAD) Kevin Dunckel (JAD) Mo Field (ONT) Dave Fobart (DIX) Martin Fredstrom (FWD) George Gipp (SUN) Joe Hunter (MAD) Michael Kelly (EVG) Mark Kettner (DIX) David Krause (CSD) Jon Kready (CSD) Ritchie Lavene (MAD) Mike Lietke (LOL)

Mike Louque (CSD) Marty Lovick (EVG) John Mallett (ONT) David McEachern (ONT) Shawn Mondragon (RMD) Charlotte Murray (BHNZ) Brian O'Dell (JAD) Allen Otto (SWD) Jake Pirner (CSD) Gary Plaag (MAD) Judy Pozsgay (EVG) Larry Reinhart (NSC) Robert Ross (ONT) Dusty Schleier (DIX) Doug Smeltz (JAD) Gene Spilker (SUN) Gary Steinkamp (FWD) Barry Towner (ONT) Theresa Weatherbee (FWD) Sandi Wright (CSD) SINGING CATEGORY Brian Barford (JAD) Tim Brooks (DIX) Jay Butterfield (MAD) Anthony Colosimo (MAD) Jeremy Conover (NSC) Peter Cunningham (SWD) Eric Dalbey (CSD) Jim Emery (LOL)

James Estes (FWD) Aaron Evens (DIX) Matthew Fellows (FWD) Alan Gordon (FWD) Brandon Guyton (DIX) Chad Guyton (DIX) Chris Hebert (FWD) Ig Jakovac (MAD) Rik Johnson (CSD) James Kastler (SUN) Adrian Leontovich (EVG) Richard Lewellen (MAD) Brett Littlefield (FWD) Rob Mance (CSD) Eddie Martinez (SWD) Bob McFadden (CAR) David Mills (SUN) Nate Ogg (JAD) Michael O'Neill (DIX) Andrew Rembecki (CSD) Tim Reynolds (DIX) Chris Richards (RMD) Steve Scott (CSD) Chad St. John (JAD) Jordan Travis (ONT) John Ward (MAD) Ryan Wisniewski (FWD) Freddie Womer (MAD) Chad Wulf (JAD)

2020 SOCIETY BOARD OF DIRECTORS January, at the 2020 Midwinter Convention in Jacksonville Top row: Bernard Priceman, Jeremy Brann, Randy Loos, John Donehower, Jeremy Albright, Blair Brown, Perry White (ex officio) Bottom row: John Santora (Treasurer), John Miller (EVP), Dick Powell (President), Skipp Kropp (IPP), Marty Monson (ex officio) | January/February 2021 | The Harmonizer | 19




he beautiful Belmont University campus would have to wait until some other year. In 2020, the Society's biggest educational event took place via Zoom. While we couldn't harmonize together in realtime, the online experience received rave reviews from attendees. While the faculty and much of the subject matter were similar to the in-person experience, faculty were challenged to innovate topics and teaching styles that would deliver an experience that did more than merely duplicate the in-person experience in an online forum. The results were often revolutionary. “There were some presentations that made me feel like the first time I saw the Dave Stevens ‘What are We Trying to Preserve?’ video, or when I saw ‘It Only Takes a Moment’ by Westminster Chorus,” said Steve Scott, BHS Online Education Curriculum Manager. "I witnessed four or five of those during Virtual Harmony University this year.” Even after in-person learning returns, expect any BHS educational event to include online components as well. The 2020 experience has been recorded, and much will be 20 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2021 | edited and released online.

2020 VIRTUAL HARMONY U FACULTY Steve Armstrong, Arranger Seminar Anthony Bartholomew, Arranger Seminar, Electives Tim Beutel, Performance Seminar, Virtual Choir Adam Bock, Arranger Seminar Devin Bradford, Electives Sarah Bradley, Electives Ashley Brown, Electives Jay Butterfield, Electives Don Campbell, Directors Seminar Joe Cerutti, Music Educator Seminar, Director Seminar, Electives Amelia Charnock, Electives Debbie Cleveland, Music Educator Seminar Tony Colossimo, Electives Jennifer Cooke, Electives Eric Dalbey, Performance Seminar Aaron Dale, Arranger Seminar Katy Dane, Music Educator Seminar, Electives Elizabeth Davies, Electives Tony De Rosa, Electives Steve Denino, Electives Jay Dougherty, Director Seminar, Electives Paul Ellinger, Electives Trenton Ferro, Leadership Seminar Mo Field, Arranger Seminar, Electives Don Fuson, Leadership Seminar Katie Gillis, Virtual Choir Jeremy Gover, Electives Phil Grant, Mechanics of Artistic Singing Bev Greene, Leadership Seminar Cynthia Hansen Ellis, Electives Scott Harris, Virtual Choir, Electives Rafi Hasib, Electives, Virtual Choir Ali Hauger, Electives, Virtual Choir Jay Hawkins, Electives Bill Hickman, Leadership Seminar Theo Hicks, Directors Seminar Clay Hine, Arranger Seminar Melody Hine, Virtual Choir Christian Hunter, Leadership Seminar, Electives Ric Keaster, Leadership Seminar Holly Kellar, Electives Kevin Keller, Arranger Seminar, Electives Alan Lamson, Leadership Seminar Rich Lapp, Directors Seminar Christopher Loftin, Electives Manny Lopez, Leadership Seminar, Electives Brian Lynch, Electives Katie Macdonald, Virtual Choir, Electives

Rob Macdonald, Leadership Seminar, Electives Rob Mance, Directors Seminar, Electives Patrick McAlexander, Arranger Seminar, Electives Amanda McNutt, Virtual Choir Alex Morris, Electives Jackson Niebrugge, Electives Drew Ochoa, Virtual Choir Brian O'dell, Electives Michaela Olson, Virtual Choir Shana Oshiro, Electives Allen Otto, Electives Manoj Padki, Electives Lee Powell, Electives Adam Reimnitz, Arranger Seminar Andrew Rembecki, Electives Terry Reynolds, Leadership Seminar, Electives Candra Rice, Virtual Choir Chris Rimple, Electives Jill Rodgers, Electives Amy Rose, Electives Donny Rose, Directors Seminar, Virtual Choir, Electives Dusty Schleier, Electives Adam Scott, Arranger Seminar, Electives Steve Scott, Directors Seminar Deke Sharon, Virtual Choir Stuart Sides, Director Seminar, Electives Rich Smith, Electives Gene Spilker, Performance Seminar Gus Sterneman, Electives Jernie Talles Millan, Electives Jake Tickner, Electives Steve Tramack, Mechanics of Artistic Singing Seminar, Arranger Seminar Larry Triplett, Arranger Seminar Tessa Walker, Virtual Choir Tim Waurick, Performance Seminar Dan Wessler, Directors Seminar, Arranger Seminar, Electives, Virtual Choir Andrew Wheaton, Electives Ryan Wisniewski, Electives Kim Wonders, Electives Cy Wood, Performance Seminar, Electives Timothy Workman, Directors Seminar, Electives David Wright, Mechanics of Artistic Singing Seminar, Arranger Seminar, Electives, Virtual Choir Sandi Wright, Performance Seminar, Electives Bryan Ziegler, Virtual Choir

Virtual Harmony University | January/February 2021 | The Harmonizer | 21

Silver Medalist RIPTIDE Bronze Medalist CENTER STAGE

Bronze Medalist METROPOLIS


Gold Medalist 139TH STREET QUARTET

22 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2021 |


While we could not crown an International quartet champion in 2020, on August 22 and 29, members watched 20 quartets that had sung at a championship level but never won the big prize, and voted for the best. The online contest came thanks to the support of all 17 BHS districts, which funded the digitization of dozens of never-before-seen contest recordings from the Society's aging archives. All performances from the Legacy Quartet Championship are permanently available for viewing at BarbershopHarmonySociety38.




















VAUDEVILLE | January/February 2021 | The Harmonizer | 23

Quartet of the Year THE NEWFANGLED FOUR




riginally conceived as a red carpet gala for the 2020 International Convention in Los Angeles, the BHS Awards are a celebration of non-contest greatness among Society members. After the convention was cancelled, the glitz moved into a slick online production featuring both the winners and the finalists. All awards were for accomplishments that took place during 2019. The first in what is expected to become an annual event, nominations for the award came from all corners of the Society, with each category being reviewed by its own dedicated committee. Both the winners and the finalists were honored in the online contest, with videos for each category available at the BHS YouTube channel,

24 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2021 |

Barbershopper of the Year WILL DOWNEY


Will Downey

For his devotion and effectiveness in enhancing the youth barbershop experience. Director of East Coast Sound, director of the Retromen (James Caldwell High School, N.J.). As bass of 2019 International Semifinalist Gimme Four, he is the driver for the quartet's extensive youth outreach efforts. Festival Chairman for the 2019 Jersey Harmony Explosion.


GQ Vol. III by GQ quartet

This Baltimore-based quartet with deep music education roots went viral on YouTube in 2013 and has enjoyed online, show, and competitive success ever since. This dynamic album is the third by members Amanda Sandroni (T), Ali Hauger (L/Br), Katie Gillis (Br/L), and Katie Macdonald (Bs).


Alexandria Harmonizers

Over its 70-year history, the Alexandria Harmonizers have built unequaled ties with area groups and organizations, becoming a high-impact player in the greater Washington, D.C. metro arts scene. In 2019, the group’s influence was felt from New Zealand to the U.K., as well as in many local performances, youth festivals, and combined concerts.


Warren and Andy Fuson joined with Dr. Bill Adams as primary organizers of a dynamic event, which celebrated the African-American roots of barbershop among singers at Historically Black Colleges and Universities and other singers in central North Carolina. Included were 2009 champion Crossroads, Grammy winner The Fairfield Four, GQ quartet and HALO quartet.

This three-year-old quartet from Buenos Aires attended Harmony U in 2019 and returned home to organize Barbershop South America (BSA) and the continent’s first barbershop convention later that year, featuring six quartets. They are in touch with quartets in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, and Peru and are forming a mixed barbershop chorus.


The Newfangled Four

With a strong claim as the barbershop


"Spiderman Theme" by Midtown The New York City-based quartet filmed and released the professionalquality video featuring a storyline, cinematography, and a stylized comic book look unlike any video ever produced by a barbershop group. Nick Gordon (T),Anthony Fortino (L), K.J. McAleesejergins (Br), Christian Diaz (Bs).


Theo Hicks


Barbershop Revival


world’s most popular group, they have introduced the art form to millions through YouTube videos of their comedy contest sets and other performances, as well as a variety of media appearances. After three International Top 10 finishes, the quartet is unfortunately now retired from contests. Joey Buss (T), Jackson Niebrugge (L), Ryan Wisniewski (Br), Jake Tickner (Bs).


Theo Hicks has arguably created the "Song of the Contest" at four out of the last five International Contests, with innovative arrangements and new songs added to the barbershop canon. He has become a huge influence on other arrangers as both a muse and a mentor. Many champion and medalist quartets perform his original arrangements.

Singers from Historically Black Colleges and Universities learn four-part harmony as well as the African-American roots of barbershop during the 2019 Barbershop Revival. | January/February 2021 | The Harmonizer | 25






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26 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2021 |


any District leaders interacted with more members at 2020 leadership and education events they ever had in the years in which attendees had to block out travel time and hotel rooms. Chapter visits became easier or less hurried than ever before. District leaders also grew more robust connections with leaders in other districts as they discussed potential solutions to 2020's challenging questions. District leadership met regularly with BHS leaders and staff to develop and promote activities that would benefit all Society members. District input was crucial to the development of an all-new online Member Center. All 17 BHS districts funded the digitization of aging international contest media for the Legacy Quartet Championships. As difficult as 2020 was, districts collectively saw hundreds of new members join the Society, even after the pandemic, with hundreds of lapsed members choosing to re-up their memberships as well.

Welcome new 2020 Society members! This list includes active Members and Associates who joined between December 1, 2019 and October 31, 2020. Recruiters' names are in italics. This list also includes active Members and Associates who reinstated after a lapse of one month or more during that same time period.

CARDINAL DISTRICT District-led events for 2020 included Spring and Fall Virtual House of Delegates meetings, Top Gun for quartets, and a Christmas Virtual Chorus in December. The Harmony Harvest (right) was a joint event with the Johnny Appleseed District, which was filled with live, recorded, and historic performances. CARDINAL Brock Bailer Kurt Bailer Donna Blodgett Scott Trout John Downing Morris Moss Monica Huntsman Scott Trout Na’im Mahboubi Joseph Bourne Lukas Malone Theodore Hicks Charles Mullis William Glick

Travis Nees Brenda Bowman David Niehaus Robert Kendall Eric Rowe Cliff Standiford Ray Snyder Steve Powell Lauren Stewart Joseph Bourne Stephanie Wolf Ryan Wolf Addison Yeager Joseph Siefker Leo Ambre

Lisa Bobo Drew Bonfield Zander Cunningham William Davis David Evans James Geiger Jeffrey Harper Richard Hughes Andrea Hughes Jacob Jennings-Eppard Danny Johnson Wayne Keppler Robert (Bob) Kihlken Julian Lyman, Jr. Timothy Martin

Harmony Harvest John McQuistion Brandon Metts Edric Mitchell Joseph Montag Andrew Myer Peter Nielsen Kristofer Olson James Portteus Tim Shirley Kevin Shook Joseph Siefker David White

CAROLINAS DISTRICT Reboot of Carolinas Vocal Express and formation of district mixed chorus Sound of the Carolinas, "It's the Music That Brings Us Together: NSC Virtual Chorus performance. Virtual Fall Festival and NSC 10th Anniversary. Vision Task Force forms and reviews and revises the Vision, Mission and Value of the Carolinas for the next 10 years.

Jonah Armitage Drew Blaha Silas Armitage Drew Blaha Eli Armitage Drew Blaha Lyla Ballantine William Clegg Natasha Barker William Clegg Margaret Bazakas Adam Bridges Emma Bordeaux

William Clegg Rudy Cordeiro Michael Rush Trinity Cottle William Clegg James Drosakis Jason Kekas Vickie Hagan Kathy Shields Peggy Hilleary Kathleen Yonka Robbie Hodges Jr Robert Hodges

Kyle Hottel Ted Leinbach Leigh Hutchison William Adams Donald Kinney Martin Matula James Kirchner David Parker Thorsten Kuebler Paul Martin Audrey Mclaughlin William Clegg John Mecimore

Martin Matula Lindsay Morris Stephen Anderson Jennifer Osborne William Clegg Madeline Overman William Clegg Karly Satterwhite William Clegg Anita Seipel Bonnie Humphrey John Seymour Michael Rush

Kathy Shields Kathleen Yonka Michael Szala Marvin Gelb John Tanner John Beaver Leonor Thomas William Clegg Mark Valentinas David Gibbons Michael Vercellone Bill Pope CJ Wilson Justin Slack Kalea Wolf William Clegg James Bader John Beaver Elena Bedingfield William Bennight James Blair Charlotte Blamble David Cauble Phillip Clark

Melanie Clearman Locke Clifford William Conway JoAnne Coutlee Bruce Crane Linda de Echeandia David Doub Alice Eisner Russell Erwin Billy Fonseth William Fulton Scot Gregg Colin Harrison Harriet Hawkins Ashley Hedrick Robert Heim D. Paulette Hosti John Howard Marvin Jennings Judy Kaplan Cyndi Kohn John Lavelle Tom Macek David Maxwell

Brian McGee George McMurtry William Meiners Kathleen Nolan Nathanael Pendley Russell Reach Dawn Rehnstrom Scott Roberts George Rolfs Christopher Scott Fernando Sicilia Eddy Simmons Carol Stemsrud Donald Tartock John Thompson, IV Elias Trisler James Troeger Hugh Upton Benny Varney Elmer Williams, Jr. Michael Wolford | January/February 2021 | The Harmonizer | 27

CENTRAL STATES DISTRICT The Central States district is proud of our Senior Quartet "Senior Varsity" that competed at Midwinter this year and the "Ozark Overtones" that won the International Senior Chorus Competition. Another highlight was the CSD Quartet Champions Show that was broadcast on the Barbershop Harmony Society YouTube channel. Douglas Beardsley David Keeley Daniel Charland James Moris Robert Dierker Eugene Barr Lucas Gindl Raymond Harre Sean Graves

Kaleb Jorgensen Francis Hendricks Merlin Dresher Frederick Isaak Richard Traylor Richard Jackson George Neill William Jarrett Mark Friz

Jacob Jarrett Mark Friz Leonardo Leopold Isaac Reeves Samuel Leopold Isaac Reeves Josiah Matthews Michael Matthews Justin McClain

William Cluck Brad Notheisen Timothy Myers Douglas Olson Roland Money Andrew Peeler Nathan Green William Ross Laddie Tabor

DIXIE DISTRICT For the Dixie District, 2020 certainly brought new challenges and opportunities. District choruses and quartets took advantage of technology to keep everyone safe. Many chapters hosted not only live online meetings, often with visits by great guests and coaches; some also hosted online social events and live-streamed chapter shows.

Sarah Alfieri Maggie McAlexander

Barbara Burnes Maggie McAlexander James Decker

Benjamin Raja Samuel Eden Philip Plantamura

Roberto Aldaba Matthew Herbst Taylor Ardley Colin Fazan Melissa Barclay Tamara Kamp Marc Belcourt Michael Sheldon Pauline Brim Tamara Kamp Scott Brooksby Richard Davies Trevor Bushnell Steve Hanft Travis Carey Richard McNabb Lana Cullis Robert Sorensen

Laurie Curtis Ken Curtis Evelynne Davis William Hickman Harold Frame David Rohrer Emma Gibson Josh Honrud Michael Gordon Lance Cox Marcus Gordon Lance Cox Clint Hall Danny Tryon Kristi Hinckley Robert Roman Leila Msadek Huston Sean Huston

Aubry Hylton Dennis Hutchens Gregory Jones Matthew Martin Pam Kilby Tamara Kamp Alfred Kirtschig Willie Follette Mitchell Korsmoe Kelly Brydson Dave Matheson Tadeus Bajer Traci McCauley Matthew Crandall Aharon Melloul Martin Anderson Laura Pennington Cheryl Davidson

28 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2021 |

Jonathan Johnson Austin Harris Brian Kinsey

David Roth Christian Roth Waylin Sime Loren Tucholke Taylor Slawson Austin Beck Zachary Stelzer Jeff Veteto Ty Straub Mark Robb Noah Anderson David Baalmann Andrew Bartlett Ben Batson Matthew Bostick Garrett Cole Alexander Crippin Micheal Drake Gabrielle Drennen Merlin Dresher John Fortino

Matthew Fortino Marc Fried Keith Friesen Delrahe Gust John Hayden Weston Hennings Michael Janacaro Jonathan Kready Thomas Lauhon William Logemann Ryan Markle Evan Marx Matthew Maske William Matlach Arthur McDowell David McFarland Jeff Moler Jarl Moreland Robert morgan Jim Mullins John Nichols

Ken Noltie Daniel Otto Travis Richter Chandler Rickers Timothy Ries Samuel Rinkenbaugh Jacob Ritter Jimmy Rothe Charles Rus Stuart Sides Randy Smit Matthew Smith Austin Stephens Nyla Suffron David VanLew Ray VanVoorhis Mark Vaughan Joseph Wagner Richard Webster John Whitehead Rick Ziegler

Michael Allen Keith MacAnn Robert Hitch Henry McCray Andrew Monger Michelle Varsani Roger Beale Samuel Wiley Elie Diaz Rebecca Williams Patrick McAlexander Michael Allen Chad Bennett Malcolm Causey, III Steve Cochran

Ardis Crittenden Jesse Davidson David DeLaney James Donaldson Blake Echols Carlos Grevstad Kevin Griffin Roy Harris Camden Hine John Holshouser Mark Hyde Clifford Johnson Fred Kanel Otto Korth Thomas Lawrence

Thomas Liebert Christopher Mertens Samuel Mohr Maury Morris C Overhulser Scott Patzer Joseph Poore Andrew Puckett John Sanders Michael Shoemaker Kyle Stringer Sophie Taylor Jeff Woods

EVERGREEN DISTRICT Chapters throughout the district showed leadership throughout 2020 in adapting to online needs. Northwest Sound’s joint holiday charity concert with the Alexandria Harmonizers, the “Coast to Coast Barbershop Family Christmas,” kept the chorus motivated to learn new music and master technologies needed for the show, in which 25 barbershop groups volunteered their time and talents. Jedediah Smith Kenneth Henry Preston Smith Richard Smith Dimitrius Smith Richard Smith

Marilyn Soderquist David Foss Lucas Stiers Ted Stiers Jennifer Sward Larry Hommel

Ramona Taylor Kendall Williams Nariana Van Deventer Tamara Kamp Janet Virga

Tom Rakes Pat Wall Scott Wall Cody Wendt Daniel Pierce Rebecca Wright

Doug Walton Darcy Allen Jeanne Allen Thomas Arvidson John Augsburger Austin Beard Kevin Beckstrand Jared Blatterman James Brown Terry Bucknell

John Carlson Niles Carr James Chappell John Durham Jesse Edgar Patrick English Ronald Flaterud Douglas Green Robert Hall Paul Hand

Jeff Hansen Sam Harrison Janet Hart Edward Hayden Kenneth Henry Matthew Herbst Robert Horst Erin Hough Janet Hough Mark Hughes

Roslyn James Jerry Johnson Paul Kamo Tamara Kamp Bill Lake Raymond Langcaster Mark Larsen Andry Layarda Alex Leung Carl Marsh


The district is working with music educators to address their difficulty in creating engaging content for their singers, including developing weekly sessions with a barbershop focus that educators can simply plug into their online classes.

Norman Antonio Robert Maurer Teresa Baird Linda Wells Sarah Black Christina Forrest Quisha Breiling Eugene Bartley Robert Burgan James Langford James Clegg Brian Arbor Michelle DeMoss Mitchell James Sampang John Downing Morris Moss Elizabeth Flanagan Dale Steinmann Grace Ha Alisa Peters John Hulson John Hulson Craig Hurdman Randy Meyer Jillian Hurte Emilio Pichardo Adam Jansen Adam Lefebvre Baybars Karacaovali Iskandar Rabeendran Camden Louie Timothy Peterson Julia Ludwig Jess Blackshaw

Cristian Maldonado Adam Lefebvre Leonardo Marini Pereira Paul Engel Caroline McLean-Neushul Peter Neushul Sally McLeish Brent Anderson Kurt Meyer Brent Anderson Ammon Miles John Schmutz John Miller James Thomassen Ashley Miner Yasumichi Ichikawa Kathleen Padden Thomas Raffety William Peterson Skyler Lee Sarah Pickett Karen Maass Matthew Quesada Jan Idris Vergara Candra Rice Dominick Finetti Matthew Roberts Rob Menaker Guillermo Robles Timothy Singer Sigbjoern Roenbeck Jay Henderson Nackil Sung Adam Lefebvre

William Switzer Raymond Young Timothy Tuggle Charles Thurman Jr Kate Walker Peter Neushul April Williams Emilio Pichardo Rebecca Wisniewski Ryan Wisniewski Jonathan Wright Alex Driggers Richard Zavatero Edward Bradley Dewey Shawnna Allen Bruce Aquino Charles Barrett Alexander Bernal Michael Bickerstaff W John Bloomquist Mark Brandle Kenneth Briggs Clare Bruzek James-Mark Burden Jim Campbell Jonathan Campos John Carlson Emma Castillo Sean Chasworth William Colburn, Jr Ryan Collins Harry Cornbleet Michael Darcey Jesse Davidson Luke Diamond

James Donahue John Durden Jamie Eigner Stephen Elliott Michael Allan Fox Matthew Fox Tyler Garcia Michael Gennet Elena Georgieva Andrea Giles Sherri Grambergs David Hanchette Jeff Harmon James Hart Timothy Haskins Randy Haykin Kyle Hope Mark House Bruce Hunter Bryce William Irvine Anthony Irwin Edward Johnson Raymond Johnson Dean Jones Al Justice Richard Katz Rick Kazman Adam Keener Brian Kelly Terry Kim Bruce Kistler Tori Klotz Gregory Knapp Denise Koehnlein David Korts Paul Laemmle

Shelly Membry Richard Dennis Miller Terence Miller Eunice Mooney John Morris David Olsen Drew Osterhout David Price Lauren Rants Joan Richardson

Janine Roberts Richard Russell James Sappington Stanley Saylor Jr. Gordon Scott Vincent Sherman Donovan Snider Doug Spensley J Roger Steeds Shane Strasser

Larry Sundholm H Allen Swanson Nicholas Toker Peter Veidner Sandi Voigt Byron Walton Patrick Wendlick David Williams Jacob Yoakum Pasha Zavari

Bob Lally Joshua Landin Robert Lappin Christopher LeFebvre Chris Leonard J. Louque William Lowe Sheila Lowerre Andrew Lu David Luke Alan Mackey Dan Madsen Jon Majors Curtis Mannah Jack Matson Matthew McKee Curtis McLees David Menestrina Benjamin Miller Domenick Murray James Nelson Donald Nichols Mark Nudelman Frank Olivadoti Michael Oliver

James Olson Corrie Oranje Kyle Overholser Arthur Overman Matthew Owens Joseph Payton Dennis Pfersich Ethan Pike Jay Pryor Kent Pyper David Queen Devin Ralph Spencer Randell Gerald Raybeck Debra Rice Gilberto Robles Mitchell James Sampang Edgar Sandoval Theodore Sayle Kristi Schneck T Scott Jay Shapiro Kathrynne Shelton Evan Shyer

Yona Simonson James Souhan Austin Spendlove Jack Steck Bryan Stokes Scott Suwabe Marco Teti Kristen Thompson Ronald Thrower Gregg Triggs Daniel Ullfig John Upp Eric VanPoucker Jan Idris Vergara Sandi Voigt Andy Wallace John Waugh, Sr. Brian Webb Phillip Wee Edward White Kyler Wilcock David Williams Todd Williams Daniel Wilson Scott Wilson

Online Leadership Academy and House of Delegates meetings experienced high attendance in many districts. (Above) The Fall 2020 NED House of Delegates meeting with BHS President-Elect John Donehower and NED President-Elect Mike Maino. | January/February 2021 | The Harmonizer | 29

ILLINOIS DISTRICT Many choruses around the district worked together to overcome the challenges of meeting virtually. As the weather improved, there were many choruses meeting in person outdoors while using the Illinois District masks and social distancing protocols. Many created virtual Christmas shows. Lincoln Beutel Timothy Beutel Silvano Brugioni Michael Schnitzler Walter Busse Richard Kingdon

Terence Butz John Kent Thomas Canoles Richard Cunningham Jordan Carlton Martha Lindvahl

Shane Frantz Ann McAlexander Randy Hassler Dale Fiste Jonathan Keasling Richard Kingdon

Michael Allen Frederick Locker Amy Bare Michael Bare Anthony Blake Joe Galloway Joseph DeCrosta Ben Pilcher Rebekah Dovci Brandon Zlotnik Deric Dove Delbert Latham Justin Elswick Carl Taylor John Garlow Larry Goodwin Gordon Jewett Paul Inderhees Zachary Karpuszka Glenn Obergefell Jared Knotts Joseph Bourne

Ashton Koval Mark Eickhoff Kimberly Littlejohn Gloria Starcher Marvin McCallister Joe Galloway Linda McDowell Gloria Starcher Charles Morehead Patrick Norris Roland Pedersen John Polofka Leigh Rankin-Gillespie Stephen Patrick Maxwell Reardon Tony Lisle Tom Ruemping Larry Davis Adrienne Schierer Doug Deckert Lee Ann Snyder

Theodore Rose Christine Snyder Christopher Snyder Robert Taylor H. David Kracker Jacob Terry Kirk King Philip Wright Michael Bare Michael Anderson Clifford Askey Anthony Barbuto Michael Bare William Baughman Stephen Berg Larry Brown Sheryl Burtch Kimberly Calland Carl Cash, III Zachary Coleman Kerry Conrad Kenneth Crawford

Dylan Kroll John Q Morris Angela May Earl Dean Daniel McNeela Brian De Stefano

Larissa Hillmer Jeffrey Hagen Wyatt Johnson Kenneth Frank Sean Koos

30 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2021 |

Truman Netherton Thomas Plote Dwayne Rice Bruce Richardson Jim Russell Loren Shevitz Scott Skiple Daniel Smyth Gary Sondgeroth Marvin Strom Brandon Tanner Randy Turner David Williams Kenneth Witowski

JAD quartet Hearsay won the Senior Quartet Contest. Later highlights included a well-attended Leadership Academy, a strong Top Gun with top quartets, two well-attended virtual House of Delegates meetings, a virtual JAD Association of Quartet Champions show with past district champions, and the combined virtual Harmony Harvest with the Cardinal District. Jane Critchfield Mark Draa William Evans Lawrence Findley Daniel Frye Scott Giles Andrew Green Ian Hackworth Geralin Hambrick Michael Harrison

The primary focus across the district was to encourage all members to stay connected and support each other as we deal with the impact of the virus. District-wide activities included a Virtual Tag night and later a virtual Christmas show. District Leadership met monthly to work through current challenges and projects to make the district stronger in the future. Dwight Muller Tyler Hall Randall Nelson John Herndon Ezra Ablaza

Matthew Butler Michael Coxhead John W. Davis Earl Dean Micheal Drake Andrew Earnest Peter Fink Adam Forest Lawrence Gilmore Alex Ginglen Gregory Grey Harold Harness Marvin Hartz Patrick Henders Robert Katin Barton Macomber Noah Miller



Robert Albachten Jay Althof Allen Althof Jay Althof Howard Floyd

Daniel Mulligan Matthew Butler Kevin Rapp Timothy Beutel Bradley Stufflebam David Howe Roberta Wahl Robert Wahl Jerome Weitzel Michael Schnitzler Marshall Wilcox Bruce Dawson Andrew Wilson Dale Fiste Gerald Bach James Baker Herbert Burdett

Jeffery Zimmerman Ingrid Latham Gareth Cole Sandra Lips Jerry Moscovitch

David Hepler Paul Hildreth Philip Horst Raymond Johnson Gerald Keller Scott Kelly Harrison King, III James Knueven Joseph Lally Peter Luongo

Charles Lusher Eugene Masi Charles May Stephan Miller Joseph Montag Mark Ostheimer Steven Pal Fred Pixler Mark Purdy Bernard Reen

Daniel Richards James Riley Robert Saurber Greg Seibert Robert Steinfurth Jeremy Tietje Michael Verzella James Warner Ben Whitford

Gavin Moe Gordon Moe Max Mutza Matthew Post James Otto Donald Paulson Donna Paryniuk Larry Bredesen Bert Perrault Robert Black Justin Pohl Zachary Rolfs Dean Schiefelbein Dalton Bradford Bryce Seel Justin La Mikeal Sopp

Wayne Hellquist Julie Stoffel John Edgerton Toni Wasik Thomas Wasik John Wright Barry Dietsche Jeffrey Aalto Ezra Ablaza Brian Berg Edward Boehm Michael Boen Ferryl Casselman Roger Christians Brian Crommett Edith Denby Steven Deyo

Ruth Emery Thomas Fatticci Daniel Fenske George Fox Samuel Geiger Mark Halverstadt Krista Hanis-Gervais Steven Hein Nathan Howard Randy Knaack Marcel LaFountain John Leitch Larry Love Thomas Mckean Jeffrey Meyer Christopher Mishler Jeff Olson

Steven Osero Keith Petersen Steven Petersen

Jake Puestow Jim Puffe Mark Rholl

David Roesler Bill Russell Eric Senn

Mary Stumpf Andrew Tate Joe Theisen


James Wilson, III Shaanan Cohney Douglas Brown Haley Cole Richard Townsend Alexandra Colvin Sharon Steele Arlene Constant Robert Patterson Teresa Covell Christiana Staffin Elizabeth Culbertson Larry Bomback Stephen Cushmore Frank Dineen Alexis DePersia-Norelli Christopher Granger Mark DeVault David Highfield Julie Edwards William Edwards Glenn Engler C. Scott Zumbrum Timothy Erickson Donald Farabaugh Wiliam Estes Douglas Bilton David Fernandes

Donald Staffin Linda Fletcher Ronald Beltz Faith Flynn Sharon Ehrisman Judith Giovannitti Ernest Giovannitti Jaimee Hawkins Christian Hunter Elsa Higby Anna Chelak John Humer Charles Rothermel Tracey Hunter Christian Hunter Josh Ingersoll Jonathan Johnson Susan Irwin Cindy Austin Mark Jameson Jeffrey Matthews Laurie Jewett Roberta Sonnino Mark Kaufman Paul Mattern Madelyn Kish Tyler Indyck Cameron Korb Phil Rhoderick

Di-Atlan stric t


Joshua Acampado Donald Staffin Kristina Adams John Rector Loki Anderson-Hill Blake Tharp Cindy Austin Marian Garven Thomas Avey Robert Wehrle Mark Babuschak Jared Babuschak Alexander Babuschak Mark Babuschak Michael Barton William Day Mia Baz Gabriel Spector Amy Becker Peggy Hannis Christopher Bonoski Justin Davis Colleen Bryson Christian Hunter Brianna Carr Justin Davis Christina Carswell Christian Hunter Mel Clark



The district had a successful virtual Harmony College East featuring some of the district’s outstanding coaches. Somerset Hills developed the concept of Hot Rods and Harmony. Division VPs reached out to chapters to see how they are coping. Not only large chapters but smaller chapters hosted successful Zoom meetings, inviting coaches, speakers, and guest directors.

Michael Krause Donald Johnson, Jr. Emily Krich Marian Garven Anthony Kuhn Blake Tharp Kelcey Lee Brent Graham Julian LeFlore John Wernega Geoffrey Lunt Aaron Watts Matthew Marinelli Joseph Monahan Cody Messersmith Justin Davis Kirk Moll Ernest Giovannitti Mary Moll Judith Giovannitti Zandalee Montero Doug Lykes Aidan Morton Mitchell Stein Robert Nicodemus III Charles Boteler Robert Oelhaf Paul Wagner Stephanie Ofshinsky Christopher Granger Gilbert Orejudos Nicholas Scopelliti Laura Packer Christopher Granger Laura Paglione Larry Bomback Paula Reece John Reece Meredith Rich Larry Bomback Faith Ann Rizzuto Donald Staffin

Gordon Troxel William Walkowski John Walsworth

Thomas Weisenburger Charles Williamson

Travis Zachmann

Megan Ross Justin Ross Julie Sinkoff Theresa Chambers Elizabeth Smith Lowman Black Rachel Staffin Donald Staffin Gary Stiegler James Ritch Nicholas Taylor Garry Warlow Victoria Tisch Larry Bomback Nicholas Vala Alan Wagner Inés Wehling Nicolasa Hernandez Carissa Wilkinson Christina Mastrull Colleen Christi Willett Dylan Lupo Ralph Witcher Willem Hordijk Kenneth Alutin Kevin Beard Dan Beniker Peter Bennett Hilary Berryman James Bird Raymond Bishop David Bradley Jerry Branson Gregory Brown Jeff Butler James Catterall Vincent Cazenas Nicholas Clare Bryan Close Jonathan Clunies Kiara Contreras Ashley Conway William Conway Jill Coyne Raymond Cramer James Danner Danielle Davidson Paul DeGroat Zachary Dodge Charlotte Dow Noelle Ferry Robert Fisher Edward Fitzgerald Warren Fluck

Robert Focht Mark Foltz AJ Frownfelter Barry Gabler George Ganter Joshua Gibson Sam Graybeal Torrey Guinn Addyson Hamilton John Hastings Amanda Hauler Vincent Haynes Harold Herzig Teresa Heuser Gregory Horst Elbert Hubbard, III Edward Huelsenbeck Chad Hussein Thomas Jackson Emily Kaplan Richard Karabetsos William Katz Don Kimpel Guy Kirk Charles Kirkutis David Krembs Rasmus Krigström James Lawther Neil Leinwand Nicoletta Leitch Samantha Levisay Richard Lewellen Slate Lucia Varun Mangalick John Marshall Nicholas Martucci Joseph Mclaughlin Samuel Mellman Gregory Mercado Nicholas Merdon Duane Metzler Mitchell Milch Ryder Milia David Mindel David Morrissette Chip Moyer Mika Nagashima Roger Nale Pauline Nash Frank Nebenburgh Dennis Novick Kevin OBrien James O’Connell Ross Orvik

Jan Owen Stephen Peterson Demetrios Petrides Rebecca Petruccy Lowell Phillips Sterett Prevost JohnT Price Jeremiah Quinlan Tyler Rackley John Reece Daniel Rendich Luke Rider Nina Riffaud Steven Ritz Ben Roberts Tom Rodda Yu Han Roh Mark Rowell Christopher Ruhm Katherine Menard Rust Roman Salij Vincent Sandroni Joseph Schies Brian Schreiner Joel Schwartz Craig Shallcross Timar Shevlin Michael Skutt William Slater Gregory Spaulding Gary Spencer William Sphar Gregory Stachelczyk Joshua Stein Ellen Stemler David Stewart Jackie Sunderland Jeffrey Sylvia Mira Taferner Stephanie Taglianetti Richard Tully John Usera Jamie White Spencer Wight Brian Willis Gary Wilson Duncan Woodbury Christopher Yates Zekun Zhang Kevin Zimmerman James Zoller

The Winnipeg Chapter (LOL) Barbershopper of the Year Gala. | January/February 2021 | The Harmonizer | 31

NORTHEASTERN DISTRICT The district had the best attendance ever at two House of Delegates meetings, as well as high participation in an extremely successful virtual Leadership Academy. The Virtual Fall District Convention featured a number of activities spread out over two weekends in October.

Tom Alvord John Wick Brian Aviles Gerald Crouth Samuel Bartlett Michael Savard Louis Bellemare Berel Weiner Robert Charron Angus Zitman Robert Crino Edmund Piper Darrel Dietlein

Richard Cook David Eddy Michael Savard Craig Graham John Englander Tamara Hitchcock Raymond Johnson Bryan Ingram Paul Lapenas Marion Ivey Angelique Kunasek Sally Jeffery Sarah McNamee

Diane Kelley Mark Schuldenfrei Shari Kovel Todd Lamson Angelique Kunasek Todd Lamson James Longfellow Kathy Robitaille Megan McDonald Raymond Johnson Ronald Newcombe Gary Peach Kimberly Petersen

Rio Bailey Ryan Jagoe Guillaume Chalifour Brian Tracey Huw Davies Vernon Simkins Savvas Demetriou Richard Hubick William Jancewicz Gerard Wilhelmus Robert Perry Derek Stevens Scott Ritchie David Alway Nick Torrington-Smith Chris Hulan

larry turnbull Robert Sokoloski Byron Williams David Ryde Jan Hendrik Williams Louis Williams Greg Allen Lawrence Armatage David Bell Paul Boucher Gary Bugg Gerard Byrne Michael Collins Douglas Davidson John Deacon John Dingle

Robert Dunbar Jack Evans Taylor Forget John Gibson Fraser Gordon Martin Gurvey Patrick Hannon Curtis Harry Dan Holbrook Evan Huus Gregory Jack Keltie Jones Dino Kotsikas Denis Lamontagne Cole MacDonald Ewan MacKintosh

Mark Schuldenfrei David Popp Matthew Pacheco Jonathan Ray Robert Tarbox Andre Saint-Pierre Brian Macnab James Sanderson David Ray, Sr Mary Ann Stanford Bruce Pacht James Taber Gordon Kenyon

Lisa Hall Jason Hall Brooke Harris

32 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2021 |

Scott Poarch Benjamin Poinier Andrew Rainer Christopher Reichert Scott Reid Jonas Rimkunas William Rogers Karen Rourke Aidan Saccary Matthew Saulnier Mary Savard Shaun Shea Douglas Sherman Louis Shriber William Shultz Alan Skinner David Stonecliffe Bruce Sturgis Gary Symonds John Tacinelli Hugh Toner Allan Treadwell Preston Triplett Berel Weiner Cyril Weintraub

An extremely well-attended Ontario Harmony Academy in January was followed by great seniors quartet and chorus representation at Midwinter. The Toronto Northern Lights hosted district-wide Zooms with each of the judging Category Specialists. The first virtual House of Delegates meetings had very high attendance. ONT has digitized hundreds of historic photos, documents, and recordings. Gregory Mallett David McEachern Rod McKenzie Michael Melton Peter Milan

November's District Fall Un”Convention”al Virtual Event included nearly 20 free learning and connecting opportunities, with courses and discussion circles that boosted craft, leadership, and acumen with the judging categories. It lived up to its billing of turning a potentially demoralizing year into a ‘REmoralizing” event.

Brian Doefer John Fedyk James Kunz

Timothy Dwight Douglas Earle Thomas Farmer Robert Fay Edward Feinberg James Fontaine Alex Frank Michael Gabriella Byron Goldsmith Benjamin Green Jonah Harris Sharon Huttner Louis Jacob Scott Keough Faith Keskula Jordan Kugler Kimani Lumsden Raymond MacDonald Eric Marcoux Stephen Martin Ryan Norfleet Phylip Olynyk Richard Parsons Bob Pierce Emmons Pinkham



Glenn Beard James Kunz Cate Doefer

Mithie Tharson Richard Dziura John Thomsen James Bowen James Walsh John Pekarik Sharon Wight Daniel Falcone Christopher Andrade Arthur Aucoin Thomas Batton Brian Birkinbine Richard Cahaly, Esq. Benjamin Clark Steven Costopoulos Wayne Curtis Joseph Cutshall-King Armand Daniel Kevin Dibble Jeffrey Donahue Glenn Douglass Robert Drinnan Glenn Drodge Maxwell Duff-Shore Douglas Dunsmore

Jonathan Woolf Charles Jager Bruce Nurton

Henry Naus Cornelius Neufeld Peter O’Brien David O’Brien Egon Pedersen

William Polak Grant Pybus Jim Rehill Paul Roth Christopher Seaward

Rick Soderstrom Drew Stewart Ron Vaillancourt Robert Willatts Colin Zwaagstra

James Jennings Charles Netherton, Jr Tony Kinde Allen Holmes Xiangkun Kong James Kunz Jeffrey Kroon Carl Jones Connor Lindenmuth Aaron Pollard Sonnet Rumora Jonathan Woolf Thomas Ziebro James Kunz

Tyler Becker Teresa Brink Mark Crowell Robert Facione Bernie Hall Charles Kalkstine Kenneth Kingsley William Martin Charles Martin Michael O’Donnell William Oltman Reginald Patrus John Paul Christian Paulton

William Robbins Garry Rowe John Russell Zachary Schroeder Mike Schulte Steve Skrzycki Philip Spencer George Tatro Joel Todd Paul Tramp Elias Trisler Jeffrey Woodworth

ROCKY MOUNTAIN DISTRICT The district had a very successful Virtual Leadership Academy and over 50 members participated in performing “Heart of My Heart” with the RMD virtual chorus. Chapters have adapted all across the district with full-length virtual holiday shows, zoom rehearsals, and educational seminars that have given members (and guests!) a very much needed outlet for artistic expression and growth. Renna Al-Haj Gary Welsh Gregory Alldredge Thomas Bugg Michelle Barnes Ashley Banks

Daniel Brusseau James Price Jordan Eisel Ryan Stewart Phillip Goodman John Becker

Steven Habib James Price Lynn Hall Anthony De Rosa Zane Hutton Gary Welsh

Anya Johnson Peter Stach Kelli Lind Ashley Banks Darin Prince Bruce Winters





Nichole Armand Jody Armand Heidi Barr Lindsay Chartier-Holdeman Brian Boon Thomas McClusky James Buller Roger Morton Michael Crouch Manuel Quintana Johnnie Frye Philip Wolke, Jr. Matthew Harris Austin Shortes Dale Hunt Jeremy Albright Daisy Jarvis Terri Jarvis Linda Miller Claude Duplissey

John Miller Claude Duplissey Bryant Mitchell Jayde Mitchell Robert Moore Russell Robinson Cameron Moore Daniel Zeagler Carol Perry Tony Perry Steve Smith George Kuebler Bo Smith Dustin Wallace John Stockton Claude Duplissey Matthew Urbanek Alexander Wahl Curtiss Aman Duane Ashby Joseph Barnes

Caleb Barnett Jackson Beach Mark Bray Jeff Cantwell Terry Chapman William Coleson Ray Copeland Marshall Crowl David Dickey Leighton Duitsman Caden Dukes Alexander Edwards Thomas Ellison Mason Eubank Edwin Frazier Jeffrey Freeman Hector Garza Marisa Garza Ben Gervasi Matthew Giddings Richard Haneline



While virtual meetings have helped chapter members stay connected with one another, an over-achieving semi-old school medium (the Sounds of Seneca e-newsletter) has been brilliant in helping members learn about each of the 28 district chapters better than ever before. Chapter updates have been hugely expanded to include detailed and compelling chapter histories.


Robin RohwerFranson Anella Southwick Noelle Schendzielos Peter Stach Meredith Schultz David Schultz Erika Welsh Gary Welsh Benjamin Williams John L Williams Eric Allen Torin Anderson Ron Andrews Paul Ashour Charlene Baker John Becker

John Bratsch N Robert Brethouwer Clive Chipman Farris Collins Scott Corey Thomas Corey James Damon Thomas Dawson Cecil Garrison Michael Kelley Luke Kempe Matthew Kramer Travis Lassle Timothy MacAlpine Bruce Maw John McGroarty Richard Meadows

Brian Megna Norman Miller Steve Moore Bruce Nakae Daniel Overmeyer Randy Parr Lindsay Pfannenstiel Craig Phipps Bill Pomeroy Jerry Quintana Alexander Robertson Allen Robnett Arthur Schulte Paige Sgrignoli George Spillman Roy Wahl Tony Waruszewski

William Arps Theodore Tate Gerald Bailey Christopher Keir Mary DeMatties Todd Horton Bryan Donahue Ed Rummler Judith Freedman Bonnie Pistner

Bill Pistner John Hendrickson Evan Richardson Bradley Lundquist Deborah Roeske George Sunny Joan Silvia Matthew Silvia Matthew DeMartino Robert Hesselberth

Michael Irwin Patricia Nash Jones Vincent Joy David Keefer Daniel LaCombe Becci Miller Aaron Praetzel Francis Tesseyman Timothy Weber

SOUTHWESTERN DISTRICT District Board and House of Delegates meetings via Zoom were so successful, they will continue post-pandemic. Three wellattended Zoom virtual Leadership Academies were hosted as well. Because in-person chapter visits were impossible, the district remitted half the value of each member's district dues (almost $20,000) to the chapters. Charles Hanna, Jr. Gregory Hargis Gregory Hilliard, Jr. Anthony Holder Gary Holmes Joe Holt John Jefferies John Paul Kinney Don Klick

SUNSHINE DISTRICT After a very successful 2020 Leadership Academy, the district hosted a well-attended Midwinter in Jacksonville. Our Seniors Chorus, lead by Jack Slamka, achieved the highest rating in its debut. Our Board, House of Delegates, and many chapters met virtually, with the Tampa chapter hosting stellar online content and Orlando Orange Blossom opening its weekly “Master Coaching Series” to all of the Society.

Douglas Knabe Donovan Kryak Kevin Laws Jedediah Leachman Jim Lehnerd Michael Litman John Lovitt James McConnell George McDonald

Carl Mizell Tyler Moore John Muckleroy David Parente Daniel Perry James Robinson Rob Sarbach James Sharp Steve Spakes

Austin Spendlove Joseph Thane James Tudor Kason Twitchell Scott Tyree David Wagner Allen Wallace Timothy Weitzel Dennis Wilson

Paul Aarnio Robert Koski, Jr. Daniel Aidif Kevin Hunsicker Jason Boddie Terry Ezell Michael Brunelle Mark Graham, Jr David Cama Roosevelt Jones Thomas Canoles

Richard Cunningham Sean Carr Matthew Clancy Jeanie Correa Mark Graham, Jr Deborah Pillow Crider Paul Hunt Thomas Fraser Dorman Wilson, IV Molly Graham

Mark Graham, Jr Josh Grover Jacob Van Hall Clyde Hall C. Michael Smith James Harper David Scott Nathan Holan James Daugherty Jonathan Johnson Austin Harris | January/February 2021 | The Harmonizer | 33

Ryan Klein Jacob Van Hall Jose Maldonado Sean Offer Caleb Mann Jacob Van Hall Susan Marks Edward Potter Andrew McKay Randall Parrish Jr Destiny Montgomery Joseph Tripp Ann Moody George Breedon

Tomas Moreno Jacob Van Hall Charles Murray James Burg Christopher Murray Jacob Van Hall Kyle Ojeda Donell Torres Marci Scott David Scott Sandra Speroni Harvey Mower Betsy Walits Lance Lubin

Ben Anderson Scott Baron ChristopherBarthauer Kevin Beard John Beatty Tim Beckwith Chad Bennett William Blomeley Jesse Bray James Breedon Robert Breedon George Breedon Julia Brunelle Carla Chadwick

Robert Christie Robert Cohenstrom David Cole William Conway John Cook Stephen Cook Keith Crocker Larry Decker Cynthia Diniaco Paul Donohoe Philip Dotson Ben Edwards Duane Fenn Daniel Glaser

Elizabeth Green Edward Grimes Malcolm Gropper Fabian Guerra Jonathan Gworek Julian Halil Ken Hawkins Christopher Hermann Jordan James Nathan Johnston John Kauffman Christopher Keough Shawn Klein Lee Lawrence

Andrew Lujan David Martinez III Lisa Maxey James McClelland Danny McFarlane David Medvidofsky Donald Mills Michael Nichols Sean Offer Gerald O’Halloran Robert Pearson-Martinez Martin Port William Presley Elizabeth Prins

Tom Roan Mark Roblez Zachary Smith John Solak Doug Teel Isaac Teel Ralph Todino Kevin Waldman Frank Walper Robert Waters Jonah Watson Lester Weiss Dean Ziff Jacob Zimmer

NO DISTRICT Diana Abourafeh Michael Kelliher Ruthi Adams Daniel Rohovit Timothy Barnes Jeffrey Gehm Aur Beck Neth Hass Melissa Becker Daniel Becker Claire Blackwelder William Lagos Karen Blackwell Joseph Tripp Mikaela Bradley Ben Geesa Michael Brady Gary Hannah Quinn Cameron Jeffrey Gehm Norine Cherry Lindsay ChartierHoldeman Debbie Cleveland Brett Cleveland Benjamin Coates Donald Rose Destiny Coker Tessa Walker Jeremy Conlin Daniel Sheppard Justin Cook Edward Cotton Amanda Cornaglia Holly Kellar Jeanne Crowell Mark Crowell Steve Curlee Frank Dineen Mathias Egsgaard Jonas Rasmussen Lisa Elder Bruce Pacht Kenneth Eldridge Dave Riches Stephen Flanders

Franklin Gould Leslie Flasterstein Donell Torres Rachel Flasterstein Donell Torres Nadia Flutie Michael Kelliher Elizabeth Foster-Hicks Daniel Rohovit Emily Goldt Andrew Sanders Rebecca Goodwin Tessa Walker Elizabeth Gordon Lyle Pettigrew Lauren Guagliardo Donell Torres Taylor Gustaveson Justin Slack Maria Homman Cecilia Björzén Quay Houchen Mo (Maureen) Field Aaron Hughes Christopher Reyes Terri Jarvis Brooks Harkey John Johnson Dean Jones John Juggins Andrew Coward Erica Kelch-Slesnick Sue Moore Jacob Kershaw Michael Roberts Judith Kurkowski Thomas Kraus Martin LaGrande John Q Morris Alyssa Lang Mark Lang Jesse Lange Thomas Gentry Jon Lobos Lowell Thomas Shelby Long Daniel Rohovit

Rhys MacMillan Donald Rose Ryan Mattingly Kingsley Lunden Angel Michaels Doug Rowan Jessica Monks Donell Torres Kathleen Morgan Daniel Rohovit Anna Munsey-Kano Bruce Pacht Angela Nde Donald Rose Cim Nordström Anne Redmo Aseem Padki Manoj Padki DeVada Passmore-Foster Lori Lyford Haley Patrick Jason Patrick Bryson Pirkle Daniel Rohovit Gabriel Rice Donald Rose Ashley Rohovit Daniel Rohovit Alexander Ronneburg Matt Gallagher Daniel Rose Daniel Rohovit William Rutledge Michael Allen Patrick Schaider Edward Howard II Lauren Servidio Joseph Servidio, Jr. Martin Simmons Brent Gerber Caleb Snyder Drake Pyatt Britain Stokes Dave Riches Matthew Taylor Alex Niquette

Nolan Taylor Ryan Perrotte Chelsea Thomas Daniel Rohovit Gabriella Tolerico Justin Davis Kaitlyn Upshaw Michael Kelliher Constance Vila Christina Forrest Ruben Viray James Halvorson Winter Whipple Donell Torres Nathan White Jeffrey Gehm Alex Wiles Jeffrey Gehm Aniya Williams Carlos Grevstad Jordan Williams Carlos Grevstad Leah Williams RT Williams Beth Wyszomierski Steve Wyszomierski Penny Yanke John Donehower Alexander Alford Jody Allen James Anderson LaVonne Arendsee Chelsea Asmus Mark Bahnman Lea Baker Michael Barkley Justin Bates Sue Beck Peggy Benton BethAnn Bock Tamara Boggs Drew Bonner Daryl Bornstein Harrison Bower Makenna Bower Sarah Bradley Linda Brehaut

Ashley Brown Gary Buchwald Thomas Bullock Bradley Burkett Kali Caramia Cora Castle Mia Cavanaugh Maria Christian Beth Churchill John Clausz Cristine Conerty Dennis Cook Bryce Cooney Kenneth Corns Bill Cotter David Cotton David Dantowitz Cheryl Davidson Matthew Davis Washington de Oliveira Christopher Dick Alexa Dicken Maggie Donapel Sandra Dunlop Dwight Edstrom Nora Elizalde Gary Ferris Dominick Finetti Jerry Fischkes Nancy Flagel Benjamin Fourie Jeffrey Frerichs Mónica Fuentes Daniel Fuerstman Nancy Fullerton Jenna Gasser Susan Goddard Nicholas Gordon Preston Gray Michael Grijalva Seth Hake Anthony Hancock Mike Hanika Arnie Harris Sheri Hart Christy Hedrick

Matthew Heger Jeff Henegar Bonita Hester Melody Hickie Carol Hollenbeck Kyle Howard Elaine Hughes Melissa Hunnefield Michael Hunt Benjamin Israelson Margaret Jackins Holly Janda Elizabeth Jansen James Johnson Maurice Johnston Susan Kegley Neil Kerr Jill Kienitz Heather Kingham Gordon Kirkpatrick Kevin Kraus Sally Kwong Dion Lew Molly Lintz Jay Lusk Leslie MacDonald Tamara MacKayOxner Jacob Marsh Jan Matthews Mabel MaxwellCarter Ruth McCarver Jerry Milgram Gabriel Miller Nicholas Moore Adam Moore Celeste Moreno Isabel Morgan Daichi MORI Matthew Mortensen Scott Neese Shawn Nicholson Madeline Olson Valorie Osterman Judith Panter David Parrett

Karen Parsons Lynn Pauls Cameron Petrey Kurt Pfeifer Drake Pyatt Victor Quartier James Quinn Lynn Randall Anne Redmo John Reynolds Bruce Richards Judy Robichaud Wyatt Robinson Cathy Rothey Jordan Sahlin Julie Salyers Frank Schissel Ryan Schroeder Kate Schroth Leah Schwan Julia Schwingbeck Irelynn Sill Emery Sill David Simmons Darcy Smith Susanna Sorensen Chris Starkey Kristin Stevens Michael Strahm Angela Suraci Josh Szolomayer Jonas Törnqvist Katsuki Tanaka Anita Power Taylor Lyndal Thorburn Jay Treat Emry Tupper Mehala Vaidhyanathan Fred Valenzano Rachel Ward Sophie Warnes Donna Whitehouse Sven Erik Mikael Wikström Abby Wintermute Andrew Wittenberg

34 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2021 |

MEMBER SERVICES DIRECTORY How can we help you barbershop today? Get answers from the staff at Harmony Hall

Society Headquarters 110 7th Ave N • Nashville, TN 37203-3704 615-823-3993 • fax: 615-313-7615 • Office hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Central 800-876-7464 (SING) EXECUTIVE OFFICES Marty Monson Executive Director/CEO Megan Henderson Executive Assistant to the CEO FINANCE Erik Dove CFO/COO Jama Clinard Controller / HR Manager Nick Anello Finance Administrator CONVENTIONS Dusty Schleier Director of Events & Conventions INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Sam Hoover Systems Adminstrator HARMONY MARKETPLACE customerservice@ Mark Morgan Director of Marketplace and Retail Ops. Justin Gray Warehouse Manager Krystie Mitchell Warehouse Coordinator Raphael Llana Marketplace eCommerce Assistant DEVELOPMENT Jeff Fincher Chief Development Officer Bryan Mullican Development Operations Manager

MARKETING Holly J. Kellar Chief Marketing Officer Chris Bernstein Advertising Campaign Manager Sarah Brown Marketing Coordinator Jeremy K. Gover Video Production Manager Eddie Holt Graphic Design Manager James Hurlburt Video Production Specialist Brian Lynch Public Relations Manager Jernie Talles Millan Marketing Assistant Amy Rose Social Media/Comm. Manager PARTICIPATION & ENGAGEMENT customerservice@ Caki Gray Director of Membership Devin Anna Bradford Community Development Manager Danny Becker Quartet Success Manager Katie Macdonald Recruitment & Retention Manager Nate Ogg Chapter Success Manager Rich Smith Salesforce Administrator

PROGRAMS & IMPACT Erin Harris Chief Program Officer Cassi Costoulas Strategic Initiatives Manager Dustin Guyton Volunteer Manager Madison Wall Data Analytics & Insights Manager OUTREACH Joe Cerutti Director of Outreach Chad Bennett Show Production Manager Lani Torroll Outreach Youth Programs Coordinator MUSIC EDUCATION Donny Rose Director of Music Education Steve Scott Online Educuation Curriculum Manager Brent Suver Online Education Production Manager MUSIC PUBLICATIONS Janice Bane Copyright & Licensing Manager Scott Harris Arranger & Repertoire Manager Resat Taser Music Production Coordinator

CUSTOMER SERVICE customerservice@ Allison Barrett Customer Service Luke Davis Customer Service Douglas Gordon Receptionist/Bldg. Maintenance | January/February 2021 | The Harmonizer | 35


BOARD OF DIRECTORS President John Donehower • Monroe, WI 563-599-8565 Executive Vice President Steve Denino • Grove City, OH 614-795-8145 Treasurer John Santora • Bel Air, MD 410-937-2611 Immediate Past President Dick Powell • Crofton, MD 410-451-0694 Executive Director/ Board Secretary Marty Monson (Ex Officio) • Franklin, TN 800-876-7464

OFFICIAL ALLIANCES • Barbershop Harmony Australia • Dan Millgate: BOARD MEMBERS AT LARGE Jeremy Brann • Lexington, KY 859-420-7696 Blair Brown • Fort Myers, FL 314-486-1668 Maria Christian • Oak Park, MI 248-376-4548 Mark Fortino • Overland Park, KS 816-519-5013 Christian Hunter • Flemington, NJ 908-391-2907 Randy Loos • Largo, FL 727-510-5901

FRIENDS IN HARMONY • Harmony Foundation International • • Sing Canada Harmony • • American Choral Directors Association • • Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia • • World Harmony Council • • National Museum for African-American Music • • Sweet Adelines International • • Harmony, Incorporated • • Barbershop Quartet Preservation Association • • National Association for Music Education • • Chorus America • • Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers •

• BHNZ (Barbershop Harmony New Zealand) • John Denton: • BABS (British Association of Barbershop Singers) • Martin Baglow: • BinG! (Barbershop in Germany) • Constanze Jager: • Holland Harmony • Leonie Vink: • FABS (Finnish Association of Barbershop Singers) • Valentin Arbamenkov: • IABS (Irish Association of Barbershop Singers) • Liz Nolan: • MBHA (Mixed Barbershop Harmony Assoc.) • Roxanne Powell: • SABS (Spanish Association of Barbershop Singers) • Dawn Ritch: • SNOBS (Society of Nordic Barbershop Singers) • Henrik Rosenberg: • SPATS (Southern Part of Africa Tonsorial Singers) • Mark Jensen van Rensburg:

GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE EDITORIAL Lorin May (Editor) Brian Lynch, Amy Rose (Associate Editors)

EDITORIAL BOARD Holly J. Kellar, Brian Lynch, Amy Rose, Sarah Brown, Lorin May (Stan Peppenhorst, copy editing)

SOCIETY SUBSIDIARIES (PARTIAL LIST) • Association of International Champions • • Association of International Seniors Quartet Champions • • Ancient Harmonious Society of Woodshedders • • Southern Harmony Brigade •

36 | The Harmonizer | January/February 2021 |

• Harmony Brigade • North Carolina • Indiana • Atlantic • Harmony U • Great Lakes • High Sierra • New England • Lone Star • Northern Pines • European • United Kingdom • Mixed Harmony Brigade (New England)

THE TAG Joe Liles, Tagmaster

Happy New Year Tag I had a hard time finding a “Happy New Year” tag that was copyright free. Music copyrighted by a publisher requires permission and, nearly always, payment of a fee based on the number of magazines we print. Then I remembered a short series of five chords that Hugo Feugen had introduced to me. It is a short exercise to work on vowels and tuning that was developed by the Guyton brothers, Chad (lead of 2002 champ Four Voices) and Brandon (bari of Four Voices and of 2009 champ Crossroads). With their kind permission, I expanded measures 5, 6, and 8 and their chord sequence into a special tag that celebrates barbershop ninth chords. Complete ninth chords require five parts. Barbershop harmony is in four parts, so either the root or the fifth must generally be omitted. The bass part most often handles this option. Enjoy! n

TTBB voicing Happy New Year for TTBB voices

b 1 ˙˙ Vbb C

Tenor Lead




? b b C ˙˙ b

Bari Bass

b 5 ˙˙ Vbb


? b bb

b ˙˙




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Joe Liles 2020

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year! hap - py new

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and cheer,


œ œ

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w w


SSAA voicing Happy New Year for SSAA voices

Tenor Lead

b 1˙ &b C ˙


Bari Bass


Ê b C ˙˙ b

b 5 ˙˙



Ê b b b ˙˙




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Joe Liles 2020

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year! hap - py new

œ œ ˙ w

˙ ˙

and cheer,


œ œ

˙ ˙


w w


SATB voicing

© xxxx All Rights Reserved Used By Permission

Happy New Year for SATB/mixed voices

Tenor Lead

& b C ˙˙ 1


Bari Bass

&b ?b

˙ ?b C ˙ 5



b ˙˙





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© xxxx All Rights Reserved By Permission

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Joe Liles 2020


˙ ˙ ˙ ˙

and cheer,

œ œ

ww year!

w w

| January/February 2021 | The Harmonizer | 37

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