io • portfolio • portfolio • portfolio • portfolio • portfolio • portfolio • portfolio • portfo 072 598 4446
Marike Groot
Graphic Designer
& Brand Communicator
Marike Groot
Graphic Designer
Logo & Corporate Identity
for a new company specialising in custom-packed picnic baskets
jaco groot
083 333 9927
jaco groot 083 333 9927
picnicbox picnics are all about indulgence on lazy summer days ... picnics are all about indulgence on lazy summer days ... picnics are all about indulgence on lazy summer days ... picnics are all about indulgence on lazy summer days ... picnics are all about indulgence on lazy summer days ...
Brand Communicat or Logo & Corporate Identity for a dietitian
food LOG Q before you take the next bite ...
Niki Urquhart • dietitian B.Sc Human Biosciences (UCT) B.Sc Med (Hons) Nutrition and Dietetics (UCT) Pr No: 084326461
Your next appointment is 082 577 5479
Please note that appointments cancelled with less than 24hrs notice will be charged for
Marike Groot
Marike Groot
Graphic Designer
Logo & Corporate Identity for a newly established law ďŹ rm
Brand Communicat or Logo & Corporate Identity for a media consultant
Marike Groot
Marike Groot
Graphic Designer
Corporate Identity
for a health & wellness company, The Health Factory
Brand Communicat or Corporate Identity
for a health & wellness company, The Health Factory
(011) 804 4049 2 stirrup lane, woodmead office park THE
the future of healthcare
Patients kindlyrequested requestedtotopay paythe theMINIMUM initial MINIMUM fee of R400.00 at the consultation, initial consultation, R350.00 per follow-up Patients areare kondly fee of R350.00 at the initial R300.00 per follow-up and and for R300 for one-on-one sessions. You may submit statement to medical refund. Thank R230.00 one-on-one sessions. You may thenthen submit youryour statement to your medicalscheme schemefor fora refund. Thank You. you. DATE: ______________________
patient details SURNAME: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FIRST NAME: ____________________________________________________ PREFERRED NAME: ______________________________________ ID NUMBER: ____________________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH: _________________________________________ OCCUPATION: ___________________________________________________ TEL: (H) ________________________________________________ (W): ___________________________________________________________ CELL: _________________________________________________ E-mail: ________________________________________________ REFERRING DOCTOR: _____________________________________________ TEL: ___________________________________________________
main member / person responsible for account NAME: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RELATIONSHIP TO PATIENT: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ MAIN MEMBER POSTAL ADDRESS:___________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Postal code: ___________________________
medical scheme details MEDICAL SCHEME: _________________________________________________________________ PLAN: ________________________________ NUMBER: _____________________________________________
next of kin NAME: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RELATIONSHIP TO PATIENT: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ TEL NUMBER: __________________________
Please sign: __________________________________________________ *Please note: Appointments not cancelled within 24 hours will be charged for*
the future of healthcare
Kabelo Sennelo – biokineticist B.Tech Biokinetics (TUT) B.Tech Sports Science (TUT) Pr No: 0343080 mg.indd 1
2010/04/21 01:06:54 PM
high-tech nutrition ° precision healthcare ° integrated wellness
beauty bus cards.indd 2
2010/04/21 01:04:11 PM
Marike Groot
Graphic Designer
Child’s Play
ID for a non-proďŹ t organisation working with underprivileged kids
magical moments
magical moments
Brand Communicat or
Marike Groot
Child’s Play
characters created for The Health Factory’s paediatric initiatives
cradle foundation we’re doing it for the kids!
Graphic Designer
Marike Groot
Various Logos created for ...
... a Christian non-proďŹ t organisation
Sunergeo Care
... a Christian councelling ministry
Brand Communicat or
Marike Groot
Various Logos created for ...
... a production company
... a frailty care centre
Huis HoĂŤveld
Marike Groot
Graphic Designer
Various Logos created for ...
... a production company
Total Revival Ministries ... an interior design company
a silver
Brand Communicat or
Marike Groot
Invite & Flyer
for The Health Factory
takes pleasure in inviting you to
an evening of revelation a glimpse into
the future of healthcare
We’re celebrating the opening of our first health & wellness centre and would love for you to join us!
28 April 2010
Cocktails will be served from 18:30 for 19:00
2 Stirrup Lane Woodmead Office Park Please RSVP to Dr Dylan Herwill or 073 381 9408
flyer & voucher outlines.indd 1
2010/02/19 08:10:52 AM
Marike Groot
Graphic Designer
Promotional Brochures
created for The Health Factory
the science behind exercise
f tdneepsost
ukop Rd Cnr Kikuyu & Lee RE NT CE RE CO E TH SUNNINGHILL
get cracking! our
health & fitness
will work TOGETHER to bring you a
gym experience! a revolutionary concept
Our health practitioners & fitness scientists will completely revolutionise the way you exercise – helping you improve your health & quality of life. Personalised attention to your exercise regime, eating protocol & healthcare will ensure that you
function at your optimum in no time!
win! in membership fees embers to pay 1 year’syota Yaris! st The 1 500 m nce to win a To be yours! full stand the cha e hatchback could gutsy littl Join today & this
Sign up NOW!
opening 109 Call or SMS 079 special! ry. to ac hf alt he fitnessdepot@the 8865 or mail us at
toyota flyer.indd 1
for the draw. st bers will be eligible cally. Only the 1 500 mem acted telephoni Winners will be cont T’s & C’s apply.
onth Instead of R329/m
x 12 months
29 x 12 months! you pay onlyingR2 R1 200 saving! That’s a whopp
7/28/2010 7:58:50 AM
Brand Communicat or
Marike Groot
Price Lists
for the Wellness Depot at The Health Factory
nail bar
body one
running on empt y?
THE HEALTH FACTORY 2 stirrup lane woodmead office park 011 804 4049
Allow our wellness-gurus to take over ...
Full Leg Full Leg and Bikini Full Leg, Bikini & Under Arm Three Quarter Leg Half Leg Half Leg and Bikini Half Leg, Bikini & Under Arm Three Quarter Arm Full Arm Under Arm Bikini Brazilian Full Bikini Facial Tummy
body one ensational massages
30min Back and Neck Massage 30min Reflexology 30min Foot Reflex Massage 30min Indian Head Massage 30min Deep Tissue Back & Neck Massage 60min Deep Tissue Full Body Massage 60min Full Body Swedish Massage 60min Full Body Aroma Massage
R 180 R 200 R 180 R 180 R 200 R 350 R 350 R 350
pick-me-up or linger a little longer to
menu, the nail bar
top shelf treatments on our
on you foot …
professionals will wait
smoot h
waxing & threading
& foot
smoot h
st raight
THE HEALTH FACTORY 2 stirrup lane woodmead office park 011 804 4049
empt y?
Express Manicure Express Pedicure
nail bar thseplash out on the
waxes for girlz R 200
THE HEALTH FACTORY 2 stirrup lane woodmead office park 011 804 4049
Stressed60min out mini and 90min classic ru ning on 90min premium w our wellness-gurus to take over ...
straight up ... with a ch
Whether you stop in for a
R 40 Lipone finish R 50 Eyebrow Tip Gel / Acrylic Natural Full LegR 250 R 150 R 40 Chin Tip French Acrylic Full LegRand R 80 Lip & Brow R 200 300 Bikini Natural Overlay Acrylic / Gel Full Leg, Bikini & Under Lip, ArmBrow & Chin R 250 R 110 Whether you stop in for a French Natural Overlay Acrylic / Gel Three Quarter Leg R 130 tinting quick or linger Fill Half Leg R 120 product R 50 Eyebrow Half Leg and Bikini R 180 R 60 Facial Intelligence R 500 a little longer to sational massages Eyelashes Half Leg, Bikini & Under Arm 220 Its My Secret Perfume R 550 Back and Neck Massage R 180 waxes for Rboyz quick s lash on the Three Quarter Arm R 90 Breast Gel R 495 Reflexology R 200 R 190 Full Leg Repair Peel Nail Full Arm R 100 Anti Cellulite R 325 Foot Reflex Massage R 180 R 150 top shelf treatments on our Chest Full Nail Repair Anti Blemish Brightening R 410 Under Arm R 60 Indian Head Massage R 180 R 120 Back Serum Bikini R 365 R 90 , the nail bar Deep Tissue BackEye & Neck Massage R 200 R 120 Full Arm Lip Volumiser R 180 Brazilian R 100 Deep Tissue Full Body Massage R 350 professionals will wait on you Moisturiser R 125 Full Bikini R 130 Full Body SwedishLip Massage R 350 Polish (Colour or French) Facial R 120 Full Body Aroma Massage R 350 and Polish Toes… (Colour or French) love those curve ! R 50 preci ion treatments Tummy Buff & Polish R 350 60min Slimming Treatment waxing & threading60min Anti Cellulite Treatment R 350 Buff & Polish (Artificial) R 450 60min Breast \ Décolleté \ Neck Anti-Ageing de igner facials R 40 Lip Basic Manicure R 400 60min Eye Bags\ Dark Rings\ Wrinkles 60min Breast Firming & Shoulder finish R 50 mini Eyebrow R 200 R 400 R 550 75min Anti Ageing Facial - Non Surgical Lift Muscle Treatment Tip Gel / Acrylic NaturalBasic Pedicure R 320 R 40 Chin classic R 250 R 320 Tip French Acrylic R 80 Lip & Brow R 300 premium R 270 Natural Overlay Acrylic / Gel R 110 Lip, Brow & Chin R 270 French Natural Overlay Acrylic / Gel tinting R 210 Fill product R 50 Eyebrow R 60 Intelligence R 500 Eyelashes Secret Perfume R 550 waxes for boyz quick Gel R 495 R 190 Full Leg R 30 Repair Peel Nail ellulite R 325 R 150 Chest R 40 Full Nail Repair lemish Brightening R 410 R 120 Back rum R 365 R 120 Full Arm lumiser R 180 up oisturiser R 125 Polish (Colour or French) R 70 Polish Toes (Colour or French) R 70 love those curve ! ion treatments Buff & Polish R 90 R 350 60min Slimming Treatment Buff & Polish (Artificial) R 100 R 350 60min Breast \ Décolleté \ Neck Anti-Ageing 60min Anti Cellulite Treatment Basic Manicure R 140 60min Eye Bags\ Dark Rings\ Wrinkles 60min Breast Firming & Shoulder Basic Pedicure R 160 R 400 75min Anti Ageing Facial - Non Surgical Lift Muscle Treatment
de igner facials
in the
R 150 R 200 R 250 R 130 R 120 R 180 R 220 R 90 R 100 R 60 R 90 R 100 R 130 R 120 R 50
THE HEALTH FACTORY 2 stirrup lane woodmead office park 011 804 4049
in the
waxes for girlz
Stressed out and
R 10 R 12
Soak Off Paraffin Wax Only
R 60 R 40
shaken not stirred
Men’s Exec. Manicure Men’s Exec. Pedicure
make it a double R 320 straight up ... with a chaser Mani & Pedi Combo R 320 Express Manicure R 270 Express Pedicure R 270 R 210
R 100 R 120
Paraffin Manicure Paraffin Pedicure
Soak Off Paraffin R 30Wax Only
R 70 R 70 R 90 R 100 R 140 R 160
make it a double Mani & Pedi Combo
R 120 R 140
R 280
splash out!
with a t wist
Nail Art Per Nail
splash ou
with a t wist
Nail Art Per Nail
Men’s Exec. Pedicure
Paraffin Manicure Paraffin Pedicure
R 280
R 180 R 190
R 60 R 40
shaken not stirred st raightup Men’s Exec. Manicure R 40
R 12 R 14
R 180 R 190
R 15
R 15
Marike Groot
Graphic Designer
created for The Health Factory
Brand Communicat or
Marike Groot
Examples of Signage
done for The Health Factory
t s i c i t e n i k bo Kabelo Sennelo
Untitled-5 1
2010/02/25 01:12:33 PM
dietitian Niki Urquhart
Untitled-5 1
2010/02/25 01:10:37 PM
Marike Groot
Graphic Designer
Examples of Signage
done for The Health Factory
m o o r r e l i bo the
let off some stea
dots.indd 2
2010/02/25 04:45:00 PM
his & hers NEW.indd 2 his & hers NEW.indd 1
2010/02/25 04:59:57 PM
2010/02/25 05:00:20 PM
Brand Communicat or Proposal Covers
Marike Groot
done for The Health Factory
the future of healthcare
proposal for a corporate
the future of healthcare
health & wellness programme
Life Through
proposal for
the future of healthcare
Leratong Hospital Dr Dylan Herwill and Roleen Kaplan
to be initiated at Compass Group
©Life Through Love – RoKap International Global Performance Solutions. founder: Roleen Kaplan; landline: +27 11 656 6008; mobile: 082 881 7332; e-mail:; website:
proposal for a
health & wellness collaboration
Marike Groot
Graphic Designer
Pas jou grimering in die winter aan deur donkerder kleure te gebruik
for Vrouekeur magazine’s beauty features
Smeulend en donker
As die winter begin, moet jy jou grimering van ligte na donkerder kleure aanpas. As jy ’n donkerder oogskadu, byvoorbeeld steenkoolkleur vir die smeulende rokerige oog-voorkoms aanhet, sal swart maskara die gepaste keuse wees. Dra eerder baie donker oogkleure in die aand Revlon-se omdat dit ’n dramaGolden tiese effek skep en in Affair naellak die dag oorweldigend (R84,95). sal lyk. Verskillende kleure bruin oogskadu saam met ’n bruin maskara is die perfekte wintervoorkoms.
Grimeer reg
vir die
L’Oréal Voluminousmaskara (R99,95).
L’Oréal Infallible Lip Colour (R149,95).
Estée Lauder Signature Eyeshadow Quad in Truffle (R395).
Estée Lauder Signature Hydra Lipstick in Cinnamon (R210).
Maybelline Expertwear Quads Eye Shadow (R99,95).
L’Oréal Made for me naturals Eye Colour (R139,95). Estée Lauder Pure Color Gloss Stick in Amber Glaze (R185).
Revlon ColorStay 12 Hr Golden Eyed Girl (R135).
Vrouekeur 29 Mei 2009
VRO2905pg030skoon.indd 32
30/04/2009 10:32:09
Marike Groot
Hitte maak skoon
for Vrouekeur magazine’s beauty features
Brand Communicat or
Garnier Self-Heating Sauna Mask (R31,99) verwyder vuilheid en oortollige olie wat porieë kan verstop. L’Oréal VitaLift Selfheating Cleansing Wash (R79,95) word warm wanneer dit met water in aanraking kom. Dit verwyder vuilheid en dooie velletjies en laat jou met ’n perfekte skoon gesig. Olay Regenerist Thermal Skin Polisher (R164,99) word self warm en verseker doeltreffende reiniging.
Salonne gebruik lank reeds hitte in hul behandelings. Nou kan jy die effek tuis skep Hitte en stoom sorg dat vuilheid in jou porieë loskom en jy kan dus makliker daarvan ontslae raak. Hitte laat reinigers en maskers meer doeltreffend werk. Daar is deesdae al hoe meer selfverhittingsreinigers en -maskers beskikbaar. � Jy sal ’n tinteling in jou vel voel as jy so ’n reiniger of masker gebruik – dit is die produk wat warm word en jou bloedsomloop bevorder. � Dit sal voel of jy ’n behandeling by ’n spa gehad het ná jy jou gesig afgespoel het. � Selfverhittingsprodukte behoort nie jou veltemperatuur met meer as drie grade te laat styg nie. Dit sal nooit só warm word dat dit jou vel brand nie. � Sommige gebruikers is wel sensitief vir hitte en dit kan rooiheid of ’n uitslag tot gevolg hê. � �
Vrouekeur 8 Januarie 2010
VRO0801pg035skoon.indd 35
03/12/2009 10:24:16
Marike Groot
Graphic Designer
for Vrouekeur magazine’s beauty features
Brand Communicat or Brochure Yakuthi LOUIS BOTHA
for a guest house
Marike Groot
Yakuthi Guest House is a modern lodge
situated in Observatory, a sprawling North Eastern suburb of Johannesburg. The property is situated close to the tranquil surroundings of Bezuidenhout Park and boasts stunning views of the Bezuidenhout valley. The stunning views of the jacarandas, bougainvilleas and palms provide a serene and beautiful garden setting. At Yakuthi, we provide our guests with more than a home way from home. True to the meaning of “Yakuthi”, a Xhosa word for ownership, we provide a place each guest can call their own away from home. We combine practicality with brochure final outlines.indd 1 ultimate comfort for both business and leisure guests, all rooms conveniently tted with multichannel TV, radio/alarms brochure final outlines.indd 1 clocks, fans and tea/coffeemaking facilities.
We have 7 bedrooms, 3 double rooms, 4 queen size rooms and conference facilities with wireless internet. We have parking, a braai area and a meeting room. We provide airport transfers. Our luxuriously decorated ensuite bathrooms all feature bath, basin, seperate toilet and shower, with prominent indeginous art and decor throughout the lodge creating a calm ambience. Yakuthi is idealy situated to most of Joburg’s transport nodes. We are 10 minutes away from O.R Tambo International Airport and Sandton City shopping centre. We are 5 minutes from Johannesburg Park Station and a few minutes from world class restuarants at 10/28/2008 8:26:58 PM Bruma Lake and Eastgate shopping mall. Yakuthi is conveniently located near many sports anemities like Ellis Park, Johannesburg Sports Stadium and the Standard Bank Arena.
10/28/2008 8:26:58 PM
brochure final outlines.indd 2
10/28/2008 8:27:01 PM
Marike Groot
Graphic Designer
a sample of my favourite shots
Brand Communicat or Photography & Photo Editing the before and after ...
Marike Groot
Marike Groot
Graphic Designer
Photography & Typography
a typographic investigation using photography
Brand Communicat or Book Cover
for a true story about a cancer survivor
Marike Groot
Marike Groot
Graphic Designer
& Brand Communicator
Full name
Marike Groot
Communication from Vega The Brand Communication School
Contact details
Working Experience
356 York Avenue Ferndale, 2192
Aug 2003 - Dec 2006: Relief staff member at Joburg Public Libraries c Jan 2007 - May 2010: Layout artist and Art Director at Vrouekeur Magazine c June 2010 – present: Marketing Manager for The Health Factory
Identity Number
Software 072 598 4446
Home Adress
To gain experience and develop myself as a freelance graphic designer/web designer/ marketing assistant.
can-do attitude, graphic design, visual communication, brand-building, layout, photo editing, getting material ready for print, creating material for web, basic photography, interpreting briefs, conceptual thinking, taking projects from start to finish, editor & designer of my own magazine, detail-oriented, well organised, teamwork, responsible, sticking to deadlines, time management, dealing with clients, Afrikaans & English translation, speaking and writing
Matric through Theocentric Christian Education Centre c BA Degree in Brand Communication Management specialising in Visual c
Advanced Adobe InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop CS2/3/4 c Microsoft Office c Basic Corel Draw, Flash and Dreamweaver c Mac & PC c
Driver’s license Code B
Dr Dylan Herwill The Health Factory – Director 073 381 9408 c Tanja Malherbe Vrouekeur – Editor 082 651 5367 c Rozanne Myburgh Independant Contractor 082 853 4918 c Kevin Collins Vega– Academic Navigator 083 313 6694 c Margaret Houliston Librarian 082 343 5452 c