The Healthy Planet – October 2012

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TheHealthyPlanet October, 2012

St. Louis’ Green & Healthy Living Magazine

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BOOK SIGNINGS PRIZES, GIVEAWAYS, FREE TOTE BAGS & MORE! See page 3 or scan this code to get discounted expo tickets!


photo by Alicia Martin

May Help You Live Longer...

see see our our Coffee Coffee Guide Guide pages pages 6-8 6-8


The Healthy Planet magazine •


A Boy And His Baseball


y life changed forever on Wednesday, September 19, 2012. It was a beautiful night for baseball, as Harry Caray used to say. My wife Niki and I had scored some great seats to the Cardinal game against the Houston Astros. Section 164, row 3, seat 9 to be exact. An aisle seat is my favorite so I can stretch out my 6’ 3” frame during the game. There was a gentle breeze in Busch Stadium as the game began with St. Louis pitcher Lance Lynn setting down the Astros in the top of the first inning. I took a chug of my beer as Cardinal center fielder John Jay led off the game for the home team. Just 15 rows from the field down the left field line, we had a great view of Jay’s open left handed stance at the plate. The Astro pitcher bent over and looked in. Got his sign. And made the pitch. A fast ball on the outside of the plate which John Jay swung late on but got a very solid piece of the ball. I watched as his line drive sliced down the left field line toward the seats. I looked up into the bank of lights making it hard to pick up the ball completely. But I could tell it was coming in my direction. It sliced more and what seemed like a blink of an eye it hit the railing just to the left of my seat with a screaming thud and ricocheted just five feet along the concrete steps to the left

of my seat. Without getting out of my seat, I reached over and with the agility of a cat chasing a housefly, I snatched the ball in my paw. A young man in his 20s with a glove had dived across the aisle from some 30 feet away in a feeble attempt to spoil my thunder. But it was not to be. I held in my hand an official “mud rubbed” Rawlings Major League Baseball while the crowd around me yelled and cheered my somewhat lucky and agile feat of ball-hawkery. Because the line drive was so hard hit, the ushers rushed over to see if anyone was hurt by the incoming missle. But the smile on my face and baseball in my clutches quickly assured them that there was no agony here, just ecstasy. Within a moment a youngster came over to look at the ball in my hand and promptly snatched it from my grasp and ran to his mother across the aisle. She told him to give it back and he chucked it at me with quite the arm of a future major leaguer. Niki scampered down our row to retrieve the misguided toss. When the game ended, the youngster passed by me clutching his newly purchased stuffed rally squirrel and said, “I’ll never get a baseball.” I wanted to tell him, “Hey, wait your turn, it took me 61 years to get mine.” But he had already made his way up the steps with his mom. Some things are better the longer you have to wait for them I guess. I’m hoping John Jay will sign the ball some day, and I am going to get a plastic display case for it, too. There’s something to be said about a boy and his baseball. No matter how old the boy may be. stop by our Healthy Planet Natural Living Expo Oct. 14 in Webster Groves. I might have the baseball on display! See page 3 for discount tickets. make sure you vote, Nov. 6. If you are not part of the process, you are part of the problem. J.B. Lester; Publisher

by Rick Hotton

Visit today! ®

The Healthy Planet


Vol. 16 No. 6

PLANET PEOPLE Publisher/Editor: J.B. Lester Lifestyles Editor: Leah O’Donnell Healthy Living Editor: Colleen Rohm Arts Editor: Michelle “Mike” Ochonicky Green & Growing Editor: Linda Wiggen Kraft Associate Editor: Niki Lester

COLumNisTs: Environment: Kat Logan Smith, Jean Ponzi Food & Drink: Gretchen Inman Animals & Nature: Teresa Garden, DVM; Ava Frick, DVM, Jennifer A. Kornberger, Pat Tuholske, Naturalist Relationships: Christine Kniffen,LCSW

Printing: Breese Publishing send all correspondence to: The Healthy Planet magazine, 20 North gore, ste. 200, st. Louis, mO 63119 Phone: 314-962-7748 • Fax: 314-962-0728 EdiTOriAL POLiCy: The Healthy Planet magazine invites articles and calendar items from environmental groups, charitable organizations, community action and other not-for-profits to be published as a community service at no charge. For-profit businesses can inquire about marketing programs by calling 314-962-7748. The Healthy Planet is printed on recycled newsprint with eco-friendly, soy-based ink.

mArkETiNg Leah O’Donnell, Colleen Rohm, J.B. Lester

BOOkkEEPiNg & AdmiNisTrATivE Alicia Martin - 314-962-7748

©2012 The Healthy Planet, LLC

be kept free from any other text or graphics to ensure the signature stands out in any environment.

October, 2012

October, 2012

The Healthy Planet magazine •


24th Healthy Planet Natural Living Expo Set For Oct. 14 Get Healthy & Go Green at the Healthy Planet Natural Living Expo In Webster Groves


njoy the beautiful Autumn season as The Healthy Planet, St. Louis’ Green & Healthy Living magazine, hosts its 24th Natural Living Expo Sunday, October 14, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Webster Groves Recreation Center, 33 East Glendale Road (I44 at Elm Avenue) in Webster Groves. This popular event will include more than 60 exhibit booths offering a variety of ecofriendly, healthy and natural products, services and information. There will be numerous food and product samples offered by Kreilich Farms, Greene’s Country Store, Real Life Health Store and many more. Enjoy a seasonal beer tasting by 4 Hands Brewing and Wine Tasting hosted by Ruth Ezell of Vinos de la Cruz. Sip some healthy & sustainable tea from Traveling Tea and some locally roasted coffee from Stringbean Coffee company. EcoFriendly businesses and organizations will be on hand to show you how you can live a “greener” and more sustainable life at home, in your yard, garden, and your community. Get a free health screening, a chair massage, and learn how to live a healthier life for yourself and your family. The first 200 paid visitors will take home a complimentary eco-friendly, reusable tote bag courtesy of Schnucks and Whole Foods

Markets. Special this year is the Chipotle Cinema Experience where visitors can view short films about cultivating a better world and receive some FREE Chipotle stuff, too. The Healthy Planet Natural Living Expo has something for everyone. Enter a free drawing for a family weekend at Trout Lodge YMCA of the Ozarks ($600 value), or Amtrak

train Tickets. If you are interested in living a healthier and eco-friendly life, then don’t miss this event! The first 100 paid visitors receive FREE passes to Missouri Botanical Garden, too! Sponsors include: Presenting Sponsor Chipotle Mexican Grill, Health & Wellness Sponsor St. Louis Aquatic Healing Center

and Green Sponsor St. Louis Composting. Adult admission is $8.00, children under 16 are free! Cut out the two for one ticket in the Expo ad below or you can go online at For more information please call The Healthy Planet magazine at 314-962-7748, or email

Presenting sPonsor of the Healthy Planet natural Living expo, oct. 14

4 Hands Brewery Beer Tasting • Vinos de la Cruz Wine Tasting

Save The Date October 14


The Healthy Planet magazine •

Here at EarthDance, we understand the importance of not only eating locally and sustainably, but making sure you have the knowledge to allow you to do this for yourself.

Come find out what EarthDance is all about! Oct. 9th, 7pm-8pm. Ferguson Brew House Oct. 17, 6pm-7pm. Hot Pot Smoothie Shop (Kirkwood) Oct. 23rd, 6-7pm. Bar Louie (CWE) Nov. 12th, 6:30-8pm. Local Harvest Cafe (Morganford) Nov. 14th, 7-8:30pm. Schlafly Bottleworks, Crown Room Visit our booth at the Healthy Planet Natural Living Expo, Oct. 14th

w w w.ear

October, 2012

October, 2012

The Healthy Planet magazine •



The Healthy Planet magazine •

October, 2012

New Study Shows Coffee May Help You Live Longer


or generations, coffee drinkers have enjoyed their cup of Joe because it gave them that caffeine lift in the morning. And real Java junkies know that coffee is not just for breakfast anymore. In fact, many coffee drinkers are well documented as enjoying three or more cups a day, raising all sorts of red flags in the health field. Could drinking more coffee be bad for you? On the contrary it appears. Coffee, caffeinated or decaffeinated, may help extend the lives of people who drink it daily, a recent U.S. study found. And apparently, the more the merrier. Men who drank 2 to 3 cups a daily had a 10 percent chance of living longer than those who drank no coffee, while women had a 13 percent advantage, according to research published recently in the New England Journal of Medicine and conducted by the National Institutes of Health and the AARP. The study of 400,000 people is the largest ever on coffee consumption, and the results appear to reassure coffee lovers who think it’s a vice and may do more harm than good. ‘‘Our study suggests that’s really not the case,’’ said lead researcher Neal Freedman, PhD of the National Cancer Institute. ‘‘There may actually be a modest benefit of coffee drinking.’’

No one knows why. Coffee contains a thousand things that can affect health. Coffee has already been shown by numerous studies to do plenty of wonderful things for your body. And now perhaps it’s a percolating fountain of youth. Coffee boosts concentration and reduces the risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, liver disease, Parkinson’s disease, depression and Alzheimer’s disease. In this largest study to ever look at the link between coffee and health, this research shows that coffee lowers the risk for death from a wide variety of major diseases. But how many cups do you really have to drink to potentially tack on years to your life? Is it a practical amount or one of those absurd laboratory amounts that you often see in studies? More than 400,000 men and women ages 50 to 71 filled out questionnaires and asked them to report their coffee intake. They noted whether they drank mostly caffeinated or decaf coffee, what type (regular ground, instant, espresso, etc.) and whether they added products such as cream or sugar.

Regardless of the drink’s caffeine content, the way the coffee was made or how much milk and/or sugar was used, the more coffee that people drank—up to about five cups a day—the lower their risk for death at the end of the 13-year study from health problems including heart disease, respiratory conditions, diabetes, stroke and infection. Drinking 8 ounces a day offered a 5% to 6% chance of living longer; 16 to 24 ounces 10% to 13%; 32 to 40 ounces 12% to 16%; 48 ounces or more 10% to 15%. Even a single cup a day seemed to lower risk a little: 6 per cent in men and 5 per cent in women. The strongest effect was in women who had four or five cups a day - a 16 per cent lower risk of death. Researchers don’t know yet exactly what properties of coffee may be helpful in preventing death. Coffee’s most famous constituent is caffeine, of course, but in reality coffee contains more than 1,000 compounds, including antioxidants and many others. Any of these could play a role. More research is needed, says Freedman.

According to a new book, The Healing Powers of Coffee by Cal Orey, Kensington Publishers,“While coffee types have different healing properties, coffee itself has many healing powers. It’s the antioxidants: These enzymes work both inside the body and outside the body to help stave off disease. Thanks to the researchers who think outside of the box and inside the bag or can of coffee, we now know America’s favorite beverage can lower rates of life-threatening diseases. That cup of coffee may stave off cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and more. The consensus is coffee, yes, coffee can be good for your health.” “Coffee can relieve a host of ailments, including asthma, dental woes, gallstones, headaches, short-term memory loss, muscle pain, as well as help you slim down and shape up!” For more information on this study or Orey’s book, visit online at or Information for this article compiled from national news stories. Look for more articles about coffee, when our Guide To A Healthy Cup of Coffee continues in our November, December and January editions. To participate in the GUIDE with an ad, listing or article, call 314-962-7748 today!

October, 2012

The Healthy Planet magazine •

Guide To A Healthy

CUP OF COFFEE CHAUVIN COFFEE Until the mid 1920’s, Saint Louis was the largest coffee roasting city in the world, with over 75 major coffee roasting plants.Chauvin Coffee is in its fourth generation as a family owned coffee roaster, continuing the coffee roasting tradition, catering exclusively to the specialty coffee and espresso beverage markets. We strive to offer the finest coffees available from around the world. Chauvin Coffee continues a tradition of coffee roasting in Saint Louis, Missouri. Served at coffeehouses, restaurants and specialty grocers throughout the Saint Louis area.

FREDDIE’S MARKET Freddie’s Market is a full-service grocery store that offers a large selection of local coffees, products, meats, cheeses, and seasonal fruits and vegetables. Freddie’s Market supports local coffee roasters and farmers. Some of the locally roasted coffees offered are Stringbean Coffee, Chauvin Coffee, LaCosecha Coffee, and Goshen Coffee. The staff at Freddie’s Market provides superior service and goes out of their way to assist customers in finding what they need. Be sure to stop in Freddie’s Market, located at 9052 Big Bend Road at Rock Hill in Webster Groves, MO 63119 to support local and find freshly roasted coffee choices. You can also visit their web site at or give them a call at 314968-1914 to learn more.


Peter Cohen, Owner of Stringbean Coffee Company

A St. Louis Micro, Artisan Coffee Roaster


i, my name is Peter Cohen, I am the owner and roaster at Stringbean Coffee Co. For me, roasting coffee started as a hobby to cure my thirst for bold, non-bitter coffee. I had a good job, though wingtips and preppy banker ties don’t compare to my new wardrobe of hats or do-rags and concert T’s. Now I have a better job, I love roasting coffee and getting out in the community and talking coffee with folks. I refer to myself as micro and artisan as my roaster is small, under the twenty-five pound bar (it’s actually less than half that), it has no fancy gizmos and is a non-computerized good ol’ drum roaster. My roasts are recognizably close but not identical each time, kind of like jazz (which also is best enjoyed with close friends). I very much like being a St. Louis micro artisan coffee roaster and having my hands in all aspects of Stringbean Coffee. Coffee is more than a drink… it warms your hands when holding a porcelain mug, it warms the heart when shared with a friend over conversation, it warms the body on a cold rainy morning and gives you the energy to get moving (or, and stay moving). Coffee brings people from all walks of life together to share and enjoy. I roast my own unique blends as well as single origin coffee’s. When possible I use Fair Trade Certified and organically grown coffee beans. I roast as needed as well as to order.

Ideally, you are drinking coffee that’s only a few days up to a few weeks old. To add to the goodness in your cup I recommend grinding the coffee before each use, using cold, filtered water and keeping the coffee at room temperature in an airtight container. Please stop by one of these great locally owned stores to buy a bag of Stringbean Coffee: City Music, Freddie’s Market, Greene’s Country Store, Holland Café & Meats, Kakao Chocolate (Maplewood), Kenrick’s Meats, Ladue Market, Local Harvest, Mannino’s Market, Maude’s Market, Parker’s Table, Windcrest Dairy Farm Store, Winslow’s Home, World’s Fair Emporium at The Porch. Try a muddy French press, a perfect pourover or a nice espresso, they’re all good. However you drink your coffee, freshly roasted is best! I’ll be at the Healthy Planet Expo, October 14th, stop by early for a sample, I’d love to chat with you. Peace, Peter Cohen, owner/roaster, Stringbean Coffee Co.,, @StringbeanPete

KUVA COFFEE COMPANY Established in 2003, Kuva Coffee Co. is a St. Louis, MO based importer, roaster, wholesaler and retailer of specialty coffees. We are dedicated to providing our customers with the finest and freshest Arabica coffee beans available on the world market. Our coffees are carefully chosen and hand roasted in small batches. We proudly feature Missouri Botanical Garden Conservation Coffee, direct relationship, Fair Trade Certified, Swiss Water Process decaffeinated, Estate & Single Origin coffees in an on-going committment to social, environmental and economic sustainability.Contact: Tim Drescher, 314-918-7030, 5231C Manchester Ave, St. Louis, MO 63110. Please visit and


more information contact

Organo Gold Coffee is a health & wellness company. Our coffee comes in different flavors: Latte, Mocha, Black, Jamaica Blue Mountain, King Coffee and much more. Many people love the taste and flavor of our coffee. Why don't you try it today! Change your coffee. Change your life. For Pauline Ingram at 314-324-7652 or

more coffee listings on page 8

Available at Cafes, Restaurants and Grocers Throughout The St. Louis Area

Visit Our Booth At The Healthy Planet Expo, Oct 14

Organo Gold Coffee and Tea products are made from a Chinese mushroom called “Ganoderma”. This unique coffee has many health benefits and tastes amazing. For more information contact Pauline Ingram at 314-324-7652 or email: To order visit

Stop by the Healthy Planet Expo on 10/14 and sample Stringbean Coffee

Hand Crafted in St. Louis


The Healthy Planet magazine •


Guide To A Healthy


STRINGBEAN COFFEE COMPANY Peter Cohen's St. Louis-based Stringbean Coffee Company passionately, meticulously roasts the finest beans from around the world in small batches while advocating for the environment and building community. Stringbean Coffee is available at City Music, Freddie’s Market, Greene’s Country Store, Holland Café and Meats, Kakao Chocolate (Maplewood), Kenrick’s Meats, Ladue Market, Local Harvest, Mannino’s Market, Maude’s Market, Parker’s Table, Windcrest Dairy Farm Store, Winslow’s Home, World’s Fair Emporium at The Porch. Stringbean Coffee Co.,

SUPPORT & BUY LOCAL at Freddie’ss Market

T.V. Personality Ruth Ezell Offers Vinos de la Cruz Wine Tasting At Healthy Planet Expo, Oct. 14 by Ruth Ezell

Park Avenue Coffee has been serving the St. Louis area high quality coffee and baked goods for over Six years. Specializing in St. Louis' "official dessert" Gooey Butter Cake and now with over 73 flavors. The original location in Historic Lafayette Square opened in 2006. The newest location is in Downtown St. Louis on 10th Street at Washington Avenue. Park Avenue Coffee has been named Best Coffee Shop and Best Gooey Butter Cake for 6 years in a row. The Gooey Butter Cake was featured on Food Network and Won "Best Gooey Butter Cake". Park Avenue Coffee also ships their Gooey Butter Cakes World-Wide. Park Avenue Coffee : 1919 Park Avenue, Lafayette Square, MO 63104, 314.621.4020 • 417 N. 10th Stree, tSt. Louis, MO 63101314.231.5282.

October, 2012


ou may be wondering “why is Ruth Ezell promoting wine?” There are a couple of reasons: For starters, they’re very good. I had my first glass of Vinos de la Cruz at Rue Lafayette cafe in St. Louis (Check it out if you’ve never been. Its croissants are shipped in daily from Paris!). I like my reds dry and the Malbec did not disappoint. A few weeks later (also at the cafe), I met the owners of the company that imports this unique line of wines from the South American country of Uruguay. They said they were facing challenges breaking into the St. Louis market. I lack sales experience but do know many area chefs and restauranteurs and believe strongly in the product I’d ask them to buy. With mounting financial responsibilities, in need of another income stream (who isn’t these days?), and recognizing a ground-floor opportunity when I see one, it just made sense to seize the day and join their team. That was late April. I’ve used every spare moment since to make cold-calls, follow-ups and arrange wine tastings. The first person to make a purchase was my financial advisor (to whom I will be eternally grateful!). The first public tasting at West End Grill & Pub was a triumph! Thank you Neil Costello! Nearly every wine-drinking customer sampled the Malbec and Cabernet Sauvignon then ordered a glass or two with dinner. Several bought bottles to take home. The bar

made money, the customers discovered a delicious wine without a single gram of sugar (take note diabetics!) and I got my first big break as a sales rep. Later that week, a friend let me use her home for a tasting with her friends. Same results. You’re fabulous Maureen! Everybody won, and that’s the way I like it. These tastings have inspired other ideas (like sugarless-themed gift baskets for the holidays). I ran across some sugar-free chocolate bars at a wonderful chocolatier in Highland, Illinois. That’s a start! This is a trial-and-error experience. I’m making mistakes and in many cases, my message to retailers and restauranteurs is falling on deaf ears. But every day I learn at least one valuable lesson and figure out ways to work around roadblocks. The challenges have not been frustrating. Quite the contrary, they’ve been exciting to confront and overcome. Even if you’re not a wine drinker, I hope you’ll stop by my booth at The Healthy Planet Expo to say hi. We can talk TV or if you have any advice, I’m all ears. Some of my friends say I’m reinventing myself, but I think of this as a realignment. The skills I’m using are the same ones I’ve had all along; I’m just using them a little differently. Whatever you call it, I’m enjoying the journey and looking forward to seeing where it leads. For more information about Vinos de la Cruz wines contact Ruth Ezell at or visit See you at the Expo!

We We lc Sappin ome g ton & Johnn y’s Ma Shopp rket ers!

Stringbean Coffee LaCosecha Coffee Goshen Coffee Chauvin Coffee




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A new, locally-based, grassroots program connecting diners with restaurants that share their values. LIVE GREEN, DINE GREEN, SUPPORT GREEN!

For more information on encouraging your favorite k^lmZnkZgml mh `^m \^kmbÛ^] hk mh Ûg] k^lmZnkZgml maZm Zk^ Zek^Z]r \^kmbÛ^]% `h mh3

October, 2012

The Healthy Planet magazine •


Join public media maven Ruth Ezell at The Healthy Planet Expo Sunday, October 14, 2012 to learn about her favorite wines from:

V i n os d e l a Cru z

South America’s producer of Organic, Sugarless, and Low Calorie Wines GET 50% OFF ONLINE ORDERS USING THE CODE “HEALTHY” AT WWW.SUGARLESSWINES.COM Offer Ends Dec .31th Pour yourself a glass of the Sugarless Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec, or Sparkling white, and enjoy without worrying about high levels of calories or sugar:  Calories: Around 70 calories per glass (About 50% less than a regular wine).  Sugar: 0 grams  Alcohol: 11.4%


Help us support

Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

In partnership with the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Llywelyn’s Pub is producing a limited edition pink cup to support the fight against breast cancer. Please help us reach our $10,000 goal with a minimum donation of $1 for each cup. All proceeds benefit the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Webster Groves s Central West End 17 Moody Avenue 4747 McPherson WingHaven St. Charles Soulard 7434 Village Center Dr.


100 N. Main St. s 1732 9th St.


The Healthy Planet magazine •

October, 2012

Vegetables For Dessert? Harmonious Hormones by Kari Hartel, RD, LD Program Coordinator, Cooking Matters, Operation Food Search


e’ve always been told, “Eat your vegetables,” but did you know this could apply to your dessert too? A recent trend picking up speed is creating desserts that highlight vegetables rather than other typical sweet ingredients. And we’re talking more than just the old favorites like pumpkin pie and carrot cake. Chefs have started getting creative in the kitchen to bring you desserts that pack both a sweet and a savory punch. Here are some ways that you and your family can start whipping up some fun, delicious, healthy recipes that star some of the planet’s most healthy ingredients—vegetables! Make a traditional red velvet cake, but use beets in your cake—the deep color of beets won’t stand out because the cake is already red. Make a chocolate cake that incorporates tomato puree. Prepare brownies that include a pureed white bean or avocado in place of the oil or butter. Whip up a pumpkin dip by combining canned pumpkin, reduced-fat cream cheese, light whipped topping, and cinnamon and nutmeg, and serve it with cut-up fruit or graham crackers. For kids, the old standby of “Ants on a Log,” prepared with honey mixed in with the

Ben Roberts’ HERITAGE POULTRY AND EGGS • Free Range • Locally grown and processed • No Hormones • No animal by-products • Outstanding quality control • Humane practices are the norm, not the exception • Omega 3 • Non GMO NOw AvAiLAbLe At: Freddie's Market The Smokehouse Market Planet Health Local Harvest Nutrition Stop Greene's Country Store


peanut butter (for sweetness), is a great way to get them to eat veggies for dessert. Freeze up a sweet potato sorbet. Add root vegetables, such as beets, turnips, parsnips and carrots, into your cupcakes for additional fiber, vitamins and minerals. Create a baked veggie custard by pureeing a root vegetable of your liking and creaming it with milk, eggs, a small amount of sugar, and then baking it according to a standard custard recipe. Add finely shredded zucchini into your blondie recipe. Pureed cooked butternut squash makes a great addition to muffin batter. Replace the fruit used in any “fruit crisp” recipe with your favorite summer squash, such as zucchini or yellow squash. Prepare a traditional fruit salad made from your favorite fresh and/or frozen fruits, and top it with grated carrots for added veggie nutrition as well as beautiful orange color. A FiNAl NoTe: Even though these desserts incorporate vegetables and some fruits, they are still desserts, which are typically high in fat and calories regardless of any health benefit you might confer from their produce punch. So, as with all desserts, remember that it is a treat that is to be consumed every once in a while, not on a daily basis. It’s also important to continue to practice portion control. For more information on nutrition, visit online at

We promote a holistic approach to health and wellbeing through nutrition and a healthy, natural lifestyle. At The Natural Way, you’ll find additive and chemical-free foods, high quality herbs & vitamins, and items for people following special diets or who have food allergies and sensitivities. We carry natural household products, pet products and bulk foods, too. Bring in this ad and saVE 20% Off your purchase Offer does not include sale items • Offer good at any location

By Dr. David Peterson, DC, DCCN, FAAIM


exuality and sensuality for women is multifaceted. Many of my patients tell me they don’t have any sex drive and the passion just isn’t there anymore. Sleep deprivation, stress and a bad diet can cause imbalances in the chemicals that regulate libido, mood, appetite, metabolism, sleep, and fat storage. Life impacts hormones and hormones rule the woman. Hormone harmony is a two part system. Within the brain, there is the hypothalamus and pituitary glands which comprise one system. This system sends hormonal messengers to the body controlling everything from adrenal stress response to pancreas blood sugar balance to thyroid hormones to sexual behavior and function via the reproductive organs. This system controls growth, sleep, mood, and much more. Secondly, there are important brain chemicals called neurotransmitters, which send messages throughout your body to every cell, organ, and tissue and help you do everything from moving your arm to feeling happy or sad. Each and every cell in your body may have over 70 receptor sites where the hormones and neurotransmitters will attach to communicate and regulate cellular function. When neurotransmitters or hormones are out of balance, literally everything goes haywire. A few of the things neurotransmitters control include: mood, libido, energy, well-being, mental concentration, alertness, motivation, hunger regulation, and sex drive. Neurotransmitters relay signals between nerve cells, called “neurons.” They are present throughout the body and are required for proper brain and body functions, including hormone release. Since neurotransmitter imbalances can lead to or exacerbate hormone imbalances, testing and restoring healthy neurotransmitter levels is immensely beneficial to restoring well-being.

The hot flashes and sleep deprivation associated with menopause can cause even the strongest, most confident woman to feel unglued. Hot flashes and night sweats have many triggers, but the one common factor influencing symptoms is stress and how the endocrine system responds to stress. During menopause, it is especially difficult for a woman’s body to support hormonal pathways, such as the neuroendocrine pathways that are involved in hot flashes. Inhibitory neurotransmitters control the degree of the hot flash. Many women don’t realize that stress can be physical and/or emotional. Stressors may be chronic inflammation, immune issues, anxiety, or depression. When stressed, hormone regulation between the nervous and endocrine systems becomes challenged and hormone-related symptoms increase. Long term, the stress hormone Cortisol is destructive. It suppresses almost all hormone feedback mechanisms. Hormones levels change at certain phases throughout a woman’s life. Supplementing with hormones can be beneficial, but should not be the first choice and is rarely the best solution. In fact, for most women there are many other factors contributing to symptoms caused by hormonal deficits and imbalances. Due to the interactions between hormones and neurotransmitters, the symptoms associated with libido, mood, hot flashes, appetite, metabolism, sleep, and fat storage may be caused by more than a simple hormone imbalance. Accurate testing and natural approaches which combine medical-grade nutritional supplements, endocrine support, and dietary and lifestyle changes result in successful treatment for the majority of patients. Get the livin’ and luvin’ back in your life. Call Wellness Alternatives, 636-227-4949 or visit For 10 practical tips to maintain hormone balance, visit

October, 2012

The Healthy Planet magazine •


SLiiM Holds 3rd Annual Symposium Oct 13...‘The Anti-Aging Prescription’


ho Needs Dr. Oz? The St. Louis Institute of Integrative Medicine (SLiiM) has the answers regarding your optimal healthcare … right here in our own backyard! A consortium of medical practitioners from a variety of disciplines, SLiiM is dedicated to prevention, wellness and finding the root cause instead of just treating the symptoms. Nearly 50% of Americans take prescription medications without fully understanding the underlying cause of their symptoms. As a patient, how would your life be different if you Bryan Warner, MD could make knowledgeable choices about your healthcare regarding treatment and prevention? SLiiM is a non-profit organization helping to educate fellow practitioners and the public on preventive and integrative medicine. Their goal is to implement a restorative model for optiJill Carnahan, MD mal healthcare versus symptom management. SLiiM practitioners are comprised of many medical disciplines such as Medical Doctors, Doctors of Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Naturopathic Doctors, Dentists, PhDs, Nurses, Pharmacists, and Massage Therapists. Carrie Carda, MD To collaborate with medical practitioners and educate the community, SLiiM will hold its third annual symposium, The Anti-Aging Prescription; Transforming Your Future from Treatment to Prevention, Saturday, October 13th, 2012. Presentations and exhibits Tom Guilliams, PhD will feature the most cutting edge research on functional and integrative medicine. Participants, including the public, students and

clinicians, will gain simple lifestyle tools for diagnosis, prevention and treatment. A nutritious gluten-free lunch will be included and practitioners will be offered continuing education credits. Addressing the newest alternative treatment solutions for weight gain, depression, fatigue, pain, GI, menopause and headaches, four medical experts will explore how many diseases are not only preventable but reversible. Bryan Warner, MD, board certified in Family Practice and an active Fellow of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, who specializes in Bio-Medical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT), will present: From Hormones to Harmony: Separating Fact From Fiction.

Passionate about integrative medicine from an early age, Jill Carnahan, MD, has successfully immersed her career in holistic practices. Her talk will focus on “Common Symptoms, Uncommon Answers: How "Gut" Instincts Can Lead to Better Health.” Skilled in treating fatigue, hormone imbalances and stress, Carrie Carda, MD, Obstetrician and Gynecologist, earned her masters in Metabolic Medicine and Nutrition. Learn from her session Life


Strategies: Tune Into Your Body, Tune Out Your Stress. Author of The Original Prescription, Tom Guilliams, PhD, is an expert in “LifeStyle Medicine.” He makes complex science easy to understand in his talk, Your DNA Is Not Your Destiny: How to Trump Your Genetics With Healthy Choices. For more information, exhibitor opportunities or to register, visit

InTouch Therapy Workshop

Pain Management Therapist

“You Too Can GUARANTEE Your Work” October 27th - Saturday, 9am-5pm

Hampton Inn, Kirkwood • Cost: $99 (satisfaction guaranteed) • Learn to FEEL physical and energy blocks, and release them • Learn to work effectively and effortlessly • Learn how to be ENERGIZED at the end of your day! • Leave with a re-newed passion and confidence in what you do • Learn a technique that can cure most pain related issues For 12 years I’ve guaranteed what I do. In this hands-on intuitive approach, you can become confident enough to guarantee your work also. I will be working with each student personally so class is limited to 20 students. Reservations required, call Barb at 314.909.7777

See you at the Healthy Planet Natural Living EXPO October 14th!


The Healthy Planet magazine •

The Risk of Breast Cancer It is one of the most feared diseases a woman can get, yet

The ART of RelATing

claims to be up for persuasion. Yet, it seems all too often in politics that compromise is something in short supply. with Christine Kniffen, MSW, LCSW, If two cannot get along without compromise, how can we expect a whole country to be able to work together when Therapist & Relationship Coach it seems to be missing? This is not helped by the general trend of the television media. Most stations get two peoThe Art Of Compromise ple to sit down when it comes to debating a contentious issue. This includes a person from the left of the spec“Like me” on facebook for great relationship tips and trum and one from the right. This in turn presents the illuadvice at sion that there are only two opinions one can have regardSign up for my monthly newsletter to hear this month’s ing a particular issue. And, since one opinion sounds so featured radio show distasteful to half of the country, they then cling harder to their position, feeling that there is no gray in terms of soluccording to, compromise is tions and thus no room for compromise in the equation. defined as, “A settlement of differences by For example, we can decry regulation as being a block mutual concession”. I thought that per- to growth or we can have the viewpoint that unfettered haps, as someone who works daily to regulation combined with the new levels of human greed mediate the differences between individu- is a recipe for disaster. As usual I see some truth in both als in couples counseling, I might have some points worth of those statements. As a therapist I know that the pondering when it comes to the greater good of the coun- extremes of all or nothing thinking results in something try. I advocate not for any position that I agree with, as we that is terribly out-of-balance. One political party wants all think we are right from time to time, but instead want to regulate just about everything and another wants to regto focus on the art of compromise in general and why it is ulate nothing. I see potential problems with both of these in such seemingly short supply these days. scenarios. We take away too much regulation and the You simply cannot have a healthy relationship without financial collapse occurs. Or, we regulate everything until the element of compromise. You are different people and the bureaucratic red tape binds us up, making it impossiwill have differing points of view. And yes, while we may ble for people to get into the game. This is the basic proball feel right from time to time regarding our particular lem with government today. We wildly shift back and position on a matter, this does not necessarily mean that forth from one administration to the other, never really we are in fact right. Therefore, when our positions are at solving the problems by finding the balance required to odds with one another we have to come up with a reason- smoothly run a democracy. able compromise for each person to feel valued and Here’s a novel idea for those in charge. Let’s stop rilrespected in having found resolve to a particular issue. ing up the people with this see-saw nonsense and start to We must come to accept the idea that differences do not work together to make compromise and finally move forequate to right and wrong regarding most things. They are ward on the country’s biggest issues at hand. In compromerely differences. In order for a solid, working relation- mise everyone is a winner because each side gets some of ship to be had this fundamental concept must be both what it wanted, versus half the people getting none of accepted and used as a starting point in which to work out what they want. Surely I cannot be the only person who problems. A relationship is an implied democracy of two. lives somewhere in the middle, seeking a balance to And, just as compromise is needed to get along in this restore trust and decency in working with our fellow man. realm, the same is essential for a working democracy of Christine Kniffen, LCSW is a Relationship Coach and millions right here in this country. Therapist. For a free consultation call 314-374-8396. The political arena has become quite contentious Meet Christine at the Healthy Planet Expo, Oct. 14 these days. The country seems to be fairly equally divid- and get a signed copy of her new book, The Art of ed into one camp or the other, while a small percentage Relating, A Primer For Love.


Nutritional Screenings Discover Your Nutritional Needs using Live & Dry Blood, Urine & Saliva. ~~~ Dr. Sandra Walker, ND will be at the

Healthy Planet Expo Offering Special Information About Nutritional Screenings For more information contact Helen Haywood at 636-946-5984

October, 2012

Women's Health Specialists of St. Louis is dedicated to providing the most comprehensive health care for women in St. Louis and the surrounding area. Caring for your complete health care needs is what distinguishes us in the health care community. We provide each individual patient with the most up to date health information and compliment our care with alternative and natural therapies including nutritional testing, supplements and Bioidentical Hormones. Our team of providers are dedicated to exceptional treatment and care of our patients. We focus on the quality of a women's life and it is our commitment to each and every patient. Please call our office at (314) 292-7080 for an appointment. All of our providers enjoy the opportunity to educate women about women's health. In addition, we would like for you to continue with welcoming our newest provider, Dr. Laura Eastep, M.D. She has new patient appointments available, so give us a call. 456 N. New Ballas Rd., Ste. 386, Creve Coeur, MO 63141 314-292-7080 • Pharmacy Services provided by:

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the subject is very complex and controversial even among medical professionals. There are many aspects to breast health and breast cancer, each with different points of view. More women are getting breast cancer and they are getting it at younger and younger ages. Most breast cancers occur in women with no known risk factors. How can you find peace of mind? There are many ways all women can decrease their risk. One problem is that women tend to take care of everyone except themselves. The state of your general health and how well your immune system is functioning are your strongest defenses against any disease. To quote Dr. Thomas Hudson, MD., author of "Journey to Hope", "Prevention knows no boundaries." Prevention of all disease starts with a good diet and regular exercise. Life style changes are not easy but there is no supplement or prescription to replace these two major factors of good health. Eliminating your exposure to toxins where possible is another factor. Science has proven that we must also nurture our emotional and spiritual needs to remain in good health. Western medicine is very good at fighting disease but we are on our own to bridge the wide gap between western medicine and preventive health or alternative therapies. Screening for early detection saves lives and mammography has saved many lives. Yet this screening is not effective for all women. Adding thermography as a complimentary tool to mammography offers a 98% success rate for early detection. The two tests are very different and give different information, so the combination offers the most information available. Mammograms "see" structure, like tumors. Thermograms "see" physiology, such as vascular activity, inflammation and lymphatic activity. Thermography is the only test that can detect a problem early enough to reverse the disease without surgery or radiation. It offers breast "health" information. More information can be found in Dr. Christine Horner's book, "Waking the Warrior Goddess". Medical Thermography of Metro St. Louis offers low cost thermograhic screening for breast health, thyroid, carotid artery and heart disease. Call us for more information or to schedule an appointment. We wish you good health and happiness. 314-566-0305, Visit us at the Expo!

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You are invited to attend one of our free monthly health seminars.

October, 2012

Education &

EnrichmEnt Ashtanga Yoga By Sat Inder S. Khalsa



The Healthy Planet magazine •

shtanga Yoga; this may bring to mind the eightfold philosophy of yoga or possibly a classical yoga discipline consisting of powerful asanas dynamically liked together with the breath. I’m here to discuss the latter. I began this practice in 2000 and quickly realized that it was for me, being the first physical activity I’d engaged in during my then 30 years on the planet. I quickly looked into the Ashtanga lineage. It turned out that master teacher of this system of yoga, Shri K. Pattabbi Jois was on tour in the US and I was able to study personally with him both in Boulder, CO, and again in Maui. Pattabhi Jois learned this system from his teacher T. Krishnamacharya in the early 1900s and taught it in Mysore, India until he left his body in 2009 just before turning 94 years old. At the time I studied with him he was 85 and his level of energy, vitality and strength were amazing for someone of that age! Ashtanga Yoga consists of six sequences of postures which increase in difficulty as they

progress. The first sequence, or Primary Series, is referred to as Yoga Chikitsa, or yoga therapy, because it is designed to align your spine, detoxify your body/mind and build strength and flexibility. Integral to the Ashtanga system is its systematic flow of postures known as vinyasa and used between postures to help sustain a level of heat in the body. The meaning of vinyasa is to envelop all movement with breath. The practice also includes strong points of focus for your gaze and deep internal work with energetic locks called bandhas. These three aspects of the practice guide the focus of the practitioner, facilitating a strong, moving meditative state. I’m planning a trip to Mysore, India early next year. I plan to study at the yoga school Pattabhi established with his grandson as my teacher. When I return I hope to bring a deeper sense of tradition and knowledge back to St. Louis. Yogasource is holding a benefit to help fund my trip to India on October 20th at the studio on Big Bend in Richmond Heights, MO. 3pm will be an Intro to Ashtanga course and 5pm will be a potluck dinner after the course, come to one, or to both. Suggested donation is $50 and up! Sat Inder S. Khalsa teaches at YogaSource and at the Tower Grove Farmers’ Market


Intro to Ashtanga Workshop

with Sat Inder Saturday, Oct. 20th 3:00 pm followed by a benefit to send Sat Inder to Mysore

Revive and Renew with Melissa Stanza Wed's from 11:15-12:30

Yin, Pranayama, and Meditation

(focus on forward bends and twists)

with Jen Jones Wed, Oct. 3rd 7:30-9:00 pm


1500 S. Big Bend, 2nd Fl Richmond Heights, MO 63117 For more information visit


LearN TO MediTaTe FOr OpTiMaL HeaLTH Primordial Sound Meditation a program developed By deepak Chopra, M.d.

Dr. Deepak Chopra, best selling author and leader in the holistic health field, has revived Primordial Sound Meditation. This ancient form of meditation uses mantras, or Primordial Sounds, which are selected for each individual. This simple mantra technique, which is practiced twice daily, allows our awareness to go beyond the activity of our mind to the stillness of our spirit. This process allows our bodies to gain the deep rest necessary to release stress and fatigue. The result can be improved health, more satisfying relationships, increased creativity, and renewed enthusiasm for life. Primordial Sound Meditation can be learned by people of any age, culture, and educational background. It is recommended for anyone who wishes to enjoy greater peace, freedom and fulfillment. About the Instructor, Shirley Stoll, B.S., M.A. - Shirley has been involved with meditation since 1995 and is certified by Dr. Deepak Chopra as a Primordial Sound Meditation Instructor and affiliated with the Chopra Center in Carlsbad, California. As a former teacher, she combines her love for teaching with her commitment to meditation.

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The Healthy Planet magazine •

October, 2012

You’ve Got A Lot Of Nerve by Dr. Joseph F. Unger, Jr. DC., F.I.C.S.

Y At Atrium Health Services our mission is to provide targeted, individualized treatment programs and products proven to optimize our patients’ health and healing potential. With over 70 years of collective experience, our doctors are certified in Sacro Occipital Technic, an advanced healing system developed by Dr. Major Bertrand De Jarnette. With the goal of technical excellence as our guidepost, we have developed premier programs to help resolve even the most complicated health issues.

ou truly do. All told, the human nervous system is about 600 miles long. The brain has about 100 billion neurons and the spine over 13 million of these nerve cells. There are more nerve cells in one person than there are stars in the Milky Way galaxy. The number of interconnections between all of these cells is estimated to be close to a quadrillion, but not a single nerve actually touches the other. The longest nerves of the body are up to three feet long and can transmit information at almost 200 miles an hour. Wow! The brain part of the nervous system alone accounts for about 2% of the body's total weight. However it uses about 20% of the blood, oxygen and energy of the entire body: ten times the other body parts! Not only is it busy, it is absolutely essential for all health and healing. The brain and nervous system not only monitors every little function taking place in the body, it also provides neurological stimulation required for healing. This is the fundamental physiological basis of the philosophy, art and science of chiropractic. Your body is a finely tuned and well-oiled machine with the brain in charge of all the functions. Directions for proper functioning are all transmitted along the nervous system. The nervous system starts in the brain, travels down the spine and exits between each vertebra traveling to virtually every part of the body. Without this neurological function, nothing works as it should. There are a large variety of misalignments, distortions or neurological problems that we call subluxations. These subluxations can impede nor-

mal healing. Subluxations prevent the brain from sending the proper nerve energy and neurological signals to the body parts. These hidden blockages to healing can occur in the spine, pelvis, any of the joints and in the cranium. They often go unnoticed and can be totally without perceptible pain. When we think of chiropractic, we usually imagine the traditional "pinched nerve" scenario where the person suffers from pain. This is the most likely reason that person seeks chiropractic treatment; however, there are other "silent subluxations" that can affect other body processes such as organ function. For example, I had a research project accepted at the 2009 Neuroscience Brain Research Conference. The title was “Viscerosomatic Reflex in a Case of Chronic Gastrointestinal Dysfunction” where a case was reported describing the effects of spinal treatment upon liver dysfunction. This person had many years of digestive pains relieved by the proper spinal treatments. Because any given problem can have a multitude of possible causes, determining and properly treating the root cause of disease can be difficult and tricky business. As you might conclude from the variety of articles in The Healthy Planet, there are many ways to approach health and healing. If your specific condition is caused by a silent subluxation, you would be wise to consult your chiropractic physician. For more information, contact Dr. Joseph Unger, Jr. at Atrium Health Services, 314-8729955.

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October, 2012

The Healthy Planet magazine •

German Biological Medicine: it’s Complicated by Simon Yu, MD


erman Biological Medicine leads the world in natural healing. I wrote about German Biological Medicine many years ago. I have been studying German Biological Medicine for over 15 years. I feel they have the most advanced concept of natural healing. Integration of modern science with natural healing is their strength. What I have not told you was how complicated German Biological Medicine can be. From time to time, I still get the question from patients and medical professionals, “What is German Biological Medicine?” I don’t know if there is any perfect answer but you can read my original article on German Biological Medicine (on the Articles page on my web site). German Biological Medicine refers to medicine originating from German speaking countries which includes Germany, Austria, Switzerland, some countries in South America, and others around the world. German Biological Medicine integrates modern medical science with traditional European natural medicine with a strong emphasis on homeopathy, biological terrain analysis, understanding the concept of pleomorphism, and integrating the philosophies of Traditional Chinese medicine and Indian Ayurveda medicine. It covers many different forms of natural healing including emphasis on mind/body and spirituality. Electro-Acupuncture according to Dr. Voll (EAV) was developed by Reinhold Voll, MD from Germany over 60 years ago. It opened a new modern technology to understand the human energy field based on acupuncture meridians. It is an important part of bio-resonance and biocybernetic medicine, also referred to as quantum medicine. The last chapter of my book, Accidental Cure, is New Medicine Based on New Biology and covers energy medicine and quantum physics. From the perspective of Biological Medicine, healing must come from within. The physician’s role is to assist one’s immune system to heal oneself. My practice focuses on five most often neglected areas by most medical professionals. These are (1) parasites and hidden infections, (2) unsuspected dental problems from amalgams, root canals, jaw infections, TMJ, etc., (3) environmental toxins and heavy metals, (4) faulty diet, food allergies and nutrition problems and (5) detoxification of major organs. The majority of my patients respond to my therapy but some don’t respond the way I expect them to respond despite re-balancing their meridians, sending them to a biological dentist to take care of hidden dental problems, de-worming parasite removal, and applying a variety of biological therapies. This small percentage that don’t seem to heal after applying all the above therapies is the main reason I go to Baden Baden, Germany about every other year to attend Medicine Week. I want to pick up the newest medical information to understand what else can be done for these individuals. Medicine Week is considered the premier international medical conference on German Biological Medicine. Sometimes, I get evaluated with the latest German medical equipment from the experts at the conference. I return with renewed hope based on new ideas for my challenging patients. Recently, I have encountered a lady German EAV practitioner living in the U.S. I signed up for the training with the brand new latest German

EAV machine. Over the years I’ve had several American versions of EAV equipment and I must admit German equipment is superior. No surprise there. Learning classical EAV, the German way, is another story. I have been doing meridian testing for almost 20 years and I was told to forget everything I learned by using the American versions of EAV. She is not saying the American versions are wrong but the German classical EAV society does not consider the American versions of EAV testing as a true EAV evaluation. When I heard that, I was so relieved that what I was doing is not considered true EAV by that darn German EAV society. I’ve never been able to exactly duplicate what they do. I have been calling it Acupuncture Meridian Assessment (AMA) to differentiate it from EAV. I guess for them it is analogous to Americans playing simple country music with a Stradivarius violin rather than playing Bach or Beethoven. After several weekends of training, she told me I was one of her best students for classical EAV training. I wasn’t sure what that meant. The training was highly indoctrinated. She constantly reminded me that this is the German way. Somehow, I feel like I am still playing the simple country music with the most expensive German equipment. She recommended that if I want to learn more about Biological Medicine I need to go to Canada to see Raul. I have to subject myself as a patient and a case study. Raul does not have any medical degree. He is self- taught, a gentle soul, and a brilliant practitioner who practices at a discrete place. I had three days in Canada with him and learned more about myself and achieved a greater in-depth understanding of German Biological Medicine than if I was in Europe. He was one of the few trained in more esoteric energy medicine within the field of Biological Medicine. I’m bringing all this up because there were many tests with which I was not familiar and I could not fully understand all his methods. I could not prove or disapprove his evaluation of me. Once we get into more subtle energy fields of homeopathy, we are getting into quantum physics and quantum effects which I have addressed in my book as “anything is possible.” German Biological Medicine leads the world in this form of medicine with the most advanced forms of natural healing. Medicine is complicated. I am trying to simplify complex biological medicine into a simple, understandable format for myself. However, it is very complicated and Germans tend to make things even more complicated. It seems like I will continue playing simple country music with the most advanced German EAV equipment. Sometimes playing simple is better than making it more complicated. Dr. Simon Yu, M.D. is a Board Certified Internist. He practices Internal Medicine with an emphasis on Alternative Medicine to use the best each has to offer. For more articles and information about alternative medicine as well as patient success stories, and Dr. Yu’s revolutionary health book Accidental Cure: Extraordinary Medicine for Extraordinary Patients, visit his web site at or call Prevention and Healing, Inc., 314-432-7802. You can also attend a free monthly presentation and discussion by Dr. Yu on Alternative Medicine at his office on the second Tuesday each month at 6:30 pm. Call to verify the date. Seating is limited, arrive early.


15 For a copy of Dr. Yu’s new book,

Discover overnew

Accidental Cure, visit his website

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The Healthy Planet magazine •

Green Living

Sustainable & Eco-Friendly Resources For Green Lifestyles

CoaLitioN RepoRt

by Kathleen Logan Smith Executive Director; Missouri Coalition For The Environment

St. LouiS NeedS You


f you were in charge of choosing where to put radioactive waste to minimize the risks of exposure to future generations, you’d be smart to avoid populated areas, major rivers that serve as drinking water sources like the Missouri River, risky floodplains, and seismic zones – that’s just common sense. Thankfully, common sense may have a chance at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA is reevaluating its plan from 2008 to leave tens of thousands of cubic yards of radioactive waste in an unlined pit, illegally dumped there in 1973, in Earth City in northwest St. Louis County in the Missouri River floodplain. The site is typically rich with groundwater, in porous soils, 8 river miles upstream from where all of north St. Louis County draws its drinking water. Will the agency revise its plan? For St. Louis’ sake, they’d better. I know your eyes are rolling, but I can’t make this stuff up. The EPA’s decision to leave the radioactive waste in the floodplain in 2008 shouldn’t even be an option. It was illegal to dump radioactive waste in the Missouri River floodplain in 1973 and it should be illegal to choose to leave it there in 2012. This is where you come in. In August, the EPA ordered radiation testing of groundwater at the site. The results will be made available during a public meeting sometime this year. You need to show up to find out

what they have to say to the downstream residents who are dependent on the Missouri River for water supplies or crop irrigation. We need you to join us in questioning the reliability of groundwater samples collected during the summer of the worst drought in decades. We need you to join us in calling for removal of the radioactive wastes to an area more suitable for permanent storage. We need you to help us press for a better site characterization that identifies what’s hot and where at the site. We need you to be an advocate for your drinking water and your part of our planet. Since 1973, the government has not figured out a plan for the radioactive waste mess at this site which is known as the West Lake landfill. We have a few ideas while they ponder: MCE would like semiannual water sampling at the site; groundwater sampling off-site to monitor whether the radioactive wastes have migrated off-site; continual engagement of the community on EPA’s efforts; and a proper characterization of the site and remedies so decision makers have all the information they need to pursue a remedy. Again, this is where you come in. We need you at these public meetings to let the EPA know you are holding them accountable. Sign up for e-alerts from MCE at (Get Involved/E-alerts) or ‘like’ us on Facebook and when we know, we will inform you when the EPA’s public meeting will be held to reveal the results of its groundwater sampling and we will send you useful updates on St. Louis’ own chapter in the book of the Atomic Age. As for your health and the planet’s, minimize your intake of pesticides, chemicals and hormones and nourish yourself with fresh unprocessed foods like fruits and vegetables to give your body fuel to stay healthy. We need you to help with this cause and we need you to be strong for it. For more information visit the Missouri Coalition for the Environment online at or call 314-727-0600.

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October, 2012

The Healthy Planet magazine •

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The Healthy Planet magazine •

October, 2012

Linda Wiggen Kraft • Green & Growing Editor

Native Persimmons story & photo by Linda Wiggen Kraft


he old native persimmon tree (diospyros virginiana) in my back yard was large and full of thousands of one-inch diameter persimmons the first year we moved in 20 years ago. Every year since then, the tree has faithfully shared its apricot flavored peach colored fruits, only

to leave me bewildered about what to do with all the bounty of fully ripe fruit that falls to the ground, each one only lasting for a day. There is no way to pick the fruit, so waiting for the ripe fruit to drop is the only way to gather and eat them. Eating the fruit picked off the ground is an inthe-moment delight, but there seemed to be no way to keep up with the hundreds that rain down daily for a few weeks during the heavy ripening time. Three almond sized seeds are in each fruit. The pulp and skin are sweet and soft and need to be separated from the seeds. In your mouth this is an easy task, but not so easy when wanting to create a pulp, the only way to save the fruit. I didn’t know how I could do that, since each day there are so many fruits that would not be good the next day. I didn’t have the time for daily persimmon pulp making.

It was only recently when someone mentioned how easy it is to freeze peaches that a light bulb went off in my head. I could collect persimmons daily, put them in a freezer bag and freeze them until I had the time to create the pulp, which is a time consuming job. Why hadn’t I thought of this before? So this year, near the end of the persimmon season, I made my first batch of pulp. I collected daily bags of persimmons and put them in the freezer. After a few days worth of fruit, I took the frozen ones and let them thaw. They were mushy from the freezing, which made them easier to strain. Using a twelve inch strainer and wooden spoon, I pushed the skin and fruit into a bowl. I got about half a cup from twenty-five persimmons. I spooned some on chocolate sorbet and enjoyed the subtle sweet taste. This Thanksgiving I will be using frozen pulp, trying recipes for persimmon pudding and persimmon bread. The website has over twenty-five recipes for persimmon pudding. James Beard has a persimmon bread recipe that sounds delicious. I was lucky enough to have a mature fruit bearing native persimmon growing in my new home decades ago. It appears to be self-pollinating, but maybe there is a male nearby. Finally I will enjoy the fruits of this easy tree at times other than ripening time. Every home landscape and public green space should have these easy care drought tolerant natives that have beautiful deep etched bark, look good in the landscape, are larval plants for luna moths, and provide delicious sweet fruit that feeds people and wildlife. Linda Wiggen Kraft is a landscape designer, mandala artist, photographer and meditation teacher. To see her persimmons, pulp making, recipes and other work visit her blog: Contact her at 314 504-4266. Visit Linda’s booth at the Healthy Planet Expo!

Come visit our exhibit at the Healthy Planet Natural Living Expo, October 14 in Webster Groves

Stop by our booth at the healthy planet expo october 14

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October, 2012

The Healthy Planet magazine •

A LAndscApe chALLenge story and photo by Cindy Gilberg

wildlife. And this summer’s heat and drought pointed out that to keep lawns green and lush under extreme ne of our All-American icons is the conditions requires large amounts of water, often more lawn—expanses of irrigated, fertilwater than is used to produce many of our food crops. ized, pest-free and well-groomed Here is the landscape challenge: find ways to green carpet. So popular is this verreduce your turf by 50%, replacing it with resilient and dant blanket that turf is considered the hardy native plants. Accomplish this by identifying #1 crop in the U.S., with an estimated 40 million acres areas of your property that are high use and high traffic in cultivation. The American lawn comprises a majorizones. It makes sense for these to be mowed grass or a permeable surface such as a flagstone patio, permeable pavers, etc. Next, look at other areas of your property—under trees, difficult–to-mow slopes or large, open expanses of lawn. These are perfect opportunities for mixed plantings of native trees, shrubs and low-maintenance ground covers using a design style that can be formal, traditional or naturalistic. This approach includes aesthetics while addressing the need for a more sustainable use of the land as well as habitat for our local ecosystems. For example, identify a few large trees that are Here is the landscape challenge: find ways to reduce your turf by 50%, close to each other under which you can create a replacing it with resilient and hardy native plants. native shade garden. Plant ty of our human landscapes and requires a lot of smaller trees such as dogwood and serviceberry with resource input in the form of time, water, fertilizer, pesmasses of shrubs like wild hydrangea, coral berry or ticides and fuel for mowing. fragrant sumac. Around the edges of these plantings use Lawn provides pathways for movement through the native perennial ground covers such as oak sedge, wild landscape, is a visual base for the surrounding landginger and Senecio. Along the boundary of your propscape and a place where people can play and sit. While erty try similar plantings of small trees, for example lawn fits into the human ‘habitat’, it offers very little redbud, fringetree, or hawthorn. Add large shrubs like habitat for nature’s creatures—insects, birds and other hazelnut and viburnum. Finish the scene with low



growing shrubs and perennials to visually tie the bed together. Always plant a combination of trees, shrubs and perennials to add visual interest and fulfill habitat requirements. Include plants that provide flowers, seeds and berries in various seasons for the same reason. Native landscapes such as these, once established, require less water to sustain them and pesticide use is discouraged in order to maintain a healthy habitat. Cutting and/or pruning is done once or twice a year, depending on which plants are used. Compare this in time and money spent to lawn care which requires ample watering, fertilizing, pesticides and weekly mowing. “Bringing Nature Home” by Doug Tallamy is an excellent resource on why and how to create native landscapes. For more how-to on a local level, GrowNative ( and Shaw Nature Reserve ( promote regionally native plants as solutions to many of our landscape challenges and are great resources to refer to. Recently, Keep America Beautiful ( announced a National Planting Day promotion this fall to “celebrate

the value and power of native species in restoring ecological balance to the environment, while creating greener, more beautiful communities.” Take time this winter to assess your property and how you can work towards a more diverse landscape that includes native plants. Cindy Gilberg is a horticulturist and Missouri native who writes, teaches and does consulting and design work in the St Louis area. Her work focuses on both native plant landscapes as well as other styles of landscape design. Contact: This column is written in collaboration with Shaw Nature Reserve (Missouri Botanical Garden) in partnership with the Missouri Department of Conservation. Visit the Whitmire Wildflower Garden (at Shaw Nature Reserve), a 5-acre display garden, for ideas on native plant landscaping. Native plant conservation and the promotion of native plants in our landscapes is vital to restoring the rich biodiversity of our region.


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Proud Sponsor Of The Healthy Planet Natural Living Expo, October 14! Stop By Our Booth!


The Healthy Planet magazine •



Stories & Resources For

October, 2012


Young People & Their Families

Green Is The Color Of Fall At The College School by Adrienne Rusbarsky, School Administrator


he U.S. Department of Education named The College School a Green Ribbon School, one of only 78 schools nationwide in 29 states and D.C. to receive this special award. The College School is one of only two Missouri schools and 12 independent schools to be honored. U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan announced the first-ever selectees in late April during Earth Week. The national education award recognizes the school for its significant commitment to sustainability initiatives and environmental education. Head of School Sheila Gurley and Sustainability Coordinator Tim Wood traveled to Washington, D.C. in early June to accept the award in a special ceremony. In his announcement, Secretary Duncan stated, “When we set out a year ago to recognize comprehensive achievement in the areas of environmental impact, health and education, we didn’t know about the quality of the applications we would receive. But we discovered that these schools are engaging in some of the most innovative school reforms anywhere. These approaches are enabling the schools to reduce their environmental impact and costs, improve student health, and ensure that graduates are prepared to face the great challenges of the 21st century.”

He stressed, “Today’s winners are also providing a comprehensive environmental education that is essential to help students become good citizens, prepared for life and work in the 21st century global economy.”

the college school est. 1963


PRE-8 EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION Webster Groves 314-962-9355

The U. S. Department of Education has invited Sheila and Tim to present on a Green Ribbon School panel at the Annual Private School Leadership Conference on September 27, 2012 at the U.S. Department of Education headquarters in Washington, D.C. The College School is one of only three schools invited to present. The conference is designed to bring together leaders from major non-public school organizations, as well as state and local public and private school leaders involved with implementing federal education programs. The Green Ribbon School panel will consist of an overview provided by the Education Department, followed by three panelist presentations of 15 minutes each and a question and answer period. As panelists, Sheila and Tim will deliver a “Green School Primer,” focusing on replicable practices in the areas of environmental and sustainability education. Sheila shared, “It is a great honor for The College School to be invited to Washington, D.C. to

present and provide leadership to other U.S. schools on Green School initiatives and practices, and to be part of the national dialogue on education and curriculum for the 21st century.” To learn more about The College School, visit or call 314-962-9355.

Dr. James Feinberg Child Clinical Psychologist

For more than 25 years, helping boys & teenage boys excel academically, socially, & emotionally through:

• Pet Assisted Therapy • Play Therapy • Talking Therapy Where caring, competence, and integrity make all the difference. 10900 Manchester Road, Suite 201

Kirkwood, Missouri 63122 • 314-966-0880

October, 2012

The Healthy Planet magazine •

Verde Kids: Business On A Mission


alking into Verde Kids, your first impression might be of a cute baby outfit or a fun game, but upon closer inspection you will realize that every item in the store has a story. That story is related to the store’s mission: To offer a wide variety of eco-friendly clothing, toy, and kitchen and

bath products for children. Verde Kids is located in the Old Orchard Shopping Center of Webster Groves. They will celebrate their second birthday in October (follow Verde Kids on Facebook to learn about the celebration). Why open a business with a mission? Owner, Jessica Kester sees the mission of providing ecofriendly products as an extension of her former

career as an environmental educator. She says, “Consumers make choices about the health of our environment with every purchase.” At Verde Kids, she pre-selects items so consumers can choose products with the least environmental impact; items are made with organic cotton, sustainably-harvested wood or recycled materials. Jessica also looks for products that are made as close to St. Louis as possible, minimally packaged, and made under fair labor standards. When getting ready to open Verde Kids, Jessica looked for eco-options for every corner. The space needed a new floor, so Jessica chose highly-renewable bamboo. She furnished the store with clothing racks made from reclaimed barn wood and shelving from local resale shops. The hangers are also made of bamboo and even the gift bags are 100% recycled and recyclable.

Gifts you'll love to give! ~~~ Earth-friendly Clothes and Toys 27 South Old Orchard Ave. Webster Groves, MO 63119

314-962-KIDS (5437)

21 What’s next for this green business? As Verde Kids enters its third year in business, Jessica is looking into replacing the fluorescent overhead light bulbs with more energy efficient LED light strips. She also hopes to be able to support environmental and garden programs at local schools – tying back to her passion for educating the next generation. When asked about starting a mission-based business, Jessica said, “I hope someday there will not be a need for “green” stores because all products will be made in eco-friendly and responsible ways but until then I am proud to offer great options at Verde Kids. I love to hear our customers say things like they didn’t know plastic could be recycled into fleece or felt – they are learning something new when they shop here!” If your mission is to make responsible consumer choices, then you can start at Verde Kids! For more information please call 314-962-5437 or visit 27 South Old Orchard Ave. in Webster Groves, 63119.


The Healthy Planet magazine •

October, 2012

animal world news The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. — Gandhi

Pet exPo Set For oct. 20


RING YOUR PET to the St. Louis Pet Expo on Saturday, October 20, 2012, from 10AM to 6PM, INDOORS at St. Charles Convention Center with FREE admission and FREE parking! You’re welcome to BRING YOUR DOG, your bird or even your lizard – just make sure that you have proof of current age-appropriate immunizations (if applicable) and that your canine companion is on a non-retractable lead. Check out a special appearance by SHORTY ROSSI (and his pit bull, Hercules), star of ‘PIT BOSS’ on Animal Planet, 150+ PET-FRIENDLY EXHIBITORS and RESCUE GROUPS, FREE nail trims, live demonstrations in AGILITY, OBEDIENCE TRAINING, PET CARE & ACTIVISM, great giveaways and PRIZES, amazing DISCOUNTS on your favorite pet products, talent con-

test and COSTUME CONTEST, fabulous RETAILERS and much more FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! And if you’re looking to add a new pet to your family, our MEGA-ADOPTION area will have more than 100+ pets available for adoption. Plus we will be offering LOW-COST IMMUNIZATIONS and MICROCHIPPING for the furry friends that need them! If you’re a pet owner – or want to be one – you’ll find everything you need under one roof, so that you can PLAY, SHOP, LEARN OR ADOPT in AIRCONDITIONED COMFORT. For more information, visit us at or join us on Facebook /stlpetexpo?ref=hl, shoot us an email at or give us a call at 800-977-3609. View our website for directions, parking information, vaccination pricing, exhibitor list, entertainment schedules and more.

When is a Pet emergency truly a Pet emergency? by Dr. Doug Pernikoff, DVM Blood Loss, Difficulty Breathing, Loss of conciousness, traumatic Incident, Possible Poisoning, other.


fter 32 years as a veterinary practitioner, several of those years working at the Animal Emergency Clinics, and handling after hours calls for my own clinic, I have come to realize how difficult it is for pet owners to determine whether they have a true pet emergency, or not??? I can safely say that my own experience suggests that most pet owners do overreact. That being said, as a parent and a pet owner, I too, have often allowed my own emotions and fear drive me to rush either my kids, or my own pets, to the hospital. In fact, I used to explain to my wife that as I figure it is my child’s doctor’s responsibility to tell me I am crazy, so is it my responsibility to tell pet owners when they are over-reacting. My intent is not to contradict myself, but in fact, there are many instances when it should be the veterinarian’s role to determine the risk at hand. I encourage pet owners to work with a veterinary clinic that is willing to take their own calls, after hours. Pet owners always feel better visiting with a doctor familiar to them and to their pet(s). So, ask your vet if they can be available by phone to make an initial assessment for you. If, in fact, the scenario sounds concerning, then your best course may be a trip to one of several emergency facilities, if only to assure you that your pet is safe and free from obvious concern. The following conditions are often associated with situations that demand a pet owner’s immediate attention. These signs may reflect any number of conditions, some that can be life threatening. If your pet is experiencing obvious blood loss; difficulty breathing; some degree of, or complete loss of consciousness; survived a traumatic incident; may have ingested some questionable, chemical or material item; generalized weakness or inability to move normally; or, has persistent vomiting, straining to urinate or defecate, or has a sudden onset of swelling somewhere, then you may need a veterinary review. Your veterinarian may direct you to assess other things like body temperature with an inexpensive digital thermometer; or check your pet’s gum color. Dark purple gums versus pale pink or white gums, dictate different actions to be addressed. Unfortunately, these simple tasks may prove difficult for some pet owners, as cat gums are hard to assess and dogs with pigmented gums can prove challenging as well. Of course, if your veterinarian is available, he may

choose to help you after hours. I encourage our clients to keep a special card of information to include pertinent information like age, gender, spayed or neutered, any historical medical conditions, drugs or other preventative healthcare items used like heartworm or flea products, and other ID information. Some clinics have a marketing program like Vet Street, that provides a card with basic information updates to include vaccine records. Further, it is helpful to construct a history for the veterinarian, to explain the onset of signs that have concerned you, and other known issues like ingestion of a toy, or having had excessive sun exposure. You may be surprised to find that very subtle changes in behaviors can help point your vet in one direction or another. In summary, I believe the key to understanding risk of any given scenario, involves learning how to interpret and clearly represent what you as the pet owner, are noting; and, then, having a veterinarian to contact for discussion. Certainly, whenever there are persisting questions, or symptoms that logically suggest concern, then always error on the side of pro-active responses, and find a pet emergency hospital immediately. Good luck and keep you and your pets healthy and safe. Fondly, Dr. Doug Pernikoff & Staff, clarksonWilson Veterinary clinic & Veterinary Pet rescue(VPr),, 636-530-1808. Stop by our booth at the Healthy Planet Expo October 14 in Webster Groves. Does Your Pet Suffer From Allergies, Dry Skin, Itchiness and Doggie Odor?

October, 2012

The Healthy Planet magazine •

GUIDE TO HEALTHY PETS AnImAL HEALTH & HEALInG Animal Health & Healing is a full service integrative veterinary practice blending holistic and conventional medicine and surgery to optimize the health of our patients. We have been practicing holistic medicine since 1994. The holistic therapies we offer include homeopathy, acupuncture, Chinese herbs, western herbs, Alpha-Stim®, Bach flower essences, and nutraceutical and glandular products. We believe feeding good quality natural foods will provide a strong foundation for optimal health. More information on Animal Health & Healing and the services we offer can be found at We are located in the Maplewood/Richmond Heights area at 2615 S. Big Bend Blvd. approximately 1/2 mile north of Manchester. Phone: (314) 781-1738.

AnImAL FITnESS CEnTEr Give your animal hope for a better, longer, and pain-free life with healing therapies and nutrition. Dr. Ava Frick specializes in the diagnosis and management of animal injuries, disease and nutrition problems using veterinary chiropractic, pain management, clinical nutrition and rehabilitation therapies. Take a virtual tour of our center at - you will see many modern therapies such as the underwater treadmill used to strengthen and improve animal health. 1841 Denmark Road, Union, MO 63084. 636-583-1700 • Watch for the opening of my new location in Chesterfield at 100 Clock Tower Plaza starting October 1st!

AIrEDALE AnTICS Optimize your pet’s well being by feeding healthy food. Airedale Antics is the purrfect place to find delicious all natural pet foods, treats, supplements and more. All foods and treats are corn, wheat and soy free. Toys, crates, bowls, collars and all the supplies you need for your furrbaby. Pets and their owners love the individualized attention from owners Tony and Sheri Phipps and the staff. If your pet needs a bath or a haircut, let us pamper them in our grooming salon. Open 7 days a week. Call us for hours –grooming by appointment only. Airedale Antics-7316 Manchester-781-7387.

CLArkSOn wILSOn vETErInArY CLInIC Clarkson Wilson Veterinary Clinic is a full-service veterinary medical facility, located in Chesterfield, MO. The professional and courteous staff at Clarkson Wilson Veterinary Clinic seeks to provide the best possible medical care, surgical care and dental care for their highly-valued patients. We are committed to promoting responsible pet ownership, preventative health care and health-related educational opportunities for our

clients. Clarkson Wilson Veterinary Clinic strives to offer excellence in veterinary care. We provide medical care for all creatures great and small including dogs, cats, reptiles, birds, rabbits, and more. Some additional services we provide include Behavioral Medicine, Nutritional Counseling, Radiology, Surgery, and Boarding. To schedule an appointment or to learn more, call Clarkson Wilson Veterinary Clinic at 636-5301808 or stop by at 32 Clarkson Wilson Center, Chesterfield, MO 63017.

FOUr mUDDY PAwS Dedicated to the well-being of your dog and cat we are focused on the best natural and raw food diets including pets with special diet concerns, supplements and a wide selection of treats including fresh baked. We supply “everything but the dog” in our self-service dog wash plus award-winning professional grooming is available by appointment. Four Muddy Paws carries the pet gear you’re looking for including a wide assortment of collars and leads, toys, behavioral and training tools and much more. 1711 Park Avenue. St Louis, MO 63104(314) 773 – PAWS (7297). 2127 S. State Route 157, Edwardsville, IL 62025, (618) 692- 4729.

conveniently located in the Central West End/Grove!

314-652-9599 4501 Chouteau Ave. St. Louis, MO 63110

wanted: Humane Educators to Teach Children and Adults kindness Toward Animals Humane education is THE KEY to preventing abuse and neglect and as a Volunteer Humane Educator, you would play an important role! For more information contact

inform you of any concerns that may arise. We love pets and would welcome your business. Give us a call at 314-909-(RUFF)7833. Located at 1050 N. Kirkwood Rd, Kirkwood, MO 63122. Email Website -



K9 Athletic Club offers Daycare, Grooming, Boarding and a wide range of Training options with a convenient Central West End/Grove location at the corner of Chouteau and Taylor. Visit our 5000 square foot climate controlled facility featuring indoor play-spaces divided into several different open areas to accommodate the widest range of sizes, play styles and activity levels. Our staff of Trainers supervise at all times ensuring your Furry Friend is encouraged to burn off their excess energy while socializing and having a blast with their Daycare pack! Give us a call at 314652-9599, visit us at or stop by at 4501 Chouteau Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110.

THE LITTLE HOUSE OF DOGS The Little House of Dogs is literally a little house situated in Kirkwood on the corner of Manchester and North Kirkwood Roads. It may be little in size but we provide big service. Come meet our experienced and caring staff. We offer full service dog and cat grooming. Our staff cares about your pets' health and appearance and we will

Since 1870, the Humane Society of Missouri has been dedicated to second chances. We provide a safe and caring haven to all animals in need large and small - that have been abused, neglected or abandoned. Our mission is to end the cycle of abuse and pet overpopulation through our rescue and investigation efforts, spay/neuter programs and educational classes. We are committed to creating lasting relationships between people and animals through our adoption programs. We further support that bond by making available world-class veterinary care, and outstanding pet obedience and behavior programs. The animals thank you for your support. 314-647-8800.

Airedale Antics

Holistic Pet Foods and Supplies • Grooming 7316 Manchester

314-781-7387 Bring in this ad for $5.00 Nail Trim In the heart of downtown Maplewood

The Yuppy Puppy Pet Spa is a full service pet spa and luxury boarding facility. We also offer daily play camp, pick up and delivery as well as in home pet sitting. Our facility is designed to provide each guest with maximum comfort and exceptional quality care. Being staffed 24 hours a day and having a vet on call are just a few of our unique amenities. Just launched in September is our Yuppy Puppy Pet Styling Academy. We were certified by the Department of Higher Education to instruct students looking for a career in pet-styling. We are very excited to be able to share our knowledge and love for four legged family members. Students learn on pets from local rescue shelters. We hope this gets them forever home! Classes begin in January. Register Now, Space is limited. The Yuppy Puppy Pet Spa is located at 3022 Winghaven Blvd., O'Fallon, MO 63368. You can also call 636-625-0030 or visit for information on the spa and boarding facility or visit to learn more about the Yuppy Puppy Pet Styling Academy.

Boarding • Playcamp • Pick up • Delivery • In-home Pet Sitting

Perk Up Your Pet

with a Day at the Groomers • Nail Trim • Nail Grind • Nail Painting • Anal Glands Expressed • Earrings • Hair Tinting • Aromatherapy • Teeth Brushing • Blueberry and Vanilla Facial • Facial Mud Mask • Lav-n-Derm • Colloidal Oatmeal Shampoo & Coat Conditioner • De-Skunking & Flea Funeral • Aloe Re-Moisturizer and Skin/Coat Treatment


K9 Athletic Club • Boarding • Daycare • Grooming • Training


The Yuppy Puppy Styling Academy

Entry Level Professional The Yuppy Puppy Pet Spa Pet Styling 3022 Winghaven Blvd., O’Fallon, MO 63368 Course



The Healthy Planet magazine •

animal world news The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. — Gandhi


A Few of the Dogs Up For Adoption...

A CinderellA Story






llow me to tell you the sotry of Annie. Annie is a mixed breed of undetermined heritage, probably part sheltie, maybe a little spaniel. Annie’s story begins, as so many of the amazing animals I have had the honor of assisting, with cruelty. She was

Clarkson-Wilson Veterinary Clinic

• Full service veterinary clinic with an in-house laboratory. • Laser therapy for Dogs/Cats -Arthritis treatment -Non-invasive -Pain alleviation -Skin conditions • Digital X-ray • Low cost spay and neuter D • Exotics are our specialty

Dr. Doug Pernikoff, DVM

636-530-1808 32 Clarkson-Wilson Center, Chesterfield, MO 63017

by Ava Frick, DVM,


by Suzanne Gassner

Dr. Doug’s

October, 2012

a victim of severe beatings, starvation, disease and extreme neglect, chained outdoors in freezing weather with no protection. She was also full of intestinal parasites, very anemic and pregnant. When I first met Annie, any attempt to touch her sent her screaming a heart-wrenching cry, running and digging at the floor in a vain attempt to escape pain. What had this poor dog been exposed to? As Annie trembled in fear I tried to reassure her that her painful days were over. Her deep brown eyes defied her body language. It seemed that Annie was fighting an inner battle: the unconditional love that is such a part of the beloved canine had been betrayed and she was unable to trust. Annie’s recovery was literally one step forward and then a retreat to the fear that had been her constant companion for so long. Day after day we worked on building trust—in us, in herself, in the world around her. Four years later Annie has emerged as one of the most loving dogs that I have ever met. She shares her sweet demeanor twice weekly with a group of Alzheimer residents and has brought joy and smiles to some very lonely hearts. Is Annie’s story miraculous? No. Sadly I hear similar stories all the time. It’s the beauty of the canine spirit. It’s what has earned them the title of “man’s best friend.” If only we deserved such devotion and treated them equally. October is nationally known as “Adopt A Dog Month” designated to honor our canine companions and boost efforts to find responsible homes for the thousands of homeless dogs in our community. If you are considering opening your heart and home to a new best friend, now is the perfect time. The Humane Society of Missouri has hundreds of wonderful dogs all with their own story and all in need of a happily ever after, Cinderella ending like Annie’s. To view our current residents, visit us at and click on ‘adopt.’ Someone is waiting for you! Suzanne Gassner is Director of Education for the Humane Society of Missouri. Visit their website to learn more about the programs available for your students or to download over 60 full lesson plans for your class.

n the present human medical world it would be very rare for a surgeon not to recommend some form of rehabilitation or physiotherapy following a procedure. This is an important aspect of regaining full recovery and tissue function. So it should be for our pets too. While you may choose not to partake, you should still be given the information and opportunity to make the best decision for your personal pet every step along the way. Rehab for pets comes in many forms including stretching and exercise routines, microcurrent therapy, laser, massage and soft tissue body work, chiropractic, acupuncture, tissue specific vitamin and mineral intake, and water therapy. The program can be simple or tiered to adequately fit the age, breed, expectations for return to performance, and your ability to provide time and investment. It is fun to get the family involved with the overall program as at home therapy creates greater and more rapid gains. Even if your pet has not had surgery, there are conditions that will benefit from physical rehabilitation and pain management. A pet with arthritis, advanced age, weak muscles, nerve deficits, any that are overweight, or even athletes working regularly at their sport can all improve by having all joints in motion and some sort of stretching exercise on a regular basis. Without adequate pre-exercise massage techniques, warm-up, and post-exercise ground stretches, a canine athlete could be at risk for an injury. Stiffness is a symptom and reaction to pain or discomfort, be it from overworking unprepared muscle groups (sore muscles), arthritis, spinal bone instability or fixation and even dental malocclusion. Any of these etiologies can lead to a tissue’s inability to stretch. If the tissue cannot adequately stretch, then neither can the pet. Massaging the body and properly stretching the joints will loosen muscles and connective tissue, sending signals to the mechanoreceptors about the joints and their capacity to flex and extend. Massage will also help to eliminate toxins and lactic acid by improving circulation to the tissue, further reducing sore-

ness. Passive or relaxed stretching is the most common type used with stretching exercises in animals as the person controls the motion and positioning CAC desired. Slow, relaxed stretching is useful in relieving spasms in muscles that are healing after an injury. Relaxed stretching is also good for “cooling down” after a workout and helps reduce post workout muscle fatigue and soreness. Anyone can learn to be effective and safe when stretching their pet. Improved flexibility is achieved when stretching becomes a regular part of the athlete’s routine. If you are looking to improve, balance balls are a fun addition and they create a variety of options for working with your young or older dog. Here are a few key points: • Find an exercise program that is recommended by a veterinarian or professional therapist. I have a DVD called “Fitness in Motion® Stretching & Exercises for Dogs” available at Withthis you can learn how to effectively deliver exercises for all zones of the body along with ones designed for specific conditions and how to successfully use balls. • Understand the goals or purpose and how to effectively deliver the exercises. • Take the time to do them correctly (no short cuts). • Always start conservatively then gradually increase the length of stretch, the angle or height of the stretch, and the number or repetitions. • Pay attention to the behavior or response(s) your pet gives with each stretch. • Keep notes on the changes you see and periodically re-evaluate posture, movement and balance from a distance. A good stretch will be comfortable and effective if you follow the above steps. A “bad” stretch will be met with resistance or failure to make any positive gain in flexibility, range of motion, or performance. To learn hands-on visit me at my new location Pet Rehab & Pain Clinic at 100 Clock Tower Plaza in Chesterfield, opening in October. For more information call 636-583-1700 or visit

ChirOpraCtiC is health insuranCe Premiums Small. Dividends Large! A Little Chiropractic Adjustment goes A Long Way! Ava Frick, DVm, CAC

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October, 2012

The Healthy Planet magazine •

The Human-Animal Bond: From Feelings To Facts by Teresa Garden, DVM


he greatest fringe benefit I enjoy as a veterinarian is being able to bring my dog to work with me. I'll sneak into my office between appointments and just steal a glance at her as she sleeps in her little bed beneath my desk. I immediately feel love, tenderness, and warmth. Baby is the best antidote for a chaotic day and for those sad days as the circumstances dictate. No healthcare insurance plan can compete with her. Those stolen moments help to remind me why I wanted to be a veterinarian in the first place. I know my clients feel the same amount of joy and happiness sharing their lives with their pets. It is my mission to help keep those pets healthy so their bond may continue to be enjoyed for as long as possible. A bond can be defined as “a factor that can influence an individual's well-being; a social relationship”. The human-animal bond has been studied for the past 50 years. There is now a significant body of literature accumulated which shows the benefits people gain from positive social interactions with animals. One of the most important benefits people derive from the bond is social support. A survey study conducted in 1985 by Voitin concluded most pet owners talked to their pets at least once per day; talked to them about important subjects at least once a month and believe their pets are aware of their mood changes. A 1983 study by McNiell and Taylor concluded animals help people make friends and become acquainted with more people. People with pets are perceived as happier and more approachable and are more likely to be engaged in conversation by unfamiliar people than people without pets. (Hunt, Hart, and Gomulkiewicz 1992). The NAVC (North American Veterinary Conference) Clinician's Brief reviewed three studies conducted by McConnell, Brown, Shoda, et. Al in 2011. The first study found pet owners did better in several well-being measures (exercise, fitness, self-esteem, loneliness) than people without pets. Pet owners also scored higher in individual-difference measures (more conscientious, more extroverted, less fearful, less preoccupied). The second study showed support provided by pets complement human sources. Dogs can fill social needs of pet owners effectively. The third study concluded pets helped pet owners deal with social rejection. Overall, these studies showed pets can be just as important as siblings and parents. Pet owners were shown to be both physically and emotionally healthier than their non-pet-owning peers. Pets have been shown to provide a variety of health benefits in addition to social support. A study

among people hospitalized for heart attacks showed pet owners had better 1year survival rates than non-pet owners (Erika Friedman 1980). Elderly people with pet birds had better survival rates than those without birds (Mugford, McComsky, 1975). A decreased rate of depression was found among older people strongly attached to their pets (Garriety et al 1989). Studies have confirmed pets help lower blood pressure in their owners during stressful situations (Friedman et al 1983, Wilson 1991). Research studies continue to confirm health benefits therapy dogs and cats provide to hospitalized patients and nursery home residents. Children also benefit from interaction with pets and animals. Pets were shown to increase selfesteem in children and adolescents (Covert et al 1985). Children with attention deficit disorder had significant improvement in behavior when the children were allowed to interact with animals (Rowan 1994). Dogs are valuable therapeutic companions for autistic children. Blessings Unleashed is a wonderful organization that pairs autism assistance dogs with autistic children. Parents have reported these dogs brought comfort to their child in the form of reduced anxiety, increased calmness, and increased relaxation. They helped wandering children stay at home and kept distracted children focused. The dogs were found to improve communication and social skills in autistic children. The dogs acted as conversation starters for children who were initially nonverbal. They helped children learn to play with toys and other siblings. They were found to help the children sleep better at night. All of these anecdotal accounts reported by parents have now been confirmed by scientific research studies. There is a unique significance of each humananimal bond. It is integral in the philosophy of a holistic veterinary practice to assess and respect each human-animal relationship. This special relationship can be threatened by illness, injury, misbehavior, or death. The medical needs of our animal patients and the emotional needs of our clients will arise concurrently during difficult times. Holistic veterinarians will strive to address these needs simultaneously. As Roger Caras once said, “dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole”. I have no doubt the same can be said of many other species of pets we welcome into our lives with an open heart. Dr. Teresa Garden is chief veterinarian/owner of Animal Health & Healing, a full-service holistic and conventional veterinary practice in the Maplewood/Richmond Heights area. Visit online at; or phone: 314781-1738.

ANIMAL HEALTH & HEALING The St. Louis Leader in Holistic Therapies Dr. Garden voted “Best Veterinarian” in 2006 St. Louie Tails Readers’ Choice Awards TERESA GARDEN, D.V.M.

and associates

2615 S. Big Bend Blvd • 314-781-1738

EarthWorms Castings by Jean Ponzi

Conserving HUMAN Resources


his is typically an “environmental” column, because my vocation, my profession, my purpose in life is overwhelmingly focused around environmental issues, perspective and actions. However, from recent, intense and involuntarily expanded hands-on experience – and with a national election rapidly looming - I feel compelled to hold forth in this month’s space on a human-centric note. Specifically: Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. These are three of our major national safety nets, keeping big groups of our society’s Human Resources from totally disintegrating. I have not always been savvy about what I now consider to be national-security programs. At the tender age of 58, I have not yet personally tapped into them, but I have stumbled deeply through safety-net personal experience on behalf of elders for whom I now serve as significant advocate and support person. Consider: regular middle-class ordinary folks, who have paid their taxes all their working lives, who bought insurance and paid off their house and did everything they were expected to do – without extravagance or greed. Yes, they could have bought private long-term care insurance and socked into 401ks – but would they have lost these investments like so many did recently, and could their insurance coverage “change” in the eddies of market forces? I say it’s reasonable for a good-conscience society that prides itself on standard-of-living to pool some resources and make them available to keep such folk modestly afloat when they can no longer paddle their own canoes. There is nothing extreme here. No excessive demands on society, no one is lounging on the dole. But if support like Medicare did not exist, how would elderly relatives be able to keep paying their bills (using Social Security income – mighty close to the Federal Poverty Level, but still enough to keep folks going), or pay their doctor (not X-Treme Specialists, just good ole’ basic General Practitioners) or afford the supports to keep them functioning (like a wheelchair and a walker) when their own human vehicles start creaking past a reasonable point of repair. Medicare and Social Security may need reform and rehab – what structure doesn’t over time? – but I say those who would dismantle and “privatize” these safety nets are looking strictly to private gain – and I want

25 to follow the money to learn exactly which private wallets are enfolding such self-righteously trumpeting “plans.” And consider: if the government’s wholesociety buying-power was stripped from these societal benefits, and folks who can barely hear on the phone (let alone “register online” or navigate today’s complex and goofy corporate voice-mail systems), how exactly would such individuals – who I really do believe are worthy of some basic compassion and a leg-up – figure out how to evaluate and purchase their own “choice” of benefits from a free-market system, which will probably ultimately price them out of its market within the next election cycle. How much of a benefit is this “choice” at a time in life when genuine supports are what regular folks are likely most in need of. Medicaid, by the way, is the last resort for folks who have no means of support. It is not given lightly. You have to be impoverished, literally – with income under $999 a month – to be supported by this system. It’s arduous to apply for, and you have to be re-certified every year. It is not a free lunch – and you cannot bounce back up from it into more plush circumstances. But if folks need it, this support is there. And when you need it, the operative concept is NEED. I get truly ticked when these social safety nets are referred to (usually by very well-heeled political type guys) as society-wrecking “entitlement programs.” If I’ve been paying my taxes faithfully, and right along contributing my bit to society, at a point I will appreciate reaping some benefits from my lifetime of contributions. I’d call this line of thinking a reasonable exchange, not a derogatory “entitlement.” In my view, keeping even late-life members of society – who may still have some wisdom and humor and experience to contribute to our overall well-being – afloat on a social safety net is a worthwhile investment. And even though my lessons in this area have been dauntingly, often frustratingly hard-won, I’m grateful to have some personal knowledge of the much-debated, often distorted, exceptionally useful, compassionate and maintenance-worthy services our society as a whole can provide, for some of our most vulnerable (and still valuable) kindred in the Circle of Life. And I feel strongly to pipe up, about the environment and also now about systems that conserve our society’s precious Human Resources. Think about it. Get the facts. Talk about it. Don’t be fooled by speeches. And VOTE. Jean Ponzi holds forth on conventionally Green topics Mondays 7-8 p.m. on “Earthworms” on FM-88 KDHX and Sundays 1-2 p.m. on “Growing Green St. Louis” on the Big 550-KTRS AM.

Health Care and Environmental Protection by Don Fitz


ne of the greatest crises in the US is the millions of people who cannot afford health care. The “non-system” of US health care has negative environmental impacts, both from overuse by those who receive unneeded treatment and from the worsening of problems by those who are under-treated. Green Time TV shows during October explore how health dilemmas in the US reflect a global health catastrophe. During the first two shows, Mimi Signor, of Missourians for Single Payer, and Rev. Vickie Caldwell, of Lane Tabernacle CME Church, address immediate options for the US. Single payer advocates will not give up until all Americans have access to adequate, satisfactory and appropriate health care based on need, rather than personal wealth. Health care should be equal and equitable, whereby no socio-economic group is discriminated against. Inequality in health care is the most shocking and inhumane form of injustice. During the third and fourth shows, Daniel Hellinger of Webster University and Don Fitz look at the “primary health care” focus on preventive care in Cuba and Venezuela. This includes placing “family doctors” in every neighborhood so residents can walk to their medical care provider. Cuba has the same life expectancy while annually spending less than 10% per person of what the US does on health.

Venezuela is the first country to follow the Cuban model of public health on a massive scale. But there are enormous differences between the two countries which makes Venezuela’s Barrio Adentro program distinct. Though “family doctors” are as important as in Cuba, Venezuelan Health Committees play a central role in implementing reforms. The October shows all feature portions of Salud! What Puts Cuba on the Map in the Quest for Global Health. Green Time now airs on KNLC stations in four Missouri areas. It appears in St. Louis at noon on Saturdays and 5:30 pm on Wednesdays on Channel 241. It also appears at 8 pm on Mondays in St. Louis (Channel 24-2), Springfield (Channel 39), Joplin (Channel 36) and Marshfield (Channel 17). October Green Time programs air on Saturdays, Mondays & Wednesday s on these dates: • October 6, 8, & 10 “Crisis in US Health Care;” • October 13, 15 & 17: “Global Health Dilemmas” • October 20, 22, & 24: “Global Health Care: Cuba” • October 27, 29 & 31: “Global Health Care: Venezuela” Also see Green Time on and If you would like to help produce Green Time TV call 314727-8554 or email


The Healthy Planet magazine •

ART Makes The World A Better Place


he arts make us more expressive, more understanding, more inclusive. See if you don’t agree:

Bryan Haynes is a well-known, local artist recognized for his works depicting Missouri scenes. He’s done some great historically-inspired paintings of the Lewis and Clark journey. But there’s another reason to recognize Bryan Haynes. In August, Bryan collaborated with pediatric patients at Rankin Jordan Pediatric Hospital in the art therapy program sponsored by Kodner Gallery. Regular readers of this column may remember that a few years ago, the funds I raised during my participation in the St. Louis “GO!” Half-Marathon were contributed to this worthy art program. Allowing children to express themselves through art is important, but it’s especially meaningful to those struggling with illness. The final product created by the children at Ranken Jordan with Bryan’s guidance will be presented to the hospital in November. Bryan’s

NEW EXHIBITS September 28-November 30 MARK MAKING: PRINTS FROM WILDWOOD PRESS Large scale works by artists from St. Louis printmaking studio, founded by Maryanne Ellison Simmons; St. Louis University Museum of Art, Lindell Blvd.; 314-977-2666, Through October 20 PAPER: A GROUP EXHIBITION Works involving paper, by fourteen artists; The Gallery at Regional Arts Commission, 6128 Delmar; Through December 14 STEPHEN SHORE: PHOTOGRAPHS OF ANDY WARHOL & THE VELVET UNDERGROUND Foundry Art Centre, 520 N. Main in St. Charles; for info, call 636255-0270 or visit Through December 15 METRO ART EXCHANGE-BELAS ARTES GALLERY Works by six local Hispanic artist; The Gallery at Regional Arts Commission, 6128 Delmar; for info, visit Through December 16 PATRICK GRAHAM: THIRTY YEARS—THE SILENCE BECOMES THE PAINTING MOCRA on St. Louis University campus, 221 N. Grand; for info, call l 314-977-7170 or visit October 3-November 19 ART IN ARCHITECTURE: GREG MATCHIK Gateway Gallery, 21 N. Beminston; for info, call 314-402-1959 or visit October 5 Through January 19: ARNOLD NEWMAN: LUMINARIES OF THE 20TH CENTURY Through February 2: THE SHELDON: A RICH HISTORY Through February 9: ART PARTY: YOUNG ARTISTS CELEBRATE THE CENTENNIAL Opening reception for all exhibitions, 5-7 p.m.; Galleries at The Sheldon; 3648 Washington; for info, call 314-533-9900 or visit October 5-31 NARRATIVE LANDSCAPES: NEW WORKS BY BRYAN HAYNES Opening reception, 7-10 p.m.; Kodner Gallery, 9650 Clayton; for info, call 314-993-4477 or visit October 11-December 1 ASMA KAZMI: PLAYING GENDER SEMICONDUCTOR: BRILLIANT NOISE Gallery 210 on UMSL campus; for info, call 314-516-5851. October 12-November 10 RON FONDAW: DRAWING IN BETWEEN Opening reception, 6-10 p.m.; Good Citizen Gallery, 2247 Gravois, 314-348-4587 or visit October 19-November 17 PHOTOGRAPHY BY BILL STOVER Opening reception, 6-10 p.m.; Third Degree East Gallery, 5200 Delmar; for info, call 314-367-4527 or visit Through October 19 PHOTOGRAPHY: ANDREA DYLEWSKI May Photography Gallery, 8300 Big Bend; for info, call 314-2467673 or visit October 19-November 24 GARY PASSANISE: PAINTING DAMON FREED: EN PLEIN AIR

ARTful Living St. Louis Area Fine Arts, Crafts & Performing Arts Michelle “Mike” Ochonicky, Arts Editor own work can be viewed in his solo show which opens October 5 at Kodner Gallery in Clayton. Starbucks Coffee again teams up with Music for Lifelong Achievement (MFLA) on October 1 to “Keep the Music Playing” by collecting used instruments for disadvantaged students throughout the region. Donated instruments will be repaired and provided to local schools and community music programs for young musicians who could not otherwise afford an instrument. MFLA, a nonprofit organization based at the Sheldon Concert Hall, is committed to “Keep the Music Playing” in the lives of young people throughout the metro area. Since 2010, over 500 musical instruments have been collected, refurbished and distributed to area youth. So, clean out your closet or attic. Let an instrument that’s collecting dust at your house sing again in the hands of an aspiring young musician. You’ll get a tax-deduction, more room in your closet and help to “Keep the Music Playing” for future generations.

Drop off instruments at Starbucks; the drive continues through November 4. Collaborations can be wonderful things, especially for the arts. October 5 through 21 is the third annual American Arts Experience-St. Louis, connecting artists from across mediums. The aim of the grassroots “event” is to link a variety of ARTful events, to draw attention to the quality and breadth of the arts in our area. Similar collaborations are taking place across the U.S. during this time, too. "In a tough economy, we felt it was challenging to create a traditional festival, where organizations must relocate to a different space,” said Paul Reuter, founder of the festival and executive director of The Sheldon. “But with the American Arts Experience, artists get to work in their own environments, which gives them more creative freedom.” Just a few of the events scheduled during this time include the Best of Missouri Market at Missouri Botanical Garden, Native American

ARTful Happenings WILLIAM MORRIS: BLACK/WHITE Reception, 5-9 p.m.; Bruno David Gallery, 3721 Washington; 314531-3030 or visit October 20-November 24 LELAND BOBBE: HALF-DRAG PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBIT First U.S. exhibition; opening reception, 7-10 p.m.; PHD Gallery, 2600 Cherokee; for info, call 314-664-6644 or visit October 21-January 20 FEDERICO BAROCCI St. Louis Art Museum, for info, visit October 26 ONE NIGHT ONLY: PRIMATE PICASSO Original artwork by gorillas from the St. Louis Zoo; free,6-9 pm; Craft Alliance Delmar Gallery; 6640 Delmar; October 26-November 21 BENEDICT J. FEMANDEZ: A LIFE’S WORK IN PHOTOGRAPHY Opening reception, 5-7 p.m.; May Photography Gallery, 8300 Big Bend; 314-246-7673 or visit Through October 27 MICHAEL CONROY: TURNING ATTENTION Cecille R. Hunt Gallery, 8342 Big Bend; 314-968-7957. October 27-January 20 JUAN WILLIAM CHAVEZ Indoor and outdoor exhibition of work by 2012 Guggenheim Fellow; Laumeier Sculpture Park; 12580 Rott Road; for info, call 314-615-5277 or visit


7:30 p.m.; $6 admission; Moore Auditorium, 470 E. Lockwood; for info, visit October 5-6 PNC ARTS ALIVE NEW DANCE HORIZONS Four dance companies open Dance St. Louis’ 47th season; 8 p.m., plus 2 p.m. on Sat.; Touhill Performing Arts Center; for info,call 314-534-6622 or visit October 5 ARTD TOUR 2012 Tour St. Louis galleries and museums by bus; check-in begins 5:30 p.m.. at St. Louis Art Museum; $20 advance registration recommended; for info, call 314- 607-7693. October 6-7 BEST OF MISSOURI MARKET Art and fine crafts plus food & wine sampling, live music and much more;Friday night Preview; admission charged; Missouri Botanical Garden, Shaw Avenue ; for info, visit October 6-7 HISTORIC SHAW ART FAIR Sale and exhibition of original art and fine craft; $7 admission; Flora Place and Tower Grove Avenue; October 6-7 HIP HOZ Original COCA production, based on Wizard of Oz; ; COCA, 524 Trinity Avenue; 314- 725-6555 or visit October 7 ZSOLT BOGNAR PIANO Presented with Artist Presentation Society; 4 p.m.; Moore Auditorium, 470 E. Lockwood; for info, call 314-968-7128. October 11 THE SHELDON’S 100th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 8 p.m.; Sheldon Concert Hall, 3648 Washington; for info, call 314.534.1111 or visit

October, 2012 exhibits at the St. Louis Art Museum; a new initiative by Dance St. Louis; a musical tribute to Rosemary Clooney at the History Museum; a world premiere play at COCA; and that’s just a start! Take in some of the ARTful Happenings, listed fully at, to help celebrate the ARTS in our area. Speaking of celebrations, happy birthday to some ARTful favorites marking special milestones this month: ten terrific years of fiery, colorful ART for Third Degree Glass Factory and 100 wonderful years of performance excellence for The Sheldon Concert Hall. Congrats! You’ve helped to make St. Louis a more ARTful place! The Healthy Planet also extends a warm St. Louis welcome to Gretchen Wagner, The Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts’ newly appointed curator. She most recently served as assistant curator at New York’s Museum of Modern Art. Said Wagner, “A space for both speculation and contemplation, the Pulitzer provides a distinct platform for curatorial experimentation and the innovative presentation of art representing a diversity of disciplines, formats, and geographies. There is extraordinary potential here to engender new experiences and provide audiences with opportunities to encounter and engage with works unlike at any other institution.” The Pulitzer is located at 3716 Washington, open on Wednesdays and Saturdays. October 11-12 BUILDING A DIVERSE & DYNAMIC COMMUNITY Cross-cultural conference for arts and nonprofit agencies, sponsored by Regional Arts Commission and Gitana Productions; Webster University; $45 including lunch; for info, call 314-7216556 or visit October 16 SHAKESPEARE MONTHLY BOOK CLUB: WEIRD SISTERS Sponsored by Shakespeare Festival and Left Bank Books; 7 p.m.; October 18 CANVAS & COCKTAILS Workshop for adults with personal instruction to create a masterpiece; all supplies included $35; 6-8 p.m.; Foundry Art Centre, 520 N. Main Street in St. Charles; for info, call 636-255-0270 or visit October 18-21 A CELTIC NIGHT CIRCUS: TIR NA N OG Circus Flora’s gourmet dinner-theatre performance for adults; big top tent on grounds at Chesterfield Mall; for info, call 314-5341111 or visit October 19 PUPPET HALLOWEEN PARTY “The Fourth Witch” performed by Ginny Weiss; 7 p.m.; Faust Park Carousel House, 15189 Olive Blvd.; 314-615-8383. October 19 FRIDAY NIGHT FLIGHTS Create your own jewelry plus enjoy a wine flight after class; 6-9 p.m.; Craft Alliance Metal Studio in Grand Center; tuition $35, plus $8 materials/lab fee; for info, visit October 19 THIRD DEGREE 10 YEAR BIRTHDAY BLOWOUT Over-the-top celebration of St.Louis’ ONLY glass art education center, with lots of ARTful activities; 6-10 p.m.; Third Degree Glass Factory 5200 Delmar; for info, for info, call 314-367-4527 or visit Congrats!! October 21 FREE FAMILY FUN DAY 12-3 p.m; Foundry Art Center in St. Charles, 520 North Main; for info, call 636-255-0270 or visit October 21 THE BACH SOCIETY: A RESPITE IN TROUBLED TIMES 7:00 p.m.; St. Francis Xavier (College) Church, Grand & Lindell; 314-652-BACH or visit October 26 ART AFTER 5: AMERICAN CENTURY MUSIC 7 p.m. Grigg Gallery, St. Louis Art Museum; free but advance tickets required; for info, visit October 26-28 LIVE AT POWELL HALL: THE WIZARD OF OZ St. Louis Symphony performs the score to The Wizard of Ox, with original movie on screen; 314-534-1700 October 27-28 JIM TARTAGLIA’S IMAGINOCEAN Black light puppet show; COCA, 524 Trinity Avenue; for info, call 314- 725-6555 or visit October 28 TOWN & COUNTRY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Free; 2:30 pm.; The Principia Auditorium,13201 Clayton;

October, 2012

The Healthy Planet magazine •

Deep Tissue Laser Therapy For Pain and Inflammation


treatment surface area, and faster ne of the fastest growing results. treatments for pain manTesTImonIaLs: “An automobile accident left me agement in the last decade with numerous injuries. My shoulhas been cold laser therader, neck, back, knees, ankles, and py, not to be confused with surgical wrist have all benefitted from Laser lasers which are used to cut and cauterTherapy. It’s provided amazing pain ize tissue. Cold lasers actual heal tissue relief, and helped shorten my recovnot destroy. Cold laser therapy works by ery time. Thank you, Committed to a process called photo-biostimulation. Health, for continuing to find new What this means is that light waves emitted by the laser stimulate the chem- Dr. Paul Hyland methods to help your patients! Taleah B. ically damaged cells to produce benefi“I had been living with constant pain from cial enzymes, increase mitochondrial activity, a broken toe for nearly sixteen years. After just increase lymphatic drainage via macrophages 3 short treatments, I was living pain-free and stimulation, and increased vasodilation. More have been ever since! Thank you Dr. Hyland simply put, the laser decreases inflammation for saving me from costly cortisone shots and and pain, while speeding up recovery and surgery, and giving me my life back! reducing scar tissue production. - Janice J. For these reasons, Cold Laser Therapy has For more information about laser therapy, been a huge hit among chiropractors, physical visit our website therapists and athletic trainers. In fact, many or call us at 314-542-2003 to see if deep tissue professional teams have been utilizing laser laser therapy is right for you. therapy for years to return their star athletes Stop by our booth at the Healthy Planet back to the game quicker. So why can’t you Natural Living Expo, Oct. 14 in Webster experience the same quality of treatment! Groves. At Committed to Health Chiropractic Center, Dr. Paul Hyland and Dr. Megan Floarke are highly trained and certified in diagnosis and treatment of an assortment of conditions: arthritis, neck and back pain, sciatica, TMJ, shoulder pain from overuse and tendonitis, knee pain, tennis elbow, little league elbow, plantar fasciitis, fibromyalgia, IT band syndrome, sprains, strains and more. Our office uses a top of the line class IV laser manufactured by LiteCure. Class IV lasers are the strongest laser available for therapeutic treatments. A class IV laser puts out 1,500 times more energy than a class III, thus allowing for deeper tissue penetration, a larger


Kaseeka: Healing awakening and activating the Whole of Body, mind and spirit with Understanding & Clarity by Kathleen Christ, NCMBT, LMT


rue healing takes place on many levels and dimensions, and is a process of understanding to be lived and experienced. Stepping into healing requires not only the body and senses, but cooperation with the mind, emotions and spirit. Life on earth is challenging, to say the least, and due to the influence of our families, genetics, society, work, school, the economy, politics, etc., etc., it is surprising that anyone is balanced or harmonized as we were intended to be. As stress takes its toll, our chemistry changes. The peace and inner knowing that’s required for good, sound judgment and a strong, healthy body begins to disappear. As a result, we become even more confused, stressed, and in pain with inflammation. Self-medicating becomes our default and comfort. Though not healing, it will temporarily mask some of our problems. Over the years of treating so many different people, I have discovered that therapies only for the body or only for the mind are not sufficient. Entering totally into the concerns of the body, mind, emotions and spirit is the only way to activate deep healing and awakening. For those who also enjoy the water, offering therapies in that medium clearly takes everything to another level easily, naturally and gently. Being weightless is just the beginning of comfort as it allows the body to unwind in its own time and unique ways. Adding energy through the therapies of cranial sacral work and later with Watsu (large stretches), while also offering suggestions to the conscious and unconscious mind, and then following the promptings of what the entire system would like to address first, second and third, is a powerful process. In only one hour we travel through decades of issues while revealing aston-

ishing new insights, integration, wisdom and grace. For at least the past 10,000 years, our culture has been very male dominated in its approach to problem-solving and orientation. Consequently, both men and women lack the balance of whole brain activity, as well as an integration of their male and female energies. So, about halfway into a session, we begin to work with those energies to call forth an awakening and new level of activity and perception perhaps never before experienced. At the close, many report feeling lighter, like they have been infused with heavenly energy, understanding and peace. I create a CD of each session, so the person may listen again and still again until they have the ability to hold this space longer and stronger with genuine stability. An in-depth discussion of the male and females energies, the importance of both, and their integration within an individual has been the subject of thousands of books. However, I am not striving for an intellectual understanding, but a deep personal knowing and communication from the entire being of the person, which is what truly matters anyway. Until a person is able to fully engage and dance on that level, they are missing so much life, joy, and profound health & well being. Fortunately, we do have a simple and wonderful way of accessing it. We are a sponsor at the Healthy Planet expo on sunday, october 14, 2012, in Webster Groves and we would enjoy seeing you then. We will be right across from Chipotle’s in the community room. For more information please call the St. Louis Aquatic Healing Center at 314-432-5228. We are located in Creve Coeur, MO 63141. Blessings!

Get “Pulsed”

Don’t Forget To Come To The Healthy Planet Expo Oct. 14 In Webster Groves. See Page 3 for Discount tickets.

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The Healthy Planet magazine •

October, 2012

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N AT U R A L H E A L T H , H E A L I N G , C O U N S E L I N G , C O A C H I N G & C A R E Transformational Speaker Kimberly V. Schneider, M.Ed., J.D., LPC “Anything is Possible” Soul of a Poet, Mind of a Scholar, Heart of a Healer

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Looking for a captivating speaker to inspire transformational change? Kimberly Schneider is the author of Everything You need Is Right Here: 5 Steps to Manifesting Magic and Miracles and the AudioBook Terrible Beauty: Poems and Reflections for Precarious Times. An Adjunct Professor of Communication at Washington University-St. Louis, Kimberly is a reg-

ular contributor to Great Day St. Louis television show. Kimberly has over thirty years of speaking experience in diverse settings. She enjoys engaging and inspiring audiences on topics including thriving in crisis, manifesting miracles, transformational communication, ethics and unconscious limiting beliefs. Kimberly’s keynote talks and custom workshops

combine riveting stories, on the spot coaching, experiential exercises and original poetry. To book Kimberly for your event call 314-275-8188 or email Go to to request Kimberly’s Free Conscious Manifestation eCourse and you’ll receive the first chapter of her book at no charge.

Alternative Hospice is a locally owned, community based end of life program, dedicated to being an advocate for our patients and providing them with a high standard of holistic end of life care. We strive to empower our patients and their caregivers with the knowledge and information that they need to make informed decisions

regarding their care. Our focus is on comfort, quality of life, and facilitating of a peaceful passing with dignity, respect and love. Alternative Hospice is a physician directed, nurse coordinated program of care. Dr. Joseph Flaherty with St. Louis University Medical School Department of Geriatrics serves as our

Medical Director and guides our team. Our team is seasoned in conventional end of life care and several are experienced in complementary care techniques… the body, mind, and spirit in rhythm. Our values include: integrity, accountability, respect, trust, compassion, and passion to serve. Volunteers needed, please call 636-343-3839.

Dr. K. Shane Neifert of St. Louis Spine & Health Center offers a unique set of healing talents to his patients. He views each patient as an individual and seeks to find and correct the ‘weak links’ in their health. Based on his findings, he works to strengthen areas of weakness, which optimizes the patient’s overall health. He facilitates this healing using natural techniques ranging from chiropractic adjustment, acupuncture, ener-

gy balancing, and detoxification, to emotional freedom technique, hormone balancing, nutritional counseling, and allergy testing and treatment. Many use these talents to maintain their body’s own healing potential. The office of St. Louis Spine & Health is equipped with the latest in technological advances in natural healing including Foot Bath Detoxification and Spinal Decompression which addresses sciatica and her-

niated, bulging, and/or slipped discs. Also offered within the office are the services of a superb, licensed massage therapist, Sharon Maust, who is qualified in multiple approaches to massage. St. Louis Spine & Health is located at 12401 Olive Blvd. #202, which is found in the Tempo Medical Building (approx. 1 mile west of Hwy 270 on Olive Blvd). Call for more information at 314-576-1495.

Combining traditional training with a cutting edge holistic approach, Deborah specializes in helping people change their eating habits to achieve optimal health. As an experienced educator with a teaching degree, she excels at motivating individuals to improve the quality of their wellbeing. The BioMat’s quantum energetics allows the body to fight disease and heal with a naturally strong and efficient immune system. It is composed of 17 layers of technology, combining Far Infrared Rays (FIR), negative ions and amethyst crystals. Time spent on the mat relieves pain and joint stiffness, reduces stress and fatigue, boosts the immune system, burns calories and many other healthful benefits. Infrared Rays, nature’s invisible light and most

Cutting edge nutrition for: • Autism • Auto-Immune Disorders • Cancer • Digestive Problems • Fibromyalgia • Food Allergies & Sensitivities • Learning Disabilities beneficial light wave, penetrate skin and increase circulation to detoxify the body of harmful toxins. The FIR can increase blood flow and clean the arteries (which means it can help lower blood pressure), release toxins, increase metabolism, heal soft tissue and relax muscles. Negative Ions are Nature’s Energizer. Ion particles cleanse and purify the air we breathe. Amethyst bolsters the production of the hormones

• Weight Management o Weight loss o Weight gain For more information contact Deborah Zorensky, RD, LD, CCn, Clinical nutritionist at The Center For Mind, Body, Spirit, 7649 Delmar, 314-725-6767. and strengthens the cleansing organs, the circulatory system and blood, the immune system and body metabolism. Be proactive about your health and well being. A good nights sleep on the BioMat or a mere 30 minute nap, can go a long way to ensuring a healthier, happier you. Call The Center for Mind, Body & Spirit to schedule an appointment to try the BioMat. 314.725.6767.

October, 2012

The Healthy Planet magazine •

Ask The

HERB LADY Cathy Burkemper Q: Does zinc really help when you have a cold? A: Zinc is an essential trace mineral that contains several immune-boosting nutrients which help strengthen the body’s defenses against respiratory infections, such as the common cold. It is also anti-viral and activates Tcell and natural killer cells for antibody production. If you have a cold, you want to take a zinc lozenge every four hours for the duration of your cold. Make sure you are taking “zinc gluconate” because it is released readily in the mouth. Zinc aspartate or citrate does not work as well. I am especially fond of the lozenges that also contain elderberry as they can really boost your immune system and they taste delicious. Q: I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Are there any supplements I can take to help alleviate my pain? A: Millions of people suffer from this disorder. It manifests itself as chronic muscle soreness, stiffness and fatigue. For many people, the pain is constant. Many herbalists believe that some of this pain may come from the body’s energy production system. If your body is deficient in energy-producing fuel, it breaks down muscle protein to create energy. This could cause pain and fatigue. Research has shown there are two supplements that


Does zinc really help a colD? What Do i take for fibromyalgia? when taken on a daily basis, most people respond to very favorably. They are malic acid and magnesium. Malic acid , one of several alpha-hydroxy acids, is found in high concentrations in apples, grapes and cranberries. It is a naturally-occurring antioxidant and essential for the synthesis of ATP. Malic acid prevents and reverses the inhibition of energy production. Magnesium is essential for producing energy in the cells. Low levels of magnesium are equated with low levels of energy. It also helps with the absorption of vitamins and minerals, to promote bone strength and to regulate nerve impulses. Magnesium is also very relaxing. The combination of these two supplements provides fuel that generates energy to operate the body, particularly the structural system and muscles. These supplements are available as a combo specifically for fibromyalgia. This herb information is for health education purposes only. It is not intended to replace the services of licensed health practitioners. Consult with a physician for any condition that requires professional care. Do you have questions about herbs or vitamins? Send them to Cathy Burkemper, CNHP and Certified Herbalist. Write to: Herbs & More, 16021 Manchester Rd., Ellisville, MO 63011.

N At U R A l H E A l t H , H E A l i N G , c o U N s E l i N G , c o A c H i N G & c A R E St. Louis Aquatic Healing Center Kathleen Huber Christ Licensed Massage Therapist Internationally Certified in Watsu/ Wassertanzen Water Massage

Natural Peacefulness For The Whole Body

314-432-5228 •

St Louis Aquatic Healing Center offers state of the art, cutting edge alternative health therapies for health, healing, balancing and detoxification. Many of our therapies can only be found at St Louis Aquatic such as: The MG-PRO, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Cellular Exercise, widely used in Eastern Europe for 30 years with extensive research behind it; cleaning and

promoting cell repair and regeneration; The Quantum Pulse frequency generator, successfully eradicates many viruses and pathogens; Watsu/Wassertanzen, warm water shiatsu therapy to relieve pain and revitalize organs, and Cranial Sacral Therapy in the pool, all the benefits of CST amplified by the water. We also offer T-Zone, Whole Body Vibration for health and fitness, Nutri-

Energetics Systems (NES) health evaluation and therapy to promote the body’s natural healing and detoxification, far-infrared sauna, ionic foot soaks, ear candling, lymphatic drainage, other therapeutic massages and much more. Call, email or visit our websites for more information. 314-432-5228,,,

Our approach to holistic health includes the entire body and the oral cavity is no exception. We are dedicated to serving our patients and promoting a level of health care that carefully evaluates and reviews the use of dental materials, dental procedures and also offers dietary and nutritional support for each and every individual that is seen in our office.

Did you know that examining the mouth can reveal the presence of illnesses or unstable conditions in other areas of the body? If you feel like you’ve just about exhausted all your options in your search for better health, have your mouth examined with a different approach in mind. Get motivated, get educated, and get ready to participate in a

health-oriented lifestyle that will provide dental alternatives and a nutritional foundation designed to help support your own body’s healing powers.

The focus of holistic dentistry is to consider the mouth as a part of the whole body. We use materials and methods that are more compatible biologically with the body instead of the traditional dental materials. Examples of non-compatible materials are mercury fillings, non-precious heavy metal crowns, bridges and partials or dentures. Alternatives to fluoride are used

for the prevention of cavities. Proper alignment of the jaws and teeth are the foundation of how the body perceives itself in space. The result of improper alignment can result in symptoms of headache, ears ringing, loss of hearing, pain in the head and neck and clenching or grinding of the teeth. Good nutrition is inseparable for good

health. If your diet consists of food and drink made with white flour, sugar and no fresh fruits and vegetables, your body is likely to be acidic with resultant more medical and dental problems. For your dental evaluation contact our office for an appointment by calling 636-4589090 or email at

H o l i s t i c D E N tA l c A R E BioLogiCAL DENTiSTRY Michael g. Rehme, DDS, CCN & Associates

314-997-2550 at the corner of Ballas & Clayton Roads

Ronald Schoolman, DDS Rodney Lofton, DDS

636-458-9090 16976 Manchester Road, Wildwood, MO 63040

For more information visit our website at

The Healthy Planet Natural Living Expo is October 14 In Webster Groves. For Discount Admission Tickets, turn to page 3 and save $8.00


The Healthy Planet magazine •

HealtHy Planet HaPPenInGS

October through December Be Green anD Save Green with Perennial DO-it-yOurSelf wOrkShOPS & claSSeS Save green and be green this holiday season with Perennial’s reMAKE Green Gifts workshops. Craft a special project and personalize your gifts for those special loved ones. You’ll be able to pick and choose projects from our buffet of items and learn simple ways to transform objects around your house into useful and meaningful presents. You’ll be sure to cross off more than one name on your gift list! Perennial’s fall class line up will help you get a jump-start on holiday get-togethers and gifts for all those loved ones this season. Perennial’s classes can be found at Through these classes and workshops people of all ages and skill levels are taught to act creatively and responsibly, reusing objects and reducing waste. Limited spots available for classes; early registration encouraged! October 1-31 OwlS anD OrchiDS at Butterfly hOuSe This autumn, the Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House in Faust Park welcomes back October Owls and Orchids for a third amazing year! Take advantage of this unique, once-a-year opportunity to be surrounded by almost 2,000 owl butterflies—more than 10 times the normal number—inside the 8,000-square-foot tropical conservatory. The Butterfly House will stay open late until 7 p.m. on Tuesdays throughout the month so visitors can experience the creatures at their most active. Evening attendees can also enjoy halfhour presentations on owl butterfly biology and other rainforest themes on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. (no lecture October 9). Daytime viewing hours are Tuesdays through Sundays, Oct. 1 through 31 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (closed Mondays). October Owls and Orchids is included with Butterfly House admission. Visit for information. October 1 trackinG the SOul with an aStrOlOGy Of cOnSciOuSneSS With Joe Landwehr. 6:30pm. The Center for Mind, Body & Spirit, 7649 Delmar Blvd. Tracking the Soul with an Astrology of Consciousness, is based on a book Joe has written of the same name. The talk will discuss how the astrological birthchart can be combined with an understanding of the seven chakras to help shed light on real life issues and concerns, and facilitate personal growth. 314.725.6767. October 2, 9, 16 SacreD SPace, SacreD life: creatinG SacreD SPace fOr life Presented by Shea Morgan. 7:00-9:00pm. The Center for Mind, Body & Spirit, 7649 Delmar Blvd. $80. for the series. This series includes handouts and a recommended reading list for further self-study. The three part class journey introducing and expanding sacred space includes: Class #1: Creating Sacred Space - bringing the sacred into your day: Class #2: Mediation - creating the sacred space within: Class #3: Meditating with Energy Centers and Crystals - healing the sacred space within: Shea Morgan is a clairvoyant, clairaudient, psychic empath with a passion for shamanic healing. She seeks to align with the divine that runs through all things, bringing the spiritual into manifestation in daily life, thorough a working partnership with the divine and allies in int plant, animal and mineral kingdoms. She is certified in Gemstone Crystal Energy Work, a healing modality to align the mind, body and spirit by working with crystals to balance the energy centers of the body. A great class series both for beginners and also for those who have been practicing for a while to refresh and recharge their practice. To register, call The Center at 314.725.6767. October 5 wilDlife reScue exhiBitiOn Opening Night. Friday, October 5 - Sunday, February 3, 2013, Step into the rescue efforts with people who dedicate their lives to Wildlife Rescue. Explore the innovative ways used to capture, raise and release endangered species back to the wild in the Species Recovery Center. Experiment with techniques used to teach young animals essential survival skills. Take a simulated flight on an ultra light aircraft to guide young whooping cranes along their first migratory route. Visit the Calendar page for more information. October 6 Purina increDiBle DOG challenGe in the Main ShOw fielD at Purina farMS 11a.m. – 4p.m. The Incredible Dog Challenge exists to showcase everyday dogs competing in Olympic style competitions that they love including diving dog, agility, Jack Russell hurdle racing and freestyle flying disc. They are not only entertaining to watch but they highlight the special

bond people have with their dogs. /#press/2012-pppidc-national-championships. Call 314982-3232 for more information.

October 15 free claSS! learn aBOut acuPreSSure tO helP with DePreSSiOn, anxiety, anD Pain. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a form of acupressure wherein you "tap" on acupuncture points to relieve symptoms. This free class provides you with a take-home technique you can use to relieve stress, anxiety, and pain. Kim Archer is a skilled presenter who can help with the toughest cases. Classes to be held at Community Acupuncture of St Louis, 2006 South 39th Street, STL, 63110. RSVP to 314-772-4325 (Voicemail is OK). Learn more at, and click on "Other Services".

October 9 inteGratinG alternative MeDicine with cOnventiOnal MeDicine FREE Monthly Seminar and Discussion - Integrating Alternative Medicine with Conventional Medicine - Learn how to build your immune system and take charge of your health. If you are suffering from chronic conditions, you'll learn why you don't have to live with your "incurable" symptoms anymore. Topics covered include: Cancer, Heart Disease/Stroke, Diabetes, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, October 16 cOnnectinG yOur health Between ADD/ADHD, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Food yOur teeth anD BODy Allergies, Nutrition, and many more. You should come to this discussion also if you feel, "My Doctor said everything FREE Monthly Seminar and Discussion. Connecting Your is fine! Then why do I feel so lousy?" Second Tuesday each Health Between Your Teeth and Body. You may not realize month at 6:30 pm at our healit, but your teeth and gums ing clinic - Prevention and may be making you ill or Healing, Inc., Dr. Simon Yu, weakening your immune M.D., Board Certified system. Hidden infections. Internist, 10908 Schuetz Road, Unresolved illness. Find out St. Louis, MO 63146, Weaving what may be happening Sunday, October 14, 10 am-4 pm, Internal Medicine with between your teeth and body Alternative Medicine to Use and what to do about it. Webster Groves Recreation Center, the Best Each Has to Offer. Discover how infection and 33 East Glendale Road, Call to verify meeting date; illness transfer between the Webster Groves, MO 63119 seating is limited, arrive early, teeth and body. Understand Over 60 Healthy & Eco-Friendly Booths 314-432-7802. See patient suchow biological dentistry Samples, Giveaways, Health Screenings cess stories at www.preventiofocuses on your overall See page 3 for discount tickets! health. Learn about what dental materials are compatOctober 10 ible with wellness, mercury-free, tooth-colored fillings,the free claSS, halOtheraPy: impact of dental procedures, how certain dental procedures nature'S reSPiratOry cure can influence your body, and nutritional therapy that supports a healthy mouth. Third Tuesday Each Month, 6:30 pm The Healing Center is pleased to welcome a very special guest, Clay Jurascik of The Salt Room. Clay will be giving at the Holistic Dentistry office of, and presented by, Dr. a brief talk in the benefits of halotherapy, or salt therapy. Michael Rehme, D.D.S., C.C.N. (Certified Clinical Halotherapy is a natural treatment that can be extremely Nutritionist), 2821 N. Ballas Rd, Suite 245, St. Louis, MO beneficial to those experiencing respiratory problems, asth63131. A Healthy Choice for Dental Care. Call to verify ma, sinusitis and allergies. Wednesday, 10/0 at 7pm at The seminar date and reserve your space at 314-997-2550. See Healing Center, 734 DeMun Avenue in Clayton. The class Patient Success Stories at is free, but registration is required. Call 314-727-2120 or register online at October 16 free MOnthly wellneSS SuPPOrt GrOuP October 11 Free Monthly Wellness Support Group. Come and enjoy an evening of fellowship, learning opportunities in Medical cOMMunity SuPPOrt Day fOr wilDlife reScue center at whOle fOODS Market Spiritual Information and exercises to strengthen your jour1:00 am – 7:00 pm, Free, Whole Foods Market will donate ney in managing your plan of care and treatment. Support five percent of the entire day’s sales to the Wildlife Rescue Group Leaders: Dr. Simon Yu, M.D. and Chaplain Paul R. Center. The center rehabilitates injured, sick and orphaned Johnson, M.Div. When: Third Tuesday each month (with an native wildlife and releases healthy animals to their natural occasional exception) at 6:30 pm. at our healing clinic, habitat. Through educational outreach the center provides Prevention and Healing, Inc., Dr. Simon Yu, M.D., Board environmental awareness, promotes a harmonious relationCertified Internist, 10908 Schuetz Road, St Louis, MO ship with native wildlife, and encourages the community to 63146, Weaving Internal Medicine with Alternative protect our delicate ecosystems. To learn more go to: Medicine to Use the Best Each Has to Offer. Call to verify Community Support Day Activities: meeting date, 314-432-7802. For more info, read the article • Wildlife Craft Table • Wildlife Quiz and Prize Wheel on our web site at titled Table "New Medicine, New Biology: Spiritual Wellness, Spiritual • Forage and Feast & Taste of Nature Trail Mix • “Tails of Assessment, and Spiritual Care." the Night” Raccoon Ambassador Visits: 10 -11am (Town & Country) & 5-6pm (Brentwood). October 16 St. lOuiS BuSineSS exPO October 13 The largest business-to-business trade show in the state of electrOnicS recyclinG event Missouri. The day includes more than 20 FREE business STLCC has teamed up with Midwest Recycling Center to building seminars and workshops, more than 100 business offer free electronics recycling. Computers and computer exhibits, and an awards luncheon. The event is designed to peripherals, office equipment such as copiers, fax machines help business owners, executives, managers and those and adding machines, communication equipment including interested in starting a business meet new business contacts phones, answering machines and pagers, TVs and anything and build relationships. The event is from 11am-6pm at the else with a cord will be accepted. There is a limit of two St. Charles Convention Center. The event is FREE. For televisions per car. St.Louis Community College, 2645 more info, visit Generations Drive, Wildwood, MO 63040. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Parking Lot. E-mail with questions. October 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28 haunteD haylOft at Purina farMS October 13 (Reservations taken between 4:30p.m. - 7:30p.m. Fri/Sat Skin nutritiOn wOrkShOP and 2:30p.m. - 5:30p.m. Sun). Enjoy non-so-scary Presented by Amy Joon. 11:00am-1:00pm or 2:00-4:00pm Halloween fun at the annual Haunted Hayloft event at the The Center for Mind, Body & Spirit. 7649 Delmar Blvd. Visitor’s Center. For reservations or more information call 63130. Cost: $70. This workshop will teach you how to use 314-982-3232 or visit nutrition to impact wellness. The participants will nafarms/7977380423/in/set-72157629368207352 . learn which ingredients are safe for making your own skin care products and which ingredients should be avoided in October 20 both home-made and store purchased products. A good rule hOw tO Make herBal PrODuctS of thumb is: If you won't put it in your mouth, then don't 12:00 – 4:00 pm. In this 4-hour workshop, Cheryl makes it put it on your skin. Each participant will make a healing easy to learn how to make a variety of natural home remebutter, using unique medicinal herbs tailored for each pardies like tinctures, lip balm, lotions, syrups, room sprays, ticipant and a sugar scrub. Everyone will go home with bath & body products and more. These make great gifts for recipes, products and useful information. Amy Joon is a the upcoming holiday season! Start making your plans Holistic Wellness Practitioner living in Arizona. She has now! Cost: $40. Held at Cheryl's Herbs. Visit www.cherylbeen making skin care products for eleven years. Please call in advance for a reservation 314314.725.6767. 645-2165.

The Healthy Planet Natural Living Expo

October, 2012

October 20 the Greater GOOD MOvie: free PuBlic ScreeninG anD Q&a 10am-noon. Learn about both sides of the child vaccination battle in this provocative documentary. The Greater Good looks behind the fear, hype and politics that have polarized the vaccine debate in America today & offers the opportunity for a rational and scientific discussion on how to create a safer and more effective vaccine program. West Hills Community Church, 13250 S. Outer Forty Rd. Chesterfield, MO 63017. For more info, call 314-439-077. October 20 ecOriDe tO Benefit StuDentS learninG enerGy cOnServatiOn & Green BuilDinG The third annual ECORIDE on October 20 along the Riverfront Trail supports scholarships for emerging professionals interested in learning more about energy conservation and green building. Through these scholarships, USGBC aims to increase the participation of individuals, organizations and community groups in under-represented socio-economic groups or working in building trades. Organized by the US Green Building Council – MO Gateway Chapter, the ECORIDE starting point is the William Kerr Foundation at 2nd & O’Fallon St. with continental breakfast at 9 am. Bikers may choose any length ride they wish, but one natural turn-around at 11 miles is the Chain of Rocks Bridge. As riders return, a light lunch provided by Whole Foods will be served around noon at the Kerr Foundation (a LEED Platinum building) .Fees are $25 per person; $75 for a team of 3-5 or $150 for a team of 610. Helmets are required and water bottles will be provided. Riders may register on-line at or by phoning 314-577-0225. October 20 & november 3 free waGOn DayS at lOnGMeaDOw reScue ranch The Humane Society of Missouri’s Longmeadow Rescue Ranch is hosting “Wagon Days” filled with free, fun activities for people of all ages to enjoy…wagon rides; tours of the 165-acre Ranch which rehabilitates hundreds of abused and neglected horses, cows, goats, pigs, ducks, and other farm animals; Barn Buddies – Meet adoptable animals and the nationally acclaimed Barn Buddy Animal Ambassadors – Calypso, the miniature horse; Juniper, the mini-donkey; Twister, the miracle horse; Tiny, the pygmy goat; and Paris, the buff colored Orpington hen – and learn how to sponsor a Barn Buddy. Bring your own picnic lunch and browse the gift shop. Please do not bring personal pets to the ranch. Dogs are not allowed in the barns and stables and there is no place for pets to stay while their owners are touring Ranch grounds. 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Longmeadow Rescue Ranch, 480 Joseph Road, Union, MO 63084. For more information call 573-268-2820. October 24 ultraSiMPle cleanSe GrOuP infOrMatiOn MeetinG The Healing Center is bringing back the cleanse for another year. Do you fall into bad eating habits at this time of year? The Healing Center is offering an opportunity to participate in a 21-day group healing/detoxification program before the holidays begin. This program can help you eliminate sugar cravings and get your eating under control before holiday temptations begin. The first meeting we will cover how this program is done and why. There are three follow up meetings, online support, Dr. Gould's supervision and more. Visit for program details or to register, or call 314-727-2120. This meeting will be held Wednesday, 10/24 at 7pm in Loeber Hall on the campus of Concordia Seminary in Clayton. October 27 trickS & treatS On Park fOr kiDS & PetS Free. 11 AM - 1 PM. The Lafayette Square Business Association is sponsoring Tricks and Treats on Park - a special event too for kids and pets! Fun activities take place on the fountain plaza including a pet and children's costume contest at 12:30 PM, Halloween games and prizes plus kids can trick or treat at local Lafayette Square businesses too. Presented by The Lafayette Square Business Association and Four Muddy Paws - The Healthy Pet Market. (314) 773 - 7297. november 3 & 4 PriMOrDial SOunD MeDitatiOn Primordial Sound Meditation is a meditation program developed by Dr. Deepak Chopra. Class will be held at the Midwest Mind & Body Health Center, Creve Coeur, MO. Contact Shirley Stoll for information and registration: 800796-1144, or visit online at

October, 2012

The Healthy Planet magazine •

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The Healthy Planet magazine •

October, 2012

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