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The Heatseekers Magazine Exclusive Interview
The R&B group Hi FIVE best known for the smash hit “I Like the Way” and “The Kissing Game” continues to shower us with their music. As they are still on the move in 2024, I will never forget how these two songs hit the billboards at No. 1 back in 1991. The new generation of youngsters can now enjoy the smooth R&B sound of HI-FIVE as they currently tour across the country. PHOTO CREDIT FOR COVER AND ARTICLE PICS: CHRIS GREMIER @chrisgremier
THS: Tell us about a memorable moment on tour?
HF (Billy Covington) Just being on tour with some Legends is very memorable. I got invited into a picture with Big Daddy Kane ,Chubb Rock, and Al B Sure while on a tour. It's those moments that make touring most memorable for me.
HF:(Faruq Evans) I remember my first time sharing the stage with Teddy Riley and I almost forgot the words.
THS: Do you see a difference in your fan base in the US versus overseas?
HF: (Billy Covington) You can definitely see a difference. I guess the excitement is different overseas because we are not as accessible to them in person as we are in the states. So there is a bit more fandom overseas.
HF: (Faruq Evans) absolutely!
THS: What is your take on music today?
HF : (Billy Covington) Music is forever evolving. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad. I think what's valued more now is quantity over quality. Just because it doesn't take a major label to put out music anymore, anyone can do it. So there is not that "Talent" oversight that we used to have where those without enough talent had to go home, practice and get better. Coupled with the fact that all of the Major Studios are now closed, and home Studios have taken over the industry. So the lines have been blurred between what's popular and what is actually good music.
HF (Faruq Evans) there’s still good music out there, you just have to find it.
THS: What are the plans for the group in the future?
HF : (Billy Covington) Just to keep doing what we love. Giving the fans new music, staying on tour, and keeping the legacy of Hi five going.
HF: (Faruq Evans) to make more memorable music, and sing these songs for the people around the world.

THS: Is there anyone or a group that you would love to work with in the future?
HF: (Billy Covington) There are so many. We've made a lot of friends and met a lot of talented artists and producers that we would like to work with. Just a matter of connecting and making hits.
HF: (Faruq Evans) Mint condition, Boyz II Men, usher & Chris brown.
THS: If you could give an up and coming young group some advice, what would it be?
HF: (Billy Covington) Keep God first, do It for the love of the craft, be patient, and drown out the outside noise of the music industry.
HF: (Faruq Evans) stay consistent, humble and focused.
THS: If you could do it all over again, would you change anything?
THS: Name 3 artists you admire..past or present?
HF:( Billy Covington) I have high admiration for Quincy Jones. He is my Beethoven of this era of music. Next would be Prince and Michael Jackson. They were both Geniuses in their own right. To me the greatest artists to ever grace the stage. And I also greatly admire Young Brother Chris Breezy. Despite trials, tribulations, and being judged constantly, he has never given up and he has never lost his love for his craft. We all make mistakes in our lives but we should never be judged for the rest of our lives for mistakes we made as teenagers. People change.
HF: (Faruq Evans) George Benson, Michael Jackson, Prince.
THS: Does anyone in the group play instruments?
HF: (Billy Covington) I play guitar not nearly enough but I know how to cheat when I'm making a record!!LoL I definitely should practice more.
HF: (Faruq Evans) Billy & myself.
HF: (Billy Covington) I would definitely change a few things. I would change some failed business models and strategies knowing what I know now. I would have gotten a mentor a lot earlier in the game. And I would have taken the business side of this a lot more serious at a younger age.
HF: (Faruq Evans) No.
THS: Please let your audience know how to contact the group for future shows.
HF: (Faruq Evans) officialHiFive on ALL social media platforms
THS: Would you like to say anything special to your fans?
HF : (Billy Covington) We love you, we appreciate you, and thank you for staying around for this chapter of our journey. We still have so much more to give. Stay tuned!!
HF: (Faruq Evans) we love y’all, past, present & future