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Dr. AudreyAnn Moses is a Certified Christian Life Coach and Mental Wellness Counselor. She is involved in several community-based programs focusing on personal and professional development and is an experienced workshop/program facilitator. Dr. Moses has written several articles and conducted workshops on personal growth and transition. She has written several novels which, although they are fiction, address situations found in most families. Her stories focus on physical, mental, emotional, relationship, and spiritual trials we all find ourselves facing. Her books can be found on Amazon, Barnes and Noble (NOOK), and Goodreads by contacting her.

AudreyAnn currently lives with her husband, Leonard in the quaint rural community of Cokesbury in Hodges, SC. They have four adult children, ten grandchildren, and one great-grandson which qualifies her to write stories of Christian family dynamics, love, and devotion to each other and to God. Learn more about her coaching services and to purchase her books by browsing her Linktr.ee link: https://linktr.ee/neversaycaint

When did you know that writing is what you were called to do?

As a teenager, I thought that I would really love being a writer, but I never pursued it. Always keep a journal and because of that, I had played to start with once I started writing as more than just a hobby.

What is it about being a writer that you love the most or frustrates you the most?

I love creating lives for my characters. I’m always excited to see who they will become. I get frustrated when my thoughts don’t come through clearly. It usually happens when I’m very stressed or overwhelmed with too many other things in my brain.

Can you tell us a little about your book(s) and where our readers can find out more about them and you?

Yes, thank you for asking. I have currently published 7 books and coauthored in 5 anthologies. My novels are divided into three series. Saved By Grace (two novels) is about the Martin family and all of the trials and triumphs they go through within a span of four generations. Earl Grey Chronicles (three books) is the story of a retired Chief Petty Officer, now a congressional investigator. As she unravels the secrets of a harassment investigation, her own happy and sad moments of her naval career become intertwined in the case. A Hearts Abound Novelette (two books) is a collection of stories about the good and bad of family relationships and love. The anthologies I have had the privilege of collaborating on have blessed my soul in so many ways I cannot begin to explain. My novels and coaching information can be found at https://www.transitionlifecoach4u.com.

I can be found on social media as Dr. AudreyAnn C. Moses on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and LinkedIn. My email is audreyannsbooks@yahoo.com.

Where do you draw your inspiration from for the stories that you manage to weave together and the characters that you create?

As most authors do, I draw some of my inspiration from my personal environment. I write about the things I know. I am a Developmental Psychologist so my knowledge base is developmental issues for individuals as well as families. Most of my characters are completely fictitious, but I do have several characters based on someone real in my life. I change the name and situation to protect the innocent and the guilty.

Do you outline your novels?

I outline my thoughts on what I think the book should be about. I name my main characters and create a bio for each one. When I introduce a new character that is not on my main list, I add them. This way I keep up with who’s who.

How long does it generally take you to finish a novel?

It’s hard to say. I wrote a six-chapter short story in 2 weeks. The longest it took was for my last book which took two years because my brain was foggy and I had a hard time connecting what I thought my plot was and what it actually turned out to be.

What projects are you currently working on?

I am currently collaborating with some phenomenal women on an anthology and a devotional entitled, “The Women of the Waiting Room. Surgery 4 Your Soul. I am also working on the outline for three new books to be published in 2024 and 2025. On my coaching side, NeverSayCain’t Christian Life Coach & Consultant, I am working with several clients in one capacity or another.

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