8 minute read
Cultivating Confidence Through Fashion and Style
Interview by Angela Anderson
Erika Cartledge, style expert and image architect, is cultivating confidence through fashion and style daily in her line of work and business. She is on a mission to ensure you look your best and, more importantly, feel your best. With her experience, skills, and positive mindset, she helps others to “unleash their most powerful style, strut confidently into every room, and boost their confidence in themselves and their wardrobe decisions.”
From personal styling to photo shoot and event styling, Erika is passionate about delivering quality service, providing a unique, elegant, and chic experience to each of her clients, and giving them a mind and body experience from the inside out. Erika has also partnered with corporations, small businesses, and nonprofit organizations, providing keynote addresses and engaging workshops to enhance their knowledge of style and stimulate self-confidence.
With no signs of slowing down, the Washington, DC-based CEO and fashionista is living her dream and changing lives simultaneously with the Your Chic is Showing brand and business.
Angela Anderson: What inspired the birth of your business?
Erika Cartledge: Your Chic is Showing (YCS) started as a fashion and lifestyle blog in 2012. As I got up and running, I had a friend who was a sports agent and worked with new NBA players. He reached out and asked me if I could help get some clothing that met the league’s dress code requirements at the time. I said “yes” but honestly had no idea what I was doing. Up until that point, I had only ever styled myself and my friends. But I took on the challenge, got expert guidance from a gentleman at the King of Prussia Mall Ralph Lauren store, charged way too little, and learned so much! After that experience, I was hooked on the process -- choosing outfits, building confidence, helping people articulate their style -- but not on NBA players! Since that time, I’ve focused on helping entrepreneurs, mompreneurs, c-suite executives, and highperforming professionals elevate their style.
AA: What is the mission of Your Chic is Showing?
EC: The mission of YCS is to help women cultivate confidence through fashion and style.
AA: What’s the story behind the name, Your Chic is Showing?
EC: Honestly, I wish it was such an amazing story or aha moment. But it really just was born out of a joke at a gas station, haha! I knew I wanted to start a fashion and style blog but wasn’t sure what to call it. I was with a friend, and we saw a woman pumping gas in really short shorts, and my friend goes, “Her cheek is showing.” And, well, the rest is history; your Chic is Showing was born. I guess I actually owe a massive thank you to that woman!
AA: What aspect of the business do you enjoy?
EC: The best moment is always the “moment of transformation.” It’s the instant a client clearly “sees” themselves for the first time. There is a spark, joy, and confidence that is finally realized. It never, ever, ever gets old. Also, shopping and playing dress-up are realllllllyyy fun.
AA: What can customers expect from the Your Chic is Showing brand?
EC: Ultimately, the goal is for YCS clients to not only look their best but, more importantly, feel their best. Each day I strive to provide a unique, elegant, and chic experience to each of my clients by delivering exceptional service. Whether you are a VIP styling client or in my group style coaching program, I want every person to know how valuable they are to me and the YCS community. Anyone who follows me on social media knows that I share empowering content, and that’s because that is, at my core, who I am and what this business is about.
AA: How would you describe the Your Chic is Showing experience?
EC: My clients joke that I put the “therapy” in “retail therapy.” That’s because 20% of what I do is about the clothes you wear, and 80% of it is about what you feel on the inside. If you don’t deal with what’s on the inside, you’ll never be able to show up as the most powerful and authentic version of yourself -- even if you have the world’s most stylish wardrobe.
AA: You also have the “Chic Squad” style coaching. Tell us about this program.
EC: The Chic Squad is an exclusive group style coaching program designed to give you access to a personal stylist, help guide you through daily and weekly wardrobe decisions, encourage a positive relationship between you and your body, reframe your mindset around your personal style, and connect you with other positive, supportive, and like-minded style enthusiasts. The best point is that it’s an incredible, accessible price pointso even the most budget conscious fashionistas can afford to join us.
AA: What is one piece of advice you would share for new small business owners who are just getting started?
EC: Done is better than perfect. Get rid of the idea that you have to be perfect before you launch, before you sell, before you scale, before you do anything. Do the thing and then refine it based on the results. Even a spectacular fail (and trust me, I have racked up PLENTY of those!) is just an opportunity to take the information you learned and make a new decision. You don’t have to be perfect; you just have to make progress.
AAA: It is a new season; summer has arrived. What do you enjoy about this time of year?
EC: I love summer evenings. I love hanging out, having a cold drink, and “being.” I’m also a water baby, so get me near any body of water (pool, lake, beach), and I’m happy!
AA: What is one summer styling tip you can share with us?

EC: It’s actually a tip for other seasons, but about your summer clothes . . . don’t pack your summer clothes away. Layer them with sweaters, blazers, jackets, turtlenecks, boots, tights, etc., and wear them well into Fall and Winter. Summer clothing is actually some of the most versatile clothing you can own because you can add to it to get more use out of it!
AA: What’s next for Your Chic is Showing?
EC: I’m so excited to be bringing seasonal lookbooks! I used to offer customized, shoppable lookbooks, but as my business grew, I couldn’t keep up with demand and serve my full-service clients well. But now, they’re back as a stand-alone service. Starting July 1, 2023, the lookbooks will be available for purchase. They will include 20-40 individual pieces for you to shop, 4-6 outfit ideas for you to style using your new pieces, style tips to help you dress your body, and style enhancer (i.e., boob tape, shapewear, etc.) recommendations to make sure your pieces look their best. I’m so glad I can bring this back for people who want to partner with YCS but may not want to commit to a 3-6 styling package.
AA: How can people stay connected with you?
EC: Please come hang out with me on Instagram (instagram.com/yourchicisshowing), Facebook (facebook.com/yourchicisshowing), or by joining the Chic Squad (https://yourchicisshowing.com/chicsquad/).
Here's somethin' I want to say Try and understand
There's another in my life
He's my lover, and I'm your wife
The opening lines to the hit song, "You, Me & He" by Mtume, say a lot, and initially, we were all listening, trying to understand, but what the wife was trying to ask permission for was to have two.
So much tension cause we're livin' a lie by and by Woah, woah, woah, not to mention Can we give it a try?
When the subject arises, men quickly say yes, often leaving their mate questioning whether they were satisfied previously, and females are quick to decline, opening Pandora's Box. When a female says yes to the extra party coming into their bedroom, it is at her mate's request, not hers
Also, let me add that once either party has stepped outside the relationship, it is now a threesome since there is a third party, whether invited or not
Introducing extramarital love objects or persons is a gift and a curse First, the maturity level of one's romantic relationship must be equivalently developed on mutual ground. Inviting anyone to a couple's personal space can be a significant privacy violation depending on the requested party Some people can only hold water in a paper cup for so long. The events may guide the urge to want more of that individual's attention or services. Therefore one should lead cautiously about who would be invited into your palace
The sensuality of the act is alluring and heightens the libido's senses It can be pleasurable and enticing that couples may even want to watch the invitee enjoying their spouse. Thus making the eroticized adventure more sensual Toys can be involved while this more sensual. Toys can be involved while this secret rendezvous is in the making, especially if it's two women Some women nowadays may even want to introduce toys to their male counterparts.

Bringing someone or something into the bedroom has its pros and cons Still, for any of it to be pleasurable, conversations need to take place so that the integrity of the relationship does not become damaged due to ineffective communication and the true intent of bringing said extra into the bedroom
When this topic arises, it is often shunned and overlooked; many will say it does not interest them I can respect the welfare of others and their curiosity As a life coach and relationship enthusiast, I am always intrigued to learn more. Recently. I read an erotic story, My Girl's Friend, by C.E. Scott, where he painted a sexy storyline and gave the happily ever after Upon completion, I still questioned if it was realistic that a relationship would survive. Scott said he was not totally against it, which surprised me since often men are the first to say they want to bring a female and toys into the bedroom At the same time, females are often quick to object to bringing another female into the bedroom but open to using toys, food, feathers, etc., to make things more exciting.
In conclusion, you are doing what feels good physically and mentally too!
Kisha Green

Over the last few days I’ve had a variety style of food! From a Sushi burrito to mellow mushroom sausage & mozzarella pizza with salad to lettuce wraps filled with delicious black & blue chicken and a pork taco seasoned with Korean barbecue sauce to an iso iso gourmet ramen noodles and passion fruit boba tea!
The best meal was the sushi burrito at Zen Ramen & Sushi Burrito in Clemson South Carolina When I walked in I went to the restroom to wash my hands I immediately felt a clean atmosphere and saw wall decorations that were inspirational
The music selection that was playing was pretty good and I was ready to sit down and enjoy something different. The host helped me choose my selection of the sushi burrito which seems to be very popular by the locals.

It was too big and I could only eat half That was a good thing so I took the other half home It was wrapped in a nutritional soy crepe I definitely will be eating the “French kiss sushi burrito” again! It was filled with crab salad salmon avocado shrimp lettuce potato sticks with jasmine rice all tucked in an Orange soy crepe with Kimchi and spicy mayo sauce. It was so good! Both young servers were very helpful with choosing my meal. I wonder if we have this place at home? Hmmmm
Yes, I was impressed
#Tasteful Tips & Trips with Robin” is not just an ordinary food blog! It’s about fun, adventure, and a lot of tasty foods as I travel to places along this journey road called life. I am all about traveling and experimenting food flavors and the mixtures of them. So what better way to spread the word to others about places that I visit and help promote busi- nesses!

If you would like for me to visit your venue or restaurant please email me at: Booking@robinshockley.com the name of your restaurant and location.
You may just see me show up unexpectedly one day with my big smile and readily appetite!
Robin Shockley is the Founder of “Focus Forward with Robin” she is a Writer of magazines, TV Talk Show Host, Actress, Community Servant-Leader, Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker, and Author of books She believes there is freedom to move forward in life to think, believe and achieve a thing Contact Robin for future bookings to host your event or be a Speaker to help empower your audience www.robinshockley.com