6 minute read

Evelyn Vi

Photo by @olgieshmolgie

Interview by David R. Navarro


Evelyn Vi is an emerging fashion model that is taking the industry by storm.

DN: When did you first get into modeling?

E: I have always loved being in the spotlight ever since I was little, but I didn’t start seriously modeling until 2018 even though modeling had always been a dream of mine. I actually had been taking photos here and there just on my iPhone and posting to Instagram when a more prominent New Mexico photographer noticed me and told me I had potential to model. That’s how I got started really modeling.

DN: Who or What inspired you to be a model?

E: Like I said, I have wanted to model since I was little. I remember seeing models on tv and on billboards and wishing I could be walking on a runway on television like. Now my motivation is to still be the model that I used to see on television and in stores, but to be able to motivate the little girls who look like me since there are not many Asian models to look up to, and I never really saw models on tv who looked like me, which actually discouraged me in some ways.

DN: What style of model do you consider your work to be?

E: I would consider myself to be a print/commercial model and sometimes a runway model. I do a lot of print work and for my height it makes sense. I am only 5’4 which means I don’t exactly meet the height requirements for “high fashion” or to walk runway, but that doesn’t mean I don’t walk runway here in New Mexico. I shoot print a lot more frequently than I walk runway and tend to book commercial jobs, but runway always has a special place in my heart.

DN: If you were forced to choose only one, which emotion, more than any other drives you to stay in this tough business? Is it joy, anger, desire, passion or pride and why?

E: Ambition. I find myself to be a fairly ambitious person and extremely goal orientated. It brings me great satisfaction when I know I’m doing what others told me I can’t and knowing I was able to make it through my own hard work and dedication. I was raised to be ambitious and I’m just getting started.

DN: What do you think makes you stand out in an industry overflowing with new faces?

E: I think what makes me stand out is my look. For starters, there aren’t a lot of Asian models, especially short ones, so that is definitely something that’s made me stand out. I’ve worked hard to get where I am, but there’s always more I can do to improve my look and my craft to really stand out.

Photo by @bspencerphoto

DN: What has been your biggest challenge as a model? Have you been able to overcome that challenge? If so, how?

E: I would have to say my biggest challenges as a model are both my height and geological location. I’m only 5’4 so not the typical modeling height, and my measurements aren’t as slim as maybe I’d like, but I’ve been working out and dieting to get to a place where I’m comfortable and confident with my body. Being in New Mexico does pose as a challenge, because the fashion industry here, while growing, still isn’t as prominent as in other states. I have been lucky enough to sign with an agency locally in New Mexico, Denver, and also in New York, but I still struggle to book because of my location. I would love to help raise the level of the fashion industry in New Mexico because there are so many talented people here who go unrecognized: fellow models, artists, and photographers.

DN: A common phrase in the industry is, “you must suffer for your art”. Do you agree with this statement? If so, how have you suffered for your art?

E: Honestly, it isn’t an easy industry. In the industry, it is easy to second guess yourself and constantly wonder “what if I’m not good enough, pretty enough, tall enough” and modeling does warrant a lot of criticism at times. I have had people tell me that I’m not a “real model” and make assumptions about me because I model. It’s a mental suffering that I have been working on, and most of the time I can move past it, but there are definitely times I self-doubt. I also have to work really hard and be proactive about fitness and my diet to stay in top shape, which can easily slip into dangerous areas if girls aren’t careful about what they’re doing.

DN: How do you feel the Internet has impacted the modeling industry?

E: Social media is everything now a days and I feel like it’s made it both harder and easier to be a model in different aspects. It is easier for agencies to discover you, but there is a larger number of applicants so you really have to stand out and catch a scout’s eye, which is harder with so many applicants. At that point, you have to be exactly what they’re looking for.

Photo by @LuciaNoxPhotography

DN: If you could collaborate with any photographer who would you like to work with? And Why?

E: Bob Upton. I was actually recently able to collaborate with him, but I have absolutely adored his work for a great deal of time so I am eternally grateful for the opportunity I had to work with him.

DN: What hidden talents do you have?

E: Ooh hidden talents! I’m not sure what hidden talents I have, so they must still be hidden! I sing, act, and I can play the piano, but I’m not sure how hidden those are. A fun fact though is that I can name all the US Presidents in order!

DN: What is the best advice you have received?

E: The best advise I’ve gotten has to be “have fun, tell the truth, and fall in love”. That was something my Speech and Debate coach (also actress) Sheridan Johnson would always say to me before each competition round. I think it’s not just an amazing motto for speech and debate rounds, but also a great motto for anything you do in life!

DN: Are you affiliated with any organizations and/or brands?

E: I am a brand representative for BBeauty, my favorite lash line (go check them out at bbeautylife.com) and my biggest ad I’ve done to date is for the What Do You Meme? Company’s new game: Let’s Get Deep.

DN: What’s next for you?

E: I will be moving to Arizona at the end of July and do plan to continue modeling and making big things happen.

DN: How can fans-to-be follow your career?

E: The best way to follow my career would be through my Instagram. You can find me @evelynnn_vi. It’s easy to keep up with my career and life in general on there and see what I’m up to (its also where I am most active). I have other social platforms, but Instagram is the best way to follow along.

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