3 minute read
Shavonna Futrell
Interview by King Brooks
Who is Shavonna Futrell?
I have known Shavonna for 10 years now, and I have watched her blossom from reviewer to an author of 2 books now. I thought it would be great for her to share a little about her journey given that we are starting a New Year. So, enjoy the interview and let us know what are your goals for the New Year.
King Brooks: Hi Shavonna, congrats on your book “Turning Trials into Triumph.”
Shavonna: Hello Mr. Brooks, Thank you!
KB: Please give the readers a brief bio about yourself.
SF: I was born in North Carolina, raised in Florida. Married 27 years with three kids, vice president of Victorious Ladies Reading Book Club, an avid reader, love to travel and play bingo in different states, spend time with family and friends. I am also an advocate for JDRF, Junior Achievement, and Relay for Life.
KB: Tell the readers how you became a member of Victorious Ladies Reading Book Club?
SF: Carl Weber was having a book signing in Durham, NC at the Barnes and Noble and this was my second time seeing these ladies in their book club T- Shirt and at that time I thought Michelle Chavis was the president and I asked her were they a book club and were they taking new Members, they gave me their business card, I was very impressed so I gave them a call received the information and decided I wanted to join.
KB: How has Victorious Ladies Reading Book Club enhanced your life?
SF: Victorious Ladies has enhanced my life tremendously because we are more than a book club, we are a sisterhood. We keep each other in prayer, we look after each other and we do other activities together outside of the book club. I have gained 15 or more new friendships and sisters I never had. Being in this book club has made a lot of my literary dreams come true, we also volunteer in the community.
KB: If you had to name one book that made you who you are today, what would it be?
SF: The Bible is the one book that I feel like that has made me the woman I am today because without It and him I would be nothing.
KB: Tell us about the story you wrote called ‘Leading with A Limp?’
SF: Leading with a Limp is a short story to encourage others, that even though we may face circumstances that may cause us to feel LIMP (Lost, Inadequate, Mad, Pained), we must keep our Faith in GOD. We should never underestimate GOD’s PRESENCE, based on our PREDICAMENT.
KB: What do you hope readers will take away from your story ‘Leading with A Limp’?
SF: I hope that readers will take away that even though in life we have a limp that we are still walking and going forward and we can turn our Trials into Triumphs.
KB: What’s the best book you’ve read so far this year?
SF: This is a hard one because I have read so many, so I will go with the first one that popped in my head. Sister Surrogate by Lachelle Weaver.
KB: Describe your ideal reading experience?
SF: My ideal reading place would be in my own library in my house on a chase, with my favorite beverage.