8 minute read
Kristy Gronseth
Interview by David R. Navarro
David R. Navarro: Tell us a little bit about yourself?
Kristy Gronseth: My name is Kristy Gronseth and I am from Albuquerque, NM. What makes me happy is serving others. I am a mom of 5 amazing kids, I have a wonderful husband that has taught me what unconditional love really is, and my mom lives with us as she is aging and has dementia. We are blessed to be able to care for her and our kids are a great help in her care as well. My primary career is as an Occupational Therapist and I specialize in treating people with neurological impairments and have specialties in Spinal Cord Injury as well as Adaptive Driving. I love to garden and my yard is my peaceful place. My family and I love our sweet church and I have served in the kids ministry for over 23 years caring for the youngest in our church. We have 4 dogs, I know crazy right?! I guess I am a rescuer of people and animals! My husband and I love to cycle together, attend HIIT classes together and I love yoga as well.
DN: How long have you been in the modeling industry?
KG: My modeling career started about 2 years ago. I had a friend posting pictures on Facebook of her modeling and I thought it looked fun. I felt kind of “called” as I was just coming into myself so to speak. At this time, I was at my best physical, emotional and spiritual health after some long and hard work to get there. I felt that this may be a great opportunity to show others, especially those who are more mature in age, that it is never too late to try something, to reinvent yourself. I reached out to a few photographers and the only one who returned my message was a very nice gentleman named Dallas Morgan. He was very kind and patient with me and helped me get to know angles, poses, what not to do, etc. He has been a good friend and I sincerely appreciate his faith in me. All it takes is for one person to have faith in you and that helps to fuel your own faith. I hope to be that for others and pay it forward.
Photo by Dallas Morgan
DN: What made you decide to be serious about modeling?
KG: Hmmm, I guess it was the validation after putting some pictures out there that people responded well to. I thought, “this may just work.” I love meeting people. This is a group of people/creatives that I would never have had the to opportunity to meet and learn from in my normal vocation. Also, my agent, Deidre Michelle, really breathed belief into me and another photographer named Paulina Gwaltney helped me feel confident that this is something that may really workout for me. When people in the industry, who know what it takes to succeed, have faith in you, it really makes you feel like it is possible. This belief really helped my mentality and helped me believe that my platform as a mature model was a viable platform.
DN: Which people or books have had the most influence on your modeling career and why?
KG: The people in the modeling community here have had the most influence on me. As I stated before Morgan gave me my first pictures, Deidre believed in me before I even significant content to bring to her and she has mentored me and taught me, and supported me as I have built my portfolio. I love her candid approach and her honesty. Her critiques are only to help me understand and she is the expert, I am not. Paulina Gwaltney helped me see that I have commercial appeal and she is such a great coach. I love when the photographer has a vision and is able to verbalize this vision and give you feedback as they shoot you. She is a master artist and communicator through her art. My friend and photographer Patrick Baldonado is another one who has breathed belief into my bones. He is always fun to shoot with, makes the environment relaxed and gives great positive feedback when we are shooting. He too has helped me to believe in myself.
I have watched almost every season of Project Runway and have learned so much from that as well. I love the different shoots and the critiques given. This has been inspirational and educational in so many ways.
Photo by Dallas Morgan
DN: What would you say is the #1 key to success in the modeling industry?
KG: I feel like I am an unlikely person to ask this question to as I am so new, however I have continually heard and experienced that if you are prompt, kind, professional and prepared, that this is what sets you apart and makes you successful. The modeling industry does not want to work with divas and will call back people with integrity and humility rather than the most beautiful over and over.
DN: Can you give us some examples of things you are doing or have done to expand your fanbase?
KG: I have gone to networking events such modeling classes, ABQ Street Meet, etc. I have opened my Facebook and Instagram accounts to the public as well as joined many online groups and not just modeling groups.
Photo by Dallas Morgan
DN: Talk about the biggest failure you’ve had. What did you learn from it?
KG: I feel like my biggest failure in life is my first marriage. I was married for 13 years and truly loved my husband. I believe that marriage is for life and that vows are sacred and a promise to God to work hard and make it work. None of us grow up dreaming of being a divorcee. We both made mistakes but one can’t make a marriage work alone and I don’t believe that God wants us to stay in a situation that is abusive, so I ultimately had to quit trying to make it work and get out for the emotional, physical and spiritual safety of my kids and myself. From this failure, I learned that I am stronger than I ever believed. It was very scary leaving, but with God, we stayed safe, my ex-husband and I have forgiven each other and are very civil. I have learned that my failure does not define me. I have learned that forgiveness is not for the other, but for me so as not to be bitter and to have peace. I have learned what boundaries are and how to implement them to foster healthy relationships. So, I feel that this failure was ultimately a blessing in many ways.
Photo by @pbaldonado
DN: What advice can you give other young men and women who want to follow in your footsteps?
KG: Have strong, ethical people in your corner backing you. Bring people with you to new shoots if you are not familiar with your photographer. Your support person can help you feel confident and safe. Research who you are working with and know that you like the work that they put out there. Know that you don’t have to pose or photograph in anything that you don’t want to. Know what you are willing to put out there and only accept that. You don’t have to photograph with every person out there and you don’t have to compromise your principles to be successful. Saying no means you respect yourself.
DN: What does a typical day in your week look like?
KG: The people in the modeling community here have had the most influence on me. As I stated before, Dallas took my first pictures, Deidre believed in me before I even had significant content to bring to her and she has mentored me and taught me, and supported me as I have built my portfolio. I love her candid approach and her honesty. Her critiques are only to help me understand and she is the expert, I am not. Paulina Gwaltney helped me see that I have commercial appeal and she is such a great coach. I love when the photographer has a vision and is able to verbalize this vision and give you feedback as they shoot you. She is a master artist and communicator through her art. My friend and photographer Patrick Baldonado is another one who has breathed belief into my bones. He is always fun to shoot with, makes the environment relaxed and gives great positive feedback when we are shooting. He too has helped me to believe in myself.
I have watched almost every season of Project Runway and have learned so much from that as well. I love the different shoots and the critiques given. This has been inspirational and educational in so many ways.
Photo by @pbaldonado
DN: What keeps you going when things get tough in the business?
DN: What keeps you going when things get tough in the business?KG: I remind myself, that every job ebbs and flows. I just try to do my best and not take myself too seriously. This is a great industry but I think knowing that my work doesn’t define me helps to make the tough times easier. I have been deflated, but I don’t let it last too long and I try to shift my focus to what is lasting and important and this helps me stay focused.
DN: Please list your website and/or your social media platforms.
www.facebook.com/kristy.gronseth www.instagram.com/KristyGronseth70 www.instagram.com/otkristy70
DN: Is there anything else you’d like us to know about you?
KG: I’m told that I’m a great hugger!