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Conversations LIVE with Cyrus Webb
Interview by Angela Anderson
Conversations LIVE with Cyrus Webb
Cyrus Webb, the host of Conversations LIVE, is a radio and on-air personality, editor-in-chief of Conversations Magazine and Mississippi Success Magazine, author, social media influencer, and Top 200 Amazon.com Reviewer. Cyrus has consistently been growing his brand for almost two decades as the host of Conversations LIVE radio show, interviewing over 11,000 guests. Since 2003, he has built the Conversations LIVE brand into an internationally recognized force that shares the stories of others and makes a difference in how people see themselves and spotlight what is possible. Through the Conversations LIVE podcast, Cyrus Webb has a gift for introducing the listeners to movers and shakers around the world who are living their dreams, overcoming challenges, and showing others what is possible for them. The podcast consistently provides an interactive space for individuals in entertainment and the arts to come together to discuss whatever unites them in life.
The Heat Seekers Magazine had an opportunity to catch up with Cyrus Webb and discuss the Conversations LIVE podcast.

Angela Anderson: How did you get started in podcasting?
Cyrus Webb: Podcasting for me became a way of archiving my radio show Conversations LIVE. I discovered podcasting in 2008. By this time, I had been doing radio for five years, and though I loved it, there was no way to save my show other than my mom recording it on cassette tapes. Podcasting became a way that I could do my shows live and still share them with the world afterward.
AA: What inspired you to start the Conversations LIVE podcast?
CW: Conversations LIVE was my way of spotlighting others. When I started the show in 2003, I knew I wanted to give a platform and voice to those who might have felt ignored or left out. I knew what that was like, so I wanted to create a place where everyone felt seen and heard.
AA: What makes the Conversations LIVE podcast unique?
CW: I think what separates Conversations LIVE from other podcasts is that we are not afraid to mix things up. Some will tell you to focus on one thing. That formula has worked for some, but for me, Conversations LIVE has to reflect my own interests and passions. That means we talk about music, books, com munity, entertainment, and more. The truth is you never know who is coming by the show next, and THAT makes it stand out.

AA: Share with us some of the behind-the-scenes of what is involved with making one podcast episode.
CW: Great question. For me, it is the planning. About 2 hours of planning goes into one show from the background, research, and then the promotion. All of that makes for an enjoyable experience when we’re live.
AA: What is an aspect of your podcast that brings you tremendous joy?
CW: The response from the guest without a doubt. My goal is to make each and every guest feel special. If I accomplish that, then everything else is gravy.
AA: What can a listener expect to receive when they tune into the Conversations LIVE podcast?
CW: Interestingly enough, even those who have followed me for the past 19 years probably will not know a great deal about me. What I mean is that the show is not me-centric. I’m the host, but the guest is the star. The show is not about me. It’s about the guest and what they bring to the table.
AA: What is one piece of advice you would share with someone who wants to start a podcast?
CW: Another great question! Definitely be yourself. Everyone else is taken. Don’t try to be the next X, Y, or Z. Bring you to the show, and you’re guaranteed to win.

AA: In honor of Father’s Day, what is a piece of fatherly advice shared with you from your father or an influential male figure that has stuck with you over the years?
CW: For me, that advice would be to know who you are. We, as men, are varied. There is no one model for what makes a man, and we have to be careful as men not to judge others by ourselves. I stand in my own space, and that is a gift I have been given.
AA: What’s next for the Conversations LIVE podcast?
CW: Conversations LIVE is celebrating 19 years in July, and we are going to be planning some special events around that. The big thing for me is to expect even bigger guests, more thought-provoking conversations, and more outlets.
AA: Share with us where and when people can listen to the Conversations LIVE podcast.
CW: The main place for Conversations LIVE the podcast is www. blogtalkradio.com/conversationslive, but we are also heard on Amazon Music and iHeartRadio.
AA: How can people stay connected with you?
CW: Thanks again for the opportunity. The main places to stay connected with me are Facebook at www.facebook.com/ cyruswebb, Twitter at www.twitter.com/cyruswebb, and Instagram at www.instagram.com/cyruswebbpresents.