1 minute read
Dr. Norma McLauchlin
Interview by LaSheera Lee
As founder and CEO of Norma Mclauchlin Ministries and Chosen Pen Publishing, Dr. Norma McLauchlin, affentionally known as First Lady, is an extremely busy woman. She is known world wide for her ability to cultivate writers. More importantly to her, she is also known for her ability to speak to the vast amount of issues, women face in their day to day lives.
She feels that it her ministry to motivate women to embrace spiritual change and live more fulfilling lives. She utilizes her own experiences as an educator, administrator, co-pastor, wife, mother, and community leader to connect with women from diverse backgrounds and demographics.

She believes in leading and operating in love. It is her desire to help women see their God given purpose. Dr. Norma McLauchlin hopes to inspire women to live out loud. She believes in helping people to see and operate in their spiritual gifts. She has accepted the ministry to assist women to see their self-worth. She feels that many women are willing to live in the shadows of their mates, friends, family etc. It is her goal to show women the inner beauty they possess.
LaSheera Lee: I know that you feel it is important for women to journal. Can you share why with the Heatseekers Magazine audience?
Dr. Norma McLaughlin: Journaling can be cathartic. it is a method to for us to release and purge emotions. In short, it allows us to reguritate on paper. Many of us are not comfortable outwardly expressing our emotions. Journaling allows us the ability to bring peace to our minds.
LL: Do you reccommend one specific style of journaling?
DNM: No, there are many styles of journaling that can be beneficial to individuals. There are journals wth words. Some people need to see the words on paper. There are artistic journals. People draw pictures and cut out pictures to help them get out emotions. There are so many methods to help people to release emotions.
LL: What is your mission for your company?
DNM: I want women to use their creative muses to advocate for theirselves. Words are power. It is important that we control our own narrative. THE HEAT SEEKERS MAGAZINE 21