12 minute read
Interview by Angela Anderson
The Millionaire Mantle of The Millionaire Mom
Lenika Scott, aka The Millionaire Mom, is a world changer, leader, and phenomenal business mogul who lives by the principles of her unwavering faith. She is a woman with a business mindset, creativity, and a sincere passion for entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs. As a businesswoman, her love for entrepreneurship flows freely, with a high priority on being an inspirational beacon of light, pushing others to reach their destiny and success in business.
With her knowledge, skills, continuous innovation, and entrepreneurship endeavors spanning over ten years, Lenika has generated multiple millions within her businesses. From food stamps to millions, she is no stranger to hard work and having a don’t quit, keep going attitude. She is a true testament that hard work, faith, and perseverance will pay off.
A magnet to success, Lenika has mastered the skills of launching, growing, and sustaining a successful business. She is not one to keep it all for herself; in fact, she enjoys teaching, training, and coaching others to master these skills as well. She is definitely a woman who gives back and pours into others. It is no secret that she desires to see others succeed, build generational wealth, and leave a legacy and inheritance for their families.

Angela Anderson: How did you get started as an entrepreneur?
Lenika Scott: It’s actually funny how I got started as an entrepreneur. I would like to say this…entrepreneurship was always in my blood. I remember being at St. Augustine College, and I knew I was on to something when women lined up at my door to get their hair done. I used to do hair. I didn’t go to cosmetology school or anything, but it was something that I loved to do. When other women started to see my hair and me doing my own hair, they would ask how much I charge. Many of them began to come to me and ask if I could do their hair. I said, ABSOLUTE- LY! So, I started to charge. My prices were so low. I charged only $3.00 per head. But it was a way to allow them to feel confident and feel good about themselves. As we know, college students don’t earn a lot of money, so I was even giving back at that age. I started entrepreneurship first in college and then in 1999; my first, meaning my first full documented business, was selling flowers. That was over 20 years ago.
AA: Would you say that entrepreneurship found you, or did you find entrepreneurship?
LS: I think it was a little bit of both. When my daughters were little, some in school and some at home, I realized I didn’t want to work for anybody anymore. And so, after selling the flowers, I entered back into the corporate America space. After entering back into corporate America, I realized that this was not for me. I began to think of ways that I could work utilizing some of the skills and passion I had from home. I took my skills, went to work, and made them work. So, I would like to say that entrepreneurship found me, and I also found it.
AA: What is your mission as an entrepreneur?
LS: One of the main missions, and this is something that I share, and I have been sharing since 2008, is to leave an inheritance and not a bill. To build wealth and build a legacy, to leave a legacy and not a bill. It definitely has not changed. The mission is a part of me, and it is a part of my business. The mission is also to expand and show other entrepreneurs that they can be in this space, be successful, overcome obstacles, and leave a legacy. The mission is for them to know that they can start from the bottom, lay a foundation, build it up and be successful.

AA: Tell us about Total Life Changes and its impact on your life as an entrepreneur.
LS: Wow! That’s a loaded question because, without Total Life Changes, I would not be a multi-millionaire today. Without Total Life Changes, we would not be in the position where we have been able to purchase homes… debt-free, cash, give back, write scholarships… and do things for our families. One of the things we often hear, especially from those not born into success, is what is the first thing you do when you become a millionaire? Typically, the answer is to give to my family, and Total Life Changes has allowed my husband and me to do just that. It has allowed us to not only be able to bless our immediate family, meaning our children, and also help set them up, but it has been the vehicle and the catalyst that’s been able to spill over to other family members like our siblings and even our nieces and nephews. It has been such a blessing to be in a business and be able to give back. Total Life Changes has been the vehicle that has allowed me to do things that I dreamed about doing, like taking trips to South Africa, trips to Dubai, and trips to Greece. Exploring different parts of the Caribbean like Jamaica, Nassau Bahamas, and even the Gulf, which is Cancun. We have seen much and have been able to do much because of Total Life Changes. Who would have thought that a detox tea would be loaded not only with so many different herbal benefits that will help one’s system and help one’s body would also be loaded with other benefits?
AA: What aspect of being an entrepreneur do you enjoy?
LS: I think one of the greatest aspects of being an entrepreneur that I enjoy is allowing me to see when others begin to walk in purpose and also their identity. And it also has a discovery factor. What I mean by this is entrepreneurship puts a mirror in your face and allows you to discover your giftings; it allows you to discover who you are. It allows you to tap into things that you may not ordinarily be able to tap into outside of a job. And not that you don’t learn things from a job, because you do, but I believe that many jobs place us in boxes where we’re not thinking creatively on a consistent basis. Entrepreneurship, however, allows us to do that. Especially when we’re starting out, we have to be the marketer; we have to manage the accounts, be the accountant, keep the books, and think about branding. It allows us to tap into creative gifts that we would not ordinarily tap into, allowing us to discover, wait a minute; there is more to me than meets the eye. This is one of the aspects that I love and enjoy about being an entrepreneur; it allows us to tap into our gifts.
AA: What makes the Lenika Scott brand unique?
LS: Wow! That’s also a loaded question. I am a mom and wife who loves to decorate. I wear so many different hats outside of business. I am a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, not ashamed to share that with the world and to attach it to entrepreneurship. I think what makes me unique is who I am. I am unique. When you look at the definition of the word unique, what do you find; what do you discover? Being unique is being unlike anything else. Being authentic. I believe what makes me unique is just who I am. And I think it also helps other women to see, wait a minute, I can have an identity outside of my children and an identity outside of my spouse. I think that one of the things that makes me unique is the fact that I am not hiding behind my children or hiding behind my husband; I’m not finding my identity in them. But I am showing the world everything I know right now that I am capable of, and I am letting them know it is possible. Those are things that make the Lenika Scott brand unique.
AA: When you hear “Wealth Legacy Builder,” what comes to mind?
LS: It is very simple. One who is determined to leave a legacy, build wealth and establish something new and something great for their family. When I think about that, I also think about the word inheritance, which means something that may be inherited and passed down. The word inheritance bodies so much. It is also speaking of something that is an acquisition, your birthright, legacy…heritage. That is huge for us. One of the things that we are focused on is this piece right here. This is so important to me in the African American community and even as a Black woman who is a first-generation multi-millionaire. It is so important for us as African Americans and as Blacks to be able to leave something for our children and leave something for the future. So, in short, a “Wealth Legacy Builder” is a person who is intentional about building wealth so they would be able to leave a legacy.

AA: As a seasoned business owner, what is one piece of advice you would share with new business owners and entrepreneurs who are just getting started?
LS: One main piece of advice is Do Not Quit; keep fighting for your dreams! I am going to share a very short story with the readers so that maybe somebody can take something from it. And when they think about quitting, they will say, you know what, if that girl, that lady, that mom of six was able to do it, then so can I.
I left corporate America in 2008 and started building a business. By 2009 I had hit six figures. At the end of 2009, my highest check for the month was $55,000. Within six months, I had generated cash profits of over $200,000. My husband came off his job, making almost six figures a year at the time. We were working our business together, and then guess what? It bottomed out; we lost everything. The business had crashed due to some of the foundational things not being set right with the company we were partnered with. We ended up on food stamps. Nine people lived in one household; six children, a niece, and my husband and I, but we kept on going.
We didn’t quit. Did we get upset? Yes, we did. Did we get a little bitter and angry? Yes, we did. But we didn’t stay there. So even in entrepreneurship, many times, we will experience a crisis. But do not curse your crisis; it is for a reason, and it is for a purpose. Many times, we are in a situation where God is trying to test us to see if we can handle what He is sending our way, and that is what was happening to my husband and me. In 2011 and 2012, we were on food stamps, but by 2013, some things started to change, and we were open to another business opportunity.
By 2015 we were millionaires. So, my advice to people just starting out and to existing entrepreneurs; is do not quit. That is the advice.
AA: We have heard it many times, The Millionaire Mom. Share with us how The Millionaire Mom came to be.
LS: I would say, first, I started by knowing by God that there was a millionaire mantle on my life. Because I am a mom with all of these babies, even a little baby on my hip when I started, she is now in high school; I called myself The Millionaire Mom. And I would like to add that I called myself The Millionaire Mom before I was actually one. We often hear that you have to see it until you see it. I saw it, and I became it. That is how The Millionaire Mom came to be.
AA: What is a part of motherhood that brings you tremendous joy?
LS: I would say seeing my daughters find their giftings and walk in purpose. And even though at the ages they are, they are still discovering, and I think that is also us at all ages. But to see them find the different gifts that are on the inside of them when they begin to discover it and walk in it brings me so much joy.
AA: When you are not working, what does Lenika Scott, the mom, and the wife, like to do for fun?
LS: I absolutely love decorating for fun. It helps me, and when I am out shopping at Home Decor, it literally takes me to my happy place.
AA: What is next for Lenika Scott?
LS: I am excited about my next project, my third book, Supernatural Wealth Transfer: It’s Time to Receive Your Harvest, by me Dr. Lenika Scott. This book, released in June of 2022, will set many people free. As I have shared so many times, what happens in the natural realm is a direct reflection of what takes place in the realm of the spirit. When you have the spiritual realm out of whack and out of balance, then some things in the natural realm are out of whack and balance. But when you learn to break through in your finances, entrepreneurship and business in the spirit realm, then wealth will come.
AA: How can people stay connected with you?
LS: You can stay connected with me by following me on everything at Lenika Scott. It is my first and last name on all social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter and YouTube.
I would like to say thank you for allowing me to be a part of The Heat Seekers Magazine.
The Heat Seekers Magazine: To purchase Lenika Scott’s latest release, Supernatural Wealth Transfer: It’s Time to Receive Your Harvest, read her other books, or tune in to her podcast, visit her website at www.lenikascott.com.