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what your tie knot says about you
what your tie knot says about you what your tie knot says about you
• Shows very little imagination • You received this tie from your nepotism-filled household of lawyers or doctors, and you too will pass it down to you child in this spiral that everyone hates • It can also be perceived as a classic look... among the older in the establishment
• You still possess a stale private school mind, where your top button is undone, and you are wearing a tie which was pretied 2 terms ago. • You might as well wear a tie with elastic around the collar. • You are more pretentious than those who wear AirPods around shopping malls for ‘fashion.’
• Firstly, what the hell is wrong with you? • Secondly, it looks like you put a tie on backwards. • I certainly commend the imagination of this tie, but what it gains in flair, it loses in sophistication. • The people who wear this tie knot are also those who wear socks and sandals, or neon green and yellow in the same outfit – you are just plain wrong!
half windsor
• Certainly, the best looking of the bunch. • You are THAT kid that rocks up to a first-year lecture wearing a full suit, just to assert dominance. • You are the one kid who signs up for all of the comps and then question, “Why the hell do I not have enough time”?