Michigan’s oldest college newspaper
Vol. 137, Issue 23 - 10 April 2014
After months of running analytics and patching holes in its new website that was launched last September, the college decided to introduce changes to the current site. A rebuild of the admissions page will be the first phase of rebuilding all sections of the current website. President Larry Arnn approved plans that were submitted by Kraig McNutt, associate vice president for digital and new initiatives, and Web Content Manager Kokko Tso. McNutt and Tso have been the primary people working to get the new website up and running. “Kokko and I had to peek The Student Activities Board announced Aaron Carter as this year’s main act at Centralhallapalooza. The event will also behind the curtain of the current include a mechanical bull, a DJ, a ferris wheel, a slide, and food trucks. (Caleb Whitmer/Collegian) website and determine if what was there was sufficient to meet our needs,” McNutt said. “We that meant getting someone big masses, so people that we knew all grew up with him. He was so came to the conclusion that it was Kate Patrick to come perform. that most students would know much more recognizable than ev- not the best foundation to build Collegian Reporter “It was kind of random. I had or at least have some connection eryone else.” upon for a long-term strategy, esa call come in and they said, ‘We with — he was a name we figAt noon on April 9 in the pecially from a mobile and tablet Yesterday, the Student Activi- work with big names and do live ured most people would know,” Grewcock Student Union, SAB optimization point of view.” ties Board revealed Aaron Carter performances. Would you be in- Bigney said. “It’s upbeat, it’s fun, played “Aaron’s Party,” while Revamping the website will as the main attraction of this terested in that?’ and I said, ‘Ac- and it’s totally throwback. Which releasing a large white banner be a process taken in chunks over year’s Centralhallapalooza. tually, we’re looking to get some- is kind of what we were hoping depicting Carter’s face. SAB also the next few years, but they have Carter hit the peak of his fame body for our Centralhallapalooza for.” passed out cut-outs of Carter’s placed priority on the undergradin the 2000s, performing with date in April,’” Bigney said. “So Promotions Chair junior Mal- face for students. But Aaron uate portion of the website — adHilary Duff and the Backstreet we went through a list of names lory Sachen said Aaron Carter Carter is not the only new atmissions and academics. Their Boys and appearing on Disney. and I just said, ‘How crazy would was the obvious choice when traction for the end-of-the-year focus is making the website userSome hit singles of his are “I it be if we got Aaron Carter?’” SAB was looking through the list event. SAB plans to bring in a lo- friendly and maximizing use of Want Candy” and “Aaron’s Party Bigney said SAB wants to of names to contract an artist. cal DJ, Bigney said. the admissions database, McNutt (Come and Get It).” “cater to the college crowd” and “None of the options on the “We’re going to be doing one said. Director of Student Activi- treat students to fun, catchy mu- list were very big names, but hour of DJ,” Bigney said. “We’ve “We want the website to be ties Amanda Bigney said SAB sic during the last event of the Aaron Carter was the one we all gotten a lot of people asking to the best possible tool it can be wanted to dip into rollover funds year. could say, ‘Yes we know Aaron have more of the intermediate with a fresher design that is easto create the biggest and best “We were trying to cater to the Carter songs,’” Sachen said. “We ier to navigate, more engaging Centralhallapalooza ever, and See Centralhallapalooza A3
Aaron Carter to perform at Centralhallapalooza
Senior college employee retiring Claire Freier Collegian Freelancer
Not many people at Hillsdale College can say they used a typewriter, let alone that they sat in the back of a van typing stats on one. Executive Assistant to the Director of Athletics Jeanie Adams, however, has done both of these things. With 45 years of service, she is the longest-serving staff member at the college. This April, Adams will be retiring from her position in the athletics department to spend more time with her family, especially her six grandchildren, who live nearby. “I love my job, I love Hillsdale College, and I had no desire to change,” Adams said. “It’s always been a happy place.” Adams said the change that stands out the most is the growth of the college, not only in student body but also in staffing and sports. Hired a week after gradu-
Judge Edith Jones served as chief judge of the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals from 2006-2012. She was appointed as a federal judge by Ronald Reagan in 1985 and is a former White House Fellows Commissioner and former member of the National Bankruptcy Review Commission. Last week, Judge Jones was on campus teaching a daily class to undergraduates on jurisprudence. On Tuesday, she participated in a talk with College President Larry Arnn on the topic “Lawyers, Judges, and the Rule of Law.” Compiled by Ramona Tausz.
ating from International Business College in Fort Wayne, Ind., Adams said she never even applied for jobs anywhere but Hillsdale. Growing up in Reading, Mich., meant that Hillsdale was close to home for Adams, but she recalls that she “didn’t know that Hillsdale College existed” until her high school literature teacher brought her to see a Hillsdale play. Chief Administrative Officer Rich Péwé said that Adams has been promoted several times in her near half-century of work, adding that she “does whatever has to be done to make things work.” Péwé said that Adams makes the department stronger. “She’s been a steady force over the last 45 years,” he said. “She’s provided the athletic department with stability. It’s certainly a long time for anyone to work in a department.” Adams has gained experience throughout the years, not only at
See Adams A3
content, and, over time, has better integration with the databases that admissions uses everyday to store prospective student information,” McNutt said. A driving force behind creating the new website is mobile and tablet optimization — a consideration that was not included when the current website was designed two years ago. “Right now, the amount of traffic that we are getting from mobile devices should be about twice what it is, simply because when you look at what the industry stats are showing in terms of percent of overall traffic from a college like ours. The reason it’s not higher is that our site is not optimized for mobile and tablet use, and that is a major driver of why we are making changes,” McNutt said. They will be using a technology called Responsive Web Design, “the next great wave in the digital world,” Tso said. It factors in varying screen sizes, and it is the same technology that companies like Google, Apple, and Amazon use. “We will include a graphical design, coding design, and an information architecture design that is built with mobile devices in mind,” Tso said. “The two important things are thinking of screen size and optimizing for the mobile user who is not necessarily looking to read something for very long.” Ongoing improvement will last a couple years, but they will also have to keep checking back
See Website A3
Chariot race starts frat Greek Week
Walker Mulley Collegian Freelancer
At the opening of fraternity Greek Week, a chariot lost a wheel, but not its rider, during the first chariot race on Hillsdale’s campus since the 1980s. At the first fraternity event, teams of two men pulled chariots carrying one rider in a four-lap race around the parking lot behind the Suites, said senior Patrick Davenport, InterFraternity Council president. Each fraternity built its own chariot for the event. Alpha Tau Omega fraternity won the race. “Pulling the chariots is a lot harder than you think,” said senior Aaron Tracey, who pulled Sigma Chi fraternity’s chariot. “The rider is little, but you’re running uphill, and you’re running about the equivalent of a half mile,” he said. The race also featured a Saga Inc. meal exchange cookout open to spectators. “Hillsdale showed up in spades,” said junior Ian Atherton, member of ATO. “We had a good
Fraternity members race off the starting line in their handmade chariots in the inaugural event of Greek Week. (Ben Strickland/Collegian) crowd. I enjoyed it a lot.” Chi Omega women’s fraternity president while she competed in So far, fraternities have com- won sorority Greek Week, which a sack race, and I had no idea she peted in the chariot race, a track concluded Friday. Chi Omega has could jump so high,” said junior competition, and basketball. Del- come in first every year but one Elizabeth Harris in an email, Pi ta Sigma Phi fraternity currently since 1983, Chi Omega president Beta Phi women’s fraternity presleads the field by seven points. junior Geena Pietrefase said. ident. Fraternity Greek Week will “We practice. We work hard. Four of the events were continue with volleyball 9:30 to- We want to win,” she said. changed from last year, said night at Hillsdale Academy and Sorority Greek Week events sophomore Kelsey Lozier, Kappa bowling Friday at 6:30 p.m. included basketball, trivia, and Kappa Gamma women’s fraterDavenport said the IFC is volleyball. nity delegate to the Panhellenic grateful to the academy for the “I got to cheer for my room- Council. The trivia event was use of their courts. mate and our former chapter See Greek Week A3 (Anders Kiledal/Collegian)
Judge Edith Jones serves on the US 5th Circuit Court of Appeals You have been on campus teaching a daily class to undergraduates. What have you been teaching? The students seem to be majoring in politics or economics, and they’re very well-prepared for class, which is gratifying. I think the course was titled something like, “Jurisprudence.” I’ve been a judge for nearly 30 years, and I’ve never taught before, so what I’m doing is hopefully teaching some of the basics about the role of judges and law in our American constitutional system. I’ll leave them, I hope, with some
tools they can use as private citizens or as budding law students to think about important legal issues that society confronts. What do you think of your first teaching experience? I guess I’ll leave it to the student reviews as to whether they think I did a good job. It’s always a useful exercise to get ready for a course because you have to sort of put your thoughts in order and prioritize what you think are the important components of whatever subject matter you’re dealing with. It was very useful to prepare and the students were
asking good questions and were intellectually-engaged, so as long as there’s mutual appreciation and they’ve benefited from the teaching, I would probably do it again. Many students enjoyed your description of clerkship in Tuesday’s talk. It’s really one of the greatest things that can happen to a young law graduate, but we get many, many applications. There are probably about 2,000 clerkship opportunities open in the federal courts each year and about
See Jones A3 Career Services: Be more agressive
Stoldt focuses on Grovsenor Senior writes thesis on local historical museum. B2
Alumni spotlight Palmer Schoening `11, runs his own business in Washington, D.C., called Schoening Solutions. A2
Hillsdale needs to use different platforms to help graduates get jobs. A5
Broadstreet revamp pending Pending Hillsdale City Council’s approval, Broadstreet will renovate its basement. A6
Convocation results See inside for scholarship cup winners and seniors with the highest GPAs. A2 (Courtesy of Palmer Schoening)
(Jordan Finney/Collegian)
News........................................A1 Opinions..................................A4 City News................................A6 Sports......................................A7 Arts..........................................B1 Features....................................B3
Heroes of Hillsdale Hillsdale student William G. Whitney received the Medal of Honor for his actions at Chickamauga. B3 twitter.com/ hdalecollegian facebook.com/ hillsdalecollegian
10 April 2014
Alumni spotlight: Palmer Schoening Sam Scorzo Washington Editor
Palmer Schoening ’11, runs his own business in Washington, D.C., called Schoening Strategies. (Courtesy of Palmer Schoening)
Class of 2014 top 10 GPAs
In alphabetical order:
Sydney Bruno
Josiah Kollmeyer
Christene Diehr
Aaron Sandford
Domenic DiGiovanni
Olivia Tilly
Margaret Freeland
Brett Wierenga
Emily Goodling
William Zuhl
2014 Convocation results
Women’s scholarship cup: Pi Beta Phi (3.276) Men’s scholarship cup: Delta Tau Delta (3.358) The Emily Daugherty Award for Teaching Excellence goes to Professor of Business Law Robert Blackstock Corrections News In the article, “Physics seniors accepted to top schools,” the
jump for the story was incorrect. The corrected version is online.
The Collegian regrets this error.
May 18, 2011 was a busy day for alumnus Palmer Schoening. On that day, he graduated from Hillsdale College and started his own business. “It was really scary, extremely scary,” he said. But two years later, the business is strong. “The lights are still on,” he said, laughing. “Most businesses, about 60 percent, fail within the first year, so I’m really happy.” Through his business, Schoening Strategies, he runs a coalition of more than 50 businesses around the nation called the Family Business Coalition. The coalition comes together over shared interests to influence legislation. “Our goals are to kill the death tax, lower marginal tax rates, lower capital gains tax rates, and decrease regulations on these guys, because they create the majority of jobs in the
country,” Schoening said. He said his favorite part of the job is being able to make a difference. The company’s most recent successes include repealing the death tax in Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee, and North Carolina. This year, in two blue states, Maryland and New York, it has made positive changes in the law to make it a lot friendlier for businesses, he said. “It’s nice to be able to tell the family business owners, ‘Hey, you’re not going to have to grapple with this tax anymore,’” Schoening said. Schoening credits his father, who has been a business owner for years, for inspiring him to go into business himself. “I worked with him my entire life. He had a laundromat, dry cleaners, and a couple apartment buildings,” he said. “So after hours, I was in there cleaning out the laundry vents and stuff like that and seeing what it took day to day to run a business, so it was a little less of a shock for me.” Schoening originally went
to Hillsdale as a biology major. However, taking the Constitution class, inspired him to change his course of study to political economy. He also credits his academic adviser at Hillsdale, Professor of Political Economy Gary Wolfram, for feeding his ambition to start a business. Wolfram said he has spoken with Palmer a number of times since his graduation and remembers him as “a good student.” “I believe his Hillsdale education has provided him with the background necessary to affect public policy, and I am sure he would tell you the same,” Wolfram said in an email. While at Hillsdale, Schoening played for the Charger football team and was the treasurer for Delta Sigma Pi fraternity, as well as a member of Praxis. After Hillsdale, Schoening moved to Washington, D.C., and interned with the American Family Business Institute while earning his master’s degree in public policy with a concentration in economics at George Mason University. He then tran-
sitioned into working for the institute and climbed his way up to director of federal affairs, all while laying the groundwork for his own business. Schoening’s advice for other Hillsdale students is to get involved while at Hillsdale and take advantage of the WHIP program. Schoening said Hillsdale has a great presence on the hill, and he has worked to make it stronger as a driving force behind establishing the D.C.–Hillsdale Alumni Steering Committee. But even with this success on the hill, Schoening isn’t stopping where he’s at. Next week, Schoening looks forward to traveling to Hawaii with his father for a business venture. “We have a three acre plot of land outside of Hilo, Hawaii, and I’ll be helping him start up our new family organic farm,” Schoening said. “We plan to grow avocados, mangos, coffee, and more. It should be a fun new venture.”
Enactus competes at nationals Micah Meadowcroft Assistant Editor
Hillsdale Enactus returned from Cincinnati last week with a $500 cash prize from the Enactus National competition. Six students made up a presentation team that won its consolation bracket. The presentation was based on last year’s Hillsdale Enactus chapters’ activities focusing on international outreach, energy management, and community development projects. “I think our team did really well, considering that we’re kind of young,” said senior Gena Oster, president of the chapter. “But we have 34 devoted Enactus members, which is pretty impressive.” Oster said many of the teams from other colleges Hillsdale competed against have endowments and receive college credit for their participation, making Hillsdale’s competitiveness that much more impressive. Executive Director of Career Services Michael Murray, one of the group’s academic advisors, said, “The team did a very fine job representing Hillsdale and, I think, demonstrated themselves very admirably.” This year’s competition saw a shift from last year, when Hillsdale competed at a regional competition in Chicago. The Enactus organization eliminated the regional competition from the overall program, meaning every participating team in the United States was competing in Cincinnati. While the team failed to qualify for advancement, every team present was guaranteed at least two chances to present, and in the consolation competition, Hill-
Six members of Hillsdale’s Enactus team traveled to Cincinnatti last week to compete in the Enactus National competition. The group won $500. (Courtesy of Shaun Lichti) sdale Enactus excelled. Junior Shaun Lichti, vice president of marketing for the team and presentation director, saw the whole experience as a great learning opportunity. “It was important for understanding the new competition format, what it means to not have regionals where everyone goes straight into nationals — I think we came out with a really good understanding of that,” he said. “Our presentation style, and the way we went about doing our presentation, using a lot of video elements with a high production value — very professionally produced — was a big success and really gave us an edge, and I think that with another year to finesse our projects and the way we’re partnering both with businesses and nonprofits, we’ll be in a very great position next year.” Beyond the experience of the competition, which Bob Blackstock, business law professor,
described as “a wonderful opportunity for students, developing their rhetorical skills,” the national competition included a career fair and business speakers. Murray said fifty companies were present, many of which were Fortune 500 and 100 companies. The businesses ranged from Home Depot to Coca-Cola and everything in between. One of the key-note addresses was given by the president of the Hershey company. While only the six students making up the presentation team were present on this trip, Murray would like more to attend in the future, and hopes to eventually bring the whole Hillsdale Enactus team each year to the competition so they can all take advantage of the networking and job opportunities. Lichti and Oster both said they would like to see the Hillsdale Enactus team grow. “Our drive is really just to get more people aware and more
people involved,” Lichti said. Formerly known as Students in Free Enterprise, Enactus went through a rebranding process last year. The Hillsdale chapter worked on three projects this last year. In energy management, Enactus ran the dormitory and residence recycling and energy competitions and programs. In community development, the group helped the local restaurant and addiction recovery ministry “Tastes of Life” manage their marketing. Also, in international outreach, Enactus is assisting philanthropist John Drake’s Lingap Center orphanage in the Philippines. “At bottom, the purpose of Enactus is to make the world a better place,” Blackstock said. Anyone intersted in learning more about Enactus at Hillsdale is invited to attend the team’s presentation in the private dining room at noon on April 15.
Teaching students survival 101 Unfinished business
start collecting things. You never know what you’ll need.” Kellam’s goal in the class is to bring students outside of their When the polar vortex struck comfort zone, to get them enHillsdale College, nine-foot gaged and practically competent snow banks loomed over the in the case of a survival situation. campus quad. Sinister patches “This class isn’t about survivof black ice stretched across the ing, but thriving,” Kellam said. sidewalk. The days were nasty, “The more you know, the less brutish, and short. you have to carry. We also focus Perfect weather for camping. on leadership skills, so that the Joe Kellam, the instructor for students can ensure that a group next semester’s wilderof people will make it if ness survival class, set up they are confronted with a camp with friends when crisis.” few Hillsdale students Ingenuity is an impordared to venture outdoors tant part of survival. The for longer than it took to “kit mentality,” according dash from the Grewcock to Kellam, teaches students Student Union to Mossey to work with a few core Library. tools. From there, Kellam “People were calling hopes to teach each student us crazy,” Kellam said. how to use natural resourc“We were comfortable, es to replace each element though, because we had in that basic kit. the right training.” “I know how to cut Kellam has been teachdown a tree with a knife,” ing a wilderness survival Nabozny said. “A lot of class for the past semester things can be good, can be alongside Associate Dean useful, even if it’s not in of Men Jeffery Rogers. In the conventional sense.” the future, however, KelJunior Rob Pfeiffer was lam will be listed as the Wilderness survival class students learn how to create a signal fire. surprised at how involved (Courtesy of Jeffrey Rogers) sole instructor. the class has been. “The brunt of the “I wasn’t expecting the teaching is his doing,” Rogers student reaction was far more doorsmanship, as his father and instructor to be such a wealth of said. “I did first aid, some cold enthusiastic than either Rogers uncle are regular hunters. But knowledge,” Pfeiffer said. “We weather instruction, and emer- or Kellam could have predicted. the class, more than giving him really spend a lot of time doing gency stuff. Next semester, he “We had nearly 40 students practical skills to use outdoors, hands-on stuff.” will be teaching it himself.” sign up for the class,” Rogers has changed his perspective. Kellam’s practical approach Kellam has, through many said, “but we dropped down to “You look at things in a differ- is perfect for students like Lunt, years of experience outdoors, 20 students after the time sched- ent light,” Nabozny said. “You however. become the primary wilderness ule was finalized.” think, ‘This is what I have on me. “Someday, I want to look survival instructor for MichiSome students have had ex- What can I use it for? How can death in the face and live,” Lunt gan’s Department of Natural Re- tensive experience outdoors. this help me survive?’ You also said. sources. Sarah Albers Collegian Reporter
“All of my adult life has been spent in wilderness education,” Kellam said. “I went straight out of high school to the Marine Corps — I even had to sign a waiver, since I left early — and learned the survival and navigation skills that go with that.” The idea for the class began with Rogers but wasn’t made a reality until this past semester. When the survival class was finally put on the schedule, the
Sophomore Simone Lunt, currently enrolled in the wilderness survival class, has been camping for years. “I really like outdoorsy stuff like camping and hiking,” Lunt said. “My family has camped every year since I was a baby.” Others came to the class knowing little about survival skills. Junior Logan Nabozny originally enrolled in the class to become acquainted with out-
delays diplomas Casey Harper Spotlight Editor
As seniors near graduation, failure to take care of business could delay their diplomas and consequently their job search. On April 7, Registrar Douglas McArthur sent out an email saying,“We have reason to believe that not everyone who intends to graduate in May has submitted a graduation application to the Registrar’s office.” McArthur’s email hinted at a problem with Hillsdale diplomas: sometimes, students don’t get them. Failing to apply for graduation can delay diplomas, along with obstacles as small as unpaid library fines. Because many students stay an extra semester, being a senior is not enough for the college to know you will graduate, McArthur said. “The graduation application is your way of announcing to the college that you are graduating,” he said. Sometimes, panicked secondsemester seniors realize they need one more class to graduate. McArthur said there are a few of these students every year, but the online program evaluation tools have helped with this problem. “If you don’t pay library fines, it can prevent you from getting what you actually came here to get,” Technical Services Librarian Maurine McCourry said. When graduating seniors walk across the stage in May, they are
not handed their diplomas. The process is actually more complicated. After grades come in, McArthur personally reviews every graduate’s transcript. “It’s a good two weeks of what I do all day long,” he said. “Once we have actually conferred the degree, then we place the order for the diplomas with the vendor.” Once the college receives the diplomas, the diplomas are signed by Chief Administrative Officer Rich Péwé and President Larry Arnn and then mailed out, usually by mid-June. The graduation process also involves some email changes for students. Once graduated, students will retain their Hillsdale email addresses for one year. After that, they switch to an alumni email provided by the college. “We understand that it would be nice to have some continuity in contact information for students as they graduate so they can communicate with prospective employers,” said Coordinator of Alumni Activities and Events Joyce Curby. “So what the college has decided to do is allow you to keep you current email address for a year that way you can transition into the workplace.” Through these new emails, students can stay updated on college news as well as reunions, through the “e-lumni newsletter.” Alumni can also look up fellow alumni through the college directory.
Garrett West presents paper at UNC conference
Sally Nelson Opinions Editor
When junior Garrett West presented a paper on Medieval philosophy at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, a student said they’d never met a theist who could actually have a conversation about philosophy. “Being there really made me appreciate me being at HIllsdale. I recognize how rare the sort of education we receive here is,” West said. “I hope I was able to show a little bit of this education to the people I met.” West presented his paper at Chapel Hill as part of its Undergraduate Conference on Philosophy on March 29. He submitted a paper on Saints Bonaventure and Aquinas to Chapel Hill’s philosophy club after Phi Sigma Tau, Hillsdale’s philosophy honorary, forwarded the call for papers over
Christmas break. “I realized the Bonaventure paper was under the word limit and submitted it,” West said. The philosophy club selected West’s paper, along with three others, out of the more than 100 papers it received. The club flew West to North Carolina for an allday conference at which he presented his work. In his paper, West offers a critique of Bonaventure’s reworking of Augustine’s theory of illumination and presents, instead, Aquinas’ epistemology. “I’ve always been really interested in epistemology in particular,” West said. “I started to read Aquinas’ theory of knowing and I was comparing it to Bonaventure as I was reading.” West submitted it to Lee Cole, instructor of philosophy, as the final paper for Cole’s survey course in Medieval philosophy. Cole learned that West submitted the
paper only after it was accepted. “I had only remarked that it was an especially strong paper. Garrett is always an especially strong student, but he turned a corner here in his writing,” Cole said. “He was flirting with graduate level writing and reflection.” West’s paper stood out among the other papers presented, since the other papers focused on ethics and language rather than philosophy, and there are no Medieval philosophy professors at Chapel Hill. “How alien West’s topic is speaks all the more to the quality of the work,” Cole said. “I had to do a 35 minute Q and A after,” West said. “Basically, I talked about Thomas Aquinas the whole time. Before I went, I think that none of them would have thought that any medieval philosopher could have a robust philosophical system that’s still applicable today.”
chair of SAB, said Aaron Carter will be a particularly fun addition to the night. “We thought it would be a great way to end the year and the night with an artist I think a lot of people can recognize both name-wise and content-wise,” Anderson said. “It’s kind of exciting to say, ‘Hey, a childhood star came to my col-
lege.’” Because SAB is spending so much money on Centralhallapalooza this year, Bigney said it’s probably going to be the best event of the year. “It’s probably going to be the biggest Centralhallapalooza that’s ever been on campus, because we’re going big this year,” Bigney said. “We want to make sure everyone really enjoys it.”
six years, said that Adams likes to keep a low profile but has great perspective and makes logical decisions. “She knows so many people and their position within the college,” Brubacher said. “She helps a new person like me connect with lots of entities around campus.” According to Brubacher, “family is at the center of her life,” and that close bond is of utmost importance to Adams.
She has weekly family dinners on Sunday and goes on a family vacation each summer. Adams said she will miss her “Hillsdale family” the most when she retires, but does look forward to spending time with her biological family. “I have no big plans,” she said. As of yet, no one has been hired for Adams’ position in the athletic department. “You don’t replace someone like Jeanie,” Brubacher said.
get a clerkship. I wasn’t able to look around a lot for various reasons and, you know, you go and practice law and learn it in law practice. It worked out. Is a clerkship ever more than a temporary position? That is a very good question. Unfortunately, in my view, there are more and more judges who are hiring what they call permanent clerks. It’s a great job, because you are serving the judge and therefore the cause of justice permanently. You get all the benefits of federal employment. Not as high a salary, but the main benefit is reasonable working conditions. But still, there are a lot more student clerks, than there are permanent clerks. A lot of the permanent clerks work for older judges, who have less work to do. The judges don’t want to be bothered by having to train new people and hire new people every
year. At your talk, you mentioned that “despair is a sin” when looking toward the future of our country. How do you demonstrate optimism in your work and how might you encourage students to stay optimistic? Well, for myself, I just am doing my judicial job as well as I can, pursuant to the principles that I’ve tried to teach the students today, which are strict regard for the rule of law and a conception of the proper role of the judiciary in our society. As for the students, I think it’s important for each student to make decisions and then pursue excellence in whatever course they choose. Then no matter what external forces may seem to buffet them at the end of the day, each one will be able to say, “I did the best I could.”
such as a wheelbarrow race and an egg toss. Lozier said the new events were well-received. “Overall, it was super successful this year,” she said. Finish the Lyric consisted of teams from each sorority choosing categories of songs. Part of a song would be played and then
the women would attempt to finish the song, KKG president junior Mary Kate Kibbe said. She said those who successfully finished difficult songs won much support. “It was really nice to get the houses cheering on together,” Kibbe said.
admissions alone, you have prospective students, prospective parents, guidance counselors, military students, international students. All those have varying needs when they come to our website.” McNutt, who has 20 years of digital marketing experience, came to Hillsdale last June. He said that rebuilding the website is not uncommon for schools around the country. “What we are going through is very typical of what almost every school goes through. Some went through it five years ago,
some still are not going through it,” McNutt said. “A majority of school websites are not that great – ours currently is not that great, but we want to fix that.” Tso hopes that consistent reevaluation of the website will ease the process for the future. “The idea is that we won’t wait every three years to massively change the website,” Tso said. “It will be an ongoing patching and updating, so we will be able to gradually ease the fish into the water rather than dunking it into cold water every three or four years.”
Centralhallapalooza From A1 music just to dance to and enjoy. They’re going to be bringing in lights and fog and really creating that concert-like atmosphere, so that will be a lot different from last year.” Senior Alex Anderson, media
Adams From A1 her job, but with the college and its people. She has worked for five athletic directors since 1970 and says the knowledge she has acquired from her bosses has been unmeasurable. Director of Athletics Don Brubacher, a college employee for
From A1
40,000 students are graduating, so you have to be very at the top of your class to qualify for clerkship. As you can imagine, there is a gigantic underground communication about clerkships by former law clerks and some professors and so on, and so there’s a lot of scuttlebutt out there about which judges are the best ones to clerk for and which cities the best ones to be in and so on. I’m not privy to all that, but anyone who’s going to apply for a clerkship probably needs to explore all that. What options are available for students who don’t get clerkships right out of law school? Well, they’re like me! I didn’t
Greek Week From A1 revised and kickball, Freaky Friday, and Finish the Lyric were introduced. Freaky Friday consisted of less competitive events
Website From A1
on the changes they have made. The task is made more difficult with the quantity of information and the number of constituents they are trying to serve. “There are so many types of users, which makes it very difficult, and also challenging and fun when you redesign your website. You have to look at it from the point of view of different types of users,” McNutt said. “For just
A3 10 April 2014
Honors thesis defense schedule
Thursday, April 10 4:00-5:00 - Samuel Stoneburner: “The Heart of Science: The Necessity of Liberal Motivations for Scientific Inquiry” 5:15-6:15 - John Walsh: “Why 2+2=4: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Arithmetic” Friday, April 11 2:30-3:30 - Evan Gage: “He Reysyd Uppe the Grett Root Oute of the Depe Depnesse: Hell and the Hermeneutics of the Harrowing in Julian of Norwich’s Revelations of Divine Love” 3:45-4:45 - Josiah Kollmeyer: “‘Keep the White Horse White’: The Victory of Christian Humility over Nihilistic Pride in G. K. Chesterton’s The Ballad of the White Horse” Monday, April 14 2:30-3:30 - Grace Ramsey: “Sex, Lies, and the Founding of Rome: How Venus Genetrix Evolved from Aphrodite” 3:45-4:45 - Viktor Rozsa: “Harmonices Mundi: Johannes Kepler and the Metaphysics of Scientific Discovery” 5:00-6:00 - Grace Marie Lambert: “A Response to Absence: Reading Marilynne Robinson’s Gilead and Housekeeping in Tandem” Tuesday, April 15 4:00-5:00 - Erin Mundahl: “‘All the lonely people, where do they all come from?’: A Socio-Psychological Examination of the Loner in Society” Wednesday, April 16 2:30-3:30 - Brett Wierenga: “‘Beyond Supply and Demand’: Wilhelm Röpke on the Extra-Economic Context and Function of Economic Science” 3:45-4:45 - Emily Schutz: “‘But remember—For that’s my business to you’: The Role of Wonder in Shakespeare’s Historical Memory” 5:00-6:00 - Andrew Pappas: “A Defense of Jury Notification” Thursday, April 17 4:00-5:00 - Ellen Georges: “‘The abortive sorrows and short-winded elations of men’: F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby as a Case Study in Teaching Literature at the High School Level” 5:15-6:15 - Deborah Ross: “‘Remember This Day’: The Historical Significance of the Exodus and the Reliability of the Biblical Date”
On the Greek Scene Detailing the news and events of Hillsdale’s Greek houses
Pi Beta Phi Pi Beta Phi would like to congratulate Chi Omega and Kappa Kappa Gamma on another great Greek Week! A special thank you to the Panhellenic representatives who coordinated the event. We had a great week — thank you for your hard work! Chi Omega We are excited to announce another Chi Omega Greek Week victory and would like to thank the women of Kappa Kappa Gamma, Pi Beta Phi, and the Panhellenic Council for their efforts in making it a fun and exciting week for all. This week is an exciting one for us because we are preparing for the initiation of 20 new members this weekend. We can’t wait for them to be sisters!
Student Fed approves group proposals Student Fed approved $4,321.85 in funds at its last meeting after receiving eight proposals from student clubs and Campus Health and Recreation. The group granted funds to Praxis, Cravats and Bluestockings, Kappa Mu Epsilon math honorary, Students for Life, Mu Alpha, and the Hillsdale College Pep Band. Student Fed approved only half of Campus Health and Rec’s $3,000 proposal for new bikes. Treasurer sophomore Marie Wathen said Student Fed wants to make sure they’re not spending too much money. “A lot of the concern was trying to figure out a balance of how much money we’re spending,” Wathen said. “A lot of the representatives just want to make sure that our spending isn’t so much that we’re setting precedents that we can’t keep.” Campus Health and Rec will be able to purchase four bikes with the $1,500 in funds from Student Fed. Junior Arielle Mueller, president of Student Fed, said if the bikes prove to be a success then Student Fed will be happy to provide Campus Health and Rec with more funds in the future. “We felt by funding half the amount it would provide people with bikes for the triathlon, and it would also serve as an experiment,” Mueller said. “It’s kind of like a trial run. I think the consensus was that if this works out, Student Fed would be happy to hear from Campus Health and Rec again next semester or in a year.” –Kate Patrick
Society of Physics Students to attend lecture The Society of Physics Students is driving to the University of Michigan to attend a physics presentation on April 12 titled, “A Viking Navigational Aid: Polarized Light.” “You’d be interested in this event if you’re interested in nature in the physical world and history to some extent,” said freshman Joshua Ramette, president of the society. The talk takes a scientific look at the historical issue of how the Vikings navigated in the North Atlantic Ocean before the invention of the magnetic compass. Michigan’s visiting physics scholar, Professor Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan, will focus on the theory that the “sunstone” mentioned in Viking legend was actually a calcite crystal that assisted Viking navigation though light depolarization. The group holds meetings on the first Thursday of every month in room 108 in the basement of Strosacker. Group meetings typically attract physics majors, but anyone with an interest in physics is welcome to attend. “The group is really inclusive, and we’re really excited for non-physics students to participate,” Ramette said. The group tries to host a few events throughout the semester either on the campus or somewhere outside of Hillsdale, and the talks at Michigan have been popular in the past. “Saturday morning physics talks are our favorite events,” Ramette said. –Evan Carter
A.J. Specials Week of April 14-18 Mon: Mushroom/Swiss Burger $4.00 Tues: Oven Grinder Wed:
Southwest Beef Wrap
$4.55 $3.95
Thurs: Chicken Mexicana Pizza $4.25
All specials include a medium soft drink.
OPINION 10 April 2014 A4
The income tax can fix the roads
33 E. College St. Hillsdale, MI 49242
Newsroom: (517) 607-2897 Advertising: (517) 607-2684
Online: www.hillsdalecollegian.com Editor in Chief: Caleb Whitmer News Editor: Evan Brune City News Editor: Taylor Knopf Opinions Editor: Sally Nelson Sports Editor: Morgan Delp Arts Editor: Abigail Wood Spotlight Editor: Casey Harper Web Editor: Alex Anderson Washington Editor: Sam Scorzo Circulation Manager: Daniel Slonim Ad Managers: Matt Melchior | Isaac Spence | Rachel Fernelius Assistant Editors: Macaela Bennett | Jack Butler | Hannah Leitner | Chris McCaffery | Micah Meadowcroft | Bailey Pritchett | Teddy Sawyer | Morgan Sweeney | Amanda Tindall Photographers: Anders Kiledal | Shaun Lichti | Gianna Marchese | Ben Block | Carsten Stann | Ben Strickland Faculty Advisers: John J. Miller | Maria Servold The editors welcome Letters to the Editor but reserve the right to edit submissions for clarity, length, and style. Letters should be 450 words or less and include your name and number. Send submissions to snelson1@hillsdale.edu before Sunday at 6 p.m.
The opinion of The Collegian editorial staff
It’s no secret that the roads in Hillsdale need a lot of work. Just drive down Wolcott or Vine Street at 15 mph and pray your tires make it. The city needs to fix them, but it can’t without money. We suggest city council repropose the income tax that was voted down in 2012, and we encourage city residents – this time around – to vote ‘yes.’ In the aftermath of the city’s rejection of the income tax proposal, street funding solutions were constantly debated during the 2013 election cycle. Each candidate for Hillsdale City
Mary Proffit Kimmel Student Columnist
tra to yourself in the kitchen. In my efforts to become a good housewife, I once spent an entire summer trying to find the perfect pound cake recipe. There are several. People recommend different wet ingredients: sour cream, butter, Crisco, etc. I have found that sour cream works best. Then there is the almond/lemon decision. Of course vanilla will be an ingredient, but you must choose whether you want your cake to have a nutty or Hillsdale has prepared fruity overtone. Or you can make a chocolate pound me to be a housewife by cake, which resolves these teaching me how to difficulties for you. maintain outward calm This love for baking was born in me, I believe, out of in spite of inward anxiety, a severe habit of procrashow to impress others tination. At Hillsdale, the night before a paper was while at the same time due, I would always bake. I improving yourself, and perfected Seth Strickland’s bread recipe, venturing out how to be productive with such additions as honwhen you procrastinate. ey and chopped fruit. Bread is perfect for studying, or rather, not studying. Add the yeast to the water, and go study while it gets foamy. Add the flour, study a little. Knead a little, write some more. Wait four hours for the bread to rise while you actually get some studying done. Finally, once you have baked the bread to a golden brown, you can offer it to your friends, continuing your strain of avoiding that paper. At least, it worked for me. Then there’s always impressing the boys. The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. I won’t say I didn’t try this on Carl. I definitely made him pound cake before we were dating. And now he makes me Swedish pancakes, so it comes full circle. But really, baking is an important way of showing affection to the men in your life. Although they would probably prefer a mighty-meaty dish, I usually make Carl and his friends scones. Or cookies. Their oven is a little finicky, so sometimes we end up eating cookie dough, but it’s a communal experience nonetheless. Being a housewife is more than baking. It’s also the crazy soccer-mom adrenalin that you need to keep you going all day. I think Hillsdale has also prepared me for this. I know that balancing Kappa and Chamber Choir and Jitters (and studying) is nothing compared to actually being a mother, but it must contribute some skills of time management — or at least not losing your mind. I may not drive a minivan, but I do enjoy the feverish business of a to-do list. Furthermore, the perfect housewife always wears pearls. Rain or shine, studying or sleeping, I always strive to wear pearls. I think it gives a professional touch to the grungiest outfit. It also keeps at bay the impending hipster-dom. As long as I have this remnant of the fifties, I cannot fall into the laissez-faire matching of any and all patterns and fabrics garnered from thrift stores and the Women’s Commissioner’s Sale. Pearls are the emblem of the eternal: spherical and white. They add the garnish of peace to an otherwise harried appearance. Hillsdale has prepared me to be a housewife by teaching me how to maintain outward calm in spite of inward anxiety, how to impress others while at the same time improving yourself, and how to be productive when you procrastinate.
Ian Andrews Student Columnist I finally got around to my education in my junior year. There are a lot of people who will say their freshman year didn’t count, usually because it’s hard to get good grades as a Hillsdale freshman. We’re willing, as a community, to pass over our collective academic slow start, and put the beginning of our actual education at sophomore year. I did begin to succeed, if not excel, academically in my sophomore year, but there still wasn’t a whole lot of education going on. Junior year, I hit my stride, by which I do not mean to claim I became a straight-A student. I did, however, enjoy every mo-
pay taxes here. So, yes, there’s a problem in our supporting the tax: We get all the benefits and suffer none of the financial burden. But if we can’t convince you to vote for the tax, we encourage you to look into the matter yourself. The roads are only getting worse. They will only get fixed if city residents approve a way for the city to pay for them. We think the income tax is the solution. What do you think?
ment of my classroom experience. I promise, I’m not making it up, there was wonder everywhere! Of exactly the sort that Dr. Smith talks about when he sneaks a talking point on Shakespeare into a class on Homer’s “Iliad.” I could actually get buried in a discussion, instead of getting lost in one, and I walked out of classes with goosebumps just because of the powerful ideas. Suddenly, I didn’t care in the least that my grades showed me my shortcomings. I was simply having too much fun. I say all of this because I feel this college presented me with a two stage educational process. My first two years weren’t about the academics, even though those poor grades played a huge role in my growth; those years were about sobering me up so that my own person wasn’t constantly between my eyes and the ideas in the classroom. I went from actively rejecting my studies freshman year, to elevating their
evaluation of my worth to a nighspiritual status sophomore year. In both of those periods, the only thing on my mind was myself. My own image dominated my vision of the world, and I learned nothing that wasn’t filtered through my self-perception. My junior year was defined by fascination. Everything I read was deep, even the abhorrent descriptions of a rotting corpse in Edgar Allan Poe’s “Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym.” (You may not know, or even have wanted to know, but that book, once read, will never leave your waking or sleeping mind alone... ever.) I was so busy thinking about the books in front of me that I forgot, for the first time in my college career, to pay attention to myself. I found myself stridently bellowing Anglo-Saxon gibberish, completely unselfconscious, giggling with my fellow juniors at the sheer awesomeness of the dead language we were dabbling in.
I felt drawn into a level of contemplation that begged me to look around at the world and be dazzled by it.
I don’t pretend to know exactly what changed between sophomore and junior year. But I do know that I wanted to be in class, not to check it off of a list of requirements, but because the class itself was intoxicatingly beautiful. I felt drawn into a level of contemplation that begged me to look at the world and be dazzled by it. And I was. I think this is what they mean when they give us that stuffy monologue about the linguistic roots of the word “education,” and tell you that it will draw you out of yourself, and into a larger conversation. I cannot count the number of times I’ve parroted that speech in defense of the liberal arts, but I didn’t understand its substance until my studies distracted me from myself. No one could have explained that it would be joy, and not the disappointment of learning my finitude, that would make me an educated man. I feared my own failure far too much to see that if I knew everything, I would never be surprised or entertained again. Junior year, I no longer took care to know and understand everything, but instead was delighted in the fact that I knew nothing; every moment became a discovery, and every conversation an education.
Jonah Goldberg Syndicated Columnist For years, Republicans benefited from economic growth. So did pretty much everyone else, of course. But I have something specific in mind. Politically, when the economy is booming — or merely improving at a satisfactory clip — the distinction between being pro-business and pro-market is blurry. The distinction is also fuzzy when the economy is shrinking or imploding. But when the economy is simply limping along — not good, not disastrous — like it is now, the line is easier to see. And GOP politicians typically don’t want to admit they see it. Just to clarify, the difference between being pro-business
From the Archives: Centrallhallapalooza to feature Elephant Centralhallapalooza, hosted by the Student Activities Board and boasting live bands, a beer tent and a moon bounce, will also feature free elephant rides from 7-11 p.m. Saturday. Rebekah Dell, Director of Student Activities, said SAB officers began looking into bringing an elephant to Centralhallapalooza after a student requested one at their meetings. Eventually, SAB found one through the Funny Business Agency of Ada, Mich. The board rented the elephant as part of a deal with the moon bounce, inflatable obstacle course and high jump, and Dell said the entire package cost around $4,000 including insurance.
sdale’s roads and concluded that the city needs $39 million to entirely reconstruct its roads. Bringing them all to a wellfunctioning condition, however, would cost significantly less. After thorough research, we think that passing an earmarked income tax with an expiration date of 10 years, specifically for a local roads fund, is the best option the city has. The tax would generate roughly $1 million a year – not enough to outright cure Hillsdale’s road malady, but enough to make it substantially less miserable. Most Hillsdale students don’t
Education should draw you out of yourself
How Hillsdale prepared me to be a housewife My mom informs me that being a housewife is more than painting your nails and eating bonbons. She volunteers, takes care of my grandmother, sings in the church choir, and is a full-time law partner. I thought being a housewife meant just baking and singing Frank Sina-
Council vowed to make it a priority. Once a new mayor and council were elected, the city government compiled a list of 24 possible solutions to fund road reconstruction. On our City News page, the Collegian has explored some of the more plausible options in a series throughout the spring semester. These have included such measures as installing parking meters, selling the Public Board of Utilities, and selling streets. But only two of the council’s solutions generate a substantial long-term revenue source. A private firm assessed Hill-
“I was shocked at how simple the whole process was,” Dell said. The elephant, whose name is Laura, starred in the 1995 movie “Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls,” Dell said. “I’ve heard it can maybe even throw a baseball,” she said. Freshman Lena Pantely said she thought the elephant was a joke when she first heard about it. “I think it’s exciting that we can do something even a big university hasn’t done,” Pantely said. “With the economic downturn, only in Hillsdale would we still get an elephant.” April 23, 2009 Kirsten Adams
and pro-market is categorical. A politician who is a “friend of business” is exactly that, a guy who does favors for his friends. A politician who is pro-market is a referee who will refuse to help protect his friends (or anyone else) from competition unless the competitors have broken the rules. The friend of business supports industry-specific or even business-specific loans, grants, tariffs or tax breaks. The promarket referee opposes special treatment for anyone. Politically, the reason the lines get blurry in good times and bad is that in a boom, the economic pie is growing fast enough that the friend and his competitor alike can prosper. In bad times, when politicians are desperate to get the economy going, no one in Washington wants to seem like an enemy of the “job creators.” But in a time when people bitterly wonder, “Is this as good as it gets?” Republicans have to decide whether European-level growth means we should have European-style policies. In Europe, big corporations are national institutions where big labor unions collect their dues — with help from the state. Democrats, who often look longingly at the way they do things across the pond, don’t have the same dilemma as Republicans. For a century or more, progressives have believed in public-private partnerships, industrial policy, “Swopism,” corporatism and other forms of
The Uses of a Liberal Arts Education
by Forester McClatchtey
picking winners and losers. The winners always promise to deliver the “jobs of tomorrow” in return for help from government today. (Solyndra is running behind on keeping its end of the deal.) Many Republicans are rhetorically against this sort of thing, but in practice, they’re for it. (Even Ronald Reagan supported trade protections for Harley-Davidson.) This is especially true at the state level, where GOP governors are willing to do anything to seduce businesses their way. Texas is a good example. Gov. Rick Perry has been heroic in keeping taxes and regulatory burdens low. But he’s also helped his friends -- a lot. Few on the right in Texas care, because Texas has been doing so much better than the rest of the country. GOP politicians can’t have it both ways anymore. An economic system that simply doles out favors to established stakeholders becomes less dynamic and makes job growth less likely. (Most jobs are created by new businesses.) Politically, the longer we’re in a “new normal” of lousy growth, the more the focus of politics turns to wealth redistribution. That’s bad for the country and just awful politics for Republicans. In that environment, being the party of less — less entitlement spending, less redistribution — is a losing proposition. Also, for the first time in years, there’s an organized — or
mostly organized — grassroots constituency for the market. Historically, the advantage of the pro-business crowd is that its members pick up the phone and call when politicians shaft them. The market, meanwhile, was like a bad Jewish son; it never called and never wrote. Now, there’s an infrastructure of Tea Partyaffiliated and other free-market groups forcing Republicans to stop fudging. A big test will be on the Export-Import Bank, which is up for reauthorization this year. A bank in name only, the taxpayerbacked agency rewards big businesses in the name of maximizing exports that often don’t need the help (hence its nickname, “Boeing’s Bank”). In 2008, even then-Sen. Barack Obama said it was “little more than a fund for corporate welfare.” The bank, however, has thrived on Obama’s watch. It’s even subsidizing the sale of private jets. Remember when Obama hated tax breaks for corporate jets? Friends of the Ex-Im Bank are screaming bloody murder. That’s nothing new. What is new is that the free market is on line two. (Jonah Goldberg is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and editor-at-large of National Review Online. You can write to him in care of this newspaper or by e-mail at goldbergcolumn@ gmail.com, or via Twitter @JonahNRO.)
A5 10 April 2014
Death and violence in television has become cliché Marcus Hedenberg Collegian Reporter I used to always complain about seeing heroes walk out into the sunset unscathed. Now it seems they’re lucky if they survive with half their limbs intact. Death is the new cliché in television. And though George R.R. Martin’s habit for the mass murdering of fictional characters does make for greater suspense in “Game of Thrones,” it’s hard not to feel that television is following a popular trend that’s dulling death’s impact. It wasn’t until the season four finale of “The Walking Dead” that I realized this. Following the episode’s conclusion, plenty of fans took to the Internet to lament that “nobody died.” For all the season’s faults, I was pleasantly
surprised to see so few prominent characters killed for once. Sure, it was a rocky and inconsistent ride, but fewer deaths allowed for character development that would otherwise have been impossible. Unfortunately though, character assassination is becoming ever more synonymous with “stuff happening.” I call it death porn. It compels writers to look to death as the primary source of catharsis for their characters. Alternatively, it compels them to kill their characters when they can’t be bothered to figure out where to take them next. In the past, plenty of shows have butchered a majority of their original cast. To name a few: “Boardwalk Empire,“ “Breaking Bad,” “Game of Thrones,” “Sons of Anarchy,” “Lost,” “Strike Back,” “Homeland,” “The Sopranos,” “The Following,” “Justified,” and “Under the Dome.”
There are good reasons to kill off characters, of course. Some deaths are inevitable for characters whose stories have reached their natural conclusion (see “Homeland”). Other times, the death of one character is necessary for the development of another (see “Breaking Bad”). But when the prevailing question on everyone’s mind is “who’s going to die tonight?” then perhaps the narrative is too dependent on death for the sake of death. Death has no real meaning for the audience if it’s happening all the time. The very surprise inherent to the concept vanishes. The problem isn’t as acute in movies because they end before death becomes repetitive. The reason people like George R.R. Martin and Robert Kirkman (producer of “The Walking Dead”) started killing their characters in the first place was to avoid predictability. They thought
suspense had been cheapened. Death is now the victim of cheapening. Jumping the gun on character deaths can also backfire by ruining all the groundwork made to attach the audience to certain characters. Every time someone dies, another must enter as a replacement. Recreating an equally strong bond is a tricky feat that doesn’t always succeed. My personal favorite show, “24,” is arguably most notorious for this and was the first prominent show of the 2000s to establish the “Anyone Can Die” rule. It was like, in their maniacal pursuit, the writers relished the chance to kill almost the entire cast. For a long time, this approach worked because of its novelty in reminding viewers that no one is safe. That was part of its formula. But even “24” became a caricature of itself in its later seasons. Shockand-awe became shock for the sake of
shock. Death became predictable, with less impact. Since “24,” TV has become a hub for fictional mass murder. Even non-action based shows like “Downton Abbey” and “House of Cards” are guilty of their own share of twist deaths. In their defense, however, those shows do a lot to reinforce the notion that there are other ways to impress audiences with twists and turns that do not involve death. Shows don’t need to resort to heroes and villains rejoicing together around a fire singing “Kumbaya,” but reducing the body count is a good step toward keeping death surprising and meaningful. I suppose that, while I’m casting blame, I really ought to point my finger at Shakespeare. Just look at “Hamlet.” Only Horatio made it out of that one alive.
Politics at Hillsdale: Hillsdale: Focus more on jobs Superb, valuable, and well-rounded Alex Anderson Web Editor
Josiah Lipincott Special to the Collegian “Our student body, as a whole, avoids asking the hard questions about what justice requires of our society.” When I read that gem of a line from last week’s Collegian op-ed — “The liberal arts must include opposing thinkers” — I was incredulous. Garrett West’s argument that all Hillsdale students live in an ideological echo chamber with little serious exposure to philosophers and philosophies they disagree with is bunk and needs to be addressed. According to the author of the piece, this college needs a more “diverse conversation” which considers “seriously” thinkers like “John Rawls, G.W.F. Hegel, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Karl Marx.” The only problem with the author’s claim? That conversation is already happening on campus. Every thinker the oped claimed Hillsdale students weren’t reading I have studied in-depth in class. For an hour and fifteen minutes every Monday and Wednesday in my Modern Political Philosophy II course, Dr. Pestritto goes through core portions of major texts from Kant, Rousseau, Hegel and Marx line by line, argument by argument. Two-thirds of my American Political Thought class with Dr. West was spent on the American progressives and post-modern liberals, none of whom would ever be confused with supporters of the Founders or their vision of government. Dr. West placed special emphasis on the influential liberal thinkers John Rawls and Ronald Dworkin. He required us to read large portions of their most significant writings so that we might better understand the impact of their arguments. I can’t speak for the other fields of study, but I do know that, in my politics courses, I’ve been exposed to dozens of thinkers and writers who stand outside the generally “conservative” disposition of the college. My
politics professors have challenged me to read those authors closely, even sympathetically. In doing so, my ability to think critically has sharpened immensely. The op-ed’s sweeping claim of widespread ideological blindness among students angered me. Not only did it unfairly insult my own liberal education, but in doing so wrongly implied that my professors were intellectually dishonest, either hiding opposing arguments out of fear of their effects or a refusal to leave their own bubbles of thought. That claim, considered in light of my own experience in the politics program, is utterly fallacious. I’ve taken 8 of the 11 required courses for a politics major and my syllabi don’t lie — by sheer volume I’ve read far more Hegel than Locke, far more Nietzsche than Strauss. The politics professors do ask their students hard questions about justice. They present the evidence and ask us to work through it. They force us to read closely and to think critically. Of course, my professors hold positions and defend them in class, but that does not mean we don’t approach opposing thinkers or that we treat them as “sub-par intellects unworthy of… thoughtful reading.” While colleges across America churn out political science students primed to man the machinery of the modern administrative state and fully indoctrinated in the dogmas of the liberal holy trinity of race, class, and gender, Hillsdale stands apart. The politics education at this college is superb and well worth pursuing. It is anything but one-sided. It’s true; I’ve heard students at the college make outlandish claims about political thinkers that illustrate their own ignorance, but that does not mean such students are indicative of the whole population. If you’re going to make sweeping claims about the nature of the education here at Hillsdale, do your research. The results might surprise you.
Hillsdale College reported a 94 percent placement rate of graduating seniors in either a graduate school program or a desired profession last year. At first this number seems impressive, but in comparison to similar private college statistics it is nothing but average. This statistic has always bothered me, not because of its numerical value but because of its conventional label. Hillsdale does not produce conventional students and hopes to attract increasingly qualified applicants. By 2019, the college seeks to be the most selective school in Michigan. Such an achievement will require not just a rigorous admissions process, but an overhaul of the college’s career placement strategy for graduating seniors. The quality of employment for Hillsdale graduates is vital to the long-term success and reputation of the college. Beyond just the four-year experience, a degree seeks to prepare students for professional success. In comparison to a vocational degree, a liberal arts education is often seen as an unconventional degree because it lacks a specific skill set. But in today’s job market, a liberal arts education is in high demand. A 2014 report conducted by the Association of American Colleges and Universities found that 93 percent of employers prefer applicants who can write, communicate clearly, solve complex problems, and adapt in new environments, over a specific major or minor. If the college wants to increase its selectiveness it needs to direct more at-
tention toward career placement. Hillsdale College needs to market their students’ unique and outstanding qualities to nationally competitive job markets. If the following proposals are properly implemented, Hillsdale could build a professional profile upon the college’s outstanding educational and independent reputation. First students need to be connected to opportunities. Quite often the resources of the college’s friends, donors, and supporters are forgotten. I can’t tell you how many times I have met a donor at a CCA who had expressed interest in helping students pursue a variety of career paths. The college has over 2.7 million subscribers to its monthly publication. They have raised over 1.1 billion dollars in its 40-year fight for independence. The college should capitalize on these connections to advance Hillsdale students’ careers. Conventional employment tactics cause students to miss out on valuable resources. Many colleges rely on alumni connections for student internship and job opportunities. If Hillsdale wants to stand apart, it must embrace its unconventional resources in a more aggressive and personalized way than Charger Connect. Some office — whether it be Institutional Advancement, External Affairs, or Career Services — needs to take initiative by connected willing supporters with ambitious students. Second, Hillsdale must hire a fulltime, professional cover letter and resume writer. The first thing that will make Hillsdale students stand out in the job interview process is a well-constructed cover letter and resume. Hiring managers decide within seconds whether the applicant is a viable candidate
based on the quality of the cover letter. It is no secret that top job applicants from other schools hire professional resume writers to help construct their image for a certain position. The implementation of the Student Affairs Mentor program has motivated students to craft thoughtful resumes. But no matter how helpful a SAM may be, no SAM has the expertise of a professional resume writer. This is a simple change that would immediately improve the professional image of Hillsdale’s students. Finally, the college must be more intentional about placing students in diverse careers paths. A liberal arts education does not limit students to careers in education, government, or non-profits. There is no better way to spread the college’s message and increase support than by actively placing students in jobs throughout the nation. The college needs to connect with organizations, companies, and industries outside of its conventional niches. We should strive to have recruiters and competitive programs visit campus in demand for Hillsdale students. I am the first to admit, I do not have a LinkedIn account, nor do I want one. I believe in the strength of personal connections. Connections are only useful when you establish a relationship. Try to connect personally with alumni by accessing the listserv through the Alumni Office. In addition, I believe that each student is on a different career journey. The Hillsdale community, however, must always strive to meet the challenges of modern life. Such a challenge requires us to leave the Hillsdale bubble and bring its message to new platforms.
Why you should run a marathon Emily Shelton Senior Reporter One Sunday morning a few falls ago, I woke up alert, anxious, and excited — the same kind of feeling I got as a child when I woke at daybreak on a summer morning ready to dash around Anaheim’s Disneyland park. This particular Sunday morning promised every ounce of mayhem as those summer days, but this time, I would not dart after every costumed character I saw. Instead, I locked my eyes on the 8:45-per-mile banners bobbing in the hands of hired pace-keepers, and chased them through the streets of Chicago. Marathons are legendary. Simply saying the word conjures fear, awe, and respect for those who have attempted one, while also evoking an image of an emaciated world-class athlete simply
Congratulations Hillsdale College Class of 2014!
gliding. Not much about that October morning confirmed that image: Though world-class athletes did glide over the streets, 40,000 runners of all sizes, ages, and talents running also ran behind them. One year, a man even ran the Chicago Marathon with a foam Eiffel Tower structure strapped around him. It takes a stroke of madness to sign up for a marathon. It is, however, one of those challenging experiences that is worth attempting. Running is known to reduce stress, sharpen focus, and improve mental stamina — things that could be helpful for college life. Olympian runner Steve Prefontaine once said, “You have to wonder at times what you’re doing out there. Over the years, I’ve given myself a thousand reasons to keep running, but it always comes back to where it started. It comes down to self-satisfaction and a sense of achievement.” To many who commit to run a marathon, the race itself is only the climax of months of preparation — and, if they were dedicated and smart with their training, the race is hardly a struggle in comparison. I began lightly training for the Chicago Marathon in January after taking a break from running. I had finished my cross country season for Hillsdale the past December, and decided to resign from the team. I signed up for a halfmarathon in June in Vancouver, Wash., just north of my hometown in Oregon. I knew I needed a goal sooner than the October marathon. I was used to 10-to12-mile long runs on the weekends during cross country season, but that half-marathon marked the farthest I had even run. In the following months, I built up mileage and tried to have faster runs. It was grueling. I often wanted to skip the long-distance runs — the most important runs for marathon training — but the thought of comfort on that October
morning alone kept me running. Any determination I had did not ward off the miserable runs — they are like old bad jokes now. Like when I ran seven miles out on a road and could only make it three miles back; I had to walk the last four miles because my legs would not take me any farther. Or the runs I had to squeeze in around class when I got back to Hillsdale. Or the 85 degree, summer afternoon run when I ran around Seattle trying to find 18 miles worth of pavement to carry me to the end of the run. When I hobbled into my sister’s apartment afterwards, I collapsed on the floor, slurped down a 24 ounces protein smoothie in practically a gulp, and then floated in the pool for the next hour. It was entirely taxing and exhausting, but without those experiences, I wouldn’t have known how important food, directions, hydration, and patience were to long distance running — and how rewarding it could be. Those months of training, however difficult, led to one of my most profound learning experiences. Those months prepared me for that early October morning when I timidly ate my bagel on the train from a friend’s house in Hinsdale to the heart of Chicago. Runners of all ages and types spewed from all directions, streaming into the start corrals as the sun rose. A couple anxious minutes passed and then the gun went off. The pack of 40,000 runners followed Columbus Street north from Millennium Park and off on a tour of the city. The only thing left was to trust the training I had committed to and to enjoy being with the thousands of people lining the streets — it was almost a contest among Chicagoans to determine which part of town could rally the largest cheering crowd — and then thrive with thousands of runners each trying to reach the same goal: 26.2 miles.
A6 10 April 2014
City revisits income tax option
Taylor Knopf & Macaela Bennett City News & Assistant Editor Fifth in a series. The income tax initiative, voted down in 2012, is back on Hillsdale City Council’s road-funding list. In order to fund fixing the city roads, council compiled a list of options and included an income tax as one that should be re-evaluated. “There are really only two options left: the millage and the income tax,” Councilman Brian Watkins said. “In theory, the income tax is as fair as we’re going to get in paying for the roads.” Watkins pointed out that many Michigan cities are dealing with the same problem of poor roads and little money to fix them. This is because Michigan cities’ two primary revenue sources, property taxes and state revenue sharing, have significantly decreased since 2004, according to a Citizens Research Council of Michigan publication. “Michigan’s prolonged economics recession is creating fiscal stress for many local governments and causing city government of-
ficials to seek alternative revenue sources,” said CRC in its publication, “Local-Option City Income Taxation in Michigan.” City Financial Director Bonnie Tew said that the tax would be one percent for those within the City of Hillsdale, and a half percent for those working within but living outside the city. Tew supports the income tax, as she watches the city’s extra fund balance decrease. “You have to have something you can fall back on,” Tew said. “You are either going to have to increase your revenues coming in or decrease your expenses going out. The only way we have of doing that is to lay people off. Something is going to suffer when you get rid of people. To maintain the level of services we have, we need the people we have.” Due to state restrictions, state grants for road funding must be used on major roadways. This leaves Hillsdale responsible for maintaining all but six roads. “Local units of government are where we should focus,” said Gary Wolfram, professor of economics and consultant on the income tax initiative. Wolfram advised that the best solution to raise road-funding revenue is still an income tax earmarked for streets with a seven
to 10 year expiration date that exempts business owners. He estimates that the tax would generate approximately $1 million per year. That $1 million would fix about one road each year. Wolfram said that the city would have to better educate the voters about the income tax if it has any hope of passing in the future. “The income tax would have been earmarked for roads,” he said. “But the ballot didn’t say that, so people went in to vote and were asked if they wanted the city to levy an income tax, so they said ‘no.’” Councilman Patrick Flannery said that an income tax should not be currently considered, because the voters already voted it down. “To me, the voters said ‘no’ by 70 to 30 percent. So we should not consider it, because to me, that’s going against the will of the people to even reconsider it at this time,” Flannery said. “In a certain period of time, I’d say that it would be OK to look at it again, but that would be five to 10 years from now. But even then, I’d only feel comfortable if it was the people coming forward and saying, ‘We think an income tax is something we want.’” Flannery suggested that a
combination of smaller options be considered to fund the roads, such as reassesing fees, special assessment projects, closing unnecessary roads, and looking for ways to cut the budget. “I don’t think the road funding is going to be one, big magical thing,” Flannery said. “It will be us reducing the expenses we have and looking at the fees that we charge people and taking a look at a lot of little things, and they will all add up.” Some of the main objections to the income tax are that it is an extra burden on families and that it does not promote economic development, according to local attorney Bethany Miller. Miller campaigned with a group against the income tax in 2012. “It’s a well-known fact that taxation doesn’t encourage economic development,” Miller said. “It discourages business.” According to Wolfram, improved roads could raise property values enough to offset the income tax’s cost for families within the median income range. “It boils down to how badly people really want the streets done,” Watkins said. “Because one way or another, they have to pay for them.”
Broadstreet seeks revamp approval
Broadstreet Downtown Market plans to renovate its basement said Robert Socha, co-owner of Broadstreet. At the Hillsdale City Council March 24 meeting, Socha told the council about Broadstreet’s plans to submit an Obsolete Property Rehabilitation Exemption application. OPRA allows cities to waive property taxes on commercial buildings that require rehabilitation. “We’re trying to maintain the atmosphere we have with the first-floor tavern and eatery in the new remodeling of the basement,” Socha said. If its application is accepted, Broadstreet will finish twothirds of its 7,000 square-foot basement. Costing approximately $418,000, the renovations would include creating a bar and entertainment venue with gaming area, bar, and extension of the upstairs restaurant. While the upstairs bar and restaurant is quieter and more conducive to conversation, Broadstreet owners hope to create a more upbeat atmosphere downstairs by hosting open microphone nights and disc-jockeys. Socha said he hopes to have the basement open by mid-May. At council’s April 7 meeting, it set a public meeting for May 5 at which residents are invited to give their input about whether or not Broadstreet’s application should be approved. -Philip DeVoe and Macaela Bennett
Maple syrup tapping season begins
Jordan Finney Collegian Reporter
Michigan maple syrup production has skyrocketed in the last few years, piquing the interest of several nearby families and Hillsdale College senior Ben Holscher. “Syrup is one of the world’s healthiest sweeteners. It has just as many nutrients as honey and there’s nothing added to it,” Holscher said. “I think its health benefits are part of the reason why we’re seeing a huge increase in demand. It’s also just delicious.” After graduation in May, Holscher plans to move back to his native state of New York and expand his family’s maple syrup business. “Our family got into the business because we have 150 acres of maple trees,” Holscher said. “This year we have 11,000 taps [trees], but we hope to add 8,000 taps this summer and ultimately aim to manage 50,000 taps in five to seven years. My goal is to be one of the biggest maple syrup producers in North America.” Currently, Michigan ranks fifth nationally in maple syrup production, averaging 90,000 gallons of syrup each year, according to the Michigan Maple Syrup Association. “I’m a fourth-generation syrup maker with 27,000 taps, and a pretty good-sized sugar bush,” said MMSA Director Dale Forrester. “I eat, breathe, and drink maple syrup. It’s what I do for a living, and I love it.” MMSA aims to accomplish two goals: ensure that Michigan syrup is high quality and promote Michigan maple syrup producers.
“We want to help educate and support our syrup makers,” Forrester said. “Have you ever smelled a first crop of maple in the spring? The smell of syrup boiling in the spring is the best smell in the world.” Bryan Debois shares this sweet passion. A resident of North Adams, Mich., Debois grew up working in the maple syrup industry and will manage 50 maple taps this year. “My family used to do it for years and years. Even my greatgreat-grandfather was doing it,” Debois said. “Well, then I worked for a guy by the name of Bernard Crater and he’d done it for what seemed like forever. He used to call down to the high school looking for volunteers to go to work.” This is the first year since 1987 that Debois will tap maple trees for sap, but he still remembers everything he learned while working for Crater. “Mr. Crater used to do between 1,000 and 2,000 gallons, and we worked all over the county,” Debois said. “We used to take his old trucks out—they had tanks built on them—and we used to go over to Jonesville Middle School and collect sap out of the park all hours of the day. You can actually drink what comes out of the trees. It’s not dangerous at all.” Maple sap is only 2.5 percent sugar and it looks like water. The sap is then converted into syrup by boiling off the water, and at exactly 219 degrees, the transformation is complete. Even one extra degree will turn the syrup into sugar. Martin and Helen Jones of Niles, Mich. know all about the time commitment maple syrup making involves. This year, the couple will tap approximately 1,100 gallons of sap, which will make about
22 to 23 gallons of syrup. “You can only boil off about a gallon per square-foot per hour,” Martin Jones said. “But if you have an interest in being outdoors, or you enjoy making something with your hands, then you would enjoy making maple syrup. There’s fulfillment in using your hands to make something that God causes to grow in an amazing way.” A large maple pumps several thousand gallons of sap through it every year. The sap originates in the roots of the tree, where it is stored for energy as a starch. Then, the sap is pushed up the tree and converted into energy. “We just enjoy doing it together. We also do a lot of canning and make grape juice, apple cider, and soap,” Martin Jones said. “Anyone could pick up a knack for this.”
Maple trees being tapped for syrup off of Sand Lake Road in Hillsdale County. (Macaela Bennett/Collegian)
Jacques enters state rep race Casey Harper Spotlight Editor A football and basketball player, track and cross country competitor, and Valedictorian at Jonesville High School, Jeff Jacques ’02 said he was an allamerican teenager. He never thought that one day he would be running for state house of representatives in the 58th district he calls home. He has run several businesses, including a store that sells outdoor recreational equipment and a retirement community. The tenacity of an outdoorsman and athlete will come in handy for Jacques, who will have a tough time competing in a crowded republican primary. “I’d rather make some noise in two years than take up space for six years,” Jacques said. Jacques found his political voice attending Hillsdale College, where he met his wife Ingrid Jacques, deputy editorial page editor for The Detroit News. While at Hillsdale, he developed an understanding of free markets and limited government. “I do wholeheartedly believe in pursuing a free market agenda with less taxation and regulation,” he said. “I do want to grow business, jobs, and tax base in this district.” The new political interest took him all the way to Washington, D.C., where Jacques worked after graduation. As a Hillsdale economics
major, he held to his convictions. Soon, though, the atmosphere of D.C. took its toll. No
(Courtesy of Jeff Jacques)
production or creation, he said, only layers of bureaucracy. Besides his political interests, Jacques’ harbored an entrepreneurial spirit that soon led him away from D.C. and into a series of businesses. He said his time operating businesses allowed him to personally encounter the difficulties and wastes imposed by certain government regulations. “That’s when you start wanting to do something a little bigger than the business you’re in,” he said. “You want to try to affect the lessons you learned to improve society.” It’s a very crowded Republican primary, however, with multiple Hillsdale alumni candidates. Grigor Hasted, director of alumni relations and business industry, knows Jacques, but
has already expressed his support for a different alum, Eric Leutheuser. “I think Jeff would be a great candidate, but I think there are a lot of people like me who have already given their support to somebody,” he said. Bringing business to the district is a priority for Jacques. “We’re well positioned between Detroit and Chicago and have a good standard of living. Consequently suppliers should want to locate here,” he said. “They’ve got a good stable situation, they’ve got a good affordable workforce. We need to do everything in our powers to get industry here.” One of the most important issues of the campaign is road funding. “At this point I am not yet convinced that we need to raise taxes to invest better in our roads, though we do need to invest in our roads,” he said. “There’s still fat to cut.” Jacques said he supports the second amendment, traditional marriage, and is pro-life. He now campaigns while keeping an eye on his business ventures. Spending much of his life in Jonesville, then some away, and coming back has made him appreciate the place he hopes to represent. “You know all your neighbors, they’re keeping an eye out for you and you’re keeping an eye out for them,” he said. “As you go away and come back you start to realize what you had and how lucky you really were.”
Lawyer runs for District Judge Morgan Sweeney Assistant Editor Sara Lisznyai has always been a high achiever. Not only does she run a legal practice — Marks & Lisznyai in Jonesville, Mich. — but she is an active volunteer. Since moving to Jonesville in 1996, Lisznyai has served on the board of eight community organizations, including St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, and the Hillsdale County Intermediate School District Board of Education, of which she is now vice president. In the fall, Lisznyai will be running for Hillsdale County District Court Judge against Hillsdale County Prosecuting Attorney Neal Brady . Attorney Kevin Shirk has known Lisznyai for about as long as she has been in Jonesville and considers her a worthy candidate. “She’s on the opposite side of a lot of cases I’m involved in,” Shirk said. “She’s a topnotch lawyer.” Shirk mentioned Lisznyai’s breadth of legal experience as one of the things that would qualify her to be a judge. Eighteen years of working at Marks & Lisznyai has enabled her to gain experience with many kinds of law, ranging from estate planning to criminal law, from bankruptcy to abortion. She has also worked as a case evaluator — a similar role to judge, but as part of a
panel of lawyers — in upwards of 30 cases. “It’d probably be easier
(Courtesy of Sara Lisznyai)
to tell you what I don’t do,” Lisznyai said. “I don’t do malpractice, and I don’t do workers comp. Pretty much everything else, we deal with.” Lisznyai graduated with a degree in law from Wayne State University in 1990. From there, she worked for two Detroit-area legal firms. At one time, Lisznyai worked on environmental cases so big they required 30 to 40 lawyers. “It was federal litigation. I traveled throughout the country to do these different depositions,” Lisznyai said. “It was a wonderful experience for me, but it was very all-consuming. You pretty much lived it.” Her workload in Detroit drove Lisznyai to move to Jonesville with her family. Her kids were small then, and
Lisznyai wanted to be able to spend more time with them. “My life pretty much revolved around them,” Lisznyai said. “Moving here allowed me to participate in their lives the way I wanted to and see all their different accomplishments. They’ve been my priority as I was raising them.” Eric and Elyse Lisznyai are grown now, both students at the University of Michigan. With them grown, Lisznyai had the opportunity to consider becoming a candidate. Lisznyai first thought about running for judge back in December, when current District Court Judge Donald Sanderson, who’s held the position for 36 years, announced that he was retiring. After praying and talking with friends and colleagues about the idea, she is excited about the prospect. “You don’t get too many opportunities to do something like this,” Lisznyai said. “If you can picture a job posting that comes up that lists all of the qualifications and you meet all of those qualifications, that’s what excites me about the job.” Elyse is proud of her mom for running for judge and looks forward to supporting her in it. “I think everything that she’s taught me growing up is kind of embodied in this experience that she’s going through, and I’m going to be there to support her just like she’s been there to support me.”
Softball snaps losing streak Monica Brandt Collegian Reporter The Hillsdale College women’s softball team ended its losing streak with its first conference wins against Malone University on Saturday, April 5. Hillsdale took the first game 3-1, with a two-run homer by freshman Bekah Kastning in the top of the third inning for the final run of the game. “We finally started stringing our hits together,” freshman Jessie Fox said. Sophomore Sarah Grunert had her first win of the season, with no earned runs allowed. “She pitched a great game,” head coach Joe Abraham said. “She totally shut them down.” In the second game, Hillsdale took a 3-1 lead in the first inning, scoring two more runs in the third inning and one in the fourth inning to begin the fifth inning
A7 10 April 2014
with a solid 6-1 lead. “Our bats came alive in the second game,” Abraham said. In the top of the fifth inning, however, Malone had a grand slam, followed by another home run, to tie the game 6-6. Grunert was brought in as a relief pitcher, and shut Malone down in the rest of the fifth, sixth, and seventh innings. Sophomore Ainsley Ellison opened the bottom of the seventh inning with a single. Additional singles by Kastning and freshman Jessica Knepper gave Ellison the walk-off run to win the game 7-6. “We were hitting well the whole game,” senior Kristi Gordon said. “We were confident we could take care of them.” Coming off the sweep of Malone, Hillsdale went 1-1 in its games against Ashland University. In the first game against Ashland, Hillsdale fell behind 0-4 at
the end of the second inning. “A few key calls by the umpires destroyed us and made a difference in the game,” Abraham said. “It was bad.” Fox said the team didn’t let themselves get heated up over the calls and instead stayed focused. Hillsdale fought back but lost the game 5-3. Hillsdale pulled out a 1-0 win in the second game. “Coach got us really pumped up with a pep talk,” Gordon said. “He usually doesn’t give too many of those.” With two outs in the bottom of the third inning, Knepper singled in Kastning for the only run of the game. “Sarah Grunert had awesome pitching, holding them to no runs,” Fox said. On Wednesday, Hillsdale lost both games of its doubleheader against Saginaw Valley State University. The Chargers lost the first
game 9-0 and the second game 10-1, with a single by Knepper driving in the only run of the day. Hillsdale has its home opener against Urbana University on Thursday, April 10, at 3:30 p.m. “It’s supposed to be 66 degrees,” Gordon said. “So bring your friends.” The Chargers play at home again both on Saturday against Northwood University (Mich.) at 1 p.m., and Sunday against Lake Superior State University at 12 p.m. Hillsdale finishes out a busy schedule with their make-up home games against Tiffin University on Tuesday starting at 3:30 p.m. “We’ve got ourselves back in the fight for a conference tournament berth,” Abraham said. “But of our six league games this week, we need to win at least four.”
Building a well: bracket by bracket Nathanael Meadowcroft Collegian Reporter
For a college basketball fan, participating in a March Madness bracket competition is one of the highlights of the season. Doing it for a good cause makes it that much better. The men of Simpson Residence took advantage of the college basketball tournament to raise money for the building of a well in Jinja, Uganda for the Visiting Orphans Organization. “I set up the March Madness bracket challenge on ESPN,” sophomore Matthew Hastreiter said. “I got a bunch of the guys in Simpson and people from other places around campus to donate a $5 buy-in, with the stipulation that half of the winnings would go to the winner and then the other half would go to building a well.”
The organizers allowed entrance into the competition without donating $5, with the stipulation that those participants could not win any money. A total of 57 people participated, with 40 people contributing $5 each, leading to a $200 pot. Thus, a total of $100 was raised for building the well in Uganda. “I think it’s fantastic that Simpson leadership has been able to combine both charity and sports with the March Madness bracket competition,” freshman Tucker Phillips said. The $100 raised through the bracket contest brings Simpson’s fundraising total to $720 out of the $1000 goal needed for the well. Sophomore Nick Sacco won the competition, even without predicting either of the teams that made it to the championship game. “I have watched a lot of college basketball and neglected a lot of school work since the season began in early November,” Sacco said in an email.
Sacco led the competition for most of the tournament, due to his success in the early rounds. “I am honored to live with, and call friends, this group of men in Simpson who have planned out a full year of fundraising and have adroitly succeeded at raising money for such a fantastic cause,” he said. While Sacco supports where the donated half is going, he is indecisive as to how he will spend his portion. “I am torn between donating the money to the Tower Light, buying out a majority stake in Saga Incorporated, investing the money in Beachwood Avenue, or just buying 100 items off the McDonald’s dollar menu,” Sacco said. Regardless of what he does with the money, he and the rest of Simpson can be proud that they are one step closer to building a well to bring clean water to a town in dire need.
Hayden Park ready for spring activity
Above: A group of students practice sand volleyball during class this week. (Ben Strickland/Collegian) The sand volleyball courts, one of the most popular features of the park, are now open for use. The running and biking trails are also cleared up and ready to go for students to get some much needed exercise after the long, harsh winter. “The students can always come get a workout in with me or on their own,” coach Bill Lundberg said. Those who would like to rent bikes for use on the trails can contact coach Lundberg with a time for use so that he can make sure the equipment is available. -Compiled by Shane Armstrong
11-21 overall
7-13 overall
Hillsdale: 9 Ashland: 2
Hillsdale: 3 Malone:1
Ashland: 4 Hillsdale: 3
Hillsdale: 7 Malone: 6
Ashland: 17 Hillsdale: 2
Ashland: 5 Hillsdale: 3
Lourdes: 7 Hillsdale: 5
Hillsdale: 1 Ashlamd: 0
Hillsdale: 7 Northwood: 2
Saginaw Valley: 9 Hillsdale: 0
Hillsdale: 5 Northwood: 2
Saginaw Valley: 10 Hillsdale: 1
Season Leaders
Season Leaders:
Hits: Luke Ortel: 40 Tad Sobieszczanski: 35 Nolan Breymaier: 34
Hits: Bekah Kastning: 19 Ainsley Ellison: 14 Jessica Knepper: 13
Home runs: Lincoln Reed: 1 Chris McDonald: 1
Home runs: Grunert: 2 Kasting: 2
RBIs: Chris McDonald: 22 Bartlett: 14 Ortel: 14
RBIs: Kastning: 10 Knepper: 5 Ardrey: 5
ERA (10+ innings): Dan Pochmara: 1.08 Joe Chasen: 3.60 Jake Lee: 3.86
ERA: Grunert: 3.09 Klopfer: 4.96 Ardrey: 4.96
SAAC to host National StudentAthlete Day Bailey Pritchett Assistant Editor
This Saturday, the Hillsdale College Student-Athlete Advisory Committee will host its first Student-Athlete Day, along with other NCAA colleges across the country. The committee is made up of members from every sport with the goal to create a community among all college athletes. Hillsdale’s SAAC plan to provide pizza for all athletes as they watch a track meet and softball game to promote support of Charger athletics. As student-athletes gather to eat pizza, a bakesale stand will take donations for the Make-a-Wish Foundation. “Student-Athlete Day is a great opportunity to honor student-athletes and give them the chance to join together as one large group, rather than by individual sports,” said SAAC advisor and women’s tennis coach Ni-
cole Walbright. “The day should represent the privilege and opportunity that these athletes have to continue their sport while getting an excellent education, and recognize all of their hard work and achievements.” Redshirt junior volleyball player Lindsay Kostrzewa, the president of SAAC, said she thinks this Saturday will offer an opportunity to recognize athletes’ dedication to their teams. Senior Megan Smith, a member of SAAC and the swim team, agreed with the sentiment and hopes for a good turn out Saturday afternoon. “I hope we can get a lot of athletes together to support the track and softball teams,” she said. SAAC’s last event of the year, a dance, will occur on April 29 in the Biermann Center. The annual athlete formal is open to all students on campus and will start at 8:30 p.m. All proceeds will go towards Make-A-Wish.
Charger Chatter: brad monastiere
Brad Monastiere graduated from Central Michigan University in 1996 with a degree in journalism. He was hired as Sports Information Director at Hillsdale College in 2005. In 2011, he received the additional title of Assistant Athletic Director for Media Relations and Event Management. What are your responsibilities as Sports Information Director and Assistant Athletic Director? We’re kind of our own press department, and that’s kind of where the job has come to. An analogy I like to use is that I’m the spotlight-operator, putting the spotlight on others. I’m about showcasing our kids and others to the best of my ability. I’m in charge of every bit of information that you poke around on the website and find. I do stats for all our home games,
typing them into our stats program and sending them out to other schools and to the media. I’m also the photo-wrangler, as I like to call it. After all of my home games I crop them, label them, save them, and get them out on the department’s Facebook page. I manage all the social media stuff and website maintenance and nominate all of our student athletes for various awards. I’m always trying to work ahead to prepare facilities, personnel, and what have you to be ready for a particular event. I have to schedule which student workers are going to work for me at which games. What is the most demanding aspect of your position? Just the volume of work that has to be done. Many other schools have multiple people who do what I do and then they divvy up what sports they cover, whereas I have to cover all of our sports here year-round, and it makes for a lot of hours put in. Sixty to 70-hour weeks are very normal, especially when the seasons overlap each other. When you have multiple seasons and multiple sports all happening at the same time, trying to juggle all that is a big challenge because you want to give your absolute best to every team. How do you handle the many responsibilities of your position?
No one has a better group of student workers than I do. My job would be literally impossible without them. I am very fortunate to have the absolute brightest, hardworking group of kids working for me that anyone could possibly ask for.
years. I started my career in Clarkstown, which is a suburb in the Detroit area. I was kind of the local sportswriter covering the high school, and then I worked in other parts of the Detroit area, covering mainly the same thing, mainly high school sports.
the sports editor of the Hillsdale Daily News. So it was through covering the college and getting to know the coaches that I became aware of the opening that was coming here and decided to apply for it. I was most fortunate to be able to be hired and have not looked back since then.
What did you do before you came to Hillsdale?
How did you find yourself at Hillsdale?
What is the best part about working at Hillsdale?
I was a sportswriter for eight
In January 2004 I was hired as
I’m clearly not objective about
this, but there’s no brighter group of student-athletes at any school anywhere else in the world than what we have here. You’re working with people of high character. They’re driven, they want to succeed, and they’re going to go on to accomplish so much in their lives.
-Compiled by Ramona Tausz
Best of luck, Hillsdale College seniors!
10 April 2014
(Photo Courtesy of Anders Kiledal)
Charger Sports
Baseball in the blood HILLSDALE TAKES TWO Father-son duo coaches Charger baseball FROM NORTHWOOD
same time,” he said. During the 2009 and 2010 seasons, he helped coach the Siena Heights team as a graduate assistant – although he wasn’t yet coaching with his dad. Gordie held the Siena Heights job until 2003, when he resigned. He took a year off from coachAfter assuming the head coaching position for ing, then spent the next nine years at Adrian College the Hillsdale College baseball team last spring, Eric as a pitching coach. Theisen had to hire an assistant coach. Paul Noce – a long-time friend of Gordie’s – He held the position himself before replacing his gave Eric his first full-time coaching job at Hillspredecessor, Paul Noce, in the head job. Theisen dale College in 2010. Eric began work as a pitching said the man he hired was “the first and only per- coach and recruiting coordinator. son” he thought of: his dad, a veteran college baseNoce retired last year, Eric took over, and he ball coach of 25 years, Gordie Theisen. quickly hired his dad on to take over pitching “When Eric started coaching, we had talked coaching duties. about may“Coach be someday T h e i s e n coaching toearned considgether,” Goreration for the die Theisen head baseball said. “I don’t coach position think either with the qualone of us anity of his work ticipated it as an assistant would happen coach,” said this soon.” Director of The fatherAthletics Don son duo, along Brubacher in with the rest of an email. “He the coaching demonstrated staff, is workthe ability to ing to catalyze recruit talented a renaissance baseball playin the Hillsers who are dale baseball great fits at program. The Assistant baseball coach Gordie Theisen (left) is the father Hillsdale, and team got its of head coach Eric Theisen (right). brought an exbest record tremely high in 10 years last year – 20-25 – and are looking to level of organization and management to the probuild off that success this season, hopefully finding gram.” a berth in the GLIAC tournament. Theisen said the transition from assistant to head Gordie Theisen played college baseball for Si- coach was relatively smooth, partly because he reena Heights University. After several years as a cruited all the players he is now in charge of. high school teacher and baseball coach, he returned “We love Coach Theisen,” said junior captain to Siena Heights and took over the head coaching Vinny Delicata. “He’s definitely a player’s coach. position in 1987. He’s relaxed, but when it’s time to work, we get He said his son grew up in the dugout, helping after it.” out with the team. The coaches are working at generating wins and “He’s been living with college baseball players establishing a culture of winning. his whole life,” Gordie said. With two wins on Wednesday, the Chargers are Eric played college ball at Illinois State Univer- floating just above .500 in the GLIAC. Regarding a sity as a pitcher. He graduated in 2008. berth in the conference tournament, Eric said, “Our “I told myself I wouldn’t coach all through destiny is in our hands.” college – but you can’t help what you love some“I get a sense that our players in general have times,” Eric said. not had high expectations so far for individual and He played some baseball after graduation, which team success, so one of our challenges is trying to included some local league teams and a summer- raise our expectations for on-the-field performanclong stint in Brussels. es,” Gordie said. “It’s been quite a while since the “It was a way to kind of keep playing a little bit – Hillsdale baseball team has made the GLIAC tourto extend my career a little bit – and to travel at the nament.” Caleb Whitmer Editor-in-Chief
Annual triathlon set for Saturday Evan Brune News Editor
The Annual Spring Triathlon begins on April 12 at 9 a.m. at the Roche Sports Complex with a 500-meter swim. The competition also includes a 15-kilometer bike ride and a 5-kilometer run at Hayden Park. “The triathlon is an opportunity for people to push themselves and take up a challenge,” said Director of Campus Health and Recreation junior Jeffrey Meyers. “We hope that people walk away feeling good about themselves.” One of the most famous triathlons, the Ironman, involves a two and a half mile swim, a 112 mile bike ride, and a 26.2 mile run.
According to Meyers, the triathlon won’t take long. “Maybe two hours, tops, for someone who’s going pretty slow,” he said. “Our goal is to get kids out and get them away from schoolwork to have a little fun.” This year’s triathlon training began with a series of suggested workouts from the student activities office. “People responded to that really well,” Meyers said. “I’m glad people found it helpful.” Meyers said eight competitors have paid, while many more have filled out the forms. Students can sign up for the triathlon until Friday by emailing Meyers, signing up in the Student Activities Office, or signing up at lunch.
more walks and Hillsdale tallied another unearned run. Junior closer Dan Pochmara allowed one hit in the bottom of the seventh inning, but he then Anchored by a pair of domiretired the next three batters to nant pitching performances, the secure Hillsdale the win, 7-2. Hillsdale College baseball team Pochmara took the mound took two games from the Northagain at the end of the second wood University Timberwolves game. He allowed one more run, on April 9. but held Hillsdale’s victory, 5-2. Sophomore Chris McDonNorthwood made five errors ald and freshman Ethan Wiskur in the game. Hillsdale capitalthrew for Hillsdale in the douized, scoring three error-related bleheader. In the early game, runs. McDonald allowed two runs “We did a good and six hits over job making them six innings. Wiskur pay for their misthrew six more takes,” Theisen stingy innings in said. the second, allowMcDonald got ing four hits and off the mound and one run. picked up a bat for “We only gave the second game – up two free bases and in a big way. on the mound toHe notched two hits day in 14 innings,” and three RBIs in coach Eric Theisen the game. Ortel hit said. “When you’re an RBI single in the ahead in the count game as well, scorlike we were all ing freshman Jake day – and pound Lee. the zone like that Hillsdale played – good things hapa non-conference pen.” game against About halfway Lourdes University through the regular (7-19) on April 8 season, the Charand a three-game gers (11-21, 9-8) series with Ashland are currently 7th in University (15-11, the GLIAC stand5-6) over the weekings. The top six end. teams make the Lourdes won conference tournathe one-off game, ment. 7-5. The Chargers “We’re feeling Sophomore Chris McDonald attempts to tag a won the first game good where we’re runner out on April 5. (Anders Kiledal/Collegian) against Ashland, sitting right now,” 9-2, but dropped Theisen said. the next two, 4-3 In the first game of the NorthThe bases loaded, the Chargers and 17-2. wood doubleheader, Hillsdale scored back-to-back unearned Hillsdale will travel to Descored first. runs: one after the Timbertroit this weekend for a threeSophomore Tad Sobieszcwolves catcher let a pitch get by game series with Wayne State zanski got hit by a pitch in the University. second inning. An out later, he him and the other off a walk. Now up two, Hillsdale wasn’t stole second. Sophomore Lincoln Reed, done scoring yet. Nolan Breythrown out at first, advanced maier singled down the lefthim to third. Sophomore Con- field line and scored both senior Adam Ladzinski and Ortel. Two Caleb Whitmer Editor-in-Chief
nor Bartlett then shot a single into center field, scoring Sobieszczanski. The Timberwolves struck back with a pair of runs in the sixth, putting Northwood ahead 2-1 going into the game’s final inning. But Hillsdale responded. With two outs, freshman Ethan Wiskur hit a single, driving in junior Vinny Delicata for the game-tying run. Then Jake Lee singled and Luke Ortel was hit by a pitch.
Men’s track team scores top places
Charger track and field competes at Bellarmine, MSU Casey Harper Spotlight Editor The men and women’s track and field teams travelled to Bellarmine University in Louisville, Ky. last weekend, while a smaller group went to Michigan State University. “It was a second chance for a lot of the field eventers to do their thing outside,” head men’s track coach Jeff Forino said. “The meet went pretty well.” Seniors Elliot Murphy, Mo Jones, Matthew Raffin and freshman Ty Etchemendy were the second best 4x400 team. “We were pretty close to beating our school record,” Jones said. “I think we’ve grown as a team over these last couple of years.” Jones credits Etchemendy, who also won the triple jump, for helping the 4x400 do well. “Ty is bringing in a pretty good time as a freshmen, a solid 49 (seconds), so that’s good,” Jones said. “He has really shown us that he wants to be a part of the team.” Jones said that the relay hopes to beat that school record soon. “This weekend we really want to put down an even better time,”
he said. As the outdoor season progresses, certain events will find their step more.
John Wierenga ’15 “When you transition from indoor to outdoor, it takes a little bit of time for the hurdlers and field events,” Forino said. Freshman Joseph Newcomb took 8th in the 1500-meter run. Raffin finished 3rd in the 400 hurdles and 4th in the 110 hurdles. Senior Justin Fawley placed 4th in the high jump. Senior Brett Dailey won the discus, and sophomore Nathan Nobbs took 2nd in the javelin, throwing a personal
best. “I’ve been working all year and finally some things are starting to click and come together now,” Nobbs said. Nobbs hopes to increase his throw another seven meters. “That would hopefully get me to nationals,” he said. Junior John Wierenga set a personal record in the 10K by 16 seconds. This was his first 10K of the year. He will not run it again until conference, where he hopes to take another 30 seconds off his time. “It was a good night,” he said. “It was under the lights. It’s always good to P.R.” On the women’s team, sophomore Emily Oren took 1st place in the 800-meter run. Sophomore Kristina Galat took 4th and freshman Molly Oren took 7th in the 5000-meter. Freshman Dana Newell beat her outdoor personal record in the hammer throw, placing 2nd. Senior Amber Mueller placed 2nd in the javelin. Sophomore Emily Guy and freshman Allison Duber both placed 6th in different heats of the 400. “It was really exciting to run such a big meet,” Guy said. At MSU, junior Luke Hickman placed third in the 3000-meter steeplechase, and senior Ra-
chel Nyberg finished 4th in the 100 hurdles. Hillsdale will host its own invitational this weekend.
Brett Dailey ’14 “There’s some decent regional competition coming,” Forino said. “It’s great because people like to show off at home and perform in front of their friends. Their families get to watch. Kids are really excited to compete at home.”
10 April. 2014
Drawn by Tracy Brandt
Setting the mood with music
Music in the mission field Hillsdale grad to transpose hymns in Uganda
Left: Patrons at Broad Street Market listen to live music. Above: Megan Moss ‘13 makes a special appearance with her ukelele. (Laura Williamson/Collegian)
Broad Street Downtown Market and Tavern was standingroom-only this Thursday night, as community members and college students alike sipped their tap beers and chatted over the sound of live guitar jazz playing in the background. Dan Palmer, guitar instructor at Hillsdale College, and four of his students rotate playing live
perform classical. Sophomore Jacob Coonradt improvises with a blues and folk combo. Freshman Brendan Ammerman likes folk and uses what Palmer calls “finger style.” And senior Ian Andrews likes to play a mix of jazz, folk, and indie, including some of his own work. He is the only student that sings as well. “I love to perform. I’ve been doing it my whole life,” Andrews said. “If you enjoy it, people will enjoy listening to you.”
See Broad Street B2
Taylor Knopf City News Editor
music at Broadstreet every Tuesday and Thursday night from 7 to 9. Broadstreet also added live music on Saturday nights from 9 to midnight, which started in the last few weeks. “This is what I want to do, perform music,” Palmer said. “I just don’t make much performing, so I teach.” Palmer typically likes to play jazz and chooses the songs he’s going to play when he arrives. His students, however, play a variety of styles. Senior Edwin Culver likes to
“I was not expecting this at all after graduation,” said Dara Wagenmaker ’13. “It wasn't even on my radar until this past fall. And then things just kind of fell into place.” After a year of working at Commerce Bank in St. Louis, Mo., Wagenmaker is heading to Uganda to bring music to a mission station in the Karamoja region. “She always seemed to be more content to serve than to be served; to stay in the background, rather than be up where people could see her,” said Lecturer of Music Karl Schmidt, Dara’s voice teacher for two years. “In that way, she was always more comfortable accompanying a musician than be that person herself. So it doesn't surprise me that she would have the kind of heart
to serve others that it requires to go into this kind of Mission work.” The Orthodox Presbyterian Church’s Uganda Mission is in the process of establishing a self-supporting indigenous church and has been operating in the region since 2000, but they don’t have any sort of a
“Music is an
incredibly powerful tool.”
––Dara Wagenmaker ’13 music program. “They have a makeshift hymn book and a Psalter, but no one’s really worked on it. So they don’t use many hymns, and none of them play the piano,” Wagenmaker said. “They do have a piano, though.” After hearing about the mis-
sion from a family friend whose daughter worked there last year, Wagenmaker contacted them and submitted an application that required applicants to rank their interests. “I put that I was interested in music and they told me that’s what they needed help with,” she said. “Music is an incredibly powerful tool, and for millennia, Christians have used it in worship to teach theology, to nourish their souls, to reach out to others, and for so many other things.” At the mission, she’ll be transposing hymns, learning the language to begin translating lyrics, and learning about local music traditions to — potentially — adapt traditional Western hymns to traditional songs. “It makes a lot of sense to me, in translating hymns and psalms, to incorporate familiar tunes, especially if they fit the
See Uganda B2
Tory Cooney Senior Reporter
Hillsdale hosts Paul Mariani as visiting writer Poet and biographer Paul Mariani will be making his fifth trip to Hillsdale College as a Visiting Writer next week. On Tuesday, April 15 at 8 p.m., he will be reading from his own work in Dow Rooms A and B, and Wednesday night, he
will give a lecture titled “A New Knowledge of Reality: Wallace Stevens’ Final Phase.” Stevens’ life is the topic of Mariani’s current book project. Paul Mariani has not only published much of his own poetry but has written biographies of many major modern literary figures, such as John Berryman, Hart Crane, William Carlos Williams, Robert Lowell, and Gerard Manley Hopkins.
“It’s one of those rare opportunities to hear a serious professional writer, and to hear his work,” said Professor of English John Somerville, the director of the Hillsdale College Visiting Writer program. “It’s only 45 minutes but will go by much more quickly.” Mariani currently teaches at Boston College, where he is University Professor of English. He was previously the Distin-
guished University Professor of English at the University of Massachusetts, Amhurst, and has received fellowships from Guggenheim Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Wednesday there will be a reception after the lecture with a book signing.
Stoldt writes thesis on local history
— there’s a star for Grosvenor, the drug store, and where the Jordan Finney Varnum family lived.” Collegian Reporter Stoldt’s exhibit contains much more than a map. The windows Senior Gwen Stoldt’s senior and doors of the elaborately furnished room stretch nearly from thesis is unconventional. She is an English and his- floor to the ceiling, and these protory double major at Hillsdale vide a backdrop for two portraits, College, and has spent the last a wedding gown from 1806, and year taking inventory, adding to delicate ice cream bowls. “In 1900 they were making a growing archive, and studying handmade ice cream at the drug the history of the Varnum family store,” Stoldt gestured to a phoas a volunteer at the Grosvenor tograph of an ice cream soda House Museum in Jonesville, fountain on the wall. Mich. Stoldt’s rapid-fire knowledge Stoldt’s thesis focuses on a comes from spending many long local family’s 100-plus-year hisdays at the museum squinting at tory as residents of Jonesville. “The Varnum family owned handwritten letters from 1860 a drugstore that passed from fa- and deciding what is most impor- Above: Senior Gwen Stoldt poses for a shot outside the ther to son to grandsons,” Stoldt tant for preserving the Varnum Grovesnor house where she will be presenting the research supporting her thesis. (Jordan Finney/Collegian) said. “In my thesis, I’m using the family story. The Varnums are a multidrug store — who owned it and what they sold at certain points branch family who no longer re- tiator of this entire project,” said you know how to handle boring in history — to look at changes side in Jonesville. However, one Bonnie Drake, a volunteer at the piles of paper.” Building an exhibit isn’t about in America during the same time member of the Varnum family Grosvenor House Museum. “She started by the glamour. period.” cleaning out “I’ve been impressed with But she’s not closets that how hard she’s working,” Prostopping with a hadn’t been fessor of History David Stewthesis. touched in art, Stoldt’s thesis adviser, said. Stoldt cona long time “She’s met with me every Tuesstructed a muand kept day morning for the last year to seum exhibit running into show me what she’s done and to which chronithe Var- plan out what she’s going to do cles all of the num name. the next week.” Varnum family We were The Grosvenor House Muhistory uncovjust thrilled seum will open to the public on ered during her when she Sunday, April 13 from 3-5 p.m. time volunteerdecided to for all to see. Stoldt will exhibit ing at the Groswrite her her work and answer questions venor House thesis on it.” about her research. Museum. She Stoldt Stoldt, who spent last summer expects her exdid not have working for the Smithsonian, hibit to remain to build an hopes to work at a museum after assembled long exhibit or she graduates from Hillsdale this after she gradueven write a May. ates. thesis. “Last summer made me real“I am hopPictured: the Grosvenor house. (Jordan Finney/Collegian) “ T h i s ize that I want to be at a smaller ing that my was all op- museum, like the Grosvenor museum exhibit will stay up for a long time because people who was so impressed with Stoldt’s tional. I just decided to do it for House,” Stoldt said. “At the come to visit it will be able to thesis project that she, her daugh- fun,” she said. “It’s given me a Smithsonian you’re in your own learn more about the commu- ter, and her granddaughter plan lot of practical experience, and little niche. I think I’m maybe practical experience is the way more like the jack of all trades.” nity,” Stoldt said. “I have a map to attend Stoldt’s thesis defense. “Gwen was basically the ini- to go. Museums want to see that
Senior exhibit on display at Daughtrey Evan Carter Collegian Reporter April 14 to 18 will be the second week for senior art exhibits in the Sage Center’s Daughtrey Gallery for the Arts. The second group of senior art majors –– Katherine Chandler, Elizabeth Viviano, Shannon Baldwin, Cory Flint, and Julia Kilgore –– will be displaying their artwork, some of which dates back to their freshman year. “[My body of artwork] embodies all the hard work invested in trying to truly see the world, to appreciate its beauty in all its forms and figures,” said Chandler. “My works are stages in a highly meditative and spiritual journey made possible through discipline, deadlines, and attention to meticulous detail.” Associate Professor of Art Barbara Bushey said the art exhibit is part of the art major’s capstone class, Senior Portfolio, which is required for all art majors. “It indicates that the art majors have chosen a specialty in some area as well as shows the breadth of their experience in their four years here,"she said. Art students are required to either present a thesis or compile an art exhibit before graduation, but many art majors appreciate the exhibit as a chance to reflect on their best work since they’ve been at Hillsdale. “Putting together a senior exhibit has given me an opportunity to reflect on the artistic growth I've experienced at Hillsdale,” Flint said. The week’s senior exhibit compiles a wide variety of
See Exhibit B2
Amanda Tindall Assistant Editor
Alignment Special
Glory To God
196 W. Carleton - 517-439-1323
Free wipers with Valvoline high mileage oil change!
10 April 2014 B2
Krispy Krunchy: Market House offers top-notch chicken
Teddy Sawyer
Despite being engulfed in a cacophony of drums, the audience remained staid, the majority watching silent and still as the Hillsdale Percussion Ensemble rocked to rhythms collected from all over the world, each inspired by a separate culture. As I found myself moving to the groove, I was astounded by the lack of motion in the crowd –– the infectious quality of this music seemed lost on the audience. I began to ask myself, “is this how this music is meant to be listened to?” I say no. I mean no disrespect to the Hillsdale Percussion Ensemble (I thought the performance was fantastic!) nor to any other studio or individual holding a recital –– it is just a question of environment. What is the purpose of this music? The inspiration for the repeating, layering beats of a percussion ensemble come largely from rituals, something that is not simply an experience of music but an all-encompassing experience that means something. The beats are accompanied by dance and song; they are something that draw the audience not as simply an audience, but as an incorporated part of the experience. The sit-down recital lacks that depth. To me, sitting and listening without moving, without responding to the music in any way is almost unnatural. In high school, our conductor always cleared space in the auditorium before the jazz band played so that anyone who wanted to could dance. He considered jazz an odd choice of music if there is no intent — or at least allowance — for dancing. He never pushed the issue, but he opened up the floor so the audience could respond to the music. I thought this was fitting, jazz makes you move; the rhythm, I believe, should set you in motion, even if you have two left feet. Each style of music (here I’m being exceptionally kind to country) has its place and each allows for a different selection of responses. Jazz naturally impels dance, as with the infectious rhythms of salsa, strong percussion, and in a very different way, the repetitive base beats of much pop and hip hop. For someone to start break-dancing in Markel during the next orchestra concert would be a spectacle. Our culture has developed a niche for the prodigysolo performer and the massive orchestra, but perhaps not all need to fit into that precise category. The chamber piece need not try to be the full symphony: the repeats are there for a reason, and that might just be something other than a rapt audience. The percussion performance did not specifically discourage reactions to the music, but the demeanor of the audience as a whole made it uncomfortable. This is not an invective against the recitalconcert approach to music, but a reminder that music is more than a passive, received art, it is a call and response. Don’t forget to respond to art, even in a more sterile environment.
Hillsdale isn’t exactly a hotspot for soul food. When I first arrived, I disappointedly noticed the lack of a fried-chicken place, or of an expressly fried anything place, for that matter, and resigned myself to four years without binge-eating a whole bucket of chicken by myself. This town continues to surprise me, though, and I am proud to say that I have found an establishment that fulfills this need of mine: Krispy Krunchy Chicken in Market House. I had always driven by, tempted but assured that it could be no better than a Chester’s Fried Chicken, which is all pre-made and falls rather short of any self-respecting fried chicken standard. The other day, out of hunger and desperation, I stumbled in, looking for a quick snack to relieve my hunger. I ordered the chicken fillet sandwich for $2.50, hoping that whatever horrors I bit into would not punish my digestive system too harshly. It was delicious. Krispy Krunchy Chicken is a “cajun style” fried chicken chain (whatever the heck that means; I still can’t figure it out) that serves Tyson chicken. This isn’t the Made-in-China, avian-flu chicken you find in most chicken chains, this is NRA-card-carrying, voted-for-Bush-in-2004 chicken. After several indulgent meals at Krispy
SAI annual concert set for April 12
This semester’s Sigma Alpha Iota concert is in McNamara Hall on April 12 at 8:00 p.m. The concert will run just under two hours, according to SAI President senior Katie Pynes. “Putting this on is really exciting, because we get to share music with the rest of campus,” Pynes said. “It’s just fun to learn different pieces and perform them.” This semester’s concert was developed by senior SAI Music Director Emily Wahl and is themed around women in music, including songs either made famous by or composed by women. “Emily has really worked to make the group more cohesive,” Pynes said. Among the pieces being performed is “Adiemus” by Welsh composer Karl Jenkins. “I think that’s going to be my favorite one,” Pynes said. “It sounds like it’s in Latin, but if you listen closely, it’s not actually Latin. It’s just a bunch of nonsense syllables.” Overall, the concert will include 18 pieces of music involving anywhere from the whole group to solos, instrumentals and vocals. “It’s a really wild variety of stuff, and it’s going to be really fun,” Pynes said. “Everyone should come.”
–– Evan Brune
Robert Ramsey
Krunchy, I have yet to encounter any chicken that is not of premium quality. First and foremost, I must advocate purchasing the chicken fillet sandwich. Miss Chick-filA? Here is your substitute. They make it on a Hawaiian-style bun with fresh, Kosher pickles,
Krispy Krunchy Chicken (Located in Market House) 517-437-7888 Market House hours: Monday - Friday, 6am - 9pm Saturday and Sunday, 7am - 9pm and it comes with a free drink, so for $2.50, it’s most likely the best food deal in Hillsdale at the moment. If you go to Krispy Krunchy, make sure to look into the corners of their menu. Here lies the fried okra, which is perfectly made, with that crispy shell on the outside while preserving the
{From B1
mediums including pencil, oil paint, watercolor, graphic design, photography, and sculpture. “I like being very versatile and dabbling in a lot of different media,” Kilgore said. “Each has its strengths and weaknesses.” Through their art, the artists attempt to invoke a variety of emotions in the viewer, including contemplation, joy and peace, and rest. “Many of my works make me want to pause and rest. I create art in order to reflect the ultimate Creator's beauty,” Baldwin said. The artwork varies in style, some imitating the work of Leonardo da Vinci or Rembrandt and other pieces that have design aesthetics akin to those found on the Dropbox or Spotify websites. Chandler, Viviano, and Baldwin draw inspiration for their work largely from nature, while Flint and Kilgore draw much of their inspiration from specific artists such as Paul Rand and William-Adolphe Bouguereau. While some of the artwork on display is private and will be returned to the artist after the senior art exhibit is over, much of the work on display is available for purchase. The senior art exhibit is open to the public and anyone is welcome to attend, and the artists especially look forward to the attendance of their friends and families. “My family and friends are coming to the show and I am very excited to have them there,” Viviano said, “I've been blessed by all their love and support.”
tantalizing sugars at the center of it. They also have boudin bites, which are their delicious spin on the hush puppy. Finally, buy the honey-butter biscuits. If you can’t tell from the name, they are unabashedly everything you want in a friedchicken biscuit. Sweet, flaky, and deliciously more than your daily allowance of sodium and fat. The fried chicken itself is substantial and delicious. You don’t get the same sense of “postchickeness” that the Colonel serves, but you do get well-seasoned, moist chicken. Order the dark meat. It’s perfect. The skin is also a wonderment. Perfectly crunchy (and crispy), it lacks the massive coating of oil you find on the soggy fried chicken at Kroger. Lastly, if you like catfish, don’t be afraid to get the catfish. While it’s nothing incredible (hey, it’s catfish, give it a break), it definitely retains its Southern roots with cornmeal batter and light seasoning. It’s also properly fried, so if you hate heavy fried fish you’ll be fine. Krispy Krunchy Chicken has definitely satisfied my desires for soul food on the go. It’s simple but well-made fast food, and it has earned a new place in my heart for Hillsdale.
Broad Street
{From B1
Andrews has been playing, performing, and writing songs since he was 12. He just started lessons with Palmer this semester and hopes to continue playing at Broadstreet through the summer. Andrews chooses what to play depending on the atmosphere of the crowd. “Frankly, it has more to do with their age than anything else,” Andrews said. “If the crowd seems more elderly, I’ll pull out the Sinatra.” Robert Socha, co-owner of Broadstreet, said he likes what the live music vibe adds to the atmosphere. He hopes there will be more live music, including DJs, once the basement renovations are complete. “The live music is a lot of fun. It just makes it electric,” Socha said. “If they are sitting in front of you, it’s different.” Socha said his business partner Mick Ritter knew Palmer and that is how the live music agreement with him and his students began last semester. He said he hopes the music increases business, but it just depends on the night. “We hope the music draws more business,” Socha said. “We just like that it’s available. We want there always to be something happening.”
{From B1
text well.” Wagenmaker said. “Many standard western hymns use well-known folk tunes.” Wagenmaker minored in both Greek and Latin while at Hillsdale and has a love of linguistics but is still concerned over how quickly she’ll be able to pick up the language. “I’m really excited. Especially for the linguistics, I love linguistics. But hopefully the language won’t take me 10 years to learn,” Wagenmaker said. “They’re going to start teaching me when I get there, but I’m only there for two months, so I’m hoping they can get me some materials to begin looking at back here.” Though she’ll initially only be in Karamoja for two months, Wagenmaker currently intends to return for subsequent summers as well. “So, this is just the first time I’m going,” Wagenmaker said.” I’m basically going to be sorting out what all they need me to do over the summer. I don’t know a lot, so I’ll be doing a lot of observing and trying to help out in any way I can.”
Not even the Captain can save this sequel
‘Captain’ packs a powerful punch
about who Rogers should ask out on a date bring some much needed comic relief to a plot that is mainly driven by exclamations and bullet holes. The rest of the characters don’t interact nearly as well. Samuel Jackson’s Nick Fury is a different man than the one he was in The Avengers. The inspirational war hero has been replaced with a tired and irksome character who looks for a fight with whomever he sees –– including Captain America. Robert Redford’s Alexander Pierce is neither charismatic nor forbidding, nor any other characteristic befitting a head officer of S.H.I.E.L.D. Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie), aka The Falcon, is a nice addition to the cast as a PTSD mentor recently returned from two tours overseas. He gets along well with Captain America, but we only see him interact with the Captain and some bad guys, so we don’t know how he would act with the other cast members. The cast as a whole is a jumbled mix of extremes while Captain America desperately tries to keep the peace amongst them while giving the orders. The film’s main antagonist, The Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan), delivers a fairly compelling performance, but as a whole, “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” only accomplishes two things despite its immense agenda. Its lack of character development leaves the audience unsure of whether to hate the bad guys or feel bad for them. And in the midst of the action sequences, the Captain almost gets forgotten. I thought this was supposed to be his sequel.
America-loving patriots alike. The film does what all the best superhero movies do: wrestle poignant real-world problems with gravitas in a fictionalized world. Still wielding muscles worthy of his iconic shield, Captain America starts the movie off working as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. but quickly begins to question the validity of his assigned operations. After pressing for answers from Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson), S.H.I.E.L.D.’s leader shrouded in mystery, Cap learns about the organization’s number one priority: Project Insight. Meant to tilt a teetering world from chaos to order, Project Insight identifies, through an algorithm, potential revolt leaders who might challenge S.H.I.E.L.D.’s authority. The project’s mission is to obliterate those leaders through drone strikes. Cap’s response: “That’s not freedom. That’s fear.” Captain America articulates a problem that many in the political arena refuse to admit. When the citizens’ fear of societal disorder animates their every decision, willingly they will exchange freedom for despotism. After all, only a tyrant
Allyn Morrison Collegian Freelancer In one of the first scenes of “Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” Natasha Romanoff asks Steve Rogers why he won’t ask a girl out on a date. He replies, “I’m not scared. I’m too busy.” So is this movie. The movie is not scared of twisting and turning, high level action sequences, deaths and resurrections, or huge surprises. However, in striving to incorporate all of those elements into a two-hour-and-fifteen-minute time span, the film weighs down an already confused audience. Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), aka Captain America, is adjusting to living in present day Washington D.C. at the beginning of the movie and working with S.H.I.E.L.D. in the meantime. He goes on a mission with Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson), aka Black Widow, to secure an ambushed S.H.I.E.L.D. ship, and the consequences arising from Romanoff downloading top secret information off the ship’s server drives the rest of the movie. To describe what happens next would start a domino effect of spoilers, so suffice it to say that the rest of the film is full of endless car chases, long action sequences, and doublecrossing spies. It would be easy to mistake the Captain America movie for a longer TV episode of “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” Evans and Johansson have the best chemistry of the film. Even though they aren’t explicitly love interests, their discussions
Melika Willoughby Special-to-the-Collegian In “Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” the patriotic hero is acclimating to the 21st century after being frozen for nearly 70 years. He brings with him an American message of freedom that, though antiquated as his taste in Big Band music, is pertinent today. The latest Avenger film was number one at the box office this weekend, breaking April debut records by earning $96.3 million. Based on the Marvel comic-book series, the tale will please action-hungry teens, story-seeking idealists, and
is strong enough to quelch all disruptions to order and security. It’s an ugly truth, but a free world is a volatile world. Further in the film, remarking on the preemptive, algorithmdirected drones, Cap highlights the inversion of the traditional American justice system, saying, “I thought the punishment usually came after the crime?” Fury refutes the charge, again arguing for preemptive action. Cap’s instinct is laser-beam accurate. A truly free nation cannot preemptively treat citizens like criminals just because a computer algorithm flags them as peculiar. But wait. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Switch the drones out for metadata mining (an admitted Hulk-sized leap) and you’ve got an argument eerily similar to the NSA’s justification for its digital surveillance program. Anthony and Joe Russo, the film’s nearly-novice directors (their only previous film of note was “You, Me and Durpee”) were wellaware of the political relevance of Captain America’s message; The New York Times story about President Obama’s drone “kill list” broke right before script revisions, and filming began the same month Edward Snowden started leaking NSA documents. This Captain America film packs a powerful and timely philosophical punch, and it doesn’t hurt that the bringer of justice isn’t hard on the eyes.
B3 10 April 2014
Kappa’s white house: Social hub since 1923 Vivian Hughbanks Collegian Reporter Eugene Kies was one of the earliest settlers of Moscow Township. A farmer by trade, he also bred racehorses. The Kies farm property was in Cambria Township, but Kies lived in the house that now houses the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority prior to the college’s acquisition of the property. The Hillsdale Kappa chapter was founded in June of 1881. “Six Delta Tau Delta men of Hillsdale College invited six girls to spend the afternoon at a picnic at Cold Spring Woods,” a history of the first 100 years of the Hillsdale Kappa Kappa Gamma chapter describes. “During the outing, the girls, envious of the good times described by the men, expressed the wish that they might belong to some na-
tional fraternity. The boys immediately suggested Kappa Kappa Gamma.” Prior to moving into their current house, Kappas held their meetings at Sunnycrest, the home of President Mauck, which now houses the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. In 1921, Kappa held two initiations. The first was held in the attic of Sunnycrest. “It was so beautiful and inspiring that we all relived our initiation and pledged ourselves anew to our beautiful sisterhood,” the Kappa history describes. Kappa Kappa Gamma moved into the old Kies home in 1923, dedicating a newly installed fireplace in the house to Frances Ball Mauck. Four years later, during the summer of 1927, the chapter remodeled the house, having saved money for the remodel since moving in. “I remember truly feeling like
I was coming home each day,” said Nancy Hankel ’09, now an active member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumnae Association in Los Angeles. “It’s one of those places where I had some of the funniest times of my life. ” In 1945, the Kappas used the former Delta Sigma Phi house as an annex for entertaining. At dinnertime on Halloween the next year, the Kappas raided the Delta Tau Delta house, chaotically overturning furniture and rummaging through papers. “When the boys found out, they promised a return visit, so extra locks were put on the doors and windows, and furniture placed against the same,” the Kappa history explains. “The next day, on returning from lunch, the girls found the house and the Annex looking like a cyclone had hit it.” The fall of 1974 “got off to a big bang at the Kappa House
literally.” According to the history, the Friday night of initiation week was interrupted by the basement flooding. In addition, the furnace was “belching smoke and making terrifying noises.” The Kappas evacuated, and maintenance came to clean up the water spill. A large addition was completed on the south side of the house in 1979, doubling the size of the building as a whole. Throughout the years, the house was redecorated many times, most often by interior decorating majors, or alumnae. “To go along with our beautiful new addition, we now have a redecorated living room and dining room,” the Kappa History reports. “At long last, the upsidedown pineapples are gone!” Today, the house remains central to the life of Kappa on campus. “Our formal dinners are one
Statue golf tees off Casey Harper Spotlight Editor
the heart of campus. Thomas Jefferson is used twice. The holes range from par 3 to par 5. The guys have a detailed scorecard with a map, hole names, and distances from the tee box to the statue. The longest hole, affectionately titled “Ronnie,” is from the back
The foam golf ball soared across campus and fell onto a cement sidewalk. Bad news. Landing on cement is like landing in water, which means adding a stroke to your score. Suddenly, a squirrel spotted the ball and scampered to it, nibbling on it before leaving dissatisfied. The action, though, was enough to roll the ball off the cement into the grass, saving junior and veteran statue golfer Matt VanOpstall a stroke on his score and giving him a great story. Van Opstall is one of around eight students who regularly play statue golf, a game that involves hitting foam golf balls at statues on campus instead of holes. The Junior Matt VanOppstall second annual Professional golfs near Lane Hall. Statue Golf Association In- (Casey Harper/Collegian) vitational will be held April 24, where VanOpstall expects about 40 students to compete. of central hall to the Ronald “Everyone that walks by Reagan statue. “It’s the fastest growing gives us a big smile and yells ‘four,’” sophomore Thomas sport at Hillsdale College,” sophomore Bill Albert said. Burrell said. More than 20 students The 11-hole course traverses back and forth around competed in last year’s tour-
nament with sophomore Steven Mette coming away the winner. “Having bragging rights as the ‘best statue golfer’ is great,” he said. VanOpstall, Albert, and sophomore Drew Mallery created statue golf. Soon after, Burrell helped hash out the course. From a few guys with an idea to an anticipated 40 person tournament, statue golf has grown significantly in little more than a year. “With the increased volume, we need to remember to be respectful,” VanOpstall said. And the players are respectful; this is more serious than hitting around on the quad. They have a list of rules on the scorecard: replace your divots, treat mulch like a sand trap. VanOpstall said maintenance has never complained. They’re considering becoming an official club. “It’s a great experience,” sophomore Drew Mallery said. Their Twitter page has 36 followers and their signature image, Thomas Jefferson holding a golf club and a few brightly colored golf balls.
Emmaline Epperson Senior Reporter When Rosemarie ShultzWright drove on to Hillsdale College’s campus, she didn’t recognize any of the buildings. “I tried to use Central Hall as a reference point, but it was facing a different way than when I was here,” she said. Shultz-Wright is one of 43 alumni that has tried to reorient the campus for themselves this week during Hillsdale’s annual 50 and 60-year reunions. Usually, the event is held during commencement, but the Alumni Foundation decided to hold the event during convocation in order to place all focus on the returning classes, said Joyce Curby, Coordinator of Alumni Events and Programs. During their five-day reunion, the alumni will tour the campus and town, attend convocation, sit in on classes, and hear lectures from professors. The alumni will also have time to visit and to reminisce. And they have a lot of stories to tell.
Uganda From B4
Hundreds of Hillsdale College students left in 1861 to fight in the American Civil War. Many came home wounded. Some never came home at all. This series chronicles the experiences of several of those students who left their families and their college to fight for a greater cause. Special thanks to Linda Moore, Arlan Gilbert, and Kraig McNutt for their knowledge and assistance.
Evan Brune News Editor The men of the 11th Michigan Volunteer Infantry sat behind their hastilybuilt defenses of dirt, stone, and wood, watching the swirling mass of gray in the distance. After failing to break through the Union line, the Confederate infantry readied to attack again. But the men of the 11th had a problem: they were out of ammunition. “About 5 p.m., after repulsing five successive charges of the enemy, we found ourselves without ammunition,” 2nd Lt. William G. Whitney said. “The enemy was about 100 yards in our front, preparing for another charge, and their sharpshooters were firing at every man who showed his head above our light works.” Whitney, a Hillsdale College student who had signed up to fight in August of 1861, was now a twoyear veteran of the war. As he watched the rebel bayonets gleaming in the
sinking September sun, he surveyed the field of the dead and dying and came up with a plan. “I don’t know what prompted me, but I took my knife from my pocket, stepped over the works, and, while my company cheered and the rebels made a target of me, I hurriedly passed along the front, cutting off the cartridge boxes of the dead and wounded, and threw them over to my company,” Whitney said. Whitney’s actions provided his men with enough ammunition to repel the advancing Confederate line, preventing a collapse of the Union position. For this, he received the Medal of Honor nearly 33 years later, after evidence of his heroism emerged. Whitney was also noted for his actions in August of 1864. While advancing toward Confederate positions outside of Atlanta, Ga, a union soldier fell wounded. “Our skirmish line was advanced and fired upon the enemy,” Pvt. James Rayner wrote. “One of the skirmishers fell seriously
(Courtesy Mossey Library)
wounded and cried piteously for help. That the said William G. Whitney, who was 1st lieutenant at the time, having been recently promoted, started to go to his assistance.” When the young lieutenant moved toward the cries of the wounded man, many in the company tried to dissuade him. “It meant almost certain death, being exposed to the fire of the enemy and as the members of the company said, ‘Why risk your life when you will soon be discharged, and this man a stranger to you?’” Rayner wrote. Whitney ignored the warnings and ran half the length of a football field under withering fire to rescue the soldier, bringing him back to the Union line unscathed. Whitney left the army in September of 1865 after his promotion to captain. He returned home to Allen, Mich., his birthplace, where he lived until his death in 1915 at the age of 74.
of my favorite activities that take place in the house because it is the time that all members can come to the house to enjoy a nice dinner over good conversation and laughter,” said senior Mary
(Courtesy Linda Moore)
Kate Kibbe, the current president of Kappa. “We are fortunate to have a home big enough to fit all of our members.”
Alumni visit campus
f o s e o r He
The Kappa house in 1979.
When Steeb arrived in Uganda on June 21, she jumped into five months of training and acclimation that included sporadic assignments pertaining to her job—made more difficult since her boss left two weeks after her arrival for a year-long furlough. But most of the time was unexpectedly devoted to “heart training.” “I wasn’t expecting to be coming into a training that was going to be at a heart level,” Steeb said. “I thought that I would be doing more appearance level, practical issues of working with orphans and vulnerable children and while that came out in the training, it was really more heart issues. Now that I look back, it was an incredible blessing that my first step after college got to be increasing my relationship with God, and just making the time to make that relationship a priority.” Uganda is only just beginning to feel normal, Steeb said.
Bob Zurofsky and Ron Zollars have come to celebrate their 60th reunion. “Bob said he would beat me if I didn’t come,” Zollars said. The two attended the same high school, ran track and cross country in college, and joined Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity together. During their time at Hillsdale, the Grewcock Student Union was a converted barn and the track encircled the building. “It looked like they took a couple of loads of cinders and made a track,” Zurofsky said. “Or maybe they just sprinkled the ashes of dead professors,” Zollars added. Zollars was president of his fraternity and captain of the track team during his senior year. To “duck the draft,” he took the LSAT and attend the University of Michigan for law school. “But if I could do it all over again, I wouldn’t be a lawyer,” he said. “I was a stupid kid when I was young.” Zurofsky married his high school sweetheart six days after
Though this week, she said, has been the week of snakes—small snakes that have been found around their housing, snakes that are likely Black Mambas. She has learned to factor in greeting time to her morning walks, and she is used to crossing through a few herds of sheep or cows on her way to work. “It is a very friendly culture. If you know the person you are going to shake hands or hug them, say ‘how is your family?’ ‘how did you spend the night?’We do this greeting – even if you need to be somewhere, people take the priority, which is really beautiful, but from my mindset is a big adjustment,” Steeb said. “If I need someone to do something, I can’t just walk into their office and ask them. I need to pause and say something like ‘Hi Uncle, how are you? How is your day going? I heard your wife is sick, how is she doing?’ It’s learning to have the grace to take that time.” With still over a year remaining in her commitment, Steeb is excited for building relationships with the family she belongs to. “I’m just recently starting to have lunch weekly at school with one of the girls from my family group. I just love leading devotions and working in the garden,
his graduation. Afterward, he joined the army for two years. The two have remained friends despite Zollar’s move to Florida. Shultz-Wright and Shirley Jallad met because they both minored in Home and Family Living, which essentially was home economics. They lived in the Ambler House, now the Health Center. Each member of the house took turns cleaning, cooking, and shopping for groceries. The alumni wish the class of 2014 luck in their impending graduation. Ron Bator, class of 1964, reminded all students to vote. Shultz-Wright encouraged the class to be flexible and to learn how to roll with the punches. Jallad reminded students to give back to the college and to attend all their reunions. Zollars, on the other hand, said that he would never give advice on subjects that are “so sensitive and important.” Instead, he said, “You have to do it your own way. But stay conservative in all that you do.”
what they call fields, with them. So I’m just excited to see how those relationships grow, because ultimately even though I have an office job, I’m here for the people, especially the children,’ Steeb said. Steeb said she also loves how her job as administrative assistant includes some of her passions like writing and photography. One of her jobs is to compose the biannual newsletter, though she said, “I never thought that part of my job would be communicating back home.” Steeb is confident that God will use this experience to prepare her for what she will do next. “I’ve learned more about myself, I’ve hopefully grown some, and I’ve learned to look for God in the hard situations,” Steeb said. “Making the decision, and actually getting here, and seeing enough support come in to sustain me here has really shown that, even when it’s difficult to stay, God led me here and I know that I am supposed to be here for this time. Those types of lessons will carry me into the future.”
(517) 610-5586 Dine In • Carry Out
Spotlight B4 10 April 2014
Diagnosis prompts passion
Alumna works at children’s home
“You just fall in love with Africa when you go there.” - Don Westblade, assistant professor of religion
A few weeks after graduation, Wesley Steeb ’13, flew to Uganda to begin work as an administrative assistant for New Hope Uganda. It was only a matter of weeks before she realized the two-and-a-half-year commitment would challenge her in ways she never expected. Serving in Africa had been a dream of Steeb’s since she watched the documentary, “Invisible Children” in high school. She said she always thought she would travel there as a doctor though, not as an administrative assistant, and never right after college.
Plans to work at New Hope Uganda—an organization spread between three facilities in Uganda which seek to fulfill family structures to children without parents—began to form during the fall of her senior year at Hillsdale College. Assistant Professor of Religion Don Westblade explained, “New Hope Uganda never uses the term orphanage, because orphanage will conjure up in your mind warehouses of kids. What they are doing is to try to recreate families for kids.” They community is organized with the schoolhouse as the center, radiating out into circles where Ugandan parents live with eight to 20 kids. Each family’s house is surrounded
by the fields where they grow their own food. Steeb went to the informational meeting for the mission trip, researched the organization, and found the job listing for the administrative assistant – a position she had experience with through the GOAL Student Coordinator position. “People have always told me that they think of me in administrative work,” Steeb said. “I really think that experience with GOAL got me this job.” Steeb ran into many obstacles along the application process, but by February she was offered the position and a month to decide. “Even though it was not a traditional job, I felt like this
is where God was leading me,” Steeb said. Director of Health Services Brock Lutz and his wife Jen talked with Steeb often throughout the application process, and Skype with her now. Lutz said they encouraged her to pursue the opportunity to work in Africa. “She had a couple offers for positions that were more typical jobs, but she talked about Africa from the perspective of it always being something that she wanted to do. We encouraged her to think outside the box a bit, and not necessarily do the safe thing,” Brock said.
See Uganda, B3
Emily Shelton Senior Reporter
they are. “I don’t think of how I eat as restrictive in any way,” Potter said. “My husband and I don’t just sit around Caroline Potter ’12, for- and eat salad all day. You merly Caroline Cheatum, know, I’m making cookwas a junior at Hillsdale ies all the time. I’m makCollege when her health ing brownies all the time. began to deteriorate, and no There’s so many things you can eat, it’s just learning one knew why. “We went to a lot of doc- about how to do things the tors, but no one could solve healthiest way.” Recipes on her site init,” Potter said. “Then, over clude chocolate hazelnut Christmas break, I found cakes with blackberry out I had Type 1 diabetes.” cream and Potter, her chocolate gafamily, and the “A diet isn’t a nache, goat doctors were shocked. Not three-week trend. cheese chicken alfredo, zuconly is Type 1 It’s a lifestyle chini fritters, diabetes usually diagnosed you’re creating.” cheesy bacon griddle-cakes, in children and — Caroline and sandwich young adults, bread. Potter, ’12 but she also had Each recipe no family histois accompary of the illness. nied by notes “No one could figure it out, how I had this, but explaining her substituI did. My blood tests all tions (the sandwich bread is made with coconut flour, for showed it,” Potter said. Potter’s illness com- example) as well as equally pelled her to take control of decadent photographs. Potter started taking the situation and find a way photos a year ago, when her to a “happy, healthy, and insulin-free” lifestyle. The husband sent her a camera search led her to a career as from Japan while he was a nutritional therapy practi- deployed there. “I just opened the box tioner, blogger, and personand started teaching myself. al chef living in Hawaii. It hasn’t even been a year. After her diagnosis Potter went on insulin, but still It’s a lot of hard work, but felt ill constantly. She began it’s a great creative outlet researching and decided to for me,” Potter said. “It’s focus on her diet in hopes of fun to teach yourself somefinding a way to treat herself thing.” But Potter’s work has that didn’t leave her miscaught some definite attenerable and exhausted. She tion, and her photographs cut out all grains, starchy carbohydrates, and refined are slated to be featured in sugars and, working with a “Redbook,” “Healthy Recinutritionist, slowly worked pes,” and “Sweet Dreams” (a German food magazine) herself off of insulin. “Senior year, second se- over the next few months. Colorful Eats has exmester, I didn’t know expanded beyond Potter’s actly what I wanted to do original recipe blog too. In after college,” Potter said. “So my nutritionist actu- addition, it provides inforally suggested this program mation on Potter’s nutrition offered by the Nutritional counseling, menu and meal Therapy Association. I real- planning, pantry cleans, ly didn’t want to go back to and even “grocery store school after Hillsdale, but I and market tours,” in which felt really called to start that Potter meets clients at their local store and takes them program.” So she did. Right around through the aisles, showing the same time she got en- them what to buy, what to gaged, planned a wedding, avoid, and how to interpret and moved to Hawaii with labels. “A lot of what I do is her husband, who is in the encouraging people, every U.S. Navy. She began her blog, day. A diet isn’t a three“Colorful Eats,” to fulfill week trend, it’s a lifestyle the “community outreach you’re creating,” Potter project” requirement for her said. “Food has such a big impact on your daily life. program nearly a year ago. “I wanted to present It can make the difference the joyful side to cooking between feeling horrible and nutrition,” she said. and feeling really great and “I thought of the name be- having energy to pursue cause I think there’s just so your passions. It’s worth the much color in the world—I choice.” Potter currently has one wanted to convey this idea of discovering something eBook, “Festive Eats,” available for sale on her beautiful.” Through beautiful pho- website www.colorfuleattographs and recipes so snutrition.com and plans delectable, blog fans might to release another in early not even notice how healthy May. Tory Cooney Senior Reporter
Wesley Steeb ’13 works at a children’s home in Uganda. (Courtesy Wesley Steeb)
DARRYL AND ANNE HART Describe your fashion sense. D: Buttoned-down. What is your most embarrassing item of clothing? D: Duke University sweatpants. What is your biggest fashion pet peeve? D: To be caught wearing a T-shirt. What is your favorite item of clothing. D: My brown checked Harris Tweed jacket. Photos and Compilation by Ben Strickland