TheHomeMag Nation

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Whati sT heHomeMag? T heNat i on’ sl eadi ng and f as t es tgr owi ng homei mpr ovementpubl i cat i on. Hi ghqual i t y,pr of es s i onal l ydes i gned,and publ i s hed i nf ul lcol or . Focus ed onhomei mpr ovementonl y.Nor es t aur ant sorbeaut ycar eads . I ns pi r er eader swi t hvi s ualhomei mpr ovmenti deas .Nocouponsorgi mmi cks . Publ i s hed mont hl yf orr epi t i t i onand cons t antvi s uals t i mul at i on. Wher edi di tal lbegi n? Fi r s tpubl i s hed f orL eeCount y,FLi nJul y2002as“T heHomeI mpr over ”. I mmedi at el ys t ar t ed i dent i f yi ng t he“do’ sand don’ t s ”ofgener at i ng cal l s . Wi t hi na f ew i s s ues ,changed t henamet o“T heHomeMag”and s t ar t ed mai l i ng mont hl yvs .quar t er l y. Af t erdevel opi ng a s ound,cal lgener at i ng medi um,T HM beganf r anchi s i ng i n l at e2006,qui ckl yl aunchi ng i nmaj ormar ket sacr os st hecount r y. Cur r ent l yi n12s t at esand 26maj ormar ket sf r om Fl or i da t oCal i f or ni a. WhyT heHomeMag? Di s t r i but i on Di r ect l ymai l ed t ot hemai l boxofa ver yt ar get ed audi ence. Over4mi l l i oni s s uescur r ent l ymai l ed eachand ever ymont h. Demogr aphi cs( T ar get ed Mai l i ng) OwnerOccupi ed,Si ngl eFami l yHomes . Hi gherhomeval ueswi t ht op hous ehol d di s pos abl ei ncome. Updat emai l i ng l i s t sever yt womont hsf orcompl et eaccur acy. Uni queAd Des i gnPr oces sand Cal lT r acki ng Wi t hi nourpr opr i et ar yad des i gnpr oces s ,wecus t om des i gneachad t o maxi mi zet hel ead gener at i ng pot ent i al . Ourcal lt r acki ng s ys t em meas ur est her et ur nonyouri nves t ment . Des i gned t ogener at e& t r acked t opr ovewepr oducer es ul t s ! Wher ei sT heHomeMag goi ng? Byt heend of2013,wepl ant obedi s t r i but i ng over14mi l l i onmagazi nes mont hl yt o100domes t i cmar ket s . As pi r at i onst ol aunchourf i r s ti nt er nat i onalpubl i cat i onsbegi nni ng i n2012.


Our results speak for themselves. Our advertisers speak for us.

Granite Transformation “Leads! Leads! Leads! I have received over 200 calls a month advertising with TheHomeMag.” – Josh K, owner, North Atlanta

American Curb & Edging “Out of all our advertising efforts, 70% of all the calls coming in are directly from TheHomeMag. We believe this is because people hold on to TheHomeMag much longer than the other coupon type mailers that are out there.” – Mark Lee, American Curb & Edging

Handyman Connection “TheHomeMag is our #1 lead source…we regularly receive over 100 calls per month. Our largest jobs usually come from leads generated by TheHomeMag.” – John Brooks, Advertising Manager, Handyman Connection – Miami

Mr. Shower Door “Mr. Shower Door would recommend TheHomeMag to any contractor who wants to promote their business and increase the potential for sales.” – Bill Daubmann, VP of Marketing, Mr. Shower Door Naples/Ft. Myers/Sarasota

Rug Decor “I have used TheHomeMag as an advertising vehicle the last few months. It has created the activity and traffic that we have needed. Their customer service is unparalleled. If you are considering an advertising piece that will generate traffic into your location, I highly endorse and recommend TheHomeMag.” – Dana K. Dreckman, General Manager, Rug Decor – Jacksonville


In Business To Grow Business


Premier Garage “90% of our business is generated from TheHomeMag leads… we advertised in the very first Orlando issue and haven’t missed an issue since.” – Mary Ann Sherman, Owner, PremierGarage of Orlando

Storage Overhead Systems “We’ve used TheHomeMag for over 4 years…every month the leads generated are high quality and more than cover our entire advertising budget. We recommend TheHomeMag to any business looking to increase sales.” – Chris & Pete Hika, Owners, Storage Overhead Systems of SWFL Furniture Medic “80% of our calls come from TheHomeMag and the customers are ready to buy when they call! TheHomeMag actually saves us marketing dollars because we no longer need many other forms of advertising…we know people love your magazine because it’s usually on our clients’ kitchen counter when we arrive!” - Tami Puzzi, Furniture Medic by DB Bath Fitter “We use TheHomeMag because every issue makes the phone’s hard to find effective advertising but the ROI with TheHomeMag is exactly what we’re looking for.” – Aaron Miller, Owner, Bath Fitter of Colorado

LeafFilter “Frankly we were skeptical when you suggested that LeafFilter advertise in a brand new publication featuring only home improvement advertisers – especially one intentionally published with no editorial content. “Just ads”, we thought, “Who would want to read that?” Well, now I can tell you, lots of people want to read your publication. TheHomeMag is a HIT. People are reading it and responding to our ad. Calls are coming in fast. People are interested. Clearly, you’ve got a winner on your hands…Count us in! Keep up the good work.” – Mitchell Reed, LeafFilter NW House of Window Coverings Click to listen – Christoper Breiter, Owner


In Business To Grow Business


Fact #1: 76% of our Readers are between the ages of 30 and 55. TheHomeMag Readership is 77 percent female. Fact #2: 64% of our Readers own homes valued over $250,000. Fact #3: 74% of our Readers are white-collar workers, with 34% being Professionals or Business owners, 21% employed in Sales or Marketing and 19% either in Education, Banking or Health Care. Fact #4: 56% of our Readers earn more than $75,000 per year with 83% of the individuals earning more than $50,000 per year. Nearly one-third of our readers polled have an annual household income exceeding $150,000. Fact #5: 62% of our Readers keep their copy of TheHomeMag until the next Issue arrives, while half of them keep the magazines for no less than two months. Less than 3% deem the magazine as unsolicited mail and discard it immediately. Fact #6: 89% of our Readers will likely use TheHomeMag to find a company for their remodeling projects. Fact #7: Of Readers who are planning home improvement projects, a quarter of them plan on a kitchen or bath remodeling project in the next year. Fact #8: Of Readers who are planning home improvement projects, 35% plan to spend more than $10,000 in the next year on these remodeling projects. Fact #9: All of the respondents to our poll will purchase a home improvement product or service in the next year. Fact #10: If you do not promote your business in TheHomeMag, we cannot generate home improvement leads for your business.

our mission is to generate

home improvement leads every second of every day

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